Global AgInvesting 2012 New York

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Asia Marina Bay Sands September 25-27, 2012 Singapore

The Waldorf=Astoria® April 23-25, 2012 New York

Europe London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square December 3-5, 2012 London

Hosted by:



• Informative sessions making the business case for real assets investments in global markets • Introduction to thought leaders in farm and fund management who are on the forefront of scarcity-driven investment themes • Exposure to deal flow and diversified strategies in the ag space

d For the Manager

• Access to the world’s largest assembly of investors with an interest in agriculture as an asset class • Insight and opportunity for new ideas and potential partnerships • Success stories and risk studies from colleagues active in the sector

Exclusive Access to


Investment Expert and Author Sponsored by:

d For the Industry

• A dedicated meeting where the finance and agribusiness industries can learn from each other how best to approach the challenges of the next 30 years • Educational sessions focused on the growth of the sector and global price predictions • Potential partnership opportunities with private capital institutions as well as major agribusiness players

Global AgInvesting 2011 Attendees Represented:

• 600 industry stakeholders • $3.5 trillion in aggregated institutional assets • 25 million acres under cultivation • $12.5 billion farmland assets

Media Partners:

T h e P r e m i e r A g r i c u lt u r e I n v e s t i n g C on f e r e n c e S e r i e s

Representation of companies that attended in 2011: Adecoagro Adveq Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation Albourne Partners Allstate Investment Management American Legacy Foundation AP-Fonden 1&2 Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System Arlon Food & Agriculture Partners Barclays Capital Black River Asset Management Brookfield Asset Management Bunge Global Agribusiness California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) Cambridge Associates Catholic Healthcare Investment Management Company Columbia University Endowment Commonfund Capital Cornell University Endowment CPP Investment Board Dallas Police and Fire Pension System Deere & Company Dow Chemical Company Pension Fund Farmers National Company Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Federal Farm Credit Banks Funding Corporation Franklin Templeton Investments GE Asset Management George Washington University Endowment GMO Renewable Resources Hancock Agricultural Investment Group (HAIG) IBM Retirement Funds Insight Investment Management International Finance Corporation (IFC) J. Paul Getty Trust John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Johns Hopkins University Foundation JP Morgan Pension Macquarie Agricultural Funds Management Mayor’s Office of Pensions & Investments - NYC Department of Finance Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Foundation Mercer Investment Consulting Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Monsanto New York State Common Retirement Fund New York University Endowment New Zealand Superannuation Fund Office of Tony Blair Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Paine & Partners Passport Capital Pensionskassernes Administration (PKA A/S) Qatar National Food Security Programme Regents of the University of California Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Stanford Management Company Swiss Reinsurance Compnay TIAA-CREF US Trust - Bank of America Virginia Retirement System Virginia Tech Foundation Wake Forest University Endowment YMCA Retirement Fund Ziff Brothers Investments (ZBI)


Agenda Highlights and Annual Favorites:

• Vet Investment Opportunities in Regional Farmland Across all Major Global Markets • Understand the Nuances of Liquid Strategies in Soft Commodities and Agribusiness Public Equities • Hear Compelling Ag Private Equity Strategies and Pinpoint Sources for Deal Flow • Discover Regional Risk and Return Profiles • Learn What it Means to be a Responsible Agriculture Investor

What’s New at Global AgInvesting 2012?

For the first time, concurrent track sessions will highlight ag investment and its surrounding themes, including: • Venture Capital Plays in Ag Innovations • Agriculture Biotechnology and Funding the Future of the Next Green Revolution • Water as an Emerging Asset Class • Agribusiness Transportation and Logistics Infrastructure Investments • Aquaculture and the Future of Commercial Fishery Investments

Who Should Attend: • Pension funds • Endowments • Foundations • Sovereign wealth funds • Family offices • High net-worth individuals • Private Equity/Venture Capital investors

• Commodities and futures traders • Pension fund advisors • Asset managers • Farmland managers • Agribusiness industry executives • Service providers to the financial and agribusiness communities

Why You Should Attend: d IMPRESS THE ALLOCATORS: 2011 attendees represented over $3.5 trillion in aggregated institutional assets

d V ALUABLE NETWORKING OPPORTUNITY: 8+ Hours of dedicated networking

with prominent international investors, managers, and real assets industry leaders d IMPRESSIVE CALIBER OF ATTENDEES: Global AgInvesting 2011 in New York attracted over 600 investors and ag investment stakeholders representing over 25 million acres under cultivation and over $12.5 billion of farmland assets dU NDERSTAND AG INVESTING FUNDAMENTALS: Half-day course providing exclusive content and networking for investors new to the ag space d E XPLORE DIVERSIFICATION STRATEGIES: From liquid strategies to private equity plays, learn the nuances of agriculture as an asset class d GAIN CRITICAL INSIGHT: 20+ Sessions exploring myriad real assets investment themes d NEW CONTENT: Examine the surrounding investment themes of agriculture biotechnology, transportation & logistics infrastructure, water as an asset class, and the future of aquaculture

What Sets Global AgInvesting Apart?

