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FPS People’s Page


welcome to new members


Lorraine Hockley, Rosina Cohen, Yael Tischler with baby Dahlia happy birthday to

Katalin Aradi, Jeffrey Bryer, Amanda D‘oyly, Joshua Gardham, Megan Greene, Asher KinchinSmith, Hilary Luder, Kitty Lyons, Ann Pelham, Tony Rose, Alex Treganna, Sadie Westbury happy anniversary to Mandy & Renato Fantoni, Ruth & Richard Logue mazal tov to Ed Grinyer & Lydia Birch on their wedding; Olivia Sopel & Alistair Dryland on their engagement; Dora Hirsch on her first new home. Wishing her well in it; Miriam Dwek & Graham Slater on their impending wedding; strength & congratulations to Richard Greene as he begins his new assignment in Jerusalem heading the CNN Bureau there.

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