September 2017
the magazine of finchley progressive synagogue
FPS Kabbalat Torah Group
Hello from... ...our new community development manager, zoe jacobs
I moved to London a year ago, and FPS very quickly found a place in my heart. It is an extraordinary community. I have yet to find a synagogue as kind, quiet, tender and powerful. Community has always been at the centre of my Jewish world. I grew up going to shul toddling around the building, feeling like it was mine, while adults looked on, encouraging, and laughing, feeling like I was theirs. Since my toddling days, I have been a youth worker for two communities in Maidenhead and in Glasgow and more recently, I’ve worked in the Education departments for SCoJeC (the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities) and MRJ (The Movement for Reform Judaism). I wanted to return to community work as I
love the daily changes of a community, the big moments and the small celebrations that a community share. I wanted to be part of a loving, caring, and passionate community – and I know I have found it here! I hope I can soak up the wonderful qualities that permeate life at FPS, using them to engage and inspire young people of all ages, helping families bring FPS into their lives, and making the shul a space available and meaningful to all members. I look forward to meeting you all soon!
from the (student) rabbi
I am looking forward to taking services at FPS during Rabbi Rebecca’s sabbatical. I will be with you for one Erev Shabbat and one Shabbat morning service per month. I’ll also be contributing a monthly article, a thought for the week, and a series of six shiurim. These will be held when I’m leading on Saturday mornings. I’d like to offer an ‘Introduction to Leyning’ course for those who are interested in learning
Shofar is always interested in hearing your news and including photos of FPS members, and their families, near and far. We welcome your articles on any relevant topic. Please send these to 2
to chant from the Torah. A rich and ancient tradition, it is becoming more popular in Progressive Judaism, adding variety and musicality to services. All rabbinic students at the college now learn to leyn, according to an innovative method developed by our teacher, the Israeli musicologist, Chani Smith. We use our hands and arms to form the shape of the musical symbols (te’amim), as we sing their melodies according to the names. It’s fun and it works! (I’ve taught lots of children and adults myself.) You are leyning by the end of the first lesson, as well as learning about how the system functions
Cover: Kabbalat Torah group, from Left: Raphy, Ruben, Evie, Tali, Hannah, & Rabbi Rebecca
Continued on page 11
Copy deadline is the 10th of each month. Please email all content to
From the Rabbi
rabbi rebecca birk
abbi Abraham Joshua Heschel said that we should live our lives as if painting a work of art. Not so realistic for most of us whose lives are often messy and flawed. Then I learned recently that infrared photographs of the Mona Lisa revealed that Leonardo da Vinci had repainted parts of his masterpiece. Repainting is what one constantly does. Life is never complete and finished. There are always opportunities to improve and ameliorate how it feels; do it better, kinder, happier. We want to improve, get better, be happier, more productive and more fulfilled. Rosh Hashanah offers that moment to consider how to do this, beginning with the blowing of the shofar. We usually think more of our own personal journeys but this year, after such a rich twelve months of synagogue life, I turn to hopes for FPS in 5778.
