Shofar July 2014

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July / August 2014



the magazine of finchley progressive synagogue


From the Editor pat lehner Whether you’re enjoying Wimbledon or firing up the barbeque or whether you’re taking the kids to a lido or the dog for a walk in the woods, there’s no denying Summer is finally here. Here at FPS we have made full use of the beautiful weather – check out the photos from our first FPS camp out! We’ve had our summer fair and Ivriah had a long and productive term. As always, there are lots of opportunities to try out something new here at FPS, be it a breakfast shiur – the next one is on the 5th of July – or our Beit Midrash sessions on Thursday evenings. Or perhaps a warm summer Friday night service with Shabbat Resouled is more your thing! However you’re spending this season, we hope to see you soon at FPS. Wishing you all a lovely summer!

food bank

We are now collecting for our Food Bank shared with St Barnabas Church, Holden Road - please bring contributions - tins of fruit, vegetables, and boxes of cereal welcome!

Cover photograph: Eric Lehner Copy deadline is the 10th of each month. Please email all content to


FPS Camp Out. Photograph: Eric Lehner. More photos of FPS Camp Out on pages 6-7

From the Rabbi rabbi rebecca qassim birk

It’s complicated being a Jew. My children frequently bewail their Jewish identity when it interferes with or prevents Saturday parties, school fairs or even Haribo sweets eating. And yet they love all it brings as well. I’ve just returned from Israel, Dora’s first trip there and my first with the sole responsibility of a parent showing her child the wonders and particularities of ‘our’ land. This trip unleashed dormant feelings of passion, love, regret and struggle. (The complicated responses of a diaspora Jew

sometimes need taming.) I was reading Ari Shavit’s My Promised Land whilst I was there and it informed my journey. But I saw Israel through her eyes. Every street name telling a story. We did the usual, ate falafel, wrote prayers at the western wall and discussed what happens to those swept away, walked through Ein Gedi waterfalls, and sat at the kitchen tables of our family. Tel Aviv now is as chic, flamboyant and enticing as any European City and yet, it’s multiple layering of history and longing is just there under the surface. HaBimah square

outside the theatre: there is now a sunken garden where you sit on the steps amidst the cacti and olive trees. Classical music is piped in and for a few moments you are a million miles from the struggles that exist with and around this tiny piece of land. Through a tiny stroke of choice my great grandfather chose Newcastle over Tel Aviv which his brother chose. And the repercussions of that choice have reverberated through my life and my family’s. Israel, our relationship with her, the possibilities of ruchaniut, spirituality.

continued on page 4


From the Chair alex kinchin-smith

As a new Chair, it seems appropriate to introduce myself to those members who may not know me well. Having grown up at Kingston Liberal, I have been a member here for close to 20 years. I married my wife Paula under FPS’s auspices in 1999 and our two boys, Jacob and Asher, are the first 4th generation ‘Finchley-ites’. In my younger days I was an active member of Liberal Judaism’s youth

I believe we are here to reach out to and involve those in the area who have or may have an affinity with Liberal Judaism... movement, spending a year in Israel and a year working at the Montagu Centre. It is a great honour to take on the role as Chair and I can only hope to live up to the deeds of Laura Lassman who has led us so well and those of others of my predecessors. I spoke at the Annual General Meeting a little about my approach to the role. I referred to Moses as an example of a leader with a vision but also someone who led with a team (in his case Aaron, Miriam, Joshua and Jethro). I explained how I plan to try to give us a clear vision of how we wish to continue thrive as a community and to build the governance, structures and plans to achieve this vision. A few words on what I think Finchley Progressive is all about. I believe we are here to reach out to and involve those in the area


who have or may have an affinity with Liberal Judaism; to create a positive environment and experiences and to live our Judaism in ways which enable individuals to find meaning, to develop and to grow; and to make a difference as a group of Jews both within the Jewish community (Tikkun Am) and the wider world (Tikkun Olam). I think it is important that we build a community that meets the needs of its members. To ensure this, we are embarking on a key project in which, as Rebecca outlined in the last issue of Shofar, we will be supported by Citizens UK. The first phase is to undertake a series of 1-1 conversations with members to understand what is important to them. So if one of the team calls you up to ask you for a cup of tea then don’t be surprised. Please take them up on the offer and share your thoughts. I look forward to engaging with you in the coming weeks and months. from the rabbi (continued from page 3)

The rites of passage we choose to mark Jewishly throughout our lives. The gratitude we try to express. All this is Judaism. And I, of course am keen to share yours. This August during the quiet holiday time I’ll be here at FPS working with you. My door is open. We’re embarking on a listening campaign reaching out, but it’s fairly random. Please reach out to me and our chair if you’d like to talk, meet and connect. I’m trying to do that with as many as I can, so knock on the door if you have the time and inclination. Have a good summer.


