dUcg gex xefgn Machzor Ruach Chadashah Service for Rosh Hashanah Morning
New York
2003 - 5763
2015 - 5776
hat do we hope for when we open a prayer book for Rosh Hashanah? The editors of The American Reform movement’s prayer book posed such a question. We want to speak and sing tradition and open our hearts afresh. We will be pursuing Teshuvah (return) and Cheshbon HaNefesh (accounting of the soul) over the next ten days and we begin that journey today with this service. So that this year will count and we can follow a path of soul searching, reflection on where we have come from, hope and spiritual uplift. The machzor can, and should encourage us to navigate this. The layout and creation of this machzor was by Rabbi Lea Mühlstein, Northwood & Pinner Liberal Synagogue, having created a new Yom Kippor machzor for NPLS. We are profoundly grateful for her skill and care, both manifest in these pages. We wanted to try something different and yet familiar this year with a new machzor just for Rosh Hashanah morning. A prayer book that contains all the stages of Rosh Hashanah morning with a clear and direct guide in the margin of each page to navigate where we are in the service and where we will be going: Morning Blessings Songs of Praise The Sh’ma and its blessings The Amidah The Reading of Torah Sounding of the Shofar Concluding Prayers.
It is based in large parts on the Liberal Judaism Machzor Ruach Chadashah. Sections, which appear in black boxes are from the new Machzor of the Central Conference of American Rabbis Mishkan Hanefesh. We hope the combination may illuminate the stages of our prayer. We hope the clarification may be beneficial and the words, new and old on the pages inspire us all for a meaningful and imaginative service. May this be a good book and a good year for each of us. Rabbi Rebecca Birk
ברכות השחר:שחרית לראש השנה ברכות השחר
Putting on the Tallit:
Bless the Eternal One, O my soul! O God, You are very great! Arrayed in glory and majesty, You wrap yourself in light as with a garment, You stretch out the heavens like a curtain.
ּבָ ְר ִכי נ ְַפ ִׁשי אֶ ת־יְ הֹוָה! יְ הֹוָה ּג ַ ָֽד ְלּתָ ְּמאֹד! הֹוד וְ הָ ָדר,אֱֹלהַ י , עֹ טֶ ה אֹור ּכַ ּׂשַ ְלמָ ה. ָלָ ָ ֽב ְׁשּת .נֹוטֶ ה ׁשָ ַ ֽמיִ ם ּכַ יְ ִריעָ ה
Psalm 104:1-2
We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe: You sanctify us by Your commandments, and enjoin us to wrap ourselves in a fringed garment.
O Israel! Through Your great love, O God, I enter Your house; with
ֱֹלהינּו ֵֽ א
,ָיְ י
אָ ּתָ ה
ּבָ רּוְך
ׁשנּו ֽ ָ אֲׁשֶ ר ִק ְּד,ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך הָ עֹולָ ם ְל ִה ְתעַ ּטֵ ף
וְ ִצּוָ ֽנּו
ְּב ִמ ְצֹותָ יו .יצ ת ִ ּבַ ִּצ
ּׁשחַ ר ֽ ַ ִַּב ְרכֹות ה
,עקֹב ֲ ַי
,ליָך ֽ ֶ ָאֹה
ה־ּטֹבּו ֽ ַמ
!יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל אָ בֹוא
חַ ְס ְּדָך
,ֹתיָך ֽ ֶ ִמ ְׁש ְּכנ ְּברֹב
ַואֲנִ י
חוֶה אֶ ל־הֵ יכַ ל־ ֲ ַ אֶ ְׁשּת,יתָך ֽ ֶ ֵב
awe I worship in Your sanctuary.
.קׇ ְד ְׁשָך ְּביִ ְראָ ֶ ֽתָך
Eternal God, I love the house
,יתָך ֽ ֶ ֵה ְב ִּתי ְמעֹון ּב ֽ ַ ָ א,יְ הֹוָה
where Your glory dwells; humbly I worship before my God and Maker. May my prayer be acceptable to You, Eternal God. In Your great kindness, answer me with Your saving truth.
פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה
Morning Blessings ow lovely are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling-places,
Morning Blessings
.בֹודָך ֽ ֶ ְּכ
ִמ ְׁשּכַ ן
,וְ אֶ ְכ ָ ֽרעָ ה
חוֶה ֲ ַאֶ ְׁשּת
.עֹ ִׂשי
ִל ְפנֵי־יְ הֹוָה
ּומקֹום ְ ַואֲנִ י
אֶ ְב ְרכָ ה
עֵ ת, יְ הֹוָה,י־לָך ְ ַואֲנִ י ְת ִפּלָ ִת , ְּב ׇרב־חַ ְס ֶ ּֽדָך,ֱֹלהים ִ א.ָרצֹון .עֲנֵ �ֽנִ י ּבֶ אֱמֶ ת יִ ְׁש ֶעָֽך
The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: Morning Blessings ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
We praise you, Adonai our God, ruler of all time and space... We call You pokei·ach ivrim, the Opener of blind eyes. Help us to see Your world in a new light. We call You malbish arumim, the Dresser of those without clothing. Help us to put on the garments of health and life. We call You matir asurim, the Freer of captives. Help us to break free of the bonds that keep us locked within ourselves. We call You zokeif k’fufim, the Straightener of bent backs. Help us to find the power to stand upright and proud. We call You hameichin mitzadei gaver, the Steadiness in our steps. Help us to understand our journey ever more clearly. We call You hanotein laya·eif ko·ach, the Source of strength for the weary. Help us to be strong, and to be a source of strength for those we love. Rabbi Larry Bach For those who cannot rise It is written in our blessings: “Your great power lifts up the fallen.” But what of those who cannot stand up? The Hebrew letter vav appears in the word zokeif (lifts up). Vav is also a connection-word, meaning “and”: it signifies the link between heaven and earth, between human and divine. Those who stand up straight align themselves with heaven, signifying their aspiration to stretch upward and fulfil their highest potential. Yet the letter vav appears also in the word k’fufim (the fallen; the bent). Those whose bodies cannot rise possess the same divine essence, the same potential. Despite their physical limitations, they can rise within— in their hearts and in their minds. Inspired by a teaching of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
ברכות השחר:שחרית לראש השנה
overeign of all worlds, we lay our supplications before
You, relying not on our merit but on Your abundant mercy. For what are we? What is our
ל ֹא עַ ל־,ִרּבֹון ּכׇ ל־הָ עֹולָ ִמים ילים ִ מַ ִּפ
אֲנַ ְֽחנּו
עַ ל
,ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך
ּתַ חֲנּונֵ ֽינּו
.הָ ַר ִּבים
ֲמיָך ֽ ֶ ַרח
קֹותינּו ֽ ֵ ִצ ְד
life, and what our piety, what
מֶ ה, מֶ ה חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו,מָ ה אֲנַ ְֽחנּו
our goodness, and what our
מַ ה־
,מַ ה־ּיְ ׁשּועָ ֵ ֽתנּו
,חַ ְס ֵ ּֽדנּו
מַ ה־
,ֹחנּו ֽ ֵ מַ ה־ּכ
,ִּצ ְד ֵ ֽקנּו
strength? What can we say in Your presence, Eternal God? Are not the mightiest of us as nothing before You, the famous
,בּור ֵ ֽתנּו? מַ ה־נ ֹאמַ ר ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך ָ ְּג ?ֲבֹותינּו ֽ ֵ ֱֹלהינּו וֵאֹלהֵ י א ֽ ֵ יְ ָי א
as though they had never lived,
ְּכ ַ ֽאיִ ן
the learned as if they had no
, וְ אַ נְ ׁשֵ י הַ ּׁשֵ ם ְּכל ֹא הָ יּו,ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך
knowledge, the wise as if without
ּונְ בֹונִ ים,ַוחֲכָ ִמים ִּכ ְב ִלי מַ ָּדע
understanding? For most of what we do is futile, and our life on earth is but a span; our superiority over other animals amounts to little,
ּבֹורים ִ ִּכׇ ל־הַ ּג
?הַ ְׂשּכֵ ל
covenant, and called to Your service. Therefore it is right that we should thank and praise You, to proclaim Your holiness, and daily say before You:
ִּכ ְב ִלי
וִ ימֵ י,ֲׂשינּו ּֽתֹהּו ֽ ֵ ִּכי רֹב מַ ע הבֶ ל ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך; ּומֹותַ ר ֽ ֶ חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו ִּכי,הָ אָ ָדם ִמן הַ ְּבהֵ מָ ה ָ ֽאיִ ן .הבֶ ל ֽ ָ הַ ּכֹל
for all is vanity. Nevertheless we are Your
הֲל ֹא
,יתָך ֽ ֶ אֲבַ ל אֲנַ ְֽחנּו עַ ְּמָך ְּבנֵי ְב ִר .ֲבֹוד ֶ ֽתָך ָ לַ ע
ָקָ ָ ֽראת
אֹותנּו ֽ ָ ְו
ְל ִפיכָ ְך אֲנַ ְֽחנּו חַ ּי ִָבים ְלהֹודֹות ּולקַ ֵּדׁש ְ ּולבָ ֵרְך ְ ,ּולׁשַ ּבֵ חֲָך ְ ְלָך ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך
וְ לֹומַ ר
,ת־ׁש ֶ ֽמָך ְ ֶא :ְּב כׇ ל־יֹום
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: Songs of Praise ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה
appy are we! How good is our portion, how pleasant our lot, how beautiful our heritage. Happy are we, who are called to
!חֶ ְל ֵ ֽקנּו
מַ ה־ּטֹוב
!אַ ְׁש ֵ ֽרינּו
לנּו! ּומַ ה־יָפָ ה ֽ ֵ ּגֹור ָ ּומַ ה־ּנ ִָעים !יְ ֻר ּׁשָ ֵ ֽת נּו ימים ִ ׁשֶ אֲנַ ְֽחנּו מַ ְׁש ִּכ,אַ ְׁש ֵ ֽרינּו
The Amidah
rise each morning and evening,
,ָו ֹֽבקֶ ר
קריאת התורה
twice every day, and say:
:ֲמיִ ם ְּבכׇ ל־יֹום ֽ ַ אֹומ ִרים ּפַ ע ְ ְו
Hear, O Israel: the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God is One.
,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ יְ הֹוָה א:ְׁשמַ ע יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל
The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Praised for ever be God’s glorious majesty. We praise You, O and publicly sanctify name.
God, Your
to be. We praise the One whose word is deed, whose will is done.
,יבים ִ ּומַ ע ֲִר
.יְ הֹוָה אֶ חָ ד ּבָ רּוְך ׁשֵ ם ְּכבֹוד מַ ְלכּותֹו .וָעֶ ד
ְלעֹולָ ם
ְמקַ ֵּדׁש אֶ ת־,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י .ִׁש ְמָך ּבָ ַר ִּבים
Songs of Praise raised be the One at whose command the world came
ֶע ֶֽרב
ְּפסּוקֵ י ְדזִ ְמ ָרא
,ּבָ רּוְך ׁשֶ אָ מַ ר וְ הָ יָה הָ עֹולָ ם אֹומֵ ר
ּבָ רּוְך
ּבָ רּוְך
.ּומקַ ּיֵם ְ ּבָ רּוְך ּגֹוזֵר,וְ עֹוׂשֶ ה
We praise the One who has mercy
,הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ
on the earth and its inhabitants.
.ּבָ רּוְך ְמ ַרחֵ ם עַ ל הַ ְּב ִרּיֹות
We praise the One who dispels darkness and brings on light. We praise the living and eternal God. We praise the saving and redeeming God.
עַ ל
ְמ ַרחֵ ם
ּבָ רּוְך
ּבָ רּוְך מַ ע ֲִביר אֲפֵ לָ ה ּומֵ ִביא ּבָ רּוְך חַ י לָ עַ ד וְ קַ ּיָם.אֹורה ָ ,ּפֹודה ּומַ ִּציל ֶ ּבָ רּוְך,לָ נֶ ֽצַ ח .ּבָ רּוְך ְׁשמֹו
פסוקי דזמרא:שחרית לראש השנה
e praise You, our God, Sovereign of the universe, worshipped by Your people, lauded and glorified by those who love and serve You. With songs of praise we extol You, and proclaim Your sovereignty, sole Source of the life of all worlds. We praise You, Sovereign God, to whom all praise is due.
Morning Blessings
, הַ ְּמהֻ ּלָ ל ְּב ִפי עַ ּמֹו,הָ עֹולָ ם
פסוקי דזמרא
ידיו ָ ּומפֹאָ ר ִּב ְלׁשֹון ח ֲִס ְ ְמׁשֻ ּבָ ח ּובזְ ִמירֹות ִ ִּב ְׁשבָ חֹות.ַועֲבָ ָדיו ,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ מַ ְל
,יכָך ְ וְ נ ְַמ ִל
נְ ג ֶַּד ְלָך
. חֵ י הָ עֹולָ ִמים,י ִָחיד ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ְמהֻ ּלָ ל,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י .ּבַ ִּת ְׁש ּבָ חֹות
מֵ ַ ֽאיִ ן:אֶ ּׂשָ א עֵ ינַי אֶ ל־הֶ הָ ִרים ,יָב ֹא עֶ זְ ִרי? עֶ זְ ִרי מֵ ִעם יְ הֹוָה .עֹ ׂשֵ ה ׁשָ ַ ֽמיִ ם ו ָ ָֽא ֶרץ
From Psalm 27
he Eternal One is my light and my salvation, whom should I fear? The Eternal One is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? One thing only do I ask of God: to dwell in the house of the Eternal One all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Eternal God, and to seek God in the sanctuary.
ִמ ִּמי
Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
From Psalm 121
nto the hills I lift up my eyes: from where shall my help come? My help comes from the Eternal God, maker of heaven and earth.
ברכות השחר
ֱֹלהינּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ֽ ֵ א,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
,וְ יִ ְׁש ִעי
אֹורי ִ
יְ הֹוָה
ִמ ִּמי,ירא? יְ הֹוָה מָ עֹוז־חַ ּיַי ָ ִא ? אֶ ְפ חָ ד ,מֵ אֵ ת־יְ הֹוָה
ׁשָ ַ ֽא ְל ִּתי
אַ חַ ת
ִׁש ְב ִּתי ְּבבֵ ית־:אֹותָ ּה אֲבַ ּקֵ ׁש לַ חֲזֹות,יְ הֹוָה ּכׇ ל־יְ מֵ י חַ ּיַי ּולבַ ּקֵ ר ְ
,ְּב ֽנֹעַ ם־יְ הֹוָה .ְּב הֵ יכָ לֹו
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: Songs of Praise ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
raised be the Eternal One for ever. Amen and Amen. Praised be the Eternal God, the God of Israel, who does wonderful things. Let God’s glorious name be praised for ever, and let the whole earth be filled with God’s glory.
. אָ מֵ ן וְ אָ מֵ ן.ּבָ רּוְך יְ ָי ְלעֹולָ ם אֱֹלהֵ י
,ֱֹלהים ִ א
יְ ָי
ּבָ רּוְך
. עֹ ׂשֵ ה נִ ְפלָ אֹות ְלבָ ּדֹו,יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ,ּובָ רּוְך ׁשֵ ם ְּכבֹודֹו ְלעֹולָ ם .וְ יִ ּמָ לֵ א ְכבֹודֹו אֶ ת־ּכׇ ל־הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ .אָ מֵ ן וְ אָ מֵ ן
Amen and Amen.
To awake from sleep each morning recalls Your mystifying promise that death is not the end, but when this world awakens to the messianic dawn souls and bodies will somehow join together once again in one grand reunion of the human race. When I awoke this morning it was as though that mystery was rehearsed for as I gradually emerged from sleep my soul became aware of my body once again in a small but wondrous reunion of my own humanity. Rabbi Richard N. Levy Precious above all is the soul within me. A spark of childhood innocence: curious, hopeful, loving, and good. Whatever I’ve done, wherever I’ve gone wrong, however I’ve been hurt— I know its light still shines. May I return and reconnect with the part of me that belongs to You— my divine core: eternal, incorruptible. We praise You, O God, all life is in Your hand; and in Your care, the soul of every human being.
אֲׁשֶ ר ְּביָדֹו,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י וְ ֽרּוח ּכָ ל ְּבׂשַ ר,נֶ ֽפֶ ׁש ּכָ ל חָ י .ִאיׁש
שמע וברכותיה:שחרית לראש השנה
he soul of every living being shall praise Your name, Eternal One, our God, and the spirit of all flesh shall acclaim Your majesty for ever. From everlasting to everlasting You are God. God
generations, of all creatures, to whom our praise ascends: You guide the world with constant love, Your children with tender care. To You alone we give
נִ ְׁשמַ ת ּכׇ ל־חַ י ְּתבָ ֵרְך אֶ ת־ ּוח ּכׇ ל־ ַ וְ ֽר,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ יְ ָי א,ִׁש ְמָך ,ּותרֹומֵ ם זִ ְכ ְרָך ְ ּבָ ׂשָ ר ְּתפָ אֵ ר ִמן הָ עֹולָ ם. ּתָ ִמיד,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ מַ ְל .וְ עַ ד־הָ עֹולָ ם אַ ּתָ ה אֵ ל ,אֱֹלהֵ י הָ ִראׁשֹונִ ים וְ הָ אַ חֲרֹונִ ים אֲדֹון
,ל־ּב ִרּיֹות ְ ּכׇ
ֹוּה ַ א ֱֽל
הַ ְמהֻ ּלָ ל ְּברֹב,ּכׇ ל־ּתֹולָ דֹות עֹולָ מֹו
הַ ְמנַהֵ ג
,הַ ִּת ְׁשּבָ חֹות
.ּוב ִרּיֹותָ יו ְּב ַרח ֲִמים ְ חסֶ ד ֽ ֶ ְּב .מֹודים ִ ְלָך ְלבַ ְּדָך אֲנַ ְֽחנּו
thanks. For so it is written: All my bones shall say: Who is like You, Eternal One? Therefore we extol You, and proclaim Your glory, and praise Your holy name, as it is said:
ּכׇ ל־עַ ְצמֹותַ י:ּכַ ָּדבָ ר ׁשֶ ּכָ תּוב ִמי כָ ֽמֹוָך? נְ הַ ּלֶ ְלָך,ָ יְ י:ֹאמ ְרנָה ֽ ַ ּת ּונְ ׁשַ ּבֵ חֲָך ּונְ פָ אֶ ְרָך ּונְ בָ ֵרְך אֶ ת־ : ּכָ אָ מּור,ׁשָך ֽ ֶ ׁשֵ ם קׇ ְד
Praise the Eternal One, O my soul; let all that is within me praise God’s holy name.