Global AgInvesting conferences are produced by HighQuest Partners, a top strategy consultant to companies in the global food, agribusiness and biofuels sector for over a decade, and the leading firm providing strategic investment advisory services to the financial community. The curriculum for the conferences is based on HighQuest’s deep understanding of the economics of the agriculture space and its extensive network within both the industry and the financial community.

Register Now! Seating is Limited! • For more information, visit:

T h e P r e m i e r A g r i c u lt u r e I n v e s t i n g C on f e r e n c e S e r i e s

Monday, April 23 | Pre-Conference Seminar

Pre-Conference Seminar: Short Course in Ag Fundamentals (Additional Registration Required) For investors interested in developing a deeper understanding of the compelling fundamentals driving the ag sector. Hear from leading analysts, academics and economists. 12:00-1:30 Check In for Short Course Attendees 1:30-2:15 Agriculture as an Emerging Asset Class 2:15-3:00 Global Fundamentals to 2020 3:00-3:30 Coffee Break 3:30-4:15 The Role of Water Resources in Land Valuations 4:15-5:00 Short Course Question & Answer Session

Our three experts will hold a joint Q&A, which will allow for discussion among the lecturers as well as with the audience.


Cocktail Reception & Early Check-In

Get Exclusive Access to Jim Rogers: Keynote Speaker and Conference Guest Keynote: How I See the World Today and What I am Doing About it Jim Rogers, Investment Expert and Author Jim Rogers, a native of Demopolis, Alabama, is an author, financial commentator, adventurer, and successful international investor. He has been frequently featured in Time, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Barron’s, Forbes, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, The Business Times, The Straits Times and many other media outlets worldwide. He has also appeared as a regular commentator and columnist in various media and has been a professor at Columbia University.

Mr. Rogers will be on-hand to speak with attendees and answer critical questions about investing in ag.

After attending Yale and Oxford University, Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund, a global-investment partnership. During the next 10 years, the portfolio gained 4200%, while the S&P rose less than 50%. Rogers then decided to retire – at age 37. Continuing to manage his own portfolio, Rogers kept busy serving as a professor of finance at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business, and, in 1989 and 1990, as the moderator of WCBS’s ‘The Dreyfus Roundtable’ and FNN’s ‘The Profit Motive with Jim Rogers’. In 1990-1992, Rogers fulfilled his lifelong dream: motorcycling 100,000 miles across six continents, a feat that landed him in the Guinness Book of World Records. As a private investor, he constantly analyzed the countries through which he traveled for investment ideas. He chronicled his one-of-a-kind journey in Investment Biker: On the Road with Jim Rogers. Jim also embarked on a Millennium Adventure in 1999. He traveled for 3 years on his round-the-world, Guinness World Record journey. It was his 3rd Guinness Record. Passing through 116 countries, he covered more than 245,000 kilometers, which he recounted in his book Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip. His book, Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably In The World’s Best Market, was published in 2004. His recent book A Bull in China describes his experiences in China as well as the changes and opportunities there. His latest book is A Gift to My Children.

About the Conference Host

Join our network: HighQuest Partners is a globally recognized strategy consulting company serving agriculture, agribusiness, grains, oilseed, food, biofuels and investment sectors. Founded in 2000, HighQuest has worked with hundreds of public and private sector organizations in over 100 countries as it helps to satisfy the world’s growing need for agriculturally-based resources by providing information, cultivating relationships and supporting its clients.

@globalaginvest Group: Global AgInvesting Group: Global AgInvesting

For more information on syndicated and custom research and consulting projects trusted by Fortune 500 companies, major research institutions and the media, visit: or contact us at, 978-887-8800

Contact Us: + or 800.424.7692 • Register today at:


T h e P r e m i e r A g r i c u lt u r e I n v e s t i n g C on f e r e n c e S e r i e s

Tuesday, April 24 | Main Conference Day One • What are the most compelling private equity plays within agriculture and its surrounding themes? • What is the typical deal size and return expectation for these strategies? • How do supply chain strategies compare to pure plays in primary production? • How does ag private equity compare to direct investments, farmland funds, venture capital and ag public equities for the end investor in terms of risks and returns?

