26th San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

Page 1


��de look

Welcome t o the Festival


All About Frameline


Frameline and Festival Staff


Festival Sponsors


"News F lash: 250 Million


Asian Queers at the Festival" Frameline Award


Stu & Dave's Excellent Documentary Award


Levi's® First Feature Award


Festival Programs


Festival Information


Festival Venues


Festival Pullout


Schedule at a Glance


Ticltet Information


Ticket Order Form




Frameline Donors




Horizons/Frameline Film & Video Completion Fund


Co-Presenters Source


Advertisers Index


Print Source and Film Index


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The Next Stage速

Wells Fargo is Proud to Support Frameline's 26th San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival When people work together, there's nothing that can't be accomplished. We're proud to be part of the team.



On behalf of everyone at Framel i n e, we welcome you to the 26th Sa n Fra ncisco Internationa l Lesbia n & Gay Film Festiva l . O u r l i ne u p for 2002 is one of the most i nternational progra ms ever-with more than 30 nations represented . Slovenia makes its Festival debut with our Special Presentation of G UA R DIAN OF T H E FRONTI E R , the first Siovenian feature fi l m ever to be d i rected by a wom a n . The Festival h ighl ights t h e phenomenal explosion of q u eer cinema c o m i n g from Asia with screenings of nearly 40 fil ms from cou ntries i nc l u d i ng Korea, Ch ina , J a pa n , I ra n , Ta iwa n , B u rma, Sa moa and t h e P h i l i ppi nes . T h e q u a l ity of this work i s evi dent i n o n e o f our O pening N ight pre m ieres, Sta nley Kwan's land mark new feature LAN YU. For o u r second O pening N ight premiere, Asia n-America n d iva of comedy M a rgaret Cho returns to the Festival with her new concert fi l m , the hilarious N OTO R I O US C . H . O . T h e second Special P resentation a t t h i s year's Festival i s a remarka ble gay si lent fi l m , C LAI R E, b y M i lford Thomas. Shot on vi ntage sile nt-era eq u i pment, th is del ightful " new" si lent gem screens with an ll-piece orch estra at the Herbst Theatre. We hope you ca n join us on Closing N ight to help celebrate the 40-yea r friendsh i p a nd un ion of two cou rageous J ewish lesbian gra nd mothers, R uth Berman and Con n ie Kurtz, who are featured i n Debora h Dickson's touching documentary R U TH I E & CON N I E: EVERY ROOM IN TH E H O USE. In addition , 2002 Fra meline Award reci pient Isaac J u l ien wi l l be attending the Festival as we present a retrospective of his fi l m work, i nc l u d i ng h is ground breaking homage to poet Langston H ughes, LOOKI N G FOR LAN G STO N . These selections are j ust the ti p of the iceberg, a n d we i nvite you t o d iscover you r own spe­ cial fi l ms among the a l m ost 300 works that make up th is year's Festiva l . Fi na l ly, you wi l l notice that t h e 2002 Festival is longer, a fu l l 1 8 d ays . T h e Festival isn't any bigger, j ust shaped d ifferently. As the Festival has grown over the years, we have heard from many of you that it is frustrati ng you can not see more of what we offe r. We have a l l eviated that problem by spreading the 119 Festiva l screen i ngs over more days and red ucing the n u m ber of theaters ru n n i ng at any one time to just two. It may take a little more end u ra nce to get through 18 days of movie-goi ng, but those new seats at the recently refu rbished Castro Theatre will make it a lot easier! In a d d ition to the Castro Th eatre, the Festival retu rns to two la rger venues that we i ntrod uced last yea r: the 950-seat Herbst Theatre for 13 days of screen i ngs and the 750-seat Yerba Bu ena Center for the Arts

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Theater for th ree days. So, take a look at all the exciti ng fi lms we've brought to this year's Festiva l-a nd enjoy!

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M ichael Lu m pkin Festival Co-Di rector

Festival Co-Di rector



FRAMELI Frameline's

m ission is to s u p port, develop a n d promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, tra nsgender a n d

q ueer vis i b i l ity through media a rts. T h rough a va riety o f progra ms, w e a re com m itted t o show­ casing a nd s u p porting the best a nd most diverse work by, a bout and of i nterest to the LG BT com m u n ities. The San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

is the oldest and la rgest event

of its kind in the world. As the world's prem ier showcase for q ueer cinema, the Festiva l enter­ ta ins a nd educates more tha n 80, 000 people each yea r. For over 20 yea rs , Frameline Distribution, the o n ly national distributor dedicated solely to lesbian a n d gay fil m and video, has provided LG BT work to educators, com m u nity orga n iza­ tions, l i bra ries and i n dividuals across the cou ntry. Look for selections from our col lection of more than 200 titles in this yea r's Festiva l . For more i nfo rmation a bout Fra m e l i ne Distri bution, please cal l 4 1 5 . 703. 8650 or visit www.frameline. org/distri bution . The Horizons/Frameline Film & Video Completion Fund

provides fi nancial s u p port to fi l m­

a n d videoma kers for the com pletion of n ew works . Through a n n u a l gra nts, the Fund seeks to s u p port excellence in q ueer fi l m ma ki n g a n d to foster new work by and for underserved audi­ ences. Works i n this year's Festival that have received Com pletion Fund grants a re C LAI RE, J UST CALL M E KA DE, KE KU LANA H E M A H U: R E M E M B E R I N G A SENSE OF P LAC E, N OV­ ELA N OVELA, TH E POLITI CS O F FUR and S I M O N & I . For more i nformation a bout Com pletion Fund gra nts, please cal l 4 1 5 . 703.8650 or visit www.fra mel i ne .org. Fra me l i ne is ge nerously s u pported in pa rt by grants from G ra nts for the Arts, the Cu ltura l Equ ity G ra nts Progra m of the Sa n Fra ncisco Arts Com mission, National Endowment for the Arts, California Arts Counci l , the Gay a n d Lesbian Fund for the Redwood Em p i re at the H orizons Foundation, The R . Gwin Fol l is Fou n dation , the Academy Fou ndation and the Wells Fargo Foundation. O u r progra ms a re a l so fu nded by the mem bers of Frameline, private donors a n d corporate s ponsors. Our tha n ks t o a l l w h o make Frameli ne's i m portant work possi ble. Fra m e l i n e is a lso a mem ber of the N i nth Street Media Consorti u m . The Consorti u m i s gen­ erously fu nded by the fol l owi ng: N o n p rofit S pace Ca pita l Fu nd, Walter and El i se Haas F u nd, Col u m bia Fou ndation, City of Sa n Fra ncisco, ArtHouse/Emergency Rent Su bsidies P rogra m , Cal ifornia Arts Cou nci l , G ra nts for t h e Arts/Sa n Fra ncisco H otel Tax Fund, Fleish hacker Fou ndati o n , Koret Fou ndation, Wells Fargo Foundation, N ational Endowment for the Arts, Sa n F ra ncisco Fou ndation, Pacific Pioneer Fu nd, M a u rice Ka n ba r Fou ndation, J a mes C . H ormel & Ti mothy C. Wu , Theoph i l us Fou ndatio n , Sa n Fra ncisco Arts Comm ission , Nonprofit F i n a nce Fu nd, Anonymous (2).











Frameline's Government Supporters

N i nth Street M edia Arts B u i ldi ng 346 N i nth Street Sa n Fra ncisco, Cal ifornia 941 03-3809 U SA T 4 1 5 703 8650 F 4 1 5 861 1404 i nfo@fra me l i n e . org www.fra meline. org WWW. FRAM ELl N E.ORG/FEST I VAL



behind the scenes Board of Directors


Pam David, President Duane C ra mer, Vice President J o h n S m a l l, Treasurer Sand ip Roy, Secretary La u ra Castellanos Ti mothy Cavanaugh Nancy C hoate Lisa C h u n Tom d i M a ria Elsa E'der Suza n n e Eisen h ut Pamela Erw i n Anne Etheridge Eliza beth Fa l kner Calvi n G ipson Gary G rossman Susa n Hein J o h n Kil lacky Vivia n Klei m a n Jeffrey Kno l l m i l ler Kathryn Stebner

M ichael Lumpkin Executive Director

Russ Gage Administrative Director

Hossei n Sepas Bookkeeper

Ch ristopher Kelleher Administrative Assistant

Programming M ichael Lu mpki n Festival Co-Director

J e n n ifer Morris Festival Co-Director

Cindy Emch Program Coordinator

National Advisory Board A l l a n Beru be El iza beth B i rch Douglas B raley Susie B right Ha rry B ritt Debra Chasnoff . Arthur Dong Robert Epstei n Linda Fa rin Ti m G i l l Tim H a nlon Ma rcus Hu R i c h a rd J e n n i ngs Fenton Johnson J ud e Kaye Hael Kobayas hi Steve Lew And rew ( B rothe r Elk) Lisac Arm istead Maupin Timothy M c Feely路 Prati bha Parmar Lou rd es Port i l lo Fra nces Reid G a i l S i lva J o h n S i lva Liz Stevens Pa u l Thurston G us Va n Sant Ti m Wolfred Debra Z i m merman 6


Romy Suskin Hospitality Coordinator

Carmen M orrison Travel Coordinator

Texas To m boy Guest Services Coordinator

Amy Anner Print Traffic Coordinator

P h i l ip Wa l ker Print Traffic Assistant

Lulu Arth u r A l l ione Vi ncent Ca lvarese Ma rgaret Daniel Ad ria na G ordon Jordy J ones Peter Marcus Anisha N a rasi m h a m Veneita Porter Joe R a m i rez-Forcier Ca m i lla Whyte Screening Committee



K.C. P rice

R uss Gage

Development Director

Operations Director

Fra nces Wa l lace

Will Roq ue

Development Associate

Operations Manager

Peter Marcus

R ick Stone

Membership Services Coordinator

Operations Assistant

Lisa Ged uldig

Charlotte G utierrez

Advertising Sales

Volunteer Coordinator

F rameline Distribution

Events Coordinator

Lisa Foster

Desi del Va l le Distribution Director

M a u ra King Distribution Associate

H a l Rowla nd Technical Director

B rad Robi nso n Aa rin B u rch Rebeka h Sitty T heatre House Managers

Publications J u l ie T. Wong

Catalog/Mini Guide Design & Production

J u lie Feiner Catalog Copy Editor

M a rk Page Mini Guide Copy Editor

Den ise G ranger, Perry-Gra nger Associates Catalog Printing Consultant

Larry Ackerman Slide Production

Tri logy P rod u ctions, I nc . P a m Lawrence J oe Lawrence Box Office Management

M ichael Ch ristma n , O PTS events Lisa Holland M onetta Wh ite Special Events Producer

G reg Sha piro Web Master

Publicity Chad Armstrong Corey Eu ba nks P ublic Relations

Web Programming & Design

Frameline Publicist

J oa n G i bson Publicity Coordinator

La rsen Associates Ka ren Larsen Timothy B uckwalter Ca ro l i n e H a n n i Lewis Tice Publicist

[TWnT] ,

Festival Design M a rti n Venezky, Appetite Engineers





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Festival Trailer Geoff Ka pia n Ma rtin Venezky






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Slanted Door


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small pOUtou catering




Ben & J erry's

Ka buki Hot S pri ngs

Clif Bar

La Med itera nee

Dr. Eugene Sigler, D. D . S .

Dolores Pa rk Cafe

Lonely Planet

Trader J oe's

G ood Vi brations

Luna Pa rk

Yel low Cab


N i rvana

Zapata Taq uerfa


S&C Ford



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415 252 info

' Visit www.frameline.org or ca , 1l415.703.S650 for a,­ Fra�eline Membership .brochure Frameline's Membership Program suppo�ts one third of our nonprofit ol'ganization's annual revenues. By supporting Frameline,


, you help to enslire that the independent_'

visions of le bian, gay, bisexual and trans-" gendered,fUmmakers, are' realized and made accessible ,to our community. Frameline Membe�ship-contributii>ns are t'ax-deductlble ,, the extent allowed by law. _ to - . .




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NEW&FLASH "- 250 million asian queers at the festival

Welcome to the future of queer communities across the world. At this yea r's 26th S FILG FF, you'l l get a s pecial gl i m pse i nto the vast a n d expand i ng world of the Queer Asian Diaspora and witness the emergence of a Queer Asi a n Cinema that cou ld potentia l ly cha nge the la ndsca pe of half the world 's popu lation . (Yes, Asians d o make u p half the world's popu lation-a n d , assu m i ng 1 0 percent of the world is LG BT, that mea ns a bout 250 m i l l ion q ueer Asians wi l l be represented this yea r at the Festiva l . ) Asian fi l m makers a re l i ke a rtists everywhere . They a re m i rrors a n d recorders, forecasters of what's to come and weather va nes of soci a l , pol itica l and cu ltu ral progress. They tel l stories of relationships, fa m i l ies, com m u n ities, love, l ife, death and struggles a long the way.

A Treasure of Asian Films This year, ta ke note of the entire body. Look n ot only at ind ivid ual fi l ms but a lso at the col lec足 tive q ua l ity, content and character of the q ueer-inspired Asian work c u l led from across the " world . And notice that this i s more tha n a trend or j ust a good yea r for ha rvest . To Asians every足 where , this growi ng visi bil ity is somet h i ng sta rtl i ngly sim i l a r to what took place a bout th ree d ecad es ago in N orth America, when the West rea l ly "came out" and rocked the worl d . T h e sheer vol u me o f Asian fil ms i n t h i s yea r's Festiva l i s asto u n d i ng (20 features a nd more than 20 shorts). B ut the n u m bers a lone tel l only half the story. Beh i nd them l ies the c u ltura l context- t h e challenges of being gay a n d Asia n , and of bei ng openly gay i n Asia . H ow d i d these fi l m m a ke rs even fi nd the resou rces? And why i s a l l this happe n i ng more than 20 years after it d id i n the West?

Mainstream Queers in the West

' Over the past few decades , we've seen a h uge i ncrease in the level of LG BT representation i n t h e Western mai nstrea m med i a . We've watched " Ellen " come out i n a n a i rport. N ow w e have "Wi l l & G race, " "Sex in the City" and not j ust one but two u n a bashed , sexually explicit versions of "Queer As Fol k . " We have dyke d rama on " E R , " and a fictional Dr. La u ra bei ng kicked out of "The West Wing" by the presid ent. At the movies, we've seen everyth i ng from TORCH SONG T R I LOGY to IN & OUT, from LA CAG E AUX FO LLES to BOYS DO N 'T C RY and M U LLHO LLAN D D R IVE. So many q ueer fil ms, so l ittle ti me. And the l ist grows by the h u n d reds each yea r. H ow was the Western world so q u ick to get the word out? Is it louder, more d es perate to be hea rd ? More horny? R i cher? More secular? What happened t o people i n Asia? Africa? t h e M id d l e East? Continued on page 97




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The N ew Queer Ci nema of the 1990s is cred ited with changing how gays and lesbia ns look at a n d m a ke fi l m s . B ut many forget that this rad ica l movement had its roots i n the work of a few visionary artists who gra bbed thei r ca meras i n the 1980s and set out to redefi ne what it means to be both a fi l m maker a n d a homosexua l . In 2002, we honor one of these ground brea king a uteu rs by presenti ng the Fra m e l i n e Awa rd to I saac J u lien, the B ritish d i rector who conti n ues to play a key role in transform i ng q ueer fi l m i nto an a rt form a l l its own . J u l i e n 's LOO K I N G F O R LAN G STO N ( 1989 ) , a movi ng exa m i nation of the legacy of poet Langston H ughes, is widely rega rded as a fou n d i ng text of the N ew Queer C i n e m a . B ut th i s bri l ­ l ia nt Brit d i d more t h a n j u m p-start a movement. H e went on t o create a series o f u n i q u e fi l m s a n d videos that a re both works o f art a nd man ifestos for changing t h e ways w e th i n k a bout sex­ ual ity in our l ives a n d a bout the roles played by race, class and gender in our society. After LOOKI N G FOR LAN G STO N , J u l ien d i rected YOU N G SO U L R E B ELS, which won the Ca n nes Film Festiva l 's Critics' Week prize in 1 99 1 for its i n novative i nterracial gay love story set d u ri n g Queen Eliza beth's 1977 J u bi lee celebrations. Then, J u l ien went to Jama ica to trace the roots of the violence, misogyny and homophobia i n dance hall m usic, h i p-hop a nd ga ngsta ra p i n T H E DAR KE R S I DE OF B LACK ( 1 993) . Featu ring video c l i ps a nd i nterviews with m usicians Ice C u be, M ichael Franti, a n d Monie Love; schola rs Cornel West and Tricia Rose; activist Dona ld Suggs; a n d u n repentant homophobes Sha bba Ranks and B uj u Ba nton, it is a m ust-see fi l m for any q u eer fa n of today's black music. N ext, he looked at the state of gay rights, as sen ior pro­ d ucer of the PBS series "A Question of Eq ual ity" ( 1995) , and told the story of one of the 20th century's lead i ng a nti-colon i a l ists in FRANTZ FAN O N : B LACK S KI N , WH ITE M AS K ( 1996 ) . J u l ie n 's latest effort, BAADASSSSS C I N EM A (2002) , is a n enterta i n i ng h istory o f blaxploitation films. Si nce the m id -'90s, J u l ien has conti n ued to stretch a rtistica lly with yideo i nsta l lations for ga l l eries a n d m useums, i n c l ud i ng works now on display at San Fra ncisco's Yerba B uena Center for the Arts. In T H E LON G ROAD TO M AZAT LA N , he exa m i nes the cowboy as a gay ico n . M useu m-going itself becomes an erotic adventu re i n T H E AT TEN DANT ( 1 993), T R U SS E D ( 1996) and T H R EE (TH E CO N S ERVATO R 'S D R EA M ) ( 1996-99) . I n t h i s tri logy, as i n a l l o f h i s works, J u lien blends t h e persona l, poetic a n d pol itica l to take us t o places where t h e most pri­ vate pa rts of o u r psyches i nteract with our pu bl i c personas.

With special thanks to

vlrgm atlantic


We a re proud to bestow the 2002 Fra m e l i ne Award on this com m itted a nd ta lented a rtist.



STU & DAVE'S ....�� ..".. · LLENT

documentary award

Framelin e is proud to a n nou nce a new award recogn izing excel lence in docum entary fi l m mak­ i ng. With the su pport of Stuart Ha rrison and David R i ng, longtime su pporters of queer fi l m , a $ 10,000 prize wi l l be presented to the best d ocumentary feature having a Bay Area premiere at the 26th Sa n Fra ncisco I nternational Lesbia n & Gay Film Festiva l . This yea r's el igi ble fi l ms:

Presented by











All A bout My Father (Alt Om M i n Fa r) American Mul let Body The Devil i n the Holy Water Friends in H igh Places: The Art of Survival in Modern-Day Burma Georgie G i rl The G h ost of Roger Casement H a nd on The Pu lse I Exist: Voices from the Lesbian and Gay M id d l e Eastern Commun ity It's My Life Keeping It Rea l : The Adventures of G reg Wa l loch Myth of Father Notorious C . H . O . Queens Don 't L i e (Tu nten LOgen N icht) Questio n i ng Fa ith Rad ical H a rmon ies Ruthie & Con nie: Every Room in the H ouse Si mon & I Si r: J ust a Normal Guy The Snake Boy Som e Real H eat Swimming U pstream: A Year in the Life of Ka ren and Jen ny That's My Face (E M i n ha Ca ra ) Tom Venus Boyz



Introducing the new Saab


Starting at $33,995'

LEVI'S® FIRST FE ATURE.. . � award

Generously fu nded by Levi's® J eans, this $10,000 ju ried awa rd is presented to the best first narrative feature scree n i ng at the 26th San Fra ncisco I nternational Lesbian & Gay Fil m Festiva l . T h i s yea r's eligible film s: 21

G uard ia n o f the Frontier (Va ruh Meje)


I ncidenta l Jou rney

B ritney Ba by-O ne More Ti me

Karmen Ge"l

B u ngee J u m ping of Thei r Own ( Beonj ijeom peu reul Hada)

Ord i nary S i n ner

The Busi ness of Fa ncydancing

P.S. You r Cat Is Dead The Politics of Fur


Sha nghai Pa n ic (Wuo Men H a i Pa)

Days (Giorni)

Skeleton Woman

Explod i ng Oed ipus A Fa m i ly Affa i r Fish & Elephant (J i n N ia n X i a Tia n ) G ro u p

Sugar Sweet Trea d i ng Water The Tri p

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2 2 2

Presented by















6 6




2 6








OPE castro theatre

Lan Yu



Thursday June 13 7:30 pm Film Screening and Gala Castro $70 Mem/$95 Gen (LANYU13) With LAN YU, 1999 Frameline Award winner Stanley Kwan returns to San Francisco to present his most acclaimed work to date. The subtle emotion and rich, quiet beauty of his newest film reach depths rarely seen in contemporary love stories. It is a tale of two men's lives and of a powerful relationship that is strengthened, torn apart, and stretched again and again through a decade of intimacy, chaos, loss, confusion and passion. The film is based on the hit underground novel Beijing Story. First published on the Internet in 1996, this anonymously written novel was widely circulated in China and created a buzz throughout Chinese-language gay communities around the world. Together with writer Jimmy Ngai, Kwan (who directed 1997's STILL LOVE YOU AFTER ALL THESE and SFILGFF '99










T heatre,











from some of San Francisco's top restaurants PlumpJack Cafe, Stars Bar & Dining, Jardiniere exciting launch of the 2002 Festival.

favorite HOLD YOU TIGHT) turned the story into a screenplay. After a Chinese financial backer came aboard, it was shot quickly and clandestinely in anonymous locations last year. The story unfolds in Beijing, 1988. Handong is a handsome thirtysomething businessman, someone who has known success all his life and now heads a fast-growing international trad足 ing company. He's bold, sexy, charming, bright...and gay. Lan Yu is a young student. Quiet but street-smart, he has just arrived from a country town to study architecture and, like many students, is always short on cash and always willing to earn some quickly.


Meeting by chance in a bar, Handong picks up Lan Yu for money, taking him home for a

night of sex. Neither has a clue as to how this evening will transform their lives. They soon meet

For those attending the LAN YU premiere transportation via MUNI will be provided to the Memorial,



parking information. If




wants a playmate, not a lifelong companion. Over the years, they meet, love, separate, reunite and share a lavish home together in a dangerous and tumultuous pattern. At one point, Handong even forces himself into a whirlwind romance with a woman. One day they wake up to find themselves in serious trouble and facing a potentially dev足 -Corey Tong Lan Yu


dir Stanley Kwan 2001 Hong Kong/China 86 min 35mm in Mandarin with English subtitles


Van Ness

provided. If you are driving to the Gala from

again, and Lan Yu begins to comprehend his love for his older friend. But Handong really just

astating future. And then fate, like all of love and life, proves it is forever mysterious.


Premier Sponsors

sundance CHANNEL.





herbst theatre

Notorious C.H.O.



Thursday June 13 8:00 pm Film Screening and Gala Herbst $70 Mem/$95 Gen (NOCH013)

26th SFlLGFF, join us after the premieres of

Margaret Cho's first concert film, I'M THE ONE THAT I WANT (SFILGFF '00), looked at the


com fame (1994's short-lived "All-American Girl") and that staple of Cho's comedy, her inad­


Night Gala.





home of the



-including Citizen Cake, The Slanted Door, XYZ, and Millennium-you won't want to miss this

comedian's San Francisco roots, her freewheeling bisexuality, her unpleasant brush with TV sit­ vertently hilarious mother. NOTORIOUS C.H.O., filmed live at Seattle's Paramount Theatre, cap­ tures Cho's recent 37-city tour, which ended with a career triumph at Carnegie Hall. A somber post-9/ll opening monologue dedicated to rescue workers at Ground Zero veers off in a typically irreverent direction that sets the tone for a stream of fresh new material. Cho reveals "the gayest thing I have ever heard in my life!" (it happened in Scotland, believe it or not), riffs on how the world would be different if men had periods ("every bachelor apartment would look like a murder scene") and details the ongoing but so far unsuccessful quest to find






Opening Night Gala at the San Francisco War Avenue.


the Castro,


see page





for Herbst Theatre

her G-spot (an eye-opening visit to a straight S&M sex club didn't help). We also learn what sort of woman turns her on (slender supermodels need not apply; Cho would prefer "a bull dyke who looks like John Goodman"), and Cho tells us perhaps more than we need to know about her visit to a colonic irrigation clinic in L.A. called Water's Gift, where Enya plays in the background and "the lines are blurred between medical procedure and entertainment." Cho also regales us with stories about her best friends from her high school days in San Francisco, Alan and Jeremy, two teenage drag queens who taught her how to be fabulous, funny and fierce. (She remembers them as "Crouching Drag Queen, Hidden Faggot. ") Cho

NOTORIOUS C.H.D., then you're already there!

summons up that fierceness for her closing monologue, which takes a serious turn to confront the trauma of growing up with an eating disorder- in a world where thinness is synonymous with beauty and self-worth. Preceding and following the concert are shots of Cho's dedicated fans paying homage to an icon still in the making. (Having seen Cho do it, who can resist imitating her mother? "Moran! What is 'Ass-Master'?!") An interview with both her mother and father, shot when Cho brought

Opening Night Gala Partners

the tour to a sold-out audience at Davies Hall in San Francisco, provides another level of insight MIL


,_:.-:1 '�, PLUlI.lPJACK CAFE

into the evolving performance art of one of America's funniest and most intelligent comic talents. -Steven Saylor

Notorious C.H.O. dir Slanted Door

Eligible for the Stu

Lorene Machado



USA 95 min 35mm

Dave's Excellent Documentary Award


rnll��CI II\IC nnf'/CCC'TII/III


SPECf.AL herbst theatre )

Claire A silent film with live music Wednesday June 26 6:30 pm Herbst $ 1 0 Mem/$15 Gen (CLAIR26)

N orma Desmond wasn't the o n ly one who felt that movies lost thei r magic when they learned to ta l k. M i lt Thomas is a l i ke-m i nded fi l m ma ker who is convi nced that movies haven't been the sa me si nce AI J ol son opened h is big mouth in T H E JAZZ S I N G ER. "Si lent fi l ms provid e more su bjectivity to the viewer to interpret the m ovie, " Thomas sa id i n a recent interview, "as opposed ' to a d ialogue-d riven sound fi l m . There's a d e pth of rich ness there that I rarely feel when goi n g t o a movie today." B ut for Thomas, j ust mourn i ng the passing of the old movies wasn't enough. He wa nted to prove that si lent fi l m tech niq ues could sti ll be used to create releva nt works that move a n a u d ience a n d tel l a powerfu l story without uttering a s i ngle word. H e s ucceeds on a l l cou nts with C LAI R E, h i s magica l new s i lent featurette, which prom ises to be one of the h ig h l ights of this year's Festiva l . N ot that i t was easy to p u l l off a n a uthentic re-creation of silent-style fi l m making i n o u r d ig­ ital age. To do it, Thomas tracked down a vi ntage 1920s hand-cra n ked 35m m camera identi­ cal to the one used by Mary Pickford's ca mera m a n. Then he ca refu lly c rafted h is l ighti ng, cos­ tu mes, sets and ca mera angles to match those used in the s i lent days. He also picked an evoca­ tive story ( based on a J a panese fa i ry ta le) that perfectly complements h is lyrica l a pproach. As C LAI R E begi ns, two eld erly gay fa rmers (James Ferguson as Wa lt and Sisters of Perpetual I nd ulgence charter mem ber Sister M issionary P. Del ight as J oshua) d iscover a mys­ terious moon pri ncess (Toniet G a l l ego) in their corncri b. The del ighted men ta ke her i nto thei r hea rts to love as the c h i l d they had a lways longed for. B ut eventually the moon calls her home, in one of the fi l m's most stun n i ng scenes. For Thomas, whose lover was struggl i ng with AI DS as he shot the fi l m , C LAI R E i s a bout the d iversity of fa m i ly and coping with loss, a n d "cente rs a ro u nd the theme of how certa i n i n d ivid­ uals a re gifts with whom we a re blessed to have the privi lege of sharing our l ives. " N ow we a re a l l blessed to have the privilege of sharing h is wonderfu l new "old" fi l m in a special presentation at the H er bst Theatre, where it will be screened with l ive orchestra l acco m pa n i ment written a n d cond ucted b y Sa n Francisco Conservatory o f M usic grad uate Anne Richardson. Claire d i r M i lford Thomas 2001 USA 57 m i n 35mm Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award



Co-Presented by San Francisco Silent Film Festival Sponsored by

Guardian of the Frontier (Varuh Meje) Wednesday June 26 9:00 pm Castro $1 0 Mem/$15 Gen (GUAR026)

I n 200 1 , i nternationa lly renowned Siovenian d i rector Maja Weiss com pleted her fi rst feature fil m-a nd in doing so made h istory. The ca ptivati ng G UAR DIAN OF T H E FRO N T I ER i s the fi rst feature released from Slove n ia to be d i rected by a woman. In it, Weiss explores the political a n d psychological bou nda ries encounte red b y three young women on a sum mer ca noe tri p down the bea utifu l Kol pa Rive r. The Kol pa not only ma rks the boundary between Slovenia and Croatia, it a lso provides a fertile domain for a n encounter a m i dst the known and the u n known . Col lege students Alja, lana a n d S i mona e m bark d u ring their summer hol iday on an adven­ ture that awa kens more than j ust a passion for natu re . Alja, an ideal istic aspiring novel ist, seeks i ndependence from her critica l father and sweet but cli ngy boyfriend . lana is a fea rless free spi rit looki ng for adventure, wh i l e ti m i d Simona is the only conservative and cautious mem ber of the group. Despite the news of a serial killer on the loose nea r the river, the bea utifu l trio eagerly set off on their j a u nt i nto the u nfa m i l iar cou ntryside. The trip begins as the perfect wilderness adventure; Alja and la na swi m a nd s u n bathe topless, while the reserved S i mona looks on, nervously sca n n i ng the densely forested river's edge. Their o n ly h u man encou nter wh i l e on the river is Si mona's brush with a mysterious lone fisherman, which sends her i nto a daze of cu riosity and da ngerous desi re. M ea nwh i le, Alja and lana grow closer, a n d a sexual i nti­ macy begins to u nfold between the two. Further down the river, they decide to explore the countryside-a nd q u ickly d iscover that they a re bei ng watched by d isa pproving eyes. Stu m b l i ng across a d ru n ken vi l lage festiva l , they witness a conservative pol iticia n giving a speech that advises the you ng women a bout exactly what sort of com pa ny they keep . This self-appoi nted "gua rdian of the frontier" fervently oppos­ es a l l those who don't u phold h is fu ndamenta l ist right-wi ng standards. H is forbid d i ng agenda sounds a l l too fa m i l iar: keep the bord ers sec u re and mainta i n a land where "girls should not behave l i ke boys, mothers should stay at home, " and where homosexua l ity is d eemed u n natu­ ral . Alja, la na and Si mona's adventu re suddenly takes a violent twist, leaving thei r lives a ltered forever. Touted as a female version of D ELIVERANCE, this award-wi n n i ng fi l m is a mesmerizing ta le of bold young women cross ing bounda ries and challenging thei r own ideas of what is per­ m issi ble a nd what is forbidden. Sponsored by

-Nathalie Peterson Guardian of the Frontier (Varuh Meje) d i r Maja Weiss 200 1 Slovenia 100 m i n 35mm in Siove n i a n with English subtitles El igi ble for the Levi's'" First Feature Award




castro theatre

Ruth ie & C o n n i e : Eve ry Room in the H ouse Sunday June 3 0 7:30 pm Film Screening and Party Castro $50 Mem/$60 Gen (RUCON30) Sunday June 30 9:00 pm Party Only

After the premiere of RU THIE & CONNIE: EVERY

The Merchants Exchange Building $25 Mem/$35 Gen (CPART30)

ROOM IN THE HOUSE, join us for our Closing

L i ke many women in the 1970s, R uth Berman and Con n i e Ku rtz got d ivorced . B ut u n l i ke most, they left thei r h usba nds for other women-each other. R uth and Con nie fi rst met in 1959, when both were raising c h i l d ren in B rooklyn , N ew York. T h ey were well-known com m u n ity pi l lars-who orga n ized neigh borhood women to agitate for a new school and a new synagogue-and from the looks of thi ngs, they lived idyl l ic lives. Then, i n 1974, someth ing amazi ng happened : they fel l i n love. R UT H I E & CON N I E begins as they're a bout to celebrate the 25th a n n iversary of their roma nce. Look i ng back at 40 years of friendsh i p a n d love, they rem i n isce a bout the rocky start to their u n io n and the pleasures a n d pa i ns of forgi ng a lasti ng lesbian pa rtners h i p . Real izing the i r desire t o be together was no easy feat. R uth was so confl icted that she felt "death wou l d be bet­ ter. " And both faced conte m pt and ignora nce from fa mily a nd ·friends. R U TH I E & CON N I E shows how these two not only overca me the homophobia that th reat­ ened to keep them a pa rt but went on to become outspoken advocates for lesb ian a n d gay rights. These heroi nes ga in ed nati onal attention when they sued the N ew York City Board of Ed ucation in 1988, and they made h i story five years later when they won domestic pa rtner ben­ efits for themselves and a l l New York C ity em ployees. Now retired and spend i ng the i r wi nters i n F lorida, they haven't stopped shaking thi ngs u p . They started a P F LAG cha pter i n their sen ior ' com m u n ity, and by the second meeting they had nearly 20 mem bers. This i nspiri ng documentary from d i rector Deborah Di ckson exa m i nes how these gutsy a nd passionate women ba la nce thei r i ntercon nected i dentities as lovers, mothers, gra n d mothers, J ews and activists. A testa ment to the power of having a big heart and an even bigger mouth, R U TH I E & CON N I E is a moving story a bout love and the true mea n i ng of fa m i ly va lues. Also scree n i ng is the award-wi n n i ng short LIVES O F T H E PHARAOHS, which tel ls the story of a suburban housewife whose comforta ble life is th rown i nto turm oil when an old fri end visits d u ri ng Passover. Lives of the Pharaohs dir Jonathan Wald 2001 USA 16 min 1 6 m m Ruthie & Connie: EveryRoom in the House* dir Deborah Dickson 2002 USA 54 min 1 6 m m * E ligible for t h e Stu



Dave's Excellent Documentary Award


Night Party at the Julia Morgan Ballroom of the Merchants Exchange Building. Lift your glasses and indulge in scrumptious delights presented by Citizen Cake, The Slanted Door and Cafe Monk as we announce this year's award winners and celebrate Pride Day and the closing night of the 26th SFlLGFF! Complimentary transportation via MUNI will be provided to the Closing Night Party at the Merchants

Exchange Building,

465 California

Street in San Francisco. Program sponsored by




Premier Sponsors

(���I!!iN ManliR

sundance CHANNEL.