וְ כׇ ל־,ָ אֶ ת־יְ י, נ ְַפ ִׁשי,ּבָ ְר ִכי
The Sh’ma and its Blessings
ָכֹותיה ֽ ֶ ּוב ְר ִ ְׁשמַ ע
!קׇ ְדׁשֹו
אֶ ת־ׁשֵ ם
ְק ָרבַ י
.ּבָ ְרכּו אֶ ת־יְ ָי הַ ְמב ָֹרְך .ּבָ רּוְך יְ ָי הַ ְמב ָֹרְך ְלעֹולָ ם וָעֶ ד Praised be the One to whom our praise is due. We praise the Eternal One to whom our praise is due for ever.
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Sh’ma and its Blessings ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
e praise You, Eternal One, our God, Sovereign of the universe, Maker of light and Creator of darkness, Author of peace and Creator of all things. In Your mercy You give light to the earth and all who live on it, and in Your goodness You renew creation continually, day by day. How manifold are Your works, O God! With wisdom have You made them all; the world is full of Your creations. Your handiwork proclaims Your praise; the radiant stars bear witness to Your glory. We praise You, Creator of light.
reat is Your love for us, Eternal God, and abundant
Your compassion. Our ancestors trusted in You, and You taught them the laws of life; so be gracious to us, and teach us. Incline our hearts to hear Your words, to know and understand,
ֱֹלהינּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ֽ ֵ א,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י ּובֹורא ֵ יֹוצֵ ר אֹור,הָ עֹולָ ם ּובֹורא אֶ ת־ ֵ עֹ ׂשֶ ה ׁשָ לֹום,ֽחׁשֶ ְך הַ ּמֵ ִאיר לָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ וְ לַ ָּד ִרים.הַ ּכֹל ּובטּובֹו ְ ּתָ ִמיד
,ְּב ַרח ֲִמים ְּבכׇ ל־יֹום
ָליה ֽ ֶ ָע ְמחַ ֵּדׁש
מָ ה ַרּבּו.אׁשית ִ מַ עֲׂשֵ ה ְב ֵר יְ יָ! ּכֻ ּלָ ם ְּבחׇ ְכמָ ה,ֲׂשיָך ֽ ֶ מַ ע . מָ ְלאָ ה הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ ִקנְ יָנֶ ֽיָך, ָעָ ִ ֽׂשית ל־ׁשבַ ח ֶֽ ַ ע,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ יְ ָי א,ִּת ְתּבָ ַרְך אֹורי־אֹור ֵ ל־מ ְ ַמַ עֲׂשֵ ה י ֶ ָֽדיָך וְ ע . יְ פָ א ֲֽרּוָך ֶ ּֽסלָ ה. ָׁשֶ עָ ִ ֽׂשית יֹוצֵ ר
,ָיְ י
אַ ּתָ ה
ּבָ רּוְך
.הַ ְּמאֹורֹות יְ ָי
,אֲהַ ְב ָ ּֽתנּו
גְ דֹולָ ה
ָרּבָ ה
חֶ ְמלָ ה
אַ הֲבָ ה ,ֱֹלהינּו ֵֽ א
אָ ִ ֽבינּו.לינּו ֽ ֵ ָוִ יתֵ ָרה חָ ַ ֽמ ְלּתָ ע ֲבֹותינּו ֵֽ א
ּבַ עֲבּור
,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ מַ ְל
ׁשֶ ּבָ ְטחּו ְבָך ו ְַּתלַ ְּמ ֵדם חֻ ּקֵ י .ּותלַ ְּמ ֵ ֽדנּו ְ ּכֵ ן ְּתחׇ ּנֵ ֽנּו,חַ ּיִ ים
to learn and teach, and with
,ּולהַ ְׂש ִּכיל ְ וְ תֵ ן ְּב ִל ֵ ּֽבנּו ְלהָ ִבין
love to uphold the truths of
,ּוללַ ּמֵ ד ְ
Your Torah. Enlighten us with Your Teaching, make us faithful to Your commandments, and whole-hearted in the love and
ִל ְלמֹד
,ִל ְׁש ֹֽמ ַע
ּולקַ ּיֵם אֶ ת־ ְ ִל ְׁשמֹר וְ לַ עֲׂשֹות . ְּבאַ הֲבָ ה,תֹור ֶ ֽתָך ָ ל־ּד ְב ֵרי ִ ּכׇ וְ ַדּבֵ ק,תֹור ֶ ֽתָך ָ וְ הָ אֵ ר עֵ ינֵ ֽינּו ְּב
שמע וברכותיה:שחרית לראש השנה
awe of Your name. For in love
וְ יַחֵ ד ְלבָ ֵ ֽבנּו,ֹותיָך ֽ ֶ ִל ֵ ּֽבנּו ְּב ִמ ְצ
Morning Blessings
You summon us to serve You
ִּכי.ת־ׁש ֶ ֽמָך ְ ֶּוליִ ְראָ ה א ְ ְלאַ הֲבָ ה
פסוקי דזמרא
and proclaim Your unity.
.ח ְרּתָ ְליַחֶ ְדָך ְּבאַ הֲבָ ה ֽ ַ ָָ ֽבנּו ב
We praise You, O God: in love You have called Your people Israel to serve You.
הַ ּבֹוחֵ ר ְּבעַ ּמֹו,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י .יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ְּבאַ הֲבָ ה
ברכות השחר
Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah
חד ֽ ָ ֱֶֹלה֖ינּו יְ הֹוָ ֥ה א ֵ ְׁש ַמ֖ע יִ ְׂש ָר ֵא֑ל יְ הֹוָ ֥ה א
תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar
Hear, O Israel: the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God is One.
תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
ּבָ רּוְך ׁשֵ ם ְּכבֹוד מַ ְלכּותֹו ְלעֹולָ ם וָעֶ ד Praised for ever be God’s glorious majesty.
ou shall love the Eternal One, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might. Let these words, which I command you this day, be always in your heart. Teach them diligently to your children; speak of them in your home and on your way, when you lie down and when you rise up. Bind them as a sign upon your hand; let them be like frontlets between your eyes; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates.
ֱֹלה֑יָך ֶ וְ ָא֣הַ ְב ֔ ָּת ֵא֖ת יְ הֹוָ ֣ה א ּ֖ובכׇ ל־נ ְַפ ְׁשָך ְ
֥ל־ל ָ ֽב ְבָך ְ ְּבכׇ
וְ הָ יּ֞ו הַ ְּדבָ ִ ֣רים:ֹדָך ֽ ֶ ל־מא ְ ּובכׇ ְ ֹכי ְמצַ ּוְ ָך֛ הַ ּיֹ֖ום ֧ ִ ֲׁשר ָ ֽאנ ֶ ֨ הָ ֵ֗אּלֶ ה א וְ ִׁשּנַנְ ָּת֣ם ְלבָ ֶנ֔יָך:ל־לבָ ֶ ֽבָך ְ ַע ֙ יתָך ֶ ֨ ֵּת ָּב֑ם ְּב ִׁש ְב ְּתָך֤ ְּבב ֖ ָ וְ ִדּבַ ְר ּ֖וֽ ְבׁשׇ ְכ ְּבָך
בַ ֶ ּ֔ד ֶרְך
ּ֣ובלֶ ְכ ְּתָך ְ
ּתם ְלא֖ ֹות עַ ל־ ֥ ָ ּוקׁשַ ְר ְ :קּומָך ֽ ֶ ּוב ְ :י ֶָדָ֑ך וְ הָ יּ֥ו ְל ֽטֹטָ ֖פֹת ֵּב֥ין עֵ ינֶ ֽיָך יתָך ֖ ֶ ֵּב
ל־מ ֻזזֹ֥ות ְ ַע
ּוכתַ ְב ָּת֛ם ְ :ּוב ְׁש עָ ֶ ֽר יָך ִ
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Sh’ma and its Blessings ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
e mindful of all My commandments, and do them: so shall you be consecrated to your God. I, the Eternal One, am your God who led you out of Egypt to be your God; I, the Eternal One, am your God.
rue and beautiful and good; sound, established and
enduring are these words, now and for ever. True it is, Eternal One, that You are our Sovereign God and Redeemer, as You were the God and Redeemer of our ancestors; You are our Maker,
יתם אֶ ת־ ֖ ֶ ֲׂש ִ ְל ַמ֣עַ ן ִּתזְ ְּכ ֔רּו וַ ֽ ע ֹׁשים ֖ ִ יתם ְקד ֥ ֶ ִֹות֑י ִ ֽו ְהי ָ ל־מ ְצ ִ ּכׇ יכם ֶ ֗ ֵ א ֲִנ֞י יְ הֹוָ ֣ה א ֱֹֽלה:יכם ֽ ֶ ֵאֹלה ֽ ֵל ֤אתי אֶ ְתכֶ ם ֙ מֵ ֶא ֶ֣רץ ִ הֹוצ ֵ ֲׁשר ֶ֨ א אֹלה֑ים ִ ל ֽ ֵ ִמ ְצ ַ ֔ריִ ם ִל ְהיֹ֥ות לָ ֶכ֖ם :יכם ֽ ֶ ֵא ֲִנ֖י יְ הֹוָ ֥ה א ֱֹֽלה אֱמֶ ת וְ י ִַּציב וְ יָׁשָ ר וְ קַ ּיָם וְ טֹוב לינּו ֽ ֵ ָע
הַ ּזֶה
הַ ָּדבָ ר
וְ יָפֶ ה
אֱמֶ ת ׁשָ אַ ּתָ ה הּוא.ְלעֹולָ ם וָעֶ ד ,ֲבֹותינּו ֽ ֵ ֱֹלהינּו וֵאֹלהֵ י א ֽ ֵ יְ ָי א יֹוצ ֵ ֽרנּו ְ ,ֲבֹותינּו ֽ ֵ ּכנּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך א ֽ ֵ מַ ְל ילנּו ֽ ֵ ּפֹודנּו ּומַ ִּצ ֵֽ ,צּור יְ ׁשּועָ ֵ ֽתנּו
the Rock of our salvation. We
ֱֹלהים ִ אֵ ין א,מֵ עֹולָ ם הּוא ְׁש ֶ ֽמָך
have known You always as
our Helper and our Liberator; there is no God but You. Truly You are first and You are last;
אַ ּתָ ה
אֱמֶ ת
.זּולָ ֶ ֽתָך
,ִראׁשֹון וְ אַ ּתָ ה הּוא אַ חֲרֹון .יע ַ מֹוׁש ִֽ לנּו ֽ ָ ּומּבַ ְלעָ ֶ ֽדיָך אֵ ין ִ
we have no Redeemer but You.
,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ יְ ָי א,ִמ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ּגְ אַ ְל ָ ּֽתנּו
You redeemed us from Egypt
מֹׁשֶ ה.יתנּו ֽ ָ ּומּבֵ ית עֲבָ ִדים ְּפ ִד ִ
and freed us from the house of bondage. Then, with great joy, Moses, Miriam and all Israel
ּובנֵי יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ְלָך עָ נּו ְ ּומ ְריָם ִ וְ אָ ְמרּו,ירה ְּב ִׂש ְמחָ ה ַרּבָ ה ָ ִׁש :כֻ ּלָ ם
together sang to You this song: Who is like You, Eternal One, among the gods people worship? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, awesome in splendour, doing wonders?
?יְ הֹוָה
ּבָ אֵ ִלם
ִמי־כָ ֽמֹכָ ה
,ּבַ ֹּֽק ֶדׁש
נ ְֶא ָּדר
,ִמי־ּכָ ֽמֹכָ ה
? עֹֽ ׂשֵ ה ֶ ֽפלֶ א,נֹורא ְת ִהֹּלת ָ
עמידה:שחרית לראש השנה
A new song the redeemed sang to Your name at the shore of the sea; with one accord, they
אּולים ִ ְירה ח ֲָדׁשָ ה ִׁש ְּבחּו ג ָ ִׁש ;הַ ּיָם
ל־ׂשפַ ת ְ ַע
ְל ִׁש ְמָך
ֽ ִ יַ ֽחַ ד ּכֻ ּלָ ם הֹודּו וְ ִה ְמ gave thanks and proclaimed ליכּו Your sovereignty: : וְ אָ ְמ ר ּו The Eternal God shall reign for ever and ever!
!יְ הֹוָה יִ ְמֹלְך ְלעֹ לָ ם וָעֶ ד
O Rock of Israel, sustain Your people Israel. For You, God of the hosts of heaven, are our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.
ֽקּומָ ה ְּבעֶ זְ ַרת,צּור יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל
We praise You, O God, Redeemer of Israel.
The Amidah
,ֲלנּו יְ ָי ְצבָ אֹות ְׁשמֹו ֽ ֵ ֹּגא.יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל .ְקדֹוׁש יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל . ּגָאַ ל יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
ידה ָ עַ ִמ
Three Steps Forward. Rabbi Eleazar of Worms (1176–1238) connects this custom with three places in the Bible where the phrase “he approached” (Hebrew: vayigash) introduces an act of supplication before God. In the first, Abraham “draws near” to God to intercede for the people of Sodom (Genesis 18:23); in the second, Judah approaches Joseph to plead on behalf of Benjamin (Genesis 44:18); in the third, the prophet Elijah prays that God become manifest to save the people from idolatrous error (I Kings 18:36). In these three stories, our biblical forebears “approach” God in order to protect their fellow human beings. As we take our three steps forward, we might imagine ourselves following in their footsteps. Editors of Mishkan Hanefesh
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Amidah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
How do we begin to pray? It is in order to feel ourselves in God’s presence, I believe, that we take three steps forward [at the beginning of the Amidah, also called the T’filah]. I think of them as a spiritual Copernican revolution. During most of my waking hours I see myself at the centre of existence. This is a healthy and existentially necessary perspective. As Hillel is reputed to have said, “If I am not for myself, then who will be?” When I pray, however, I am called upon to view myself in a radically different way. I am not the fixed point around which all else revolves. I am merely one of God’s satellites, launched in order to fulfil a mission that I must strive to become aware of through study and prayer. I am but a temporary manifestation of God’s eternal reality. The three steps, like the camera that zooms in, move me out of my self-centeredness and into connectedness with a reality that includes and transcends my own. Not only is God’s presence now felt, it is also clear that my own presence, my own reality, is inextricably linked to God’s. The three steps and the transformation of consciousness they trigger are important not only because they put my relationship to God into proper perspective, they also transform the very nature of my prayer. I may have approached prayer as a consumer, seeing my prayers as an opportunity to ask what God has done for me lately and to present my list of requests. The three steps help me reconfigure myself as a servant of God, for whom the essential question is not “How can I get what I want?” but rather “What is it that God wants of me?” The three steps transform the Amidah into a meditation on God’s will and an attempt to unite with that will. Rabbi Eliezer Diamond
.ּופי יַּגִ יד ְּת ִהּלָ ֶ ֽתָך ִ ,דנָי ְׂשפָ תַ י ִּת ְפּתָ ח ֹ א ֲ Eternal God, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.
עמידה:שחרית לראש השנה
e praise You, Eternal One, our God and God of our
ancestors: of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; of Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah; great and mighty, awesome and exalted God. You deal kindly with us and embrace us all You remember the faithfulness of our ancestors,
ֱֹלהינּו וֵאֹלהֵ י ֽ ֵ א,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י אֱֹלהֵ י
:ּמֹותינּו ֽ ֵ וְ ִא
ֲבֹותינּו ֵֽ א
אֱֹלהֵ י יִ ְצחָ ק וֵאֹלהֵ י,אַ ְב ָרהָ ם אֱֹלהֵ י,עקֹב; אֱֹלהֵ י ׂשָ ָרה ֲ ַי אֱֹלהֵ י ָרחֵ ל וֵאֹלהֵ י,ִר ְבקָ ה לֵ אָ ה; הָ אֵ ל הַ ּגָדֹול הַ ּגִ ּבֹור ּגֹומֵ ל
. אֵ ל עֶ ְליֹון,ּנֹורא ָ ַוְ ה
,טֹובים וְ קֹונֵה הַ ּכֹל ִ חֲסָ ִדים
and in love bring redemption to
,וְ זֹוכֵ ר חַ ְס ֵדי אָ בֹות וְ ִאּמָ הֹות
their children’s children for the
,ּומֵ ִביא ּגְ אֻ ּלָ ה ִל ְבנֵי ְבנֵיהֶ ם .ְל ַ ֽמעַ ן ְׁשמֹו ְּבאַ הֲבָ ה
sake of Your name. Remember us for life, for You, O Sovereign, delight in life; and inscribe us in the Book of Life, for Your sake, O God of life.
ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך חָ פֵ ץ,ז ְׇכ ֵ ֽרנּו לַ חַ ּיִ ים
You are our Sovereign and Helper, our Redeemer and Shield.
.יע ּומָ גֵן ַ ּומֹוׁש ִֽ ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך עֹוזֵר
We praise You, O God, Shield of Abraham and Protector of Sarah.
מָ גֵן אַ ְב ָרהָ ם,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
, וְ כׇ ְת ֵ ֽבנּו ְּב ֵ ֽספֶ ר הַ חַ ּיִ ים,ּבַ חַ ּיִ ים .ֱֹלהים חַ ּיִ ים ִ ְלמַ עַ נְ ָך א
.וְ עֶ זְ ַרת ׂשָ ָרה
nending is Your might, Eternal One; You are the Source of eternal life; great is Your power to redeem.
