KT 2022 Torah Leaflet

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‫פרשת חוקת‬ 5782 ‫ תמוז‬3

Parashat Chukat Numbers 20:1-18 2 July 2022

‫דניאל מקס בן מיכאל‬ 

‫נתן בן דוד וחנה‬ 

‫תום יונתן בן דוד ואביגיל‬ 

‫אשר אוריאל בן אליעזר ופנינה‬ 

‫חנה בתרחל ויונתן‬ 

‫רפאל שמחה בן רבקה וחיים‬ 

‫מ'ה בת דניאל ושושנה‬ Numbers 20:1-18 And the Israelites reached the desert of Zin in the first month and settled in Kadesh; and Miriam died and was buried there. And there was no water for the people; so they got together and organized against Moses and Aaron. And they quarrelled with Moses, declaring: “Would that we had died when our brothers died before God! Indeed, why have you brought us and our livestock into this wilderness merely to die? Why have you brought us out of Egypt, and into this evil place? This is no place for seed, or for figs, or for vines, or for pomegranates; nor is there any water to drink.”

Danny Aradi Posylkin  Joe Balint-Kurti  Tom Dolan  Asher Kinchin-Smith  Hannah Kudlick  Rafael Qassim  Maia Rosenberg Hertz Page 655

‫ש ָר ֵאל כָּל־הָ עֵ דָ ה‬ ֹ ְ ‫ַו ָיּבֹאוּ בְ נֵי־ ִי‬ ‫ִמ ְדבַּ ר־צִ ן בַּ חֹדֶ שׁ הָ ִראשׁוֹן ַויֵּשֶׁ ב‬ ‫הָ עָ ם בְּ ָקדֵ שׁ ו ַָתּמָ ת שָׁ ם ִמ ְריָם‬ ‫ וְ ל ֹא־הָ יָה מַ יִם‬:‫ו ִַתּ ָקּבֵ ר שָׁ ם‬ ‫לָעֵ דָ ה ַויּ ִָקּהֲ לוּ עַ ל־מֹשֶׁ ה וְ עַ ל־‬ ‫ ַויּ ֶָרב הָ עָ ם עִ ם־מֹשֶׁ ה‬:‫ַאהֲ רֹן‬ ‫ֹאמרוּ לֵאמֹר וְ לוּ ָגוַעְ נוּ בִּ גְ וַע‬ ְ ‫וַיּ‬ ‫ וְ לָמָ ה‬:‫ַאחֵ ינוּ לִפְ נֵי יְהוָֹה‬ ‫ת־קהַ ל יְהוָֹה ֶאל־‬ ְ ‫אתם ֶא‬ ֶ ֵ‫הֲ ב‬ ‫הַ ִמּ ְדבָּ ר הַ זֶּה לָמוּת שָׁ ם אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬ ‫וְ לָמָ ה הֶ ֱעלִיתֻ נוּ‬ :‫ירנוּ‬ ֵ ִ‫וּבְ ע‬ ‫ִמ ִמּצְ ַר ִים לְהָ בִ יא א ָֹתנוּ ֶאל־‬ ‫הַ מָּ קוֹם הָ ָרע הַ זֶּה ל ֹא ְמקוֹם‬ ‫וּת ֵאנָה וְ ֶגפֶן וְ ִרמּוֹן וּמַ יִם‬ ְ ‫ז ֶַרע‬ :‫ַאיִן ל ְִשׁתּוֹת‬

So, Moses and Aaron left the people and headed to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting where they fell upon their faces and the glory of God appeared before them. And God spoke to Moses, “Take your rod, and together with Aaron gather the people. Then, in their presence, speak to the rock, and it shall give forth water for the people and their livestock so that they may drink.” So Moses took the rod as God had commanded, gathered the Israelites in front of the rock and said “Hear this, you rebels; We will fetch you water out of this very rock!” Whereupon he raised his hand, and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water gushed out in abundance and the people, along with their livestock, quenched their thirst. And God spoke to Moses and Aaron: “Because you did not believe in me and sanctify me in the eyes of the Israelites, you will not get to lead the people into the land which I have given them. This is the water of Meribah, because the people of Israel quarrelled with God, and God was sanctified in them. While Moses was at Kadesh, he sent some men with a message to the king of Edom. The message said, “This is what your brothers, the Israelites, say to you: You know about all the troubles we have had. Many years ago our ancestors went down into Egypt, and we lived there for many years. The people of Egypt were cruel to us. But we asked the Eternal for help, and the Eternal heard us and sent an angel to help us. The Eternal has brought us out of Egypt. “Now we are here at Kadesh, where your land begins. Please let us travel through your country. We will not travel through any fields or vineyards. We will not drink water from any of your wells. We will travel only along King’s Road. We will not leave that road to the right or to the left. We will stay on the road until we have travelled through your country.” But the king of Edom answered, “You may not travel through our land. If you try to travel through our land, we will come and fight you with swords.” +44 (0)208 446 4063 www.fps.org

