M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 3 , I s s u e 4 : A p r i l 2 0 1 8
Hope Is A Good Thing by The Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin It’s no April Fool’s joke. In spite of Easter falling on April Fool’s Day this year, Christ is risen indeed. I recently took a call from someone at the Tyler paper wanting to know about how I approach Easter and what we do at FPC to celebrate the occasion. I have to admit I was caught a little off guard. He reached me as I was wrangling our dog to take her to the vet, and I was a bit distracted but answered the best I could. There is no single event in the Christian tradition, and no single day, that is as important as Easter. Christmas sets it up with the story of the incarnation. Pentecost follows from it in the gift of the Holy Spirit poured out on Jesus’s disciples. But Easter is the event upon which all other Christian beliefs and celebrations depend. It is the event without which Christian faith is just an odd cult of personality. But what difference does it make, really? Answer: It makes all the difference. It’s not just that it signifies to us that God has acted decisively to destroy the power of death over our lives. It’s that, but it’s also more. It signifies to us that God has acted decisively to destroy the dividing wall that separates us from God.
During Lent, we have been reading Jack Levison’s book, Forty Days with the Holy Spirit. What does the Holy Spirit have to do with Lent, let alone Easter? After all, it’s not until Pentecost, the fiftieth day after Easter, that we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. The answer is that the Holy Spirit underlies not only the ministry of Jesus (remember his baptism, how the Spirit descended upon him like a dove?), the Spirit also guides us in our journey through the difficult days leading to Jesus’s crucifixion, through the empty tomb, to a new life empowered and emboldened by the Spirit. In a world defined by conflict and dissension, where hope for a world restored and renewed seems like something only a naïve sap could believe, the Spirit encourages us to hold firm to our hope. In Stephen King’s great story, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption (made into the movie, The Shawshank Redemption,) Andy Dufresne writes his friend Red, “Remember that hope is a good thing, Red, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” But Red is skeptical of hope. He thinks it a dangerous thing. But the story closes with Red taking Andy up on his invitation to join him in Mexico. He says, “I find I am excited, so excited I can
i n t h i s i s s u e | H I GH LI GHT S & F E ATU RE S Kirkin’ of the Tartans | Pg 5 Make plans to attend this celebration of our church’s Scottish heritage.
2018 Confi rmands | pg 3 Welcome the FPC’s newest confirmands!
continued on page 2.
Visit Steeple Times Online | Pg 2 Learn how to visit Steeple Times online and help FPC save on mailing costs. First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 | www.fpctyler.com
CO NGR E GAT I O NAL N E WS We Are Thankful!
We are thankful for Joan Curtis. Joan attends the Thursday morning Bible Study, sings in the Chancel Choir, serves on the Board of the Tyler Civic Chorale and faithfully helps out with Fine Arts events before, during and after, making sure that the Sanctuary is always looking its best. She is the “behind the scenes” person who arranges the poinsettias, lilies and hydrangeas to make the sanctuary and chapel beautiful at Christmas and Easter. In addition, she regularly assists in serving communion to our homebound members, often filling in at the last minute. Joan, you are a blessing - and we thank you!
In a recent sermon, Rev. Baskin spoke about the importance of prayer, and offered the book of Psalms as a great tutorial for a discipline of prayer. Author J. E. Kalas, in the foreword from his book, Longing to Pray, writes that the psalmists were “altogether human with a massive catalog of troubles, inconsistencies, and questions.” Kalas calls the Psalms “the greatest collection of prayers in the possession of our human race.” He believes that the secret of the psalmists was not a “formula” or a “set of rules” for praying, but the “quality of their friendship with God.”
Membership Updates New Members Join us in welcoming our newest members: • Dave & Julie Launey • Ray Thompson Deaths Condolences to the family of our FPC member, Mary Sparrow, who entered the Church Triumphant on February 13.
Thanks be to God for His invitation to such a quality of friendship! (If you would like to submit a prayer request, please fill out the form found in the church pew and drop it in the collection plate or into a prayer request box found in the Chapel, Sanctuary, and church office.)
Easter Monday Holiday The office and campus will be closed on Monday, April 2, in observance of the Easter holiday. We will reopen Tuesday.