,דנָי ֹ א ֲ ,אַ ּתָ ה ּגִ ּבֹור ְלעֹולָ ם
You cause the wind to blow
,ּומֹוריד הַ ּגֶ ֽׁשֶ ם ִ ּוח ַ מַ ִּׁשיב הָ ֽר
and the rain to fall, the sun to shine and the dew to descend.
,ַ ֽאּתָ ה
מֵ ִתים
ְמחַ ּיֵה
. ְל ה ֹו ִ ֽׁש י ַע ּומֹוריד ִ
ּׁשמֶ ׁש ֽ ֶ ַה
יח ַ מַ זְ ִ ֽר . הַ ּטָ ל
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Amidah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
In Your love You sustain the living; in Your compassion You grant us eternal life. You support the falling and heal the sick; You free the captive and keep faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who is like You, Source of all strength? Who is Your equal, Sovereign Author of life and death, whose will it is that goodness shall prevail? Who is like You, Source of mercy? In Your mercy You remember Your creatures, and grant them life. Trusting in You, we see life beyond
We praise You, O God, Source
ְמחַ ּיֵה,חסֶ ד ֽ ֶ ְמכַ ְלּכֵ ל חַ ּיִ ים ְּב סֹומֵ ְך.מֵ ִתים ְּב ַרח ֲִמים ַר ִּבים ּומַ ִּתיר,חֹולים ִ וְ רֹופֵ א,נֹופ ִלים ְ ּומקַ ּיֵם אֱמּונָתֹו ִליׁשֵ נֵי ְ ,ֲסּורים ִ א .עָ פָ ר ּומי ִ , ַ ּֽבעַ ל ּגְ בּורֹות,ִמי כָ ֽמֹוָך ּומחַ ּיֶה ְ ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך מֵ ִמית,ּֽדֹומֶ ה ּלָ ְך ?יח יְ ׁשּועָ ה ַ ּומַ ְצ ִ ֽמ ,הָ ַרח ֲִמים
אַ ב
,כָ ֽמֹוָך
לַ חַ ּיִ ים
צּוריו ָ ְי
זֹוכֵ ר ?ְּב ַרח ֲִמים
.וְ ֶנאֱמָ ן אַ ּתָ ה ְלהַ חֲיֹות מֵ ִתים ְמחַ ּיֵה
,ָיְ י
אַ ּתָ ה
ּבָ רּוְך .הַ ּמֵ ִתים
of eternal life.
e revere and sanctify You, even as in the prophet’s vision the seraphim sanctified You in the Temple, as it is written: They called to one another and proclaimed:
יח ַ יׁשָך ְּכסֹוד ִ ֽׂש ְ יצָך וְ נ ְַק ִּד ְ ַנע ֲִר
Holy, holy, holy is the Eternal One, God of the hosts of heaven! The whole earth is filled with God’s glory!
יְ הֹוָה, קָ דֹוׁש, קָ דֹוׁש,קָ דֹוׁש
Eternal One, our God, how glorious is Your name in all the earth!
מָ ה־אַ ִּדיר ִׁש ְמָך,אדֹנֵ ֽינּו ֲ יְ הֹוָה
יׁשים ִׁש ְמָך ִ הַ ּמַ ְק ִּד,ׂשַ ְרפֵ י ֹֽק ֶדׁש :יאָך ֽ ֶ ּכַ ּכָ תּוב עַ ל־יַד נְ ִב,ּבַ ֹּֽק ֶדׁש :וְ קָ ָרא זֶה אֶ ל־זֶה וְ אָ מַ ר
כׇ ל־הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ
ְמל ֹא
,ְצבָ אֹות ! ְּכ ב ֹו ד ֹו
!ְּבכׇ ל־הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ
עמידה:שחרית לראש השנה
Praised be God’s glory in all creation!
!ּבָ רּוְך ְּכבֹוד־יְ הֹוָה ִמ ְּמקֹומֹו
From Your concealment turn
,ִמ ְּמקֹומֹו הּוא ִ ֽיפֶ ן ְּב ַרח ֲִמים
to us in mercy; be gracious to the people who call You One, who continually, twice each day,
וְ יָחֹון עַ ם הַ ְּמ ַיח ֲִדים ְׁשמֹו ֶע ֶֽרב ֲמיִ ם ֽ ַ ּפַ ע,ָו ֹֽבקֶ ר ְּבכׇ ל־יֹום ּתָ ִמיד :אֹומ ִרים ְ ְּבאַ הֲבָ ה ְׁשמַ ע
proclaim with love: Hear, O Israel: the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God is One.
,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ יְ הֹוָה א:ְׁשמַ ע יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל
You are the One God, our
, הּוא אָ ִ ֽבינּו,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ אֶ חָ ד הּוא א
loving Creator, our Sovereign and our Redeemer; and in mercy You will once again enable us
.יְ הֹוָה אֶ חָ ד ;יעֽנּו ֵ מֹוׁש ִ הּוא,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ הּוא מַ ְל יעֽנּו ְּב ַרחֲמָ יו ׁשֵ נִ ית ֵ ַׁש ִמ ְ וְ הּוא י :ְלעֵ ינֵי ּכׇ ל־חָ י
and all who live to hear: I, the Eternal One, am your God. And with the Psalmist we
.אֲנִ י יְ הֹוָה אֱֹלהֵ יכֶ ם ּכָ תּוב
for ever; your God, O Zion, from
ּוב ִד ְב ֵרי ְ : לֵ א מ ֹו ר
de c l a re : The Eternal One shall reign
קׇ ְד ְׁשָך
ֱֹלהיִ ְך ֽ ַ א,יִ ְמֹלְך יְ הֹוָה ְלעֹולָ ם . ְלדֹר ָודֹר,ִצּיֹון
generation to generation. Praise
!הַ ְללּויָּה
the Eternal One! From generation to generation we will make known Your greatness; to the end of time we will proclaim Your holiness. Your praise, O our God, shall never depart from our lips.
ּולנֵ ֽצַ ח ְ ,לָך ֽ ֶ ְלדֹור וָדֹור נַּגִ יד ּג ְׇד
You are holy; awesome is Your name; there is no God but You, as it is written:
וְ אֵ ין,נֹורא ְׁש ֶ ֽמָך ָ ְקָ דֹוׁש אַ ּתָ ה ו
.נ ְַק ִּדיׁש
ְק ֻדּׁשָ ְתָך
נְ צָ ִחים
ֱֹלהינּו ִמ ִ ּֽפינּו ל ֹא ֽ ֵ וְ ִׁש ְבחֲָך א .יָמּוׁש ְלעֹולָ ם וָעֶ ד : ּכַ ּכָ תּוב,אֱלֹוֽ ַּה ִמּבַ ְלעָ ֶ ֽדיָך
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Amidah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah
The Ruler of the hosts of heaven is exalted by justice; the holy God is sanctified by righteousness.
ְצבָ אֹות
יְ ָי
וַּיִ גְ ּבַ ּה
הַ ּקָ דֹוׁש
וְ הָ אֵ ל
,ּבַ ִּמ ְׁשּפָ ט
We praise You, O God, the holy Sovereign.
הַ ֶ ּֽמלֶ ְך
ur God and God of our ancestors, may You rule
in glory over all the earth, and
תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar
let Your grandeur be acclaimed
תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
the splendour of Your majesty
throughout the world.
to all who dwell on earth, that all Your works may know You
.נִ ְק ַּדׁש ִּב ְצ ָדקָ ה ,ָיְ י
אַ ּתָ ה
ּבָ רּוְך
. הַ ּקָ ד ֹו ׁש ,ֲבֹותינּו ֵֽ א
וֵאֹלהֵ י
ֱֹלהינּו ֵֽ א
ְמֹלְך עַ ל ּכׇ ל־הָ עֹולָ ם ּכֻ ּלֹו וְ ִהּנָׂשֵ א עַ ל ּכׇ ל־,בֹודָך ֽ ֶ ִּב ְכ וְ הֹופַ ע ּבַ ה ֲַדר,הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ ִּביקָ ֶ ֽרָך ל־יֹוׁשבֵ י תֵ בֵ ל ְ ּגְ אֹון עֻ ּזֶ �ָֽך עַ ל ּכׇ וְ י ֵַדע ּכׇ ל־ּפָ עּול ִּכי.אַ ְר ֶ ֽצָך
as their Maker, and all the
וְ י ִָבין ּכׇ ל־יָצּור,אַ ּתָ ה ְּפעַ ְלּתֹו
living acknowledge You as their
וְ י ֹאמַ ר ּכֹל,ִּכי אַ ּתָ ה יְ צַ ְרּתֹו
Creator. Then all who breathe shall say: ‘The Eternal One, the God of Israel, is Sovereign, ruling
’יְ ָי אֱֹלהֵ י:אֲׁשֶ ר נְ ׁשָ מָ ה ְּבאַ ּפֹו ּומַ ְלכּותֹו ּבַ ּכֹל,יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ‘.ׁש לָ ה ֽ ָ ָמ
over all creation.’ You have given us a special task among the peoples. In Your love and favour You have sanctified us by Your commandments, drawn us near to Your service, and charged us to make known Your great and holy name. In Your love, Eternal One, our God, You have given us this [Sabbath day and this] Day of Remembrance, a day of sounding the Shofar, a sacred assembly in remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt.
,אַ ּתָ ה ְבחַ ְר ָ ּֽתנּו ִמּכׇ ל־הָ עַ ִּמים וְ קֵ ַר ְב ָ ּֽתנּו,ֹותיָך ֽ ֶ וְ ִק ַּד ְׁש ָ ּֽתנּו ְּב ִמ ְצ וְ ִׁש ְמָך
,ֲבֹוד ֶ ֽתָך ָ לַ ע
ּכנּו ֽ ֵ מַ ְל
. ָלינּו קָ ָ ֽראת ֽ ֵ ָהַ ּגָדֹול וְ הַ ּקָ דֹוׁש ע ְּבאַ הֲבָ ה,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ יְ ָי א,ן־לנּו ֽ ָ ֶו ִַּתּת אֶ ת־יֹום [הַ ּׁשַ ּבָ ת הַ ּזֶה וְ אֶ ת־ , יֹום ְּתרּועָ ה,יֹום] הַ ּזִ ּכָ רֹון הַ ּזֶה יציאַ ת ִ ֵזֽכֶ ר ִל,ִמ ְק ָרא ֹֽק ֶדׁש .ִמ ְצ ָ ֽר יִ ם
עמידה:שחרית לראש השנה ברכות השחר
On Sabbath
hose who keep the Sabbath and call it a delight taste the joy of redemption. The people who hallow the seventh day delight in Your goodness. For it pleased You to set this day apart, that we may cherish it above all other days, and pause to remember that the world is Your creation.
ur God and God of our ancestors, be mindful of us
and all Your people, the House of Israel. Grant us well-being and blessing, life and peace, on
Morning Blessings
ׁשֹומ ֵרי ְ
כּותָך ְ ְּבמַ ְל
יִ ְׂש ְמחּו
עַ ם ְמקַ ְּדׁשֵ י.קֹוראֵ י עֹֽ נֶג ְ ְׁשַ ּבָ ת ו יעי ּכֻ ּלָ ם יִ ְׂש ְּבעּו וְ יִ ְתעַ ּנְ גּו ִ ְׁש ִב ָָר ִ ֽצית
יעי ִ וְ הַ ְּׁש ִב
.ּטּובָך ֽ ֶ ִמ
חֶ ְמ ַּדת י ִָמים.ּבֹו וְ ִק ַּד ְׁשּתֹו ֵזֽכֶ ר ְלמַ עֲׂשֵ ה, ָאֹותֹו קָ ָ ֽראת
עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah
ַיעֲלֶ ה,ֲבֹותינּו ֽ ֵ ֱֹלהינּו וֵאֹלהֵ י א ֵֽ א
תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
וְ יָב ֹא וְ יִ ּזָכֵ ר זִ ְכרֹונֵ ֽנּו וְ זִ ְכרֹון ,ּכׇ ל־עַ ְּמָך ּבֵ ית יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך ְלחַ ּיִ ים
,וְ ִל ְב ָרכָ ה
ְלטֹובָ ה
Remember us this day for well-being. Amen.
According to Your promise, be gracious and compassionate to us, and redeem us. To You do we look, for You are a gracious and compassionate God and Sovereign.
שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings
. ְב ֵר א ִׁש י ת
.ּולׁשָ לֹום ְּביֹום הַ ּזִ ּכָ רֹון הַ ּזֶה ְ
Grant us this day continued life. Amen.
Songs of Praise
תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar
this Day of Remembrance.
Bless us this day with Your presence. Amen.
פסוקי דזמרא
,ֱֹלהינּו ֵֽ א
יְ ָי
ז ְׇכ ֵ ֽרנּו
. אָ מֵ ן.ְלטֹובָ ה . אָ מֵ ן.ּופׇ ְק ֵ ֽדנּו בֹו ִל ְב ָרכָ ה . אָ מֵ ן.יעֽנּו בֹו ְלחַ ּיִ ים ֵ הֹוׁש ִ ְו חּוס,ּוב ְדבַ ר יְ ׁשּועָ ה וְ ַרח ֲִמים ִ ,יעֽנּו ֵ הֹוׁש ִ ְלינּו ו ֽ ֵ ָ וְ ַרחֵ ם ע,וְ חׇ ּנֵ ֽנּו ִּכי אֵ ל ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך,ליָך עֵ ינֵ ֽינּו ֽ ֶ ִֵּכי א .חַ ּנּון וְ ַרחּום ָ ֽאּתָ ה
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Amidah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
ur God and God of our ancestors, [may our rest on this day be pleasing in Your sight;] sanctify us by Your commandments and make us loyal to Your Teaching. Satisfy us with Your goodness, gladden us with Your salvation, and purify our hearts that we may serve You in truth; for You, O God, are Truth, and Your word is true for ever.
[רצֵ ה ְ ,ֲבֹותינּו ֽ ֵ ֱֹלהינּו וֵאֹלהֵ י א ֵֽ א
We praise You, O God, Sovereign of all the world, You hallow [the Sabbath,] the House of Israel and the Day of Remembrance.
ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך עַ ל ּכׇ ל־,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
ternal God, be gracious to Your people Israel, and in
Your love accept their prayers. May our worship now and always be acceptable in Your sight.
We praise You, O God, whom alone we worship in reverence.
e give thanks that You, Eternal One, are our God, as You were the God of our ancestors. You are the Rock of our life, the Power that shields us in every age. We thank and praise You for our lives, which are in Your hand; for our souls, which are in Your keeping; for
ֹותיָך ֽ ֶ ׁשנּו ְּב ִמ ְצ ֽ ֵ ] קַ ְּד,ִב ְמנּוחָ ֵ ֽתנּו ׂשַ ְּב ֵעֽנּו.תֹור ֶ ֽתָך ָ וְ תֵ ן חֶ ְל ֵ ֽקנּו ְּב ,חנּו ִּביׁשּועָ ֶ ֽתָך ֽ ֵ וְ ׂשַ ְּמ,ּטּובָך ֽ ֶ ִמ ,וְ טַ הֵ ר ִל ֵ ּֽבנּו ְלעׇ ְב ְּדָך ּבֶ אֱמֶ ת ּודבָ ְרָך ְ ,ֱֹלהים אֱמֶ ת ִ ִּכי אַ ּתָ ה א .אֱמֶ ת וְ קַ ּיָם לָ עַ ד ] ְו
[הַ ּׁשַ ּבָ ת
ְמקַ ֵּדׁש
,הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ
.יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל וְ יֹום הַ ּזִ ּכָ רֹון ְּבעַ ְּמָך
,ֱֹלהינּו ֵֽ א
ְּבאַ הֲבָ ה
יְ ָי
ּות ִפּלָ תָ ם ְ
,ְרצֵ ה ,יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל
ּות ִהי ְל ָרצֹון ּתָ ִמיד ְ ,ְתקַ ּבֵ ל .עַ ֶ ּֽמָך
יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל
ֲבֹודת ַ ע
אֹותָך ְלבַ ְּדָך ְ ֶ ׁש,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י .ְּביִ ְראָ ה ַנעֲבֹוד ׁשָ אַ ּתָ ה הּוא,מֹודים אֲנַ ְֽחנּו לָ ְך ִ ֲבֹותינּו ֽ ֵ ֱֹלהינּו וֵאֹלהֵ י א ֽ ֵ יְ ָי א מָ גֵן, צּור חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו.ְלעֹולָ ם וָעֶ ד . אַ ּתָ ה הּוא ְלדֹור וָדֹור,יִ ְׁש ֵעֽנּו עַ ל,נֹודה ְלָך ּונְ סַ ּפֵ ר ְּת ִהּלָ ֶ ֽתָך ֶ וְ עַ ל,סּורים ְּבי ֶ ָֽדָך ִ חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו הַ ְּמ
עמידה:שחרית לראש השנה
the signs of Your presence we
וְ עַ ל,מֹותינּו הַ ְּפקּודֹות לָ ְך ֽ ֵ נִ ְׁש
Morning Blessings
encounter every day; and for
וְ עַ ל,נִ ֶ ּֽסיָך ׁשֶ ְּבכׇ ל־יֹום ִע ָ ּֽמנּו
פסוקי דזמרא
Your wondrous gifts at all times,
טֹובֹותיָך ׁשֶ ְּבכׇ ל־ ֶֽ ְאֹותיָך ו ֽ ֶ נִ ְפ ְל .ֳריִ ם ֽ ָ ֶע ֶֽרב ו ָֽבֹקֶ ר וְ צׇ ה,עֵ ת
morning, noon and night. May all who are loyal to Your covenant be inscribed for a good life.
טֹובים ִ
We praise You, O God, Source of goodness, to whom our thanks are due.
הַ ּטֹוב ִׁש ְמָך,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
ur God and God of our ancestors, bless us with the
threefold benediction of the Torah:
ְלחַ ּיִ ים
ּוכתֹוב ְ
.יתָך ֽ ֶ ל־ּבנֵי ְב ִר ְ ּכׇ .ּולָך נָאֶ ה ְלהֹודֹות ְ
,ֲבֹותינּו ֽ ֵ ֱֹלהינּו וֵאֹלהֵ י א ֵֽ א ּלׁשֶ ת ֽ ֶ ֻהַ ְּמׁש
ּבַ ְּב ָרכָ ה
:ּתֹורה ָ ַּב
ּבָ ְר ֵ ֽכנּו הַ ְּכתּובָ ה
.יְ בָ ֶר ְכָך יְ הֹוָה וְ יִ ְׁש ְמ ֶ ֽרָך
God bless you and keep you. May this be God’s will.