Closing Night Party Partners r



Slanled Door

� . � .

A.K.A Monday June 17 9:00 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (AKAKA17)

Di rector Du ncan Roy's A . K.A is a fi rst feature that i m p resses in every way. Based on a true story and set on the cusp of Ma rgaret Thatcher's rise to power, this dari ngly constructed fi l m revea ls a n Engla nd riven b y class conflicts, a m bition and greed , a n d tel ls the story of a you ng man determi ned to rise a bove it a l l . H u nky Matthew Leitch (BAN D O F B ROTH ­ ERS) plays Dea n, a working-class boy who d rea ms of fi n d i ng more tha n l ife with his a busive father and waitress mothe r ca n offer. When his dad fi nally kicks him out of the house, Dea n turns to the only kind person he knows-an older gay m a n he met in a pa rk . After Dea n stri ps down and shows his stuff, his new bene­ factor i nvites h i m to stay as long as he l i kes, a nd Dea n's adventu res i n a world he has fantasized a bout for years begi n . Soon Dea n i s havi ng lu nch with an u pper­ crust ga llery owner who derides a waitress's accent as something that should be "treata ble on the national health "-never imagi n i ng that her han dsome com pani on is actually the wait­ ress's son . What fol lows is a tale of rent boys a nd snobs, d rugs and booze, h igh times and low­ down d es pa i r. To tel l his story, Roy (whose short fi lms include C LANCY'S KITCH EN and J AC K­ SON : MY Ll F E . . . YOU R FA U LT) uses a dazzl ing spl it-screen tech niq ue that keeps as many as th ree d ifferent i mages i n play at any given time, making A . K.A a visual feast that must be seen on the big screen i n order to be appreciated in fu l l . A.K.A dir Duncan Roy 2002 U K 120 min video

Al l About My Father (Alt Om Min Far) Sunday June 16 1:00 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (ALLAB16) Monday June 17 1:00 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (ALLAB17)

Esben Benestad is a doctor in a sma l l Norwegian town . He is a surgeon , has authored two books on sex education , writes a col u m n in a men's magazine and is a l i bera l politicia n . However, Esben Benestad has another identity in Norway: he is Esther P i re l l i, sex thera pist a n d occasional actress. Benestad identifies as " bi-gendered"­ living as both male and female-a nd goes by the name Esben Esther. ALL ABOUT M Y FAT H ER, a n i nti mate doc u mentary by son Even , takes us i nside the Benestad household and explores the i m pact the father's identity has had on the fa m­ i ly. Viewers jou rney with father, son , sister, mom and stepmom as they tackle the pa i nful d iffer­ ences a nd tensions that have existed between them for yea rs. This award-wi n n i ng fi l m conveys Esben Esther's story with wa rmth, h u mor and i rony. The d i rector creates a fasci nati ng person­ al portrait of his en igmatic father wh i l e bravely exploring the i r own relations h i p . The elder Benestad sees the fil m as a cha nce to s peak out on behalf of those who are on the margins of society because they a re d ifferent-but it's clear from the fi l m's poigna nt father-son exchanges that there's a lot more to this story. Wh ile Dad's gender identity forms the basis of the film, we ultimately see that the fa m i ly's i n ner confl icts and tri u m phs a re like those of so many other fa m ilies: profoun d ly affecti ng and transformative. -Darlene Weide

Al l the Queen's Men Friday June 2 1 8:30 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (AQUEE21)

"SO M E LI KE IT H OT meets T H E G U N S O F N AVA R O N E" is how costa r Ed d ie I zza rd descri bes th is stylish World Wa r I I-era rom p a bout Allied agents crossi ng more tha n j ust enemy l i nes. I zzard gives a star-making performa nce as the c ross-d ressi ng Tony-a self-d escri bed " bisexual lesbian tra pped i n a ma n's body"­ who is d rafted to tra i n a trio of male sold iers i n the finer poi nts of passing a s fema le, a nd then join them on a da ngerous m ission. H e is matched every wobbly step of the way by M att LeBla nc as O' Rourke, the straight (sorry, guys) special agent forced to lead this ragtag d rag troop, who starts out d ismayed by h is fellow sol­ d iers' u n iq ue procl ivities but learns to see the worth of every man on his tea m . LeBlanc m ixes bits of Tony Curtis, chu nks of Steve M cQuee n a nd a hea lthy dose of his own charm to prove that he is fina l ly ready to move beyond sitcom su persta rdom on " Friends" a nd i nto the real m of the romantic lead i ng man. B ut LeBlanc ca n 't stop the del icious I zzard, as an u n l ikely hero i n high heels, from stea l i ng every scene he's i n . They a re helped along by a del ightfu l s u p­ porti ng cast and by d i rector Stefa n Ruzowitsky, who knows how to keep the action and story moving from the very fi rst frame, and who does an amazing job of ba lancing the film's elements of d rama, romance,'comedy and s uspense. The result wi l l leave you laugh i ng on the edge of you r seat, rooting for the good guys and cheeri ng a l l the way to the exciti ng conclusion . All the Queen's Men dir Stefan RUlowitsky 2001 USNGerma nyl

Eligible for the Levi's\!) First Feature Award All About My Father (Alt Om M i n Far) dir Even Benestad 200 1

Austria/Hu ngary 105 m i n 35mm

Norway 77 m i n 35mm in Norwegian with Engl ish s u btitles Eligible for the Stu

Sponsored by



Sponsored by


Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

M th rT. o


Sponsored by



American Mu llet

Bob & Rose-Program 1

Bob & Rose-Program 2

Sunday June 16 6:30 pm

Friday June 14 9:00 pm

Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (AMULLl 6)

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (BRONE14)

Saturday June 15 3 :00 pm Herbst $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (BRTW015)

G ot a m u l let fetish? Then this is the show for you . We're not tal king a bout marine l ife here, we' re ta lking a bout the i nfa mous "made in A m erica " hai rcut that used to be the chic style. While it has lost a bit of its cache i n recent yea rs, some sti l l th i n k it's the cat's meow. Sti l l puzzled? B utch icon H . L. Cottre l l has been modeling it since she was a ba by dyke . It's the short-i n-front-and-Iong­ i n -the-back hairdo ( i . e . , the sh long) . As J e n n ifer Arnold's fi l m makes clea r, people have strong feeli ngs a bout m u l lets, and not all of them a re positive; some fol ks a re even ha rassed for hav­ i ng 'em . Arnold toured the cou ntry asking one a n d a l l what they thought a bout this particular coif. The jou rney is not only h i la riously fun ny, it's a lso enl ightening. Tu rns out, the m u l let isn't just a dyke cut. M usicians, bike rs, Latino soccer players and Native Americans a l l love it. And everyone has an opinion on it: "The majority of m u l lets a re wh ite trash who beat their wives" or " G i rls who l i ke guys with m u l l ets have lesbian tendencies . " Where else can you fi nd such wis­ dom? B ut that's not a l l . The progra m a lso i ncludes two shorts about lesbian fashion that a re sure to give even the best d ressed some poi nters. In YO U R B ETTER B UTCH FAS H I O N , a J ewish mother accepts her da ughter's d yke identity but wa nts he r to spruce u p her style. M eanwh ile, LES B IAN FASH I O N ? featu res some very cute m u l let-less girls.

Friday June 28 Noon

Friday June 28 3:00 pm

Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (BRONE28)

Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (BRTW028)

The m isadventu res of Bob and Rose conti nue i n the second half of R ussell T. Davies's del ightful ­ ly fu nny u pdate o f the classic roma ntic screwba l l comedy. Davies ( "Queer A s Fol k") is without a d o u bt one of the wittiest writers worki ng in tel e­ vision today. H ere, as he ta ngles a n d u nta ngles his characters' l ives, he proves that he is one of the most i nsightful a n d sym pathetic as wel l . One fu n ny moment fol l ows a nother as Bob a n d Rose i ntrod uce each other to their friends a n d "come out in reverse" to Bo b's pa rents. Bob is especi a l ly worried a bout how his mother, M e l i n d a , q ueen bee of Pa rents Aga i n st Homophobia, wi l l react. B ut in one of the best of many wonderful scenes in the series, M e l i nda comes to terms with the news in the m id st of a protest ral ly for gay rights and emerges a l l the more rad ical ized . When she declares on TV that her son i s "a gay man with a straight gi rlfriend, a n d that's eq ual ity, " R ose's fa m i ly, watching at home on the tel ly, goes i nto shock. Rose's mom thi n ks her d a ughter has lost her m i n d . Rose's ex-boyfriend-a n d Bob's-a nd .m ost of the rest of the people they know a l l agree. So who c o u l d b l a m e t h e loveb i rds for fearing they m ight be right? Thi ngs take a turn for the worse when Bob's ex a n d his o bsessive coworker team up to scuttle the relationship. As " Bo b & Rose" h u rtles toward its touching conclusion, the bri l l ia nt Davies keeps the sur­ prises coming. You won't want to m iss a single one.

2001 USA 52 min video

It's the oldest story i n the world: boy meets gi rl and com plications ensue. B ut count on B ritish writer R ussell T. Davies, creator of the origi nal "Queer As Fol k, " to give this old story some new a n d , yes, very q ueer twists. I n h i s extremely fu n n y new te l evision series, Davies-inspired by a friend's rea l-l ife romance-takes us back to Manchester ( h is " Queer As Folk" sto m p i ng grounds) to i ntrod uce us to Bob, a nother one of his out, proud a n d sexually active characters. Bob is gay-really rea l ly gay, never even kissed a girl gay-a nd glad of it. So no one is more su rprised than he is when he meets Rose o n the way home from a ba r one n ight a n d starts to feel someth ing he's never felt i n his l ife. Before they know what's hit them , this odd couple i s s noggi ng on street cor­ ners , shaggi ng in the toi let of a tra i n and won­ deri ng what the heck is goi ng o n ! Bob is s o attached t o h is gay identity that he won't even let Rose describe h i m as " b i , " which leaves her fee l i ng confused a bout what it means to be the female love object of a man who i n sists he only loves men . They try to end it there , but when they ca n 't stay a pa rt these two a p pea l i ng characters take their first tentative steps toward a real relationsh i p . C a n a gay man a nd a stra ight woman fi nd true love a nd live happily ever after? Or wi l l his l u st for men-and the machi nations of their friends a nd fam i l ies-drive them a pa rt? Check out episodes 4-6 (Progra m 2) to fi nd out.

Total R u nning Time: 73 min

Bob & Rose Epsiodes 1-3 d i r J u lian Fa rino 2001 U K 1 4 6 m i n


-Erica Marcus Your Better Butch Fashion d i r Margaret Broucek 2001 USA 1 8 m i n video Lesbian Fashion? d i rs Mary J o Godges & Renee Sotile 2001 USA 3 min video American Mul let* dir J e n n ifer Arnold

Bob & Rose Epsiodes 4-6 d i r J oe Wright 2001 U K video

* Eligi ble for the Stu & Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

Sponsored by

sundance C H A N N E L.


Sponsored by


Sponsored by

146 m i n

Boys by the Bay

Britney Baby-One Mo re Tim e

T hursday June 2 7 9:00 pm

Saturday June 29 8:30 pm

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (BOBAY27)

Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (BBAB Y29)

These local boys won't have to travel far to get to the Festiva l , but they're ready to take you on some very interesting tri ps. No matter where l ife leads Mark, one spe­ cial ga l is always there for him in MADON N A­ LOG U E. An A I DS test sends Stephen looki ng for uncond itional love in CONTACT. Stuart ta lks a bo ut trave l i ng across racial l i nes in TRANS­ G R ESS I O N S . I n J UST RYA N , three ghostly ex­ gi rlfriends pop i n to walk Ryan d own memory lane and help h i m make a start in a new d i rec­ tion . And an ex-boyfriend with a kn ife sends a young man ru n n i ng th rough the streets and i nto memories of t h e i r u n u s u a l l ove affa i r i n DAM N AG E D . I n B R EA DC R U M BS, Ruven's d a d ad m its he isn't wild a bout his son 's sexual ity but sti l l wants R uven 's boyfriend to bring a little bit of Sa n Fra ncisco with h i m when he comes to visit. Ma nfred takes his potential dates on a prepa ra­ tory tou r of h is a pa rtment in S EXUAL O R I ENTA­ T I O N . The odyssey of an obsessive fa n u nfolds in J A N -M I CHAEL VI N C E NT IS M Y M U S E, and a burned-out ba rfly wa nders through bath rooms, back rooms and ba r rooms i n sea rch of an answer to the q u estion, FOU CAU LT W H O?

A fi l m so del iciously rid iculous that it could o n ly be based on-or at least i nspired by-a true story. In 1999, d rag diva Robert Stephens beat out a field of a l l-female riva ls to em erge as the surprise winner of a B ritney S pea rs look-al ike contest. The prize incl uded the chance to meet the pop d iva backstage at one of her shows . B ut when a TV crew at the concert m istook Robert, aka Angel Benton, for B ritney herself, the star's publicists freaked out a nd Robert was given the boot. From this small seed , d i rector Lud i Boeken has crafted a charming fi l m that spoofs the con­ ventions of " i nd ie" fi l m m aki ng, po p celebrity a nd d ragd o m , a l l at the sa m e time. The story begi ns with M i lwaukee fi l m mak­ ers Dude and M ike ( M a rk Borchardt a nd M ike Schank of A M ER I CAN M OV I E fa me in two h ilar­ iously dead pa n performa nces), who wi l l do a ny­ thing to get the money to make their next movie. When a loca l TV news d i rector offers to pay the duo to i nterview B ritney backstage, they j u m p at the cha nce. B ut after Dude asks the q u estion he's s u re every man i n A merica wa nts answered-"Are they rea l?"-he and h is crew a re th rown out. At a nea rby d i ner they ru n i nto Robert Stephens ( playing h i mself), sti l l in fu l l B ritney d rag after bei ng tossed out too, and Dude has a bri l l ia nt idea . Next thing you know, Ro bert and the enti re crew a re off to N ew Orleans, site of B ritney's next concert, and one of the fu n n iest road m ovies si nce Bob H o pe and B i ng Crosby headed for Morocco is under way.

Madonnalogue d i r M a rk McCormick 2001 USA 5 m i n video Contact dir Stephen Remi ngton 2001

USA 10 min video

Tra nsgressions di r Stuart Gaffney 2002 USA 6 min video Just Ryan dir Ken Bielenberg 2002 USA 24 min video daMNaged d i r Andy Bydalek 2002 USA 1 8 min video Breadcrumbs d i r Ruven H a n na h 2002 USA 9 min video Sexual Orientation dir Pa u l Vandecarr 2002 USA 5 min video Jan-Michael Vincent Is M y Muse d i r J i m Tushinski 2002 USA 7 min video Foucault Who? d i rs Jed Bell


Wickie Stamps 2002 USA 1 5 min 35mm

Total R u nning Ti me: 99 min

Britney Baby-One More Time d i r Ludi 83 min 35mm El igible for the Levi's<!> First Feature Awa rd

Bungee J um p i ng of The i r Own (Beonj ij eom peure u l Hada)

Boeken 2001

Sunday June 23 9:00 pm


Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (BUNGE23)

When I n -woo shares his u m brella with Tae-hee d u ring a ra i nstorm i n 1983, he fa l l s hopelessly i n love with her. S o begi ns this u n usual fil m , which was a box office h it i n South Korea in 200 1 . In­ woo is so d u m bstruck that it takes h i m a w h i le to figure out that Tae-hee has fallen in love, too. A l l he knows is he' l l do anyth i n g for her-l ike pre- . ten d i ng to be a smoker j ust beca use she gave h i m a l ighter as a gift. On the n ight they fi na l ly go to a motel room to consu m mate thei r love, she promises to stay with him forever. But then she mysteriously d isa ppears. Seventeen years later, I n-woo is a ma rried teacher rid i ng herd on a classroom of boisterous boys. B ut this semester, someth i ng is d ifferent. There's someth i ng a bout one of h is stud ents, a boy named Hyu n-bin . . . someth ing that keeps taking I n-woo back to the past. Soon I n -woo is making odd late-night phone ca l ls to the boy and fighting the u rge to to uch him i n class. After a series of strange coincidences, I n-woo begins to fea r for his own sa n ity. And h is stu dents, coworkers and wife a re sta rti ng to wonder as we l l . When Hyun -bin fi n a l ly co nfronts h i s teacher and demands to know what is go ing o n , th i ngs rea l ly begin t o fall a pa rt-on ly t o fa l l back together aga i n-i n this tragic love story that evokes both AN AFFA I R TO R E M EM B ER and P R ELU D E TO A KISS. I n the end, student and teacher a re u n ited , if only i n their conviction that true love can tra nscend anythi ng, even death . Bungee Jumping of Their Own (Beonj ijeompeureul Hada) d i r Dae­ Seung Kim 2001 South Korea 90 m i n 35mm in Korean with English subtitles Eligi ble for the Levi's<!> First Feature Award

Co-Presented by F i l m Sponsored by

Co-Presented by

Arts Foundation


i>iiO"JEC"T www.slopaids.org 415.575.0150

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

Korean Community Center of the East Bay



" A N " S C 0




The Busi ness of Fancyd a n c i ng

Ca l l Me Cwazy

Cartoons C a n Also Be Sad

Tuesday June 25 6:30 pm

Sunday June 16 1 1 :00 am

Saturday June 22 1 1 :00 pm

Castro $7.50 Mem/$B. 50 Gen (BUSIN25)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (CWAZY1 6)

Castro $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen (CASAD22)

T H E B U S I N ESS OF FA N CY DAN C I N G , the fi rst

You ' l l be rol l i ng i n the a i sles l a ugh i ng at these

Ace a n d Ga ry, that not-so-a m b iguous d uo, get

feature fi l m d i rected by N ative Am eri ca n writer

cwazy fu n ny dyke shorts . A few L.A. fi l m m a kers

this year's a n i mation program off to a smash

put a q ueer spin on so me of o u r favorite fi l ms i n

start as they see T R O U B LE CO M I N G TW I C E,

Sh erma n Alexie,

stars Evan Ada m s ( S M O K E

S I G N A LS ) as Seymo u r Polatki n , a su ccessfu l


N ative Am erica n poet. Seymo u r has fo u n d fa me


L ES B I A N ,



D Y K ES ,


TH E Anne

wh i l e P E D R O


TO NY? , a dog a n d c h i cken

e njoyi ng a mea n i ngfu l gay relation sh i p, learn to

a n d a wh ite boyfriend i n Seattle, but bac k on the

H eche's "20/20" i nterview is spoofed i n C A L L M E

reservation they a re b u rn i ng h is books and

CWAZY, a n d a q u iet eve n i ng i n front o f t h e TV

B L U E TU ES DAY, the first of th ree stories

d a m n i ng him as a l i a r. When a late-n ight phone

tu rns i nto a c h i ld hood m i sadventu re in T H E

featu ring America 's favorite blond d ol l , shows


what h a p pens when memories get in the way of

ca l l s u m m ons h i m

home for a fu nera l ,

h is



B EA N .

T h e a n i mated

sho rt

work through the i r i nterspecies p rejud i ces.

boyfriend doesn 't wa nt h i m to l eave . "T hey a re n 't

LA D I ES T EA d econstructs l es b i a n d a nce-floor

self-love and movi ng o n . Then , B a rbie a nd pa ls

you r tri be a nymore , " he te l l s Seymou r. " I ' m you r

d ra m a . Two wom e n , fo u r cats and one U - H a u l

get it on i n a va riety of ways in T H R EE T H I N G S

tri be . " B ut a s long-repressed m emories begin to

a re a l l it takes t o SALT T H E B LA D E A N D TWI ST


wash over h i m , Seymo u r knows he has to go .

T H E KN I FE. A chocolate ad d i ction gets treated

Golden spongy good ness n ever l ooked so

in LA DY G O D IVA, and household clea n i n g prod ­

tasty as i n the h i la rious TW I N K l ES , a nd two

They a re memori es of Aristotle J ose p h , the c h i ld hood pa l h e left beh i n d , a nd of Agnes, the

ucts become magical i n HOW B EAT R I C E CA M E

women meet by acci d e nt on the street a n d set

h a lf- I n d i a n , ha lf-J ewish wo m a n who was h i s col­

C LEAN . WATC H I N G L ES B I AN P O R N i s a porno­

off A D U E L of eroti c i magi natio n s . T h rough a

lege gi rlfri end . Most of a l l , they a re m e m ories of

gra p h ic pa rody that advocates fem i n i sm as fore­

ka l e i d oscope of ra i n bow-h ued

h i s dead cous i n , Mouse. Who a re these peo p l e

play, a n d T H E STROKE is a h i l a rious ge nder­

friends try to a n swe r the q uestio n , "What is

t o h i m now? Who is he t o t h e m ? Seymou r sets off

ben d i ng twist on heavy meta l videos.


Watching Lesbian Porn d i r Dayna McLeod 2001 Canada 11 min

a byss of alcoho l , u lcer p i l l s a n d floral hats wh i l e

on a s p i ritua l a nd emotio n a l j o u rn ey to fi nd out. Alexie (who wrote a n d coprod u ced the awa rd ­ wi n n i ng S M O K E S I G N A LS in m u sic,

1 998)

u ses d a n ce,

d oc u m e ntary tec h n i q u es' a nd


c utouts,


D rag veteran Lo la Lick fa l ls i nto a s p i ra l i ng video Ladies Tea d i r Paula Du rette 2001 USA 3 min video Disposable Lez dir Desiree Lim 1999 J a pa n


min video in

rem i n iscing a bout th i ngs past i n TA LES F R O M

J a panese with English subtitles Salt the Blade and Twist the

T H E POWDER R OO M . F i n a l ly, t h e fi l m that got

read i ngs to ca pture t h i s jou rney on fi l m . The

Knife: A Lesbian Love Tale dir Ann Lippert 2001 USA 8 m i n

one toy giant to yel l , " Enough ! " BAR B I E CAN

res u lt is a deep a n d evocative wo rk that is as

video H o w Beatrice C a m e C l e a n d i r Sean Kaminsky 2 0 0 1 USA

ALSO BE SAD shows us that with a l ittle S i l ly

u n i q u e for its bea uty as for its ins ights i nto what it mea ns to be Native American a nd gay more than 500 years after Col u m bus first set foot i n t h i s " n ew" worl d .

6 min video Love Is Forever dir Esther Ritter 2001 USA 8 m i n video Reservoir Dykes d i r J D Disa lvatore 2002 U S A 2 m i n video Ca l l Me Cwazy dirs Lynne Chan


Yvette Choy 2001 USA

12 min video The Stroke dirs Austin Young


Barry Pett 2002

USA 7 min 1 6 m m Lady Godiva dir Shan non Oll iffe 200 1 Canada

I n T H O R N G RASS, a gay Native American reca l l s l ife from beyond the grave. " N ow the eagle fl ies, and the eagle loves h i s feathers . "

3 min video The Boys in the Bean dirs Wendy Jo Carlton


Myers 2002 USA 3 m i n video Taxi Lesbian d i r JD Disa lvatore 2002 USA 2 min video The Graduate d i r Meredith Kadlec 2002 USA 3 min video

The Business of Fancydancing* d i r Sherma n Alexie 2002 USA 87 min 35mm Thorn Grass dir Jasc 2001 USA 8 min video


T. Hanson 2001 USA 5 min video Goodfaigolas dir Lynnette

Tota l R u n n i ng lime: 80 min

* Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

Putty, B a rb i e ca n be a lot of oth er t h i ngs as we l l . The Ambiguously Gay Duo


Thomas 2001

USA 1 8 min video i n Engl ish, Taga log and

Cantonese with English subtitles Blue Tuesday d i r Lisa G 2001 Canada 3 min video Three Things My Mother Never Told Me d i r Lisa Nielsen 2001 C a n a d a 6 m i n video Twi nkies d i rs David Col l i ns


Da m i a n Mellin 2001 Canada 7 min video A Duel d i r

Thu rit Antonia Kremer 2 0 0 1 Germany 2 m i n video Sexy d i rs Tom Whitman


Dustin Woehrmann 2001 USA 10 m i n 35mm

Tales from the Powder Room d i r Darren B u rgess 2001 Austra lia 1 2 m i n 35mm Barbie Can Also Be Sad d i r Albertina Carri 2001 Argentina 21 min 35mm i n Spanish with English s u btitles Total R u n n i ng li me: 82 m i n

Co-Presented by Native Sponsored by

American Cultural Center

s u n d ance C H A N N E L.



Trouble Coming Twice d i r J .J .

Sedelmaier 2000 U S A 3 m i n video Pedro + Tony? d i r Don

Come Out, Come Out

Daddy & Papa

Days (Giorn i) .

Sunday June 23 1 1 :00 am Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (CMOU T23)

Sunday June 1 6 12:3 0 pm

Saturday June 22 3 :3 0 pm

SF Main Library FREE presentation

Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (OAYSS22)

-no ticket required; first-come, first-served

As h is best friend brags a bout his m uscles a n d t h e size o f h i s d ick i n L I KE A B R OT H ER , a gay tee nager struggles to kee p h is coo l , a n d u nl eashes some unexpected violence when h e fi nally confesses his love. Going back to h is roots in SOUTH E R N FAM I LY, Keith Wi lson shows h is huge c l a n gath­ eri ng at N a n n i e and M eemaw's house to cele­ brate C h ristmas and sets the stage for some fam i ly memories a bout when he ca me out. B ra d , a you ng man left beaten and ha lf­ na ked in a cornfield i n 0 B EAU TI F U L, doesn't know what to th i n k when one of his attackers returns a n d says he has come back to help h i m . B u t as he a n d h i s wou ld -be rescuer confront the mea n i n g of the night's events and thei r own feel­ i ngs, their relationship begins to cha nge . O n ly h i s own i n ner fairy ca n save a gay boy from bei ng " rescued " from homosexuality when his ex-girlfrie n d , straight best friend , mom a nd gra nd pa rents pop i n on h i m unexpected ly i n FAI RY STEPS: A GAY I N TERVENT I O N . A n d a teenage girl w h o h a s a lways been the perfect da ughter starts to act strange in N O P R O M F O R C I N DY. Could i t b e beca use s h e i s played by a h u n ky gay m a n i n this del ightful take on the i n n e r a nd outer confl icts that a rise when how we a re seen by others is rad ical ly different from the way we see ou rselves?