Visit “Steeple Times” Online In an effort to practice good stewardship of God’s creation and to save on mailing costs, we encourage our members to download the most recent issue of Steeple Times at fpctyler. com/archive/. If you are interested in opting out of receiving Steeple Times by mail, let us know at church@fpctyler.com.
FPC welcomes its newest members: Dave & Julie Laueny (left), and Ray Thompson (right).
“Hope Is A Good Thing” continued from page 1.
hardly hold the pencil in my trembling hand. I think it is the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man starting a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. • •
• • •
I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.”
Hope is everything.
I hope Andy is down there. I hope I can make it across the border.
s a v e t h e d a t e | M AY 2 0 1 8 TCC 50th Anniversary Gala | May 19 The Tyler Civic Chorale will be led by all of its conductors in this festive evening.
PW: Birthday Offering | May 21 Celebrate life-changing, world-wide mission at a special service. 2
Fine Arts : UNT Harpbeats | May 6 Harpbeats is gaining recognition as one of the most innovative groups in the country.
M O N T H LY E V E N T H I G H L I G H T S Easter Sunday
Celebrating 40 Days with the Holy Spirit
Sunday, April 1 | 8:30 & 11 am | Sanctuary The holiest day of the Christian calendar, Easter, marks the day of resurrection and is celebrated in a joyful service filled with music by the Chancel Choir and organ. For more information, visit fpctyler.com/events/easter.
Sunday, April 15 | 12 pm | F 101-102
Easter Eggstravaganza
Kirkin’ of the Tartans & Luncheon
Sunday, April 1 | 9:30 am | Front Lawn Enjoy a church-wide brunch in celebration of the resurrection, complete with Easter egg hunts and scavenger hunts. Invite your friends and neighbors! For more information, fpctyler.com/events/easter-eggstravaganza.
Sunday, April 22 | 11 am | Sanctuary
Come share insights about and celebrate our Lenten study with other participants. RSVP required by Wednesday, April 11! Visit fpctyler.com/events/lentenluncheon to register.
A procession of tartans and bagpipes celebrating our church’s Scottish heritage has become an annual tradition for the congregation. This year, special guest musicians, the Lyon College Pipe Band, will lead the celebration. A luncheon will follow. RSVP at fpctyler.com/events/kirkin.
Fine Arts @ FPC: Trio Colorida Sunday, April 15 | 4 pm | Sanctuary FREE ADMISSION
Mother’s Tea
At the heart of this concert, Trio Colorida will feature the trio for clarinet, cello and piano written in 1973 by Academy Award-winning film score composer Giovanni “Nino” Rota. Featured musicians include: Judy Bridewell Biondini, Gregory Sauer, and Michael Thrasher. For more information, visit fpctyler.com/events/triocolorida.
Saturday, April 28 | 2 pm | F 101-102 First Presbyterian Church is honoring mothers who have experienced the loss of a child at any time or at any age. The Tea is for mothers of FPC and our Tyler community. For more information, contact Susan Materi or visit fpctyler. com/events/motherstea.
FPC’s 2018 Confirmands Welcome to our newest members, the Confirmation Class of 2018: Henry Price Ainsworth Kathryn Grace Humphress Elizabeth Parker Bunt Juliana Danielle Leach Isabelle Grace Duarte Katie Marie Stanford And THANK YOU to their mentors: John Heines, Amy Baskin, Jan Carpenter, Lynne Wagoner, Mollie Bobo and Judith Guthrie!
2018 confirmands: (left to right) Henry, Elizabeth, Katie H., Juliana, Katie S. and Isabelle. 3
THE MISSION STORE Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s
PATH (People Attempting To Help)
Knit Wits - Knitters Unite for Camp Ministry
PATH is collecting canned vegetables and diapers. Bring donations to the PATH crates located in the foyer of Fellowship Hall and near the elevator on the ground floor of the main building. Monetary donations are also accepted. For information, visit pathhelps.org.
Monday, April 9 | 1:30 pm | Hill Room Each monthly meeting comes with patterns, personal instructions, and knitting yarn, paired with delightful conversation and interaction. Questions? Contact Pat Cryer (903-561-5242).
Sewing Bees - Sewing with a Mission Wednesday, April 18 | 10 am | F 104 Connect with sewing buffs of all ages and levels of expertise. Simple patterns and guidance provided. Join the Sewing Bees and help us continue our mission of helping those in need. Visit fpctyler.com/events/sewingbees. Group contact is Mollie Bobo (903-530-2772).