.ּכֵ ן יְ ִהי ָרצֹון
God look kindly upon you, and
. ָליָך וִ יחֻ ּנֶ �ּֽך ֽ ֶ ֵיָאֵ ר יְ הֹוָה ּפָ נָיו א
be gracious to you. May this be God’s will. God
.ּכֵ ן יְ ִהי ָרצֹון ליָך וְ יָׂשֵ ם ֽ ֶ ֵיִ ּׂשָ א יְ הֹוָה ּפָ נָיו א
tenderness, and give you peace.
.ְלָך ׁשָ לֹום
Amen. May this be God’s will.
. ּכֵ ן יְ ִהי ָרצֹון.אָ מֵ ן
ברכות השחר
Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Amidah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
rant peace, welfare and blessing, grace, love and mercy, to us and to all Israel, Your people. As a loving parent, bless us with the light of Your presence; for by the light of Your presence, Eternal God, You have revealed to us the law of life, a love of kindness and righteousness, blessing and mercy, life and peace. For it is good in Your sight that Your people Israel and all peoples be blessed at all times with Your gift of peace.
,ּוב ָרכָ ה ְ טֹובָ ה,ִׂשים ׁשָ לֹום לינּו וְ עַ ל ֽ ֵ ָ ע,ָחסֶ ד וְ ַרח ֲִמים ֽ ֶ חֵ ן ו ,ּבָ ְר ֵ ֽכנּו
.עַ ֶ ּֽמָך
ּכׇ ל־יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל
ּלנּו ְּכאֶ חָ ד ְּבאֹור ֽ ָ ֻ ּכ,אָ ִ ֽבינּו ,ּלנּו ֽ ָ ָָתּת ֽ ַ ִּכי ְבאֹור ּפָ נֶ ֽיָך נ,ּפָ נֶ ֽיָך וְ אַ הֲבַ ת,ּתֹורת חַ ּיִ ים ַ ,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ יְ ָי א ּוב ָרכָ ה וְ ַרח ֲִמים ְ ּוצ ָדקָ ה ְ חסֶ ד ֶֽ וְ טֹוב ְּבעֵ ינֶ ֽיָך.וְ חַ ּיִ ים וְ ׁשָ לֹום ְלבָ ֵרְך אֶ ת־עַ ְּמָך יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל וְ אֶ ת־ ּובכׇ ל־ ְ ּכׇ ל־הָ עַ ִּמים ְּבכׇ ל־עֵ ת .לֹומָך ֽ ֶ ׁשָ עָ ה ִּב ְׁש
May we be inscribed in the Book of Life and Blessing for a life of goodness and peace.
ּוב ָרכָ ה נִ ּכָ תֵ ב ְ ְּב ֵ ֽספֶ ר חַ ּיִ ים
We praise You, O God, the Source of peace.
. עֹוׂשֵ ה הַ ּׁשָ לֹום,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
.ּולׁשָ לֹום ְ טֹובים ִ ְלחַ ּיִ ים
Silent Meditations Why! Who makes much of a miracle? As to me, I know of nothing else but miracles. Whether I walk the streets of Manhattan, Or dart my sight over the roofs of houses toward the sky, Or wade with naked feet along the beach, just in the edge of the water, Or stand under trees in the woods, Or talk by day with any one I love— or sleep in the bed at night with any one I love, Or sit at the table at dinner with my mother, Or look at strangers opposite me riding in the car,
עמידה:שחרית לראש השנה
Or watch honey-bees busy around the hive, of an August forenoon, Or animals feeding in the fields,
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא
Or birds—or the wonderfulness of insects in the air, Or the wonderfulness of the sun-down—or of stars shining so quiet and bright, Or the exquisite, delicate, thin curve of the new-moon in May.... These, with the rest, one and all, are to me miracles.... To me, every hour of the light and dark is a miracle, Every inch of space is a miracle.... Every spear of grass—the frames, limbs, organs, of men and women, and all that concerns them, All these to me are unspeakably perfect miracles. Walt Whitman (1819–1892) Statistically, the probability of any one of us being here is so small that you’d think the mere fact of existing would keep us all in a contented dazzlement of surprise. We are alive against the stupendous odds of genetics, infinitely outnumbered by all the alternates who might, except for luck, be in our places. Even more astounding is our statistical improbability in physical terms. The normal, predictable state of matter throughout the universe is randomness, a relaxed sort of equilibrium, with atoms and their particles scattered around in an amorphous muddle. We, in brilliant contrast, are completely organized structures, squirming with information at every covalent bond.... Add to this the biological improbability that makes each member of our own species unique. Each of us is a self-contained, freestanding individual, labelled by specific protein configurations at the surfaces of cells, identifiable by whorls of fingertip skin, maybe even by special medleys of fragrance. You’d think we’d never stop dancing. Lewis Thomas (1913–1993)
Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Amidah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
May the Most High, Source of
הּוא,עֹ ׂשֶ ה ׁשָ לֹום ִּב ְמרֹומָ יו
perfect peace, grant peace to us,
לינּו וְ עַ ל ּכׇ ל־ ֽ ֵ ַָיעֲׂשֶ ה ׁשָ לֹום ע
to all Israel, and to all humanity.
.ל־ּבנֵי־אָ ָדם ְ יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל וְ עַ ל ּכׇ
Avinu Malkeinu: A Prayer For Renewal We haven’t forgotten, Avinu Malkeinu, Though we’ve overthrown kings And we disobey fathers And we have no great liking for absolute power. Akiva stood before You in a time of drought, and his words went up like a flame on the altar: Avinu Malkeinu, You alone are our ruler. Avinu Malkeinu, have compassion for us! He was humble and forgiving, so his prayer was answered. Tonight we speak again in a time of drought— dry ground beneath us; no water, only rock. Not a hunger for bread or a thirst for water, but hearts that are longing to hear God’s voice. For the Sea of Faith is all but gone; The tide’s gone out on the empty beach. The world mocks our hopes and life tests our courage. Why do the wicked live on and prosper? Why are You silent when they prey on the innocent? And if Your dominion is kindness and justice, why is Creation in so much pain? Avinu Malkeinu, sustain our souls. Send rain to our roots; help us find a way to pray. Make us humble and forgiving of ourselves and one another. Avinu Malkeinu—renew these words. Help us speak them with conviction and believe their truth. A hundred generations have stood before the ark And they lifted up their voices like fame on the altar And they put their trust in kindness and justice And they gave their strength to make the promise real. Avinu Malkeinu, we haven’t forgotten. Avinu Malkeinu, bring us back to You. Editors of Mishkan Hanefesh
קריאת התורה:שחרית לראש השנה
The Reading of Torah
ּתֹורה ָ ְַק ִריאַ ת ה
(The Ark is opened)
.טאנּו ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך ֽ ָ ָ ח,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל Our Creator and Sovereign, we have sinned before You.
.לנּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ֶ ֽאּלָ א ָ ֽאּתָ ה ֽ ָ אֵ ין,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל Our Creator and Sovereign, we have no Sovereign but You.
.ירנּו ִּב ְתׁשּובָ ה ְׁשלֵ מָ ה ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך ֽ ֵ ִ הַ חֲז,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל Our Creator and Sovereign, bring us back to You in perfect repentance.
.ֲֹונֹותינּו ֽ ֵ ּומחַ ל ְלכׇ ל־ע ְ ְסלַ ח,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל Our Creator and Sovereign, pardon and forgive all our wrongdoing.
.לינּו וְ טַ ֵ ּֽפנּו ֽ ֵ ָלינּו וְ עַ ל עֹול ֽ ֵ ָ חֲמֹול ע,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִביֽ נּו מַ ְל Our Creator and Sovereign, have compassion on us and on our children.
.לינּו ֽ ֵ ָח ֶרב וְ ָרעָ ב מֵ ע ֽ ֶ ְ ּכַ ּלֵ ה ֶ ּֽדבֶ ר ו,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל Our Creator and Sovereign, help us to conquer sickness, war and famine.
.טֹובים ִ ּכׇ ְת ֵ ֽבנּו ְּב ֵ ֽספֶ ר חַ ּיִ ים,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל Our Creator and Sovereign, may we be inscribed for blessing in the Book of Life.
. ּכׇ ְת ֵ ֽבנּו ְּב ֵ ֽספֶ ר ּפַ ְרנָסָ ה וְ כַ ְלּכָ לָ ה,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל Our Creator and Sovereign, bless us with prosperity and well-being.
.לינּו ׁשָ נָה טֹובָ ה ֽ ֵ ָ חַ ֵּדׁש ע,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל Our Creator and Sovereign, let the new year be for us a good year.
. הָ ֵרם ֶ ֽק ֶרן יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל עַ ֶ ּֽמָך,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל Our Creator and Sovereign, give strength to Your people Israel.
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Reading of Torah ברכות השחר
.לנּו יְ ׁשּועָ ה ְּבקָ רֹוב ֽ ָ הַ ְצמַ ח,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל
Morning Blessings
Our Creator and Sovereign, help us to hasten the time of redemption.
פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise
.ת־ּת ִפּלָ ֵ ֽתנּו ְ ֶּוב ָרצֹון א ְ קַ ּבֵ ל ְּב ַרח ֲִמים,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל
שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings
Our Creator and Sovereign, accept our prayer with favour and mercy.
עמידה The Amidah
,ֲׂשים ִ ִּכי אֵ ין ָ ּֽבנּו מַ ע, חׇ ּנֵ ֽנּו ַועֲנֵ ֽנּו,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אָ ִ ֽבינּו מַ ְל
קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
.יעֽנּו ֵ הֹוׁש ִ ְָחסֶ ד ו ֽ ֶ עֲׂשֵ ה ִע ָ ּֽמנּו ְצ ָדקָ ה ו Our Creator and Sovereign, be gracious to us and answer us, for there is little merit in us; treat us with charity and kindness, and be our help.
here is none like You, Eternal One, among the gods people worship, and there are no deeds like Yours. Your sovereignty is everlasting; Your reign endures from age to age.
,דנָי ֹ א ֲ ,ֱֹלהים ִ אֵ ין־ּכָ ֽמֹוָך בָ א כּותָך ְ מַ ְל
.ֲׂשיָך ֽ ֶ ְּכמַ ע
ּכׇ ל־עֹולָ ִמים
וְ אֵ ין מַ ְלכּות
.ּומֶ ְמׁשַ ְל ְּתָך ְּבכׇ ל־ּדֹור וָדֹור
Eternal One: You reign, You have reigned, You will reign for ever.
יְ ָי יִ ְמלֹוְך, יְ ָי מָ לָ ְך,יְ ָי ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך
Eternal God: grant strength to Your people; Eternal God: bless Your people with peace.
יְ הֹוָה,יְ הֹוָה עֹ ז ְלעַ ּמֹו יִ ּתֵ ן
The Eternal, the Eternal God is merciful and gracious, endlessly patient, loving and true, showing mercy to thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin, and granting pardon.
, אֵ ל ַרחּום וְ חַ ּנּון,יְ הֹוָה יְ הֹוָה
.ְלעֹולָ ם וָעֶ ד
.בַ ּׁשָ לֹום
אֶ ת־עַ ּמֹו
יְ בָ ֵרְך
,ב־חסֶ ד ֶואֱמֶ ת ֶֽ ֶ ֽא ֶרְך אַ ַ ּֽפיִ ם וְ ַר נֹׂשֵ א עָ ֹון,חסֶ ד לָ אֲלָ ִפים ֽ ֶ נֹוצֵ ר .ָפׁשַ ע וְ חַ ּטָ אָ ה וְ נַּקֵ ה ֶֽ ו
(The Scroll is taken from the Ark and the Ark is closed)
קריאת התורה:שחרית לראש השנה ברכות השחר
.ֱֹלהינּו יְ הֹוָה אֶ חָ ד ֽ ֵ ְׁשמַ ע יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל יְ הֹוָה א
Morning Blessings
Hear, O Israel: the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God is One.
פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise
.נֹורא ְׁשמֹו ָ ְ קָ דֹוׁש ו, ּגָדֹול אֲדֹונֵ ֽינּו,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ אֶ חָ ד א One is our God, great our Sovereign; holy and awesome is God’s name.
שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה
רֹוממָ ה ְ ְ ּונ,ּג ְַּדלּו לַ יהֹוָה ִא ִּתי
The Reading of Torah
.ְׁשמֹו י ְַח ָּדו
תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar
,בּורה ָ ְְלָך יְ הֹוָה הַ ּגְ ֻדּלָ ה וְ הַ ּג
greatness, power, glory, victory
ִּכי,וְ הַ ִּת ְפ ֶ ֽא ֶרת וְ הַ ּנֵ ֽצַ ח וְ הַ הֹוד
תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
and majesty, for all in heaven
ְלָך יְ הֹוָה.כֹל ּבַ ׁשָ ַ ֽמיִ ם ּובָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ
and on earth is Yours. You are
Let us magnify the Eternal One; together let us exalt God’s name. Eternal
וְ הַ ִּמ ְתנַּׂשֵ א
הַ ּמַ ְמלָ כָ ה .ְל ר ֹאׁש
the Sovereign; supreme over all. Blessing before the Torah Reading
Praise the One to whom our praise is due.
.ּבָ ְרכּו אֶ ת־יְ ָי הַ ְמב ָֹרְך
Praised be the Eternal One to
ּבָ רּוְך יְ ָי הַ ְמב ָֹרְך ְלעֹולָ ם
whom our praise is due for ever.
. ָו עֶ ד
We praise You, Eternal One, our God, Sovereign of the universe: You have called us to serve You by giving us Torah.
ֱֹלהינּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ֽ ֵ א,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
We praise You, O God, Giver of Torah.
ר־ּבנּו ִמּכָ ל־ ָֽ ַ אֲׁשֶ ר ָ ּֽבח,הָ עֹולָ ם .ת־ּתֹורתֹו ָ ֶן־לנּו א ֽ ָ ַהָ עַ ִּמים וְ נָ ֽת .ּתֹורה ָ ַ נֹותֵ ן ה,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Reading of Torah ברכות השחר
either Genesis 22:1-19
Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה
There came a time when God put Abraham to the test. ‘Abraham!’, God said to him, and he answered: ‘Here I am.’ Then
וַיְ ִ֗הי אַ חַ ר ֙ הַ ְּדבָ ִ ֣רים הָ ֵ֔אּלֶ ה ֱֹלהים נִ ָּס֖ה אֶ ת־אַ ְב ָר ָה֑ם ִ֔ וְ ָה֣א ליו אַ ְב ָר ָה֖ם ַו ּ֥י ֹאמֶ ר ָ ֔ ֵַו ּ֣י ֹאמֶ ר א ח־נָא אֶ ת־ ֠ ַ וַּי֡ ֹאמֶ ר ק:ִהּנֵ �ֽנִ י
The Amidah
God said: ‘Take your son, your
קריאת התורה
only one, whom you love, Isaac,
֙ ָידָך֤ אֲׁשֶ ר־אָ ֨ ַה ְבּת ְ ִּבנְ ָך ֙ אֶ ת־יְ ִח
and go to the land of Moriah,
ל־א ֶ֖רץ ֶ ְֶך־ל ָ֔ך א ְ ל ֶ ֨ ְאֶ ת־יִ ְצ ֔ ָחק ו
תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar
and offer him there as a burnt-
לה ָ ֔ ֹהַ ּמ ִֹרּיָ ֑ה וְ הַ ע ֲֵל֤הּו ׁשָ ם ֙ ְלע
תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
I will point out to you.’
The Reading of Torah
offering on one of the hills which So Abraham rose early in the
ַ֚על אַ ַח֣ד הֶ הָ ִ ֔רים א ֲֶׁש֖ר א ַֹמ֥ר :ל יָך ֽ ֶ ֵא
morning, saddled his ass, and
֙ בׁש ֹ ח ֲ ּכם אַ ְב ָר ֜ ָהם ּבַ ּ֗בֹקֶ ר ַו ַּי ֵ ֨ ַׁש ְ ַוּי
took with him two servants, and
֙ ת־ׁשנֵ ֤י נְ עָ ָריו ְ ֶֹרֹו וַּיִ ַּ֞קח א ֔ חמ ֲ אֶ ת־
his son Isaac. He split the wood
ִא ּ֔תֹו וְ ֵא֖ת יִ ְצ ָח֣ק ְּבנֹ֑ו וַיְ בַ ּקַ ע ֙ ע ֲֵצ֣י
for the burnt-offering, and set out for the place of which God had told him.
לה וַּיָ �֣קׇ ם ַו ֔ ֵּילֶ ְך אֶ ל־הַ ּמָ ק֖ ֹום ָ ֔ ֹע :ֱֹלהים ֽ ִ אֲׁשֶ ר־אָ מַ ר־ל֥ ֹו הָ א
On the third day, as he looked
ּׂשא אַ ְב ָר ָה֧ם ָ ֨ ִיׁשי וַּי ִ֗ ּבַ ּיֹ֣ום הַ ְּׁש ִל
up, Abraham saw the place
אֶ ת־עֵ ינָ ֛יו וַּיַ �֥ ְרא אֶ ת־הַ ּמָ ק֖ ֹום
from afar. Then he said to his servants: ‘Stay here with the ass while I and the boy go up to worship; then we will return to you.’ And Abraham took the wood for the sacrifice, and laid it on Isaac, his son. He himself carried
וַּי֨ ֹאמֶ ר אַ ְב ָר ֜ ָהם אֶ ל־:מֵ ָר ֽחֹק ּפה ֙ ִעם־ ֹ נְ עָ ָ ֗ריו ְׁשבּו־לָ ֶכ֥ם ֲמֹור ַוא ֲִנ ֣י וְ הַ ַּנ֔עַ ר נֵ ְֽל ָכ֖ה ֔ הַ ח ּכֹה וְ נִ ְׁשּתַ חֲוֶ ֖ה וְ נָׁש֥ ּובָ ה ֑ עַ ד־ :יכ ם ֽ ֶ ֵא ל ֲ לה ָ ֗ ֹוַּיִ ַּ֨קח אַ ְב ָר ֜ ָהם אֶ ת־ע ֲֵצ֣י הָ ע
the fire and the knife; and the
ַו ֨ ָּיׂשֶ ם ֙ עַ ל־יִ ְצ ָח֣ק ְּבנֹ֔ו וַּיִ ַ ּ֣קח
two of them walked on together.
