FPS Shabbat Resouled Siddur

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Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

‫שבת שלום‬ Contents:

Foreword and Welcome


Lighting the Candles


Kabbalat Shabbat


Shema and Its Blessings








Final Songs & Concluding Blessings


Erev Shabbat Kiddush



Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush



In Jewish prayer, there is a subtle balance between what is fixed, ‫ קבע‬- keva, the fixed order of prayers, and ‫ כוונה‬- kavanah, the intention, the attention and the devotion which each individual invests in prayer. Our Shabbat Resouled seeks to combine these two elements, and offers a musical journey through music, words and meditation. A brief word about the structure of a Friday Night Service: 1) Lighting the Candles - this is one ritual that symbolises the start of Shabbat. It is a ritual that often takes place at home as well as in the synagogue. It is customary to have at least two candles, but you can actually have more - some families have one for every member of their household. 2) Kabbalat Shabbat - this is the section of the service that warms us up for the rest of the service and contains a series of songs which welcome Shabbat. The end of this section is often marked by the song Lecha Dodi and Psalm 92. 3) The Barechu and the Shema - the Barechu calls the community to prayer and the Shema and blessings surrounding it form one of the main parts of most Jewish services, the exception being the afternoon service. The Shema contains the declaration of faith - that there is only one God. 4) The Tefillah - the Tefillah is central to Jewish prayer and is included in every service throughout the day (morning, afternoon and evening). It contains a series of blessings which conclude with the song Oseh Shalom. 5) Aleynu and Kaddish - the Aleynu is an ancient prayer that looks to the future when the world will be perfected. The Kaddish is the traditional prayer offered when mourning and may be recited by the whole community or by just those who are mourning. The service concludes with a song and final blessing. May you feel nourished and enriched by this journey through our ancient prayers and our musical tradition.


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

REFLECTIONS If the day is to have any dignity and significane, it must confront one of our greatest curses, which is our internal and external unrest. This unrest arises from two principal sources: first, that we lead a life without goals, and second, that we are involve din competition without end. Shabbat is potentially an enormous relief from, and a protest against, these basic causes of unrest. Once a week it provides us with an opportunity to think about who we are; to deal not with things, but with persons; with Creation and our part in it; with society and its needs; with ourselves as individuals and yet as social beings. We must once again understand that doing nothing, being silent and open to the world, letting things happen inside, can be as important as, and sometimes more important than, what we commonly call useful. Rabbi Gunther Plaut

SHABBAT Sometimes I am not ready to receive you, but you are already there ... Sometimes the world,time, rushes by and you are gone before I ever noticed you ... Sometimes everybody stands in front of me and I cannot see you you were there, weren't you? Sometimes we managed to arrive together you are ready and I am rushed. Sometimes there is suddenly a deep peace and intense quiet by candlelight. I whisper breathlessly: welcome Gut Shabbos!! Sarah (Henrietta Verdonk)


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush


BARUCH atah Adonai, Eloheynu melech ha-olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav, vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Shabbat.

‫הדלקת נרות‬

‫ֹלהינוּ ֵֽ ֶמלְֶך‬ ֵֽ ֱ‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ ָי א‬ ,‫ אֲ ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ֵֽ ָשׁנוּ בְּ ִמ ְצוֹתָ יו‬,‫הָ עוֹלָם‬ .‫וְ ִצ ֵֽ ָוּנוּ לְ הַ ְדלִ יק נר ֶשׁל ַשׁבָּ ת‬

We Praise You, our ever present God, Ruler of all. You make us special by giving us commandments, and calling us to light the Shabbat candles.

BESHEYM Adonay, Elohey Yisrael

,‫יִשׂ ָראל‬ ְ ‫בְּ שׁם יְ ָי אֱ ֹלהי‬ ,‫ימינִי ִמיכָ אל‬ ִ ‫ִמ‬

Mimini Michael, Umismoli Gavriel.

,‫וּמ ְשּׂמֹאלִ י גַּבְ ִריאל‬ ִ ,‫אוּריאל‬ ִ ‫וּמלְּ פָ נַי‬ ִ

Umilefanay Uriel, Ume’achoray Refael,

,‫חוֹרי ְרפָ אל‬ ַ ֲ‫וּמא‬ .‫ֹאשׁי ְשׁכִ ינַת אל‬ ִ ‫וְ עַ ל ר‬

Ve’al roshi Shechinat El

IN THE NAME of Adonai, God of Israel, May Michael be on my right; And on my left, Gavriel. Uriel, before me, And Raphael behind me. And all around above my head, the Presence of God.


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush


‫קבלת שבת‬

SHALOM aleychem malachay ha-shareyt, malachey elyon, mimelech malachey ha-melachim, Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu.

,‫ מַ לְ אֲ כי הַ ָשּׁרת‬,‫ָשׁלוֹם עֲליכֶם‬ ‫ ִמ ֵֽ ֶמּלְֶך מַ לְ כי‬,‫מַ לְ אֲ כי עֶ לְ יוֹן‬ .‫ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוְּך הוּא‬,‫הַ ְמּלָכִ ים‬

Bo-achem le-shalom, malachay ha-shalom, malachey elyon, mimelech malachey ha-melachim, Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu.

‫מַ לְ אֲ כי‬ ,‫לְ ָשׁלוֹם‬ ‫בּוֹאֲ כֶ ם‬ ‫ ִמ ֵֽ ֶמּלְֶך‬,‫ מַ לְ אֲ כי עֶ לְ יוֹן‬,‫הַ ָשּׁלוֹם‬ ‫ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוְּך‬,‫מַ לְ כי הַ ְמּלָכִ ים‬ .‫הוּא‬

Bar’chuni le-shalom, malachey ha-shareyt, malachey elyon, mimelech malachey ha-melachim, Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu.

,‫ מַ לְ אֲ כי הַ ָשּׁלוֹם‬,‫בָּ ְרכֵֽ וּנִי לְ ָשׁלוֹם‬ ‫ ִמ ֵֽ ֶמּלְֶך מַ לְ כי‬,‫מַ לְ אֲ כי עֶ לְ יוֹן‬ .‫ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוְּך הוּא‬,‫הַ ְמּלָכִ ים‬

Tseytechem le-shalom, malachaey ha-shalom, malachey elyon, mimelech malachey ha-melachim, Ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu.

‫ מַ לְ אֲ כי‬,‫אתכֶם לְ ָשׁלוֹם‬ ְ ‫צ‬ ‫ ִמ ֵֽ ֶמּלְֶך‬,‫ מַ לְ אֲ כי עֶ לְ יוֹן‬,‫הַ ָשּׁלוֹם‬ ‫ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוְּך‬,‫מַ לְ כי הַ ְמּלָכִ ים‬ .‫הוּא‬

PEACE BE TO YOU, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, of the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised; Enter in peace, O messengers of the Most High, of the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised; Bless us with peace, O messengers of the Most High, of the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised; Depart in peace, O messengers of the Most High, of the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised.


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

KI ESHMERA Shabbat, El yishmereyni

.‫כִּ י אֶ ְשׁ ְמ ָרה ַשׁבָּ ת אל יִ ְשׁ ְמ ֵֽרנִי‬ :‫אוֹת ִהיא לְעֵֽ וֹלְמי עַ ד בּינוֹ וּבינִי‬ .‫ָאסוּר ְמצֹא ֵֽחפֶ ץ עֲשׂוֹת ְדּ ָרכִ ים‬ .‫גַּם ִמלְּ ַדבּר בּוֹ ִדּבְ רי ְצ ָרכִ ים‬ .‫חוֹרה ַאף ִדּבְ רי ְמלָכִ ים‬ ָ ‫ִדּבְ רי ְס‬ :‫וּתחַ כְּ ֵֽמנִי‬ ְ ‫תוֹרת אל‬ ַ ְ‫אֶ ְהגֶּה בּ‬

Ot hi le-olmey ad, beyno u-beyni Assur metzo chayfetz assot de-rachim. Gam mi-ledaber bo divrey tsrachim, Divrey s’chora af divrey melachim Eyghey b-Torat El u-tekhakmeyni

BECAUSE I KEEP Shabbat, God keeps me. It is a sign between Him and me. It is forbidden to seek to do usual things, Discussing only of what is necessary, No words of business, no words of politics, I will study Torah, and He will make me wiser. Avraham Ibn Ezra


,ָ‫לְ כוּ נ ְַר ְנּנָה לַיי‬ .‫נ ִֵָֽריעָ ה לְ צוּר יִ ְשׁ ֵֽענוּ‬ ,‫תוֹדה‬ ָ ְ‫נ ְַק ְדּמָ ה פָ נָיו בּ‬ ‫בִּ זְ ִמרוֹת נ ִֵָֽריעַ לוֹ‬

Nariya le-Tsur Yish’enu Nekadma fanav be-toda bi-zmirot nariya lo

COME, LET US sing to the Eternal, Let our song ring out to our sheltering rock Let us approach God with thanksgiving, our voices loud with song. Psalm 95:1-2

YISMECHU ha-shamayim, Vetagel ha-aretz, Yir’am hayam, u-melo-o

‫יִ ְשׂ ְמחוּ הַ ָשּׁמַ יִ ם‬ ,‫ָארץ‬ ֶ ָ‫וְ תָ גל ה‬ ‫וּמֹלאוֹ‬ ְ ‫יִ ְרעַ ם הַ יָּם‬

LET THE HEAVENS rejoice, And the earth exult; Let the sea and all within thunder Psalm 96:11


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

KOL ADONAI yecholel ayalot.

‫קוֹל יְ ָי יְ חוֹלל אַ יָּלוֹת‬ ,‫וַ יֶּחֱ שֹׂף יְ עָ רוֹת‬ ‫וּבְ היכָ לוֹ כֻּלּוֹ אֹמר כָּבוֹד‬

Va-yechesof ye’arot U’v-hechalo kulo omer kavod.

THE VOICE OF the Eternal causes hinds to calve, and strip forests bare; While in God’s Temple, all say “Glory!” Psalm 29:9

MIZMOR SHIR le-Yom Ha-Shabbat,

.‫ִמזְ מוֹר ִשׁיר לְ יוֹם הַ ַשּׁבָּ ת‬ ,ָ‫טוֹב לְ הֹדוֹת לַיי‬ .‫וּלְ זַ מּר לְ ִשׁ ְמָך עֶ לְ יוֹן‬ ,‫לְ הַ גִּ יד בַּ ֵֹֽבּ ֶקר חַ ְס ֵֽ ֶדָּך‬ .‫וֶ אֱ מוּנ ְָתָך בַּ לּילוֹת‬ ,‫עֲלי עָ שׂוֹר וַ עֲלי ֵֽ ָנבֶ ל‬ .‫עֲלי ִהגָּיוֹן בְּ כִ נּוֹר‬ ,‫כִּ י ִשׂמַּ ְח ֵֽ ַתּנִי יְ ָי בְּ פָ ֳע ֵֽ ֶלָך‬ .‫בְּ מַ עֲשׂי י ֵֽ ֶָדיָך אֲ ַרנּן‬ ,ָ‫מַ ה גּ ְָדלוּ מַ ע ֵֽ ֲֶשׂיָך יְ י‬ ‫ְמאֹד עָ ְמקוּ מַ ְח ְשׁב ֵֽ ֶֹתיָך‬

Tov le-hodot, l-Adonay, Ulezamer le-shimchah Elyon (x 2) Le-haguid ba-boker chasdecha, V’emunatecha ba-leylot; Aley assor, v’aley naveyl, Aley higayon be-chinor Ki simchatanee Adonay be-fo’aleycha, be-ma’asey yadeycha aranen, Ma gadlu ma’asecha Adonay, me’od amku machshevotecha

A PSALM FOR the Shabbat day. It is good to give thanks to the Eternal, To sing hymns to your name, O Most High; To tell your love in the morning, And your faithfulness in the night; To the sound of lute and harp, and to the music of the lyre. Your deeds fill me with gladness, Your work moves me to song. How great are your works, Eternal God! How very deep your thoughts! Psalm 92:1-6


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

LECHA DODI likrat kallah, peney Shabbat nekabbelah

‫ פְּ ני‬.‫דוֹדי לִ ְק ַראת ַכּלָּה‬ ִ ‫לְ כָה‬ ‫ַשׁבָּ ת נ ְַקבְּ לָה‬

Shamor vezachor bedibbur echad, hishmiyanu el hammeyuchad. Adonai echad ushemo echad. Lesheym u-letiferet velithillah.

,‫ָשׁמוֹר וְ זָ כוֹר בְּ ִדבּוּר אֶ חָ ד‬ ‫ יְ ָי אֶ חָ ד‬.‫ִה ְש ִמיעָ נוּ אל הַ ְמּיֻחָ ד‬ ‫ לְ שׁם וּלְ ִתפְ אֶ ֶרת‬.‫וּשמוֹ אֶ חָ ד‬ ְ ‫וְ לִ ְת ִהלָּה‬

Likrat Shabbat lechu veneylchah. Ki hi mekor haberachah. Meyrosh mikkedem nesuchah. Sof ma-aseh bemachashavah techillah.

‫ כִּ י‬.‫לִ ְק ַראת ַשׁבָּ ת לְ כוּ וְ נלְ כָה‬ ‫ מרֹאשׁ‬.‫ִהיא ְמקוֹר הַ בְּ ָרכָה‬ ‫ סוֹף מַ ע ֲֶשׂה‬.‫ִמ ֶקּ ֶדם נְסוּכָה‬ ‫בְּ מַ חֲ ָשׁבָ ה ְתּ ִחלָּה‬

Hitoreri hitoreri. Ki va oreych kumi ori. Uri, uri shir dabbeyri. Kevod Adonai alayich niglah.

‫ כִּ י בָ א‬.‫עוֹר ִרי‬ ְ ‫עוֹר ִרי ִה ְת‬ ְ ‫ִה ְת‬ ‫עוּרי ִשׁיר‬ ִ ‫עוּרי‬ ִ .‫אוֹרי‬ ִ ‫קוּמי‬ ִ ‫אוֹרְך‬ ‫ כְּ בוֹד יְ ָי עָ לַיִ ְך נִגְ לָה‬.‫ַדבּ ִרי‬

Bo-i veshalom ateret ba-alah. Gam besimchah u-vetzoholah. Toch emuney am seggullah. Bo-i challah, bo-i challah.

‫ גַּם‬.‫בּוֹאי בְ ָשׁלוֹם עֲטֶ ֶרת בַּ ֲעלָהּ‬ ִ ‫ תּוְֹך אֱ מוּני‬.‫בְּ ִשׂ ְמחָ ה וּבְ צָ הֳ לָה‬ ‫בּוֹאי ַכלָּה‬ ִ ,‫בּוֹאי ַכלָּה‬ ִ .‫עַ ם ְס ֻגּלָּה‬

COME, MY FRIEND, the bride to meet, The Shabbat day in joy to greet. “Observe!”, “Remember!”, one command, God taught us both in single phrase. Our God is One, and One, God’s name, In fame, in glory, and in praise . . . Come, my friend...

Arouse yourself, arouse yourself! Your light has come! Rise, shine anew! Awake, awake, break out in song! God’s glory is revealed to you. Come, my friend...

To greet the Shabbat, let us go, For from her endless blessings pour: Conceived before Creation’s dawn, The final act, thought long before. Come, my friend...

O come in peace, Creation’s crown! Let joy and gladden now abide. Refresh God’s people and its faith! Come in, O bride, Come in, O bride! Come, my friend...


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush


‫שמע וברכותה‬

(The Congregation will stand)

Barechu et Adonai hamevorach

:‫בָּ ְרכוּ אֶ ת יְ ָי הַ ְמב ָֹרְך‬

Baruch Adonai hamevorach le-olam va-ed

:‫בָּ רוְּך יְ ָי הַ ְמּב ָֹרְך לְ עוֹלָם וָ עֶ ד‬

PRAISED be the One to whom our praise is due WE PRAISE the Eternal One to whom our praise is due for ever (The Congregation will sit)

“From when onwards are we to read the Shema in the evening?” (Talmud Bavli, Berachot 2a). Why did the Sages start the first mishnah of the first tractate in the Talmud, Berachot, Blessings, with this question? To teach you that the beginning of every awareness is to acknowledge the Creator of the world.”The awe of God is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (Proverbs 9:10). BARUCH atah Adonai, Eloheynu

‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ ָי אֶ ֹלהינוּ מֶ לְֶך‬ ‫ אֲ ֶשׁר בִּ ְדבָ רוֹ מַ ע ֲִריב‬,‫הָ עוֹלָם‬ ,‫ בְּ חָ כְ מָ ה פּוֹתחַ ְשׁעָ ִרים‬,‫ע ֲָרבִ ים‬ ‫ וּמַ חֲ לִ יף‬,‫וּבִ ְתבוּנָה ְמ ַשׁנֶּה עִ ִתּים‬ ‫וּמסַ דּר אֶ ת‬ ְ ,‫אֶ ת הַ זְּ מַ נִּים‬ ‫בְּ ִמ ְשׁ ְמרוֹתיהֶ ם‬ ‫הַ כּוֹכָבִ ים‬ ‫ בּוֹרא יוֹם‬.‫בָּ ָר ִקיעַ כְּ ְרצוֹנוֹ‬ ,‫חשְׁך‬ ֶ ‫ גּוֹלל אוֹר ִמפְּ ני‬,‫וָ לָיְ לָה‬ ‫ וּמַ עֲבִ יר יוֹם‬.‫חשְׁך ִמפְּ ני אוֹר‬ ֶ ְ‫ו‬ ‫ וּמַ בְ ִדּיל בּין יוֹם‬,‫וּמבִ יא לָיְ לָה‬ .‫ יְ ָי ְצבָ אוֹת ְשׁמוֹ‬,‫וּבין לָיְ לָה‬

melech haolam, asher bidvaro maariv aravim, bechochmah pote-ach she-arim, u-vitvunah meshanneh ittim, u-machalif et hazemanim, u-mesadder


bemishmeroteyhem kirtzono. golel


hakochavim barakiyah

Borey yom valaylah, mipney


vechoshech mipney or. U-ma-avir yom u-meyvee laylah, u-mavdil beyn yom u-veyn laylah, Adonai tzeva-ot shemo. Baruch atah Adonai, hama-ariv aravim.

.‫ הַ מַּ ע ֲִריב ע ֲָרבִ ים‬,ָ‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ י‬ 10

Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

WE PRAISE You, our ever present God, Ruler of all, who darkens day into evening, revealing the stars of night. Times change, seasons pass by, the stars move through the sky, all by Your wise choice. You make the earth go round, changing day into night, light into darkness, and darkness once more to light. You make days end and nights begin. You rule the heavens. We praise You, our God, You darken day into evening.

AHAVAT olam beyt Yisrael amcha ahavta, Torah u-mitzvot, chukkim u-mishpatim, otanu limadeta al keyn Adonai Eloheynu, beshochveynu u-vekumeynu nasiach bechukkecha, venismach bedivrey toratecha uvemitzvotecha le-olam va-ed. Ki heym chayyenu ve-orech yameynu, u-vahem neheggeh yomam valaylah, ve-ahavatecha al tasur mimmenu le-olamim.

‫ַאהֲ בַ ת עוֹלָם בּית יִ ְשׁ ָראל עַ ְמָּך‬ ‫ חֻ ִקּים‬,‫וּמ ְצוֹת‬ ִ ‫תּוֹרה‬ ָ ,‫ָאהָ בְ ָתּ‬ ‫ אוֹתָ נוּ לִ מַ ְד ָתּ עַ ל כּן‬,‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ ִטים‬ ִ ‫בְּ ָשׁכְ בנוּ וּבְ קוּמנוּ‬, ‫יְ ָי אֱ ֹלהינוּ‬ ‫ וְ נ ְִשׂמַ ח בְּ ִדבְ רי‬,‫נ ִָשׂיחַ בְּ חֻ ֶקּיָך‬ .‫תוֹרתֶ ָך וּבְ ִמ ְצוֹתֶ יָך לְ עוֹלָם וָ עֶ ד‬ ָ ‫ וּבָ הֶ ם‬,‫כִּ י הם חַ יּינוּ וְ א ֶֹרְך יָמינו‬ ‫ וְ ַאהֲ בָ ְתָך ַאל‬,‫נ ְֶהגֶּה יוֹמָ ם וָ לָיְ לָה‬ .‫ָתּסוּר ִממֶּ נּוּ לְ עוֹל ִָמים‬

Baruch atah Adonai, oheyv ammo Yisrael.

‫ אוֹהב עַ מּוֹ‬,ָ‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתָּה יְ י‬ .‫יִ ְשׂ ָראל‬

NEVER ENDING is Your love for the community of Israel, Your people. You have inspired us with teachings and commandments, laws and rules. Therefore, our ever present God, our last words at night and first in the morning should always be of Your teachings. They give our life meaning and bring us joy. May Your love never leave us. We praise You, our God: You love Your people, Israel. 11

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(The Congregation may stand)

:‫ יְ ָי אֶ ֵֽ ָחד‬,‫ יְ ָי אֱ ֹלהינוּ‬,‫ְשׁמַ ע יִ ְשׂ ָראל‬ SHEMA Yisrael Adonai Eloheynu Adonai Echad HEAR, O Israel: the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God is One.

.‫בָּ רוְּך שׁם כְּ בוֹד מַ לְ כוּתוֹ לְ עוֹלָם וָ עֶ ד‬ BARUCH shem kevod malchuto le-olam va-ed. PRAISED for ever be God’s glorious majesty.

VE-AHAVTA eyt Adonai elohecha, bechol levavcha, u-vechol nafshecha, u-vechol me-odecha. Vehayu hadevarim ha-eyleh, asher anochi metzavecha ha-yom al levavecha. Veshinantam levanecha, vedibarta bam, beshivtecha beveytecha, u-velechtecha vaderech u-veshochbecha uvekumecha. U-keshartam le-ot al yadecha, ve-hayu letotafot beyn eynecha, u-chtavtam al mezuzot beytecha u-visharecha.

‫ בְּ כָ ל־‬,‫וְ ָאהַ בְ ָתּ את יְ ָי אֱ ֹלהֶ יָך‬ .‫כָל־מא ֵֽ ֶֹדָך‬ ְ ְ‫ וּב‬,‫ וּבְ כָ ל־נַפְ ְשָׁך‬,‫לְ ֵֽ ָבבְ ָך‬ ‫ אֲ ֶשׁר‬,‫וְ הָ יוּ הַ ְדּבָ ִרים הָ אלֶּה‬ :‫ עַ ל־לְ בָ ֵֽ ֶבָך‬,‫ֵֽ ָאנֹכִ י ְמצַ וְּ ָך הַ יּוֹם‬ ‫ וְ ִדבַּ ְר ָתּ בָּ ם‬,‫וְ ִשׁ ַנּנ ְָתּם לְ בָ נֶיָך‬ ‫ וּבְ לֶכְ ְתָּך בַ ֶדּ ֶרְך‬,‫בְּ ִשׁבְ ְתָּך בְּ ביתֶ ָך‬ ‫ וּ ְק ַשׁ ְר ָתּם‬.‫קוּמָך‬ ֶ ֵֽ ְ‫ וּב‬,‫וֵּֽ בְ ָשׁכְ בְּ ָך‬ ‫ וְ הָ יוּ לְ טֹטָ פֹת בּין‬,‫לְ אוֹת עַ ל־י ֶָדָך‬ ‫ וּכְ תַ בְ ָתּם עַ ל ְמ ֻזזֹת בּיתֶ ָך‬,‫עי ֵֽ ֶניָך‬ :‫וּבִ ְשׁעָ ֵֽ ֶריָך‬

YOU shall love the Eternal One, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might. Let these words, which I command you this day, be always in your heart. Teach them diligently to your children; speak of them in your home and on your way, when you lie down and when you rise up. Bind them as a sign upon your hand; let them be like frontlets between your eyes; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates. 12

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LEMA-AN tizkeru va-asitem et kol mitzvotai vehiyitem kedoshim leyloheychem. Ani Adonai eloheychem asher hotzeyti etchem meyeretz mitzrayim, lehiyot lachem leylohim, ani Adonai eloheychem.

‫לְ מַ עַ ן ִתּזְ כְּ רוּ וַ ע ֲִשׂיתֶ ם אֶ ת־כָּ ל־‬ ‫ְקד ִֹשים‬ ‫וִ ְהיִ יתֶ ם‬ ,‫ִמ ְצוֹתָ י‬ ,‫ אֲ נִי יְ יְ אֱ ֹלֵֽ היכֶם‬:‫לאֹלֵֽ הי ֵֽ ֶכם‬ ‫אתי אֶ ְתכֶם מאֶ ֶרץ‬ ִ ‫אֲ ֶשׁר הוֹצ‬ ,‫אֹלהים‬ ִ ‫ לִ ְהיוֹת לָכֶ ם ל‬,‫ִמ ְצ ַריִ ם‬ :‫אֲ נִי יְ ָי אֱ ֹלהיכֶם‬

BE MINDFUL of all My commandments, and do them: so shall you be consecrated to your God. I, the Eternal One, am your God who led you out of Egypt to be your God; I, the Eternal One, am your God. (The Congregation will sit)

EMET ve-emunah kol zot, vekayam aleynu, ki hu Adonai eloheynu veeyn zulato, va-anachnu Yisra-el ammo. Hapodeynu miyad melachim, hago-aleynu mikkaf kol he-aritzim, veyotzey et ammo Yisra-el mi-Mitzrayim, lecheyrut olam. Vera-u vanav gevurato. Shibbchu vehodu lishmo. Umalchuto beratzon kibblu aleyhem. Lecha anu shirah besimchah rabbah, ve-amru chulam.

‫ וְ ַקיָּם‬,‫אֱ מֶ ת וֶ אֱ מוּנָה כָּל זֹאת‬ ‫ כִּ י הוּא יְ ָי אֱ ֹלהינוּ וְ אין‬,‫עָ לינוּ‬ .‫וַ אֲ נ ְַחנוּ יִ ְשׂ ָראל עַ מּוֹ‬, ‫זוּלָתוֹ‬ ‫הַ גּוֹאֲ לנוּ‬, ‫הַ פּוֹדנוּ ִמיַּד ְמלָכִ ים‬ ‫ וַ יּוֹצא אֶ ת‬,‫ִמכַּ ף כָּ ל הֶ עָ ִרי ִצים‬ ‫ לְ חרוּת‬,‫עַ מּוֹ יִ ְשׂ ָראל ִמ ִמּ ְצ ַריִ ם‬ ‫ ִשׁבְּ חוּ‬.‫בוּרתוֹ‬ ָ ְ‫ וְ ָראוּ בָ נָיו גּ‬.‫עוֹלָם‬ ‫ וּמַ לְ כוּתוֹ בְּ ָרצוֹן‬.‫וְ הוֹדוּ לִ ְשׁמוֹ‬ ‫ירה‬ ָ ‫ לְ ָך עָ נוּ ִשׁ‬.‫ִקבְּ לוּ עַ ליהֶ ם‬ :‫ָאמרוּ ֻכלָּם‬ ְ ְ‫ ו‬,‫בְּ ִשׁ ְמחָ ה ַרבָּ ה‬

ALL THIS we hold to be true and sure: You alone, Eternal One, are our God, and we are Israel Your people. You have freed us from oppressors, and delivered us from tyrants; You led us out of Egypt, for ever to serve You in freedom. When we witnessed Your power, we praised Your name and gave thanks; willingly we accepted Your rule; then, full of joy, we sang together:


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MI CHAMOCHA ba-eylim Adonai? Mi kamocha nedar bakodesh, nora tehilot osey feleh?

‫ִמי ָכ ֵֹֽמכָה בָּ אלִ ם יְ יָ? ִמי כָּ ֵֹֽמכָה‬ ‫נוֹרא ְת ִהלּ ֹת ֵֹֽעשׂה‬ ָ ,‫קּ ֶדשׁ‬ ֹ ֵֽ ַ‫נ ְֶא ָדּר בּ‬ ?‫ֵֽ ֶפלֶא‬

WHO IS LIKE YOU, Eternal One, among the gods people worship? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, awesome in splendour, doing wonders? ADONAI yimloch le-olam va-ed!

!‫יְ ָי יִ ְמֹלְך לְ עוֹלָם וָ עֶ ד‬

THE ETERNAL GOD shall reign for ever and ever! VENE-EMAR: Ki fadah Adonai et Ya-akov, u-ge-alo miyyad chazak mimenu.

,‫ כִּ י פָ ָדה יְ ָי אֶ ת ַי ֲעקֹב‬:‫וְ נֶאֱ מַ ר‬ .‫וּגְ ָאלוֹ ִמיַּד חָ זָ ק ִממֶּ נּוּ‬

AND IT HAS BEEN SAID: ‘The Eternal one has delivered Jacob, and redeemed us from the hand of one stronger than ourselves’ BARUCH atah Adonai ga-al yisrael.

:‫ גַָּאל יִ ְשׂ ָראל‬,ָ‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ י‬

WE PRAISE YOU, our God, Protector of Israel. HASHKIVEYNU Adonai eloheynu leshalom, veha-amideynu malkeynu lechayyim. U-shemor tzeyteynu uvo-eynu, lechayyim u-leshalom, meyatah ve-ad olam.

,‫הַ ְשׁכִּ יבנוּ יְ ָי אֱ ֹלהינוּ לְ ָשׁלוֹם‬ ‫וּשׁמוֹר‬ ְ .‫וְ הַ ע ֲִמידנוּ מַ לְ כּנוּ לְ חַ יִּ ים‬ ,‫ לְ חַ יִּ ים וּלְ ָשׁלוֹם‬,‫צאתנוּ וּבוֹאנוּ‬ .‫מעַ ָתּה וְ עַ ד עוֹלָם‬

SPREAD the shelter of Your peace over us, guide us in wisdom, compassion and trust. Save us for the sake of Your name, Shield us from hatred, sorrow and pain. BARUCH atah Adonai, haporeys sukkat shalom aleynu ve-al kol yoshvey teyveyl.

‫ הַ פּוֹרשׂ סֻ כַּת‬,ָ‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ י‬ .‫ָל־יוֹשׁבי־תבל‬ ְ ‫ָשׁלוֹם עָ לינוּ וְ עַ ל־כּ‬

LAY us down, our ever present God, for peaceful sleep, and reawaken us, our Ruler, full of life. Guard our journey towards life and peace, now and always. We praise You, our God: You spread a shelter of wellbeing over us and all who live on earth 14

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TEFILLAH - ‫תפלה‬ (The Congregation will stand)

:‫אֲ ֹדנָי ְשׂפָ תַ י ִתּפְ ָתּח וּפִ י יַגִּ יד ְתּ ִהלּ ֵֽ ֶָתָך‬ ADONAI sefatai tiftach u-fi yagid tehilatecha. ETERNAL GOD, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise. Baruch atah Adonai eloheynu veylohey avoteynu ve-imoteynu elohey Avraham elohey Yitzchak veylohey Ya-akov, elohey Sarah elohey Rivkah elohey Racheyl veylohey Leyah. Zocheyr chasdey avot ve-imahot u-meyvi ge-ulah livney veneyhem lema-an shemo beahavah. Melech ozeyr u-moshi-a umageyn.

‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ ָי אֱ ֹלהינוּ ואֹלהי‬ ‫אֲ בוֹתינוּ וְ ִאמּוֹתינוּ אֱ ֹלהי‬ ‫ַאבְ ָרהָ ם אֱ ֹלהי יִ ְצחָ ק ואֹלהי‬ ‫ אֱ ֹלהי ָשׂ ָרה אֱ ֹלהי ִרבְ ָקה‬,‫ַי ֲעקֹב‬ ‫ זוֹכר‬.‫אֱ ֹלהי ָרחל ואֹלהי לָאה‬ ‫חַ ְסדי ָאבוֹת וְ ִאמָּ הוֹת וּמבִ יא‬ ‫גְּ אֻ לָּה לִ בְ ני בְ ניהֶ ם לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמוֹ‬ .‫וּמוֹשׁיעַ וּמָ גן‬ ִ ‫ מֶ לְֶך עוֹזר‬.‫בְּ ַאהֲ בָ ה‬

Baruch atah Adonai Avraham ve-ezrat Sarah.

‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ ָי מָ גן ַאבְ ָרהָ ם‬ .‫וְ עֶ זְ ַרת ָשׂ ָרה‬


We praise You, our ever present God and God of our ancestors: God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; of Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah. You remember the kindly acts which they did and keeping Your promise to them, lovingly help us, their descendents, live in freedom. You are our Ruler, Helper and Protector. We praise You our God, Abraham’s Protector and Sarah’s help.


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ATAH GIBOR le-olam Adonai mechayey meytim atah rav lehoshi-a.

‫אַ ָתּה גִּ בּוֹר לְ עוֹלָם יְ ָי ְמחַ יּה‬ . ַ‫הוֹשיע‬ ִ ְ‫מ ִתים אַ ָתּה ַרב ל‬

Mashiv haru-ach u-morid hageshem, mazri-ach hashemesh u-morid hatal. Vene-eman atah lehachayot meytim.

‫וּמוֹריד הַ גּ ֶ​ֶשׁם‬ ִ ַ‫מַ ִשּׁיב הָ רוּח‬ .‫וּמוֹריד הַ טָּ ל‬ ִ ‫מַ זְ ִריחַ הַ ֶשׁמֶ שׁ‬ .‫וְ נֶאֱ מָ ן אַ ָתּה לְ הַ חֲ יוֹת מ ִתים‬

Baruch atah hameytim.



‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ ָי ְמחַ יּה הַ מּ ִתים‬


YOU GIVE STRENGTH always, O God. You are the source of all life, the great deliverer. You make the wind blow, the rain fall, the dew descend and sun shine. We know we can trust You to keep giving life. We praise You, our God, Giver of life

KADOSH ATAH venora shemecha veeyn lanu elo-ah mibaladecha. Baruch attah Adonai, ha-el hakadosh.

‫נוֹרא ְשׁמֶ ָך וְ אין לָנוּ‬ ָ ְ‫ָקדושׁ אַ ָתּה ו‬ ,ָ‫ בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ י‬.‫אֱ לוֹהַּ ִמבַּ לְ עָ ֶדיָך‬ .‫קּדוֹשׁ‬ ָ ַ‫הָ אל ה‬

YOU ARE HOLY and Your fame is great. We have no other God except You. We praise You, ever present One, the holy God.

(The Congregation will sit)


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VESHAMRU veney Yisra-el et hashabbat, la-asot et hashabbat ledorotam berit olam. Beyni u-veyn beney Yisra-el ot hi le-olam. Ki sheyshet yamim asah Adonai et hashamayim ve-et ha-aretz, u-vayyom hashevi-i shavat vayinnafash.

,‫וְ ָשׁ ְמרוּ בְ ני יִ ְשׂ ָראל אֶ ת הַ ַשּׁבָּ ת‬ ‫ַלעֲשׂוֹת אֶ ת הַ ַשּׁבָּ ת לְ ֹדרֹתָ ם‬ ‫יִשׂ ָראל‬ ְ ‫ בּינִי וּבין בְּ ני‬.‫בְּ ִרית עוֹלָם‬ ‫ כִּ י שׁ ֶשׁת י ִָמים‬.‫אוֹת ִהיא לְ עוֹלָם‬ ,‫ָארץ‬ ֶ ָ‫עָ ָשׂה יְ ָי אֶ ת הַ ָשּׁמַ יִ ם וְ אֶ ת ה‬ .‫וּבַ יּוֹם הַ ְשּׁבִ יעִ י ָשׁבַ ת וַ יִ נָּפַ שׁ‬

THE PEOPLE of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, observing the Sabbath in every generation as a covenant for all time. It is a sign between Me and the People of Israel for ever. For in six days, I, the Eternal One, made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day I ceased from work, and rested. ELOHEYNU velohey avoteynu, retzey vimnuchateynu. Kadsheynu bemitzvotecha veteyn chelkeynu betoratecha, vetaheyr libeynu leovdecha be-emet, vehanchileynu Adonai eloheynu be-ahava u-veratzon shabbat kodshecha, veyanuchu vah Yisra-el, mekadshey shemecha.