EMERGENCY PASTORAL CARE In case of an emergency, such as a death or sudden hospitalization, your pastors can be reached by calling the church office (903-597-6317). After hours, please follow the directions for emergency pastoral care, and the message will be delivered to the pastoral staff.
Games Day Wednesdays In January, Games Day Wednesdays started meeting for fun and fellowship and the group has been growing since. Games Day meets every Wednesday and is open to ALL - men, women, older children and friends. Games include Mexican Train, Dominoes, Bridge, Canasta, Hand & Foot, Bunco, and Mah Jongg. “We have had a wonderful response and are hoping it will be a great way to entertain children and grandchildren this summer,” said Sharon Bragg, the group coordinator. If you are interested in joining, contact Sharon (903-581-1941) for more information.
Analysis of Revenues & Expenses February 2018 Summary MTD ACTUAL
Planned Giving
Stay in the Know Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online. Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at fpctyler.com.
Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-5976317) to request information, or visit the Texas PresbyteriStay in touch with us on social media, too: an Foundation at tpf.org. Assistance is confidential and free /fpctyler @fpctyler of charge. 4
Souper Bowl of Caring Celebration
Attention 8th Graders...
Sunday, April 29 | 9:45 am | FPC & Gabriel residence The Youth Group will meet during Sunday school and the 11 a.m. service times for breakfast and fellowship. We will walk to the Gabriel’s home where we will celebrate our incredible Souper Bowl of Caring success. After, we will walk back to the church together and arrive by 11:55 a.m. Plan now to join us!
Wednesdays in April & May | 6 pm | Gabriel Residence | 215 W. 1st | Tyler Throughout the months of April and May, our current 8th grade youth are invited to join high school small groups each Wednesday night from 6:00-7:30pm at the home of Matt and Pam Gabriel. Email Phyllis Kidwell (pkidwell@ fpctyler.com) if you are interested in coming.
Kirkin’ of the Tartans & Luncheon A procession of tartans and bagpipes celebrating our church’s Scottish heritage has become an annual tradition for the congregation. Sunday, April 22 Service in the Sanctuary at 11 a.m. Luncheon 12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. on the Front Lawn (weather permitting)
Suggested donation $10 If you plan to participate and carry your tartan, please contact Susie Holley (903-597-6371) today!
RSVP at fpctyler.com/events/kirkin or 903-597-6317
Double congratulations to our Phyllis Kidwell! At the last meeting of Grace Presbytery in 2017, Phyllis was installed as the new presbytery moderator for 2018. She presided for her first meeting of Grace Presbytery at its recent meeting at First Presbyterian Church of Dallas, where she did a magnificent job.
And closer to home, the Session named Phyllis Director of Christian Education, a promotion from her previous job as Director of Children’s Ministries. Actually, little will change, as Phyllis was already filling the role of DCE. The Session simply acted to bring her title 5
into alignment with her job. So kudos, Phyllis, on both counts. You deserve it!
Childr en & Youth C a lenda r
1 EASTER SUNDAY 8:30 AM | Worship 9:30 AM | Easter Eggstravaganza 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church 8 8:30 AM | Worship 9:10 AM | Ring & Sing 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church 5:30 PM | SM: Youth Group 15 8:30 AM | Worship 9:10 AM | Ring & Sing 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church 22 KIRKIN’ OF THE TARTANS 8:30 AM | Worship 9:10 AM | Ring & Sing 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church 12 PM | Kirkin’ Luncheon 29
4 6 PM | SHSG
6 6:30 PM | CM: First Friday Fun Finale!
11 5 PM | Carol Choir End of Year Celebration 6 PM | SHSG
16 6:30 PM | SM Team Meeting
18 6 PM | SHSG
25 6 PM | SHSG
KEY CM: Children's Ministry (6 weeks5th grade) SM: Student Ministries (6th12th grade) SHSG: Senior High Small Group (9th-12th grade)
8:30 AM | Worship 9:10 AM | Ring & Sing 9:45 AM | Sunday School 9:45 AM | SM: Souper Bowl Celebration 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church
Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Dana Durman by the 15th of the month prior to publication: ddurman@ fpctyler.com, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at fpctyler.com/archive.
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY N EWS & EVENTS First Friday Fun Finale: Kids Night Out!