‘As football spectators know, it’s much easier to comment on how a game should be played than to play it!’ This publication of Shofar has been the mouthpiece of our community for years. It has captured the soul and the voice of our congregation, and generations of editors have poured much time and care into this journal. As mouthpiece of the congregation it stands to reason all of us probably have an opinion as to what it should say and how it should look. But our editors are the ones who have stepped forward to give the hours and detailed energy to the lay-out and words included. I want to use
this September edition that holds the New Year, and all our intentions through the High Holy Day season, to say what a tremendous job our team of editors Sarah Rosen-Webb and Simone Lee, led by CA Cranston, do. As football spectators know: it’s much easier to comment on how a game should be played than to play it! Community works when those who volunteer for tasks are reinforced and appreciated for taking them on. Living in families, working in teams, being part of synagogue life it’s so easy to freely comment on how others are doing their ‘jobs’. But it often grates. (I come from three sisters who love commenting, lovingly of course, on how we do things from cooking, to driving to parenting! We continue to learn.) If there is a hope I have for this coming year of FPS’s life it is to appreciate each other more and those newer members who step forward to take on huge projects get the appreciation and honour they deserve. That is truly building for the future. L’Chaim and Shanah Tovah. “See, I am doing a New thing”, says Isaiah, anticipating our reaction to each New Year…
From the (New) Chair I recently started as Chair, together with Paul Silver-Myer, who is back on the Board as Vice Chair. Thank you for nominating me. It’s an honour to work in this role. I am very interested to know people’s views about anything to do with FPS – just talk to me before or after a service or send an email if you prefer. The Board would urge anyone who wishes to know more about the Board to come to a meeting, either to discuss a project or to observe. Just let us know. By request, a summary of the Board’s work will appear in each addition of Shofar. Briefly to introduce myself, I joined FPS three years ago, being attracted like many of us to the friendly community, range of services, the music, our wonderful Rabbi and the many activities including social action. My wife, Carmen, also joined subsequently and is fully involved in many FPS activities. Recently retired, I’ve found that matters to do with FPS, together with running my business, and a few leisure activities keep me busy. We are emailing copies of the AGM minutes or sending these to those who do not use email. Rabbi Goldstein gave an inspirational address and reminded us that we’re part of a strong and vibrant movement. Thank you to everyone introducing board member louise gellman
I am a co-Vice Chair, and a Board member at FPS with special responsibility for our Ivriah (religion school), working with our teachers to deliver an enriching and fun experience for our children. I’ve always been involved in Liberal Judaism, and am delighted that my two girls are now going to camps and events run by our youth movement, LJY-Netzer, as I did in my teenage years.
cathy burnstone
who attended and helped to make the evening run smoothly and to Alan who ably kept us focussed. Thanks to Nicky Marzell who presented us with a delicious array of food to keep us going. Over the coming months, the Board is working to consolidate the improvements to synagogue life. Reaching out to existing and new members remains a priority as well as devising ways of increasing the number of members. Thanks to Maurice Needleman’s generous legacy, we are looking at how we can beautify the synagogue, and the Building Group would welcome anyone who wants to be a part of this exciting project. A Fundraising group has also formed and further updates will follow later this year. Josie Kinchin has done a great deal of work in relation to our IT system and, together with David Conroy and Pauline Gusack, will be progressing this.
high holy day dates as follows: september
Wednesday 20 September Erev Rosh Hashanah Thursday 21 September Rosh Hashanah Friday 29 September Kol Nidre Saturday 30 September Yom Kippur october
Thursday 5 October Thursday 12 October
First day of Sukkot Simchat Torah
ARE WE NEARLY THERE YET? SATURDAY OCTOBER 14, 2017 FPS QU?Z NIGHT & AUCTION What kind of things are in the auction? See the sights of London and Hertfordshire from the cockpit of a plane! A week in an amazing apartment in Italy
Straight after the High Holy Days ___ Fish & Chips Supper ___ Tickets now on sale via the office and the website ___ £20 Table for 8 - £150 Concessions £18 ___ See you there! ___
What kind of prizes are in the Raffle? Overnight stay in a countryside hotel Personal guided tour & lunch at Tate Britain or The Tate Modern
The Finchley Progressive Synagogue 54 Hutton Grove Finchley, N12 8DR Company No. 9365956 Charity No 1167285
___ 5
Anna’s Israel Tour A personal insight behind the recent headline “LJY-Netzer Israel Tour is a record breaker” in Liberal Judaism, 18 July 2017.