ְּבי ָ֔דֹו אֶ ת־הָ ֵאׁ֖ש וְ אֶ ת־הַ ּמַ א ֲֶכ ֑לֶ ת
קריאת התורה:שחרית לראש השנה
Then Isaac said to his father Abraham:
answered: ‘Here I am, my son.’ And he said: ‘I see the fire and
:ֵיה֖ם י ְַח ָ ּֽדו ֶ וַּיֵ ְֽלכ֥ ּו ְׁשנ אֶ ל־אַ ְב ָר ָה֤ם
יִ ְצ ֜ ָחק
וַּי֨ ֹאמֶ ר
אָ ִביו ֙ ַו ּ֣י ֹאמֶ ר אָ ִ֔בי ַו ּ֖י ֹאמֶ ר ִהּנֶ �ּ֣נִ י
the wood; but where is the lamb
ְב ִנ ֑י וַּי֗ ֹאמֶ ר ִהּנֵ ֤ה הָ אֵ ׁש ֙ וְ ָה֣עֵ ִ֔צים
for the burnt-offering?’ Abraham
֙ וַּי֨ ֹאמֶ ר:לה ֽ ָ ֹוְ אַ ּיֵ ֥ה הַ ֶּׂש֖ה ְלע
replied: ‘God will provide the
יִ ְראֶ ה־ּל֥ ֹו
lamb for the burnt-offering, my
ֵיה֖ם ֶ הַ ֶּׂש֛ה ְלעֹ ָל֖ה ְּב ִנ ֑י וַּיֵ ְֽלכ֥ ּו ְׁשנ
son,’ and the two of them walked
ֱֹלהים ִ֕ א
אַ ְב ָר ֔ ָהם :י ְַח ָ ּֽד ו
on together.
ֶ ָבֹאּו אֶ ל־הַ ּמָ קֹום֘ א ֗ ַוּי When they came to the place ֲׁש֣ר אָ מַ ר־ ְ ֱַֹלהים ֒ ו ִַּ֨יבֶ ן ָׁש֤ם א ִ ל֣ ֹו הָ א of which God had told him, ֙ ב ָרהָ ם Abraham built an altar there
אֶ ת־
and arranged the wood; and he
קד ֙ אֶ ת־יִ ְצ ָח֣ק ְּבנֹ֔ו ֹ ע ֲ הָ עֵ ִצ֑ים ַו ַּי
bound his son Isaac and laid him
וַּיָ ׂ֤שֶ ם אֹתֹו ֙ עַ ל־הַ ִּמזְ ֵּ֔ב ַח ִמ ַּמ֖עַ ל
on the altar on top of the wood. Then he reached for the knife to slay his son.
ַו ַּיע ֲ֖רְֹך
֙ אַ ְב ָרהָ ם
אֶ ת־הַ ִּמזְ ֵּ֔ב ַח
וַּיִ ְׁש ַל֤ח
:לָ עֵ ִ ֽצים
אֶ ת־י ָ֔דֹו וַּיִ ַ ּ֖קח אֶ ת־הַ ּמַ א ֲֶכ ֑לֶ ת :ת־ּבנֽ ֹו ְ ִֶל ְׁש ֖חֹט א
But an angel of the Eternal One called to him from heaven:
ליו מַ ְל ַאְ֤ך יְ הֹוָה ָ ֜ ֵוַּיִ ְק ָ ֨רא א
‘Abraham, Abraham!’ And he
ִמן־הַ ּׁשָ ֔ ַמיִ ם ַו ּ֖י ֹאמֶ ר אַ ְב ָר ָה֣ם
answered: ‘Here I am.’ And the angel said: ‘Do not raise your hand against the boy, or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only one, from Me.
וַּי֗ ֹאמֶ ר:אַ ְב ָר ָה֑ם ַו ּ֖י ֹאמֶ ר ִהּנֵ �ֽנִ י ל־ּת ְׁש ַל֤ח יָ � ְֽדָך ֙ אֶ ל־הַ ַּנ֔עַ ר ִ ַא ל־ּתעַ ׂש ל֖ ֹו ְמא֑ ּומָ ה ִּכ֣י עַ ָּת֣ה ַ֥ ַוְ א ֱֹלהים ֙ ַ֔אּתָ ה ִ י ַ ָ֗ד ְע ִּתי ִּכי־יְ ֵר֤א א אֶ ת־
֥ת־ּבנְ ָך ִ ֶא
ָל ֹא חָ ַׂש ְ֛כּת ֥ ְו :ידָך֖ ִמ ֶ ּֽמּנִ י ְ יְ ִ ֽח
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Reading of Torah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא
eyes, and looked, and saw a
֙ ּׂשא אַ ְב ָר ֜ ָהם אֶ ת־עֵ י ָנ֗יו ַוּי ְַרא ָ ֨ ִוַּי ֵה־איִ ל אַ ֕ ַחר ֶנא ֱַח֥ז ּבַ ְּס ַבְ֖ך ַ֔ וְ ִהּנ
Songs of Praise
ram caught in the thicket by its
שמע וברכותיה
horns. So he went and took the
ְּבקַ ְרנָ ֑יו וַּיֵ ֤לֶ ְך אַ ְב ָרהָ ם ֙ וַּיִ ַ ּ֣קח
The Sh’ma and its Blessings
ram, and offered it as a burnt-
ְלעֹ ָל֖ה
עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
offering instead of his son.
ַו ַּיע ֲֵל֥הּו
:ּתחַ ת ְּבנֽ ֹו ַ֥
And Abraham named the place ‘The-Eternal-will- provide’;
it is said to this day, ‘On the mountain of the Eternal One it
וַּיִ ְק ָר֧א אַ ְב ָר ָה֛ם ׁשֵ ם־הַ ּמָ ק֥ ֹום הַ ה֖ ּוא יְ הֹוָ ֣ה יִ ְר ֶא֑ה אֲׁשֶ ר ֙ יֵאָ ֵמ֣ר :הַ ּי֔ ֹום ְּב ַה֥ר יְ הֹוָ ֖ה י ֵָר ֶ ֽאה
was provided.’ And the angel of the Eternal One called to Abraham out
אֶ ת־הָ ַ֔איִ ל
אֶ ל־
יְ הֹוָ ֖ה
מַ ְל ַאְ֥ך
וַּיִ ְק ָר֛א
of heaven a second time and
:אַ ְב ָר ָה֑ם ׁשֵ ִנ֖ית ִמן־הַ ּׁשָ ָ ֽמיִ ם
said: ‘By Myself do I swear, says
וַּי֕ ֹאמֶ ר ִ ּ֥בי נִ ְׁש ַּב ְ֖ע ִּתי נְ אֻ ם־יְ הֹוָ ֑ה
the Eternal One: because you have done this, and have not
ִּ֗כי יַ֚עַ ן א ֲֶׁש֤ר עָ ִׂ֨שיתָ ֙ אֶ ת־הַ ָּד ָב֣ר
withheld your son, your only one,
֥ת־ּבנְ ָך ִ ֶא
therefore I will bless you greatly,
ֲב ֶר ְכ ָ֗ך ֽ ָ ִּכי־בָ ֵרְ֣ך א:ידָך ֽ ֶ אֶ ת־יְ ִח
and make your des- cendants as numerous as the stars of
ָל ֹא חָ ַׂש ְ֖כּת ֥ ְהַ ֔ ֶּזה ו
֙ עָך ֲ אֶ ת־ז ְַר
אַ ְר ֶּב֤ה
וְ הַ ְר ָּ֨בה
heaven and the sand on the
ֹוכ ֵב֣י הַ ּׁשָ ֔ ַמיִ ם וְ כַ ֕חֹול א ֲֶׁש֖ר ְ ְּכ ֽכ
seashore, and your descendants
ֲָך ֔ ל־ׂש ַפ֣ת הַ ּיָ ֑ם וְ יִ ַרׁ֣ש ז ְַרע ְ ַע
will possess the cities of their enemies. All the nations of the
וְ ִה ְתּבָ רֲ כ֣ ּו:ֵא֖ת ַׁש֥עַ ר אֹיְ ָ ֽביו
earth shall be blessed through
ּכֹל ּגֹויֵ ֣י הָ ָא ֶ֑רץ ֕ ֵעקֶ ב ֖ ֲָך ֔ ְבז ְַרע
your descendants, because you
:ֹלי ֽ ִ א ֲֶׁש֥ר ׁשָ ַמ ְ֖עּתָ ְּבק
have obeyed My voice.’ Then Abraham returned to his servants and they arose and went together to Beer- sheba. And Abraham dwelt in Beersheba.
אֶ ל־נְ עָ ָ ֔ריו
֙ אַ ְב ָרהָ ם
וַּיָ ׁ֤שָ ב
ל־ּב ֵא֣ר ְ ֶּדו א ֖ ָ ָקמּו וַּיֵ ְֽלכ֥ ּו י ְַח ֛ ֻ ַוּי ָׁש֑בַ ע וַּיֵ ׁ֥שֶ ב אַ ְב ָר ָה֖ם ִּב ְב ֵא֥ר :ׁש בַ ע ָֽ
קריאת התורה:שחרית לראש השנה ברכות השחר
or Genesis 21:1-21
The Eternal One remembered Sarah as promised, and the Eternal One did for Sarah as spoken. Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken. Abraham gave his new-born son, whom Sarah had borne him, the name of Isaac. And when his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God had commanded him. Now Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. Sarah said, ‘God has brought me laughter; everyone who hears will laugh with me.’ And she added, ‘Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would suckle children! Yet I have borne a son in his old age.’ The child grew up and was weaned, and Abraham held a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned. Sarah saw the son, whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham, playing. She said to Abraham, ‘Cast out that slavewoman and her son, for the son of that slave shall not share in the inheritance with my son Isaac.’ The matter distressed Abraham
Morning Blessings
רה ּכַ א ֲֶׁש֣ר ֖ ָ ָוַיהֹוָ ֛ה ּפָ ַ ֥קד אֶ ת־ׂש רה ֖ ָ ְָלׂש
יְ הֹוָ ֛ה
וַּיַ ֧עַ ׂש
אָ ָמ֑ר
ַּתלֶ ד ֵ ֨ ַּתהַ ר ֩ ו ַ֩ ו:ּכַ א ֲֶׁש֥ר ִּד ֵ ּֽבר ׂשָ ָר֧ה ְלאַ ְב ָר ָה֛ם ֵּב֖ן ִלזְ קֻ נָ ֑יו אֹת֖ ֹו
ר־ּד ֶּב֥ר ִ ֶאֲׁש
פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah
ּמֹועד ֵ֕ ַל
קריאת התורה
וַּיִ ְק ָ ֨רא אַ ְב ָר ֜ ָהם אֶ ת־:ֱֹלהים ִֽ א
The Reading of Torah
אֲׁשֶ ר־
הַ ּנֽ ֹולַ ד־ל֛ ֹו
ם־ּבנֹ֧ו ְ ֶׁש
וַּיָ ֤מׇ ל:חק ֽ ָ רה יִ ְצ ֖ ָ ָיָ ְֽל ָדה־ּל֥ ֹו ׂש אַ ְב ָרהָ ם ֙ אֶ ת־יִ ְצ ָח֣ק ְּבנֹ֔ו ּבֶ ן־ ְׁשמֹנַ ֖ת י ִָמ֑ים ּכַ א ֲֶׁש֛ר ִצּוָ ֥ה אֹת֖ ֹו ן־מ ַא֣ת ְ ֶ וְ אַ ְב ָר ָה֖ם ּב:ֱֹלהים ִֽ א ׁשָ נָ ֑ה ְּב ִהּוָ ֣לֶ ד ֔לֹו ֵא֖ת יִ ְצ ָח֥ק וַּת֣ ֹאמֶ ר ׂשָ ָ ֔רה ְצ ֕חֹק ָעׂ֥שָ ה:ְּבנֽ ֹו ֱֹלה֑ים ּכָ ל־הַ ּׁש ֵֹמ ַ֖ע יִ צֲחַ ק־ ִ לי א ִ֖ מי ִמּלֵ ל ֙ ְלאַ ְב ָר ֔ ָהם ֤ ִ ו ַּ֗ת ֹאמֶ ר:ִ ֽלי הֵ ִינ֥יקָ ה בָ ִנ֖ים ׂשָ ָר֑ה ִ ּֽכי־י ַָל ְ֥ד ִּתי ּדל הַ ּיֶ ֖לֶ ד וַּיִ ּג ַָמ֑ל ֥ ַ ְ וַּיִ ג:ֵב֖ן ִלזְ קֻ נָ ֽיו וַּיַ ֤עַ ׂש אַ ְב ָרהָ ם ֙ ִמ ְׁש ֶּת֣ה ג ָ֔דֹול :חק ֽ ָ ְּביֹ֖ום ִהּג ֵָמ֥ל אֶ ת־יִ ְצ אֶ ת־ּבֶ ן־
ׂשָ ָ ֜רה
ַּת ֶרא ֵ֨ ו
אֲׁשֶ ר־
הַ ִּמ ְצ ִ ֛רית
הָ גָ ֧ר
:חק ֽ ֵ ְַמצ
ְלאַ ְב ָר ָה֖ם
דה ֥ ָ יָ ְֽל
ו ַּ֨ת ֹאמֶ ר ְ֙לאַ ְב ָר ֔ ָהם ּג ֵָרׁ֛ש הָ אָ ָמ֥ה ֙ ירׁש ַ ִל ֹא י ֤ ת־ּבנָ ּ֑ה ִּכ֣י ְ ֶהַ ּ֖ז ֹאת וְ א ם־ּב ִנ֖י ִעם־ ְ ּבֶ ן־הָ אָ ָמ֣ה הַ ּז֔ ֹאת ִע
תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Reading of Torah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא
greatly, for it concerned a son of his. But God said to Abraham, ‘Do
Songs of Praise
not be distressed over the boy
שמע וברכותיה
or your slave; whatever Sarah
The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
וַּיֵ �֧ ַרע הַ ָּד ָב֛ר ְמ ֖אֹד:חק ֽ ָ יִ ְצ :אֹודֹת ְּבנֽ ֹו ֥ ְּבעֵ ינֵ ֣י אַ ְב ָר ָה֑ם ַע֖ל ֱֹלהים אֶ ל־אַ ְב ָר ֗ ָהם ִ֜ וַּי֨ ֹאמֶ ר א
tells you, do as she says, for it
אַ ל־י ֵַר֤ע ְּבעֵ י ֶנ֨יָך ֙ עַ ל־הַ ּנַ ֣עַ ר
is through Isaac that offspring
ֹאמ֥ר ַ ֲׁשר ּת ֶ ֨ וְ עַ ל־אֲמָ ֔ ֶתָך ּכֹל ֩ א
shall be continued for you. As for the son of the slave- woman,
ֹל ּ֑ה ִּכ֣י ָ רה ְׁש ַמ֣ע ְּבק ֖ ָ ָאֵ ֶל֛יָך ׂש
I will make a nation of him, too,
וְ גַ ֥ם:רא ְלָך֖ ָז� ַֽרע ֥ ֵ ְָביִ ְצ ֔ ָחק יִ ּק
for he is your seed.’
ימּ֑נּו ֶ ֲׂש ִ אֶ ת־ּבֶ ן־הָ אָ ָמ֖ה ְלגֹ֣וי א
Early next morning Abraham took some bread and a skin of
:ִ ּ֥כי ז ְַרעֲָך֖ ֽהּוא
water, and gave them to Hagar. He
ַׁש ֵּכ ֣ם אַ ְב ָר ָה֣ם ּבַ ּ֡בֹקֶ ר וַּיִ ּקַ ח־ ְ ַוּי
placed them over her shoulder,
לחֶ ם ֩ וְ ֨ ֵחמַ ת ֜ ַמיִ ם וַּיִ ֵּת֣ן אֶ ל־ ֶ֩
together with the child, and sent her away. And she wandered
ל־ׁש ְכ ָמּ֛ה וְ אֶ ת־ ִ ַ֠ ָה ָג֠ר ָׂש֧ם ע
about in the wilderness of Beer-
ַּתתַ ע ֵ ֔ הַ ּיֶ ֖לֶ ד וַיְ ׁשַ ְּל ֶח֑הָ ו ֵַּת֣לֶ ְך ו
sheba. When the water was gone
וַּיִ ְכל֥ ּו:ׁשבַ ע ֽ ָ ְּב ִמ ְד ַּב֖ר ְּב ֵא֥ר
from the skin, she left the child
הַ ַּמ֖יִ ם ִמן־הַ ֵח֑מֶ ת וַּתַ ְׁש ֵל ְ֣ך אֶ ת־
under one of the bushes, and went and sat down at a distance,
:יחם ֽ ִ ּתחַ ת אַ ַח֥ד הַ ִּׂש ֖ ַ הַ ֔ ֶּילֶ ד
a bowshot away; for she thought,
֙ לּה ִמ ֗ ֶּנגֶד הַ ְרחֵ ק ָ ֜ ַּתׁשֶ ב ֵ ֨ ַּתלֶ ְך ֩ ו ֵ֩ ו
‘Let me not look on as the child
ִּכ ְמטַ חֲוֵ ֣י ֶ֔קׁשֶ ת ִּכ֣י ָ ֽא ְמ ָ ֔רה אַ ל־
dies.’ And sitting thus afar, she burst into tears. God heard the cry of the boy, and an angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, ‘What troubles you, Hagar?