Confirmands & Mentors 2018 - thank you!
Friday, April 6 | 6:30 pm | Children’s Wing Dinner is provided. We will continue Easter with a review of Holy week and our craft will focus on the empty tomb. We will teach and talk about the hope of our risen Lord. Parents - Remember to invite friends and neighbors to bring their children. Ask them to register on our website the Tuesday before each event. Accurate numbers help us prepare appropriately for child care and dinner. There is no charge. RSVP by April 3 to fpctyler.com/events/firstfridayfun.
The children, teachers and child care staff of Children’s Ministry are grateful to the confirmands and their mentors for choosing to spend their time creating a Children’s Library. The students and mentors: Henry Ainsworth – John Heines Elizabeth Bunt – Amy Baskin Isabelle Duarte – Jan Carpenter Katie Humphress – Lynne Wagoner Juliana Leach - Mollie Bobo Katie Stanford – Judith Guthrie gave their time and energy to organize and list our books and videos so we can use them in the classrooms and let our families check them out. We are accepting gently used or new books for our library. Come by and see our resources in Room M111 in the children’s area.
Easter Eggstravaganza Sunday, April 1 | 9:30 am | Front Lawn We will share breakfast treats, paint faces, play games, hunt eggs and play with balloon creations! There will also be a bunny to pet. Our egg hunts are organized by age and our eggs are ready! Our older students will be challenged to a scavenger hunt in which they will collect buttons and turn them in for a treat bag of goodies. We appreciate the Leach family - Pastor Pam, Jeff, Hanna Meg and Juliana - for preparing the hunt around our campus. Don’t forget your baskets!
Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services (PCHAS) Update Presentation Sara Craig is coming to FPC Tyler on April 15 to provide an update on the work at Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services (PCHAS). She will give an informal presentation at 9:45 a.m. during the Sunday school hour in M 207. Everyone is invited to come and hear about the changes at PCHAS and ways to participate in East Texas Giving Day and PCHAS. Sara will be available at both worship services to answer questions and provide additional information.
| Lectionary Tuesdays | 6:30 am | Premier Flexipac | Contact: Skip Womack (903) 533-9433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746
| Lecture & discussion M202 | The book of Ruth | Contact: Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 | Lecture & discussion M 205 | Christian Doctrine | Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535
209ERS | Young Adults M209 | TBD | Contact: Debbie Pitts (debbiepitts@gmail.com)
| Book &/or DVD & discussion Thursdays | 9:30 am | Conference Room | The Pleasure of God | Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533 WOMEN
| Study & discussion M 207 | The book of Mark
FPC’s Sunday Services 8:30 a.m. Service (Chapel) 9:15 a.m. Coffee Fellowship (The Hill Room) 9:45 a.m. Sunday School (campus-wide) 11:00 a.m. Service (Sanctuary)
Easter Sunday. 8:30 & 11 am, Sanctuary Easter Eggstravaganza. 9:30 am, Front lawn. Knit Wits. 1:30 pm, Hill Room, M 107. Meadow Lake Bible Study. 11:45 am, Meadow Lake. First Friday Fun Finale: Kids Nigh Out. 6:30 pm, Children’s Wing. Presbyterian Women Sunday Circle. 9:30 am, M 102. Presbyterian Women Weekday Circle. 10 am, F 101-102. Lenten Luncheon. 12 pm, F 101-102. Fine Arts @ FPC: Trio Colorida. 4 pm, Sanctuary. Steeple Times Submission Deadline. Sewing Bees. 10 am, F 104. Kirkin’ of the Tartans Luncheon. 12 pm, Front lawn. Mother’s Tea. 2 pm, Anderson Room, F 101-102. Youth Ministries: Souper Bowl of Caring Celebration. 9:45 am, Gabriel Residence.
230 W. Rusk Street, Tyler, TX 75701-1651
Budget & Finance. April 12 @ 12 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Building & Grounds. April 9 @ 12 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Children’s Ministry. April 17 @ 5:30 pm — Library Diaconate. April 11 @ 5 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Mission. April 9 @ 5:30 pm — Library Potter House. April 9 @ 1 pm — Library Session. April 17 @ 7 pm — M 207 Student Ministry. April 23 @ 6:30 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Trustees. April 24 @ 12 pm — Conference Room | A 110
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To everyone at the home of: