2 minute read
Board of Deputies of British Jews
My report for Shofar’s November 2022 issue regrettably missed being issued, but was attached to the synagogue’s weekly newsletter the following week, Shabbat 4th and 5th November. You will no doubt remember the late PM, Harold Wilson’s frequently quoted aphorism that, ‘a week is a long time in politics.’ During the turmoil of the last 3 months, ‘they’ are saying that nowadays, a day is even longer than a week used to be in politics.

I described the many questions raised by the Deputies at the last Plenary session in mid October to the President on her public statement to the Conservative Friends of Israel Group at the Conservative’s annual conference, supporting the proposed move of the UK embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. I quoted from a letter sent by a member of our congregation to the President, Marie Van der Zyl criticising her statement given at the conference. Many Deputies raised the same issue at the last Plenary, particularly complaining that the matter had not been discussed by the Deputies in the Plenary beforehand and thus they had not been given the opportunity to express views or vote for it in the terms of the President’s public stance, or at all.
Since then, we have had a change of Prime Minister. I understand that he has shelved the proposed move of the UK embassy to Jerusalem during the remainder of this government’s term of office.
The Family Law Group of the Board on which I sit postponed its meeting due to take place on Monday 7 November as we had only 2 current topics to discuss both of which depended on some progress from Parliamentarians, which have been frustrated as follow:
‘The All Party Parliamentary Group on Get
janet tresman
Refusal: Having spoken to Tracey Allen, Advisor to Jon Mendelsohn, it is difficult for him to arrange meetings as he does not currently have a PA. There has been no progress on the APPG’s work so far, and they will let us know as soon as there is.
The British Bill of Rights Bill: with Dominic Raab back as Justice Minister, and the new Prime Minister emphasising implementing the 2019 Manifesto, this would appear to be back on the agenda. I have re-requested a meeting with Dominic Raab. I note that Joanna Cherry QC, Chair of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee has written to Dominic Raab asking if the Bill would be reintroduced, and if she has received a reply she hasn’t publicised it.
The Family Law Group have had a question and answer session with learned counsel: Adam Wagner KC , a distinguished human rights lawyer, so far as it may affect the Jewish community. I shall keep you informed, the meeting was postponed to the first week in December and our next Plenary takes place on 27 November with more in December, and January, I should have more to report for the next issue of Shofar.