אֶ ְר ֶא֖ה ְּבמ֣ ֹות הַ ּיָ ֑לֶ ד ו ֵַּתׁ֣שֶ ב :ַּת ְב ְּך ֽ ֵ ֹלּ֖ה ו ָ ִמ ֔ ֶּנגֶד ו ִַּת ָּׂש֥א אֶ ת־ק ֒ ֱֹלהים֘ אֶ ת־ק֣ ֹול הַ ַּנ֒עַ ר ִ וַּיִ ְׁש ַמ֣ע א ֱֹלהים אֶ ל־ ֤ ִ וַּיִ ְק ָרא ֩ מַ ְל ַ֨אְך א
Fear not, for God has heeded
הָ ָגר ֙ ִמן־הַ ּׁשָ ֔ ַמיִ ם ַו ּ֥י ֹאמֶ ר ָלּ֖ה
the cry of the boy where he is.
֣יר ִ ֔אי ִּכי־ ְ ל־ּת ִ ַה־ּל ְ֣ך הָ גָ ֑ר א ָ ַמ
קריאת התורה:שחרית לראש השנה
Come, lift up the boy and hold
ֱֹלהים אֶ ל־ק֥ ֹול הַ ּנַ ֖עַ ר ֛ ִ ׁשָ ַמ֧ע א
him by the hand, for I will make
ּ֚ומי ְׂש ִא֣י ִ ק:הּוא־ׁשם ָֽ ּבַ א ֲֶׁש֥ר
a great nation of him.’ Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. She went and filled the skin with water, and let the boy drink. God was with the boy and he grew up; he dwelt in the wilderness and became a bowman. He lived in
ָדְך ֖ ֵ ֥יקי אֶ ת־י ִ ִאֶ ת־הַ ַּנ֔עַ ר וְ הַ חֲז :ימּנּו ֽ ֶ ֲׂש ִ י־לגֹ֥וי ּג ָ֖דֹול א ְ ּב֑ ֹו ִּכ ָאֶ ת־עֵ י ֶנ֔יה
֙ ֱֹלהים ִ א
שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings
ַּתלֶ ְך ו ְַּתמַ ֵּל֤א ֵ ֜ ַּת ֶרא ְּב ֵא֣ר ָמ֑יִ ם ו ֵ֖ ו
קריאת התורה
ַּת ְׁש ְק אֶ ת־ ֖ ַ אֶ ת־הַ ֨ ֵחמֶ ת ֙ ֔ ַמיִ ם ו ֱֹלהים אֶ ת־הַ ּנַ ֖עַ ר ֛ ִ הי א ֧ ִ ְ וַי:הַ ּנָ ֽעַ ר וַּיִ גְ ָּד֑ל ַו ֨ ֵּיׁשֶ ב ֙ ּבַ ִּמ ְד ָּ֔בר וַיְ ִ ֖הי
mother got a wife for him from
אר֑ן ו ִ ַּֽתּקַ ח־ל֥ ֹו ִאּמ֛ ֹו ִא ָּׁש֖ה ָ ָּפ :מֵ ֶא ֶ֥רץ ִמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם
the land of Egypt.
Blessing after the Torah Reading
ֱֹלהינּו ֵֽ א
,ָיְ י
אַ ּתָ ה
ּבָ רּוְך
ן־לנּו ֽ ָ ַ אֲׁשֶ ר נָ ֽת,ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך הָ עֹולָ ם ּתֹורת אֱמֶ ת וְ חַ ּיֵי עֹולָ ם נָטַ ע ַ .תֹוכנּו ֽ ֵ ְּב .ּתֹורה ָ ַ נֹותֵ ן ה,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
The Scroll is raised
We praise You, Holy One, for giving Torah to Your people Israel.
Songs of Praise
The Amidah
וַּיֵ ׁ֖שֶ ב ְּב ִמ ְד ַּב֣ר:ּׁשת ֽ ָ ַר ֶֹב֥ה ק
We praise You, O God, Giver of Torah.
פסוקי דזמרא
וַּיִ ְפ ַ ֤קח
the wilderness of Paran; and his
We praise You, Eternal One, our God, Sovereign of the universe: You have given us true teachings, and implanted within us eternal life.
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings
ְלעַ ּמֹו
ּתֹורה ָ
ׁשֶ ּנָתַ ן
.ִּב ְק ֻדּׁשָ תֹו
ּבָ רּוְך יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל
The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Reading of Torah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Blessing before the Haftarah Reading
We praise You, Eternal One, our God, Sovereign of the universe: You inspired faithful prophets, and took pleasure in the words they spoke in truth. We praise You, O God, for the gift of Torah, Your servant Moses, Your people Israel, and the prophets of truth and righteousness.
ֱֹלהינּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ֽ ֵ א,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י יאים ִ אֲׁשֶ ר ּבָ חַ ר ִּבנְ ִב,הָ עֹולָ ם ְב ִד ְב ֵריהֶ ם
וְ ָרצָ ה
טֹובים ִ
ּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה.הַ ֶּנאֱמָ ִרים ּבֶ אֱמֶ ת ּובמׁשֶ ה ְ ּתֹורה ָ ַ הַ ּבֹוחֵ ר ּב,ָיְ י ּובנְ ִביאֵ י ִ ּוביִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל עַ ּמֹו ְ עַ ְבּדֹו .ָצ ֶדק ֽ ֶ הָ אֱמֶ ת ו
Isaiah 55:6-13
Seek the Eternal One at a favourable time, call out while God is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways, and those bent on evil their thoughts. Let them return to the Eternal One, who will show them mercy, and to our God, who will abundantly pardon. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not My ways, says the Eternal One. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. And as rain and snow come down from heaven and do not return until they have watered the earth, making it blossom and bear fruit, giving people seed to sow and bread to eat; so shall
ִּד ְרׁש֥ ּו יְ הֹוָ ֖ה ְּב ִהּמָ ְצא֑ ֹו ְק ָר ֻא֖הּו ֙ ע ֤זֹב ָרׁשָ ע ֲ ַי:ִּב ְהיֹות֥ ֹו קָ ֽרֹוב ַּד ְר ּ֔כֹו וְ ִ ֥איׁש ָ ֖אוֶן מַ ְח ְׁשב ָֹת֑יו ֲמהּו וְ אֶ ל־ ֵ ֔ ירח ַ ִָׁשֹב אֶ ל־יְ ה ָֹוה ֙ ו ֤ וְ י :ֹוח ַ ֱֹלה֖ינּו ִּכי־י ְַר ֶּב֥ה ִל ְס ֽל ֵ א יכם ֶ ֔ ֵל ֹא מַ ְח ְׁשבֹותַ י ֙ מַ ְח ְׁשב֣ ֹות ֤ ִּכ֣י יכ֖ם ְּד ָר ָכ ֑י נְ ֻא֖ם ֶ ֵל ֹא ַד ְרכ ֥ ְו ִּכי־גָ ְֽבה֥ ּו ׁשָ ַמ֖יִ ם מֵ ָא ֶ֑רץ:יְ הֹוָ ֽה יכם ֶ ֔ ֵֵּכ ֣ן ּגָ ְֽבה֤ ּו ְד ָרכַ י ֙ ִמ ַּד ְרכ ִּ֡כי:יכם ֽ ֶ ֵֹתי ִמּמַ ְח ְׁש ֽבֹת ֖ ַ ּומַ ְח ְׁשב ּׁשלֶ ג ֶ ֜ ַּכַ א ֲֶׁש֣ר י ֵֵרד ֩ הַ ֶּגׁ֨שֶ ם וְ ה ָׁשּוב ֔ ל ֹא י ֣ ֙ ׁשּמָ ה ָ ֨ ְִמן־הַ ּׁשָ ֗ ַמיִ ם ו אֶ ת־הָ ָ֔א ֶרץ
ם־ה ְרוָ ֣ה ִ ִא
֙ יחּ֑ה וְ נָ ֤תַ ן ֶז ַ֨רע ָ ידּה וְ ִה ְצ ִמ ֖ ָ הֹול ִ ְו ֵּכ ֣ן ִ ֽי ְהיֶ ֤ה:ֹכל ֽ ֵ לַ ּזֹ ֵ ֔ר ַע וְ ֶל֖חֶ ם לָ א ְדבָ ִרי ֙ א ֲֶׁש֣ר י ֵֵצ֣א ִמ ִּ֔פי ל ֹא־
קריאת התורה:שחרית לראש השנה
the word which comes from My mouth prevail: it shall not return to Me empty, without having
֙ ּכי ִאם־עָ ׂשָ ה ֤ ִ יקם ֑ ָ יָׁש֥ ּוב אֵ ַל֖י ֵר יח ַ ל ֖ ִ וְ ִה ְצ
חָ ֔ ַפ ְצ ִּתי
:א ֲֶׁש֥ר ְׁשלַ ְח ִ ּֽתיו
accomplished its purpose or succeeded in its mission. You shall then go out with
אֶ ת־א ֲֶׁש֣ר
ּובׁשָ ל֖ ֹום ְ י־ב ִׂש ְמ ָח֣ה תֵ ֔ ֵצאּו ְ ִּכ
֣ ִ ָּתּובָ ל֑ ּון הֶ ה joy, and be led forth in peace. רים וְ הַ ּגְ בָ ֗עֹות The mountains and hills shall יִ ְפ ְצח֤ ּו ִל ְפנֵיכֶ ם ֙ ִר ָּנ֔ה וְ כׇ ל־ burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field shall
ַּת֤חַ ת:ֲאּו־כף ָֽ דה יִ ְמח ֖ ֶ ָע ֲֵצ֥י הַ ּׂש
clap their hands. Fir trees will
תחַ ת ֥ ַ ְהַ ַּנעֲצּוץ ֙ ַיע ֲֶל ֣ה ְב ֔רֹוׁש ו
grow instead of thorns, myrtles
הַ ִּס ְר ָּפ֖ד ַיע ֲֶל ֣ה ה ֲַד֑ס וְ הָ יָ ֤ה
instead of briars. So shall God’s name be established; a sign for
ל ֹא ֥ עֹול֖ם ָ ׁשם ְלא֥ ֹות ֵ ֔ לַ יה ָֹוה ֙ ְל :יִ ּכָ ֵ ֽר ת
ever, it shall not perish. Blessing after the Haftarah Reading
We praise You, Eternal One, our God, Sovereign of the universe: You have been our Source of strength
throughout the ages, the faithful God whose word is deed, whose
ֱֹלהינּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ֽ ֵ א,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י , צּור ּכׇ ל־הָ עֹולָ ִמים,הָ עֹולָ ם הָ אֵ ל,צַ ִּדיק ְּבכׇ ל־הַ ּדֹורֹות ,וְ עֹוׂשֶ ה
הָ אֹומֵ ר
ל־ּדבָ ָריו ְ ׁשֶ ּכׇ,ּומקַ ּיֵם ְ הַ ְמ ַדּבֵ ר .ָצ ֶדק ֽ ֶ אֱמֶ ת ו
every word is true and just. For the Torah, for the privilege
,הַ ֶּנאֱמָ ן
ֲבֹודה ָ וְ עַ ל־הָ ע
ּתֹורה ָ ַעַ ל־ה
of worship, for the prophets, [for
וְ עַ ל־יֹום
יאים ִ וְ עַ ל־הּנְ ִב
this Sabbath day] and for this
]וְ עַ ל־יֹום
Day of Remembrance which You,
יְ ָי,־לנּו ֽ ָ ָָתּת ֽ ַ הַ ּזִ ּכָ רֹון הַ ּזֶה ׁשֶ ּנ
Eternal One, have given us [for
],[ל ְק ֻדּׁשָ ה וְ ִל ְמנּוחָ ה ִ ,ֱֹלהינּו ֵֽ א
holiness and rest,] for honour
, עַ ל־הַ ּכֹל,ּול ִת ְפ ָ ֽא ֶרת ְ ְלכָ בֹוד
,הַ ּזֶה
[הַ ּׁשַ ּבָ ת
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Reading of Torah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה
and beauty, we thank and praise
,מֹודים לָ ְך ִ אֲנַ ְֽחנּו,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ יְ ָי א
You, O Eternal One our God. May
יִ ְתּבָ ַרְך
all the living praise Your name
ּתָ ִמיד
The Sh’ma and its Blessings
now and for ever.
We praise You, O God, Sovereign of all the world, who hallow [the Sabbath,] the House of Israel, and the Day of Remembrance. Amen.
The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
.אֹותָ ְך ּכָ ל־חַ י
ּומבָ ְר ִכים ְ ְּב ִפי
.וָעֶ ד
ִׁש ְמָך ְלעֹולָ ם
ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך עַ ל ּכׇ ל־,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י ] ְו
[הַ ּׁשַ ּבָ ת
ְמקַ ֵּדׁש
,הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ
. אָ מֵ ן.יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל וְ יֹום הַ ּזִ ּכָ רֹון
ternal God, whose dominion embraces the universe, we ask Your blessing for our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth, and all
the Royal Family; for those who govern our country, and all who influence the quality of its national life. Make them conscious of their responsibility, and teach them to exercise it in accordance with Your will. May we all help to fashion in this country a society that excels in freedom and justice, tolerance and compassion, so that it may be a force for righteousness and peace in the life of humanity.
ternal God, as You blessed our ancestors in generations past, bless now this congregation: its leaders and its members, and
all who enter this synagogue to meet, to study and to pray. Comfort the sorrowing hearts among us and heal those in anxiety or pain. May we all find here community and friendship, renewal of purpose and hope, a deeper understanding of our heritage, and a sense of Your abiding presence. Bless all congregations of the House of Israel throughout the world; let those who live under oppressive rule soon be freed; and may we all unite to witness to Your truth and do Your will.
קריאת התורה:שחרית לראש השנה
ternal God, our Rock and Redeemer, grant blessing to the State of Israel, created to fulfil an age-old dream and to be a haven for the oppressed. Inspire its leaders and citizens with faithfulness to the aims of its founders: to develop the land for the benefit of all its inhabitants, and to implement the Prophetic ideals of liberty and justice. May they live in harmony with one another and in peace with their neighbours, and cause to come true once more the ancient vision, that ‘out of Zion shall go forth Torah and the word of God from Jerusalem’. Let us praise the Eternal One,
ִּכי־,יְ הַ ְללּו אֶ ת־ׁשֵ ם יְ הֹוָה .נִ ְׂשּגָב ְׁשמֹו ְלבַ ּדֹו
whose name alone is exalted. Your majesty spans heaven and earth; You are the strength of Your people; Your praise is sung by all who love You, by the Children of Israel, a people close to You. Halleluyah!
וַּיָ � ֶֽרם,ל־א ֶרץ וְ ׁשָ ָ ֽמיִ ם ֶֽ ַהֹודֹו ע ְּת ִהּלָ ה ְלכׇ ל־,ֶ ֽק ֶרן ְלעַ ּמֹו עַ ם־, ִל ְבנֵי יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל,ידיו ָ ח ֲִס !הַ ְללּויָּה
(The Ark is opened)
.ֲמיִ ְך ֽ ַ ירינּו ְּבכַ נְ פֵ י ַרח ֽ ִ הַ ְס ִּת, ְמקֹור חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו,ְׁש ִכינָה Divine Presence, Source of our lives, shelter us under the wings of Your compassion.
,יכינּו ִּב ְד ָר ַ ֽכיִ ְך ֽ ִ הֹול ִ , ְמקֹור חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו,ְׁש ִכינָה .חסֶ ד וְ ַרח ֲִמים ֽ ֶ ַּד ְרכֵ י Divine Presence, Source of our lives, cause us to walk in Your ways of love and compassion.
חַ ּזְ ִקי אֶ ת־יִ ְצ ֵ ֽרנּו הַ ּטֹוב, ְמקֹור חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו,ְׁש ִכינָה .ְל ַ ֽמעַ ן נִ ְתּגַּבֵ ר עַ ל יִ ְצ ֵ ֽרנּו הָ ָרע Divine Presence, Source of our lives, fortify our desire to do good, that we may overcome our tendency to do evil.
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: The Reading of Torah ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
ֲסנּו ֽ ֵ יע אֶ ת־ּכַ ע ַ אַ ְּמ ִ ֽצינּו ְלהַ ְכ ִ ֽנ, ְמקֹור חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו,ְׁש ִכינָה .נּותנּו ֽ ֵ ָּתֹוקפ ְ ּול ִה ְׁשּתַ ּלֵ ט עַ ל ְ Divine Presence, Source of our lives, give us strength to restrain our anger and to control our aggression.
.ענֶה הָ ַרְך הַ ּמֵ ִׁשיב חֵ מָ ה ֲ ַ לַ ְּמ ִ ֽדינּו אֶ ת־מ, ְמקֹור חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו,ְׁש ִכינָה Divine Presence, Source of our lives, teach us to use the gentle answer that turns away wrath.
ְּתנִ י חֶ ְל ֵ ֽקנּו, ְמקֹור חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו,ְׁש ִכינָה .ּבֵ ין ְמ ִביאֵ י ְרפּואָ ה וְ ׁשָ לֹום ְלעֹולָ מֵ ְך Divine Presence, Source of our lives, let us be among those who bring healing and peace to Your world.
יְ ִהי ָרצֹון ִמ ְּלפָ נַ �ֽיִ ְך, ְמקֹור חַ ּיֵ ֽינּו,ְׁש ִכינָה .ּולטַ ֵ ּֽפנּו אַ ח ֲִרית וְ ִתקוָה ְ לנּו ֽ ָ ׁשֶ ִּת ְּתנִ י Divine Presence, Source of our lives, grant that we and our children may have a future and a hope.
Behold, a good doctrine has been given you: do not forsake it. It is a tree of life to those who hold it fast, and all who cling to it find happiness. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace. Help us to return to You, O God; then we shall return. Renew our days as in the past.
