Steeple Times, August 2017 (Vol. 12, Issue 8)

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M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 2 , I s s u e 8 : A u g u s t 2 0 1 7

Welcome Weston Jennings! by The Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin It has been a long journey since Donald Duncan announced his departure. It has been some 16 months since he left us for South Carolina. In the interim, we’ve had music leadership from a number of excellent sources, notably Lee Kohlenberg, and most recently Ruth Hardy and Guinette Tell. Now it’s time to welcome Weston Jennings, our new Director of Music. Weston comes to us from Yale University’s Institute of Sacred Music, an interdisciplinary program combining faculty from Yale’s School of Music and Yale Divinity School. He received his college education at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, one of the world’s premier music schools, where he began his study of organ in earnest. Weston’s journey to our organ bench is fascinating, and he’ll have a chance to tell us more himself, but to make a long story short, he grew up in a Methodist church in Virginia that did not have an organ. As a result, he had little exposure to organs growing up. It wasn’t until he attended summer camp in high school at Interlochen Arts Camp in Michigan

that he played organ for the first time. It was love at first sight. Since that summer, Weston’s love of music, and of the organ in particular, has become his life’s passion. After college, he spent two years in England playing organ, first at Canterbury Cathedral and then at the Cathedral Church of St. Mary, St. Peter, and St. Cedd in Chelmsford. In those positions, he played for church services almost daily. Weston is also a fine choral conductor, having learned at the feet of some of the very best. Weston’s first Sunday with us is August 13. Following the 11 am service, the congregation is invited to greet him at a tea in his honor in the Fellow s h ip Hall.

i n t h i s i s s u e | H I G H L I G H T S & F E AT U R E S Rally Day | Pg 5

Fine Arts @ FPC | pg 3

Core-Ed Classes at FPC | pg 4

Join us as we kick off a new year of Sunday School classes with our annual Rally Day.

Explore the 2017-18 season lineup.

Examine why you should consider joining a core-ed class at FPC this fall.

First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 |

C O N G R E G AT I O N A L N E W S We Are Thankful!

We are grateful for the behind-the-scenes work that Jack and Sue Koyle do for our church every week. FPC is blessed to have them work on the attendance records, recording the official church records in the record book and for Jack’s coordination of servers for communion on a monthly basis.

PRAYERFULLY SPEAKING from the FPC Prayer Team When Solomon dedicated the temple, he knelt and spread his hands toward heaven in prayer. (2 Chron 6:13-14) In a parable from Luke 18, we find a Pharisee standing while in prayer, and a tax collector beating his breast while praying. In Matthew 26:39, Jesus throws himself to the ground and prays to his Father in heaven.

New Church Office Hours The church office has new office hours and is open Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am—5 pm, and Friday, 8:30 am—12 pm except holidays.

So, does it matter how we position ourselves to pray?

Forum Sunday School Class for August

Cindy H. Kasper says, “Whether we kneel or stand before God, whether we lift our hands heavenward or close our eyes so we can better focus on God -- it is not the posture of our body but of our heart that is important....may our hearts always be bowed in adoration, gratitude, and humility to our loving God....”

Sunday, August 6 | 9:45 am | M 205 One of the greatest Christian apologists, C.S. Lewis is far more than The Chronicles of Narnia, as evidenced by his masterwork The Screwtape Letters! Written in the form of 31 letters from “Senior Tempter” Screwtape to his inexperienced nephew Wormwood, the work provides a series of lessons in the importance of taking a deliberate role in our Christian faith. Indeed, Lewis, through Screwtape, reminds us that “…the safest road to Hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” Bring a copy of the book and join the Forum class as we study this remarkable book. Questions? Contact Chris Bunt (903-531-3535) or Debbie Finley (903-534-4503).

(If you would like to submit a prayer request, please fill out the form found in the church pew and drop it in the collection plate or into a prayer request box found in the Chapel, Sanctuary, and church office.)

Regular Sunday Schedule Returns August 6 8:30 am | Worship in the Chapel Join us for worship. 9:15 am | Coffee Fellowship FPC’s social hour in the Hill Room with refreshments and fellowship.