’ve been on LJY for 7 years I think and ever since I’ve joined I’ve been looking forward to the infamous (!) Israel Tour. I remember after Kadimah last year I had a countdown on my phone and every few months I was sending a screenshot to our LJY group chat saying, “only 182 days till tour!” Then all of a sudden it was the 15th of July and it had arrived! Off to Luton we went. We got there and we were hot and sticky and sweaty within about half an hour and didn’t stop being sweaty until we got to Luton at the other end but I can’t put into words how much of an incredible three weeks it was to be. People keep asking me, “what was the best bit?”, “what was your favourite moment?”. Honestly I couldn’t tell you but I think I do know which bits still stick out, and might very well stay with me for life. For instance, the desert experience in the Negev was amazing. Each and every Shabbat was so lovely; and going in the Dead Sea was insane. But I think one of those special times I’ll never forget would have to be seeing the sunrise on Masada. We woke up at 3:30am and hiked up the mountain in the dark. We arrived at the top in time to see a spectacle and a half. We were sitting on the wall drenched in sweat and out 6
anna lobatto
of breath then all of a sudden a blinding light appeared beyond the horizon and we all sat in awe. All I can remember is the overwhelming sense of being at one with nature, and feeling so comfortable with the people around me. I couldn’t even begin to imagine leaving that place. I was with my best friends in the world, watching something I might never see again in that way, and I knew there was nowhere else I would rather be. My love for LJY at that point was immense and all I wanted to do was to freeze that moment in time forever. I know that the experience is one I will never forget. And for me, that feeling that I had in my heart at the top of Masada, sums up LJY Netzer for me – a place of warmth and comfort and love. LJY will always be in my heart and a part of me will always be on top of that mountain. kabbalat torah group meet high profile visitor to fps (cover picture story)
Receiving the Torah at the age of 15 as a group is a particularly Liberal invention. Our young people welcome working as a group and cementing closer bonds through our synagogue. This group were the first to earn their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze medal as part of their KT learning. It is quite a coup that we welcomed a secret high profile guest to the synagogue on Shabbat July 1, none other than Mark Regev, Ambassador of Israel. The Kabbalat Torah Group led us in the service. The Ambassador spoke to FPS on the issue of the Kotel, acknowledging the difficulties involved, and saying “he recognised that all parties will need to return to the table and strive for a ‘workable compromise’, and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu understands this need. (LJ, 7 July 2017)
Beit Tefillah
services at fps
services - september Friday 1 September 6.30pm
Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday 2 September 11.00am
Shabbat B’Yachad celebrating Dora Qassim Bat Mitzvah
Friday 8 September 6.30pm
Kabbalat Shabbat Service including the Admission of Charlotte D’Alton Eldridge
Saturday 9 September 11.00am Friday 15 September 6.30pm
Shabbat Service celebrating Matan Avital Bar Mitzvah Shabbat Resouled
Saturday 16 September 11.00pm Shabbat Service 7:30pm Shiur, supper, and Selichot Service led by Rabbi Mark Solomon Friday 22 September 6.30pm
Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday 23 September 11.00am
Shabbat Service celebrating Phillippa Carr’s Birthday
Friday 29 September
6.45pm Yom Kippur & Fast begin. 7.30pm Kol Nidre Service
Saturday 30 September
10.30am 1.15pm 4.45pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 7.00pm
Traditional Service Family Service or Shiur Minchah Yizkor Ne’ilah Havdalah
people a warm welcome to our new members
Jane & Godfrey Mellins congratulations & mazal tov to
Dora Qassim, Rabbi Rebecca, Omar, Ruben and Rafael, on Dora’s Bat Mitzvah on 2 September. Matan, Liz, Yoni and Ariel, on Matan’s Bar Mitzvah on 9 September.
Alice & Richard Gardham on the recent baby naming of Theo, a brother for Joshua. Jonty Leibowitz on graduating from Cambridge with a Double First and for leading LJY-Netzer Israel tour. Nicola Marzell on the birth of a grandson Zachary, son for Alex & Emily.
