Steeple Times, Mid July & August (Vol 11, Issue 7)

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M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 1 , I s s u e 7 : J u l y /A u g u s t 2 0 1 9

An Artist, an Educator, and A Rainbow by the Rev. Pamela Leach “You have to come meet Howard Marlin,” Stan Bartz told me shortly after I began my pastoral ministry here in 2008. He was battling cancer and unable to attend church, but that’s not why this widower of over 20 years wanted to meet with the pastor. Howard had asked to meet me because something in my bio caught his attention. You see, I shared something in common with his beloved Nella - we were both alumna of the same small college in Pennsylvania. Howard needed no more than that to accept me as his pastor. And though our acquaintance stood only at one brief year, my life was enriched for knowing him. In our visits, he shared stories about himself and Nella as well as showing me his wonderful artwork. Howard was a very talented graphic artist whose work you still see every time the pen and ink drawing of FPC appears. And, he was not alone in giving of his talents to the church. After moving to Tyler for Howard’s work, his wife Nella prepared to go back into the classroom. Before the schools could snatch up that talented teacher, her pastor, the Rev. John Anderson, had a conversation with her. He told Nella she should indeed be teaching, but in the church rather than the schoolroom. Nella answered that call and became FPC’s Christian Educator. After Howard died, his neighbors contacted me about the church-related items from

his home. At John Anderson’s request, Howard had kept the concept drawing for our current church building safely in his wide architectural drawers for nearly 60 years. From among old bulletins and newsletters, I pulled several pieces of his church artwork along with the pen and ink sketch of the church and left the rest of the box to go through on the proverbial rainy day. A decade later, with the mess in my office at a critical point, I sorted through Howard’s box. There I found a treasure - a transcript of one of John Anderson’s sermons with a hand-written note from him to Nella Marlin. The sermon titled “The Gospel of the Rainbow” explored the promise of the rainbow for the life of faith. As we prepare to celebrate our sesquicentennial, looking both to our past and our future, his words from October 17, 1948, strike me as significant, “For our joy, there is a background of sorrow...The rainbow is etched on a dark cloud all the way, and in that is a symbolic representation of what life really is” - joy and sorrow, happiness and tears, hope splashed against a gray sky. Just as Howard grieved his wife but found joy in the connection to her through his new pastor, we look back in this season joining our past to our future in a ribbon of hope, seeing the rainbow of God’s promise throughout our years and claiming with the Rev. John Anderson that “there will always shine the rainbow of promise - through it the bright sign of our hopeful future.”

i n t h i s i s s u e | H I GH LI GHT S & F E ATU RE S Presbyterian Women Officers | pg 3 FPC’s Presbyterian Women elected its 2019-20 officers.

Youth Group Trip Recap| pg 4 The Youth Group recounts week-long mission trip to eastern Kentucky.

VBS 2019| pg 6 All children aged 3 - 5th grade are invited to VBS 2019. First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 |

CO NGR E GAT I O NAL N E WS We Are Thankful!


We are thankful for the Worship Greeters. When a guest or member enters the doors of FPC, a greeter is waiting to provide a warm and genuine word of welcome and a church bulletin. Greeters serve on the frontlines of the church’s hospitality ministry and provide a positive first impression for guests and have a key role in setting the tone for the experience many people have at the church. What a blessing this group is to FPC and its members.

Silence can be a wonderful thing. It’s peaceful, relaxing, stress-reducing, like a balm for the soul. Marjorie Thompson, in her book Soul Feast, says that contemplative prayer (silence in prayer) is “resting in God, allowing the Spirit to fill and move us as God wills.” She continues, “the sole purpose of contemplation is to adore and enjoy God, which glorifies divine love. The first article of the Westminster Shorter Catechism asks what our chief end as human beings is. The response is that we are to glorify and enjoy God forever!”

Membership Updates New Members Join us in welcoming our newest members, Barb & Fred Kalsbeek. Births Join us in celebrating the recent birth of Lyla Rae (May 18), son of Chris & Kelsey Cox. Kelsey is the daughter of Bettie Clancy. Deaths Condolences to the families of our FPC members, Fredna Gabriel (May 25) and Rita Adams (June 26) who entered the Church Triumphant.

“Be still and know that I am God.” - Psalm 46:10 (If you would like to submit a prayer request, please fill out the form found in the church pew and drop it in the collection plate or into a prayer request box found in the Chapel, Sanctuary, and church office.)

Sweet Summer Sundays Continue in July During the month of July, join us for Sweet Summer Sundays each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. in the Hill Room followed by Sunday worship service at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Children’s worship will continue to meet in the Children’s Wing at this time. Sunday school classes will not meet.