7:00-8:00 Conference Registration 8:00-8:30 O pening Remarks –

Agriculture Investment Landscape

8:30-9:30 End Investor Perspectives on Agriculture Investing Hear from an international panel of trailblazing institutional and family office investors who will discuss their experiences exploring and allocating capital to this emerging asset class. • What is the role of ag within their broader portfolio? • What was the research process used before making the decision to invest in the agriculture sector? • How much weight do they put on liquid vs. illiquid vehicles in the ag space? • How does farmland resemble timber? How does it differ? • How should one identify and select managers? How do you perform due diligence on a farm manager? 9:30-10:15 Keynote Address:



10:15-10:45 Coffee Break

12:45-1:45 Networking Lunch 1:45-2:45 Ag Private Equity Gain alternative perspective from private equity managers whose strategies focus on various downstream activities along the supply chain, including processing, storage, transportation/ logistics, protein production and more, representing ag exposure with very different risk and return profiles.


ow Can Venture Capitalists Access Agriculture H as an Asset Class? Venture capital investors are eyeing agriculture technologies as a way forward from some of the disappointments from cleantech in the past decade. Savvy investors are looking for IP in precision technology, soil monitoring, seed trait genetics, irrigation systems, crop protection and more. • What are the needs of farmers looking at new tech to improve efficiencies and increase revenues? • With major agribusinesses forming their own venture investment arms, do mainstream VCs stand a chance of getting in on the ground floor of a truly disruptive ag technology? What is the outlook for agtech deal flow? • How does the due diligence process differ between agtech and cleantech? • With so few success stories to reference, will trepidation trump temerity?

Jim Rogers, Investment Expert and Author

11:45-12:45 South American Farmland Over the past five years, South American agriculture has attracted more capital inflow than any other region. Agribusiness in South America operates on a massive scale, with individual farms comprising tens of thousands of hectares. The continent represents diverse agricultural region offering a wide range of investment opportunities. • What will be the main drivers of returns over the next decade? • How do political, currency, and climactic risk differ between South American nations? • What are the challenges and return expectations of different strategies such as pasture conversion vs. acquiring developed cropland vs. mixed development of timber and cropland?


3:15-4:15 Venture Capital

How I See the World Today and What I Am Doing About It

10:45-11:45 Diversified Ag Strategies Learn from a group of industry veterans how a number of single managers are providing LPs with diversified offerings internally. • How important is diversification in an agriculture investment portfolio? • What are the different models managers pursue to provide diversification (global farmland vs. family of funds vs. multimanager vs. vertical investments along the supply chain)? • What degree of diversification do the various models provide? • What are the trade-offs for end investors between a single diversified strategy and making multiple commitments to achieve diversification within their own allocation?

Coffee Break

4:15-5:00 Ag Biotech

Finding New Opportunities for Returns and Funding the Next Green Revolution As food prices have doubled in the last three years, international public perception is now beginning to shift to consider agricultural biotechnology. The right technology can positively impact the trajectory of the global food system, but in the biotech business that can be a 12-year proposition. • What lessons were learned from the first generation of biotech? • How can we expedite the process from back crop to commercial crop? • How does ag biotech resemble life sciences from an investment perspective? • What are the hurdles when it comes to public perception in Europe and beyond? Are there regulatory and trade issues to consider? • What are the possibilities for crops specific to biofuel production? • Is the public ready for continued genetic improvement of livestock? • What are the different ways of doing deals in the space? Royalties, FTE payments, milestones and more.

Register Now! Seating is Limited! • For more information, visit:

T h e P r e m i e r A g r i c u lt u r e I n v e s t i n g C on f e r e n c e S e r i e s

Tuesday, April 24 | Main Conference Day One (continued)


3:15-4:15 Central & Eastern European/Former Soviet

• With major ag potential in uncultivated territory, the 2016 Olympic Games and the 2014 World Cup, as well as a supportive political climate, how can investors take advantage of immediate infrastructure opportunities in Brazil? • What are the challenges of working in P3, PE, BOO, BOT and concessions? • How does one find the right partner for a long-term investment, especially when working internationally? • What kind of risk-return profiles can be expected from the different sectors along the supply chain, including shipping, toll roads, rail, storage facilities, etc.? • How does one navigate through federal, municipal, and provincial governments? • Which countries offer the most welcoming investment environment for investors?