No Prom for Cindy dir Charli e Ad ler 2001 USA 26 min video

Bay Area fi l m m a ker J o h n ny Symons bri ngs us a fi rst-person docu menta ry from a rad ica l gay activist who never i magi ned that his " most revo­ l utionary act wou ld be the most trad itional th i ng i n the world "-beco m i ng a pa rent. Ta king u s inside h is own fa m ily and three others , Symons c h ron icles both the day-to-day problems faced by every pa rent a nd the u n iq ue o bstacles faced by gay men who have chal lenged society's stereotypes to create the fa m i l ies they crave . Other issues a lso i nevita bly a rise: the i m p l ica­ tions of i nterracial adoption (some of th ese wh ite men have adopted black c h i l d re n ) , the role of su rrogate mothers, the mea n i ng of marriage a n d d ivorce i n t h e gay com m u n ity, t h e lega l ity of adoption by gay pa rents. Every day these men confront conserva­ tives who regard gay fathers as the e nemy of thei r cherished "tra d itional fa m i l ies, " n eigh bors who feel c h i l d ren m ust have mothers a nd mem­ bers of their own q ueer com m u n ity who accuse them of sel l i ng out to mai nstrea m va lues. B ut, as Symons shows, noth ing ca n stop these men from loving thei r kids, or from joi n i ng the ever­ expand ing "gay by" boom that is sweeping the nation . With thousands of gay men across the cou n try m a ki n g the consci o u s d ec is i o n to become fathers, DADDY & PAPA enters i nto the hea rt of the debate over gay fatherhood , exa m­ i n ing the va lue of alternative households, the effects of ge nder and sexua l orientation on c h i l­ d ren , a n d the changing face of the American fa m i ly.

Tota l R u n n ing Ti me: 90 m i n

Daddy & Papa dir Joh nny Symons 2002 USA 60 min video

Like a Brother dir Alexandra Steele 2001 USA 1 2 min 1 6m m Southern Fam i l y d i r Keith Wilson 2002 U S A 1 4 min video o Beautiful dir Alan Brown 2002 USA 30 min video Fairy Steps:

A Gay Intervention dir Ga briel Qui ntero 2001 USA 8 min video

On the su rface, everyth i ng i n C l a u d i o's l ife is u nder contro l . He's 35 and has a good job, good looks and a finely honed physi q ue, tha n ks to the hours he spends working out at the gym . H e has a n attractive and sta ble boyfriend, as well as a d oting mother, who holds Cla u d i o u p as a n exam ple t o h is prom iscuous sister. B ut beneath this veneer, Claud io's l ife is i n turmoil. For 10 yea rs, he's been H IV-positive . The constra i nts on sex with his boyfriend, the relentless demands of his d rug thera py, and a vague anxiety that somet h i ng vita l has been d ra i ned from his l ife a re ta king a tol l . Qui etly des­ perate, Cla u d io fi nds h i m self hau nted by a one­ n ight sta nd with a you nger ma n-bea utiful , bright-eyed And rea . When h e meets And rea aga i n by chance, the two enter i nto a love affa i r that a ba ndons t h e rules and restrictions of Claud io's ord i nary l ife. Accord ing to d i rector La u ra M usca rd i n , who cowrote DAYS' award-wi n n ing screen play, the fi l m tries "to u n dersta nd how big the i m pact of love and passion a re on someone who daily has to face the idea of d eath . " Viewers accus­ tomed to the feel-good platitudes of Hol lywood a nd the pred ictable PC polemics of American gay fi lms may be d istu rbed , i nfu riated and u lti­ mately hea rtbroken by M u scard i n 's less conven­ tional a pproach , wh ich never i nvites us to pass j u dgment on Claud io, only to observe and to feel . -Steven Say/or Days (Giorni) d i r Laura M uscard i n 2001 Italy 80 m i n 35mm i n Ita l ia n with English subtitles E l igible for the Levi's'" First Feature Award

Co-Presented by Our Fa m i ly Coalition Sponsored by

Sponsored by



The Devil in the H o ly Water

Divas: Love Me Forever

Friday June 21 3:30 pm

Saturday June 29 1 0: 1 5 pm

Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (DEVI L21 )

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (DIVAS29)

This enterta i n i ng and i nspirational doc u m entary takes us i nto "the epicenter of Catholic c u ltu re" to record a once-i n-a-mi l l en n i u m ha ppeni ng: the World Gay Pride event, staged i n Rome at the height of the 2000 J u bi lee Year. D i rector Joe Ba lass c rafts a thorough portrait of both the event and the controversy su rrou n d ing it. The pope is seen com pla i n i ng that a gay m a rch in what he considers h i s own " sacred city" wi l l be an i nsult to the Catholic faith . I n turn , t h e lesbian and gay organ izers o f t h e m a rch reply that they a re fed u p with the c h u rch tel l i ng them that they're si nfu l a n d sick, and they a ren't goi ng to ta ke it a nymore. They say the m a rc hers wi l l be " a n a rmy of peace. " B ut a Catholic activist ca l ls the event " a n act of wa r aga i nst the Catholic C h u rc h , " a fact he claims is proven by the m a rch's support from " rad ica l " pol itica l pa rties, m asons and J ews-"always u nited in a pact aga i nst the Catholic civil ization . " No wonder the c h u rch's biggest all i es in opposing the march a re the right-wing National A l l ia nce a nd the neo­ fascist group Forza N u ova . Mea nwhile, city offi­ cial� waffle, ca l l i ng the timing " i nopportu n e . " . Orga n izers fi nally get permission from the city to proceed with thei r ra l ly j ust th ree days before it is set to begi n . They rush to get ready a n d , as Ba lass reveals, the march becomes a d efi n i ng moment, not j ust for the Ita l ian gay pride movement but for h u n d reds of thousa nds of proud q ueers from a round the world .

Ope n i ng with S h irley Bassey's classic a nthem "This Is My Life , " six black d rag q ueens take us on a to ur of Toronto's vibrant gay performa nce scene, with stops at the Ma natee, Woody's and C h a ps (a mong other bars), as wel l as at con­ tests, parades and talent shows. The usual sus­ pects ( B assey, Ti na Turner, the Poi nter Sisters, G race Jones, Diana Ross) a re h i l a riously and poigna ntly person ified by these old school per­ formers . I nterspersed with the performa nce footage a re i nterviews with the enterta i ne rs, who origi n a l ly h a i l from J a maica , Ba rbados a n d G uya na . T h e i r d iverse and fla m boya nt per­ sonas- M i c h e l l e Ross, C h ri s Edwa rd s , Stephanie Stephens, Jackae Ba ker, Ma hti D i n a h and Duchess (who d ied , u nexpectedly, shortly after fi l m ing ended )-contrast sharply with the men's ca n d i d conversations a bout thei r experi­ ences. T h ey reveal the real ity beh i n d the make­ u p , d isc ussing racism and prej u dice aga i nst d rags, thei r search for a sense of fa m i ly and home, their longi ng for sex a n d love, the circuit cu ltu re, the i m pact of AI DS, objectification, lone­ l i ness and a l ienation, thei r motivation for per­ form i ng (answer: the attention and the money) a n d the i r futu re plans. Arc h iva l footage helps provide h istorical context for the d evelopment of the performers' colorful acts. Asked for the defi­ n ition of a d iva , M ichelle Ross hesitates only momenta rily before declari ng, "We l l , I ' m a d iva . "

T he D evil in the Holy Wa terd ir Joe Balass 2001 Canada 94 m i n

Diva s: L ove M e F orever d i r Edimburgo Cabrera 2001 Ca nada

video i n Italian a n d French with English subtitles

82 min video

El igible for the Stu


Down Under -Gay S h o rts from Austra l ia Friday June 14 Noon Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (DUNDE14)

Sex workers, d rag q ueens, former gay bashers and more a l l have stories to tel l in th is d iverse and sl ightly perverse selection of new fi l ms from Austral i a . WAS H DAR K COLO U RS S EPARATELY puts racia l stereotypes through a bath house spin cycle. H I G H ST R E ET LOVE STORY tells a ta le of th ree best mates who prove they'l l do whatever it takes to a n swer a n age-old q u estion, " Does love truly exist?" In KA R MARAM A, an ex-gay basher who decides to do a l ittle experimenting after h i s gi rlfriend leaves him fi nds h i mself on t h e other side of the fist. Jacob, the you ngest son of an alcoholic mother, seeks refuge on the roof of the i r tra iler and fi nds comfort with a n u n usual neigh bor named Candy in SWEET T H I N G . A ha ndsome Yugoslavian sex worker reflects o n his past and present i n N I G H T T R A D E . And a man fl ies from J a pa n to Austra l ia for a long-lost u ncle's fu nera l , d iscover i ng a past he isn't q u ite prepared for, i n the hea rt-warming TAN A KA. A rea l istic portra it of some teen street h us­ tlers emerges in I NTO T H E N I G H T, wh i l e T H E VIS I TOR chronicles a n aging write r's encou nter with a bea utifu l young su rfer. Wa sh Da rk Col ou r s S epa rat ely d i r Chee Lam 2001 Australia 6 min video High Str eet L ove St ory dir Rob Leggo 2001 Australia 10 min video Ka rma ra m a dir Lee Galea 200 1 Australia 1 1 min

-Jim Van Buskirk

video Sw eet T hing dir M a rk Robi nson 200 1 Australia 1 4 m i n video Nig htT rad e d i r Barbara Karpinski 200 1 Austra lia 1 3 m i n video Ta naka d i r Clayton Jacobson 2 0 0 1 Austra l ia 2 4 m i n 16mm I n to th e Nigh t d i r Tony Krawitz 2002 Austra l i a 1 5 min 35mm Th e Visitor d i r Dan Castle 2002 USA 30 min 35mm

Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

Tota l R u n n ing Ti me: 1 23 m i n

Sponsored by





Dyke Drama

Explod ing Oedi pus

A Fam i ly Affa ir

Tuesday June 1 8 6:30 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (O YKE018)

Thursday June 27 6:30 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (EXPL027)

Saturday June 22 6:00 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (FAFFA22)

B rea king u p with you r girlfriend? Sleeping with you r best friend? Secretly i n love with you r room­ mate-or wish you were? Then you ' l l love these passionate, sexy shorts . A frustrated actress goes on a tem p job i n character but runs i nto trou ble when s h e falls for her su pervisor in TEM PORAR I LY I NSAN E. A young gi rl fa lls in love with her swim teacher a nd d rea m s of sed ucing her in the sexy short SELMA & SOFI E. Charlie ( played by Alexa ndra Pa ul of " Baywatc h " fa me) d iscovers the perils of U - H a u l relationships a nd love at first sight i n the al l-too­ fa m i l ia r B R EAKI N G U P R EALLY S U C KS . When Lora's ex-girlfriend i nvites her to a party on the one-month a n n iversary of thei r brea kup, she decides to show u p with a hot date i n the witty comedy G I R L DRAMA. After accidenta l ly run­ n i ng over a n i n nocent skater, two 80-year-old lesbians real ize they have noth ing in common i n STUCK. A n d if you've ever longed for a lesbian version of " Me l rose Place , " you r prayers have been a nswered with TH E COM P LEX. In this soa p opera short, you ' l l meet Dyla n , the sexy butch who's a lways on the ma ke; Kaya, the trou bled fe m me who everybody thinks i s a bitch; M ichelle, the g i rl next d oor who doesn't get out much; a nd Kate, the cowgirl who moved to the big city to fi nd adventu re .

A handsome you ng man na med H i l bert ( Bruce Ra msay) checks i nto a seedy hotel with a su it­ case fu l l of books, some 8mm home movies a nd a projector. And that's j ust the baggage we ca n see. Soon, a bedsheet pin ned on the wa l l becomes a movie screen , a n d as c h i l d hood i mages fl icker, the secrets and desi res he holds i nside begi n to u nfol d . When t h e memories become too m u c h to hand le, H i l bert sets out on a jou rney that takes h i m through an a rtistic netherworld of San Fra ncisco that is both fa m i l ia r and stra nge. Trendy boutiq ues, d a rk bars, artists' lofts, pu blic restrooms-com plete with girls, boys, heroin a n d existentia lism-a l l become stops a long the way. B ut why i s this d esperate young man ta king this jou rFIey? Where is he goi ng? Where is he coming from? And why d oes he keep return i ng to the flickering i mages that seem to torture him so? Why is he shattered by memories of h is boy­ hood, of a 1 0th b i rthday pa rty where he was the only c h i ld? Or the time h is mother sla p ped h i m a n d h is father refused t o come t o h i s a id ? Fi rst-ti me San Fra ncisco d i rector M a rc Lafia has created a bea utifu l and mysterious fil m that manages t o b e both artistic a n d accessi ble as it takes us deep i nto the hero's psyche i n sea rch of answers that may or m a y not b e there to fi n d . And a sensitive performa nce by Ra msay (a young Rob Lowe look-a l i ke) ma kes us care.

Breaking U p Rea l l y Sucks d i r Jennifer McGlone 2001 USA 1 1 min 35mm Girl Drama d i r Zena B i elewicz 2001 Canada 24 m i n 1 6m m Temporarily Insane d i r Jenn August 2001 USA 1 0 min video Stuck dir J a m ie Ba bbit 2002 USA 8 min 35mm

Selma & Sofie dir M ia Engberg 2002 Sweden 1 6 m i n video i n Swedish with English su btitles T h e Complex d i r J e n n ifer Lane 2001 USA 29 m i n video

Expl oding Oedipus d i r M a rc Lafia 2001 USA 84 m i n 35mm Eligi ble for the Levi's'" First Feature Award

Total R u n n i ng Ti me: 98 min

Tuesday June 25 3 :3 0 pm Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (FAFFA25)

When Rachel ( played by writer-d i rector H elen Lesnick) flees N ew York City after a tra u matic breakup and heads for the sunny shores of Sa n Diego, she's greeted by her P F LAG mom , who takes on her d a ughter's sexua l identity as a post­ retirement career. With Rachel not in a relation­ s h i p (what wi ll the other P FLAG moms t h i n k?), her mother em barks on a persona l q uest to fi nd that perfect gi rl . After several d isastrous b l i nd dates, Rachel fi na l ly lets her mother set her u p a n d is su rprised when sparks fly between her and Christi ne ( Erica Shaffer), a stereotypical blond Ca l iforn ia girl. Of cou rse, Rachel's friends and fa m i ly, her sister-i n-law (Suza n n e i nc l u d i ng Westen hoefer) , can 't believe h e r l uck. They wa it anxiously for Rachel to screw thi ngs u p, but the relationsh i p progresses i nto domestic bl iss and the two decide to tie the knot. Thi ngs cou l d n 't be better u nt i l Rachel begins to have dou bts. Ca n a wry, Jewish N ew Yorker su rvive the pastel cloth­ i ng and rollerbla d i ng req u i rements of Southern Cal iforn ia l ivi ng? When Ch ristine d ecides to con­ vert to J ud a i s m , the heat i s on for Rache l . M em o ri es o f h e r sexy ex-g i rlfr i e n d Reggi e ( M ichele G reen o f " L.A. Law") start flood i ng back, a n d as the co m m itment cere mony a pproaches, Reggie a ppears, tem pting Rachel to return to N ew York with her. This romantic comedy offers a loving twist on P F LAG moms a nd the sea rch for Ms. R ight, with memora ble comic performa nces by Lesnick, Shaffer and Westen hoefer. A Family Affai r d i r Helen Lesnick 2001 USA 108 min 35mm Eligi ble for the Levi's First Feature Award

Sponsored by


Sponsored by



F A A N " S C 0



Sponsored by




Fish & El e p h a nt

Fa ntast i c Voyage Saturday June 29 1 :00 pm Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (FA N TA29)

vative fi l m m a kers journey to the edge of creativ­ ity. EAC H N I G HT explores erotic poetry th rough picture and sou n d , while C I AO C I AO is a n ode to love a n d Pa ris. A wom a n lyi ng on a bed · caress­ es her d o u bl e in the e n igmatic W I T H M E. Five lesbians a re c h ro n i c l ed


ph otos

spa n n i n g from babyhood to dykedom i n I WAS A LES B I A N CH I LD XS . A wom a n exp resses h e r l u stfu l

t h o u g hts


fa nta s i es



despite her obl ivious gi rlfriend . T H E A M AZ I N G M EAT G I R L uses a n i mation a n d o ptica l pri nting to create a u n iq ue autobiogra phy. A h igh fe m me on a low budget fi nds comfort a n d satisfaction from

b roken

c a m e ra

Com b i n i n g h o m e

pa rts


movies with


Wednesday June 1 9 6:30 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (FOODL 1 9)

Sunday June 1 6 9:00 pm

P repare to go on a visual odyssey as these i n no­

Bay Area

Food of Love

(J i n N ia n Xia Tia n )


a rc h itect u ra l

footage from Berl i n and N ew York, O N C E looks at loss a n d the construction of m e mory through l a nguage. And the award-wi n n i ng short T H E G I R L F R O M M A R S E I LLES gives voice to the wo m a n who hau nted And re B reton's 1 927 s u r­ rea l ist novel Nadja. I Was a Lesbian Child x5 d i r Leslie Bonett 2001 USA 10 m i n video Fa l l d i r Karen Earl 2001 Canada 3 m i n video Outside I n

Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (FlSHE16) S h ot u n dergro u n d with bri l l i a nt, su btle perform­ a nces by n o n p rofessi o n a l actors, th is d e but fi l m h a s its fi nger on t h e p u l se o f lesbia n l ife i n Beij i ng. No su rprise, si n ce d i rector Li Yu was i nspi red to do the project after befrie n d i ng a C h i nese l esb i a n cou p l e . Word i s , she based the fi l m on their story. And to add to the a uthentici­ ty, the actor who plays the fem m e , Shi Tou (whose n a m e translates as "Stone " ) , is a wel l ­ known q ueer activist i n Beij i ng. So rest assu red , these girls know the territory a n d know what they're doi ng-a nd it shows in every fra m e . There is a n icely shot sex scen e , a nd the fi l m a l so demonstrates one h e l l o f a way t o l ight a cig­ a rette. A m i d st the caco phony of Beij i n g's streets, the q u iet d rama tracing the love between two wome n is pa l pa b l e . Xiao Qu n , a n e l e p h a nt keep­ er at a loca l zoo, fa l ls in love with Xiao Li ng, and the two soon move i n together. B ut Xiao Q u n 's mother vis its from out of town , a n d the two lovers m ust h i d e the i r relation s h i p as M om d esperately and com ica l ly tries to find a h usba n d for her da ughter. The wom e n 's love i s furthe r tested

d i r Susa n Bruce 2001 Australia 4 m i n video Broken d i r Eve

when Xiao Q u n 's ex-gi rlfriend , J u n J u n , who is

Bregman 2002 USA 5 min video Ciao Ciao d i r M i chelle I rving

wanted by the pol i ce, comes asking for hel p.

2001 Canada 6 m i n video Open Letter d i r Fa biana Prado 1999 Brazil 3 min video i n Portuguese with English subtitles Each Night dir VU T. T h u Ha 2001 USA 2 m i n video Desire dir Amy

Xiao Qu n secretly h ides her ex at the zoo but risks los i ng the trust of her n ew lover. The chal­

Nestor 200 1 USA 3 min video Streak Her Stark dir Airyka

lenges of loving a nother wom a n i n a trad iti onal

Rockefeller 2001 USA 4 min video Pink Eye dir M a c h i ka Saito

society a re portrayed eloq u e ntly, a n d the viscer­

2000 USA 7 min video The Amazing Meat Girl dir N i n e de Janvier 2001 USA 5min 16mm With Me dir Kerstin Cmelka 2000 Austria 3 min

16mm Once d i r Ellen Flanders 2002

Canada 12 min 16mm The Girl from Marseilles dir Cathy Lee

al scen es of Xiao Qu n feed i n g her e l e p h a nt a re a lone worth the price of a d m ission . -Erica Marcus

" Every great artist is a vam p i re , " says piano tea c h er Novotna (Gera l d i ne M c Ewa n) to her 18year-old p u p i l , Pa u l ( Kevi n B i shop) , wa r n i ng h i m that artists ca n d ra i n t h e l ife a n d love from the i r a d m irers . W h e n Pa u l fi n d s h im se lf d rawn i nto a n affa i r with h i s i d o l , wo rld-fa mous pian ist R ichard Ke n n i ngton ( Pa u l R hys) , the i r roles seem obvi­ ous: Paul is the wid e-eyed i n nocent, Ke n n i n gton the world-weary sed ucer. B ut rea l people seldom fit i nto such pat catego ries, as vetera n Cata l a n d i rector Ventu ra Pons e loq u ently demonstrates in his first Engl ish-language feature, based on David Leavitt's novel The Page Turner. Pa u l is a m bitious; he wa nts to fol low i n Ke n n i ngton's footste ps. B ut what if Pa u l 's ta lent as a p i a n ist is not as great as h is teacher l ed h i m to believe? Loo k i ng for h i s place in t h e worl d , Pa u l gravitates toward o l d e r m e n secu re i n the i r acco m pl i s h ments-m e n who see h i m not a s a n artist b u t as a



most starry-eyed fi n a l es in recent memory. F i l med i n San Fra n c isco, New York a n d B a rcelona,

her l ife playing Pa u l 's wel l -mea n i n g but mad­ -Steven Say/or Food of Love d i r Ventura Pons 2001 Spa i n/Germany 105 min 35mm

Asian American

Telecommun ications Association


LOVE features a f i n e

d e n i ngly c l u e l ess mother.

Eligible for the Levi's'" First Feature Award



. ense m b l e cast that i ncl udes t h e d e l ightfu l J u l i et · Stevenso n , who see m s to be having the time of

E l ephant (J i n Nian Xia Tian) d i r Li Yu 2001 C h i na 96 m i n

Sponsored by

The d e l icate,

a n d h i s me ntors leads to a series of u nexpected

1 6 m m i n Mandarin with English subtitles

Co-Presented by NAATA-National


a n d exc ruciating confrontations-a nd one of the

Crane 2000 USA 18 min 16mm Total R u n n i ng Time: 85 min

bea utifu l

a m b i guous give-a n d -ta ke between this protege

Sponsored by

Foreign Tongues -International Gay Shorts

Frantz Fanon : Black S kin , White Mas klThe Dar ker Side of Black

Friends in High Places: The Art of Survival in Modern-Day Burma

Friday June 14 6:00 pm Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (FOTON14)

Wednesday June 19 1 :00 pm

Saturday June 22 1 1 :00 am

Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (FANON19)

Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (FRIEN22)

FRANTZ FA N O N : B LAC K SKI N , WH ITE M AS K is 2002 Fra meline Award winner Isaac J u li e n's biogra phy of the pre-emi nent a nti -colonia l ist the­ orist of the 20th century. Fa non's two major wo rks, Black Skin, White Masks and The Wretched of the Earth, were pioneering stud ies of the psychologica l i m pact of racism on both colon ized and colon izer. This i n n ovative fil m restores Fa non to h is rightfu l place a t the center of contem pora ry d iscussions of postcol o n i a l identity, a s J u l ien elega ntly weaves together i nterviews with fa m i ly mem bers a n d fri ends, documentary footage, rea d i ngs from Fa non's work and d ra matizations of key moments in h is l ife. In T H E DAR KER S I D E OF B LACK, J u l ien takes us beh i n d the p u b l ic face of d ance h a l l , h i p-hop and gangsta ra p t o reveal t h e violence, m isogyny a n d homophobia that ta i nt these musical gen res-which have al so been the sou rce of some great, l ife-affi r m i n g m usic. Thoughtful comments from Ice C u be, Chuck D., Monie Love a nd M ichael Franti mix with h id eous ra nts by h it-ma kers Sha bba Ranks, who " knows" God hates homosexuals, a n d B uj u B a nto n , whose hit s o n g " Boom Bye-Bye" celebrated kil l i ng gay men. Activist Donal d S uggs wa rns of the da ngers, and Cornel West and Tricia Rose offer h istorica l perspective without excusing vi l e behavior. B ritish writer David D i bosa adds a per­ sonal note by recal l i ng how " Boom Bye-Bye" inspired people he thought were his "neigh bors and brothers" to attack h i m and his lover in the street.

" Did you fuck the genera l? " When it's a spi rit ta l ki ng through its chosen med i u m , you have to be pre pa red for such unexpected q uesti ons. O r it c o u l d j ust be t h e extra-sharp tongue o f t h e gay male med i u m . For spi rits and gay men form a holy a l l ia nce i n modern B u rma that has defied both m i litary rule and the offi cial rel igion of Buddhism. The spi rits, or nats, come i n many forms, from Lord of the Wh ite H orse to Tough M other to M r. Fa mous. When the B u rmese people need to consult a nat a bout business, hea lth or a way­ ward spouse, they seek the help of a med i u m . A n d i t tu rns o u t that gay m e n make t h e best one-sto p-shop med i u ms , beca use they ca n channel both male and female na ts. With the help of two sprightly a u nties i n their seventies, this fi l m goes i nto t h e world of ord i nary Bu rmese to show a country that's sti l l resil ient even as i t rema i ns c u t o ff from the world u nder m i l itary rule. H ow cou ld it not be when gay men put on makeup a nd crowns and make busi ness d ea ls with spi rits ( l i ke " H e l p my tea shop prosper and I'll have a great feast for yo u " )? Even the nats, who a re su pposed ly the spir­ its of people k i l led by ki ngs and q ueens, a re not a bove their l ittle foi bles. M r. Fa mous was a great woma n i zer. Lady Si lver Wi ngs was u n l u cky i n love . O f course, some don't bel i eve i n t h e spi rits . B ut to be on the safe side, everyone ha ngs u p a coconut for the household nat. Who wa nts to risk a ngeri ng a nat-or its acid-tongued gay med i um?

Th ursday June 20 1 :00 pm Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (FOTON20)

Our progra m kicks off with EXH I B IT I O N , a n AI DS prevention short that leaves very I ittle t o the i magi natio n . Two h i larious gay su perheroes do their th i ng i n THE ADVEN T U R ES OF T H E S U P E R POWER FU L, and from Italy comes the brief but sexy B UTTER FLY. An Africa n dance class triggers c h i ld h ood m e m o ri es i n the Chi nese short DAN C E, then a wal k through a Paris cemetery offers rewa rds i n S H ADOW BOX. A you ng B razi l ia n has a wet but safe d rea m in FANTASY, w h i l e Ron decides to j u m p off the I nternet a nd risk an i n- person meeti ng i n Israel's O P ERAT I O N YY. Next a re two stu n n ing da nce shorts from Fra n ce, E R t M t LA M t LA a n d B ESA M E M U CH O , and it's one hell of a n ight for Diego i n N I G H T KISS. N ew t o Berli n , Boris real izes there's more to gay l ife in the city than gay pride and ma rriage rights in B R EAKFAST? Our pro­ gra m fi n ishes with the del ightfu l French short FI NAL EXA M S , a look at the l ives of th ree yo ung people as school ends and s u m mer begi ns . Exhibition d i r Ma rkus R i beiro 2001 Brazil 2 min video The Adventures of the Super Powerful d i rs J u lia Jordao & Lico Queiroz 2001 B razil 10 min video Butterfly dir Valentina Lucari 2002 Italy 3 min video Dance dir Doris Ng 2001 China 9 min video Shadow Box dir Pierre Yves Clouin 2000 France 2 min video Fantasy d i r Ma rkus Ri beiro 2001 Brazil 2 m i n video

Operation YY dir Oded Lotan 2000 Israel 1 8 m i n 1 6 mm Ere Mela Mela dir Daniel Wiroth 2001 France 6 m i n 35mm Besame Mucho dir Alfredo Diaz Perez 2001 France 6 min 35mm Night Kiss dir Boris Rodriguez 2000 Mexico/Canada 1 4 min 35mm

Friends in High Places: The Art of Survival in Modern-Day Burma

Breakfast? dir Alexander Pfeuffer 2002 Germany 1 4 min 35mm Final Exams dir Pascal Vincent 2001 France 1 8 min 35mm All fi lms with Engl i s h subtitles

Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask d i r Isaac J u lien 1996 U K

dir Lindsey Merrison 2001 Germany/Switzerland 85 min 35mm

65 m i n 35mm The Darker Side of Black d i r I saac J u l ien 1993

in Burmese with English su btitles

UK 59 min video El igible for the Stu & Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

Tota l R u nn ing Time: 104 m i n

Sponsored by

Continental � Airlines �J.

-Sandip Roy

Special thanks to vlrgm at/antIc



Fun i n Boys' Shorts

Fun i n Drag Queen S h o rts

Fun i n G i rls' S h o rts

Saturday June 1 5 1 1 ;00 am

Friday June 14 1 0:30 pm

Saturday June 15 1:30 pm

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (FUNB01 5)

Castro $7.50 Mem/$B. 50 Gen (FUNQU14)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (FUNG/15)

Sunday June 30 Noon

Yea h , yea h, boys have fu n and girls have fu n , but who has the most fu n of all? Drag q ueens, of cou rse! We've got a megastar, the one who sets the sta n d a rd for d iva hood , a n d she pops u p throughout the program i n WH I T N EY: MAMA'S LITTLE BABY. The man and the motivation beh i nd one loca l d rag q ueen is revea led i n P EACH ES C H R I ST S U PER STA R , whi l e th ree other loca l ga ls show j ust how loving a nd n u rtur­ i ng d rag q ueens ca n be when they fi nd a ba by girl on their front steps in R A I S E D BY D RAG QU E E N S . Find out what ha ppens when a d rag q ueen and an executive meet in an elevator going u p i n a CO PACA BANA B U I LD I N G , and watch as o u r Samoan sisters teach a thi ng or two a bout catch­ i ng a man in S I N ALELA. S H E TU R N ED IT fo l l ows N ew York drag d iva Destiny as she prepares for her cha nce to become D rag Queen of the Year, and th ere's some sort of d rag goi ng on (b ut we're not s u re what kind) in TH E STR O KE. A tough drag q ueen shows what she's made of after being harassed by a stra ight d ude i n P EA N UTS & P U M PS, and a d rag q ueen and a punk rocker d i scover that l ove is a crime in THE PA R K I N G LOT OF S H O P L I FT E D D EL I G HTS.