Regular Sunday Schedule Returns August 4 8:30 am | Worship in the Chapel 9:15 am | Coffee Fellowship in the Hill Room 9:45 am | Sunday School Classes are campus-wide 11 am | Worship in the Sanctuary. Children’s Church will meet following Time with Children.

Name Tags

Rosalie Robertson Celebrates her 103rd Birthday

Lost a name tag or requesting one for the first time? Drop by the table just inside the breezeway door of the main building and add your name to the list. Find your new or replacement tags on the special rack right next to the sign-up sheet—typically ready for pick up one week after we receive a request.

s a v e t h e d a t e | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 19 Rally Day | September 8 Join us for this tradition to mark the start of our congregation’s new program year.

PW Fall Gathering | September 17 Join women of the church for a fall program and fellowship. 2

Rosalie recently celebrated her birthday during the fellowship hour with many FPC members, including David Hudson and Judith Guthrie (top).

Grace Presbytery Meeting Hosted by FPC | September 28

M O N T H LY E V E N T H I G H L I G H T S Wonderful Wednesday Night Suppers

Communion Sunday

July 24 | 6 pm | KAWA’s Asian Restaurant | 1024 WSW Loop 323 | Tyler August 7 | 6 pm | FD’s Grill | 8934 S. Broadway Ave | Tyler August 21 | 6 pm | Spring Creek Barbeque | 5810 S. Broadway Ave | Tyler Join us for summer fun, food, and fellowship as we resume ‘Wonderful Wednesday’ suppers. RSVP to Bettie Clancy ( or Debbie Finley ( Visit fpctyler. com/events/wonderfulwednesdaynight.

Sunday, August 4 | 8:30 & 11 am | Chapel & Sanctuary The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated at both services.

Grace Presbytery Fall Gathering of PW and Presentation of Horizons Bible Study Tuesday, August 27 | 10 am | First Presbyterian Church | 1000 Penn St | Fort Worth All Presbyterian women are invited to hear Eugenia Anne Gamble, author of Love Carved In Stone and the 2019-2020 Presbyterian Women Horizons Bible Study, explore a fresh embrace of the Ten Commandments. RSVP by August 19 to

“A Taste of Heaven” Cookbook Brunch Sunday, July 14 | 11 am | Fellowship Hall Join us where delicious recipes will be featured from the upcoming church cookbook. All are invited to bring a covered dish along with the recipe for the dish to be included in the cookbook. Donations will be accepted to cover the printing costs. Make your reservation by calling the church office (903597-6317) or Fran Cooper (903-253-5459/ or visit

Presbyterian Women Officers for 2019-20 Mary Hagan—Moderator Debbie Jones —Vice Moderator Catherine Moranda—Secretary Karen Novy—Treasurer Julie Launey—Historian Susan Bennett—Leader of Community Missions Janet Burks—Leader of World Missions Patty Collins—Communications Officer Karen Novy—Search Committee Chair Martha Oates—Life Membership Chair Ginny Mattox—Sunday Circle Moderator Sharon Bragg—Tuesday Circle Moderator These women were installed in May and as members of the Coordinating Council, they will plan and lead activities for our church’s Presbyterian Women Organization. All women in FPC are considered members of this organization and are invited to attend all gatherings and monthly circles. PW Circles provide opportunities for Bible Study, mission activities, prayer and fellowship. For more information, contact Mary Hagan (910-850-0895/ 3


Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s

PATH (People Attempting To Help)

Knit Wits—Yarn Lovers Unite for Ministry

Knit Wits will be on summer hiatus until September 9.

Throughout the warm weather months, PATH is collecting new box fans to give to people in need. You may donate a fan in one of two ways. At Home Depot, simply tell a cashier you’d like to buy a fan for PATH. You will be charged $12 and the fan will be set aside for a PATH representative to pick up. If you prefer, you can send a check to PATH and mark “Fan Drive” in the memo line. • PATH’s summer pantry needs are canned vegetables. Bring your donations to the PATH crates in the foyer of Fellowship Hall and near the elevator in the main building. Monetary support is always appreciated. For information, visit

Fall Painting Retreat at Mo-Ranch September 19-22 | Mo-Ranch | Hunt, Texas Mo-Ranch’s fall painting retreat is designed for artists of all skill levels who would like to spend a long weekend at MoRanch, surrounded by a community of fellow artists. Experienced artists, come and create in the beautiful setting of the Texas Hill Country. Leisure artists or beginners, come and create while being guided through painting workshops. Space is limited. To sign up, contact the program registrar at (800-460-4401 ext. 246) or

Bullet Points from June’s Session Meeting Minutes recorded by Jeanne Stovall The Session met on June 18 and conducted the following business: •

A letter to Session from Phyllis Kidwell regarding her retirement was read.

