1 minute read
Grace of Christ Preschool

— Becca Mailand yakimagrace.com/preschool
Easter Celebrations
Before Spring Break, we were able to celebrate Easter with our students and declare “He is risen! Jesus is alive!” by peering in the empty tomb and hearing the Gospel Story from Pastor Curt.
Students also participated in an egg hunt with their friends and made so many fun and beautiful art projects. Check them out in the hallway this month!

Spring Tea In April
This is our last big program of the year for families to see how much their children have grown!
Once the temperature rises, we spend many of our days learning outside! Chalk letters, counting flowers, releasing butterflies and playing games in the lawn are often ways we fill our days in May!

We have been blessed with 36 students and their families this year. At the end of May we say “see you later!” to our friends returning in the fall and give an extra hug to our friends heading off to Kindergarten.
We pray that all the seeds God has planted in these young hearts will continue to be fed, bloom, and grow each child into a strong believer in the love that Jesus has for each of us. Pray with us as we send these little lights out into their families and neighborhoods to shine bright each day!