FPS Camp Out Here are a few impressions of the FPS camp out in June – we enjoyed a beautiful, magical summer evening with Shabbat Resouled and wonderful food, with children and adults joining in alike and dogs running around in the grass. Thank you to everyone who helped make it such a memorable and blissfully peaceful time! Photos by Eric Lehner


FPS Camp Out


Beit Tefillah services at fps

services - july / august Friday 4 July

Erev Shabbat service inc Admission ceremony for Deepti Armon & Kiddush for student Rabbi Rene Pfertzel on the occasion of his ordination.

Saturday 5 July

Shabbat B’Yachad with Kita Daled (10.15am Musical Shabbatots for 0-4yrs)

Friday 11 July

Erev Shabbat family service followed by Chavurah Supper

Saturday 12 July

Shabbat service inc Bat Mitzvah of Zara Woolf

Friday 18 July

Shabbat Resouled

Saturday 19 July

Shabbat service inc Bar and Bat Mitzvah of Tom Luxon and Anya Neumann

Friday 25 July Saturday 26 July

Reflective Erev Shabbat

Friday 1 August

Erev Shabbat

Saturday 2 August

Shabbat B’Yachad (10.15am Musical Shabbatots for 0-4yrs)

Friday 8 August

Erev Shabbat family service

Shabbat service; 5.30 pm Havdalah service

next breakfast shiur

Sturday 5 July – 8.45am Lucian J Hudson : A Life in Communications As well as being the Chairman of Liberal Judaism since 2009, Lucian has had a rich and memorable career as a journalist and


professional communicator. Lucian shares with us his experience, including working with government ministers, business and public sector leaders. Not surprisingly, an anagram of Lucian’s name is “I launch sound”

Beit Knesset what’s happening at fps

people congratulations & mazal tov

To Zara Woolf on her Bat Mitzvah To Tom Luxon on his Bar Mitzvah To Anya Neumann on her Bat Mitzvah And to Alex Kingston on the birth of her son Reuben, a grandson for Bob and Denny Kingston and nephew for Hannah. we warmly welcome new members

Annabel & Roy Balint-Kurti with Joseph, Rachel & Ella Sarah Derriey Lesley Urbach Alison Rees & Peggy Sherwood Sybil Marcus-Kanner Laura Goldsmith & Jonathon O’Connor Michael Melbourne And Cathy Burnstone

Many members are celebrating important life milestones by hosting and accepting a mitzvah at a Shabbat service. If you have a celebration you would like to share with the community please contact the office. yahrzeit list

There is an FPS Yahrzeit list from which we remind those who would like a Yahrzeit to be announced, that the date is coming up. If you do want to be reminded please provide the office with: Name of the Honoree, Date of Yahrzeit, Name of Observer/s. 50/50 club draws, june winners:

1st 2nd 3rd

Shirley Goldstein Asher Jacobsberg Barbara Shulman

£25 £15 £10

services - august / cont.

Saturday 9 August

Shabbat service

Friday 15 August

Shabbat Resouled

Saturday 16 August

Shabbat service

Friday 22 August

Reflective Erev Shabbat

Saturday 23 August

Shabbat service; 5.30 pm Havdalah service

Friday 29 August

Erev Shabbat

Saturday 30 August

Shabbat service

Services in August 9th and 16th will be preceded by Meditative Quiet Sessions to prepare for Prayer at 10.15am


Beit Midrash learning at fps fps beit midrash presents

beit midrash

The End of Things? Death and Dying Thursdays 7.30-9.30pm with a break for refreshments.