Mary Fischer recommended we begin charging the groups that meet at the church a fee to cover

staff and maintenance charges that result from their use of the building. •

Receipt of the Clopton Charitable Trust: Glen Van Dyke announced the receipt of a charitable gift from the Estate of John B. and Maurine Clopton.

Moderators Pamela Leach and

Analysis of Revenues & Expenses May 2019 Summary

MTD Actual YTD Actual

YTD Budget


$72,498 $1,002,569



$114,425 $1,003,602


Net Total




Jennifer Marshall reported operations continue to go well while Rev. Stuart Baskin is on his sabbatical •

Guest speakers in the coming weeks are: Rabbi Neal Katz, Laura Mendenhall and Fairfax Fair.

Full minutes are available from the church office upon request.

Stay in the Know Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online. Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what the sermon topic is for Sunday’s pulpit. Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at

Planned Giving Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard ( to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation at Assistance is confidential and free of charge.

Stay in touch with us on social media, too: /fpctyler 4



Summer Youth Mission Trip Recap

Youth Synod

On Sunday, June 30, our team of fourteen youth and three adult sponsors returned from their week-long mission to eastern Kentucky (see pictures below). The team served at a food bank, cleaned up yards and gardens, painted window shutters, and— for their biggest project—scraped and re-painted the home of a sweet and highly deserving lady named Margaret. In addition to the strenuous work of mission, the team also experienced the beauty of Appalachia with a hike in the Red River Gorge and in the area surrounding our home base of Camp Burnamwood. Lots of good laughs and delicious food (including Ale 8, the “official” soft drink of Kentucky) were had along the way. As one of our Burnamwood hosts challenged us, we will now be looking for ways to carry this spirit of mission with us back to our daily lives in Tyler.

A group of nine from FPC Tyler traveled to Synod Youth Workshop the week of July 7-13. Synod took place at the University of Tulsa and focused on the theme: I have called you friends (John 15:12-17). The group had a memorable experience as they embarked on this adventure of faith, mission, and fellowship.

Youth Group Kick-Off

Wednesday, August 14 | 6 pm | Location: TBA Mark your calendars for our Youth Group Kick-Off. We will be getting together again for fellowship after a long summer vacation and also celebrating the start of fall semester. Note: regular Wednesday evening Youth Group meetings won’t begin until Wednesday, September 4. Questions? Contact Jenni (803-924-0576/ Visit for more information.

FPC Summer Youth Mission Trip To Kentucky


Children’s Ministry N ews & Events Vacation Bible School - Fruits of the Spirit

Back to School Blessing

August 7 - 9 & 11 | Campus Wide All children aged 3 - 5th grade are invited to VBS 2019! We will study a few of the fruits of the spirit from the Bible, and spend time learning about the children who live in homes provided by Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services (PCHAS). For our mission collection, we will receive new school supplies that will then go to the children who are a part of PCHAS. Mark your calenders: Wednesday, August 7 | 5:30 pm - 8 pm Thursday, August 8 | 5:30 pm - 8 pm Friday, August 9 | 5:30 pm - 8 pm Sunday, August 11 | 9:30 am - 11 am Drop off will be in Fellowship Hall where we will begin with a shared dinner. The groups will then be divided by age for craft activities, music, Bible story and mission. On Sunday, the Men of the Church will prepare a pancake breakfast and we will continue in the 11 a.m. worship service. Registration is available on the FPC website, or a form can be found in the entrances to the Sanctuary. Return completed forms to Phyllis Kidwell in the children’s wing on Sunday mornings, or in the church office. Youth helpers and volunteers are welcome and need to contact Phyllis as soon as possible to complete a background check and other paperwork. All volunteers will be trained before the start of VBS. Visit

August 18 | 11 am | Sanctuary Parents, youth and children mark your calendars for our Back to School Blessing. Students with backpacks are welcome; however, backpacks are not required!

July Schedule During July, the nursery and toddler room will open at 9:45 a.m. and the childcare staff and volunteers will provide care through the 10 a.m. service. The older children, kindergarten through 2nd grade, will start worship in the Sanctuary and then come to M 111 for Children’s Church. Toddlers - 5th grade, are invited to join us in front of the sanctuary for Time with Children during worship. Our regular schedule resumes on Sunday, August 4, with two services and Sunday school.

Save the Date: Rally Day and Farewell! September 8 | 9:30 am | Fellowship Hall Rally Day is the beginning of the Christian Education year and the time the children and youth change from one class to another. We will share brunch together. This year, we will also celebrate the retirement of our Director of Children’s Ministry, Phyllis Kidwell. Come by to say goodbye and farewell as she plans to move on from ministry at FPC.