Summer Sunday School Returns for All Sundays in August | 9:45 am | Children’s Wing & Campus wide The children (ages 6 months thru completed grade 5) will return to the Children’s Ministry area for combined children’s classes and the adults will resume their Sunday school classes.

9:45 am | Sunday School Classes The regular Sunday schedule will resume. Check class listings in the service bulletin.

SAVE THE DATE: Fine Arts Garden Party Fundraiser

11 am | Worship in the Sanctuary Join us for the worship service. Children’s Church will meet following Time with Children.

Sunday, September 10 | 5:30 pm | Babin’s Gardens Plan to attend the kick off of the 2017-18 Event Season and introduction of FPC’s new director of music and organist, Weston Jennings. Visit

sa v e th e d at e | SEPTEMBER 2017 Rally Day | September 10 Join us for Rally Day during the Sunday school hour.

Stewardship Picnic| September 23

Garden Party Fundraiser | September 10

Stewardship season kicks off with a picnic on the lawn.

All are invited to the Fine Arts Garden Party Fundraiser at the Babin gardens.


M O N T H LY E V E N T H I G H L I G H T S Welcoming Tea for Weston Jennings

Wonderful Wednesday Night Suppers

Sunday, August 13 | 12 pm | Fellowship Hall Weston Jennings, our new Director of Music and Organist, will be on the bench for the first time on Sunday, August 13. Everyone is invited to enjoy tea sandwiches and iced beverages after the 11 am service and to get to know Weston.

Wednesday, August 2 | 6 pm | Mario’s Italian Restaurant | 7916 S Broadway Ave # 200 | Tyler Join us for our Wonderful Wednesday Night Supper - visit

FINE ARTS @ FPC: EXPLORE THE 2017—18 SEASON LINEUP THE UNIVERSITY CONNECTION September 10, Weston Jennings, Organ Concert, 4 pm New Director of Music and Organist at FPC October 1, Baroque Trumpets and Mezzo Soprano, 4 pm John Holt, North Texas Trumpet professor Sophia Grech, English Mezzo Soprano Crispian Steele-Perkins, German Baroque Trumpet Artist October 22, Jazz Brunch with the Lynn Seaton Trio, 12 pm North Texas Jazz bass professor plus other faculty November 12, Baylor Brass Quintet, 4 pm Baylor University Resident Faculty Brass Quintet February 4, Stone Fort Wind Quintet, 4 pm Stephen F. Austin State University Faculty Wind Quintet; Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon French Horn April 15, Trio Colorida, 4 pm Judy Biondini, Piano Michael Thrasher, Clarinet, Fla. State, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Department of Music Greg Sauer, Cello, Florida State Faculty May 6, HarpBeats, 4 pm University of North Texas Harp Ensemble

Make Plans To Join Us in Israel in 2018! This trip should be on everyone’s bucket list! Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin and Rabbi Neal Katz are leading their biennial trip to the Holy Land and they invite you to come along. No other trip to the Holy Land is like this one. Christians get to see and experience things through Jewish eyes, and our Jewish participants get to experience things through Christian eyes. You’ll never read the Bible the same way again. For information, visit


THE MISSION STORE Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s

PATH (People Attempting To Help)

Knit Wits - Knitters Unite for Camp Ministry

Throughout the warm weather months, PATH is collecting new box fans to give to people in need. Not only do the fans help people stay cool, but they can cut utility costs. You may donate a fan in one of two ways. At Home Depot, simply tell a cashier you’d like to buy a fan for PATH. You will be charged a discounted price of $10, and the fan will be set aside for a PATH representative to pick up. It’s that easy! If you prefer, you can send a check to PATH and mark “Fan Drive” in the memo line. Visit or call (903597-4044) for more information.

Knit Wits will be on summer hiatus until September. Group contact is Pat Cryer (903-561-5242).

Sewing Bees - Sewing with a Mission Sewing Bees will be on hiatus until after Labor Day. For more information, visit Group contact is Mollie Bobo (903-530-2772).