‫ַויָּב ֹא מֹשֶׁ ה וְ ַאהֲ רֹן ִמפְּ נֵי הַ ָקּהָ ל‬ ‫ֶאל־פּ ֶַתח אֹהֶ ל מוֹעֵ ד ַויִּפְּ לוּ עַ ל־‬ ‫כְ בוֹד־יְהוָֹה‬ ‫ַויּ ֵָרא‬ ‫פְּ נֵיהֶ ם‬ ‫ ַויְדַ בֵּ ר יְהוָֹה ֶאל־מֹשֶׁ ה‬:‫אֲ לֵיהֶ ם‬ ‫ ַקח ֶאת־הַ מַּ טֶּ ה וְ הַ ְקהֵ ל‬:‫לֵּאמֹר‬ �‫ֶאת־הָ עֵ דָ ה ַא ָתּה וְ ַאהֲ רֹן ָא ִחי‬ ‫וְ ִדבַּ ְר ֶתּם ֶאל־הַ סֶּ לַע לְעֵ ינֵיהֶ ם‬ ‫את לָהֶ ם מַ יִם‬ ָ ֵ‫וְ נ ַָתן מֵ ימָ יו וְ הוֹצ‬ ‫ית ֶאת־הָ עֵ דָ ה‬ ָ ‫ִמן־הַ סֶּ לַע וְ ִה ְשׁ ִק‬ ‫ ַויּ ִַקּח מֹשֶׁ ה ֶאת־‬:‫ירם‬ ָ ִ‫וְ ֶאת־בְּ ע‬ ‫הַ מַּ טֶּ ה ִמלִּפְ נֵי יְהוָֹה כַּאֲ שֶׁ ר‬ ‫ ַויּ ְַק ִהלוּ מֹשֶׁ ה וְ ַאהֲ רֹן‬:‫צִ וָּהוּ‬ ‫ֶאת־הַ ָקּהָ ל ֶאל־פְּ נֵי הַ סָּ לַע וַיּ ֹאמֶ ר‬ ‫לָהֶ ם ִשׁ ְמעוּ־נָא הַ מּ ִֹרים הֲ ִמן־‬ :‫הַ סֶּ לַע הַ זֶּה נוֹצִ יא ָלכֶם מָ יִם‬ ‫ַויּ ֶָרם מֹשֶׁ ה ֶאת־יָדוֹ ַויַּ� ֶאת־‬ ‫הַ סֶּ לַע בְּ מַ טֵּ הוּ ַפּעֲמָ יִם ַויֵּצְ אוּ‬ ‫מַ יִם ַרבִּ ים ו ֵַתּ ְשׁ ְתּ הָ עֵ דָ ה‬ ָ ִ‫וּבְ ע‬ ‫ ַיּ ֹאמֶ ר יְה ָוֹה ֶאל־מֹשֶׁ ה‬:‫ירם‬ ‫ל־אהֲ רֹן יַעַ ן ל ֹא־הֶ אֱ מַ נ ְֶתּם בִּ י‬ ַ ‫וְ ֶא‬ ‫ש ָר ֵאל‬ ֹ ְ ‫לְהַ ְק ִדּישֵׁ נִי לְעֵ ינֵי בְּ נֵי ִי‬ ‫ָלכֵן ל ֹא ָתבִ יאוּ ֶאת־הַ ָקּהָ ל הַ זֶּה‬ :‫ֶאל־הָ ָא ֶרץ אֲ שֶׁ ר־נ ַָת ִתּי לָהֶ ם‬ ‫ר־רבוּ בְ נֵי־‬ ָ ֶ‫הֵ מָּ ה מֵ י ְמ ִריבָ ה אֲ שׁ‬ :‫ש ָר ֵאל ֶאת־יְהוָֹה ַו ִיּ ָקּדֵ שׁ בָּ ם‬ ֹ ְ ‫ִי‬ ‫ַויּ ְִשׁלַח מֹשֶׁ ה מַ ל ְָאכִ ים ִמ ָקּדֵ שׁ‬ �‫מֶ לֶ� אֱ דוֹם כֹּה ָאמַ ר ָא ִחי‬-‫ֶאל‬ -‫י ְִשׂ ָר ֵאל ַא ָתּה יָדַ עְ ָתּ ֵאת כָּל‬ ‫ ַויּ ְֵרדוּ‬:‫הַ ְתּל ָ​ָאה אֲ שֶׁ ר ְמצָ ָא ְתנוּ‬ ‫ַונֵּשֶׁ ב‬ ‫ִמצְ ַריְמָ ה‬ ‫אֲ ב ֵֹתינוּ‬ ‫בְּ ִמצְ ַריִם י ִָמים ַרבִּ ים ַויּ ֵָרעוּ לָנוּ‬ -‫ ַונִּצְ עַ ק ֶאל‬:‫ִמצְ ַריִם וְ לַאֲ ב ֵֹתינוּ‬ �‫קלֵנוּ ַו ִיּ ְשׁלַח מַ ל ְָא‬ ֹ ‫יְהוָה ַויּ ְִשׁמַ ע‬ ‫ַויֹּצִ ֵאנוּ ִמ ִמּצְ ָריִם וְ ִהנֵּה אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬ :�ֶ‫בְ ָקדֵ שׁ עִ יר ְקצֵ ה גְ בוּל‬ ‫נָּא בְ ַא ְרצֶ � ל ֹא ַנ ֲעבֹר‬-‫נַעְ בְּ ָרה‬ ‫בְּ שָׂ דֶ ה וּבְ כ ֶ​ֶרם וְ ל ֹא נ ְִשׁ ֶתּה מֵ י‬ ‫בְ ֵאר דֶּ ֶר� הַ מֶּ לֶ� ֵנלֵ� ל ֹא נִטֶּ ה‬ ‫ ַנ ֲעבֹר‬-‫וּשׂמ ֹאול עַ ד אֲ שֶׁ ר‬ ְ ‫י ִָמין‬ ‫ וַיּ ֹאמֶ ר ֵאלָיו אֱ דוֹם ל ֹא‬.�ֶ‫גְּ ֻבל‬ ‫בַּ חֶ ֶרב ֵאצֵ א‬-‫ַת ֲעבֹר בִּ י פֶּן‬ �‫את‬ ֶ ‫ל ְִק ָר‬ Finchley Progressive Synagogue 54 Hutton Grove, London, N12 8DR

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