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (FUNB030)

Fi rst rule of havi ng fu n in boys' shorts: you don't have to be rich and h i p, j u st fa bulous, as s h own in the m usical n u m bers S I N G ALO N G SAN FRAN C I SCO a nd WE' R E STI LL POO R A N D WE' R E ST I LL HAPPY. Two lovers ba ke a d e l i­ cious su rprise in SWEET LI F E (with a reci pe pos­ si bly cri bbed from the Powerpuff G i rls) . PASS­ I N G R ES EM B LANCE deals with the sweet agony of two teenage budd ies struggl ing to express thei r d eepest desi res, wh i l e the na rrator in BABY B LU E is a lot more articulate as he loo ks back on h i s fi rst sexual explorations. G LAA D I ATOR poses as a trai ler for a cu riously altered saga a bout a genera l who beca me a slave who beca me a glad iator who beca me . . .fa b u lous! Cute skate­ boa rders, gender reassignm ent, orga n ized crime a n d a q uest for the perfect em pty swi m m i ng pool com bine i n B L U E HAVEN , a fa i ry tal e that could ha ppen o n ly i n Southern Californ i a . The odd gathering in TH E PA R LOR ma kes no sense at a l l , u ntil everyth i ng cl icks and the story then m a kes perfect sense-it's rea l l ife that's tota l ly i l logica l . And what could be more i l l ogica l than wa king u p i n bed with you r best friend after a wild stag pa rty? Sammy and G uy face a soberi ng morni ng-after in STAG . -Steven Say/or S in g Al ong S an F r anc isc o dir Georgina Corzine 2002 USA 4 m i n 3 5 m m W e' r e S til l P oor an d W e' r e S til l H appy d i r Mary Dilu l l o 200 1 USA 3 m i n video Sw eet Lif ed i r Tom Keegan 2001 USA 5 m i n video P assin g Resemb l anc e d i r Daniel Wascou 2000 USA 1 6 min 16mm B aby Blu e dir Patrick McGuinn 2002 USA 7 m i n 1 6 m m Gl aad iator d i r luka Pecel 2001 USA 1 0 m i n 3 5 m m Blu e H aven d i r J u l i a n Cautherley 2 0 0 1 USA 1 7 m i n 3 5 m m T he P arl or d i r Geoffrey H a l e y 2 0 0 1 U S A 1 0 min 35mm S tag d i r Ian I q bal Rashid 2001 U K 9 min 35mm Total R u n n i n g Ti me: 77 min

Sunday June 30 2;00 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (FUNG/30)

S pend you r afternoon enjoying this an n u a l cele­ bration of the best in lesbian short fi l m s . The progra m sta rts off on a h igh note with S I N G A LO N G SAN F R A N C I SCO, as we fo l low the bou n c i ng ba l l and watch a rch ival footage of o u r hometown . I n S I Z E ' E M U P, teen j o c k Sa mantha fi nds herself in the u n l i kely hands of the " bra lad ies , " who help her d iscover n ew thi ngs a bout breasts, brassieres and how to i m prove her soc­ cer ga me. A young i m m igra nt is fasci nated by the woman playing cello across the ya rd from her home in MY B EAUT I F U L N EI G H BO R , and a Surina mese girl working in her mom's h a i r pa rlor struggles to come to terms with the fact that she's gay in YO U 2. A lesbian's father revea ls h i s feeli ngs a bout fis h i ng, fatherhood and gayness in DAD DY-O, wh i le LEZ BE FR I EN DS shows the travai ls of a stra ight fi l m maker consistently mis­ ta ken for being a dyke after she m a kes a movie a bout her best friend 's com i ng out. And what ha ppens when you r friends a re not j ust you r friends . . . they're a lso you r dating pool? Find out i n the h i l a rious i n structional video T H E 10 R U LES (A LES B I A N S U RVIVAL G U I D E) . Sing Al ong S an F r anc isc o d i r Georgina Corzine 2002 USA 4 m i n

W hitn ey: M am a' s L ittl e B aby-T he S eries d i r lawrence Elbert

3 5 m m S iz e ' em U p d i r C h ristine J . Russo 2001 U S A 1 5 m i n

2001 USA -23 min video P eac hesChrist Sup er star d i rs Eugenia

3 5 m m My B eau tiful N eig hb or d i r A m i r Rezazade 1999 Denmark



David Zubkis 2001 USA 4 min video Raised by D r ag

Qu een s d i r Maria Breaux 2002 USA 9 m i n video Cop ac ab an a

1 5 min 35mm i n Danish with English Su btitles L ez B e F r iend s d i r Lisa Hayes 2000 Canada 13 m i n 1 6 m m D addy-O d i r A. Rosser Good man 2002 USA 5 m i n video Y ou

Portuguese with Engl ish subtitles S in al el a d i r Da n Ta u l a pa pa

S i m m o n s 2001 H o l la nd 25 min video in Dutch with English

M c M u l l i n 2001 Samoa 3 m i n video S he Tu rn ed I t d i r Sean

s u btitles T he

DeSimone 2001 USA 18 m i n video T he S tr ok e d i rs Austin

Fried la nder 2002 USA 27 m i n video



Barry Pett 2002 USA 7 min 16mm P ean u ts & Pu mp s

d i r Lyter 2001 USA 4 m i n 1 6 m m T he P ark in g L ot of S hop lif ted


Tota l R u n n i ng Time: 104 m i n

Total R u n n ing Ti me: 8 3 min

Sponsored by

sundance C H A N N E L.


dir Pascale

Ru l es (A L esbian Su r vival Gu id e) dir lee

D el ig hts d i r J o h n C h u rch 2002 USA 10 min 1 6 m m

Sponsored by



Build in g d i r Alexandre Dacosta 2002 Brazil 5 m i n vid�o i n

Georgie Girl

The Ghost of Roger Casement

Girl King

Saturday June 29 5:30 pm Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (GGIRL29)

Wednesday June 26 3:45 pm Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (GHOST26)

Friday June 1 4 8:30 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (GKING14)

Meet the newest mem ber of N ew Zea land's Pa rl iament, G eorgina Beyer: former showgirl, former sex worker, former actress-former m a n . That's right. I n 1999, Georgina beca me t h e fi rst tra nssexual elected to national office a nywhere in the world . And that she's of Maori d escent i n a predo m i na ntly wh ite government ma kes th is a n even more i n cred i ble story. As a young man, fey George Beyer landed i n Wel l i n gton's colorfu l , fla m boya nt cabaret scene a n d q u ickly fash ioned h i mself i nto the fetch i ng Georgi na. U s i ng a rch ival footage of out­ rageous c l u b performa nces a n d a '70s TV docu­ menta ry on the country's tra ns com m u n ity­ plus c l i ps of her acclai med acting work (for which she rece ived Best Actress nods no less!)-Georgi na rem i n isces a bout her jou rney from boy to transvestite to tra nssexua l . B u t how d id s h e l a n d i n Pa rlia ment? G EO R G I E G I R L traces this outsider wild c h i ld's desi re to settle in a small ru ra l town and the u n expected , u n a n i mous support she got from the town's mostly white citizens when she decid­ ed to enter loca l pol itics. From then on, her ded­ icatio n to local issues and to her constituents' needs made her an i m pecca ble ca n d i date. Peppered throughout the d ocum entary a re scenes from Georgi na's d a i ly pol itica l l ife-we see her doing everythi ng from making vi brant, a rticu late and h u m orous speeches on the floor of Parlia ment to j udging a loca l sheep race. And what we fi nd i s not j ust a n i ns p i rational politician but a bea utifu l human bei ng.

Fil med over two years i n I reland, Engla n d , the U .S . , Eu rope and South America, this I rish tele­ vision d oc u menta ry bri ngs back to l ife one of the great gay heroes of world h istory-whether the homophobes who sti l l i nsist on d enying the truth a bout h is sexua l ity l i ke it or not. Born i n D u b l i n i n 1 864, Roger Casement ga ined fa me a nd B ritish kn ighthood for exposi ng the abuses i nfl icted by wh ite colonial trade rs on the i nd igenous peoples of the Congo, B razil and Peru . B ut after retu r n i ng to I rela n d , he rea l ized that the I rish were as viciously oppressed by thei r B ritish masters as any of the " natives" he had worked so hard to save. So, Sir Roger went from l oyal s u bject of the king to proud I rish nation a l ist. When he sought hel p for the rebel­ l ion from Engla nd's enemies i n World War I, he was labeled a traitor, ca ptu red by the B ritish and sente nced to death . At fi rst it seemed that an international out­ cry wou l d force h is captors to spare his l ife. B ut when the B ritish gove r n m e nt prod u ced Casement's " black d ia ries , " which recorded i n h i s own ha ndwriti ng h i s extensive homosexua l exploits with young men, h i s su pport van ished . He was executed without fu rthe r protest. Ever s i nce, the d ia ri es' authenticity a nd mea n i ng have been hotly contested by those who refuse to bel ieve that a h u m a n itarian and hero could a lso be a homosexu a l , or that a patriot cou ld be . a pederast. Now, this fasci nati ng fi l m takes us i nto the heart of that debate.

-Christian Bruno

The Ghost of Roger Casement dir Alan G i lsenan 2002 I reland

Georgie Girl d i rs Annie Goldson & Peter Wells 2001 New Zealand 69 m i n video E l igible for the Stu & Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

107 m i n video El igi ble for the Stu & Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

Tuesday June 1 8 1 :00 pm Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (GKING 1 8)

Errol Flynn . . . eat you r hea rt out! Awa rd-w i n n i ng writer-d i rector I lea na P ietrobruno (CAT SWAL­ LOWS PARAKEET, S P EAKS!) bri ngs us a sexy d rag-king pi rate adventu re that completely red e­ fines the swash buckler. Gender-bend i ng women d ressed as male pirates roa m the seas i n search of thei r q ueen's lost treasure-her sacred stolen koilos ( her cu nt) . A na ive ba by butch (na med B utch ) is brought to the q ueen by loya l pirate Ca pta i n Ca ndy. T h e q ueen d iscovers that B utch is a true virgin butch top (who knew there was such a thing?) , the o n ly one who can retrieve her koilos. If successfu l , B utch ca n retu rn to her beloved femme, Cla u d i a . The only catch? B utch m ust rema i n a virgin top until the treasu re is brought bac k. The a l l - butch voyage begi n s-with Claudia secretly on boa rd , d isgu ised as a leather daddy i ntent on teaching B utch a few t h i ngs a bout being topped . As the q ueen wa its back home, bored from watc h i ng stra ight porn, the pirates must endure a shipwreck and make n u merous erotic d iscoveries before return i ng with the koilos. G I R L K I N G has created an enormous sti r i n Ca nad a , tha n ks t o an N EA-style attack on gov­ ernment fu n d i ng of supposed ly "obscene" fi l m s . But this is no everyday soft-porn fl ick. Below the exterior of a sexy, playful adventu re l ies a n i ntel­ l igent critique of gender identity a nd sexua l role­ play. This visua l orgy of er<?tica lly charged butch­ femme sed uction is sure to fi nd a p lace in Canad ian i ndependent fi l m h istory. -Sabrina Alonso Girl King d i r I leana Pietrobruno 2002 Canada 80 m i n 1 6 m m

Co-Presented by I G LH RC -International Gay & Lesbian

Human Rights Commission Sponsored by


Sponsored by

DAM R, N On f jne




G i rls by the Bay


H a n d on the Pu lse

Thursday June 27 6:30 pm

Wednesday June 1 9 6:30 pm

Saturday June 1 5 4:30 pm

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (GIBAY27)

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (GROUP19)

Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (HAN00 1 5)

Come sa m ple the newest work from dyke fi l m­ ma kers right here in o u r own backya rd . Col lege freshman Catie goes home for Tha n ksgiving an d finds herself tra pped in the back of the fa m i ly station wagon i n BACKS EAT DETO U R . Loca l trou pe Da nce B rigade performs a magn ificent ta ngo in 2 . 2 . TANGO, wh i le th ree S . F. d rag q u eens fi nd a ba by girl on thei r front steps a nd ra i se her as thei r own i n RAISED BY D RAG Q U EENS. LES B I A N S A R E S P ECIAL PEOPLE presents a fictional San Francisco where Tom A m m ia no is mayor and every lesbian has hous­ i ng. SEM I OT I CS OF T H E B ITCH I N ' is a h i larious re-creation of the 1975 fem i n ist video S E M I­ OTICS O F T H E KITC H E N , and P EAC H F U ZZ explores q ueer sexua l ity th rough the lens of d own-home electric bl ues. I n S H U T U P W H I T E BOY, some rowdy Asian dykes tea m u p t o teach a white boy a lesson or two a bout fetishizing Asian women. H ELM UT & B U KA put on thei r hel mets, go sho ppi ng and eat bacon-but not i n that order. Set i n a ba rren futu re where girl motorcycle ga ngs com pete for resou rces, R EV H I G H , N EVER I D LE is a love story a n d a ta le of redemption i n which the good don't always win.

A fl ier in a cafe window adve rtises "q ueer fri end­ ly" gro u p thera py, but when Pi pi ( N omy La m m ) arrives on the first day, s h e q u ickly rea lizes how chal lengi ng a n d stressful "friend ly" s u p port ca n be i n a gro u p of very d iverse wome n . U nd a u nted , Pi pi-a big, one-legged , q ueer­ identified punk-decides to stay and d iscovers over time that she has more in com mon with the other women than she i n itia l ly tho ught. Joi n i ng P i pi every Wed nesday afternoon a re eight other wom e n : the born-aga i n Ch ristia n , the hypochond riac, the sex-rocker, the en igma, the tra m p, the bigot, the bi nger a nd thei r thera pist. Centra l to the group are G race the hypochond ri­ ac ( played by Ca rrie B rownstei n of Sleater­ Kin ney fa me), who is tra u matized by her father's affa i r with a young wom a n , and born-aga i n Clansey (Tony Wilkerson), who tu rns t o G od to h e l p her dea l with a tragic ca r accident that left her fia nce pa ra lyzed from the wa ist down . Shot with an i m provised scri pt a nd offering s i m u ltaneous perspectives of the women from the poi nt-of-view of six cameras (a la T I M E CODE), G RO U P i s a dyna m ic a n d i n n ovative project that tests the l i m its of female bond i ng across bounda ries of class, rel igion, age a n d sexuality.

This vita l a n d engagi ng documentary covers the life a nd work of J oa n N estle, one of the q ueer com m u n ity's most fea rl ess activists. N estle's grassroots ca ree r spa ns nearly half a centu ry, and HAN D ON T H E P U LSE ta kes us from the butc h-femme ba rs of G reenwich Vil lage in the '50s to civil rights marches i n the '60s, from the early days of women's rights to the heated fem i ­ nist "sex wa rs . " Ever the rebel , even with i n the rad ica l movements she was part of, Nestle has ardently chal l enged barriers agai nst women's sexual ity. ' And as the cofounder of the Lesbian Herstory Arch ives (wh ich were ho used in her l iv­ ing room for over 20 yea rs), she has devoted her life to documenti ng the lesbian history she hel ped forge. Di rector J oyce P. Warshow shows how N estl e's worki ng-c lass, pro-sex pol itics were sha ped by her mother's l ife . Ra ised in N ew York City, this shy latch key kid watched how her mother used sexuality to navigate the worl d . Regi na N estle kept extensive d ia ries of h e r own pa i nfu l l ife, i ns p i ri ng J oa n to do the sa me. Now in her sixties a n d battl i ng colon cancer, N estle contin ues to celebrate the body with fierce fa bu­ lousness-in her trademark black s l i p , erotic poetry in hand . S h e is a true maverick, one who wi l l be forever em bed ded in our h istory. Also scree n i ng is T H E DAY B EFO R E Y ES­ TER DAY, an ora l h istory docu mentary on the experience of Ita l i a n lesbians d u ring the Fascist regime.

B ack se at De tou r d i r Allie Su ltan 2001 USA 1 2 m i n 1 6 m m 2.2.T ang o d i r H a n n a h Guggenheim 2002 U S A 4 min 1 6 m m Sem iotic s o f th e Bi tc h in' d i rs K 8 H a rdy

& Therine


2001 USA 8 min video Pe ac h Fuzz dir M a u reen Futtner 2001 USA 3 min video Le sb ian s A re Spec ial Pe op l e dir Harriet Storm 2002 USA 1 9 min video Hel mut


Buka d i rs Susan Ma iorana


N i n e de J a nvier 2001 USA 5 m i n video Rev Hig h, Neve r Idle d i r

-Kami Chisholm G r oup dir Marilyn Freeman 2002 USA 1 06 min 3 5 m m El igible f o r t h e Levi's'" First Feature Award

Elizabeth McCarthy 2002 U S A 1 7 min video R aised by D r ag

-Sabrina Alansa

Q ueen sd i r Maria Breaux 2002 USA 9 m i n video Shu t Up Wh ite B oy d i r Vu T. Thu H a 2002 USA 20 min video

The D ay Be f ore Ye ste rd ay dir Ga briella Romano 2001 Italy/UK 22 min video i n Ita l i a n with Engl ish subtitles � H and

Total Run n i ng li me: 97 m i n

on th e

Pu l se* dir Joyce P. Warshaw 2001 USA 52 m i n video * Eligible for the Stu

Co-Presented by Film Arts Foundation

Co-Presented by New Leaf-Services for O u r Com m u n ity

Sponsored by


Dave's Excellent Doc ume ntary Award

Co-Presented by LVA-Lesbian Visual Artists Sponsored by


Natlona1Center rorlesbianRighls



Harold's Historic Homo Home Movies

The Heart's Root (A Raiz Do Cora�ao)

Sunday June 23 12:3 0 pm Herbst $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (HHHHM23)

Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (HEART23 )

See the San Fra ncisco of yesteryea r in these fa b­ ulous ful l-color home m ovies shot by 91 -year-old H a rold O'Nea l , who wi l l be here in person to d is­ cuss the m . O ' N ea l generously donated hun­ d reds of h is fi l m s to the G LBT H istorica l Society i n 200 1 . These h igh l ights have been made ava il­ a ble for viewing t h rough a gra nt fro m the National Film Preservation Foundatio n . I n add ition to a l ighthea rted fi l m -with i n-a­ fi l m a bout O ' N ea l enteri ng h i s 1 940 S a n Fra ncisco travel ogue i n a n a mateur com petition , there a re m ore ca nd id m ovi ng i m ages from the World Wa r II era . Some fi l m s d ocument the pub­ l i c l ife of the period : sa i lors on Mare Island, rub­ ber a n d alum i n um recyc l i ng d rives, c h i l l i ng i mages of J a pa nese citizens bei ng rounded up for i nte rn m en t . Oth e rs offer extraord i n a ry gl i m pses i nto private gay l ife: a ga rden party with R ichard B roughto n , men d a n c i ng with each other, a d rag s how at the Beige Roo m , happy­ go-lucky weekends at the Russian R iver. The progra m ends with fi l m s from gay pride pa ra d es in the 1 970s-i n c l ud i ng fa m o us footage of the 1977 cam paign to oppose h om o­ phobic beauty q ueen An ita B rya nt a n d the fight aga i nst the B riggs I n itiative (wh ich would have made it i l l ega l for homosexua ls to teach in pub­ l ic schools) . Approxi m ately 60 m i n utes, this silent pro­ gra m wi l l feature m usical acco m pa n i m en t . G LB T H istorical Society staff m e m bers K i m Klausner a nd Susa n Stryker wi ll i ntroduce the fi l m s a nd provide com menta ry. There wi l l a lso be a Q&A with fi l m ma ker H a rold O'Nea l .

Sunday June 23 6: 15 pm

As the m ayora l election heats up in Lisbo n , sup­ porters of the law-a nd-order ca nd idate , Cato, pa rade th rough the streets wavi ng ba nners a n d s i nging songs a bout "clea n ing up" t h e city. O pposing Cato a n d his n eo-fascist supporters on the pol ice force is a cad re of fabulous d rag q ueens who have thei r own songs a nd sloga n s . Ad d i ng t o t h i s al ready biza rre whirl of street the­ ater a re colorful pre pa rations for the Feast of St. Antony, the city's patron sa i nt, who a lso ha ppens to be the patron sa i nt of lovers-a nd it's love of a secret sort that th reatens to bri ng Cato down. I t turns out that Cato is hopelessly i n love with S i lvia , who a p pea rs to be a pri m and pretty gi rl . B ut Si lvia used to be Silvio, a boy, and when Cato's enem ies get wi nd of the existence of a com prom ising videota pe, the stage is set for a s pectacular bonfi re of the va n ities. Ta king i nspiration from the gender- bend i ng theater of Genet a n d the m usica l agitpro p of B recht, with a nod toward Fel l i n i at h is m ost ba roque, fi l m ma ker Paulo Rocha sets his fi l m i n t h e nea r future but calls i t " a med ieva l farce with the hea rt of the city as backd rop . " I nd eed , the true sta r of TH E H EART'S ROOT is Lisbon itself, with its sweep i n g vistas, crowded h i l lsides a n d pa l a t i a l a rc h itecture lovi ngly ca ptured by Rocha's ca m e ra . -Steven Saylor The Heart's Root (A Raiz Do Cora�ao) d i r Pa u l o Rocha 2000 Portugal 120 m i n 35mm in Portuguese with English su btitles

The History of Masturbation Saturday June 29 1 : 15 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (HIS T029)

Two new videos ta ke i n -d e pth looks at one of o ur oldest preoccupations, whi l e a t h i rd exposes one of the latest sexual ki n ks. T U R N ME ON uncovers the secrets of vi brators, from their early days as a med ical tool to their emergen ce as mass-ma rketed consume r toys. Origi nally stea m-powered , peda l-d riven o r hand-cra n ked , vi brators c a m e o f age i n 1 880 with the i nventi on of the fi rst electric m odel (a ful l n i ne years before the vacuum clea ner) . More than 1 20 years later, the ra nge of vibrators ava i l­ a ble at your local sex e m porium is truly m i nd­ boggling. Humankind's favorite pasti m e is given a n equal o p portunity exa m i nation i n T H E H I STORY OF MASTU R BAT I O N , wh ich looks at why we do it, how we do it and why we' l l never sto p . Exploring this age-old theme i n the m ost i nti­ m ate d eta i l , H I STO RY starts with the time a "caveman scratched an itch down there a n d thought, this feels good " a nd ends w i t h nude models masturbati ng l i ve on t h e I n te r n et . H ighlights i nclude instructions on how t o s have your cock or cunt to make the m ost of mastur­ batory m oments , a reverend's delud ed atte m pt to refo rm Onan's reputati on as the B i bl e's n um­ ber one wa n ker and a live demonstration of "the world-fa m ous Accu-Jac mach i n e . " Fro m solo action t o a group scene you may never even have d reamed existed , P LU S H I ES & FU R R I ES takes us i nto a world where fur suits a re sexy and doing it d oggy style ta kes on a whole new m ea n i ng. Turn Me On dir Catherine Chauchat' 2001 Australia 17 m i n video The History of Masturbation dir Kristiene Clarke 2001 U K 4 9 m i n video Plushies & Furries d i r R ick Castro 2001 USA 22 min video Tota l R u n n in g Ti me: 88 min

Co-Presented by G L BT Historical Society Sponsored by

Co-Presented by SFSI-San Francisco Sex Information Sponsored by



Sponsored by




I Exist: Vo ices from the Lesbian

H us h ! Saturday June 1 5 6:45 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (HUSHH1 5)

H US H ! , the latest featu re from J a pa nese d i rector Ryosu ke Hash iguch i, opens with a scene that wi l l seem a l l-too-fa m i l i a r to many mem bers of the S F I LG FF aud ience: a na ked man wa kes u p i n a stranger's bed , sea rches t h e cl uttered floor for the clothes he carelessly d i sca rded the n ight before, and tries to make a q u ick exit before h is host wa kes u p . W h e n he gets ca ught snea k i ng out, hand­ some but closeted Kats u h i ro (Se i i c h i Ta na be) doesn't even wa it around long enough to get h is date's c e l l phone n u m ber, a n d fi l m m a ke r Hash iguchi ( A T O U C H OF FEVER, LI KE G RAI NS OF SA N D ) rushes right along with h i m . Without pa using for the usual i ntrod uctions or exposition, Hash iguchi p l u nges us i nto the separate worlds of Kats u h i ro, h i s eq u a l ly handsome date, Naoya ( Kazuya Ta kahash i ) , a nd Asa ko ( R ei ko Katanoka ) , the depressed, d isaffected loner who decides to push her way i nto the i r l ives . At fi rst, these th ree-two partners in an a nonymous one-n ight sta nd and a woma n they have never even met-seem to have l ittle i n com mon . B ut Asako is determi ned to m a ke the men i nto her d e facto fa m i ly, particularly s i nce she sees some­ th i n g in Kats u h i ro that she needs: a father for her c h i ld ren . "You don't choose you r fa m i ly, " Naoya's outraged mother tel ls Asa ko in a cli­ mactic confrontation, "they' re j ust there . " B ut as H U S H ! proves, the fa m i ly that i s "there" isn't always the one you want, or need . I n the end, the fa m i ly yo u choose is the one that rea l ly mat­ ters. Hush! d i r Ryosuke Hashigu c h i 200 1 J a pa n 1 3 5 min 35mm in

and Gay M iddle Eastern Commun ity Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (lXIS T l 8)

Is being M us l i m a nd gay an oxymoron? Pa rvez Sha rma's I N T H E NAM E OF A LLAH seeks to a nswer th is profound q uestion th rough the sto­ ries of les bian and gay M us l i m s who a re strug­ g l i ng to be true to the i r sexua l ity and the i r fa ith . H i s provocative fi l m chal lenges not j ust the views of the orthodox M us l i m majority but a lso the prej u d ices of many in the lesbia n , gay, bisexual and tra nsgender com m u n ity as wel l . J U ST A WO MAN is the story of Moravid, a mal e-to-female tra nssexual who has chosen to l ive out her l ife as a woman i n her native Teh ra n . That story chal lenges many of the Western cl iches a bout I ra n ian society, and revea ls a woman and a nation fi l l ed with su rprisi ng con­ trad ictions. The su rprises conti nue in I EXI ST: VO I C ES F R O M T H E LESB IAN A N D GAY M I D D LE EAST­ ER N COM M U N ITY. In a series of emotional i nterviews, q u eers of M i d d l e Eastern origi n reveal how much they have in common in spite of deep cu ltu ra l a n d rel igious d iffe rences . As J ews, Christians and Mus l i m s from Armenia, Syria , I ra n , Egypt and Suda n , they have all strug­ gled to accept themselves and the i r sexual ity i n spite o f thei r fa m i l ies' d isa pprova l and t h e "trad i ­ tional va l ues" of thei r cultures. In th e N am e of All ah d i r Parvez Sharma 2002 USA 20 m i n video


B . Y. 2001 France/Iran

29 min 35mm i n Farsi with English subtitles I Exi st: V oic es f r om ' th e L esbi an and G ay M id dl e Eastern Com m unity * d i rs Peter Ba rbosa


Garrett Le n o i r 2002 USA 60 m i n video

Total R u n n i ng Ti me: 109 m i n

J a panese with English subtitles * E l igible for t h e Stu


Sunday June 30 4:30 pm Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (lLOVE30)

Tuesday June 18 3:30 pm

J ust a W om an dirs Mitra Fa ra h a n i

I Love You Baby

Ma rcos (Jorge Sanze), a handsome you ng man from the cou ntry, a rrives in Mad rid and is soon being cou rted by two very d ifferent su itors: Ma risol (Tiare Sca nda), a bea utifu l Domi n ica n i m m igra nt, and Da n ny (Santiago Magi l l ) , a n aspi ri ng actor. A s D a n n y sweeps M a rcos off h i s feet, poor Marisol-who ca n't eve n get Ma rcos to look her way-doesn't sta nd m u c h of a cha nce. S h e ends u p moping around whi le Da n ny and Ma rcos a re off kiss i ng on park benches .and rush i ng i nto a n affa i r. Da n ny is so i nfatuated that it doesn 't seem to matter that he and h is new bea u have l ittle i n common . ( M a rcos l i kes soccer; Da n ny prefers modern d a nce . ) After Marcos accepts Da n ny's i nvitation to move i n , the lovestruck actor is on cloud n i n e . H e won 't l isten when h is best friend , Ca rmen (Ve r6n ica Forq ue from Ped ro Al mod6var's K I KA a n d MATA D O R ) , wa rns h i m that Marcos, w h o h a s never dated a man before, is j ust experi menti ng. Despite Ca rme n 's fears, the affa i r seems to be heading toward a ha ppy end i ng u nti l, as the lovebirds sing a d uet of "You're J u st Too Good To Be True" at a ka raoke bar, a d isco ba ll fa l ls from the cei l ing and stri kes Ma rcos on the head . H e , and the i r relationsh i p , wi l l never b e t h e sa me. Soon, Ma rcos is d a ncing to Ma risol's tune. B ut as Da n ny tel ls Ca rmen, "When you rea l ly wa nt someth i ng, you fight for it, even if you have to be someone you ' re not. " So, the determ i ned Da n ny dons some u n usual armor, and goes i nto battle to win M a rcos back. I L ove Y ou B aby d i rs Alfonso Al bacete

Dave's Excellent Doc u mentary Award

Co-Presented by GAPA-Gay Asian Pacific All iance Sponsored by


Sponsored by

M th o

if. eJones



David Menkes 2001

Spain 1 1 0 min 35mm i n Spanish with English subtitles

Sponsored by

QSF m a g a z i n e

I Want My Gay TV !-The Past, Present and Future of Queer Television

In Conversation with Isaac Julien

A Times Talks Event-Panel Discussion

J o i n 2002 Fra m e l i n e Award wi nner Isaac J u l ien at the H erbst Theatre for the o n ly Festiva l scree ni ngs of th ree of h is short videos, a s pecial sneak preview of h is latest documenta ry, a nd a wide-ra nging conversation a bout h is own work and the state of q ueer fi l m . J u lien, the B ritish d i rector of LOO K I N G FO R LA N GSTO N , YOU N G SO U L R EB ELS a n d other land mark fi lms o f t h e last 2 0 yea rs, is bei ng honored by this year's Festival for his gro u n d b rea k i n g s uccess i n p utti ng q u eer i mages a n d issues on screen . We' l l d iscuss J u l ie n 's fi l m making ph i losophy a n d a pp roac h to h is work, ta ke a m id -ca reer su rvey of his rema rk­ a ble body of fi l ms and videos, a n d see where J u l ien feels q ueer ci nema is headed in the new m i l l en n i u m . In add ition, aud ience mem bers wi l l b e encouraged t o a s k t h e i r own q u estions a bout these and a ny other issues regard ing either J u l ien's work or the past, present and futu re of gay a nd lesbian fi l m . T h e eve n i ng wi l l a lso feature s pecial screen i ngs of THE LO N G ROAD TO MAZATLAN and VAGAB O N D IA, two J u lien videos usua l ly shown o n ly in ga l lery setti ngs; T H I S IS N OT AN A I DS ADVERT I S E M ENT, h is criti q ue of a nti-AI DS ca m pa igns of the 1980s; a nd a sneak preview of h is latest work, an enterta i n i ng a n d sta r-studded look at one of the most fascinati ng gen res in fi l m history.

Th ursday June 20 6:00 pm CFA Theater $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen (lWANT20)

Ever si nce M i lton Berle (wea ri ng a d ress, of cou rse) tra nsformed h i mself i nto the most popu­ lar man i n America on one of the fi rst network shows, television has riva led or su rpassed the movies as our pri ncipa l sou rce of enterta i n ment, i nformation and role models. B ut it is o n ly i n the last decade that TV has become the predomi­ nant si ngle sou rce of d iverse images of the gay and lesbian com m u n ity. B ri ngi ng that cha nge about co uld n't have been easy. What was it l i ke to be one of TV's gay a n d lesbian pioneers? Who are the cu rrent TV i n novators? What wi ll a pro­ posed cable chan nel geared d i rectly to our com­ m u n ity be l i ke? W i l l advertisers embrace it? Do we even need it? To a nswer these a nd other q uestions a bout America's favorite med i u m , the Festival and the New York Times present I WA NT MY GAY TV! Moderated by Stua rt Ell iott, advertis i ng col u m ­ n ist for the Times, this panel d i scussion wi ll bri ng a d isti ngu ished gro u p of artists, prod ucers a nd business executives together to explore every­ thing from the legacy they have created to TV's cu rrent content a nd future chal lenges.