‫ ְרצה‬,‫אֱ ֹלהינוּ ואֹלהי אֲ בוֹתינוּ‬ ‫ ַק ְדּשׁנוּ בְּ ִמ ְצוֹתֶ יָך‬.‫בִ ְמנוּחָ תנוּ‬ ‫ וְ טַ הר לִ בּנוּ‬,‫תוֹרתֶ ָך‬ ָ ְ‫וְ תן חֶ לְ קנוּ בּ‬ ‫ וְ הַ נ ְִחילנוּ יְ ָי‬,‫לְ עָ בְ ְדָּך בֶּ אֱ מֶ ת‬ ‫אֱ ֹלהינוּ בְּ ַאהֲ בָ ה וּבְ ָרצוֹן ַשׁבַּ ת‬ ‫ וְ יָנוּחוּ בָ הּ יִ ְשׂ ָראל‬,‫ָק ְד ֶשָׁך‬ .‫ְמ ַק ְדּשׁי ְשׁמֶ ָך‬

Baruch atah Adonai, mekadeysh hashabbat.

.‫ ְמ ַקדּשׁ הַ ַשּׁבָּ ת‬,ָ‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ י‬

OUR GOD and God of those who went before us, be pleased with our rest. Make us holy through doing what You ask of us, and make us part of Your plan. May we truly and wholeheartedly serve You, so that we lovingly and willingly make Your holy Shabbat part of our lives. May all Israel who care about You find rest in Shabbat. We praise You, our God, You make Shabbat holy. 17

Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

RETZEY Adonai eloheynu be-amcha yisrael, u-tefilatam be-ahavah tekabeyl, u-tehi leratzon tamid avodat yisrael amecha.

,‫יִשׂ ָראל‬ ְ ‫ְרצה יְ ָי אֱ ֹלהיְנוּ בְּ עַ ְמָּך‬ ‫וּת ִהי‬ ְ ,‫וּתפִ לָּתָ ם בְּ ַאהֲ בָ ה ְת ַקבּל‬ ְ .‫יִשׂ ָראל עַ מֶּ ָך‬ ְ ‫ֲבוֹדת‬ ַ ‫לְ ָרצוֹן ָתּ ִמיד ע‬

Baruch atah Adonai she-otecha levadecha beyirah na-avod.

‫אוֹתָך לְ בַ ְדָּך‬ ְ ‫ ֶשׁ‬,‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ ָי‬ .‫בְּ יִ ְרָאה ַנעֲבוֹד‬

ETERNAL GOD, be gracious to Your people Israel, and in Your love accept their prayers. May our worship now and always be acceptable in Your sight. We praise You, O God, whom alone we worship in reverence. WE THANK and praise You for being our God and God of our ancestors. We can always rely on You and feel safe. We thank and praise You for caring for our lives, for connecting our souls with You, for the miracles of life, wonders large and small, that remind us You are here, every moment of every day. We praise You, our God, and joyfully thank You for all life’s goodness. SHALOM RAV al Yisra-el amcha (veal kol yoshvey teyveyl) tasim leolam, ki attah hu melech adon lechol hashalom. Vetov be-eynecha levareych et amcha Yisra-el bechol eyt u-vechol sha-ah bishlomecha.

‫ָשׁלוֹם ָרב עַ ל יִ ְשׂ ָראל עַ ְמָּך (וְ עַ ל־‬ ,‫ל־יוֹשׁבי־תבל) ָתּ ִשׂים לְ עוֹלָם‬ ְ ָ‫כּ‬ ‫כִּ י אַ ָתּה הוּא מֶ לְֶך ָאדוֹן לְ כָ ל־‬ ‫ וְ טוֹב בְּ עינֶיָך לְ בָ רְך אֶ ת־‬.‫הַ ָשּׁלוֹם‬ ‫ל־שׁעָ ה‬ ָ ָ‫ישׂ ָראל בְּ כָל־עת וּבְ כ‬ ְ ‫עַ ְמָּך‬ .‫בִּ ְשׁלוֹמֶ ָך‬ .‫שּׁלוֹם‬ ָ ַ‫ עוֹשׂה ה‬,‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ ָי‬

Baruch atah Adonai oseyh hashalom.

BRING GREAT and everlasting peace to Your people Israel and to everyone. For all peace is Your gift, and You want to bless Your people Israel, and everyone, always with Your peace. We praise You, our God, Maker of peace. (Silent Prayer) 18

Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

YIHEYU le-ratzon imrey fi v’hegyon libi lefanyecha, Adonai tzuree v’go’alee

‫יִ ְהיוּ לְ ָרצוֹן ִא ְמרי פִ י וְ הֶ גְ יוֹן לִ בִּ י‬ .‫צוּרי וְ גוֹאֲ לִ י‬ ִ ‫ יְ ָי‬,‫לְ פָ ֵֽ ֶניָך‬

MAY the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Eternal, my Rock and my Redeemer

OSEH shalom bimromav, hu ya-aseh shalom aleynu, ve-al kol yisrael veal kol beney adam, ve-imru Amen.

‫ הוּא ַיע ֲֶשׂה‬,‫ע ֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬ ‫ָשׁלוֹם עָ לינוּ וְ עַ ל כָּ ל יִ ְשׂ ָראל וְ עַ ל‬ .‫ָאדם וְ ִא ְמרוּ ָאמן‬ ָ ‫כָּל בְּ ני‬

MAY the Most High, Source of perfect peace, grant peace to us, to all Israel, and to all the world. And let us say Amen.


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

ALEYNU ALEYNU leshabeyach la-adon hakol,

,‫עָ לינוּ לְ ַשׁבּחַ לַאֲ דוֹן הַ כֹּל‬ ,‫אשׁית‬ ִ ‫לָתת גְּ דֻ לָּה לְ יוֹצר בְּ ר‬ ‫ת־שׁמוֹ‬ ְ ֶ‫אֲ ֶשׁר ָשׂם חֶ לְ קנוּ לְ יַחד א‬ .‫מלִ יְך מַ לְ כוּתוֹ‬ ְ ַ‫גוֹרלנוּ לְ ה‬ ָ ְ‫ו‬

Lateyt gedulah leyotzeyr bereyshit, asher sam chelkeynu leyacheyd et shemo



malchuto. Va-anachnu korim u-mishtachavim

‫וּמ ְשׁ ַתּחֲ וִ ים‬ ִ ‫כּוֹרעִ ים‬ ְ ‫וַ אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬ ‫וּמוֹדים לִ פְ ני מֶ לְֶך מַ לְ כי‬ ִ ,‫קּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוְּך הוּא‬ ָ ַ‫ ה‬,‫הַ ְמּלָכִ ים‬

u-modim lifney melech malchey hamlachim, hakadosh baruch hu, Shehu noteh shamayim veyoseyd

,‫ָארץ‬ ֶ ‫ֶשׁהוּא נוֹטֶ ה ְשׁמַ יִ ם וְ יוֹסד‬ ‫וּמוֹשׁב יְ ָקרוֹ בַּ ָשּׁמַ יִ ם ִממַּ עַ ל‬ ַ .‫רוֹמים‬ ִ ‫וּשׁכִ ינַת עֻזּוֹ בְּ גָבְ הי ְמ‬ ְ ‫ אֶ מֶ ת‬.‫הוּא אֱ ֹלהינוּ אין עוֹד‬ ‫ כַּכָּ תוּב‬,‫מַ לְ כּנוּ אֶ פֶ ס זוּלָתוֹ‬ ָ‫ וְ י ַָדעְ ָתּ הַ יּוֹם וַ הֲ שׁבֹת‬:‫תוֹרתוֹ‬ ָ ְ‫בּ‬ ‫ֹלהים‬ ִ ֱ‫אֶ ל־לְ בָ בֶ ָך כִּ י יְ הוָֹ ה הוּא הָ א‬ ‫ָארץ ִמ ָתּחַ ת‬ ֶ ָ‫בַּ ָשּׁמַ יִ ם ִממַּ עַ ל וְ עַ ל ה‬ .‫אין עוֹד‬

aretz, u-moshav yekaro bashamayim mima-al u-shchinat uzo begovhey meromim.

Hu eloheynu eyn od.

Emet malkeynu efes zulato, kakatuv betorato




vehasheyvota el levavecha ki Adonai hu ha-elohim bashamayim mima-al ve-al ha-aretz mitachat eyn od.

LET US now praise the Sovereign of the universe and proclaim the greatness of its Creator, whose unity it is our mission to make known, whose rule it is our task to make effective. We bow in awe and thanksgiving before the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised, Who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory fills the highest heavens, whose might extends throughout all space, who alone is our God, for no other exists, who in truth is our Sovereign, for there is none else; as it is written: ‘Know then this day and take it to heart: the Eternal One is God in the heavens above and on the earth below; there is no other.’ 20

Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

AL KEYN nekaveh lecha Adonai eloheynu, lirot meheyrah betiferet uzecha, leha-avir gilulim min haaretz veha-elilim karot yikareytun. Letakeyn olam bemalchut shadai, vechol beney vasar yikre-u vishmecha. Lehafnot eylecha kol rishey aretz. Yakiru veyeydu kol yoshvey teyvel, ki lecha tichra kol berech, tishava kol lashon. Lefanecha Adonai eloheynu yichre-u veyipolu. Velichvod shimcha yekar yiteynu. Vikablu chulam et ol malchutecha. Vetimloch aleyhem meheyrah leolam va-ed. Ki hamalchut shelcha hi, u-le-olmey ad timloch bechavod. Kakatuv betoratecha, Adonai yimloch le-olam va-ed.