Our flagship adult learning experience Thursday evenings 6.30 - 9.30pm

A bite size series which will be approaching the end of life from several perspectives; from Jewish religious practice and prayers, to Progressive ideology and decisions about our bodies and care in the stages of death, and the attachment to mourning. We’ll welcome visiting doctors and carers. 3 July Leading Shivah Prayers: Practical and thoughtful responses to the service with Rabbi Rebecca Qassim Birk 10 July Tisha B’Av: Lamentations - its connection to bereavement and grief with Rabbi Rebecca Qassim Birk Suggested donation £5 on the door to help cover costs

6.30-7.15pm - Pilates Get fit in our small, friendly class, under the expert guidance of Tali Swart. Cost £60 for a series of six sessions. To arrange a trial session, contact 7.30-9.30pm Discussion, Debate & Culture with break for tea, coffee and cake. A voluntary donation of £5 is requested to cover costs. cafe ivriah

Saturdays 9.30 – 11.00am Informal discussion over coffee and biscuits, between Ivriah drop-off and morning service. delving into judaism

In-depth Jewish learning, Thursday evenings 7.30pm-9.30pm 7.30-8.30pm: Learning and discussion 8.30-9.30pm: Biblical Hebrew with Ofra Rosenwasswer. Everyone welcome so long as they can at least read Hebrew slowly. More advanced students will also find the teaching of grammar beneficial. The series will bring much to the reading of siddur and Tanakh.

Check out Finchley Progressive Synagogue Facebook Page! “Like” & become a “Friend” • Instant up to date news • Make your own comments • Support the Synagogue Need help? Call Stanley Volk 02088832265


Beit Knesset arts at fps the screen on the grove


Our film club returns in the autumn – have a good summer!

Mondays @ 7.00pm, Tuesdays @ 7.30pm Contact Richard on 020 8349 9602

curtain up!

cafe thursday

We selected two Old Vic plays for future group outings: The Crucible - Wednesday matinee, 16 July. Book Now! Electra (with Kristin Scott Thomas), another Wednesday matinee, on 15 October.

Thursdays @ 12.45pm, £6, for details contact Nicky Marzell via the synagogue office

The Old Vic has the advantage of proximity to the Baltic Restaurant as well as other dining spots, and we will plan to stay for dinner afterwards. Do buy your tickets and join us for theatre, dinner, or both. For details contact the office.

The Book Club Meetings are held in people’s homes, 7.30pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Contact

bridge group

Mondays @ 7.45pm £4, for details please contact Gunter Lawson on 020 8346 5208 book club

rosh chodesh

Rosh Chodesh Tamuz: 1 July, ‘Women in Prisons’, led by Sheila Lassman and Rebecca Qassim Birk

Ivriah Photo: Ruth Corney


Mogilev Update wika dorosz

As coordinator of the FPS twinning with the Keshet community in Mogilev (Belarus) I am pleased to report that we are now supporting the following new project: we have transferred funds to cover the cost - (initially for one

year) - of a part time position of a community administrator. The job description includes: working with the chair and the community council, provide necessary administrative help for educational projects (NeTzer club, Bar mitzvah class, Kindergarten group), to assist the chair of the community with grant proposals and reports. Keshet’s chair Mila Bolotovskaya has many responsibilities beyond her own community as the current chair of the Progressive Communities in Belarus and she is very grateful for this much needed help in the daily running of the community. The position is filled by Svetlana Shalobodova (see photo). She has excellent knowledge of English and gave a tour for the FPS group in Mogilev during our visit in 2012. She also visited us last summer and is known to some of our members. FPS has a special Mogilev fund which is one of our High Holydays regular charities. This project and other forms of financial aid to our twinned community would not have been possible without it – so thank you!


limmud in vitebsk

This year’s three day Limmud in Vitebsk (Chagall’s birthplace) is taking place on 12-14 September 2014. There will be participants from all over the world: Belarus, Russia, Moldova, EU contries, Israel, USA and others. The total number of participants is limited to 600 people and online registration opened on 1 June. The focus this year is on art. There is a possibility of organising (before the Limmud) a short visit to our twinned community in Mogilev, as it’s not far from Vitebsk. If you are interested, please contact me – Wika Dorosz, twinning coordinator - as soon as possible on


M Y You can find both these and many other articles, as well as the calendar and other news, on our webpage:

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If you have a business, or something to celebrate you can sponsor a page, starting from £50. Email


Our tradition is to list the birthdays of FPS children, up 16 years, in the calendar. We ask for donations: £6 one name, £10 for two names, £12 for 3+ names to help cover the calendar cost .