Beit Knesset bridge group
Mondays @ 7.30pm, £4. There are even small prizes for winners! (How good is that?) For details contact Gunter Lawson via the synagogue office on 020 8446 4063 yoga
Tuesdays @ 7.30pm. Very popular. (But we’ll bend backwards to help you.) Contact Richard on 020 8349 9602 rosh chodesh
Next meeting: Monday, September 18, 8pm, FPS library. Two women—Vice Presidents of the British Board of Deputies—will tell us about their work in Social Action and Interfaith. Contact: book club
Wednesday 14 June @ 8.00pm The Book Club meetings are held in people’s homes @ 8.00pm on the second Wednesday of each month. We choose a wide variety of books, many–but by no means all–of Jewish
community events, all welcome!
interest. The only condition is that the person who recommends a book has read it (and loved it!) and that it is available in paperback. For more information: Sheila King Lassman or Edgar Jacobsberg learn
Thursdays, 12.00-1.00pm Rabbi Rebecca leads an hour’s learning in the small hall which is followed by lunch hosted by Nicola for anyone who chooses to stay. cafe thursday
Thursdays @ 1.00pm. £6 for a freshly-prepared 3-course lunch. For menus or more information contact Nicky Marzell via the synagogue office 020 8446 4063 cafe ivriah
Saturday 9 September 9.45-10.45am Informal discussion over coffee and biscuits, between Ivriah dropoff and morning service.
people / cont. from page 7 birthdays
Happy birthday to the following who have milestone birthdays in September: Lilian Kramer will be 95; Paul Wharton will be 80; Roger Lyons will be 75; Michael Bloom will be 70; Louise Meltzer will be 60; Daniel Neumann will be 50; Philippa Carr marks her 50th birthday at FPS on Shabbat 23 September our deepest condolences to
To Marianne Karton on the death of her mother Erna Karton To David Lewis on the death of his father Louis Lewis To Sharon Michael on the death of her father in Bermuda 8
To Malcolm Gerber on the death of his sister Norma Grant The family of Martin Borish who died in America in July. He and Elaine were responsible for the monthly FPS Film Club and initiated the theatre group Curtain Up! with organised outings to plays and restaurants. After many years in the UK, Martin and Elaine returned to the USA to be near their sons. Martin’s friends are invited to a special ‘in memoriam’ service and planting of a rose bush in the garden, Thursday 7 September 2.30pm.
Beit Midrash
learning at fps
Beit Midrash starts 19 October The Balfour Declaration - 100 years on 19 October 26 October 2 November 9 November
“From Herzl to Balfour: The Fulfilment of a Dream.” Speaker: Rabbi Dr Frank Hellner “Zionism Without Zion: What If There Had Been No Balfour Declaration?” Speaker: Maureen Kendler “From Balfour to Independence: A tale of Two Declarations.” Speaker: Robin Moss “The Balfour Declaration and the Jewish Legion: The Origins of the Jewish Defence Forces.” Speaker: Professor Colin Shindler
All on Thursdays at 7.30 pm. £5 voluntary donation on the door including refreshments.
ISRAEL’S SIX DAY WAR 50 th ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE EVENT Interview with Professor Colin Shindler (SOAS): How the war changed the Middle East up to the present day Day by day film as events unfolded Video message from Israelis who were there. Sunday 19 Novem ber 2017, 7.45pm Finchley Progressive Synagogue 54 Hutton Grove, N12 8DR £7.50 with Israeli-style refreshments For tickets Contact Pauline at FPS 020 8446 4063 / For more information, or to help, contact Alan Milner 07792778192 or Stanley Volk 07871258557 9
Notice Board what is the 50/50 club?