,‫ֹלהינוּ‬ ֵֽ ֱ‫עַ ל כּן נ ְַקוֶּ ה לְ ָך יְ ָי א‬ ,‫לִ ְראוֹת ְמה ָרה בְּ ִתפְ ֵֽ ֶא ֶרת עֻזֶּ ָך‬ ‫לְ הַ עֲבִ יר גִ לוּלִ ים ִמן הָ ֵֽ ָא ֶרץ‬ ‫ לְ תַ קּן‬. ‫וְ הָ אֱ לִ ילִ ים כָּרוֹת יִ כָּ רתוּן‬ ‫ וְ כָל בְּ ני‬,‫עוֹלָם בְּ מַ לְ כוּת ַשׁ ַדּי‬ ‫ לְ הַ פְ נוֹת‬.‫בָ ָשׂר יִ ְק ְראוּ בִ ְשׁ ֵֽ ֶמָך‬ ‫ י ִֵַֽכּירוּ וְ י ְדעוּ‬.‫א ֵֽ ֶליָך כָּ ל ִר ְשׁעי ֵֽ ָא ֶרץ‬ ‫ כִּ י לְ ָך ִתּכְ ַרע כָּל‬,‫יוֹשׁבי תבל‬ ְ ‫כָּ ל‬ ‫ לְ פָ ֵֽ ֶניָך יְ ָי‬:‫ ִתּ ָשּׁבַ ע כָּ ל לָשׁוֹן‬,‫ֵֽ ֶבּ ֶרְך‬ ‫ וְ לִ כְ בוֹד‬.‫ֹלהינוּ יִ כְ ְרעוּ וְ יִ ֵֹֽפּלוּ‬ ֵֽ ֱ‫א‬ ‫יקבְּ לוּ ֻכלָּם אֶ ת‬ ַ ִ‫ ו‬.‫ִשׁ ְמָך יְ ָקר יִ ֵֽתּנוּ‬ ‫ וְ ִת ְמֹלְך עֲליהֶ ם‬.‫כוּתָך‬ ֶ ֵֽ ְ‫עוֹל מַ ל‬ ‫ כִּ י הַ מַּ לְ כוּת‬.‫ְמה ָרה לְ עוֹלָם וָ עֶ ד‬ ‫ וּלְ עֵֽ וֹלְ מי עַ ד ִתּ ְמלוְֹך‬,‫ֶשלְ ָך ִהיא‬ ‫ יְ ָי‬,‫תוֹר ֵֽ ֶתָך‬ ָ ְ‫ כַּ כָּתוּב בּ‬:‫בְּ כָבוֹד‬ :‫יִ ְמֹלְך לְ עוֹלָם וָ עֶ ד‬

TRUSTING in You, Eternal God, we hope soon to behold the glory of Your might, when false gods will vanish from our hearts, and idolatry cease for ever. Help us to perfect the world by bringing it under Your unchallenged rule, when all will invoke Your name, relinquish evil, and turn to You alone. May all who dwell on earth come to know that to You every knee must bend and every tongue swear loyalty. Before You, let them humble themselves, and to Your glorious name let them give honour. Let all submit to Your sovereign rule; may that time come soon, and last for ever. For ultimate sovereignty is Yours, and to all eternity You will reign in glory, as it is written: The Eternal one shall reign for ever. VENE-EMAR: Vehayah Adonai lemelech al kol ha-aretz. Bayom hahu yihiyeh Adonai echad ushemo echad.

‫ וְ הָ יָה יְ ָי לְ ֵֽ ֶמלְֶך עַ ל־כָּ ל־‬.‫וְ נֶאֱ מַ ר‬ ‫ בַּ יּוֹם הַ הוּא יִ ְהיֶה יְ ָי אֶ חָ ד‬.‫הָ ֵֽ ָא ֶרץ‬ .‫וּשׁמוֹ אֶ חָ ד‬ ְ

AND IT HAS BEEN SAID: The Eternal God shall rule over all the earth; on that day the Eternal God shall be One, and known to be One. 21

Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush



God, a mystery surrounds my life. What comes before it and what lies after it are hidden from me. My life is very short and Your universe is vast. But in the darkness is Your presence, and in the mystery, Your love. My ancestors put their trust in You, and You put goodness in their hearts and peace within their minds. May I be like them and may my reward be like theirs. In every place, at every time, Your voice speaks within me. It leads me in the way of honesty and charity. It shows me truth and goodness. There are times when it is hard to hear You and times when it is hard to follow You; and I know this is my loss. In the quietness this Shabbat I turn my thoughts to You. Help me to hear Your voice, to find Your image in my soul and to be at peace.

God, You are Creator of life. You give us dear ones, and we rejoice in their love, grow stronger through their care, and are made better by their example. You also bring death, and an end to our time together on earth. We feel sad when loved ones die, and our sadness shows just how much we loved them. In our hearts our loved ones never die. We will always remember them, and thoughts of them will inspire us to live good and noble lives. With that unbroken faith which links the generations, let us once more praise God.


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

YITGADAL veyitkadash shemey raba. Be-alma di vera chirutey veyamlich malchutey bechayeychon u-veyomeychon u-vechayey dechol beyt yisrael, ba-agala u-vizman kariv ve-imru: ameyn.

‫יִת ַק ַדּשׁ ְשׁמהּ ַרבָּ א בְּ עָ לְמָ א‬ ְ ְ‫יִתגּ ַ​ַדּל ו‬ ְ ‫ וְ י ְַמלִיְך מַ לְכוּתהּ‬,‫ִדּי בְ ָרא כִ ְרעוּתהּ‬ ‫בְּ חַ יּיכוֹן וּבְ יוֹמיכוֹן וּבְ חַ יּי ְדכָל בּית‬ ,‫ בַּ ֲע ָגלָא וּבִ זְ מַ ן ָק ִריב‬,‫יִשׂ ָראל‬ ְ .‫ ָאמן‬:‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ‬ ‫יְהא ְשׁמהּ ַרבָּ א ְמבָ ַרְך לְעָ לַם‬ .‫וּלְעָ לְמי עָ לְמַ יָּא‬ ‫יִתפָּ ַאר‬ ְ ְ‫ו‬ ,‫יִשׁ ַתּבַּ ח‬ ְ ְ‫ו‬ ‫יִתבָּ ַרְך‬ ְ ‫יִתהַ ָדּר‬ ְ ְ‫ ו‬,‫יִתנַשּׂא‬ ְ ְ‫יִתרוֹמַ ם ו‬ ְ ְ‫ו‬ ,‫יִתהַ לָּל ְשׁמהּ ְדּקֻ ְד ָשׁא‬ ְ ְ‫יִתעַ לֶּה ו‬ ְ ְ‫ו‬ ,‫בְּ ִריְך הוּא‬ ,‫ירתָ א‬ ָ ‫לְעלָּא ִמן כָּל בִּ ְרכָתָ א וְ ִשׁ‬ ֵֽ ‫ירן‬ ָ ‫תֻּ ְשׁבְּ חָ תָ א וְ נֶחֱ מָ תָ א ַדּאֲ ִמ‬ .‫ ָאמן‬:‫ וְ ִא ְמרוּ‬,‫בְּ עָ לְמָ א‬ ‫יְהא ְשׁלָמָ א ַרבָּ א ִמן ְשׁמַ יָּא וְ חַ יִּים‬ :‫ וְ ִא ְמרוּ‬,‫יִשׂ ָראל‬ ְ ‫עָ לינוּ וְ עַ ל כָּל‬ .‫ָאמן‬ ‫ הוּא ַיע ֲֶשׂה‬,‫ע ֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬ ‫יִשׂ ָראל וְ עַ ל כָּל‬ ְ ‫ָשּׁלוֹם עָ לינוּ וְ עַ ל כָּל‬ .‫ ָאמן‬:‫ וְ ִא ְמרוּ‬,‫ָאדם‬ ָ ‫בְּ ני‬

Yehey shemey raba mevarach lealam u-le-almey almaya. Yitbarach veyishtabach, veyitpa-ar veyitromam veyitnasey, veyithadar veyitaleh veyithalal shemey dekudsha, berich hu, le-eyla min kol birchata veshirata, tushbachata venechemata daamiran be-alma ve-imru: ameyn. Yehey shelama raba min shemaya vechayyim aleynu ve-al kol yisrael, ve-imru: ameyn. Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya-aseh shalom aleynu ve-al kol yisrael ve-al kol beney adam, ve-imru: ameyn.

MAGNIFIED and sanctified be the great name of the One by whose will the world was created. May God’s rule become effective in your lives, and in the life of the whole House of Israel. May it be so soon and let us say: Amen. May God’s great name be praised to all eternity. Blessed and praised; glorified, exalted and extolled; lauded, honoured and acclaimed be the name of the Holy One, who is ever to be praised, though far above the eulogies and songs of praise and consolation that human lips can utter; and let us say: Amen. May great peace descend from heaven, and abundant life be granted, to us and all Israel; and let us say: Amen. May the Most High, Source of perfect peace, grant peace to us to all Israel, and to all humanity, and let us say: Amen. 23

Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

ADON OLAM asher malach, beterem kol yetzir nivra. Le-eyt na-asah vecheftzo kol, azai melech shemo nikra.