We are inviting all FPS children, and adults too, to be part of the FPS calendar 2014/2015. We are looking for artwork for each month. It can be a painting or drawing, to the theme of Events and Festivals: this could be candles, donuts, wine, a seder, a sukkah or anything that inspires you. Please hand your artwork into the FPS office by Monday 21 July. For more info speak to Richard on Please note artwork should be landscape format to suit the size and shape of the calendar.


You can email with the names, date of birth and your donation amount or ask for a form to be emailed


We would enjoy seeing your creations for this year’s calendar and hope to get artwork from the Ivriah children. Speak to Richard or Sarah for more info.


this year at ivriah This year at Ivriah has been wonderful!

Kiddushim and special events.

Each week there is a vibrant atmosphere. I am proud of the way our children learn, play and communicate with each other, as they learn how to be confident young Liberal Jews at Ivriah. We celebrate the different ages with special occasions for different year groups,

• Next, the integration with the FPS community, especially the monthly Shabbat B’Yachad service where children see what a full service is like, and the congregation see the children leading on the bimah. • Our fantastic teachers - children get a really strong Jewish identity from young, engaged teachers who are close to the children’s age and excellent role models for them • Ivriah’s links with LJY and being part of wider Liberal Jewish community

like the Consecration service for Kita Aleph, special Friday Night dinner for Kita Vav and the Kabbalat Torah service led by the young people back in December. I would like to highlight the way Ivriah benefits from the support and direction of so many people who are involved in making this happen. It is with thanks to them that Ivriah can be the special place it is at the core of the FPS community: • First of all, the commitment of our Ivriah families in regular attendance, and extra support they give for activities, assemblies,


• Our very own Dean leading specially for Ivriah - music is a strength at FPS and the children here gain confidence in the musical side of prayer with regular music at assembly and Ivriah tefillah • Ofra who designed the Rosenwasser method of phonetic Hebrew that we follow, giving us special attention by supporting each classes Hebrew learning. • Rabbi Rebecca who enriches our learning, and adds to all aspects of the young people and the teachers’ experience at Ivriah. Adele Silk Ivriah Headteacher Photo: Ruth Corney

Are you passionate about your Liberal Judaism? Do you relate well with kids and young people? Are you looking to get more involved with your community? Can you inspire and facilitate young people's learning? Ivriah runs term-time every Saturday morning. It’s a friendly, lively and interesting place where children of the community gather each Shabbat to chat, sing, discuss, think, pray, ask questions, run around and have fun. At the same time each child, with our support, is gaining Jewish knowledge, experience and skills and building their Jewish identity.

We are recruiting for teachers and assistants to work at Ivriah next academic year (Sep 2014 - Jul 2015). We welcome interest from all ages and experience. For more details please contact Adele Silk 15

Contacts fps who’s who finchley progressive synagogue

synagogue committees & groups:

54 Hutton Grove N12 8DR 020 8446 4063

Beit Midrash (Education): Adrian Lister & Louise Gellman. Working groups with responsibility for Ivriah; Young families; Adult Education; Youth Club Beit Tefillah (Rites & Practices): Josie Kinchin. Working groups with responsibility for Shabbat; Life Cycle; Festivals; High Holydays Beit Knesset (Community): Laura Lassman. Working groups with responsibility for Contact; Membership; New members; Events Operations: Joan Shopper. Working groups with responsibility for Premises; Finance; Security. If you would like to join any of these working groups, please contact the relevant co-ordinator

Charity Number: 1071040 Rabbi: Rebecca Qassim Birk / 07939 227480 Emeritus Rabbi: Dr Frank Hellner Synagogue Manager: Pauline Gusack Community Manager: Angela Wharton executive

Chair: Alex Kinchin-Smith / 07956 070 607 Vice-Chairs: Louise Gellman / Adrian Lister Treasurer: Martin Silk Honorary Secretary: Josie Kinchin Board of Deputies Reps: Stanley Volk & Janet Tresman Life Presidents: Clive Winston & Sheila King Lassman President: Alan Banes

Pat Lehner / Editorial assistant Sarah Aldridge

FPS is a constituent of Liberal Judaism 21 Maple Street W1T 4BE

020 7580 1663 LJY Netzer (youth dept) 020 7631 0584

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