Wednesday June 26 9:00 pm Herbst $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen (lSAAC26)

The Long Road to Mazatlan d i r Isaac J u l ien 1999 U K 14 m i n video Vagabondia d i r Isaac J u lien 2001 U K 7 m i n video .It This Is Not an AIDS Advertisement dir Isaac J u l i en 1988 UK

Incidental Journeyl I Am Not What You Want Sunday June 23 3:45 pm Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (lNCID23) Wednesday June 26 1 :00 pm Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (lNCID26)

For the women a n d men in these two fi lms, there's no "gay" or "stra ight"-o n ly love. I n her second fil m , d i rector J ofei Chen wanted to create a lesbian story i n which les­ bianism isn't the issue. The heroi nes a ren't struggling with thei r identity or with social prej u­ d ice. Their concerns a re u n iversa l: how to deal with loss and how to a p preciate l ife's u nexpect­ ed gifts. The jou rney begi ns on Ta iwa n 's coastal h ighway, where two women meet by cha nce. C h i ng, a frenetic city dwe l ler, is d riving a i m lessly to esca pe a heartbrea king split with her girl­ friend . I n excha nge for a cigarette, she offers a ride to Hsa i ng, an i ntrospective a rtist travel i ng by foot to visit friends on their fa rm . After C h i ng accepts an i nvitation to stay on the fa rm, she begi ns to fi nd comfort i n the buco l ic setting. I N C I DENTAL J O U R N EY is a serenely bea u­ tifu l fi l m , with the Ta iwa nese countrys ide playing a sta rri ng role. The lyrica l sights a nd sounds of natu re gently force C h i ng and H sa i ng to slow down and reconnect with their true selves, which leads to a u n iq u e and affectionate friendsh i p . I n K i t H u ng's coming-of-age fi l m I AM N OT WHAT YO U WANT, Ricky comes out to his par­ ents and then esca pes to h is friend Ma rk's place until th i ngs ca n cool down . The two boys start to enjoy l iving together-m uch to the frustration of Ma rk's gi rlfriend .

1 0 min video

I Am Not What You Want d i r Kit H u ng 2001 Hong Kong 49 m i n video i n Cantonese with English subtitles Incidental Journey* d i r Jofei C h e n 2001 Ta iwan 6 0 m i n 16mm i n M a n d a ri n with English su btitles * Eligible for the Levi's'" First Feature Award

Sponsored by

Special thanks to vlrgm atlantlc


Sponsored by





Instructions Enclosed

It's a Woman's World

It's My Life/Simon & I

Sunday June 23 3:00 pm Herbst $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (INSEN23 )

Monday June 24 9:00 pm

Monday June 1 7 3 : 15 pm Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (I TSMY1 7)

Seems l i ke q ueers have no problem tel l i ng each other what and what not to do. Sometimes seri­ ously, and someti mes with tongue fi rmly i n cheek (and a few other places . . . is that safe?), these fi l m makers give us a piece of their m i nds. GAY LIFE FOR B EG I N N E RS (a very nice place to start) tells q ueer newbies the rules of gay l ife i n n i ne easy steps, while I NTO TH E STR EETS shows our brothers and sisters in Los Angeles tel l i ng the governor j ust what they thought of his veto of a gay rights bill in 199 1 . A n d who knew that tel l ing cops how t o h a n d l e s o m e serious i ssues i n H IV BAS ICS FOR COR­ R ECT I O N S O F F I C ERS could be so m uch fu n? Eight gay men (four ba by boomers a n d fou r G e n Xers) tel l us a bout thei r d ifferent experi­ ments with safer sex and bare-backing i n O U R B ROTH ERS, O U R SON S . A n d H OW T H EY G ET US TO SC R EW O U R S ELVES tells us the gri m joke beh i nd the tobacco i n d ustry's targeted mar­ keti ng to the LG BT com m u n ity. Finally, a comic expose of what m ight be beh ind today's cookie-cutter u rba n gay cu ltu re i s revealed i n G O I N G WEST, w h e n a sma l l-town boy moves to the big city a n d gets caught up i n a m i l itant gay organ ization d eterm i ned t o set the standard for a new generati on of q ueers.

Prepare to go on a tri p a round the world with these dyna m ic and thri l l i ng shorts . In T H E STRAW B ER RY HARVEST, two actresses begin an affa i r whi le rehea rsi ng for a fi l m shoot i n Wa les. When o n e of t h e m d i scovers t h e other is ma rried , she goes out of her m i nd with jealousy a n d plans a poisonous revenge . I n EVOCA­ TIO N S , a woman leads us through the d ifferent stages of love in a n atmosphere fu ll of melan­ choly, nosta lgia and boleros. A young girl feel i ng tra pped with her alcoholic mother i n a sma l l B raz i l i a n town plans h e r escape when two hot women ride i nto town on a motorcycle in M ET­ A LG U R U . At first cha rmed , the two biker ch icks become suspicious when the young g i rl tries to tu rn the women aga i nst each other by fl i rting with each of them . In Italy, l i ke many other places, you never know what to expect at the a n n ual screen i ng of experimenta l lesbian shorts. And in the h i larious parody S H O RT(S)SIG HT, two girls d isagree a bout more than j ust the fi lms. In WATC H I N G YO U , Sharon ca n't kee p her eyes off her bea utiful but stra ight next-door neigh bor. She fa l ls in love as she secretly photogra phs her, a n d their l ives a re cha nged when they fi na l ly meet face-to-face.

G a y Life f o r Beginners d i r Annabelle W i c k 2002 Germany 2 m i n

Spa n is h with English subtitles Watching You d i r Stephanie

Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (ITSW024)

Evocations d i r Alejandra Borja 2001 Spa i n 8 min video i n video Into t h e Streets d i r J a m ie Kravitz 2001 U SA 2 9 m i n video

Abramovich 2000 Israel 32 min video in Hebrew with English

HIV Basics for Corrections Officers dir Glenn Gaylord 2001 USA

su btitles The Strawberry Harvest dir Lisbeth Lyngh 0ft 2001

1 6 m i n video Our Brothers, Our Sons dir Jim Arnold 2001 USA

Wales 2 5 min video Short(s)Sight dir Cristina Zanetti 2001 Italy

25 m i n video How They Get Us to Screw Ourselves dir Bob

1 7 min video in Italian with English subtitles Metalguru d i r

Gordon 2002 USA 9 min video Going West dir M ichael Mew

Flavia Calker 2000 Brazil 30 m i n 3 5 m m i n Portuguese with

2001 Canada 25 m i n video

English s u btitles

Total R u n n ing Time: 106 m i n

Total R u n n ing Time: 1 1 2 m i n

I n S I M O N & I , na rrator B ev Ditsie looks back at her l ife and that of friend and fel low South Africa n gay rights activist S i m o n N kol i . Somewhat l i ke a person a l d ia ry with entries from friends and fa m i ly, the fi l m recou nts Ditsie's own story-her jou rney from sol itary tom boy to out­ spoken leader-as wel l as the political h istory of South Africa's LG BT m ovement a n d of G LOW, the ground breaking orga n ization N ko l i fou nded and led u ntil his d eath from A I DS in 1 998. While S I M O N & I is a tri bute to N ko l i a n d his sign ifica nt accom plishments, Ditsie doesn't shy away from showi ng his h u man side, or thei r political d is­ agreeme nts. I t's an h o n est a n d revea l i ng acco u nt, one that will s pea k vol u mes to a nyone from cou ntries where even the leaders, charged with protecting their citizens, u nashamed ly leave the door open for gay bas h i ng. IT'S M Y LI F E c h ron icles a n other South Africa n activist, Zackie Achmat, as he struggles to make A I DS med ications widely ava i la ble. The fi l m focuses on Achmat's activis m rather than showing h is i n ner emotional l ife; we get o n ly a few gl i m pses of the latter (e.g. , h is s u itcase fu l l of a nti-depressants) . The H IV-positive Ach mat refuses to take the medications u nti l they become ava i lable to everyon e . This d efiant ' sta nce and his struggle to be the recogniza ble face representi ng all the nameless a n d faceless make for a com pel l i ng docu menta ry, which cap­ tu res both the ecstasy of victory and the bitter taste of lost battles . -Alex Bratkievich Simon & 1* d i rs Bev Ditsie & N icky Newman 2001 South Africa 54 min video It's My Life* dir Brian Tilley 2001 South Africa 75 min video *Eligi ble for the Stu & Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

Co-Presented by Conti n u u m Sponsored b y




Ke Ku l a n a H e M a h u :

Ka rmen Ge"i

Rememberi ng a Sense o f Place

T hursday June 20 6:30 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (KARME20)

With a n explosion of West African d rums, fa n­ tastic da nce n u m bers and shocki ngly explicit sexual tra nsgression, J oseph Gar Ramaka com­ mences a bri l liantly colorfu l rend ition of George B izet's Carmen u n l i ke a nyth i ng we've seen before. Many have i nterpreted the classic tragic opera , but none have recreated its central char­ acter as vibra ntly, commandi ngly and heroical ly as Ramaka . I n KAR M EN G E"I, Ka rmen is no opportu n istic trollop or femme fatale; she is an i ntell igent, com passionate woman in fu ll control of her powerful sexua l ity. Ramaka tra nspla nts the story from a ciga­ rette factory in S pa i n to the u nderground sm ug­ gl i ng world of Senega l . Ka rmen escapes an a l l­ women pen itentia ry, l eavi ng her bea utifu l lover-wa rden Angel ique-to pine and writhe i n t h e a bsence o f h e r passions. Returning to helm her crime racket, Karmen a rd u ously d enounces the corru pt police who have "swa l lowed up the cou ntry" and l u res the soon-to-be su perintend­ ent, La m i ne, away from his new bride and i nto her fold of good-natu red thieves. She conti n ues to attract su itors, fa ns a nd followers, but only her old friend Sa m ba fu l ly understands her free and passionate spi rit and is worthy of putti ng her body to rest. The magica l c h a racter of Ka rmen is brought t.o l ife by stu n n i ngly beautifu l newcomer Djernaba Diop GaL An exq uisite dancer, she i m bues Ka rmen with a pal pitati ng sensuality, even as Ramaka transforms her cha racter into an encha nted heroine of the com mon people. -Shari Frilot Karmen



J oseph


R a m a ka



France/Canada 86 min 35mm i n French and Wolof with English

Kee p i ng It Rea l : The Adventures of Greg Wa l l oc h

Sunday June 23 6:00 pm

Monday June 17 6:30 pm

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (KEKUL23)

Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (KEEPR17)

Fasci nati ng personal interviews and outsta n d i ng h istorica l research make this a ground breaking a n alysis of the relationsh i p between q ueer strug­ gles a nd the struggles of the Ka naka Maol i, Hawa ii's ind igenous people. The docu mentary exa m i nes how Western colon ization and mod­ ern ization gave rise to i ntolera nce and homo­ phobia i n Hawa i i . And it shows how efforts a re bei ng made by the c urrent generation to restore their c u ltu re and recognize the once-cherished rol e of gay and tra nsgender people i n Hawaiian society. Sexua l repression by Ch ristian m ission­ aries was used to isolate and control the Ka naka Maol i . B ut more than a century of i m posed Ch ristian va l ues has not destroyed thei r a ncient tra d itions of u n conditional love, com m u n ity soli­ da rity and accepta nce of the tra nsgendered M a h u , sacred healers in i n d igenous society. ( M a h u l itera l ly means " both male and female . " ) D i rectors Kathryn Xian and B rent A n be present this phenomenal doc u menta ry as a response to the hate a nd fear generated by the m a i n la nd Rel igious Right i n its ca m paign to pre­ vent Hawa i i from lega l izing gay ma rriage in the late 1 990s. They demonstrate how Hawaii's em brace of LG BT civil rights is firmly based i n the state's struggle aga i nst pol itica l and c u ltu ra l i m perial ism . T h e spi rit of a l oha (love) l ives on i n t h e d rag q u eens, social workers, educators, writ­ ers, activists, mothers and rel igious leaders worki ng to reinstate Hawaii's trad itions of toler­ ance and abu nda nce for a l l . Fol lowi ng the screen i ng, there wi l l b e a pa nel d iscussion with the fi l m m a kers and sub­ jects of the fi l m .

G reg Wa l loch , a gay com ic with cerebra l pa lsy, grew u p i n Red lands, Ca l ifornia, but he moved to N ew York City to fol low a d rea m : " [ I wa nt] to become the most beloved d isabled performer i n America-no, the world . I am goi ng t o k i c k that Ch ristopher Reeve's ass . " KEEP I N G IT R EAL shows j ust how far Wa l loch has come i n p u rsuit of his elusive goa l . Based on Wa l loch's show White Disabled Talent, the fi lm uses i nterviews, verite footage and l ive performance to docu ment how th is one­ of-a-kind com ic "keeps it rea l . " Some of the fu n­ n iest moments come in on-location reenact­ ments of many of Wal loch's adventures in N ew York-some rea l , some imagi ned . One of the best bri ngs Wal loch 's fantasy of being a d isa bled waiter to life and i ncl udes del icious cameos from col u m n ist Michael M usto and comed ian Anne Meara . You ' l l l ove the bewildered look on Meara 's face when crutch -wiel d i ng wa iter Wa l loch tel ls her, "Your d i n ner is ready-go out to the kitchen a nd get it. " CR I P S H OTS, by S a n F rancisco's own J o h n R . Killacky and Larry Con nol ly, docu ments the work of six performance a rtists. J udy S m ith dances in her wheelchair, Wa l loch proves he d id n't use up a l l of his good material in his own fi l m , Ch ris Hewitt recites a touc h i ng poem a bout bei ng l ifted up, Kil lacky transforms an M R I sca n into a med itation on the body, Terry G a l l oway reflects on the etiq uette of suicide a nd B i l l S ha n non makes his crutches an ind ispensa ble part of his a rt.

subtitles K e Kulana H e Mahu: Remembering a Sense of Place d i rs Kathryn


Eligi ble for the Levi's� First Feature Award

Xia n

Brent Anbe 2001 USA 67 min video

Sponsored by

Islan ders Alliance

Co-Presented by Sponsored by

Crip Shots d i rs J o h n R . Killacky


Larry Connolly 2001 U S A 1 7

m i n video Keeping I t Real: T h e Adventures o f Greg Wa lloch* d i r E l i Ka billio 2001 U S A 8 3 m i n video * Eligible for the Stu


Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

UTOPIA-United Territories of Polynesian









Sponsored by




The Lawless Heart


Little Women

Friday June 21 6:00 pm Castro $7.50 Meml$B.50 Gen (LAWLE21 )

Monday June 24 6:00 pm Castro $7.50 Meml$B.50 Gen (L lANN24)

Sunday June 23 1 :3 0 pm Castro $5. 00 Meml$6.00 Gen (Ll TTL23 )

Stellar acti ng, i nsightfu l d i rectio n , deft editing and wonderful writi ng d isti nguish THE LAWLESS H EART, the latest feature from Neil H u nter a n d Tom H u nsi nger (the fi l m making d u o beh i nd BOY F R I EN DS ) . Set in a ru ral vil lage on the sa lt marshes of England's Essex coast, this sweet, fu n ny a nd engagi ng fi l m expertly evokes the sort of sma l l town where past lovers a n d futu re friends col lide, and everyone else knows you r business as soon a s you d o . U s i ng a n overl a pping storyte l l i ng tec h n i q u e that m ight have fa i led i n less n i m ble hands, H u nter and H u nsinger d raw us slowly i nto their cha racters' l ives and u nfol d the town's mysteries and the res idents' motives with tru ly fi l m ic pa nache. By sta rti ng each new segment of the fi l m at the sa me moment i n time-the fu nera l of Stuart, a d rowned restau rate u r-the fi l m ma ke rs keep us guessing a bout who's who, what they're up to a nd what wi l l ha ppen next. As the d ead ma n's bereaved boyfriend, feckless brother-in­ law, wel l-mea n i ng sister a n d long-lost cousin all struggle to cope with thei r loss a n d fi nd mea n i ng i n the i r own l ives, each makes fatefu l choices that h ave profound, a nd often very a m us i ng, resu lts. Sta ndouts i n a great cast include Tom Holla nder (GOSFO R D PAR K, B ED R OO M S A N D HALLWAYS) as the boyfrien d , Douglas H ensha l l as t h e cous i n , El l i e Haddi ngton as t h e sister a n d S u kie Sm ith as a wacky check-out gi rl na med Charlie who pa rties a little too hard and ends u p i n the wrong bed .

O nce touted as "the best lesbian movie nobody has seen , " LIAN N A is a sen sitive comi ng-out d rama c i rca 1983 . Watch this engagi ng fi l m from pro l ific i ndependent fi l m make r J o h n Sayles (TH E SEC R ET OF R OAN IN I S H , M EN WITH G U NS) a n d see j u st how m uch has cha nged , and how much truly hasn't. Lia n na is a facu lty wife with two kids and a n u n pleasa nt a nd pretentious h us ba nd , Dick. Wh i l e Dick holds "office hours " with female stu­ d ents, Lia nna esca pes by e n ro l l i ng in a n ight cou rse i n psychology and soon beco mes lovers with R uth, her attractive professor. When a frus­ trated Lia n na reveal s the affa i r to Dick, he reacts with wou nd ed outrage, q u ickly d ista n ci ng h i m­ self and the c h i l d ren from her. Lia n na is sud­ d enly thrown i nto a fl u rry of l ife cha nges without a ny rea l support. She seeks comfort from Ruth, only to fi nd that the preoccu pied prof isn't much of a gi rlfriend or savior. Mea nwh ile, her straight best fri end develops the "I wonder if she li ked me that way" d isease. But as Lia nna begins her new life , com plete with visits to the local lesbian ba r, she is awak­ ened to the women of the world . And her new­ found sexual ity leads to a reward ing level of e n l ig�ten ment that tha n kfu l ly r u bs off on those a round her. Lia nna's son sums it up s i m ply for h i mself: "So, my oid lady is a dyke-big deal." LIAN NA is a bold landmark i n the h istory of lesbian fil ms, with a sta ndout perfo rma nce by Linda G riffiths i n the title role.

The Lawless Heart dirs Neil Hu nter & Tom H u nsinger 2001 U K

Lianna d i r John Sayles 1983 USA 1 1 0 m i n 3 5 m m

-Nathalie Peterson

9 9 m i n 35mm

Kind of l i ke the A B C Afterschool Special you wish you had seen as a kid , 21 is a touch i ng com i ng-of-age story a bout a typica l teenage girl growing u p i n su bu rbia who j ust ha ppens to be gay. Fifteen-yea r-old Leigh isn't havi ng the easi­ est time with her fa m i ly. Her father, who has been trave l i ng a l l over the world for most of her l ife, has j ust turned up unexpected ly. Her moth­ er i s having d ifficu lty hold i ng d own a job a n d running t h e household . Her jock brother, J o h n , spends most o f h is ti me obsess ing over losing weight for wrestli ng-a nd when he's not doing that, he's tormenting Leigh . She does have one res pite from the tria ls a n d tri bu lations of her teenage existence: ba nd class. Leigh's chair i n the tru m pet section hap­ pens to be next to J e n , her best friend and the gi rl who occ u p ies her active daydrea ms. But when her father a n nounces that he is leaving town aga i n , and J o h n d iscovers Leigh's d ia ry, tensions with i n the fam ily eru pt. In S H AV I N G , a young tom boy is caught between fee l i ng the pressure to behave l i ke a gi rl and her identification with her father, whom she l i kes to watch every morn ing w h i le he shaves in the bath room . And in C H ICKEN N I G HT, a you ng gi rl decides to alter a fam i ly t rad ition to help ease her mother's sorrow. -Kami Chisholm Chicken Night d i r Lisa G i nsburg 200 1 USA 13 m i n 35mm Shaving dir Caren M c Donald 2001

USA 20 min video

21 * d i r Erin Greenwell 2002 USA 50 m i n video

Tota l R u n n ing Time: 83 m i n * E l igible for t h e Levi's" First Feature Award

Co-Presented by Lyric-Lavender Youth Recreation &

Information Center Sponsored by vlrgm


atlantIc 6.

Sponsored by


Looking for Langston


Isaac Julien in person

Saturday June 1 5 1 0:00 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (LUSTE15)

Monday June 24 6:30 pm Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (LANGS24)

Fra me l i ne Award wi nner Isaac J u l ien's LOOKI N G FOR LANGSTON is remem bered as a work that blazed the tra i l for the N ew Queer Cinema of the 1990s. B ut the test of time has shown that this fasci nati ng " med itation on Langston H ughes and the H a rlem Rena issa nce" sta nds o n its own as a dazz l i ng achievement and a land m a rk work of art-q ueer, stra ight or otherwise. Th rough d reamy black-and-wh ite photog­ raphy, an evocative soundtrack and an in nova­ tive structu re, LOO K I N G FOR LAN GSTON cre­ ates a na rrative that a l l ows viewers, in J u l ien's own words, "to med itate and to th i n k , rather than be to ld . " M ixing wonderfu l a rch ival footage of H a rl e m with h is own b ri l l ia ntly conceived scenes, J u lien takes us from a re-creation of H ughes's fu nera l to a wake ta k i ng place i n an otherworld ly n ightc l u b downsta i rs . Here, a group of exq u isitely bea utifu l men sha re cockta i ls, ta n­ gos and provocative gla nces to jazz rhyth ms and songs by the Bay Area 's own B lackberri . Poetry by H ughes, Essex H e m ph i l l , J a mes Baldwi n and others expa nds the mea n i ng of the on-screen action , creating a c i n ematic experience that rem i nds us of Cocteau or early B roughton but is u n l i ke anyth i ng that had come before. This is a fi l m that d eserves to be revived often and seen over and over aga i n . T h e progra m a lso i ncl udes T H E ATTE N ­ DA N T a n d T H R E E (TH E CO N S ERVAT O R ' S D R EA M ) , two short works b y J u l ien ra rely seen in theaters.

Jackson (J ustin H erwick) is a mess . It's not the blue hair a nd the wil d ly m ismatched clothes that pass for cutting-edge a mong h is c l i q u e of a rtsy down-a nd-outers i n Los Angeles; it's h i s whole attitude a bout l ife. "I th i n k I ' m i n love with 20 people a day, " he confesses. R a m pa nt hor­ mones a nd confused romanticism a re cloud i ng h is j u dgment. Ca n 't he tel l that h is best friend Sam (Shane Powers), a fa iled a rtist-tu rned­ record store owner, is crazy in love with h i m? And what's u p with h u n ky cousin J ed from the M idwest ( B . Wyatt), who unexpectedly a p pea rs na ked in Jackson's shower a n d proceeds to ca rry on with Jackson's lesbia n friend Alyssa ( Pa mela G id l ey)-is J ed stra ight or bi or what, and wou ld it be i ncest if Jackson d id it with h i m? M ea nwh i le, Jackson's cu rrent obsession, pretty­ boy B i l ly (J ona h B lech ma n ) , turns out to have so me u nexpected and very heavy baggage. At least Jackson's ca reer as a poet (his words a re suppl ied by renegade novelist Denn i s Cooper) is on t h e u pswing, especia l ly when burned-out, big-name rock sta r Son ny Spike (Wi l l i e G a rson) tu rns to h i m for lyrics. B ut S pi ke has a very nasty secret. F i l led with youthfu l angst a nd wry h u mor (Wa r n i ng: t h i s movie conta i ns gratu itous Madon na- bash i ng), LUSTER ca ptu res the mood of a lternative L.A. " post- Ku rt a n d pre­ M i l l en n i u m " with a storyl ine that sprawls a n d loops back on itself l i ke t h e spaghetti bowl o f t h e L.A. freeways. -Steven Saylor L uster d i r Everett Lewis 2001 USA 91 m i n 1 6 m m

L ook ing f or L ang ston dir Isaac J u lien 1989 UK 49 min 1 6 m m If Th e A ttend ant d i r Isaac J u lien 1993 U K 8 min 3 5 m m Th r ee

The Man I Love (L'homme Que J 'a i m e) Tuesday June 25 1 :00 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (MANL025) Saturday June 29 8:00 pm Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (MANL029)

What gay man hasn't sat beside a pool and d rea med of declaring h is love to a bea utifu l straight boy whose S peed o fits j ust right? H ow many of us have dared to hope that we might actua l ly get to peel the swi msuit away, or that o u r love m ight even b e retu rned? Wel l , for . t h e i rre­ pressi ble M a rti n, j ust d rea mi ng a nd hoping a re no longer enough . I n this wonderfully sweet 199 7 made-for-TV fi l m from d irector Stephane G i usti (whose WHY N O T M E? cha rmed S F I LG F F a u d i e nces i n 1999), Mart i n fa l l s for the stra ight Lucas the mom ent he sees him lea p from the h igh d ive, and decides to take a leap of his own . With i n m i n utes he declares h i s love t o Lucas, w h o i s less than th ri l l ed . N o o n e is more su rprised than M a rti n , the n , when his see m i ngly h opeless infat­ uation ends up bringing h i m friends h i p , pa ssion and even true love. The o n ly problem is that, for Marti n, it a l l may have come too late . This tender story of two lovers who fi nd the mea n i ng of l ife just as one of them i s preparing to leave it wi n both wa rm you r hea rt a n d b reak it, and have you s m i l ing th rough you r tea rs. Throw in a mother who roars a round town in a p i n k Mercedes with outfits t o match, A I DS activists fighting for better treatments, a d eaf d rag q ueen who signs h is routi nes i nstead of l i p-synchi ng, a gay wed d i ng a n d bea utifu l locations i n a n d a round M a rse i l les, and y o u have a u n i q uely French but touchi ngly u n iversa l love story that is l i ke noth ing you ' l l fi nd on American TV!

(T h eC on servator' s D r eam) d i r Isaac J u l ien 1996-99 USA 16 m i n Th e M an I L ove (L'h om m e Qu e J ' aim e) dir Stephane Gi usti 1997


France 87 min video i n French with English subtitles Total R u n n i n g Ti me: 73 m i n

Special thanks to

vlrgm atlantlc tII'/

Sponsored by

Sponsored by



Markova : Co mfort Gay

Myth of Father

Not for Adu lts

Wednesday June 19 9:30 pm

Saturday June 1 5 12:30 pm

Thursday June 20 3:45 pm

Castro $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (MARK019)

Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (MYTHF15)

Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (NOTF020)

From the Ph i l i ppi nes comes a powerfu l fi l m based on a true story. A n epic yet i nti mate look at one man's struggle agai nst prej ud ice a n d exploitation, G i l M . Portes's MAR KOVA: CO M ­ FORT GAY begins with Walter Dem pster J r. , a l ias Ma rkova , watc h i ng a documenta ry a bout the J a panese occu pation of the P h i l i ppi nes . As agi ng "comfort women" relate the horrors of being forced i nto prostitution by the occu pation forces, Markova begi n s to reflect on h is own t u m u ltuous l ife. As a boy, Ma rkova is a bused by h is bruta l o l d e r brother. When h is brother d ies, he experi­ ences his fi rst taste of rea l freedo m , but it is a short-l ived a n d rather com prom ised one. H e m ust d ea l with t h e prejud ices of h i s society, a n d the a rriva l o f the J a pa nese forces o n l y means a worse kind of o ppression. Forced to prostitute h i mself, Markova eventual ly esca pes, but even when the cou ntry is l i berated by American forces, he finds his battle is fa r from over. I ntense a nd unfl i nc h i ng in its portraya l of bruta l ity a n d prejudice, yet l ife-affi rm ing a n d at ti mes h igh-spi rited , MAR KOVA: CO M FORT GAY focuses on the story of one m a n , but its scope is tru ly wide-rangi ng. I n effect, it recou nts the story of a nation's struggle for self-determ i nation a nd its own interna l battles i nvolving i ntol e ra nce, conform ity a n d expectation . The fil m docum e nts the u ltra conservatism of the 1930s, the horrors of the occ u pation, the trava ils of the Ma rcos years a n d the long struggle toward l i beratio n .

Leaving the closet ca n make for an u n prece­ dented moment of honesty a nd truth . When fi l m m a ker Pa ul H i l l 's father, B ruce, revea ls that he is now Jodie, a tra nssexua l woma n , it pro­ vides an u nexpected o p portun ity for the two to become closer than ever. Sad ly, the rest of the fa m i ly isn't as q u ick to welcome her. Jod ie's brother, a close but skepti­ ca l confidant, fi nds the cha nge ha rd to accept, as do her ha lf-brother and stepmom. They remember B ruce, the average guy, the one who was i nto ca rs and girls, played bass in rock ba nds, e n l isted in the a rmy and got ma rried . B ut in h is forties, after the d eath of h is h a rsh a n d h u m orless father, B ruce was i n s p i red t o fi nd h i mself-a n d who he fou nd was J od ie . T h rough in-depth conversations a nd rem i­ n iscences, Pa u l tries to reconstruct what he knows a bout h is father, who has always been a shadowy figu re, a n d piece together a concept he ca n't fu lly u n d ersta nd . The making of the docu­ mentary itself becomes a thera peutic tool for both Pa u l a n d J od ie. And the pai nfu l moments of on-ca mera revelation and fa m i l i a l confronta­ tion u ltimately lead to a new bond between father and son-even if Dad is now a wom a n . I n B O BNA LER I E, w e meet Va lerie, whose coworkers at the factory a re having a tough ti me beca use they sti l l th i n k of this tra nsitio n i ng woman as Bob. B ut don't sweat it: bl ue-co l l a r fol ks a re a s u rprisi ngly accepting b u n c h . And , bes ides, this fu n documentary has a h a p py end­ ing i n the .' b u rbs of Delawa re.

