Reasons for the Republic and Socialism in the 21st Century Too

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(Grup de Recerca en Ètica Econòmicosocial i epistemologia de les Ciències Socials)

Reasons for the Republic and Socialism in the 21st Century Too Tools for analysing the most pressing political, economic and social problems of our times Type of course: University of Barcelona (UB) Postgraduate Diploma Name of course: Raons per la república i el socialisme també per al segle XXI. Eines per a l'anàlisi dels principals problemes polítics, econòmics i socials del nostre temps (Reasons for the Republic and Socialism in the 21st Century Too: Tools for Analysing the Most Pressing Political, Economic and Social Problems of Our Times) Number of academic years: 1 Academic year of start of teaching: 2010 Number of credit points: 15 Enrolment fee: 1,150 € Managing entity: Fundació Pere Ardiaca Portal de l'Àngel 42, 2on A 08002 - Barcelona Spain Telephone: +34 935114458 FAX: +34 933184940 Centre responsible for the course: Facultat d’Economia i Empresa de la UB (Faculty of Economics and Business, UB) Course format: Contact teaching Directors: Antoni Domènech and Daniel Raventós Coordinator: Luis Juberías Pre-registration period 1/6/2010 - 10/10/2010 Start of teaching: 15/10/2010 End of teaching: 1/6/2011 Venue: Ateneu Roig (C/ Ciudad Real 25, Barcelona) Usual hours: Monday and Wednesday, 6.30 p.m. to 9.40 p.m. Addressed to and/or access requirements: Degree or diploma holders, public service professionals, people with experience in associational, union or political work with an interest in inquiring more deeply, from an interdisciplinary perspective, into present-day economic, social, political and cultural problems.

Presentation and description The course will take the form of classroom teaching and will include theoretical and practical classes, seminars, assessment, as well as the student’s personal, autonomous learning effort. Two lines of reflection underlie the formulation of this course proposal: - first, the conviction that there is a need, in a democratic society, for the university to be related with social and economic life, that it has to be a public service, which is guaranteed by the principle of autonomy. The course aims to constitute a bridge between the social life of the country and the world of university research and teaching; - second, offering an account, from the most interdisciplinary standpoint possible, of the economic and social problems of our times. The fragmenting of disciplines gives rise to limitations that can be rectified by dialogue among specialists who are prepared to pay attention to clear, well-constructed arguments. Taking such interdisciplinary discussion into circles of economists, political scientists, jurists, philosophers and historians can constitute a public service. General aims The aim of the programme is to offer training with a wide-ranging interdisciplinary perspective on the economic and social problems of our times, along with the technical skills necessary for making good use of the resources of academic reflection and research in the domain of social practice. Specific aims To offer to students knowledge and techniques that can serve as instruments for analysis and action in the face of the most pressing economic, social and political problems today, and to teach them to develop the basic skills required for effective engagement in future situations of applied work. Basic skills By the end of the course students who obtain the Postgraduate Diploma will need to have acquired or developed: - An ability to approach present-day problems from the interdisciplinary and theoretical-practical standpoint of an integrated conception of the social sciences. - An ability to make connections between social practice and the resources arising from intellectual reflection and academic research, which can constitute a bridge bringing the two spheres into relation. Assessment Assessment will be based on attendance record, which must be a minimum of 80%, and a paper synthesising issues pertaining to the course that will be marked by an examiners’ board to be established by the academic director and consisting of some of the teachers. Teaching staff Antoni Domènech, general editor of the review Sin Permiso and Professor of Political, Moral and Legal Philosophy at the Economics and Business Faculty of the University of Barcelona Daniel Raventós, lecturer in the Economics and Business Faculty of the University of Barcelona, member of the Editorial Board of Sin Permiso and President of Red Renta Básica (Basic Income Network). Jordi Mundó, lecturer in Ethics and Epistemology at the Economics and Business Faculty of the University of Barcelona and member of the Editorial Board of Sin Permiso Gerardo Pissarello, lecturer in Constitutional Law at the UB and member of the Editorial Board of Sin Permiso

Julie Wark, member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of Sin Permiso Michael Krätke, Professor of Political Economy and Financial Law at the University of Amsterdam, research fellow at the Amsterdam International Institute of Social History and Professor of Sociology / Chair of Political Economy/ Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Lancaster University (UK). Member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of Sin Permiso Florence Gauthier, Professor of History of the French Revolution at the Université Paris 7- Denis Diderot (Place Jussieu) and member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of Sin Permiso Alejandro Nadal, Mexican economist. Member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of Sin Permiso Maria Julia Bertomeu, philosopher and member of the Editorial Board of Sin Permiso Jean Bricmont, Professor of Physics at the Université Catholique de Louvain à Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium), member of the BRussells Tribunal and of the Editorial Advisory Committee of Sin Permiso David Casassas, PhD in Sociology from UB, researcher and lecturer at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and member of the Editorial Board of Sin Permiso Jordi Arcarons, Professor of Applied Economics at UB. Enric Prat, PhD in History from the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) Programme La relació entre economia i política (The relationship between economics and politics) Natura i constitució dels mercats (Nature and constitution of markets) Justícia distributiva (Distributive justice) El sector públic (The public sector) Democràcia i competició política (Democracy and political competition) Democràcia econòmica (Economic democracy) Balanç de 30 anys de globalització (Balance of 30 years of globalisation) Nacionalització, socialització i privatització (Nationalisation, socialisation and privatisation) La financiarització de l'economia (Financialisation of the economy) Balanç dels experiments socialistes en el segle XX (Balance of the twentieth-century socialist experiments) El dret laboral i la vida democràtica (Labour law and democratic life) Dret constitucional (Constitutional law) Autodeterminació, descentralització i federalismo (Self-determination, decentralisation and federalism) La selecció de les elits (Selection of elites) L'herència del moviment obrer a Barcelona (The legacy of the workers’ movement in Barcelona) La proposta d'una renda bàsica de ciutadania (The Basic Income for Citizenship proposal) Actualitat dels clàssics del pensament polític: I de Maquiavel a Locke, II Kant i la Revolució Francesa, III. Marx, IV. Rosa Luxemburgo, V. Max Weber, VI. Keynes (Present-day relevance of the classics of political thought: I from Machiavelli to Locke, II Kant and the French Revolution, III Marx, IV Rosa Luxemburg, V Max Weber, VI Keynes) Problemes d'ètica aplicada, I: avortament i eutanàsia, II: les patents i els drets de propietat intel·lectual (Problems of applied ethics: I abortion and euthanasia, II patents and intellectual property rights) Universitat i societat (University and society) La transició política al Regne d'Espanya (The political transition in the Kingdom of Spain) Drets Humans al segle XXI (Human Rights in the 21st century) Indicadors i mesures de la pobresa i la desigualtat social (Indicators and measures of poverty and social inequality) Please send cover letter and curriculum vitae with photograph to: Further information: +34 935114458

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