,‫אֲ דוֹן עוֹלָם אֲ ֶשׁר ָמלְַך‬ .‫בְּ ֵֽ ֶט ֶרם כָּ ל יְ ִציר נִ ְב ָרא‬ ,‫לְ עת ַנע ֲָשׂה ְבחֶ פְ צוֹ כֹּל‬ .‫אֲ זַ י ֵֽ ֶמלְֶך ְשׁמוֹ נִ ְק ָרא‬

Ve-acharey kichlot hakol, levado yimloch nora. Vehu hayah vehu hoveh vehu yihiyeh betifarah.

,‫וְ ַאחֲ רי כִּ כְ לוֹת הַ כֹּל‬ .‫נוֹרא‬ ָ ‫לְ בַ דּוֹ יִ ְמלוְֹך‬ ,‫ וְ הוּא הוֶֹ ה‬,‫וְ הוּא הָ יָה‬ .‫ָארה‬ ָ ְ‫וְ הוּא יִ ְהיֶה בְּ ִתפ‬

Vehu echad ve-eyn sheyni lehamshilo lehachbirah, Beli reyshit beli tachlit, velo ha-oz vehamisrah.

,‫וְ הוּא ֶאחָ ד וְ אין שׁנִ י‬ .‫ירה‬ ָ ‫לְ הַ ְמ ִשׁיל לוֹ לְ הַ ְח ִֵֽבּ‬ ,‫אשׁית בְּ לִ י ַתכְ לִ ית‬ ִ ‫בְּ לִ י ר‬ .‫ולוֹ הָ עוֹז וְ הַ ִמּ ְשׂ ָרה‬

Vehu eyli vechai go-ali, vetzur chevli be-eyt tzarah. Vehu nisi u-manos li, menat kosi beyom ekra.

,‫וְ הוּא אלִ י וְ חַ י גֹּאֲ לִ י‬ ,‫וְ צוּר חֶ בְ לִ י בְּ עת צָ ָרה‬ ,‫וְ הוּא נִ ִסּי וּמָ נוֹס לִ י‬ .‫כּוֹסי ְבּיוֹם ֶא ְק ָרא‬ ִ ‫ְמנָת‬

Beyado afkid ruchi, be-eyt ishan ve-a-irah. Ve-im ruchi geviyati, Adonai li velo ira.

,‫רוּחי‬ ִ ‫בְּ יָדוֹ ַאפְ ִקיד‬ .‫ירה‬ ָ ‫ָאע‬ ִֵֽ ְ‫ישׁן ו‬ ַ ‫בְּ עת ִא‬ ,‫רוּחי גְּ וִ יּ ִָתי‬ ִ ‫ועִ ם‬ .‫ירא‬ ָ ‫יְ ָי לִ י וְ ֹלא ִא‬

ETERNAL GOD, who reigned before Your will had caused the world to be: Already then You reigned supreme In undisputed sovereignty. And when the universe has ceased, You will still reign in majesty; For as You were, so will You be From now until eternity.

My My My My

And You are One, there is none else, No equal standing at Your side, Without beginning, without end, All might and rule in You reside.

Into Your hand, I place my soul, Asleep, awake, for You are near, And with my soul, my body too: You are my God, I shall not fear. 24

living and redeeming God, shelter on a stormy day, banner and my refuge still, cup of comfort when I pray.

Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

EYN KEYLOHEYNU, eyn kadoneynu, eyn kemalkeynu, eyn kemoshi-eynu.

‫ אין‬,‫כַּאדוֹנינוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫ אין‬,‫אֹלהינוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫אין כּ‬ .‫יענוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫מוֹשׁ‬ ִ ְ‫ אין כּ‬,‫כְּ מַ לְ ֵֽכּנוּ‬

Mi cheyloheynu, mi chadoneynu, mi chemalkeynu mi chamoshieynu.

‫ ִמי‬,‫אדוֹנינוּ‬ ֵֽ ַ‫ ִמי כ‬,‫אֹלהינוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫ִמי כ‬ .‫יענוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫מוֹשׁ‬ ִ ְ‫ ִמי כ‬,‫כְ מַ לְ ֵֽכּנוּ‬ ,‫ַאדוֹנינוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫נוֹדה ל‬ ֶ ,‫אֹלהינוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫נוֹדה ל‬ ֶ .‫יענוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫מוֹשׁ‬ ִ ְ‫נוֹדה ל‬ ֶ ,‫נוֹדה לְ מַ לְ ֵֽכּנוּ‬ ֶ

Nodeh leyloheynu, nodeh ladoneynu, nodeh lemalkeynu, nodeh lemoshi-eynu.

,‫דוֹנינוּ‬ ֵֽ ֲ‫ בָּ רוְּך א‬,‫ֹלהינוּ‬ ֵֽ ֱ‫בָּ רוְּך א‬ .‫יענוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫מוֹשׁ‬ ִ ‫ בָּ רוְּך‬,‫בָּ רוְּך מַ לְ ֵֽכּנוּ‬

Baruch eloheynu, baruch adoneynu baruch malkeynu, baruch moshieynu.

‫ אַ ָתּה הוּא‬,‫ֹלהינוּ‬ ֵֽ ֱ‫אַ ָתּה הוּא א‬ ‫ אַ ָתּה‬,‫ אַ ָתּה הוּא מַ לְ ֵֽכּנוּ‬,‫דוֹנינוּ‬ ֵֽ ֲ‫א‬ .‫יענוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫מוֹשׁ‬ ִ ‫הוּא‬

Atah hu eloheynu, atah hu adoneynu, atah hu malkeynu, atah hu moshi-eynu.

THERE is none like our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer. Who is like our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer? We give thanks to our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer. Praised be our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer. You are our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer.


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

YIGDAL Elohim chai ve’yishtabach, nimtza v’ein et el metsiuto. Echad V’ein yachid keyichudo, ne’elam v’gam ein sof l’achduto.

,‫ֹלהים חַ י וְ יִ ְשׁ ַתּבַּ ח‬ ִ ֱ‫יִ גְ ַדּל א‬ :ֹ‫ וְ אין עת אֶ ל ְמ ִציאוּתו‬,‫נ ְִמצָ א‬ ,‫ נֶעְ לָם‬,ֹ‫אֶ חָ ד וְ אין י ִָחיד כְּ יִ חוּדו‬ :ֹ‫ַאחדּוּתו‬ ְ ְ‫וְ גַם אין סוֹף ל‬ ,‫אין ל ֹו ְדמוּת הַ גּוּף וְ אינ ֹו גּוּף‬ :ֹ‫ֹלא ַנעֲרוְֹך אלָיו ְקדֻ ָשּׁתו‬ ,‫ַק ְדמוֹן לְ כָל ָדּבָ ר אֲ ֶשׁר נִבְ ָרא‬ ‫אשׁית‬ ִ ‫ִראשׁוֹן וְ אין ר‬ :ֹ‫אשׁיתו‬ ִ ‫לְ ר‬ .‫ לְ כָ ל נוֹצָ ר‬,‫ִהנּ ֹו אֲ דוֹן ע ֹולָם‬ :ֹ‫יו ֶֹרה גְ דֻ לָּת ֹו וּמַ לְ כוּתו‬ ‫ אֶ ל ַאנְשׁי‬,ֹ‫ֶשׁפַ ע נְבוָּאת ֹו נְתָ נו‬ :ֹ‫ַארתּו‬ ְ ְ‫ְסגוּלָּת ֹו וְ ִתפ‬ ‫ֹלא ָקם בְּ יִ ְשׂ ָראל כְּ מ ֶֹשה עוֹד‬ :ֹ‫ וּמַ בִּ יט אֶ ת ְתּמוּנָתו‬,‫נָבִ יא‬ ‫ עַ ל‬,‫ אל‬,ֹ‫תּו ַֹרת אֱ מֶ ת נָתַ ן לְ עַ מּו‬ :ֹ‫יַד נְבִ יא ֹו נֶאֱ מַ ן בּיתו‬ .ֹ‫ֹלא יַחֲ לִ יף הָ אל וְ ֹלא י ִָמיר ָדּתו‬ :ֹ‫ לְ זוּלָתו‬,‫לְ ע ֹול ִָמים‬ ‫ מַ בִּ יט‬,‫צוֹפֶ ה וְ יו ֵֹֽדעַ ְסתָ רינוּ‬ :ֹ‫לְ סוֹף ָדּבָ ר בְּ ַק ְדמָ תו‬ ‫ נוֹתן‬,ֹ‫גּוֹמל לְ ִאישׁ ֵֽ ֶחסֶ ד כְּ ִמפְ עָ לו‬ :ֹ‫לְ ָר ָשׁע ָרע כְּ ִר ְשׁעָ תו‬ ,‫יחנוּ‬ ֵֽ ‫יִ ְשׁלַח לְ קץ י ִָמין ְמ ִשׁ‬ :ֹ‫לִ פְ דּוֹת ְמחַ כּי קץ יְ שׁוּעָ תו‬ ,ֹ‫מ ִתים יְ חֲ יֶּה אל בְּ רוֹב חַ ְסדּו‬ :ֹ‫בָּ רוְּך עֲדי עַ ד שׁם ְתּ ִהלָּתו‬

Ein lo d’mut haguf v’eino guf, lo na’aroch eilav kedushato. Kadmon l’chol davar asher nivra, rishon v’ein reishit l’reishito. Hino adon olam l’chol notsar, yoreh g’dulato umalchuto. Shefa n’vuato netano, el anshei s’gulato v’tif’arto. Lo kam b’Yisrael k’Moshe od navi umabeet et temunato. Torat emet natan le'amo el, al yad neveeo ne'eman beito. Lo yachalif ha'el ve'lo yamir dato, le'olamim, lezulato. Tsofeh v’yodea setareinu, mabeet l’sof davar B'kadmato. Gomel l’ish chesed k’mif’alo, notel l’rasha ra kerish’ato. Yishlach l’ketz yamin meshicheinu, lifdot m’chakei ketz yeshuato. Metim y’chayeh El b’rov chasdo, baruch adei ad shem t’hilato.