It’s a way of supporting the synagogue while enjoying the chance to win a small cash prize oneself. Why bother? Because FPS needs all the financial help it can get and this is a way of adding to its coffers at little or no cost to oneself depending on one’s luck. The way it works is that a £20 fee is paid to join the club for a year. Half of it is a donation to the synagogue and the other half goes into a prize pool, hence “50/50”. A draw takes place at the FPS Council meeting each month between October and the following July. Three participants win a share of the pot, so each Club member has ten chances to win up to £30 depending how many participate. The more who are signed up the more FPS gains and the more each individual stands to win. Take out membership in the name of your children and grandchildren – it’s a great way to provide them with a serendipitous gift! 50/50 club draws, july winners:
1st 2nd 3rd
Helene Dane Emilia Lassman Edgar Jacobsberg
£20 £15 £10
the bagel brigade
I can proudly report that the inaugural FPS bagel stall at the East Finchley Festival was a great success. We sold over 200 bagels and made
nearly £600! On top of that we really raised the profile of FPS and had lots of interest in the synagogue. We had a great day in the sun with lots of furious selling. (Alan Sugar eat your heart out!) A big thank you to all those who helped out and who were involved, what an amazing team effort. I look forward to doing it all again next year! Phillip Raphael fps plants
Our synagogue entrance has been transformed! We are now greeted by several beautiful planters which are bursting with healthy plants and flowers. We already have a rota of volunteers who will be watering them over the summer months. A big thank you to Sasha Conroy and her family for this generous gift. baby naming
This photo was taken at the baby naming of Theo Gardham which was at FPS on 5 August. Parents are Alice and Richard Gardham, bigger child is Joshua and Theo is the baby. Alice’s parents, Gillian and Anthony Stellman, who are also FPS members, hosted Kiddush that day.
Notice Board jewish care link for fps
sarah and elliott
Meet Stefy, our link Social Worker from Jewish Care, based at Jewish Care’s Head Office in Golders Green. Stefy offers support and guidance to FPS’s welfare team (Jacquie, Corinne, Nicola and Pauline) on a range of social and welfare matters, including care, welfare benefits, social activities, housing, carer support and advocacy with local authorities. Call Pauline initially in FPS office for a confidential chat and she will seek professional guidance from Stefy and Jewish Care’s Community Support and Social Work Team. Alternatively please call Jewish Care Direct, for confidential support and guidance: 0208 922 2222
FPSers Student Rabbi Elliott Karstadt and ‘Grandparenting’ Sarah Rosen-Webb, at the World Union of Progressive Judaism Conference in Jerusalem in May, where they met up at a
student rabbi / cont. from page 2
first arrived, I felt at home immediately, struck by the warmth of the community and the vibrancy of its services and activities. While a Liberal Jew, my style is perhaps a little more traditional, after four years at Leo Baeck College and after working across a large number of synagogues, including within the Reform movement. I had a career change at forty, leaving behind work as a Humanities teacher in Willesden, where I grew up. I’m sure a few ‘tales from the classroom’ will find their way into my sermons from time to time! See you after the summer! Nathan Godleman
primarily to punctuate the text. Useful, even if one never chooses to leyn in public. Some Hebrew necessary, although enthusiasm even more so! Please let the office know if you are likely to participate, as we need to ensure a reasonable number of students. Alternatively, do say if you would prefer a more conventional study series. I’m not completely new to FPS, having taught the ‘Delving into Judaism’ course with Rebecca in the past, led a number of services and sung as cantor once or twice, too. When I
beautiful outdoor Friday Night Service at the historic and fascinating First Railway Station there. Elliott will lead our communal Pesach Seder and Chanukah Chavurah.
the amazing newmafruit farms trip!
Rosh Hashanah is the time to turn over a new leaf. So we’re inviting you to spend time turning over thousands of leaves in the orchards as you search for your Rosh Hashanah apples.