Share Your Light and Change the World At our next Solar School, some of the finest faculty anywhere will gather to share their expertise in teaching you how to install off-the-grid solar power systems in villages and communities where electrical power is unaffordable, unreliable, or unavailable. You will be trained in the management of mission trips and in the installation of solar power arrays. Our next Solar School is scheduled to begin on International Peace Day, September 21, through September 24, at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center in Little Rock, AR. For enrollment or questions, contact or

Presbyterian Core Education Begins This Fall Coming Wednesday nights this fall…a new Presbyterian Core Education class. What makes this class important? Mollie Bobo, a participant in the last Presbyterian Core Education series, feels it is “imperative that we develop leaders from within our congregation,” in order to fill the shoes of those who can no longer teach. Mollie defines Core Ed in a nutshell as:

Equipping everyday folks with knowledge and skills for growing a dynamic Christian community. • Teaching how to use resources to bring Biblical principles into the real world. • Encouraging me to be comfortable when communicating with people about my own faith journey.” Why take Core Ed? “Taking this course deepens our commitment to

Analysis of Revenues & Expenses June 2017 Summary

MTD Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget


$135,078 $1,079,903



$90,127 $1,079,903


Net Total


Planned Giving



learning more about the Word and develops our confidence to step up and participate in leadership/teaching roles.” If you are interested in learning more about the new 3-year series starting this fall, contact one of your pastors, Stuart Baskin or Pam Leach at the church office at 903-597-6317.

Stay in the Know Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online. Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at

Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-597Stay in touch with us on social media, too: 6317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyteri /fpctyler @fpctyler an Foundation at Assistance is confidential and 4 free of charge.


Youth Group: Group Dynamix Lock-in

Youth Group: Swim Party & Parent Meeting

August 20 | Hillin Residence | 6717 Speedway Ct. | Tyler It’s a swim party! Join us for a youth ministry activity planning meeting, as we are wanting input for activities for the fall. Guys bring snacks & sodas; girls bring desserts. For students grades 6-12 and your parents. RSVP to fpctyler. com/events/cmparentmeeting - deadline is August 16!

August 4—5 | depart FPC at 4 pm | Carrollton, TX We are having our annual summer lock-in at Group Dynamix for pre-registered youth. Activities include high ropes, inflatable games, glow-in-the-dark dodge ball, and so much more! For more information, visit groupdynamix.

SAVE THE DATE: RALLY DAY This year, we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. One of the hallmarks of the Reformation was its emphasis upon education. Luther, Calvin, and the other reformers believed that universal education was essential so that everyone -- not just priests -- would be able to read and understand the Bible. At FPC, we honor that commitment to education with our Sunday school and small group classes. Join us as we kick off our new year of classes with our annual Rally Day. Last year, Rally Day resulted in many members and visitors finding a Sunday school class that interested them. This year, we would like to see even more of our congregation join a class. Rally Day will take place on Sunday, September 10 during the Sunday school hour at 9:30 am. We will start in Fellowship Hall where you will have a chance to meet our children, their teachers and the child care staff as well as our youth, their teachers and leaders. The adults will then move to the church building where goodies will be served and everyone will have an opportunity to meet members of the adult classes and learn more about their studies. This event allows all to learn more about the opportunities we have for Sunday morning study groups. The actual classes will resume the following week. Visit for more information.

Pictures from Vacation Bible School 2017 Mission Field—Haiti! was a great success. Enjoy pictures taken by Lori Flens and Laura Griffith.


Children & Youth Calendar







KEY CM: Children's Ministry (6 weeks-5th grade) SM: Student Ministries (6th-12th grade) SHSG: Senior High Small Group (9th-12th grade)






4 4 PM | SM: Group

Dynamics | Carrollton | DEPART





5 SM: Group Dynamics | Carrollton RETURN |



















8:30 AM | Worship 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church

8:30 AM | Worship

5:30 PM | CM

Team Meeting

9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church 12 PM | Welcoming Tea for

Weston Jennings



8:30 AM | Worship 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church 4 PM | SM: Swim Party & Parent Meeting

27 8:30 AM | Worship 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church

28 6:30 PM | SM

Team Meeting



Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Dana Durman by the 15th of the month prior to publication: ddurman@, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at


Children’s Ministry News & Events Summer Sunday School Returns

SAVE THE DATE: First Friday Fun Returns in September

Sundays in August | 9:45 am | Children’s Wing We return to the Children’s Ministry area where we will study the “Stories of Jesus”. Students age 3 through completed 5th grade will meet in M 111. Children age 3 and under will meet in the nursery for free play and Bible story time. Come join us!