-present ID at the door

Free for all persons age 18 and under

-Steve Gravestock

-Christian Bruno M ark ova: Com f or t G ay d i r G i l M. Partes 2000 P h i l i ppi nes 97 m i n 35mm i n Taga log with English su btitles

B obN al er ie d i r J oel J a necek 200 1

U SA 30

m i n v i d eo

My th of F ath er* d i r Paul H i l l 2001 USA 60 m i n video * E l igible for the Stu

& Dave's Excellent

Doc u m entary Award

Co-Presented by Tra nny Fest-Tra nsgender and Transgenre Ci nema Sponsored by




This col lection of shorts demonstrates why some of our freshest a nd most honest stories a re from the point of view of q ueer youth . FEN C ED O U T, made by q ueer youth t h rough the ven e rable Pa per Tiger TV, is a powerful look at the fight to save the C h ristopher Street Pier, one of the only places i n N ew York City where a d iverse q ueer youth com m u n ity, i nc l u d i ng homeless youth , ca n gather a n d be themselves . Cod i rected by two h igh-school stu d ents, the doc u m entary Q U E E R G EOG RAP HY: MAP P I N G O U R I D ENTI­ TI ES looks at the l ives of fou r q ueer youth rang­ ing in age from 16 to 20. SU R FACI N G serves as a poigna nt rem i nder of the joys and pa i ns of com ing out, as th ree young gay men rem i n isce a bout the i r d ifferent experiences com i ng out i n small-town America . With a peek i nto t h e world of u nderground m usic, Q U E E R CO R E shows how q ueer youth a re rei nventi ng a n d rei magi n i ng p u n k rock. The na rrative AS I F IT M ATT ERS, prod uced i n col la boration with loca l youth video gro u ps Tea c h i n g I ntermed ia Literacy Too l s (T I LT) , the Lave n d e r Youth Rec reation & I nformation Ce nter ( LYR IC) and the Gay-Stra ight All ia nce Network (GSA N ) , shows how the l ives of . six teenagers i ntersect as they confront homophobia , body i m age, la bels, a n d accepta nce a n d rejection from the i r peers. -Charlotte Gutierrez F enc edOu t d i r Paper Tiger TV 2001 USA 2 1 m i n video � Q ueer G eog r aphy: M apping Ou r Id en tities d i rs Rachel Bolden-Kramer


Theresa Herna ndez 2001 USA 1 2 min video � S urf ac ing d i r

Stephen Remi ngton 2000 U S A 8 m i n video Q ueerc or e d i rs Bret Berg


Alex H i nton 2002 USA 27 min video A s I f I t M atter s

2001 USA 25 min video Total R u n n ing Time: 93 m i n

Co-Presented by TI LT-Teac h i n g Intermedia Literacy Tools

Novela, Novela

Ordinary Sinner

O UTer Limits

Saturday June 22 4:00 pm

Tuesday June 18 9:00 pm

CFA Theater $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (NOVEL22)

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (ORSIN18)

Monday June 1 7 9:00 pm Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (OU TER 1 7)

NOVELA, N OVELA takes us beh ind the scenes of " Sexto Sentido, " one of N ica ragua's most pop­ ular soa p o pe ras, or telenovelas. M ore than 70 percent of N i caragua's tel evision a u d i e n ce watches the weekly episodes of the show, which was created by the N icaraguan fe m i n ist non­ profit gro u p P u ntos d e Encuentro as a project for social change. B ecause they conceived of "Sexto Sentido" as a social rather tha n com mercial ven­ ture, the creators have focused the d ra ma of the show a round i m porta nt pol itica l issues such as d o m esti c violence a n d homopho bia . "Sexto Sentido" is al so the fi rst telenovela ever to be made by, a bout and for N ica ragua ns. N OVELA, N OVELA features i nterviews with the actors, screenwriters , prod ucers, critics and fa ns of this ground b reaking show, as well as c l i ps from the program itself. Also screen i ng wi ll be a newly su btitled episode of " Sexto Sentido" that focuses on the gay cha racter Angel . Like the hit U . S . comedy "Friends , " the half-hour long show revolves a round a gro u p of six you ng people (th ree men and th ree women), following the i ns a nd outs of their l ives in M a nagua. The characters include Ange l , a gay m a n struggling with com i ng out to his parents; Elena, the child of an a busive father; and Vickie, a lesbian and recoveri ng alcoholic from a trou bled fa m i ly. The scree n i ng wi l l a lso i nclude a com pilation of scenes from a n u m ber of this past year's episodes.

A fata l tragedy a nd a crisis of fa ith d rive 20-year­ old Peter ( B rendan P. H i nes) to leave the big city a n d a ba n d o n h is p u rs u it to becom e a n Episcopa l priest. He heads to a sma l l col lege town in Vermont, where h is boyhood buddy Alex ( Kris Park) h e l ps Peter fix up a rustic ca b i n a nd a lso i ntrod uces h i m to sexy, bra i ny Rachel (El iza beth Banks), a student who's tu rned on by Peter's brush with the priesthood . Trying to make sense ' of h is spi ritual crisis, Peter a lso seeks out his boyhood mentor, a macho priest na med Father Ed , played by soa p heartth rob A . Martinez. Peter thought thi ngs wou ld be q u ieter a n d less dema n d i ng i n sma l l -town Vermont, but instead he fi nds that l ife's com pl ications a re everywhere . Both Alex a n d Rachel seem to wa nt more from him than he's ready to give them , a n d w h e n a nti-gay fl iers begin t o a ppea r on ca m pus, Father Ed a bruptly comes out of the cl oset. Then a nother fatal tragedy stri kes, fol lowed by an on rush of u nexpected events that bri ngs Peter's i nternal confl ict i nto sharp focus. Is there p u r­ pose a n d design i n l ife, or is existence utterly random a nd u ltimately without mea n i ng? I ntel l igently scri pted and sol i d ly acted , O R D I NARY S I N N ER takes a n u m ber of u n p re­ d icta ble turns as it follows Peter to the u ncerta i n but hopefu l resol ution of the most fateful s u m ­ m e r o f h i s l ife . -Steven Saylor

-Kami Chisholm

Encuentro 2002 N icaragua 40 m i n video i n Spanish with English su btitles

-Charlotte Gutierrez Marcilla d i r J e nelle Troxell 2001 USA 12 m i n 1 6 m m Alien d i r Ed die Fisher USA 1 min video Queen Lah T. Nedo d i r B ianca J o bs 2001 Germany 8 min video Sucker dir lain M u rton 2001 Australia 1 2 min video "g.p." dir Jeff George 2002 USA 18 m i n video Fortuna Transi lvania dirs Sim one Heyder & Almut Ro"ehrl 2001 Germany 1 5 min video i n German with English subtitles

Ordinary S i n ner d i r J o h n Henry Davis 2001 USA 93 m i n 35mm

The Adventures of the Super Powerful d i rs J u lia Jordao & Lico

Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

su btitles Pussies from Outta Space dir Nanci Gaglio 2002 USA

Quei roz 2001 Brazil 10 min video i n Portuguese with English

Novela, Novela d i r Liz M i l ler 2002 USA 30 m i n video in Spanish with English subtitles "Sexto Sentido" created by Puntas de

Pussies from outer space? B lood-sucki ng d isco d ivas? That's j ust a taste of the debauchery, decadence and del ight fou nd here-a l l in one progra m ! S EASON O F T H E T R O L L proves that good h e l p is so hard to fi nd . San Francisco d rag l u mi­ nary Peaches Ch rist m ust hire a n u rse to care for her a i l ing room mate a n d good friend M a rti ny after she overdoses on cheese. MARCI LLA tells a h ighly stylized gothic noir ta le, wh i le two hot guys put a new spin on " u nsafe sex" in S U C KER . When the th ree va m pi res of FORT U N A TRAN­ S I LVAN I A need to fi nd a vi rgin for a ceremonial feast, a Jehova h's Witness fi nds herself i n the wrong place at the wrong time . . . or d oes she? " G . P. " revea ls a lovi ng world uncomplicated by gender, u ntil one fateful day when the television changes everything for the worse. The stereo­ type a bout lesbians and their love of cats gets seriously tested i n the sci-fi th ri l l er P U SS I ES FROM O UTTA S PAC E. And , fi nal ly, the s u per­ heroes in T H E ADVEN T U R ES OF T H E S U PER POWE R F U L have no actual powers, but that d oesn't stop them from h e l p i ng folks in some strange situations.

13 min video Season of the Trol l dir Joshua G rann ell 2001 USA 1 2 min video Total Runn i n g Ti m e : 93 min

Co-Presented by G a lerfa de la Raza



P.S . You r Cat Is Dead Saturday June 2 9 6:00 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (PSCAT29)

It's N ew Year's Eve, a n d actor-cu m -writer J i m my Zoole isn't having a l ot of fu n . H i s best friend d ied i n Septem ber. His one-man Hamlet with hand puppets has flopped . H is gi rlfriend has left on a ski tri p with another guy. The vet j ust ca l led to tel l h i m h is beloved cat has d ied . And the o n ly person J i m my has to ta l k to is a gay b u rglar he's got tied to his kitchen sin�. It's a bri l liant setu p, and writer J a m es Ki rkwood (whose book for A Chorus Line won a Pul itzer) m i l ked it for a l l it was worth in h is 1972 cult-favorite novel P S. Your Cat Is Dead, as wel l as i n h is h it play of the sa me name. Rex Reed ca l led the play "riveti ng, u n iq ue [and] extremely i magi native" and d escri bed J i m my's growi ng attach ment to the burgla r as "one of the most u n usua l friends h i ps si nce J oe B uc k met Ratso Rizzo in M I DN I G HT COWBOY. " ' Now Steve G utten berg, who not only stars in the fi l m but a lso d i rects a n d cowrote the scri pt, fi n a l ly bri ngs this one-of-a-kind ta le to the big screen , switc h i ng the action from N ew York in the 1970s to Los Angeles today-wh i l e keep­ i ng a l l of its z i n g i ntact. Playi ng J i m my, G utten berg goes a l l out as a man on the edge ( h i s " bitc h " freak-out when h is gi rlfriend leaves h i m may actua l ly freak you out), a nd Lom ba rd o Boyar as t h e cute burglar is h i s perfect foi l . Fans who have waited years for this story to m a ke it to the movies wi l l cheer this fast-paced version, as wi l l a u d i e nces who have never read the book or seen the play.

Pl ease Don't Sto p : Les b i an Ti ps for G ivin' an d Gettin' It Friday June 21 9:00 pm CFA Theater $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (PLEAS21 )

G ra b you r gea r and you r girl for th i s m u st-see, fi rst-ever, featu re-length dyke sex video, created by and for lesbians of color! Hottie sex ed ucators keep the i r hands off each other j ust long enough to share their sexy tri c ks and toys with friends at a house party where seven women tel l a l l . The heated openi ng wi ll m a ke you sweat, and the expl icit vignettes show you wom e n � pplyi ng the i r lessons at home. One c o u p l e , i ntrigued b y the a n a l sex conve rsation , expl ores backdoor d e l ights i n the shower, wh i le a s u pe r-sexy tat­ tooed sex kitten enjoys a mastu rbation stri p i n front o f h e r m i rror. A n d the hot a n d sq u i rty butch-femme q uickie in a n a uto mechanic's garage wi l l have you h o l lering out the movie's title. This is a sweet and sexy ride, with a d ose of rea lism that's m issing from most porn fa re. Covering tricks, tec h n iq ues a n d the basics a bout l u be, safer sex, toys and harnesses, P LEAS E D O N 'T STOP conveys the sex i nfo that so many dykes a re looking for with the lowdown on sex­ positive attitudes and d ifferent a pproaches to pleasure. Made by a San Francisco fi l m ma ker and loca l performers , th i s brea kth rough G ood Vibrations/Sex Positive prod uction is s u re to i n s p i re�a nd i n more ways tha n one! J o i n us a n d enjoy this very special work b y wo men o f color explori ng eroticism on thei r own terms. -Laura Weide Pl ease D on't St op : L esbianT ip sf or Givin' and G ett in' It d i r Oriana

P.S. Y our C at I s D ead dir Steve Gutten berg 2001 USA 92 m i n

The Pol itics of Fur Sunday June 2 3 9:00 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (POFUR23)

This lush and h igh ly stylized fi rst narrative from d i rector La u ra N ix journeys i nto the da rker side of sa pphic des i re. I nspired by Fassbinder's T H E B ITTER T EARS O F P ETRA VO N KA NT, the fi lm explores dyke melod rama a n d butch -femme iconogra phy with a n outrageous and com pel l i ng cast of characters. Sexy a nd powerful m usic exec U na (Katy Selverstone, DIVI N E S EC R ETS OF T H E YA-YA S I STER H OOD) l ives in a pristi ne, m i n i mal ist a partment i n Los Angeles with Dick (Ti m You ng), her gay manserva nt, and Ba by, her pet tiger. Vu l nera ble U na controls her tightly orga n i zed envi ron ment by rewa rd ing Dick with the affections of strapping h ustlers (portrayed by rea l Falcon porn stars ) . Enter a su ltry m usician na med B. ( B rynn H orrocks, ROCK 'N' ROLL H I G H S C H OO l), a female Sid Vicious who sed uces U na a nd moves i n after thei r fi rst date. Desperate for B . 's love, U na tries to ensure her devotion by making B . i nto a successfu l rock star. But B. rebels, destroyi ng U na's fragi le cha in of command and domestic arra ngements. Alone and grief-stricken, U na i s confronted with her u n met needs a n d m issha pen priorities . Keenly ca pturing the passion a n d pa i n of dependence, N ix creates a n exceptional fi lm with an electrify­ ing performa nce by Selverstone. Also playi ng is the beautifu l l y shot B I N G E­ BABES AT TH E T R U C K STOP. When a father ta kes h is da ughter and her friend on the road for a c u l i nary treat, the you ng girls have a d ifferent mouthwatering experience on the i r m i nds. -Darlene Weide

Bolden 2001 USA 74 min video

35 m m

Bing eb ab es at t heT ruck St op dir Petra Volpe 2002 Germany 14

Eligible for t h e Levi's'" First Feature Award






* E l igible for the Levi's'" First Feature Award

Sponsored by



Engl ish

su btitles

Th e Politic s of Fu r * dir Laura Nix 2002 USA 70 min video

Sponsored by

,. KRQH�

Pups & Puss i es

Qu eens Do n't Lie (Tunten Lugen N i c ht)

Saturday June 22 1:00 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (PUPUS22)

Wednesday June 19 4:00 pm

After the tremend ous success of last year's kitty progra m , we d id n 't wa nt a l l you ca n i ne lovers to feel left out i n the doghouse. Th is year we've com pi led a howl ing selection of q ueer a n i mal shorts that will ra ise the woof! I n MARY POP­ P E R S : KI N DA NAN NY, a mysterious dog-sitter seems to have magical powers over both a n i­ mals a n d h u ma ns-but why is she ru n n i ng from her old boss? N I NA HART LEY'S G U I D E TO DOGGY EROT I C I S M s poofs the sexy porn star's how-to videos, and DYKES A N D T H E I R DOGS docu ments a very popul a r West Hollywood con­ test that is a verita ble lesbian B EST IN S H OW. The mockumentary TRANSAN I MA LS ta kes a n i n-de pth look at tra nsitio n i ng a n imals a n d the h u m a n compan ions who love them, while d i rty habits a nd dark secrets come to light i n FOWL P LAY. Beware of the cat owners in T H E H O U S­ ES ITTER : they j ust m ight have the most particu­ l a r pussies you ' l l ever meet. And when ba l loons go bad in a small Western town, BALLOON W R A N G LER S h eriff B laze is ca l led i n to restore order. Th e H ou sesitter d i r Melissa Levin 2002 Canada 5 m i n video Dyk es and Th eir D og s d i rs Renee Sotile

& Mary J o Godges 2000

USA 17 min video T rac es d i r Christina Zeidler 2001 Canada 1 2 min video Th e Wild Kingd om S trik es B ack dir Marilyn B u l l 2002 U S A 4 m i n video Spik e d i rs Evie Leder, D a n J a nos


Gretchen Lee 2002 USA 4 m i n video F owl Pl ay d i r Mary C. Matthews 2001 USA 3 m i n video N ina Har tl ey'S G u id e to D oggy E rotic ism


Noel B lack 2001 USA 7 m i n video T ransanim al s

d i rs Rachel Antell, Amy H i l l


Rebecca Weiner 2001 USA

15 min video Shih Tzu Happ ens "T h e C ontest" d i rs Boyd Kodak


Cat G ra n t 2001 Canada 7 min video B ali oon W rangl er d i rs

Amy Anner


Denise Macias 2002 USA 2 min video M ary

Popp ers: kind a nanny d i r Sandra Brogioni 2000 Brazil 20 m i n video in Portuguese with English subtitles

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (QUEEN1 9)

Prol ific q ueer fi lm icon Rosa" von P ra u n h e i m ( I T I S N O T T H E H O M OS EXUAL WHO I S P E R ­ V E R S E , H O R R O R VAC U I ) retu rns to t h e festival with this enterta i ni ng documentary celebration of rima die Gbttl iche, Ichgo la And rogyn, Bev Strogan ov a nd Ovo Maltine, fou r proud q ueens who have been at the center of gay l ife i n Berl i n for a l m ost 2 0 years. " T h i s fi l m is a portrait of four wi l lfu l , cou rageous tra n svestites, " vo n Pra u n heim wrote i n h i s descri pti on of QU EENS DON'T LIE for the Berl i n F i l m Festival , " b ut it al so d escri bes a n i m porta nt part of Berl i n 's cul­ tura l scene . " A s Ovo herself tel l s von Pra u nheim i n the fil m , " It wasn't a bout gloss a n d glamour. There was a lways a pol itical i ntention . . . here in Berl i n , t o b e a q ueen meant to have political wil l-a desi re to h e l p s h a pe society a n d s u ggest cha nges, to form u late a nd express pol itical needs. That is what one d i d on stage. Of course, s i l l i ness a nd fu n were part of it as wel l . " And they are key pa rts of QU EENS DO N 'T LI E, too. As these fou r fa bulous cha racters reflect on friend­ sh i p, feuds, fashion, fu nerals, l iving with AI DS, fou nd i ng the first H IV n u rs i ng facil ity ru n for gays by gays, casual sex, l ove, politics a nd-a lways­ j ust havi ng a good time, they prove over a n d over aga i n that there i s no surer route to happi ness tha n em bracing who you a re. That's a message everyon e-gay, stra ight, b i , tra nsge n de red , whatever-needs to hea r. See QU EENS DON 'T LI E a nd be i n s p i red to be yourself. Qu eens D on' t L ie (Tu nten LUg en Nic h t) dir Rosa von Pra unheim 2001 Germany 90 min video in German with English subtitles

Total R u n n i ng Ti me : 96 m i n Eligible for the Stu


Sunday June 1 6 3: 1 5 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (QFAIT1 6)

"Al l my l ife I believed in God a n d knew I was ca lled to be a m i nister. " That's documenta rian a n d sem inary student Macky Alston speaking. The d i rector of 1997's award-wi n n i ng documen­ tary FAM I LY NAM E, Alston revisits his roots in the South a n d takes us on a spiritual journey that asks how one ca n m a i nta in faith in God in the face of tragedy. Macky's friend a n d fe l low sem i narian Ala n Smith has d ied of AI DS. I n attem pting to make peace with Ala n's d eath and with his own rela­ tionsh i p to God , Macky l ooks to other friends and those who knew Alan for guidance. Among them are Latifa a n d J a m i l la, who despite the devastation of a bra i n tumor a n d the prematu re bi rth of twi n s hold fast to the i r bel ief i n A l l a h . H i s friend Carol, a m i n ister w h o h a s ca ncer, teaches h i m to " let God have it. " Macky exa m i nes the belief system s of an atheist, B uddh i st, Jew, M us l i m and va rious Ch ristia ns ( i nclud i ng Alan's u ncle, who built Elvis's ca r m useum), exploring each person 's spiritual ity a nd h i s or her reaction to personal tragedy. With every story, Macky fi nds h i mself further q u estioning not only h i s faith b u t also his loyalty as a friend . H ow d oes each of us cope when faced with the pa i n a n d i nj ustice o f l ife? I s God a l l- powerful but not good , or is there rea l ly evi l in the world? I s there no God? Is God everywhere? I n the end , we agree with Macky's concl usion that it's a l l a bout the power and presence of friends, a nd bei ng there for each other. Qu estioni ng F aith dir Macky Alston 2002 USA 84 min 35mm Eligible for the Stu


Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

Co-Presented by Shanti Project

Co-Presented by PAWS-Pets Are Wonderful Support Sponsored by

Questi o n i ng Fa ith

Sponsored by

Lufthansa A STAR ALLIANCE MEMBER "':.:'''


Sponsored by




Rad i cal Harmonies

Replay (La Repetition)

Friday June 28 6:30 pm

Saturday June 15 6:30 pm

Castro $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (RADIC28)

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (REPLA15)

This e pic documentary traces the 30-year evolu­ tion of wo m e n 's m usic, from the l e s b i a n fol ksingers w h o gave rise t o Ol ivia Records i n the 1 970s to the dyke punk rock grrri ba nds who brought mosh pits to M ich iga n in the '90s. RADICA L H AR M O N I ES shows how a d is­ ta nt d ream s pra ng i nto a fu l l-blown cu ltura l movement. It offers a n i nside look at the early days of women's m usic, when Cris Wi l l ia mson and M eg Ch ristia n's explos ively pop u l a r first a l b u m was recorded by a gro u p of n ovice female engi neers a n d prod ucers working with no b udg­ et a nd the most basic eq u i pment. Soo n , there were women engi neers, d istri butors, prod ucers and m usic collectives springi ng up a l l over N o rth America. By touri ng in her station wagon across the cou ntry to the notorious "women o n ly " con­ certs, W i l l ia mson (with colleagues l i ke M a rgie Ada m , H o l ly N ear and Robin Tyler) created the fi rst wave of a rad ica l new art form that merged m usic, com m u n ity and pol itics . And as African­ American a ca p pella gro u p Sweet Honey i n the Rock came on the scene, a fu l l -fledged m u lti­ c u ltura l , m u lticlass revolution ensued . The documentary incl udes performance footage a n d i nterviews with some of the most i nfl uential m usicians, da ncers and comed ians i n t h e movement, includ i ng Ani Di Fra nco, Ferron, Cris Wi l l iamson, Cassel berry- D u p ree, M a rgie Ada m , Holly N ea r, Sweet H oney in the Rock, Tosh i R eagon, Azuca r y Crema, Tri be 8, The H a i l M a rys, B itch a n d A n i m a l , U la l i and Wild M a ngo.

R EP LAY is a moody story of passion a n d deceit that wi l l consta ntly keep you guess i n g . Emmanuel Beart ( M ISS I O N I M POSS I B LE) a n d Pasca le B ussieres (WH E N N I G HT IS FALLI N G ) a re bea utifu l a n d convi ncing as two former c h i l d hood friends whose heated reu nion leads to some sexy and seriously da ngerous d ra ma. When they were girls, Natha lie ( B ea rt) a n d Lou ise ( Bussieres) sha red a passion for the the­ ater. But Lou ise's o bsessive crush on the viva­ cious N atha l ie eventually destroyed the friend­ sh i p . Ten years after a bitter pa rti ng, Nathalie is l iving i n Paris with her playwright-boyfriend , Matth ias, a n d pursu ing a ca reer on the stage, wh i l e Louise runs a dental prosthetics busi ness with her h us ba n d , N icolas. When Lou ise u n ex pected ly encou n ters Natha lie perform i ng i n a play, hidden passions a re awa kened . She pays Nathalie a nervous visit backstage, and soon she is fol lowi ng the tou r of the play to Copen hage n , under the gu ise of attend i ng a denta l convention with N icolas. Thus u nfol d s the d ra m a , a s Lou ise satiates her repressed d esire to act by overly i nvolving her­ self in N athal ie's bloo m i ng career. As the s u btle yet sensual foreplay between the women turns convoluted , Louise, transfixed by Natha lie and her theatrical p u rs uits, begins to lose touch with real ity. I n turn, Nathalie leans further on Louise when her volati le relationsh i p with Matth ias starts t o d i ssolve . This codepen­ d ence sends them head long i nto a n i nc reasi ng­ ly dysfu nctional and da ngerous affa i r.

-Sabrina Alonso

-Nathalie Peterson Radical Harmonies d i r Dee Mosbacher 2002 USA 90 m i n video Replay (La Repetition) dir Catherine Corsini 2000 France Eligible for the Stu & Dave's Excel lent Documentary Award

96 min 35mm i n French with English subtitles

Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie Saturday June 22 8:45 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (REVOL22)

A new student comes to a stra nge school and is ca ught up i n a battle for the affection of a bea u­ tifu l and mysterious girl. Sou nds l i ke a fa m i l ia r plot, doesn't it? But R EVO L U T I O N ARY G I R L UTENA: T H E M OVI E is not you r typical h igh school d ra m a . For one thi ng, the new stu d ent isn't a l l he seems to be-a nd neither is the school. Duels, mystery, conspi racy, hate, love a nd m i l l ions of roses fi l l this awa�d-wi n n i ng a n i mated movie. I n 1997, d i rector Ku n i h i ko I kuhara a nd popular female com ic a rtist C h i h o Sa ito created the TV series " Revol utionary G i rl Utena, " which broke new ground i n portraying a n i ntense emo­ tional relationshi p between two girls, gender­ ben d i ng U tena a n d fem m e Anthy. ( I kuhara was a l ready wel l known in the U.S. for h is work d i recti ng the a n i mated series "Sa i lor Moon , " which had a lesbian cou ple a s part of its regu lar cast of sa il or-s u ited s u per- powered gi rls . ) I n the TV series, I ku h a ra and Saito created a world i n w h i c h t h e bea utiful a n d powerful students of excl usive Oohtori Academy each suffer for their secrets, even as they try to win the mysterious " power to revol utionize the world." With the . movie, I ku hara takes the relationsh i p between . Utena a n d Anthy to the next leve l . Beautifu l ly a n i mated , U T E N A boasts o n e of the fi nest voice acti ng casts i n J a pa n a n d a cha rt-topping sou ndtrack. We a re plea sed to have award-wi n n i ng d i rector Ku n i h i ko I ku hara here in person for this scree n i ng-sure to be a feast for the eyes, ea rs a nd hea rt. -Erica Friedman Revolutionary Girl Utena: The Movie d i r K u n i hiko I k u h a ra 1999 J a pa n 87 m i n 35mm i n J a panese with Engl ish subtitles

Co-Presented by Yuricon-Celebrating Lesbians i n Japanese

Animation & Comics Sponsored by

Sponsored by


mmm 56


Sponsored by

Road M ovie

Runn i ng B l u e (Nora ngmori 2)

T hursday June 2 7 3:30 pm

Wednesday June 26 6:30 pm

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (ROAOM27)

Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (RBLUE26)

From Korea comes a modern version of the clas­ sic romantic tria ngle: the tale of a m a n who loves a man, a m a n who can not accept the love of a m a n , and a woman who loves a man who loves a man. Dae-sik ( Hwa n J u ng-m i n ) was once a mounta in c l i m ber who d rea med of conq uering the H i ma layas, but now he l i ves out his mean­ i ngless existence on the streets. Nobody knows of his past, a n d he hates to ta l k a bout it. The only h i nt of h is tormented feel i ngs is the pa i n that occasiona lly crosses his rough-hewn face. One day, he sees S u k-won (Chung Chan) lying on the roa d , d ru n k with despa i r. Thei r brief encou nter bri ngs out feelings Dae-sik has tried hard to suppress . Though Su k-won doesn't l i ke Dae-si k that m uch, he decides to joi n him on a jou rney with no desti nation . On their way to nowhere, they meet I I-joo (Seo Lyn n), an equal­ ly lost woman who l ives on pills and mea n i ngless sex. After Dae-sik saves her from d rown i ng, she decides to join the two men on their jou rney, turn ing an u n l i kely d u et i nto an u nexpected trio, and the three corners of the triangle fal l i nto place. Soon I I -joo fi nds herself ca ptivated by an u rgent q uestion-the same one that has been h a u nting Dae-sik. "Could th is real ly be love?" Road Movie dir I n-sik Kim 2002 Korea 90 min video in Korean with English subtitles

The l ives of th ree outsiders in a Korean city i nter­ sect one n ight at a conven ience store, creati ng an a l l ia nce aga i nst an unsym pathetic and cruel world . Fi rst, we meet The G i rl-whose desire for success and overt sexua l ity catch her i n a n i l l ic­ it porno tra p . Th row i n the lecherous boss at her dead-end n ight job at the conven ience store, a nd the p ressu re o n ly mou nts . N ext, The Tra nssexua l-whose l ife choices have always been guided by her d rea ms. Her relations h i p with a m ajor league baseba l l player is briefly idyl­ lic, but as fleeting as the island holiday where they met. Her hopefu l ness is constantly chal­ lenged by a world that can not accept her, l ead­ ing her to a si lent rage. Finally, The Boy-whose sensitivity is an affront to Korean masc u l i n ity. An obsessive videogra pher, he is consta ntly sea rch­ i ng for the truth of society i n his endless obser­ vations. What will ha ppen when the th ree a re pa rty to m u rder? R U N N I N G B LU E features a com pe l l i ng performance by actress Ri-soo Ha-the first tra nssexual to a p pea r in a major Korea n fi l m-i n the rol e of the sexy and mysterious Tra nssexua l . Di rector Yoo-m i n K i m says his i ntention beh ind the fil m is "truth not eroticism . " And though R U N N I NG B L U E is fra n k and l ighthea rted a bout sex, he does not fetish ize his cou nterc u ltu ral protagon i sts o r o bj ectify them a s sex u a l devia nts. H e lets these outsiders s pea k for them­ selves, at times erotica l ly but a lways truthfu l ly. -Christian Bruno Running Blue (Norangmori

Shanghai Pa n i c (Wuo Men H a i Pal Friday June 28 9:00 pm Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (SHANG28)

Dogma has come to China . B ut this fi l m is a far cry from T H E R ED D ETAC H M ENT OF WO M EN , that propaga nd istic classic favored b y Chairman Mao's wife and cultural watchdog, Chiang C h i ng. In fact, And rew Cheng's digita l video feature proba bly has Mao doing somersa u lts in his Tiananmen ma usole u m . Based on M ian M ian's novel We Are Panic, the fil m introd uces us to the seldom-heard stories of the hot-a nd-bothered lost youth of Sha ngha i . Bei worries that he has H IV and confides in his street-savvy friends, Kika ( played by M ian Mian herself) , Fifi and Cas per. Ignorant a bout A I DS and scared , the fou r spend their time getting h igh, roa m i ng the streets of Shanghai and sharing stories of attempted sui­ cide and love. After bond i ng, the friends reject fear and take Bei to the c l i n ic for an H IV test. With a negative result in hand, Bei pursues his old friend J ie and tries to convi nce h i m to be his lover. The two men spend a weekend at a house that Kika loa ns the m . Sharing a hot tu b a nd the l uxurious flat spurs Bei's longi ngs, but J ie j ust wants to be friends. M eanwhile, on the B u nd , Sha ngha i's fa mous waterfront, Kika declares that she's ti red of men, and her two dyke friends tel l her to try women. With Kika's res ponse ( " Lesbians a re even more a nnoyi ng tha n men ; they have the weaknesses of both sexes" ) , her two friends la ugh and kiss. Shot with a sma l l crew, this debut fi lm from Cheng i s a n exa m ple of the explosion of d iverse voices com i ng out of China today. -Erica Marcus


d i r Yoo-m i n Kim 2001 Korea

109 min video i n Korean with English subtitles

Shanghai Panic (Wuo Men Hai Pa) d i r And rew Cheng 2001 China 87 min video in Mandarin with English subtitles Eligible for the Levi's'" First Feature Award

Co-Presented by NAATA-National Sponsored by

Asian American

Teleco m m u n ications Association



S h ut Up Wh ite Boy

S i r: J ust a N o rm a l Guy

Saturday June 15 9:00 pm

Tuesday June 25 6:30 pm

Saturday June 22 6:30 pm

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$B. 50 Gen (SHEWE1 5)

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen (SHU TU25)

CFA Theater $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen (SIRJU22)

Va va va voom ! Sweet you n g butch ba bes look­

The re's a bad ass "we're mad as h e l l a n d we're

To be q ueer is not a black-a n d -wh ite matter.

ing for love , das h i ngly d e bona i r d rag ki ngs, fash­

not gon na ta ke it a nym ore" attitu d e i nfus i ng this

Although most transge n d e r fo l ks have e m b raced

ion ti ps from a d a p per butch a nd the adve ntu res

co l l ection of shorts by, a bout a n d for Asi a n

a q ueer identity, these f i l m s explore how that

of Lea DeLari a-perha ps the butch est butch of


S h e Wea rs Cuffl i n ks

them a l l-are j ust part of this progra m 's a l l u re .

i d entity is as fl u i d as ge nder norms. In S I R : J U ST

DYKE: J U ST BE I T tries to p rom ote pride

A N O R M A L G U Y, d i rector M e la n i e La R osa doc­ u m ents Jay S n i d er's FTM journey. The fi lm fol­

C H A N G I N G ROOM shows the joys o f being

and vis i b i l ity for q u eer women in J a pa n a la

a d rag k i ng through the eyes of two performers,

N i ke , and T H E S EA M S T R ESS tu rns the sewing

lows Jay d u ring the 1 5 m o nths of h i s t ra n sition .

as they d iscuss the c h a racters they i n ha bit on

mach i n e ta bles on a n o bnoxious su permod e l . I n

J e n n ifer becomes Jay, sta rts ta k i ng T, decides to

stage a n d the h igh they get from d o i n g d rag.