Small Group Schedule

faith builders


| Lecture & discussion M 205 | Salvation | Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535


| Lecture & discussion
 M 202 | The book of Matthew | Contact: Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 the forum

209ers | Young Adults M 209 | Red Letter Christianity | Contact: Drew Starnes (713) 540-0962 the

| Study & discussion M 207 | The Lectionary | Contact: David Palady ( westminster

| Lectionary Tuesdays | 6:30 am | Premier Flexipac
| Contact: Skip Womack (903) 520-1300 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 | Book &/or DVD & discussion Thursdays | 9:30 am | Conference Room
| Simon Peter: A Rock Moved by God | Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533 theology on tap | Study & discussion

on summer hiatus | Contact: Jenni Marshall (803) 924-0576 6


FPC’s Regular Sunday Services 8:30 a.m. Service (Chapel) 9:15 a.m. Coffee Fellowship (The Hill Room) 9:45 a.m. Sunday School (campuswide) 11:00 a.m. Service (Sanctuary)

mid-july | august CALENDER HIGHLIGHTS M I D - J U LY

21 21 21 24 28 28 28

Sweet Summer Sundays. 9:30 am, Hill Room. No Sunday School classes. July worship service. 10 am, Sanctuary. Wonderful Wednesday Night Supper. 6 pm, KAWA’s Asian Restaurant. Sweet Summer Sundays. 9:30 am, Hill Room. No Sunday School classes. July worship service. 10 am, Sanctuary.

AUGUST 4 Communion Sunday; regular worship services resume. 8:30 & 11 am, Chapel & Sanctuary. 4 Sunday School classes resume. 9:45 am, campus-wide. 7 Wonderful Wednesday Night Supper. 6 pm, FD’s Grill. 7 Vacation Bible School. 5:30 pm, Campus-wide. 8 Vacation Bible School. 5:30 pm, Campus-wide. 9 Vacation Bible School. 5:30 pm, Campus-wide. 11 Vacation Bible School Breakfast. 9:30 am, Fellowship Hall. 11 Dr. Fairfax Fair preaching. 8:30 & 11 am, Chapel & Sanctuary. 11 Presbyterian Women Sunday Circle. 9:30 am, M 204. 13 Presbyterian Women Tuesday Circle. 10 am, Anderson Room, F 101-102. 14 Youth Group Kick Off. 6 pm, TBA. 15 Steeple Times submission deadline. 18 Back to School Blessing. 11 am, Sanctuary. 21 Wonderful Wednesday Night Supper. 6 pm, Spring Creek Barbeque. 27 Grace Presbytery Fall Gathering of PW and Presentation of Horizons Bible Study. 10 am, FPC-Ft. Worth.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS Building & Grounds. August 12 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Diaconate. August 14 @ 5 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Mission. July 29 @ 5:30 pm — Library | A 111 Session. August 20 @ 7 pm — M 207 Stewardship. August 12 @ 6 pm — Library | A 111 Trustees. July 23 @ 12 pm — Conference Room | A 110 A special “thank you” to Azalea Academy For Exceptional Adults for assembling our weekly worship bulletin and to Marshall Ewing and his amazing crew for assembling our “Steeple Times” monthly newsletter. Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Dana Durman by the 15th of the month prior to publication: ddurman@, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at


230 W. Rusk Street, Tyler, TX 75701-1651

First Presbyterian Church of Tyler is a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and Grace Presbytery, and is steward of Potter House, a temporary housing ministry for families seeking medical care in Tyler. For a full listing of all ministry affiliations, please visit

return service requested


In case of an emergency, such as a death or sudden hospitalization, your pastors can be reached by calling the church office (903-597-6317). After hours, please follow the directions for emergency pastoral care, and the message will be delivered to the pastoral staff.


The church office hours are: Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m.– 5 p.m., except holidays. The office is closed on Fridays. Contact the office at 903-597-6317, or email


The Rev. Dr. Stuart G. Baskin, Pastor | on sabbatical The Rev. Pamela Leach, Associate Pastor | The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Marshall, Associate Pastor, Student Ministries | Phyllis Kidwell, Director of Christian Education | Weston Jennings, Director of Music and Organist | Dana Durman, Director of Communications | Nanci Pollard, Financial Assistant | Linda Chancellor, Executive Assistant | Jessie Caldwell, Sexton Charles & Melissa Johnson, PCUSA Mission Co-Workers in Zambia


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Permit No. 683 Tyler, Texas 75701-1651

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