,ָת ִּתי לָ כֶ ם ֽ ַ לקַ ח טֹוב נ ֽ ֶ ִּכי עֵ ץ־חַ ּיִ ים.ּתֹור ִתי אַ ל־ּתַ ע ֲֽזֹבּו ָ ָ וְ ת ְֹמ ֶ ֽכיה,יקים ּבָ ּה ִ ִִהיא לַ ּמַ חֲז ,י־נֹעַ ם ֽ ֵ ְּד ָר ֶ ֽכיהָ ַד ְרכ.ְמאֻ ּׁשָ ר .ׁשָ לֹום
ָיבֹותיה ֶֽ וְ כׇ ל־נְ ִת
. וְ נ ָֽׁשּובָ ה,ליָך ֽ ֶ ֵיבנּו יְ הֹוָה א ֽ ֵ ֲׁש ִ ה .ָמינּו ְּכ ֶ ֽק ֶדם ֽ ֵ חַ ֵּדׁש י
(The Scroll is replaced in the Ark and the Ark is closed)
תקיעת השופר:שחרית לראש השנה
Sounding the Shofar
ברכות השחר
ְּת ִקיעַ ת הַ ּׁשֹופָ ר
Morning Blessings
his season urges us to change our ways. But how can we? Is not our future already determined by our past — by the goals we have pursued, the habits we have formed, the relationships we have established, the countless choices, great and small, which we have made over the years? And yet our destiny is not unalterable. For God has made us free. However strong may be the shackles of our past, we can break their hold. We can change course and so escape from the sequence of events which we ourselves have set in motion. But to do so requires a supreme effort, the effort of teshuvah, of earnest resolve to lead a better life. To urge us, and to help us to make such an effort, is the purpose of this season. If we seize the opportunity it offers, we can liberate ourselves from our past and so avert the destiny to which it would otherwise lead. May this mediaeval poem which we now recite stir us, as it stirred our ancestors, to recognise that we are subject to God’s judgement, and that the nature of God’s judgement depends on the quality of our lives.
et us proclaim the holiness of this day, a day of deepest awe. On this day Your sovereignty is exalted, Your throne confirmed in mercy, and on that throne You sit in truth.
ִּכי,ּונְ תַ ּנֶה ֹּֽתקֶ ף ְק ֻדּׁשַ ת הַ ּיֹום
For truly You are Judge and Arbiter, Expert and Witness. You write and seal, record and recount. You remember deeds long forgotten. You open the book of records, and what is written there proclaims itself, for it bears the signature of every human being.
ּובֹו ִּתּנָׂשֵ א.נֹורא וְ אָ יֹום ָ הּוא ,חסֶ ד ִּכ ְס ֶ ֽאָך ֽ ֶ וְ יִ ּכֹון ְּב,כּותָך ֽ ֶ מַ ְל .וְ תֵ ׁשֵ ב עָ לָ יו ּבֶ אֱמֶ ת הּוא
אַ ּתָ ה
אֱמֶ ת
וְ כֹותֵ ב,יֹוד ַע וָעֵ ד ֽ ֵ ְ ו,יח ַ ּומֹוכ ִֽ וְ ִתזְ ּכֹור. וְ סֹופֵ ר ּומֹונֶה,וְ חֹותֵ ם וְ ִת ְפּתַ ח ֵ ֽספֶ ר.ּכׇ ל־הַ ּנִ ְׁשּכָ חֹות ,יִ ּקָ ֵרא
ּומֵ אֵ לָ יו
,הַ ּזִ ְכרֹונֹות
.וְ חֹותַ ם יַד ּכׇ ל־אָ ָדם ּבֹו
פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: Sounding the Shofar ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
The great Shofar is sounded;
וְ קֹול,ּובׁשֹופָ ר ּגָדֹול יִ ּתָ קַ ע ְ
the still small voice is heard,
וְ כׇ ל־ּבָ אֵ י,ְּדמָ מָ ה ַדּקָ ה יִ ּׁשָ מַ ע
and all who dwell on earth stand
עֹולָ ם ּתַ ע ֲִביר ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך ִּכ ְבנֵי .מָ רֹון
arrayed before You. As a shepherd seeks out the flock, and makes the sheep pass under the staff, so do You muster, number and inspect the souls of all the living, setting an end to every creature’s life, and
מַ ע ֲִביר,ְּכבַ ּקָ ַרת רֹועֶ ה עֶ ְדרֹו ּכֵ ן ּתַ ע ֲִביר,צ ֹאנֹו ַ ּֽתחַ ת ִׁש ְבטֹו וְ ִת ְפקֹוד
וְ ִת ְמנֶה
וְ תַ ְחּתֹוְך ִק ְצבָ ה,נֶ ֽפֶ ׁש ּכׇ ל־חַ י וְ ִת ְכּתֹוב אֶ ת־ּגְ זַר,ל־ּב ִרּיָה ְ ְלכׇ .ִּד י נָם
decreeing its destiny.
But repentance, prayer and good deeds annul the severity of the judgement.
וְ ִת ְסּפֹור
ּוצ ָדקָ ה ְ
ּות ִפּלָ ה ְ
ּותׁשּובָ ה ְ
.הַ ּגְ ז ֵָרה
ר ַע ֹ ֽ אֶ ת־
ירין ִ מַ ע ֲִב
Eternal God, it is not the sinner’s death You seek, but that they should turn from their ways and live. Until the last moment do You wait for them, welcoming them back if then they turn to You with contrite heart.
, ל ֹא תַ ְחּפֹוץ ְּבמֹות הַ ּמֵ ת,ָיְ י
You have created us and know
,יֹוצ ָרם ְ אֱמֶ ת ִּכי אַ ּתָ ה הּוא
our nature; we are but flesh and
יֹוד ַע יִ ְצ ָרם; ִּכי הֵ ם ֵֽ וְ אַ ּתָ ה
,ִּכי ִאם ְּבׁשּובֹו ִמ ַּד ְרּכֹו וְ חָ יָה וְ עַ ד יֹום מֹותֹו ְּתחַ ּכֶ ה לֹו; ִאם . ִמּיַד ְּתקַ ְּבלֹו,יָׁשּוב
.ּבָ ׂשָ ר ו ָָדם
תקיעת השופר:שחרית לראש השנה
Our origin is dust, our end is dust. Our life is a struggle for daily bread. We are like a fragile jar; like the grass that withers, the flower that fades; like a shadow moving on, a cloud passing by, a particle of dust floating on the wind, a dream soon forgotten. But You are the Eternal Ruler, the everlasting God.
וְ סֹופֹו
מֵ עָ פָ ר
יְ סֹודֹו
Morning Blessings
. ְּבנ ְַפׁשֹו י ִָביא לַ ְחמֹו.לֶ עָ פָ ר
פסוקי דזמרא
ְּכחָ ִציר,ח ֶרס הַ ּנִ ְׁשּבָ ר ֽ ֶ ָמָ ׁשּול ּכ , ְּכצֵ ל עֹובֵ ר,ּוכ ִציץ נֹובֵ ל ְ ,יָבֵ ׁש ,נֹוׁשבֶ ת ָֽ ּוח ַ ּוכ ֽר ְ ,ּוכעָ נָן ּכָ לֶ ה ְ . וְ כַ חֲלֹום יָעּוף,ּפֹור ַח ֵֽ ּוכאָ בָ ק ְ .וְ אַ ּתָ ה הּוא ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך אֵ ל חַ י וְ קַ ּיָם
Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar
Shofar- the Voice of Community Belonging to Israel is in itself a spiritual act. —Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Blessed are we, blessed our gathering, as we open our hearts to the voice of the shofar. Happy are we who hear its call to return — the sacred trumpet of t’shuvah. Blessed are we held close by an ancient sound that echoes l’dor vador — from generation to generation. Happy are we, rising to the joyful cry of a new year. Blessed are we who hear in these blasts of sound the voice of community. Happy are we who know its embrace, its season of celebration, its quest for connection and purpose. Holy is this gift of community, blessed the act of belonging. Editors of Mishkan Hanefesh
ברכות השחר
אָ ָדם
alchuyyot proclaim that God is the Creator of the universe as well as promising that one day God’s rule will be acknowledged by all. Zichronot tell us that God is the God of history who cares about the world and remembers our deeds, both good and bad. Shofarot remind us of our past and our future, and of the final redemption yet to come.
תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: Sounding the Shofar ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah
Malchuyot: Accepting Your Sovereignty We are stiff-necked and stubborn; teach us to bend before You. Convinced we’re right, entrenched in our own perspective, we resist Your call to repent. Convinced we’re self-sufficient, entrenched in the illusion of control, we resist Your call to humility.
תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar
Convinced we can have it all, entrenched in the dream of mastering the world, we resist Your call to wake up.
תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Today You summon us out of our arrogance, out of rigidity, fantasy, shallowness, self-deception. Teach us to bend our knees, to bow our heads before the Mystery; to realize our frailty and our finitude. Teach us to make You melech — sovereign in our life; to align ourselves with Your goodness and truth. We would not bow before Pharaoh. We would not bow before the Persian lord. We would not submit to any power on earth or give ourselves to any material thing. But we, the Jewish people — stiff-necked, stubborn to the end — today we bow before You. Editors of Mishkan Hanefesh
et us now praise the Sovereign of the universe and proclaim
the greatness of its Creator, whose unity it is our mission to make known, whose rule it is our task to make effective.
,לינּו ְלׁשַ ֵ ּֽב ַח לַ אֲדֹון הַ ּכֹל ֽ ֵ ָע ,אׁשית ִ לָ תֵ ת ּגְ ֻדּלָ ה ְליֹוצֵ ר ְּב ֵר אֲׁשֶ ר ׂשָ ם חֶ ְל ֵ ֽקנּו ְליַחֵ ד אֶ ת־ ְלהַ ְמ ִליְך
לנּו ֽ ֵ גֹור ָ ְו
.מַ ְל כּותֹו
תקיעת השופר:שחרית לראש השנה
We bow in awe and thanksgiving before the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised, who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory fills the highest heavens, whose might extends throughout all space, who alone is our God, for no other exists, who in truth is our Sovereign, for there is none else; as it is written: ‘Know then this day and take it to heart: the Eternal One is God in the heavens above and on the earth below; there is no other.’
rusting in You, Eternal God, we hope soon to behold the glory of Your might, when false gods will vanish from our hearts, and idolatry cease for ever. Help us to perfect the world by bringing it under Your unchallenged rule, when all will invoke Your name, relinquish evil, and turn to You alone. May all who dwell on earth come to know that to You every knee must bend and every tongue swear loyalty. Before You, Eternal God, let them humble themselves, and to Your glorious name let them give honour. Let all submit to Your sovereign rule; may that
ברכות השחר
ּומ ְׁשּתַ חֲוִ ים ִ ּכֹור ִעים ְ ַואֲנַ ְֽחנּו
Morning Blessings
ּומֹודים ִל ְפנֵי ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך מַ ְלכֵ י ִ
פסוקי דזמרא
, הַ ּקָ דֹוׁש ּבָ רּוְך הּוא,הַ ְּמלָ ִכים ,ׁשֶ הּוא נֹוטֶ ה ׁשָ ַ ֽמיִ ם וְ יֹוסֵ ד ָ ֽא ֶרץ ,ּומֹוׁשַ ב יְ קָ רֹו ּבַ ּׁשָ ַ ֽמיִ ם ִמ ַ ּֽמעַ ל .רֹומים ִ ּוׁש ִכינַת עֻ ּזֹו ְּבג ְׇבהֵ י ְמ ְ אֱמֶ ת. אֵ ין עֹוד,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ הּוא א ּכַ ּכָ תּוב, ֶ ֽאפֶ ס זּולָ תֹו,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ מַ ְל הַ ּיֹום
ָ’וְ י ַָד ְעּת
:תֹורתֹו ָ ְּב
ִּכי יְ הֹוָה,ל־לבָ ֶ ֽבָך ְ ֶַוהֲׁשֵ בֹתָ א ֱֹלהים ּבַ ּׁשָ ַ ֽמיִ ם ִמ ַ ּֽמעַ ל ִ הּוא הָ א ‘. אֵ ין עֹוד,וְ עַ ל הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ ִמ ָ ּֽתחַ ת ,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ יְ ָי א,עַ ל־ּכֵ ן נְ קַ ּוֶה ְלָך ,ִל ְראֹות ְמהֵ ָרה ְּב ִת ְפ ֶ ֽא ֶרת עֻ ּזֶ �ָֽך ,ּלּולים ִמן הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ ִ ְִלהַ ע ֲִביר ּג ,יִ ּכָ ֵרתּון
ּכָ רֹות
ילים ִ וְ הָ א ֱִל
,ְלתַ ּקֵ ן עֹולָ ם ְּבמַ ְלכּות ׁשַ ַּדי ,ל־ּבנֵי בָ ׂשָ ר יִ ְק ְראּו ִב ְׁש ֶ ֽמָך ְ וְ כׇ ל־ר ְׁשעֵ י ִ ּכׇ
ליָך ֽ ֶ ֵא
ְלהַ ְפנֹות
ל־יֹוׁשבֵ י ְ י ִ ַּֽכירּו וְ י ְֵדעּו ּכׇ.ָ ֽא ֶרץ ,ל־ּב ֶרְך ֶֽ תֵ בֵ ל ִּכי ְלָך ִּת ְכ ַרע ּכׇ יְ ָי, ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך.ִּתּׁשָ בַ ע ּכׇ ל־לָ ׁשֹון וְ ִל ְכבֹוד, יִ ְכ ְרעּו וְ יִ ֹּֽפלּו,ֱֹלהינּו ֵֽ א וִ יקַ ְּבלּו כֻ ּלָ ם,ִׁש ְמָך יְ קָ ר יִ ֵ ּֽתנּו וְ ִת ְמֹלְך
,כּותָך ֽ ֶ מַ ְל
אֶ ת־עֹ ל
Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: Sounding the Shofar ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
time come soon, and last for ever. For ultimate sovereignty is Yours, and to all eternity You will reign in glory, as it is written: The Eternal One shall reign for ever. And it has been said: The Eternal God shall rule over all the earth; on that day the Eternal God shall be One, and known to be One.
.עֲלֵ יהֶ ם ְמהֵ ָרה ְלעֹולָ ם וָעֶ ד ,ִהיא
ׁשֶ ְּלָך
הַ ּמַ ְלכּות
,עֹולמֵ י עַ ד ִּת ְמלֹוְך ְּבכָ בֹוד ְ ּול ְ יְ הֹוָה יִ ְמֹלְך:תֹור ֶ ֽתָך ָ ּכַ ּכָ תּוב ְּב .ְלעֹולָ ם וָעֶ ד וְ הָ יָה יְ הֹוָה ְל ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך:וְ ֶנאֱמַ ר עַ ל־ּכׇ ל־הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ; ּבַ ּיֹום הַ הּוא .ּוׁשמֹו אֶ חָ ד ְ יִ ְהיֶה יְ הֹוָה אֶ חָ ד
low the Shofar at the new moon, and when the moon is full, for our festival. It is a statute for Israel, an ordinance of the God of Jacob.
ּכסֶ ה ֽ ֶ ַ ּב,ִּת ְקעּו בַ ֹֽח ֶדׁש ׁשֹופָ ר
We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe: You sanctify us by Your commandments, and enjoin us to hear the sound of the Shofar.
ֱֹלהינּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ֽ ֵ א,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
We praise You, O God, Sovereign of all the world, You hallow [the Sabbath,] the House of Israel and the Day of Remembrance.
ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך עַ ל ּכׇ ל־,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe: You have kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season.
ֱֹלהינּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ֽ ֵ א,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
ִּכי חֹק ְליִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל.ְליֹום חַ ּגֵ ֽנּו .עקֹב ֲ ִמ ְׁשּפָ ט לֵ אֹלהֵ י ַי,הּוא
ׁשנּו ְּב ִמ ְצֹותָ יו ֽ ָ אֲׁשֶ ר ִק ְּד,הָ עֹולָ ם .ֹוע קֹול ׁשֹופָ ר ַ וְ ִצּוָ ֽנּו ִל ְׁש ֽמ
] ְו
[הַ ּׁשַ ּבָ ת
ְמקַ ֵּדׁש
,הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ
.יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל וְ יֹום הַ ּזִ ּכָ רֹון
וְ ִקּיְ ָ ֽמנּו
ׁשֶ הֶ חֱיָ ֽנּו
,הָ עֹולָ ם
.יעֽנּו לַ ּזְ מַ ן הַ ּזֶה ָ ִוְ ִהּג
תקיעת השופר:שחרית לראש השנה
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ים־ּתרּועָ ה ְ ְׁשבָ ִר
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְׁשבָ ִרים
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְּתרּועָ ה
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
his is the birthday of the world. Today all creatures
stand before You, whether as children or as slaves. As we are Your children, show us a parent’s compassion; as we are slaves, we
ברכות השחר
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings
הַ ּיֹום ַיע ֲִמיד.הַ ּיֹום ה ֲַרת עֹולָ ם
עמידה The Amidah
,צּורי עֹולָ ִמים ֵ ְּבַ ִּמ ְׁשּפָ ט ּכׇ ל־י
קריאת התורה
ִאם. ִאם ּכַ עֲבָ ִדים,ִאם ְּכבָ נִ ים
The Reading of Torah
ֲמנּו ְּכ ַרחֵ ם אָ ב עַ ל ֽ ֵ ַרח,ְּכבָ נִ ים
תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar
עֵ ינֵ ֽינּו,ּבָ נִ ים; וְ ִאם ּכַ עֲבָ ִדים
ְלָך look to You for mercy: shed the עַ ד ׁשֶ ְּתחׇ ּנֵ ֽנּו,ְתלּויֹות ֽ ֵ ָתֹוציא כָ אֹור ִמ ְׁשּפ ִ ְו light of Your judgement upon us, אָ יֹום,טנּו O holy and awesome God.
.קָ דֹוׁש
Zichronot: Discerning the Compassionate Presence
A messenger from another time, a stranger here in our midst — the shofar sounds remembrance. Remember: wherever you go, I am with you. After the flood, in the wake of destruction, Noah discovered the rainbow. Alone on a mountain, a knife in his hand, Abraham heard the voice of compassion. At the end of her strength, afraid for her child, Hagar found a well in the wilderness. Remember: wherever you go, I am with you. In sounding the horn, we summon them back — zichronot: memories of those who saw signs of Your Presence. A rock gives forth water, hope can blossom in the desert....
תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: Sounding the Shofar ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah
and when loving hands lighten our darkness, You are there. When we are caught in the thicket, feel alone or forgotten — the shofar sounds remembrance. From the deep well of the past, in the depths of our own despair — the shofar sounds remembrance. Remember: My Presence goes with you and will lighten your burden. Editors of Mishkan Hanefesh
תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
n this Day of Remembrance we are reminded that God remembered our ancestors in times of distress and recalled the Covenant made with them. On this day we are reminded that God recalls our deeds, and promises that if we truly repent we will be remembered for good. Together we remember a year that is gone, with opportunities that can never return, and with God’s help we try to face our past. We consider the good we did and the good we failed to do; the hurts we endured and the pain we inflicted. The Book of Remembrance is now open, but the ending is not yet written. We read these verses to help us remember and repent.
We praise You, O God, who remember the covenant.
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
. זֹוכֵ ר הַ ְּב ִרית,ָּבָ רּוְך אַ ּתָ ה יְ י
ים־ּתרּועָ ה ְ ְׁשבָ ִר
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְׁשבָ ִרים
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְּתרּועָ ה
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
תקיעת השופר:שחרית לראש השנה
God Supreme, accept the offering of our lips, and
hearken to the sound of the
יֶעֶ ַרב
ְׂשפָ ֵ ֽתינּו
Morning Blessings
מֵ ִבין, אֵ ל ָרם וְ נִ ּׁשָ א.ְלפָ נֶ ֽיָך
פסוקי דזמרא
מַ ִּביט ּומַ ְק ִׁשיב ְלקֹול,ּומַ אֲזִ ין Shofar. In compassion and ִ ּותקַ ּבֵ ל ְּב ַרח ְ .ְּת ִקיעָ ֵ ֽתנּו favour hear us, and accept our ֲמים service
.רֹונֹותינּו ֵֽ זִ ְכ
ֵ ֽס ֶדר
ּוב ָרצֹון ְ
Shofar: Shofarot The Voice of Hope
ccording to Rabbah, the Holy One said: “On Rosh HaShanah, recite before Me words of Malchuyot (sovereignty), Zichronot (remembrance), and Shofarot. “Sovereignty”—so that you may acknowledge Me as Ruler over you. “Remembrance”—so that remembrances of you may rise up favourably before Me. And how shall all of this be accomplished? Through the sounds of the shofar. — Talmud Rosh HaShanah 34b
ברכות השחר
ֲרׁשֶ ת ֶֽ א
rayers for the third and final sounding of the shofar evoke the Revelation at Mount Sinai, when the people experienced God amidst “thunder and lightning, and a dense cloud upon the mountain, and a very loud blast of the horn (kol shofar chazak m’od)” (Exodus 19:16). The shofar’s blast—a sound conveying warning, triumph, and celebration—here marks a moment of intense spiritual elevation, when a band of newly liberated slaves entered a sacred covenant with the Divine. “The shofar,” according to a midrash, “signifies freedom” (Sifrei B’midbar 77). In ancient Israel, it was sounded to announce the coming of the jubilee in the fiftieth year—a time of liberation for servants and restoration of land for the poor (Leviticus 25). In the Jewish imagination, the shofar blast remains a symbol of the here-and-now redemption for which Jews have prayed since we first stood at the shore of the Sea of Reeds. In our own time, as well, we pray for freedom from violence, persecution, and injustice. In the first and second shofar preludes, we have experienced the ram’s horn through the lenses of Sovereignty (Malchuyot) and Remembrance (Zichronot). We call this final set of shofar prayers and reflections the Voice of
Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: Sounding the Shofar ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה
Hope, for the climactic t’kiah g’dolah is a crescendo of our most profound hopes as a people, and of our deepest personal hopes on the threshold of a new year. When the nine individual notes of t’ruah unite and flow into one great, expansive final t’kiah, we feel ourselves part of a resonant call that transcends the limits of time. Tradition imbues the final sounding of the shofar with overtones of messianic hope—a yearning for the day when, according to the prophet Zechariah, “Adonai will be one and God’s name will be one” (Zechariah 14:9).
The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Editors of Mishkan Hanefesh
alleluyah! Praise God in God’s sanctuary. Praise the One whose power the heavens proclaim, whose might and greatness shall be extolled. Praise God with Shofar sound. Praise God with harp and lyre. Praise God with timbrel and dance. Praise God with strings and pipe. Praise God with cymbals sounding, praise God with cymbals resounding. Let every soul praise the Eternal One. Halleluyah! Our God and God of our ancestors, may You rule in glory over all the earth, and let Your grandeur be acclaimed through- out the world. Reveal the splendour of Your majesty to all who dwell on earth, that all Your works may know You
.הַ ְללּויָּה! הַ ְללּו־אֵ ל ְּבקׇ ְדׁשֹו הַ ְל ֽלּוהּו,יע עֻ ּזֹו ַ הַ ְל ֽלּוהּו ִּב ְר ִ ֽק ְּכרֹב
הַ ְל ֽלּוהּו
,ִּבגְ בּורֹתָ יו
. הַ ְל ֽלּוהּו ְּב ֵ ֽתקַ ע ׁשֹופָ ר.ּג ְֻּדלֹו הַ ְל ֽלּוהּו.הַ ְל ֽלּוהּו ְּבנֵ ֽבֶ ל וְ ִכּנֹור הַ ְל ֽלּוהּו ְּב ִמּנִ ים.ְּבתֹף ּומָ חֹול ְּב ִצ ְל ְצלֵ י־
הַ ְל ֽלּוהּו
.וְ עּוגָב
ְּב ִצ ְל ְצלֵ י
הַ ְל ֽלּוהּו
,ׁשמַ ע ָֽ
ּכֹל הַ ּנְ ׁשָ מָ ה ְּתהַ ּלֵ ל.ְתרּועָ ה ! הַ ְללּויָּה.יָּה ,ֲבֹותינּו ֵֽ א
וֵאֹלהֵ י
ֱֹלהינּו ֵֽ א
ְמֹלְך עַ ל ּכׇ ל־הָ עֹולָ ם ּכֻ ּלֹו וְ ִהּנָׂשֵ א עַ ל ּכׇ ל־,בֹודָך ֽ ֶ ִּב ְכ וְ הֹופַ ע ּבַ ה ֲַדר,הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ ִּביקָ ֶ ֽרָך ל־יֹוׁשבֵ י תֵ בֵ ל ְ ּגְ אֹון עֻ ּזֶ �ָֽך עַ ל ּכׇ וְ י ֵַדע ּכׇ ל־ּפָ עּול ִּכי.אַ ְר ֶ ֽצָך
תקיעת השופר:שחרית לראש השנה
as their Maker, and all the living acknowledge You as their Creator. Then all who breathe shall say, ‘The Eternal One, the God of Israel, is Sovereign, ruling
Morning Blessings
וְ י ֹאמַ ר ּכֹל,ִּכי אַ ּתָ ה יְ צַ ְרּתֹו
פסוקי דזמרא
’יְ ָי אֱֹלהֵ י,אֲׁשֶ ר נְ ׁשָ מָ ה ְּבאַ ּפֹו ּומַ ְלכּותֹו ּבַ ּכֹל,יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ‘.ׁש לָ ה ֽ ָ ָמ
over all creation.’ We praise You, O God, who hear the Shofar sound of Your
ׁשֹומ ַע ֵֽ
,ָיְ י
אַ ּתָ ה
ּבָ רּוְך
קֹול ְּתרּועַ ת עַ ּמֹו יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל . ח ִמ י ם ֲ ְּב ַר
people Israel, in mercy.
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ברכות השחר
וְ י ִָבין ּכׇ ל־יָצּור,אַ ּתָ ה ְּפעַ לּתֹו
ים־ּתרּועָ ה ְ ְׁשבָ ִר
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְׁשבָ ִרים
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְּתרּועָ ה
ְּת ִקיעָ ה
ְּת ִקיעָ ה ּגְ דֹולָ ה
, אֵ ין ּכַ אדֹונֵ ֽינּו,אֹלהינּו ֵֽ ֵאֵ ין ּכ .יעֽנּו ֵ מֹוׁש ִ אֵ ין ְּכ,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אֵ ין ְּכמַ ְל There is none like our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer.
?אֹלהינּו? ִמי כַ אדֹונֵ ֽינּו ֵֽ ִֵמי כ ?יעֽנּו ֵ מֹוׁש ִ ּכנּו? ִמי ְכ ֽ ֵ ִמי ְכמַ ְל Who is like our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer?
,נֹודה לַ אדֹונֵ ֽינּו ֶ ,אֹלהינּו ֵֽ ֵנֹודה ל ֶ .יעֽנּו ֵ מֹוׁש ִ נֹודה ְל ֶ ,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ נֹודה ְלמַ ְל ֶ We give thanks to our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer.
Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: Concluding Prayers ברכות השחר Morning Blessings
, ּבָ רּוְך אֲדֹונֵ ֽינּו,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ ּבָ רּוְך א
פסוקי דזמרא
.יעֽנּו ֵ מֹוׁש ִ ּבָ רּוְך,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ ּבָ רּוְך מַ ְל
Songs of Praise
Praised be our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer.
שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings
, אַ ּתָ ה הּוא אֲדֹונֵ ֽינּו,ֱֹלהינּו ֽ ֵ אַ ּתָ ה הּוא א
.יעֽנּו ֵ מֹוׁש ִ אַ ּתָ ה הּוא,ּכנּו ֽ ֵ אַ ּתָ ה הּוא מַ ְל
The Amidah
You are our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer.
קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Concluding Prayers
ְת ִפלֹות ִסיּום
hose who have died still live in many ways: life and death alike are mysteries. We journey through a country dimly seen by the uncertain light of thought and feeling; and death is undiscovered territory, a land without report. Yet as we now remember our loved ones who have died, we do so with hope and faith. They have faded from our sight, but they live within us and will ever live. In God’s presence no good thing can perish. In God’s love, all beauty shines for ever. Knowing that life is precious, may we labour for the coming of the day when no one shall perish through the cruelty or indifference of others. Let all be permitted to savour life’s goodness to the full, going then to the grave in ripeness of years, without fear or regret, thankful alike for the gift of life and the blessing of peace.
תפלות סיום:שחרית לראש השנה
agnified and sanctified be the great name of the One by whose will the world was created. May God’s rule become effective in your lives, and in the life of the whole House of Israel. May it be so soon, and let us say: Amen. May God’s great name be praised to all eternity. Blessed and praised; glorified, exalted and extolled; lauded, honoured and acclaimed be the name of the Holy One, who is ever to be praised, though far above the eulogies and songs of praise and consolation that human lips can utter; and let us say: Amen. May great peace descend from heaven, and abundant life be granted, to us and all Israel; and let us say: Amen. May the Most High, Source of
ברכות השחר
יִ ְתּג ַַּדל וְ יִ ְתקַ ַּדׁש ְׁשמֵ ּה ַרּבָ א
Morning Blessings
,י־ב ָרא ִכ ְרעּותֵ ּה ְ ְּבעָ ְלמָ א ִד
פסוקי דזמרא
ְּבחַ ּיֵיכֹון
מַ ְלכּותֵ ּה
וְ י ְַמ ִליְך
ּובחַ ּיֵי ְדכׇ ל־ּבֵ ית ְ ּוביֹומֵ יכֹון ְ ,ּובזְ מַ ן קָ ִריב ִ עגָלָ א ֲ ַ ּב,יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל . אָ מֵ ן:וְ ִא ְמרּו יְ הֵ א ְׁשמֵ ּה ַרּבָ א ְמבָ ַרְך ְלעָ לַ ם .ּולעָ ְלמֵ י עָ ְלמַ ּיָא ְ וְ יִ ְתּפָ אַ ר
,וְ יִ ְׁשּתַ ּבַ ח
וְ יִ ְתהַ ַּדר
,וְ יִ ְתנַּׂשֵ א
יִ ְתּבָ ַרְך וְ יִ ְתרֹומַ ם
,קּודׁשָ א ְ וְ יִ ְתעַ ּלֶ ה וְ יִ ְתהַ ּלַ ל ְׁשמֵ ּה ְּד ְל ֵעּֽלָ א ִמן־ּכׇ ל־,ְּב ִריְך הּוא ּתֻ ְׁש ְּבחָ תָ א,ירתָ א ָ ִּב ְרכָ תָ א וְ ִׁש ,ְּבעָ ְלמָ א
ירן ָ ַּדא ֲִמ
וְ ֶנחֱמָ תָ א
. אָ מֵ ן:וְ ִא ְמרּו ן־ׁשמַ ּיָא ְ יְ הֵ א ְׁשלָ מָ א ַרּבָ א ִמ ,לינּו וְ עַ ל־ּכׇ ל־יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ֽ ֵ ָוְ חַ ּיִ ים ע . אָ מֵ ן:וְ ִא ְמרּו
הּוא,עֹ ׂשֶ ה ׁשָ לֹום ִּב ְמרֹומָ יו perfect peace, grant peace to us, לינּו וְ עַ ל ּכׇ ל־ ֽ ֵ ַָיעֲׂשֶ ה ׁשָ לֹום ע to all Israel, and to all humanity, ,ל־ּבנֵי־אָ ָדם ְ יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל וְ עַ ל ּכׇ and let us say: Amen. . אָ מֵ ן:וְ ִא ְמרּו
Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service: Concluding Prayers ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
ternal God, who reigned before Your will had caused the world to be, already then You reigned supreme in undisputed sovereignty.
ט ֶרם ֽ ֶ ְּב,אֲדֹון עֹולָ ם אֲׁשֶ ר מָ לַ ְך
And when the universe has ceased, You still will reign in majesty, for as You were, so will You be from now until eternity.
ְלבַ ּדֹו,וְ אַ ח ֲֵרי ִּכ ְכלֹות הַ ּכֹל
And You are One, there is none else, no equal standing at Your side, without beginning, without end, all might and rule in You reside.
,ׁשֵ נִ י
ְלעֵ ת ַנעֲׂשָ ה,ּכׇ ל־יְ ִציר נִ ְב ָרא אזַי ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ְׁשמֹו ֲ ,ּכל ֹ ְבחֶ ְפצֹו .נִ ְק ָרא
נֹורא; וְ הּוא הָ יָה וְ הּוא ָ יִ ְמֹלְך . וְ הּוא יִ ְהיֶה ְּב ִת ְפאָ ָרה,הֹוֶה וְ אֵ ין
,אֶ חָ ד
וְ הּוא
ְּב ִלי,ירה ָ ְלהַ ְח ִ ּֽב,ְלהַ ְמ ִׁשיל לֹו וְ לֹו הָ עֹ ז, ְּב ִלי תַ ְכ ִלית,אׁשית ִ ֵר .וְ הַ ִּמ ְׂש ָרה
My living and redeeming God, my shelter on a stormy day, my banner and my refuge still, my cup of comfort when I pray.
וְ צּור חֶ ְב ִלי, וְ חַ י ֹּגא ֲִלי,וְ הּוא אֵ ִלי
Into Your hand I place my soul,
ְּבעֵ ת ִאיׁשַ ן,רּוחי ִ ְּביָדֹו אַ ְפ ִקיד
asleep, awake, for You are near, and with my soul, my body too: You are my God, I shall not fear.
, וְ הּוא נִ ִּסי ּומָ נֹוס ִלי,ְּבעֵ ת צָ ָרה .ּכֹוסי ְּביֹום אֶ ְק ָרא ִ ְמנָת
רּוחי ּגְ וִ ּי ִָתי; יְ ָי ִ וְ ִעם,ירה ָ וְ אָ ִ ֽע .ירא ָ וְ ל ֹא ִא,ִלי
תפלות סיום:שחרית לראש השנה
ay the blessings of peace and kindness, graciousness, goodness and compassion, flow among us and all the communities of Israel, and all the peoples of the world.
חֵ ן,ּוב ָרכָ ה ְ טֹובָ ה,יִ ְׁשרּו ׁשָ לֹום ּבֵ ין ּכׇ ל־,ָחסֶ ד וְ ַרח ֲִמים ּבֵ ינֵ ֽינּו ֶֽ ו ל־יֹוׁשבֵ י ְ ּובֵ ין ּכׇ,עֲדֹות יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל .ּתֵ בֵ ל
Marcia Falk
ברכות השחר Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא Songs of Praise שמע וברכותיה The Sh’ma and its Blessings עמידה The Amidah
And now, at the close of this day’s service, we implore You, our Eternal God: Let the year upon which we have just entered be for us, for Israel, and for all the world, A year of blessing and prosperity; A year of salvation and comfort; A year of peace and contentment, of joy and of spiritual welfare; A year of virtue and of reverence for God; A year of pardon and favour; A year of understanding and harmony within families and between nations.
. מֵ עַ ּתָ ה וְ עַ ד־עֹולָ ם,ּובֹואָך ֶֽ אתָך ְ ֵיְ הֹוָה יִ ְׁשמׇ ר־צ May the Eternal One guard your going out and your coming in, from now and for evermore. May God bless you with all good, and keep you from all evil.
May God teach your heart the meaning of life, and grant you knowledge of the Infinite.
,ׂשכֶ ל חַ ּיִ ים ֽ ֵ וְ י ִָאיר ִל ְּבכָ ה ְּב
May God reach out to you with tenderness, that you may have enduring peace.
ְלכָ ה
יְ בָ ֶר ְככָ ה
,מֹורכָ ה ִמּכֹול ָרע ְ וְ יִ ְׁש
,וְ יָחֹונְ כָ ה ְּב ַ ֽדעַ ת עֹולָ ִמים חֲסָ ָדיו
וְ יִ ּׂשָ א
.ִל ְׁשלֹום עֹולָ ִמים
קריאת התורה The Reading of Torah תקיעת השופר Sounding the Shofar תפלות סיום Concluding Prayers
Finchley Progressive Synagogue, London 2017 - 5778 Layout and Design by Rabbi Lea Mühlstein, Northwood and Pinner Liberal Synagogue