Friday, September 1 | 6:30 pm | Children’s Wing It’s already time to mark your calendars for First Friday Fun! We start in September and meet through April, except in January 2018. We will share dinner, a Bible story, crafts, games and end our time with a movie or book. Register at so we can plan our meals and volunteer staff. Friends are welcome with advance registration. There is no cost to the fun night out.

Call for Volunteers We have changes coming our way for the fall. If you want to be a part of our volunteer crew by teaching or assisting in Sunday school, working, baking or serving food at First Friday, or praying for our ministry, contact Phyllis Kidwell (903-681-5504). If you have lots of time, or a little time, we have a job for you! You will be richly blessed by our little ones and all the love they give in serving our Triune God.

Rally Day Sunday, September 10 | 9:30 am | Fellowship Hall Rally Day is set and we want you to join us! We will start out in the Fellowship Hall where you will have a chance to meet our children, their teachers and the child care staff as well as our youth, their teachers and leaders. The adults will move to the church building where goodies will be served and everyone will have an opportunity to meet members of the adult classes and learn more about their studies. This event is designed to allow everyone the opportunity to learn more about FPC’s Sunday morning study groups. Visit

Presbyterian Women 2017-18 Monthly Circle Schedule 2nd Sunday 9:30 am M 204 Moderator: Ginny Maddox Bible Study leader: Katherine Erickson 2nd Tuesday 10:00 am F 101-102 Moderator: Karen Novy Bible Study leader: Martha Oates Circles (begin meeting in September) provide opportunities for Bible Study, local, national and international mission projects, and fellowship with other women in our church. Contact Sharon Bragg ( / 903-581-1941) for more information.



Sunday School @ 9:45 am

Small Group Schedule

faith builders


| Discussion & lecture
 M202 | The Miracles of Jesus | Contact: Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 | Lecture & discussion M 205 | The Screwtape Letters | Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535 the forum

209ers | Young Adults
 M209 | TBA | Contact: Debbie Pitts ( the

| Lectionary Tuesdays | 6:30 am | Premier Flexipac
| Contact: Skip Womack (903) 533-9433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 | Book &/or DVD & discussion | Thursdays | 9:30 am | Conference Room
| The Dawning: Christianity in the Roman Empire | Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533

A special “thank you” to Azalea Academy For Exceptional Adults for assembling our weekly worship bulletin.


| DVD & discussion M 207 | The Great Courses: The Old Testament | Contact: Linda Pirtle (903) 881-9000 westminster


Many thanks to Marshall Ewing and his crew for assembling our Steeple Times monthly newsletter.

230 W. Rusk Street, Tyler, TX 75701

return service requested

Budget & Finance. August 10 @ 12 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Building & Grounds. August 14 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Children’s Ministry. August 22 @ 5:30 pm — Library | A 111 Diaconate. August 8 @ 5 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Governance. August 7 @ 6:30 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Mission. August 7 @ 5:30 pm — Library | A 111 Risk Management. August 23 @ 12 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Session. August 15 @ 7 pm — M 207 Student Ministry. August 28 @ 6:30 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Worship. August 1 @ 5 pm — Conference Room | A 110


2 Wonderful Wednesday Night Suppers. 6 pm, Mario’s Italian Restaurant. 3 Meadow Lake Bible Study. 11:45 am. 4-5 Youth Group: Group Dynamix Lock In. Group Dynamix, Carrollton, TX. 6 Communion Sunday; regular worship services resume. 8:30 & 11 am, Chapel & Sanctuary. 6 Sunday School classes resume. 9:45 am, campus-wide. 13 Welcoming Tea for Weston Jennings. 12 pm, Fellowship Hall. 15 Steeple Times submission deadline. 20 Ring & Sing resumes. 9:10 am, Bell Room/Music Suite. 20 Youth Group: Swim Party & Parent Meeting. 6 pm, Hillin Residence. 29 First Friday Fun registration deadline.


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Permit No. 683 Tyler, Texas 75701-1696

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