For more details, see page 14 11
Where Are They Now? Q: What do Shofar and Closer Online have in common? A: Siam Goorwich. Siam, a born and bred FPSer, edited Shofar for a couple of years after graduating from university before finding her niche in the world of journalism. In early June I caught up with Siam—who now edits the celebrity magazine Closer Online—over tea at the Covent Garden Hotel, and she told me her story. She had recently quit her job as a PA to pursue a career in journalism when she was approached, out of the blue, and asked to edit Shofar. Despite her lack of experience, the opportunity seemed too good to turn down, so she nervously agreed. Encouraged by the confidence placed in her, Siam worked with Zoe Morgan-Chiswick, Sam Lassman-Watts and Rabbi Neil Janes to redesign Shofar, creating what was at the time our revolutionary compact magazine. “Editing Shofar was such a privilege,” Siam recalls. “But it was REALLY hard work.” Her favourite part was working with some of the FPS elders she’d grown up around. “Jeffrey Segal, Vika Dorosz, Elaine Borish, Joan Shopper and Clive Winston (the sweetest, kindest, most supportive man) – they were all on the Shofar committee, and it was really lovely to get to know them better as an adult.” I asked what in particular she liked about growing up at FPS. Siam responded: “So many things. I’ve always felt very happy and comfortable at FPS --- in some ways it feels like a second home. I loved Tikva and Ivriah, the songs, hanging out with my friends – the Lassmans, Orkins and Gerbers. When I was little, I was obsessed with sitting next to Rabbi Frank during the Shabbat family service, and apparently I once feel asleep on his lap halfway through and had to be carried off! Oh, and I loved Havdalah Club.
siam goorwich
Havdalah always feels so magical and mystical, unlike any other Jewish ceremony I know. I even made my parents buy me a Havdalah candle and spice shaker, so we could do it at home.” As we drained our teacups, Siam commented on her life as an adult Jew out in the wider working world: “I find the flexibility of Liberal Judaism quite frustrating at times. Sometimes I feel like I’m missing out by not being more observant. I don’t eat pork or shellfish—both out of respect to my parents and my religion—and find it sad that more Jews don’t keep kosher too. It feels like such a tiny sacrifice, and really helps keeps me tied to Judaism in my daily life.’ Like many of us, Siam’s worried about the recent rise in open anti-Semitism. “Growing up, I
naively thought anti-Semitism was a thing of the past, but in recent years I’ve experienced it firsthand and seen so much of it online. I’m pretty vocal about calling it out on social media, and I have written about it for a couple of different publications, but I’d like to do more. I think it’s really important that we Jews stand up for ourselves.” As we parted, Siam—who used to work Continued on page 15
“WHERE WOULD WE BE WITHOUT YOU THIS ROSH HASHANAH?” Kenneth is living with dementia. He loves coming to a Singing for Memory group at Jewish Care.“It gives me a reason to get out of the house, keeps my mind working and makes me smile.” Jewish Care touches 10,000 lives like Kenneth’s every week. Singing for Memory is only one of the ways we help them. We need to raise £3,000 every single day just to care for people living with dementia. Will you help make sure that no one has to face dementia alone this Rosh Hashanah and beyond? To donate please call 020 8922 2600 or visit
Charity Reg No. 802559 13
the amazing newmafruit farms trip!
FPS invites you to a day at Newmafruit farms to pick and picnic, to see a grafting demonstration by our orchard and strawberry farmer, Bev. And to spot the elephants from the hill, or maybe go visit them at Howlett’s sanctuary next door. Adults can take a tour around the pack house to see how technology fits out the modern apple for the supermarket. when 10 September, 9.00am pick up at FPS, for a 5.00pm put down where FPS to ‘wilds’ of the garden of England, Canterbury, Kent who FPS Syrian families and FPS members contact Pauline / 020 8446 4063
ruby carr
Ruby’s tzedakah project, following her Bat Mitzvah in November, was to produce enough original art to raise funds for her chosen charity Rene Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights. Ruby is very proud to report that the sales exceeded everyone’s expectations and raised over £300! Alongside remembering the incredibly important work this charity does, we also had some fun auctioning Ruby’s work on a sultry July afternoon. Many of the images on sale were inspired by McCauley ‘Mac’ Conner, an American illustrator born in 1913, and still 14
alive today. His illustrative art captures pivotal moments in people’s relationships. See below one of the images that Ruby sold to raise vital funds for this pioneering charity.