Union Farmland

After decades of underinvestment, the implementation of modern agricultural practices can often double the productivity of the land. Hear from a panel of leading managers in the region with varying approaches in terms of geography, structure and execution. • What are the particular challenges and opportunities in this region compared to the global landscape? • What can investors expect with regards to risk profiles in CEE/FSU country to country, and how do active managers tackle these issues to ensure success? • How do the return expectations in the region compare to other geographies? 4:15-5:00 Transportation & Infrastructure Emerging markets worldwide will require massive investments for greenfield projects while the developed world struggles to make improvements to infrastructure that has been deteriorating for decades. Estimates indicating that over $2 trillion is needed in the US alone, underscore the great need for private capital to finance infrastructure development and repairs and the potential for steady returns from a long-term investment.

6:00-8:00 Networking Cocktail Reception

Agenda subject to change.

Wednesday, April 25 | Main Conference Day Two 7:30-8:30 Continental Breakfast 8:30-10:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS


8:30-9:30 Water

avigating the Waters and Finding Global N Opportunities in a Local Resource Demand for water is expected to double in the next twenty years with some analysts putting the need for worldwide water investment at over $800 billion within the next decade. Without rapid market penetration, a simple trading scheme, or even a clear understanding of water rights between states, let alone internationally, water poses a real challenge to investors who view it clearly as an opportunity while lacking an obvious implementation strategy. • What are the real economic opportunities in water now? • Where will the returns come from ten years from now? • What are the friction points that need to be addressed before water can be considered a legitimate, stand-alone asset class?

• Water as part of the ag portfolio: How does water affect farmland valuations and how will that change as the resource becomes more scarce? • Will wet water assets find a trading platform in the US? • How does water resemble and differ from the rest of the natural resources portfolio? • Will major deals in the near future happen in urban or rural water infrastructure? • What are the challenges and potential successes of different water strategies, including VC, PE, water ETFs, water-forenergy, and water utility equities? 9:30-10:30 Enabling Technologies A variety of modern technologies will help to enhance investor returns in agriculture, including GIS analysis of potential land acquisitions, GPS-guided precision agriculture, soil monitoring systems, animal diagnostics, and more. Hear from some of the leading providers of these enabling technologies and discover how they will help farm managers improve yields, soil health and investor returns.

Contact Us: + or 800.424.7692 • Register today at:


T h e P r e m i e r A g r i c u lt u r e I n v e s t i n g C on f e r e n c e S e r i e s

Wednesday, April 25 | Main Conference Day Two (continued)


• What are the different liquid strategies available to investors? • How do these strategies relate to the illiquid portfolio – in particular farmland? • What are the right questions for investors to ask when pursuing a liquid ag investment strategy?

8:30-9:30 Beyond Row Crops: Dairy, Livestock and

Permanent Crops

While investors have been financing permanent crops and animal protein production for many years, increasing demand for more varied diets across the developed world and the dramatic shift from grain-based diets to animal protein consumption occurring in developing economies has highlighted opportunities for investing in these ag sub-sectors, attracting significant levels of investment capital. • What are the fundamental drivers that are creating opportunities for investment in these sectors? • Why is 2012 an attractive time to allocate capital to dairy and livestock? • Why does an allocation to permanent crops make sense for a diversified portfolio? • What different operating models have been developed in order to realize attractive returns for investors? • Which types of production and regions of the world present attractive opportunities for these products? • What additional items should investors consider when reviewing investment opportunities outside of row crops? 9:30-10:30 Aquaculture Despite the depletion of wild fish stocks and commercial overfishing, global aquaculture production will have to increase to satisfy the growing demand for animal protein, particularly fish protein in Asia. From genetically modified salmon to environmental challenges, this nascent industry faces hurdles including public perception risks as well as safety and traceability issues. But with these challenges come limitless possibilities for new technologies, processes, habitats and feed. • How are investors looking at this space, and where are the most immediate opportunities? • What are the investment opportunities for fishmeal replacement? • What are the environmental concerns with large-scale aquaculture operations, and how are these being addressed? • How can institutional investors include aquaculture in the overall portfolio? • Where in the world are the best risk/return profiles for aquaculture?