BAC O N , two P i nay-Ca nadians fi nd solace i n

d o to p su rgery, a n d exa m i nes h i s own re lation­

S H E WEARS C U F F L I N KS , feat u r i n g

poet K.

each other's a rms, wh i le W E D N ES DAY R OAD­

s h i p to h i s fa m i ly, his friends, a nd the q ueer

A n n e R ickertsen and h e r suits , co u l d dou b l e as

SO N G bri ngs us a fu n , fast- paced a nd l u sh

co m m u n ity. The fi l m i n c l udes i nterviews with

a g u i d e to p roper butch attire a nd fla i r. P R ETTY

S u per 8 Montrea l road show. A P LACE IN H E R

Jay's ex-h usba n d , h i s best friend and h i s les­

LA D I ES : A S U P ER8EX P LOS I O N is a postmodern

OWN D I R EC T I O N is the visua l ly d rea my story of

b i a n - id entified pa rtner, who co u rageo usly q ues­

si lent fa i ry ta le sta rri ng fo u r butch cuties who

a yo u ng South As ian wo man with a fa m i ly secret.

tions how h e r relationsh i p with J a y th reatens her

seek out some pretty lad ies in u n u s u a l places


own proud les b i a n id entity.

with the help of a m usica l ly h i p s p i ritu a l g u i d e ,

pa i nts a

na rrative portrait of a q ueer Asia n

J U ST CALL M E KA D E takes us to a tra ns­

w h o a l so

Pac ific-Ame rica n youth com m u n ity a n d the i r

gender com m u n ity outside our own self-made

S i m pson gets down with her b a d fol k self a s s h e

struggles with

havens. We meet Kate/Kade Fa rlow Col l i ns , a

re m i n isces a bout bei ng SO D I FFER ENT, i n this

a p p ropriation t o domestic violence. S U ET-S I N ' S

1 4-yea r-o ld

m usic video a bout growing u p a ba by butc h . I n

S I ST E R S a i ms t o expose, reconstruct a n d active­

Kate/Kade beca m e su icida l , a n d her parents


m a keove rs .

M usician






ra ngi n g fro m

c u ltu ra l


Tu cso n .

D u r i ng

p u berty,

H E R R , syn c h ronized macho postu ring gives rise

ly s pea k to a repressed trad ition of les b ia n ism i n

rea l i zed that the i r biologica l da ughter was not

to a pissi ng contest with tragic, a lthough rhyth­

t h e p u b l ic sphe re of H o n g Ko ng. A n d a gro u p of

j ust a tom boy or a lesbian with a n affi n ity for soc­

m ic , con seq u e n ces. TH E B U TCH i s an i n -you r­

As i a n dykes seeks creative a n d h igh ly styl ized

cer. Over a H a l loween weeke n d , Kade begins

face c h ron icle of former Sa n Fra ncisco ca ba ret



q ueen tu rned B roadway star Lea DeLa ria , a n d

patro n iz i n g a n d c l u e l ess wh ite boy with some






after a

i n itia l

stages of tra n sitio n .

Di rector Sam

Zolten fol lows Ka d e for two yea rs , as h e blos­

h e r p h i l osophy on sex, sexua l ity a n d , wel l , sex.

i nte nse "yel low fever" sti rs their wrath .

soms into a confid e nt yo ung teen who m a rches

Yes M a ry, this butch not o n l y has a pen is , she

-Charlotte Gutierrez

i n the q ueer conti ngent of a St. Patrick's Day "pa rade a n d ta lks a bout h i s first girlfrie n d .

has fou r or five . Dyke: Just Be It d i r Desiree L i m 1999 Japan 2 m i n video

-Charlotte Gutierrez

The Seamstress dir Lyter 2001 USA 9 m i n 16mm Wednesday

Changing Room d i rs Courtenay Singer


Melanie Wood 2001

USA 17 min video So Different dir Marla Leech 2002 USA 5 m i n video H e r r dirs J o h n G reyson


Joe Laugh l i n 1998 Canada

6 min video The Butch d i r Richard Currier 2002 USA 26 min video she wears cufflinks d i r Diana J. Brodie 2002 USA 15 min video Pretty Ladies: A SuperBexplosion dir Catherine Crouch 2002 USA 30 min 35mm Tota l R u n n i ng Ti me: 99 m i n

Roadsong dir Karina Mariano 200 1 Canada 5 min video Bacon d i rs J a n ette Razon


Madeline Vil legas 2001 Canada 5 m i n

video Suet-Sin's Sisters d i r Y a u C h i ng 2000 H o n g Kong 8 m i n

. Preeti AK M i stry's J U N K B OX WA R R I O R stars tra ns s l a m poet M a rcus Va n , w h o forges h is ide ntity with b u rn i ng words that m a r k us a l l . -Erica Marcus

video i n Cantonese w i t h English subtitles Revolutionary Love: the definition dir Kobe Jackson 2002 USA 38 min video A Place

It Just Call Me Kade d i r Sam Zolten 2001 USA 26 m i n video

in Her Own Direction d i r Kevin D'Souza Canada 7 m i n video Shut

It Junk Box Warrior dir Preeti AK Mistry 2002 USA 5 min video

U p White Boy dir VU T. Thu Ha 2002 USA 20 min video

Sir: Just a Normal Guy* dir Melanie La Rosa 2001 USA 57 m i n video

Tota l R u n n i ng Ti me: 94 m i n Total R u n n i ng Time: 88 m i n * Eligible f o r t h e S t u


Co-Presented by FTM



Dave's Excel lent Documentary Award International

S ke l eton Woman

S i ster S m i l e (S u o r S o rriso)

The S n a ke Boy

Wednesday June 1 9 9:00 pm

Tuesday June 2 5 9:00 pm

Saturday June 29 3: 1 5 pm

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen (SMILE1 9)

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen (SKELE25)

Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (SNA KE29)

Th ursday June 27 1 : 00 pm

S h a nghai was once a n i nternationa l playgro u n d ,

Friday June 21

1 :00 pm

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (SMILE21)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (SKELE27)

u nt i l t h e C u l tu ra l R evol ution p u l led t h e p l ug on foreign i nterest a nd d ism issed ho mosexu a l ity as

Hol lywood pa id tri bute to J ea n i ne Deckers , the

A myste rious wom a n ,

her creative ly blocked

"Western decade nce . " It is aga i nst this bac kd ro p

rea l - l ife "singing n u n , " in the sacc h a r i n e 1966

partner, an u n h a p py housewife and a wea lthy

that w e visit Sha ngha i 's th rivi ng gay s u b c u ltu re

m usica l sta rri ng Debbie R eynolds, but d i rector

h usband a re the key players in this h a u nting ta le

a n d meet jazz si nger Coco Z ha n .



of d es i re a nd t ra n sformatio n . T h e exotic Olya's

Born t o m usician parents i n a sma l l v i l lage,

S M I LE tel l s a very d ifferent story. A s t h e most

con nection to a myth ical figu re l eads her on a

Coco was i n itia l ly d rawn to C h i n ese opera . B ut

i m p ro ba ble

journey that cra c ks open the

D e u tsc h 's

h ea rt-wre n c h i n g

of i nternati o n a l



Deckers (aka Soe u r S o u r i re , or " S ister S m i l e " )

lives of those

h i s l ife a n d d i rection c h a n ged when he moved to

a ro u n d her. Stretched to her l i m its from battl i ng

Shangh a i . It was h e re that he fi rst h ea rd jazz-a

sold more than 1 . 5 m i l l i on copies o f her joyful

cancer, Olya scra pes by as an exotic da ncer

m usic of passion a n d i ntimate express ion a l most


" Dom i n i q u e "-te m po ra ri ly to p p i n g t h e

wh i l e su pporti ng her a s p i ri ng-writer girlfr i e n d ,

entirely u n known in the sma l l towns of C h i n a . A n d it was here that he ca me to u n d ersta nd h is

B eatles i n t h e c h a rts . I n side her B e l gian con­

Tri s h . S h e has a c l ose, s p i ritu a l fri end s h i p with

vent, she com posed m usic a n d reveled in the

An n a , a con n ection forged by thei r m utual fight

i d entity. Coco's a n d rogynous a p peara nce a n d

joys of prayer. B ut 22 years later, she and her

with i l l n ess. When an i ntense attraction b u i lds

fem i n i ne voice have ga i ned h i m m a ny acco­

love r, A n n i e Pecher, were fou n d dead from an

between them , Olya fi n d s h e rself i n an u nex­

lades. Cele brated by oth e r a rtists for both h i s

overdose of ba r bitu rates a nd a lcohol, an a p pa r­

pected love triangle with A n n a a n d her h usba n d ,

voi ce a n d vi bra nt fla m boya nce, he h a s a lso met

e nt d o u ble s u i c i d e . What h a p pened? H ow d i d


with resistance from a gen e ra l p u b l ic sti l l d i s­ gusted by a ny openly gay behavior. A paea n to

this shy, i n nocent n u n rocket t o i nternational

H ow d o we l ive fu l ly? H ow d o we ga i n i ns p i ­

renown a n d then descend i nto m e nta l i l l ness

ratio n ? Olya's o w n i n s p i ration falters as her i l l­

Coco, and to Sha nghai itself, T H E S N A K E BOY

a n d d rug a bu se?

n ess

S k e l eto n

takes us i nside the city's u ndergro u n d gay c l u bs,


u nt i l the sacred

J ea n i n e 's trou b les begin when she leaves

Wom a n p u l ls her back to her origi ns. She u rges

where we fi nd a su pportive a n d growing com­

the convent in sea rc h of a ca reer as a m ission­

on those in h e r l ife stym i ed by i nerti a : A n n a , who

m u n ity with i n a la rgely conservative state.

a ry and m u sicia n . She fa l ls i n love with a woman

a ba n d on ed pa i nti ng for h e r h us ba n d ; Trish , who

In the l a nguid na rrative short DAN C E, a

n a m ed Cla ra but is u na bl e to accept the comfort

ca n 't fi n i sh her first nove l . B ut can Olya 's love

C h i nese m a l e da ncer reca l l s h i s youth a n d h is

Cla ra offers. U nde rn eath her s u rface opti m ism,

lead them to self-d iscovery, or wi l l it ta ke some­

relationsh i p with the o n l y other boy i n d a n ce

J ea n i n e is battl i ng dee p-seated des peration a nd

t h i n g more?

class. As outsiders both with i n a n d outside the

old wou n d s from h e r past. She lo ngs for her

B ea utifu l ly shot, t h i s de but feature by Vivf

father's love, which he is i n capa b l e of provid i ng .

Letsou uses the backdrop of San Fra nc isco's

And she is m i red i n fi n a n c i a l woes: Even th ough

S utro

Baths a n d the su ltry streets of N o rth

c lass, they create a lasti n g bond . Ap propriated i m ages of C h i nese c u lt u re a re su peri m posed on more trad ition a l c h i na in H o

she don ated a l l her roya lties to the convent, the

Beach to e m phasize a n erotic and ro m a ntic

Ta m 's newest short fi l m , FI N E C H I N A.

gove rn ment c hases h e r for tens of thousa n d s of

l a ndsca pe of love , i n s p i ratio n , d eath and tra ns­

-Christian Bruno

dol l a rs i n back taxes. With outsta nd i ng perform­

formation .

a n ces,

Da p h n e R u b i n-Vega, Serena Scott

h o n estly

Thomas and Tony Den ison a l l give memora bl e

explores the rea l i zation that love comes from

performa n ces i n t h i s d rea m l i ke exploration i nto

love give n .

the defenses we create to navigate l ife.


bea utifu l ly

s hot

fi l m

Dance d i r Doris Ng 2001 China

m i n video in M a ndarin with

English subtitles Fine China d i r Ho Tam 2000 Canada 8 m i n video T h e S n a k e Boy* d i rs Michelle C h e n


Li X i a o 2 0 0 1 C h i n a

6 1 m i n video i n Ma ndarin with English subtitles

-Sabrina Alonso Sister S m i l e (Suor Sorriso) d i r Roger Deutsch 2001 Italy 98 min 35mm i n Italian with English s u btitles

Skeleton Woman dir Vivf Letsou 2000 USA 82 min 3 5 m m

Total R u n n ing Tim e: 78 min

Eligi ble f o r the Levi's'" F i r s t Feature Award

* El igible for the Stu

Co-Presented by Breast

Co-Presented by Asian

Cancer Action


Dave's Excel lent Documentary Awa rd Pacific Islander Well ness Center

Sponsored by



Spacked O u t (Mo Van K a S a D

Some Rea l Heat

Speak U p !lOut in the C o l d

Saturday June 29 3:45 pm

Tuesday June 1B 9:00 pm

Friday June 2 1 1 1 :00 am

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (SOMER29)

Castro $7.50 Mem/$B. 50 Gen (SPACK1B)

Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (SPEAK21 )

I n SO M E R EAL H EAT, fi l m m a ker Stefa n i e J o rdan ca ptu res a sma l l and relatively new world-that of San Francisco's female fi refighters. Armed with axes, chai nsaws, m uscle, heart and deter­ m i nation, these kick-ass women tu rn gender roles u pside d own every day as they face a "con­ servative, wh ite, heterosexual "-not to mention dangerous-workplace head on. With women accounting for j ust 13 percent of the S . F. F. D . , hostil ity a n d sexism from male coworkers a re a l ive and wel l . And the fu rther the women get from the "fi reman" pa rad igm, the stee per the i r u p h i l l battle. It's not a l l a bout l iving i n a m a n 's world , though-these fi refighters have fu l l a n d rich l ives that g o way beyond ta king heat. Here they ta l k passionately a bout the tools of the trade, about overcoming fear, a bout h e l p i ng oth­ ers a nd a bout pus h i ng the envelope. FAM I LY VALU ES doesn't rea lly give new mea n i ng to the idea of fa m i ly, but it does show entrepreneurs h i p ta ken to a whole new leve l . After hearing a bout t h e gruesome crime scenes on her pa rtner's beat, Becky decides to create Tra um a Scene Restoration, a com pa ny that cleans up after the messy busi ness of d eath . Whether it be a suicide or a shooti ng (they' re the messiest), Tra uma Scene Restoration is there to pick u p the pieces-litera l ly. Same-sex relation­ s h i p notwithsta n d i ng, it's the matter-of-fact (and n ot for the s q u ea m is h ) d iscu s s i o n s a bout " restori ng" death scenes that show what's truly u nconventional a bout this fa m i ly.

Cookie, Sissy, B a nana and Bea n C u rd a re fou r adolescent girls whose l ighthea rted names bel i e thei r troubled lives i n t h e housing projects of Tu en M u n , i n Hong Kong's N ew Territories. SPAC KED OUT isn't some gla morized tal e about rebell ious youths tearing up the town . These girls l ive in a world where rea l ity is a l m ost too real . Their school resem bles a prison, parents are com pl ete ly u n i nterested in thei r c h i l d ren, and recreational d rugs, prostitution and a bortion are common . The fi lm u nfolds from Cookie's point of view, as she remem bers her best friend , Moskito , now locked away at reform schoo l . Cookie's rema i n ing friends have enough acti on u p their sl eeves to keep her d i stracted . Bean Curd is a tough-ta l ki ng lesbian who aggressively protects her charm i ng but bratty shopl ifting girl­ friend, Si ssy. Banana has entered the world of phone sex, sched u l i ng meetings on her cel l phone i n the m i d d le of class. Mea nwh ile, Cookie i s lonely and isolated . Her a bsent mother and u nava i lable boyfriend l eave profound ga ps in her l ife, and she is pa i nful ly aware of her lack of ach ievement. On a tri p to the city, the girls wind u p getting i nto a wild m ix of d r ugs, self-m uti la­ tion and da ngerous relationsh i ps that p l u nge them deep i nto a su rrea l nightma re. This stylis­ tic fi l m speaks to the chal lenges youths face in a world where they a re often left to fend for them­ selves. Raw a nd gritty, it's a n i ntense a n d mov­ ing take on adolescents a nd thei r su rviva l .

Free for all persons age 1B and under

-Nathalie Peterson

-Carrie Lozano Sp ack ed Out (M o V an K a S ail d i r Lawrence Ah Mol') 2000 F am il y V al ues d i r



200 1





Hong Kong


m i n 35mm in Cantonese with English subtitles

S om e R eal Heat* dir Stefa n ie Jordan 2001 Germany 54 m i n video * Eligible for the Stu


-present 10 at the door

The two educational d ocumenta ries i n this pro­ gra m focus on the cha l lenges faced by lesbia n, gay, bisexual and tra nsgender youth . S P EA K U P! concentrates on the d iscri m i nati o n LG BT teenagers experience at schoo l , where kids ca n be extremely mean without even knowi ng it (or maybe we'd j ust l i ke to bel ieve they don't know it) and teachers often look the other way. H ere, students sha re thei r personal experiences ( both pa i nfu l a n d rewa rd i ng) , as do teachers a nd pa r­ ents . The docu mentary a lso features comments from activists and psych iatrists . A n d , more i m portant, it shows not o n ly the problems but . al so possi ble, rea l istic sol utions. Being a teenager is pa i nfu l . Being home­ less is terri ble. And bei ng LG B T isn't easy. B ut what ha ppens when you ' re a l l th ree of these? O U T IN T H E COLD d raws on the experiences of ru naway and homeless LG BT teens and lets them be the m a i n na rrators. The matter-of-fact way they sha re thei r own m i sfortunes is shock­ i ng, and it's d iffi c u lt not to get a ngry at the igno­ ra nce and i ncomprehension s h own by parents and other a d u lts . After watc h i ng O U T I N T H E ·COLD, more tha n one member of the aud i ence wi l l wa nt to tie up thei r pa rents and force them to watch this documentary. ( If o n ly parents cou ld rea l ize how much u n necessary pa i n they some­ times i nfl ict.) H owever, the fi l m a lso presents the other side by showi ng fa m i l ies that are u n der­ sta n d i ng and s u p portive, as wel l as the rel i ef some youth fi nd i n the i r spi ritu a l bel i efs. -Alex Bratkievich Sp eak Up!

dir John

Kaslauskas 2001

Out in th eCold d i rs Eric Criswell

Dave's Excellent Documentary Award


USA 30 m i n video

Martin Bedogne 2001 USA

52 min video

Co-Presented by Dimensions-Health Services for Queer Questio n i n g Youth Sponsored by



Sponsored by




Strange Bedfellows

Sugar Sweet

Thursday June 20 9:00 pm CFA Theater $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen (STRAP20)

Tuesday June 1B 6:30 pm Herbst $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen (S8EOF1B)

Friday June 21 6:3 0 pm CFA Theater $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen (SUGAR21 )

If BY HOOK O R BY CROOK hooked you at last year's Festiva l , you ' l l love this ca m py col lection of short comedies from Steakhaus Prod uctions. Stea kha us has forged a new gen re that's s u re to go d own in q ueer cinema history: stra ightsploita­ tion. Drooling momm ies, icicle-sucki ng del ivery boys a n d two former c h i ld stars hoping to make a come back a re some of the twisted characters who'l l keep you c h uckling long after the show. Sa mara H a l perin bri ngs you a whole new ta ke on "Beverly H i lls, 902 1 0 " i n SOR RY, B R EN DA. Loua n n e Ponder a nd The I l l i nore Show wi l l make you swoon over WAYN E. With FU M B L I N G TOWA R D R OC K : T H E M I R I A M & H ELEN STORY, Ta ra J e psen a n d Beth Lisick wi l l have you d ancing in the aisles (and rush i ng out to buy the i r next CD) as they transform themselves from turtlenecked folkies to carnal Caju ns to pet­ ticoated a rt-rock swi ngers to gru nge and riot grrris. I n M ISS H ELL, enter the " ho strol l , " Stea kha us's own l ittle Twi l ight Zone, where a ha lf-witted hooker is l u red i nto a l ust-d riven maelstrom of a u n iverse. U G LY PARADE stars the m ost enticing buck-toothed wh ite-trash va m p ra p per who's ever a p pea red on screen . So, don your best-looking wig and you r finest stra p-on for t h is show-the action i n the aisles just m ight riva l what's playing. -Erica Marcus

This c u r i o u s col l ection offers some of the Festiva l's most cha l lengi ng, offbeat and reward­ ing shorts . The em phasis is on u n usual relation­ shi ps, ra ngi ng from the fai rly straightforward and bittersweet com p l ications of a weekend fling i n T H E BOY F R I E N D t o the d ecided ly one-of-a-kind roma nce i n R O B E RTA LOVED between a trou­ bled woman a nd a k i n ky ca l l boy whose ad prom ises, "No one is too wei rd for me . " T H E PAR KI N G LOT O F S H O P LI FTED D E L I G H TS explores the sexual spa rks set off by a pai r of stolen h igh heels. A poignant longing for what might have been permeates T H E M O M ENT AFT E R , i n which Tracy marks his birthday by making a choice from which there's no turn ing back. Gorgeous photogra phy of the poun d i ng surf at an u psca le Austra l i a n vil lage p rovides the backd rop for T H E V I S I TO R , which chronicles an agi ng writer's encounter with a bea utifu l young surfer who d es perately req u i res attention but ca n 't a rticu late h is needs . Bl i nded by nosta lgia and a s pa rk of fa lse hope, the writer m isreads the s urfer's nonverbal signals-with unfo reseen res u lts. -Steven Say/or The Boyfriend d i r Chiedu Egbuniwe 2001 USA 19 m i n 16mm Roberta Loved dir Q. Allan Brocka 2001 USA 24 m i n 16mm The Parking Lot of Shoplifted Delights d i r J o h n C h u rch 2002 USA

10 min 16mm The Moment After d i r Gerald McCuliouch

2002 USA 1 3 m i n 35mm The Visitor d i r Dan Castle 2002 USA

Sorry, Brenda d i r Samara H a l perin 200 1 USA 2 m i n 1 6m m

30 min 35mm

Wayne d i r T h e I l l i n ore S h o w 1 9 9 6 U S A 22 min v i d e o Fumbling Toward Rock: The Miriam & Helen Story d i rs Tara J epsen, Beth Lisick & Sini Anderson 2002 USA 20 min video Miss H e l l d i r Cross 2001 U S A 7 m i n video Ugly Parade d i rs Greg Arden &

Tota l R u nning Ti me: 96 min

Monday June 24 1 :00 pm Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (SUGAR24)

With brash and sexy films l i ke S U GAR SWEET and 3-S ECO N D M ELAN C H O LY com ing out of Tokyo's dyke scene, the G reek Islands may ta ke a backseat to J a pa n as a prime lesbian vacation spot. But make sure you book your plane tickets after the Festiva l , beca use you don't wa nt to m iss the premiere of Desi ree Li m's fi rst feature. In S U GAR SWEET, Lim tel ls the story of Naom i , an aspiring fi l m m a ker caught between h e r des i re to create a rt fil ms a n d her need to make a l ivi ng. She's h i red to d i rect some gi rl-on-girl action for a stra ight porn com pany, but her bosses freak out when she screens her a rty rushes. M ea nwh ile, Naomi 's friends a re d is h i ng her for taking the job i n the fi rst place, a n d she gets turned on by a vi r­ tual o n l i n e relationsh i p with a woman named Suga r. And when Naomi begins d i recting a scri pted " real ity TV" match making show a nd sets u p her best friend with the mysterious M i k i , the fiction becomes positively surrea l . The actresses here are smart a n d eye-catching, and the sex is d efi n itely h ot-but for roma ntics, the best moment is the fi l m's su rprise end i ng. 3-S ECO N D M ELA N C H O LY is not yo u r everyday bl ues-d riven dyke brea kup d rama. I n fact, everyone seems to get a little bit i n this short comedy, which explores a u n iversa l d i lem­ ma of dykedom the world over: what d o you do when you're l usting after you r best friend? -Erica Marcus

Solomon Burbridge 2001 USA 40 m i n video

3-Second Melancholy d i r iri 2001 J a pan 35 m i n video in Total R u n n i ng Ti m e : 89 m i n

J a pa nese with English subtitles Sugar Sweet* d i r Desiree Lim 2001 J a pa n 67 m i n video i n J a pa n ese with Engl ish subtitles * El igible for the Levi's'" Fi rst Feature Award



Swi m m i ng U pstrea m : A Yea r i n t h e Life of Ka ren and Jenny Saturday June 29 11 :00 am Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (SW/MM29)

This documentary chron icles a yea r in the l ife of a butch-femme cou ple as they e m ba rk on a rocky yet fulfi l l i ng jou rney i nto the world of les­ bian parenti ng. When J en ny meets Ka ren, it's love at first sight. And as their relationsh i p grows, so does thei r des i re to start a fa m i ly. Fi rst, they a re faced with fi n d i ng a sperm donor. Should he look l i ke Ka ren? Is he smart enough? Are h is ea rs too big? The lucky speci men is fi n a l ly chose n , a n d that pivotal evening a rrives . But how d o you make love with a need le-less syri nge a nd a stranger's sperm? After a h i larious night of i nse m i nation, J e n ny becomes pregna nt. The ha ppy cou ple begins purchasing clothes, toys and a cri b. Friends a n d fa m i ly gather for the ba by s hower. B ut in the next few months, unexpected chal­ lenges a rise-i nclud i ng the poss i b i l ity of some serious hea lth problems for the ba by. Honest a n d i ntimate footage shows the i nevita ble cha l lenges facing all you ng cou ples, gay or straight, sta rti ng a new fa mi ly. Mou nti ng bi l ls and sheer exhaustion begi n to ta ke the i r tol l on the coup le's relationsh i p and sex l ife . B ut with the su pport of friends a n d fa m i ly, J e n ny and Ka ren get through the h a rd times, a nd come out in the end with a new ba by a n d an even stronger bond . A lesbia n couple's J ewish ba by-na m i ng ceremony demonstrates how invention a n d tra­ d ition converge for conte m pora ry q ueer fa m i l i es in the short N A M I N G PRAI R I E.

That's My Face

Monday June 24 9:00 pm

Monday June 1 7 6:30 pm

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen ( THANK24)

Herbst $7.50 Mem/$8. 50 Gen (THATS1 7)

From ga ngster girls to penis tra nspla nts to slam poets, this col l ection of shorts jou rneys through the many worlds of tra nsexua l ity. The powerful d o c u m e nta ry J U ST A WO M A N fo l l ows a n I ra n ian woman who has been l iving i n isolation s i nce her sex cha nge. Fearfu l her landlord wi l l find out she's n o longer a man, she fi n a l ly fi nds the cou rage to don a chador and leave her a pa rt­ ment. T R EM B LEM ENT DE CHAI R is a poetic med itation on the bea uty, perils and power of sexual ity in a tra n s woman's body. TH A N K YO U KAT E B O R NST EI N l ooks at gender-tro u b l i ng q u estions. I n S H UT U P J OSEP H I N E, two ga ng­ sters pick up some dames and i n d u lge in sex, d rugs a n d fishnets . Loca l poet M a rcus Va n m uses on gender, identity and society i n J U N K BOX WA R R I O R . Jack, a n endearing but neu rot­ ic J ewish transma n, stu m bles on h is own q u eer­ ness when an ex d rags h i m to a wild soi ree i n T H I S IS A PARTY. I n U N H U N G H ER O ES, five FTM guys find an article a n nouncing the fi rst pe nis transpla nts and plot to ra ise the big bucks they need for the operatio n . J ust a W om an d i rs Mitra Fara h a n i


B.Y. 200 1 France/Iran 29

m i n 35mm in Farsi with English subtitles T han k Y ou K ate B orn stein dir Mark Kenneth Woods 2000 Canada 4 m i n video T r em b l emen t d eChair dirs M i rha-Soleil Ross


Mark Karbusicky

2001 Ca nada 4 min video T hin k in g of Y ou dir WG Bu rnham 200 1 Canada 1 0 m i n video L ul l aby dir M i rha-Soleil Ross 2001 Canada 4 min video F emm e d i r Nickolaos Stagias 2001 Ca nada 5 min video Adv en tur es in T uck in g w ith J eann e B. dir Mi rha­ Soleil Ross


Canada 5 min video � J un k B ox W ar r ior d i r

Preeti AK M i stry 2002 U S A 5 m i n video S hut Up J osep hin e d i r Shawna Virago 2002 U S A 7 m i n video this i s a p ar ty d i r Sim one

-Sabrina A/ansa

Gruzden 2002 USA 5 m i n video Un hung Her oes .dir I lya Pea rlman 2002 USA 15 m i n video

N aming Pr air ie d i r Alexandra J u hasz 2001 USA 7 m i n video

Total R u n n i ng Time:



Sw im m in g U p str eam : A Y ear in the L if e of K ar en an d J en ny* d i r


" Ever since I was a k i d , I had th is th i ng ca l led 'double vision . ' My left eye sees com pl etely nor­ m a l , but my right eye never ever focuses . It's as if it sees not the object but its essence, its a u ra . " S o begins Thomas Allen Ha rris's powerfu l per­ sona l , pol itica l fi l m . After explori ng Africa n­ American identity through the eyes of gay and les b i a n s i b l i ngs i n V I N TAG E: FA M I LI ES OF VA LU E ( 1 995), Harris here recou nts the l ives of h is mother and gra n d pa rents, as he looks "for a place where I ca n be at peace as myself, sea rch­ ing for my own Africa . " J ust before Ha rris tu rned eight, his mother moved the fa m i ly from the B ronx to Da r es Salaa m , ca p ita l of soci a l i st Ta nza n i a . Years later, u n ea rth i ng hours of long­ lost S u per 8 fi l m shot by h is gra ndfather, Ha rris ' is confronted by h is fa m i ly's e m b race of the Pa n­ African aesthetic po pular i n the late '60s. H e fi nds a pa ra l lel i n h is own later tri p t o Sa lvador da B a h ia in Braz i l . I nterweaving decad es of fa m­ i ly sl ides, snaps h ots a nd home movies with h is own footage, Ha rris creates a poigna ntly poetic paea n to h is people. He takes the viewer on a drea m l i ke journey of spi ritual and cultu ra l awak­ e n i ng, i nvoking h is a b i l ity to see h is own l ife i n t h e context of h i s ancestral Orishas. T h e docu­ .. mentary resonates with the a rtist's rel iance on a rchetypa l myths to help form h is identity as a c h i ld of the d iaspo ra . A D I F FER E N T KI N D OF B LACK M A N i s a powerfu l l ook at the ideas and feel i ngs of suc­ cessful black gay men on issues such as sexua l­ ity, masc u l i n ity a n d the black com m u n ity. -Jim Van Buskirk � A D if f er en t K ind of Bl ack M an d i r Sheila J. Wise 2001 USA 1 5 min video T hat' s My F ac e (E M in haCar a) * dir Thomas Allen

* El igible for the Stu

Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

Co-Presented by Our Fa m i ly Coalition


Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

Co-Presented by Tra n ny Fest-Transge nder and Transgenre

Co-Presented by BCOA-Black Coalition on A I DS a n d

C i nema

SF Cinematheque Sponsored by


M i n ha Ca ra)

Harris 2001 USA 56 min video

J e n n ifer Freedman 2001 U S A 7 4 m i n video * E l i gible for the Stu


Thank You Kate Bornste i n



information Festival Ticltet Outlet We a re excited to have our Festival Ticket Outlet located in the new LG BT Com m u n ity Center. The Center is a new state-of-the-art 40,000 sq uare foot b u i l d i ng that wi l l house over 20 LG BT non profit orga nizations and offer several com m u n ity services. Festival Ticket Outlet 1800 Ma rket Street (at Octavia), T h i rd Floor Business hours: Noon to 7:00 pm daily begi n n ing M ay 31 Ava i la ble services: • Wa lk- u p ticket sa les • Genera l Festival i nformation • Fra m e l i ne members h i p i nformation • Festival merchand ise • Com puter access for o n l i ne Festival ticket ord ers

www. frameline. org/festival Explore the Web site and see the broad ra nge of Fra meli ne's activities and programs. View the com­ plete Festival progra m and place you r ticket o rders o n l ine.