Fun Page rosh hashanah quiz
1. Rosh Hashanah falls in the Hebrew month of – a) Elul b) Sivan c) Tishrei d) Kislev 2. The horn of which animal is used for the shofar? The horn of the – a) Cow b) Antelope c) Ram d) Unicorn 3. On Rosh Hashanah, we have a special custom of – a) calling women “honey” b) sending gifts to one another c) eating apples and honey d) riding on camels 4. The longest blast of the shofar is called – a) Tekiah b) Shevarim c) Tekiah Gedolah d) Teruah Gedolah 5. The throwing of bread crumbs into water on Rosh Hashanah is done because a) it’s a mitzvah to feed fish b) it reminds us of our sins being thrown away c) water is a symbol of life 6. On Rosh Hashanah – a) we say sorry for things we did wrong b) we dance 7 times with the Torah c) we bake special potato pancakes.
where are they now / cont. from page 12
in fashion—added: “I do like to dress for the holidays, and it bothers me that not everyone makes an effort for these special days. Still, I used to look down on people who only went to shul on the High Holy Days, and now that’s me. The older I get, the more I realise how hard it can be to find your own balance.”
7. The reason that we blow shofar on Rosh Hashanah is – a) to wake up the neighbours b) attract the attention of children c) make us think about our bad behaviour 8. Yom HaDin means – a) the day we make a noise b) the Day of Judgement c) Hadrian’s Day 9. The number of blasts of the shofar, usually blown on Rosh Hashanah is – a) 30 b) as many as you like c) 90 d) 10010. 10. When the Torah was given to the Children of Israel – a) all the children laughed b) the shofar blasts were heard c) the Egyptian army drowned.
Food for the Fast Rabbi to the FPS members: “Yes I understand that McDonalds calls it “fast food”...but you STILL can’t eat it on Yom Kippur!”
If you would like to write about someone you know who grew up at FPS, or would like to suggest someone for an interview and a writeup, please email to discuss your contribution.
Photo (page 12): An FPS Family: Siam (far right) with her parents and sisters’
fps website:
finchley progressive synagogue
Life President: Sheila King Lassman
54 Hutton Grove N12 8DR 020 8446 4063 Rabbi Rebecca Birk -
Vice Presidents: Renzo Fantoni, Josie Kinchin, Laura Lassman, Lionel King Lassman, John Lewis, David Pelham, Paul Silver-Myer, Andrea Rappoport, Joan Shopper
Emeritus Rabbi: Dr Frank Hellner
Community Development Manager: Zoe Jacobs –
Board of Deputies Reps: Janet Tresman, Stanley Volk
Musicians in residence: Franklyn Gellnick, Dean Staker
Beit Midrash (Education): Adam Lister
Synagogue Manager: Pauline Gusack
Beit Tefillah (Rites & Practices): Valerie Joseph
Premises Manager: Howard Hamerton
Care in the Community: Jacquie Fawcett
Chair: Cathy Burnstone - Vice-Chairs: Paul Silver-Myer, Louise Gellman Treasurer: Martin Silk - Honorary Secretary: Josie Kinchin board members
Phillip Raphael, Samantha King, Maureen Lobatto, Louise Gellman, Katy Jackson
Café Thursday: Nicky Marzell
Website Editor: Philip Karstadt Shofar Editor: CA. Cranston – Shofar Team: Sarah Rosen-Webb, Wika Dorosz FPS Office: The Finchley Progressive Synagogue is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 9365956) and a registered charity (Charity No 1167285) whose registered office is 54 Hutton Grove, Finchley, London N12 8DR
President: Alan Banes
ashley page
janet tresman
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