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush


Y’SIMCHA Elohim k’Efrai-im v’chiM’nashe

‫ֹלהים כְּ אֶ פְ ַריִ ם וְ כִ ְמנ ֶַשּׁה‬ ִ ֱ‫יְ ִשׂ ְמָך א‬

MAY the Eternal make you like Ephraim and Manasseh Y’SIMEKH Elohim k’Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel v’Leah

‫יְ ִשׂמְך אֱ להיִ ם כְּ ָשׂ ָרה ִרבְ ָקה‬ ‫ָרחל וְ לָאה‬

MAY the Eternal make you like Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah

YIVARECHA Adonai veyishmerecha.

.‫יְ בָ ֶרכְ ָך יְ ָי וְ יִ ְשׁ ְמ ֵֽ ֶרָך‬

Ya-eyr Adonai panav eleycha viychuneycha.

.ָ‫יָאר יְ ָי פָּ נָיו א ֵֽ ֶליָך וִ יחֻ ֵֽ ֶנּךּ‬

Yisa Adonai panav eleycha vayasem lecha shalom.

‫יִ ָשּׂא יְ ָי פָּ נָיו א ֵֽ ֶליָך וְ יָשׂם לְ ָך‬ .‫ָשׁלוֹם‬

MAY God bless us and keep us. May God look kindly upon us and be gracious to us. May God reach out to us in tenderness and give us peace.


Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush



VAYEHEE EREV, Vayehee voker, Yom ha-Shishi.

.‫וַ יְ ִהי ֵֽ ֶע ֶרב וַ יְ ִהי ֵֹֽב ֶקר יוֹם הַ ִשּׁ ִשּׁי‬

Vayachulu hashamayim, v’ha-aretz, v’chol tzeva-am. Vayechal Elohim bayom ha-shevi’i melachto asher assa, va-yishbot ba-yom ha-shevi’i mikol melachto asher assa. Va-yevarech Elohim et-yom ha-shevi’i va-yekadesh oto, ki vo shavat mikol melachto asher bara Elohim la’assot.

‫וַ יְ כֻלּוּ הַ ָשּׁ ֵֽ ַמיִ ם וְ הָ ֵֽ ָא ֶרץ וְ כָל‬ ‫ֹלהים בַּ יּוֹם‬ ִ ֱ‫ וַ יְ כַל א‬.‫ְצבָ ָאם‬ ,‫הַ ְשּׁבִ יעִ י ְמלַאכְ תּוֹ אֲ ֶשׁר עָ ָשׂה‬ ‫וַ יִּ ְשׁבֹּת בַּ יּוֹם הַ ְשּׁבִ יעִ י ִמכָּל‬ ‫ וַ יְ ֵֽ ָב ֶרְך‬.‫ְמלַאכְ תּוֹ אֲ ֶשׁר עָ ָשׂה‬ ‫ֹלהים אֶ ת יוֹם הַ ְשּׁבִ יעִ י וַ יְ ַקדּשׁ‬ ִ ֱ‫א‬ ‫ כִּ י בוֹ ָשׁבַ ת ִמכָּ ל ְמלַאכְ תּוֹ‬,‫אֹתוֹ‬ .‫ֹלהים ַלעֲשׂוֹת‬ ִ ֱ‫אֲ ֶשר בָּ ָרא א‬ :‫סַ בְ ִרי מָ ָרנָן וְ ַרבָּ נָן וְ ַרבּוֹתַ י‬ ‫ֹלהינוּ ֵֽ ֶמלְֶך‬ ֵֽ ֱ‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ ָי א‬ .‫ בּוֹרא פְּ ִרי הַ ֵֽ ָגּפֶ ן‬,‫הָ עוֹלָם‬ ‫ֹלהינוּ ֵֽ ֶמלְֶך‬ ֵֽ ֱ‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ ָי א‬ ‫ אֲ ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ֵֽ ָשׁנוּ בְּ ִמ ְצוֹתָ יו‬,‫הָ עוֹלָם‬ ‫ וְ ַשׁבַּ ת ָק ְדשׁוֹ בְּ ַאהֲ בָ ה‬,‫וְ ֵֽ ָרצָ ה ֵֽ ָבנוּ‬ ‫וּבְ ָרצוֹן ִהנ ְִחי ֵֽ ָלנוּ זִ כָּ רוֹן לְ מַ עֲשׂה‬ ‫ כִּ י הוּא יוֹם ְתּ ִחלָּה‬,‫אשׁית‬ ִ ‫בְ ר‬ ‫יציַאת‬ ִ ִ‫ ֵֽזכֶר ל‬,‫ק ֶדשׁ‬ ֹ ֵֽ ‫לְ ִמ ְק ָראי‬ ‫אוֹתנוּ‬ ָ ֵֽ ְ‫ כִּ י ֵֽ ָבנוּ בָ ֵֽ ַח ְר ָתּ ו‬,‫ִמ ְצ ֵֽ ָריִ ם‬ ‫ וְ ַשׁבַּ ת‬,‫ִק ֵֽ ַדּ ְשׁ ָתּ ִמכָּ ל הָ עַ ִמּים‬ ‫וּבְ ָרצוֹן‬ ‫בְּ ַאהֲ בָ ה‬ ‫ָק ְד ְשָׁך‬ .‫ִהנְחַ לְ ֵֽ ָתּנוּ‬

Savri maranan v’rabanan v’rabotay: Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheynu melech ha-olam, borey peri ha-gafen (Amen). Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheynu melech ha-olam, asher kideshanu b’mitzvotav v’ratza vanu, v’shabbat kodshecha b’ahava u’vratzon hinchilanu zikaron l’ma’asey bereyshit. Ki hu yom techila l’mikraey kodesh, zekher li’tziat mitzrayim. Ki vanu vacharta, v’otanu limadeta mikol ha-amim, v’shabbat kodshecha b’ahava uv’ratzon hinchaltanu. Barukh Ata Adonai, mekadeysh hashabbat.

.‫ ְמ ַקדּשׁ הַ ַשּׁבָּ ת‬,ָ‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ י‬

Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheynu melech ha-olam, ha-motzi lechem min ha-aretz.

‫ֹלהינוּ ֵֽ ֶמלְֶך‬ ֵֽ ֱ‫ א‬,ָ‫בָּ רוְּך אַ ָתּה יְ י‬ .‫וֹציא ֵֽ ֶלחֶ ם ִמן הָ ֵֽ ָא ֶרץ‬ ִ ‫ הַ ֵֽמּ‬,‫הָ עוֹלָם‬ 28

Lighting the candles - Kabbalat Shabbat - Shema - Tefillah - Aleynu - Kaddish - Conclusion - Kiddush

THERE WAS an evening, there was a morning, the sixth day. Heaven and earth, and all their array, were finished. For with the seventh day, God finished the work of creation, and on the seventh day, God rested from all the work, now done. Then God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, having rested on it from the completed work of creation. We praise You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine. We praise you, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe. By your commandments, you have consecrated us to Your service. In Your love and favour You have given us Your holy Shabbat, to remind us that the world is Your creation. It is the first of our holy days, and a remembrance of our liberation from Egyptian bondage. You have called us to serve You as a holy people, and given us the Shabbat as a token of Your love. We praise You, O God, for the holiness of the Shabbat.

WE PRAISE You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe, by whose will bread comes forth out of the earth.


The musical project known as SHABBAT RESOULED evolved out of the highly successful eponymous Kabbalat Shabbat service held on the third Friday of each month and has been attended by thousands of people since its inception in April 2007 http://www.reverbnation.com/shabbatresouled

54 Hutton Grove, Finchley, London, N12 8DR 0208 446 4063 www.finchleyprogressivesynagogue.org Finchley Progressive Synagogue is grateful to David and Kate Birk for sponsoring this new Siddur which was originally created by Rabbi Neil Janes using liturgy taken from Siddur Lev Chadash – the Siddur of Liberal Judaism and further developed for this edition by Rabbi Rebecca Qassim Birk and Rabbi Rene Pfertzel together with lay leadership

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