12:00-1:00 North American Farmland While it is the most mature market for farmland investments and does not offer the return potential of the developing world, the U.S. and Canada still provide a very attractive opportunity for investors with appropriate objectives. Hear from a panel of managers with different strategies for how they approach the North American market. • Where are the opportunities geographically and by crop? • How do managers add value to enhance returns? • Will the inflow of investment capital move the markets? • How will the 2012 farm bill affect the investment community? • What are the risk implications of the aging farming population in the US? 1:00-2:15

Networking Lunch


African Farmland Though it has a sizable percentage of the globe’s reserves of potential rain-fed cropland, most of the continent of Africa has never employed modern techniques for agricultural production, processing and transportation, and producers often lack basic infrastructure, crop varieties optimized for local conditions, and other tools commonly available in more developed regions. However, for the handful of managers pioneering agricultural production in Africa, returns outweigh these challenges. • Where are the most attractive opportunities in Africa? • What are the particular political challenges and how have the managers addressed them? • How can managers assure transparency in their negotiations of large-scale land acquisitions and long-term concessions? • How do managers’ strategies in Africa address the issues of smallholders? • Which organizations are providing investment guarantees for foreign investors?


As institutional and corporate investment in large-scale agriculture expands, tensions have arisen over the potential displacement of smallholders and the risk of environmental degradation of undeveloped lands. While there have been abuses, agricultural operations backed by institutional investors generally have a strong sense of social, economic and environmental stewardship. Hear from leading players in the global agricultural investment arena about how they champion the triple bottom line as well as new business models that are being developed to sustainably increase agriculture production.

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break  11:00-12:00 Liquid Ag Investing Strategies Publicly listed ag equities, commodity future index funds, ag focused hedge funds and ag lending strategies provide those investors who are looking to increase their exposure to agriculture while maintaining a certain level of liquidity, with a more traditional exposure to the ag theme. In presenting these opportunities, leading managers will show that liquid investment in ag requires the same focus and specialization as illiquid investment strategies.

Responsible Investing in Agriculture

4:15-4:30 Closing Remarks 4:30

Conference Concludes

If you are interested in sponsoring or speaking on this program, contact Jared Rose:, +1.212.945.8494 or Kate Westfall:, +1.212.920.0738. 6

Register Now! Seating is Limited! • For more information, visit:

Conference Registration 4 EASY WAYS TO REGISTER: 1. WEB: 2. PHONE: +1.800.424.7692 or +1.207.244-9544 Ext. 102 3. FAX: + 4. MAIL: Print completed registration form and mail with check or money order to: HighQuest Partners, 300 Rosewood Drive, Suite 30, Danvers, MA 01923, USA

Registration Information Pricing Options

Thru March 2, 2012 March 3 – April 20, 2012

All-Access Pass April 23 – 25, 2012 (Includes Main Conference and Half-Day Course on Ag Fundamentals)

Main Conference Only April 24-25, 2012

On-site Registration Fee







All registration rates are inclusive of coffee breaks, meals, and cocktail receptions. All prices are in USD. Substitution Policy: You may substitute delegates at any time, (a nominal administrative fee will apply). 

 Cancellation Policy: Cancellations received in writing more than seven (7) days prior to the conference start date will receive a 100% credit to be used at another HighQuest Partners conference within 18 months from the date of the issuance. For cancellations received less than seven (7) days prior to the event no credits will be issued. No refunds will be provided for cancellations.

Qualified End Investors (Pension Funds, Endowments, Foundations, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Family Offices): Contact Jared Rose at +1.212.945.8494 or Kate Westfall at 212.920.0738 for registration details. Media Inquiries: Contact Frances Pratt at or Michelle Marshall at, +1.978.887.8800.

Venue/Accommodation The Waldorf=Astoria, 301 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 A block of rooms at a discounted rate will be held at The Waldorf=Astoria. You must book by April 2, 2012 to receive the group rate. Keep in mind that rooms in the dedicated block do sell out quickly, so please make your reservation early. Rooms booked after the cut-off date are based upon availability at the prevailing rate. To make reservations by phone, call 1-877-GROUP-WA. Be sure to mention Group Code: GAI. To reserve your hotel room online, visit the “Venue” page at

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The Premier Agriculture Investing Conference Series HighQuest Partners 300 Rosewood Drive, Suite 30 Danvers, MA 01923 USA Address Service Requested

T h e P r e m i e r A g r i c u lt u r e I n v e s t i n g C on f e r e n c e S e r i e s


The Waldorf=Astoria® April 23-25, 2012 New York

Keynote Speaker & Conference Guest

Asia Marina Bay Sands September 25-27, 2012 Singapore

Join our network: @globalaginvest Group: Global AgInvesting

Jim Rogers Investment Expert and Author

Group: Global AgInvesting

Europe London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square December 3-5, 2012 London Scan for a slideshow of last year’s event!

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