24-Hour Festival Hotline For Festival i nformation , i n c l u d i ng conti n u a l ly u pdated screening i nfo, please ca l l our 24- H o u r Festival Hotl i n e at 925. 866.9559 . A Festival ticket specialist is ava i la ble to answer you r ca l l from noon to 7 : 00 pm dai ly.

Special Needs Fra m e l i ne is comm itted to accom modati ng a u d ience mem bers with specia l needs, offering ea rly seat­ ing to d isa bled persons. Please make you rself known to the theatre house manager. A l l ven ues a re wheelcha ir accessible. A l l theatres have hearing assista nce d evices.

Patron Courtesies Wh i l e wa iti ng in l i ne, please be considerate of our neigh bors and loca l busi nesses . A l l seats a re gen­ era l a d m issi o n , and seat-saving in the theatres is not perm itted . Please refra in from wea ring perfu mes and other scented prod ucts so that attendees with environmenta l sensitivities can comforta bly enjoy the fi l m s . Tha n k you .

-�--" 2 2 [ 1 w nTl 126i







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6 6




The Center-Festival Ticket Outlet Location 1800 Market Street (at Octavia) B us l i nes: 6 Pa rnass us, 7 H a ight, 66 Qui ntara , 7 1 H a ight-Noriega • F Ma rket streetcar • M u n i M etro l i nes : J, K, L, M, N , S (exit C h u rch Street station ) • BART riders transfer t o M u n i M etro a t the Em ba rcadero, Montgomery, Powel l or Civic Center stations. • Limited street pa rking ava i la b l e . •

Castro Theatre 429 Castro Street ( between Ma rket a n d 1 8th) • Bus li nes: 24 Divisadero, 33 Stanya n , 35 Eu reka , 37 Corbett • F Ma rket streetcar • M u n i M etro l i nes: K, L, M, S (exit Castro stati o n ) • BART riders transfer t o M u n i M etro a t t h e Em ba rcadero, Montgomery, Powell or C i v i c Center station's . • Everett M iddle School pa rking ( l 7th Street between C h u rch and Sanchez) ava i la ble on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis; no i n-a nd-out privi leges. Lot closes 30 m i n utes after the end of the last scree n i ng. Fra m e l i ne is not responsible for ca rs left in the lot after clos i ng. Opening Night June 13--Assisted parking $5.00. Lot opens at 5 :00 pm and closes sha rply at 1 2 :30 a m . Monday through Wednesday-Lot closed . Thursdays-Self-pa rki ng $2.00 per day. Lot opens at 2:00 p m . Fridays-Assisted pa rking $5.00 p e r day. Lot o p e n s a t 2:00 pm . Saturdays & Sundays-Assisted pa rking $7 .00 per day. Lot opens at 1 1 :00 a m .

Herbst Theatre San Fra n c isco Wa r Memorial a n d Perfo rm i ng Arts Center, Veterans B u i l d ing 40 1 Va n N ess Aven u e ( between G rove and M cAl l i ster) • Food and beverages wi l l be ava i la ble from Patina Catering in the m a i n lobby prior to each scree n i ng. • B us l i nes: 5 Fu lton, 21 Hayes, 42 Downtown Loop, 47 Va n N ess, 49 Va n N ess- M ission • F Ma rket streetcar • M u n i M etro l i nes: J, K, L, M, N, S (exit Va n N ess station) • BA RT: Civic Center station • Performing Arts G a rage, 360 G rove Street (at Gough ) . Rates : $ l .50-$ 1 5 .00.

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Theater 700 Howard Street ( between 3 rd a n d 4th ) • B us l i nes: 9 San Bruno, 12 Folsom, 14 M issi o n , 1 5 T h i rd Street, 30 Stockton , 4 5 U nion-Stockton • F Ma rket streetcar • M u n i Metro l i nes: J, K, L, M, N , S (exit Powel l or Montgomery station�) • BART: Powel l o r Montgomery station • Moscone Center Ga rage, 255 3rd Street ( between Folsom and Howard ) . Rates : $2.00-$ 1 8 .00. All venues a re wheelch a i r accessi ble. All theatres have hearing assista nce d evices. o (') ill < OJ'

MAP LEGEN D ( m a p not to scale)

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pre sents


- J�06?2- 30


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at a glance

Thursday J une 1 3

1 1 am



Friday J une 1 4


S atu rday Jun e 1 5




1 1 :00 am

Down U n der

1 2 :30 p m

1 2 :30 pm

Myth o f Father

from Australia DUNDE14

A l l About

F U NG I 1 5 3 : 00 pm

3:00 pm

-Panel Discussion

-Program 2

4 pm


Bob & Rose

Tsu n a m i Warning



3 : 1 5 pm

3 : 1 5 pm

QFA I T 1 6

Simon & I

6:30 pm

6:30 p m



It's My Life!

Questioning Faith

BRTW 0 1 5


4:30 pm

5 pm


6 pm

6:00 pm

6:00 pm


FOTO N 1 4

1 :00 pm

A l l About

My Father

My Father

Fun i n

Girls' Shorts

3 pm

Daddy & Papa

1 :00 p m

MYTH F 1 5

1 : 30 pm

2 pm


CWAZ Y 1 6

FUNB01 5

-Gay Shorts

1 pm

M onday J un e 1 7


Call Me Cwazy

Boys' Shorts



1 1 :00 am

Fun i n


Sunday J une 1 6


Hand on

the Pulse

HAN D 0 1 5

Foreign Tongues

Tread i ng Water

7 pm

· 8:00 pm


Notorious C . H .O. NOCH 0 1 3

9 pm

1 0:00 pm

10 pm

1 1 pm

8 : 3 0 pm


G i rl King


Opening Night Gala


9:00 pm


B o b & Rose

-Program 1

Cuffl i n ks


9:00 pm

9:00 pm

Fish & Elephant

A. K.A

FISH E 1 6


10:00 pm

B R ON E 1 4


6:30 pm

That's My Face THATS 1 7


9:00 pm

OUTer Limits OUTER 1 7


Fun i n Drag

Veterans B u i l d i ng


She Wears

1 0:30 p m

San Francisco War Memorial,

9:00 pm

Keeping It Real

American M u l let

R EPLA 1 5

HUSH H 1 5

Lan Yu



H us h !

7:30 pm

8 pm

6 : 3 0 pm

6:45 pm

Queen Shorts FUNQU 1 4

M id n ite

S unday June 23

11 am



M onday J une 24



1 1 :00 am


Tu esday Jun e 25



Wednesday J un e 26 CASTRO


Thu rsday J un e 27



Come Out, Come Out

CMOUT23 � pm

1 pm

2 pm

Harold's H i storic

Homo Home

1 :30 pm

Little Women LlTIL23

H H H H M 23-

3:00 pm

Instructions Enclosed

3:45 pm

6 pm

7 pm

10 pm

1 1 pm


6:00 pm


Ke K u lana

H e Mahu

K E K U L23

6:00 pm Lianna

6 : 30 pm

LlAN N 24

g;Qo pm

9:00 pm

of Fur

of Their Own

Woman's World

Bungee J u m p ing B U N G E 23




1 9 :00 pm

It's a


9:00 pm

Young Sou l


YOU N G 2 5







ROA D M 2 7


White Boy


Road Movie

Roger Casement


Thank You

Kate Bornstein




3 : 30 pm

3 :45 pm

6:30 pm

M i d nite


S K E LE27

The Ghost of

6:30 pm

The Busi ness of

for Langston

9:00 pm


3:30 pm



The Politics

Journey!1 Am Not

A Fam i ly Affair

TOM M M 24

8 pm

9 pm

1 : 00 pm

Skeleton Woman

What You Want



The Heart's Root HEART23



What You Want

6 : 1 5 pm


3 : 45 pm

I NS E N 23

I ncide ntal

I NC I D23

1 :00 pm


Journey!1 Am Not 5 pm

1 :00 pm

The Man I Love

I NC I D26

3 pm

4 pm

1 :00 pm

Sugar Sweet




6;30 pm

6:30 pm

R u n n i n g B l ue

Shut U p

, R B LU E26 -


C LA I R 2 6

6:30 pm



9:00 pm

9:00 pm

TIR I P2 7



Girls by the Bay


9:00 pm

9:00 pm

9:00 pm


the Frontier

with Isaac Ju lien

Skeleton Woman

6:30 p m



Guardian of


I n Conversation ISAAC26


The Trip

Boys by the Bay

Tuesday June 1 8 CASTRO

Thursday June 20

Wednesday June 1 9





Friday June 2 1 CASTRO


11 a m



Saturday June 22 CASTRO

1 1 :00 am

1 1 :00 am

Speak U p !!

Friends i n

Out in the Cold

H igh Places


FRI EN22 �

1 pm




1 :00 pm

1 :00 pm

1 :00 pm

1 :00 p m

1 :00 pm

1 : 00 pm

Girl K i ng

Frantz Fanon/

Foreign Tongues

Sister S m i le

Pups & Pussies



The Darker Side


S M I LE 2 1


Vixens/Body TVIXE22

of Black

2 pm

FANO N 1 9 3 pm 3 :30 p m 4 pm

I Exist

4:00 p m


QU E EN 1 9


5 pm

Novela, Novela NOVEL22

6:30 pm

6:30 pm

Dyke Drama DYKE D 1 8



6 :3 0 pm

6:30 pm

6:30 pm


Food of Love


Karmen Ger


FOO D L 1 9

GROU P 1 9


6 : 00 pm

6 : 00 pm

I Want My Gay TV

The Lawless

-Panel Discussion





6 : 00 pm 6:30 pm Sugar Sweet

A Fam i ly Affair FAFFA22

8 pm

S I RJ U 2 2

!9 : 0 0 pm

6:30 pm S i r: Just a Normal Guy


S B EDF1 8

9 pm

4:00 pm


6 pm

7 pm


Holy Water


. . . . .-


The Devil i n the

Not for Adults

Queens D o n ' t L i e

3 :3 0 pm

3 : 3 0 pm

3:45 pm


9:00 pm

8:30 pm -

9 : 00 pm

9:00 pm

Sister S m i le

Wu Yen





9:00 pm

Spacked Out

Ordinary S i nner

SPAC K 1 8

O RS I N 1 8

9:30 pm Markova

10 p m


A l l the Queen's Men AQU E E 2 1

1 1 pm

Please Don't Stop PLEAS2 1

MAR K0 1 9


9:00 pm

8:45 pm Revol utionary G i rl Utena REVOL22

9:00 pm Tricia's Wedding! Elevator G i rls i n Bondage TWEDD22



1 1 : 00 pm

1 1 :00 pm

W hether You

Cartoons Can

Like It or Not

Also Be Sad

W H ET H 2 1


M i d n ite

Saturday June 29

Friday June 28 CASTRO





Sunday June 30

1 1 :00 a m

11 a m

Swi m m i n g Upstream Noon

SWI M M 29



-Program 1 1 pm

F U N B030


1 :00 pm

1 : 1 5 pm

Fantastic Voyage

The H istory of

2 : 00 pm

H I ST029 3:00 pm

Fun i n Girls' Shorts F U N G I30


3 : 1 5 pm

Bob & Rose -Program 2 4 pm

The Snake Boy

3:45 pm


Some Real Heat



4:30 pm


5 pm

I Love You Baby 5 : 3 0 pm

6:30 pm

6:30 pm


The Truth


About Gay Sex



G G I R L2 9

P.S. Your Cat


9:00 pm

1 0 pm

Venus Boyz V E N U S28

Shanghai Panic SHANG28

7 :3 0 pm Ruthie & Connie

8:00 pm 8:30 pm

9:30 pm




9 pm


I s Dead


8 pm


Georgie G i rl

6:00 p m

6 pm

7 pm




2 pm

3 pm


F u n i n Boys' Shorts

Bob & Rose

Britney Baby

The M a n I Love


M A N L029 9:00 pm

-One More lime

Closing Night Party


The Merchants Exchange B u i l d i ng 1 0: 1 5 pm



Divas: Love 1 1 pm

M e Forever DIVAS29

M i d n ite








Regular Screening

May 31 at noon

Genera l P u bl ic Discou nt


Matinee (screenings u p to and including 5:00 pm) Gene ra l Pu blic $6.00 $5.00 D iscou nt

Rush Tickets If no more adva nce tickets a re avail­ a ble, rush tickets wi ll be offered at each theatre ven u e's box office a pproxi mately 10 m i n utes prior to the screen i ng. The n u m ber of tickets availa ble is d ependent on the n u m ber of u noccu­ pied seats. The R us h Li ne may start anywhere from 1 5 minutes to two hours prior to the screening.

Opening Night Film and Gala

Schedule Changes

$8. 50 $7 .50


Daily, 24-hour at www.frameline.orglfestival

Da i ly, noon to 7 :00 pm at the Festival Ticket Outlet, 1 800 Market Street (at Octavia) , th i rd floor, i n S a n Fra ncisco Walk-up

Phone Fax

Dai ly, noon to 7 :00 pm at 925 . 866.9559

Dai ly, 24-hour at 925.866.9597


M a i l Ticket Order Form with payment to: S F I LG FF P.O. Box 2229 Danvi lle, CA 94526-7229

O n ly ava i la ble for purc hase at the theatre ven ue box office begi n n i ng 30 m i n­ utes prior to the first screen i ng of the d ay. Discou nts not ava i lable. Cash on ly.

General Pu blic D iscou nt

For reasons beyond o u r con­ tro l , screeni ngs may be changed , resched u led or canceled . We only offer refu nds if a screen i ng is ca nceled , i n wh ich case si m ply ret u rn you r ticket to the Festival Ticket Outlet with i n 72 hours of the canceled screening date. Please be awa re that the processing fee i s non-refunda ble.

$95.00 $70.00

Special Presentation

Genera l Pu blic Disco u nt

$15.00 $1 0.00

Refunds All ticket orders a re fi nal-no refu nds, excha nges o r su bstitutions on any Festival ticket a nd/or pass p u rchases.

Closing Night Film and Party

$60.00 $50.00

Gene ra l Pu blic Disco u nt

Day of Show Tickets

For Festival i nformation, incl u d i ng conti n ua l ly u pdated screening i nfo, please ca l l the 24-h o u r Festiva l H otl i n e at 925.866.9559, or visit o u r Web s i te at www.frameli ne.orglfestiva l .

Closing Night Party Only

24-Hour Festival Hotline

$35.00 $25.00

Genera l P u bl ic Disco u nt



Visa , MasterCa rd and American Express cards a re accepted. Personal checks and money orders a re also accepted on wal k- u p and mail orders on ly.

Frameline Members


When ord ering, you must present a va l id photo I D (proof o f d iscount el igi bility). Send a photocopy of you r I D with you r Ticket Order Form when order­ i ng by fax or m a i l . Li m ited to one d iscount ticket per screening.

Tickets and/or passes purchased o n l i n e o r b y phone, fax or mail will b e a utomatical ly mai led within three busi ness days. Tickets will be mai led to the b i l l i ng add ress l isted on the Ticket Order Form , u nless an alternate a d d ress or W i l l Ca l l option is selected. Orders received less than 10 days prior to the ea rl iest screen i ng wi l l a utomatica l ly be placed at W i l l Ca l l .

Via Mail

Located i n t h e Festival Ticket Outlet begi n n i ng J u ne 3. A l l Wi l l Ca l l tickets m ust be picked up d u ring busi ness hours at the Festival Ticket Outlet at least one day prior to the fi rst screen i ng. O n ly the person (s) listed on the Ticket Order Form wi l l be a l lowed to pick up Wi l l C a l l tickets (va l id photo I D req u i red) . Please a l low 72 hours from receipt of order for ticket processing. Will Call-Advance

Ava i la ble at each the­ atre ven ue's Will Ca l l Desk 30 m i n utes prior to the fi rst scree n i ng of the day. Only the person(s) l ist­ ed on the Ticket Order Form wi l l be a l l owed to pick up Will Ca ll tickets (va l id photo I D req u i red). Will Call-Day of Screening

When ord ering, you m ust present you r mem bers h i p ca rd or have you r n a m e a n d mem bers h i p n u m be r ava i l a ble. Lim i ted to two d iscou nt tickets per scree n i ng.

Students/Disabled Persons/Seniors (62+)


$200.00 h . Allows a d m ission to a l l screeni ngs at \ Castro Theatre, except \ n ights . Lim ited to two pass­ Open i ng a n d es per buyer.

Castro Pass


2 6


HerbsVCFA Pass $100.00 each. Allows a d m ission to all screeni ngs at the H erbst Theatre and the Yerba B uena CFA Theater, except O pe n i ng N ight. Lim ited to two passes per buyer. ADDITIONAL FEES Processing fee of $1 . 50 per ticket, n ot exceed i ng a $5 . 00 maxi m u m processi n g fee , wi l l be charged on a l l o n l i ne, fax, phone or mail o rd ers. Returned checks

a re s u bject to a $25.00 fee . Box office management and ticketing

Rejected credit o r debit cards

$5.00 fee per rejectio n .





� G AY F I L M


a re s u bject t o a

are provided by Trilogy Prod uctions, I nc.












I am a Fra meline Member: No.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I am joining Frameline, and my membership payment is i ncluded. I require wheelcha i r seating. N u m ber of person(s) using wheelchairs:


B i l ling Address

o o

Credit card-Visa/MasterCard/American Express accepted.



Z i p/Postal Code

Country (other than USA)

Authorized Signature

Home Phone

Day Phone ( i m portant)

Name (as it appears on credit card)

Account No.

Email Address





Check or money order enclosed, payable to Frameline.

Exp. Date































Mem ber











HerbstlCFA Pass

@ $ 100.00

Basic Membership

@ $ 45.00

Your tickets will automatically be mailed to the billing address listed above un less you select one

($1.50 per ticket, not exceeding $5.00 maximum;

of the options below. Orders received less than

not charged if membership payment only)

10 days

prior to the earliest screening purchased

wi l l automatically be placed at Will Call-Advance, located at the Festival 11cket Outlet. 0

I would l i ke my tickets held at Will Ca ll, and I will pick them up at the Festival 11cket Outlet ( photo I D required).






Process i ng Fee


Donation (Thank You!)




$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

I would like my tickets held at Will Ca ll, and I will pick them up at the Festival 11cket Outlet. However, I also authorize to pick up my tickets at Will Ca l l in the Festival 11cket Outlet (photo ID req u i red).


I would like my tickets m a i led to the alternate address listed below.

Alternate Address



Zi p











B e yourself . . . Make i t a Bud Light.® 66



Tread i ng Water

Monday June 24 3:45 pm

Friday June 14 6:00 pm

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (TOMMM24)

Castro $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen ( TREA014)

"One of the pleasures of the fetish scene is you don't have to be bea utifu l to be a n a rcissist, " says N ew York photogra pher a n d fi l m ma ker Tom Chomont. "Al l of the ugly kids from h igh school ca n have the i r day in the spotl ight. " It's h a rd to bel ieve that C homont was ever one of the ugly kids, but he certa i n ly gets his day in the spotl ight in t h i s ava nt-ga rde doc u m enta ry by M i ke Hool boom ( PA N I C B O D I ES, H O U S E O F PAI N ) . I n TO M , Chomont's l ife u nfurls i n a style as u n iq ue as his own story. Fou n d footage a n d archiva l fi l m ( i nc l u d i ng a fasci nati ng su rvey of New York City over the yea rs) , home movies, photos and new video "strea m past in a hypnot­ ic rus h , " says H ool boom, "offering a s u bject whose skin is cinema, whose flesh a n d blood have been remade i nto the pictu re pla n e . " Add in Chomont's recol lections of i nfa nticide, a mob­ ster's love, sex with his own brother, S&M , fetishism, visions of a white l ight that i l l u m i nates both the begi n n i ng and end of l ife, a n d excerpts from some of h is own fi l ms-from 1968's P H AS­ ES OF T H E M O O N to '90s fi l ms such as SAD IS­ TIC SELF PO RTRAIT and H EAD S H OT-a nd TO M evolves i nto a deeply emotional portrait of a l ifelong outlaw n ow battl i ng both H I V a n d Parki nson's d i sease. This is a fi l m that evokes as m uch as it depicts, and a l l udes as m uch as it descri bes. Hool boom ca l l s it "ci nema as deja vu, or deja voodoo. " We ca l l it one of the most spe l l bi n d i ng and u nforgetta ble fi l ms i n this yea r's festiva l . T om d i r M i ke Hoolboom 2002 Canada 7 5 m i n video Eligible for the Stu


Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

C hristmas in N ew England is the setting for this thoughtfu l d rama from Bay Area fi l m m a ke r La u re n H i m mel : T R EA D I N G WATE R fol l ows Casey a n d Alex, two passionate lovers who a re forging a rich a n d u ntrad itional l ife together i n a sma l l coastal town . B ut their see m i ngly com m it­ ted relationsh i p is rocked by u nd ercu rrents of turmoil, as Casey gra pples with her homopho bic mothe r and her fa m i ly's overa l l dysfu ncti o n . A boat b u i lder and fisherm a n , Casey l ives in sharp contrast to her wea lthy, provincial fa m i­ ly across the bay. She a n d Alex cherish the i r h o m e (a restored fis h i ng boat) a n d their mod est l ife together, but every yea r Ch ristmastime bri ngs trou ble. Casey's mother refuses to meet Alex, a n d holidays past have meant that Casey m ust spend the trad itional Christmas Eve d i n ner a lone with her fa m i ly, not a l lowed to even mention Alex's name. When Casey refuses to attend this year's festivities without her pa rtner, her fa m i ly's tightly wou n d secrecy and silence begin to u n ravel. The fa m i ly gatheri ng is a l so hau nted by the pa i n of one of Casey's brothers, sti l l torment­ ed over the accidenta l d rown i ng of h is best friend yea rs ago, a nd by the self-destruction of a nother brother. G u i lt and a lienation b u i l d i nto a bittersweet c l i max, where the fa m i ly m ust face its demons a n d Casey m ust lea rn what "fa m i ly" rea l ly mea ns to her. Despite the heavy su bject matter, H i m mel bri ngs a gentle, at times com i­ ca l, touch to this poigna nt fa m i ly portrait. -Sabrina Alonso T r eadi ng W at er d i r Lauren H i m mel 2001 USA 95 min 35mm

Tri c ia's Wed d i ng! E l evator G i rls i n Bondage Saturday June 22 9:00 pm CFA Theater $7.50 Mem/$B. 50 Gen ( T WE0022)

C rude, rude and outrageous, two landma rks of gay cinema retu rn to the Festival tha nks to fi l m ­ ma kers David Weissman a n d B i l l Weber, w h o d ug u p t h e long-lost masters for these u nder­ ground masterpieces d u ring thei r research for T H E COC KETTES. Now the pristi ne video d u bs they created give us a cha nce to relive one of the great eras of San Francisco's q ueer history and to enjoy the su bversive antics of some of the wackiest d ivas to ever strut the i r stuff across the si lver screen . T R I C IA'S WED D I N G takes a i m at a l l of the s m ug conventions of the N ixon era with a merci ­ lessly h i la rious lam poon o f Tricia N ixon 's Wh ite H ouse wed d i ng. Rose Ken nedy ( P rist i n e Cond ition) ca n't remembe r if she's a t a wedd ing or a fu nera l . Coretta Scott King (Sylvester) war­ bles an u n l i kely hym n . B ut th i ngs rea l ly ta ke off when Anton D u n n igan as Eartha Kitt-in one of the most famous moments in the h istory of u nderground fi l m-spikes the pu nch with LS D . ELEVATOR G I R LS I N B O N DAG E u ps the a nte by ta k i ng on not j ust the R e p u bl icans but the enti re ca pita l ist system a n d its oppression of the working class. The u nderpa id staff of a seedy hotel rises up in revolt, and by the time head ele­ vator girl Maxi ne (the fa bulous R u m i ) starts spouting a su rrea l m ix of fol k songs and M a rxist maxims, fol l owed by an u proa riously expl icit sex scene, you' l l be ready to join the ca use. R a rely has the dissection of economic exploitation been so s i l ly, or so much fun to watch .

Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award T ric ia' sW edd i ng d i r Milton M i ron (Sebastia n) 197 1 USA 3 3 m i n video El evator Gi rl s i n B ond ag e d i r M ichael Ka l m en 1 9 7 2 USA 56 min video

Co-Presented by Positive Force-A Program of the Stop A I DS Project Sponsored by


Sponsored by



The Trip

True-Hearted VixenslBody

The Truth About Gay Sex

Thursday June 27 9:00 pm Castro $7.50 Meml$8.50 Gen (TTR/P27)

Saturday June 22 1 :00 pm

Friday June 28 6:30 pm Herbst $7.50 Meml$8.50 Gen (TRU TH28)

I n this a m bitious fi l m , writer-di rector M i les Swa i n uses t h e story of two gay Los Angelenos a n d the i r fri ends t o chronicle t h e evolution o f the q ueer com m u nity, from the dawn of gay l i bera­ tion in the early 1970s to the birth of A I DS activism in the early 1 980s. Wh i l e the cha racters move from the closet to the streets, from self­ re pression to self-respect, from life to death, Swa i n pai nts a sweeping pa nora m a of this tra ns­ formative era , with the help of a cha rmi ng cast a n d some eye-catc h i ng locations ( i n cl u d i ng Fa lcon's La i r, the Bened ict Ca nyon estate origi­ nally owned by R udolph Valenti no). Allan, who goes from being a cl oseted hatchet m a n for the right wi ng to an out gay a uthor, is played by Larry S u l l iva n , whose recent cred its incl ude a sti nt on "Wi l l & G race" as W i l l 's ha ndsome a nd h u n ky boyfriend , as wel l as a p pea ra nces i n "The West Wing" a n d R US H H O U R . Canad ian TV star Steve B ra u n plays Tom my, A l l a n's gay-activist boyfri end . A lexis Arq uette plays their outrageous best friend . And former Bond gi rl J i ll St. John, retu r n i ng to the big screen for the first time si nce 1 992, plays Allan's a lcohol i c but wel l-i ntentioned mom. As the h a i rdos a n d fas h io n s c h a nge (remember those h uge '80s mobile phones?) and the cha racters try to cope with their i n ner demons-not to mention rea l-world monsters l i ke An ita B rya nt, Jerry Fa lwell a n d Ronald Reaga n-Swa i n shows how this key d ecade in our history was a very strange tri p indeed .

CFA Theater $5.00 Meml$6.00 Gen (TV/XE22)

T R U E- H EARTED VIXENS fol l ows two women as they pursue their d ream to pla'y for the Women's P rofessional Footba l l League d u ri ng its ina ugu ra l seaso n . A pol itica l consu lta nt and a si ngle mom seem l i ke u n l i kely ca n d idates for the footba l l H a l l of Fa me, b u t these d etermi ned ath letes make the maverick l i neup for two gro u n d b reak­ i ng a l l-girl tea m s . The players have traveled fa r from home, leaving j o bs and loved ones for th is . shot at footba l l sta rd o m . Chal lenges off the field i nclude lack of pay ( u n less the league turns a profit), a shoestring operati ng budget, i nexperi­ enced promoters and a T&A-heavy p u blicity ca m paign com plete with sponsorsh i p by a loca l H ooters. Can the league succeed , a n d will these wo men rea l ize thei r d rea m? Five Bay Area women bodyb u i ld ers p u m p themselves u p i n prepa ration for the 1998 Gay G a mes i n Sharon Pellerin's d oc u menta ry BO DY. Bodyb u i l d i ng isn't j u st a va n ity sport for these women; it's a means by which they have d ra­ matica l ly tra n sformed the i r l ives. The u ltimate reward of a perfectly scu l pted body comes from self-d isc i p l i ne and focus. B ut they m ust a lso d ea l with a certa i n stigma . B u lgi ng biceps don't necessa rily go with a d ress, nor do butch buzz cuts go with ski m py b i ki n is. For one com petitor, the i ntim idation of her strong physica l presence has actu a l ly demanded the emergence of her fem i n i n e side. Honest personal accounts exa m ­ i ne these women's passion a n d d rive for making thei r bod ies powerful works of art. -Sabrina A/ansa Body*


S h a ron

Pel lerin

Face First d i r Todd Verow 2002 U S A 5 m i n video T h e Truth About Gay Sex d i r Kristiene Clarke 2002 U K 49 m i n video Hard Fat dir Frederic Moffet 2002 Canada 23 min video

The Trip d i r M i les Swain 2002 USA 92 min 35mm Eligible for the Levi's'" First Feature Award

I n FACE F I RST, Todd Verow ( FR I S K) gives u s a fast-paced su rvey of the images of sex ava i la ble on the I nternet via a m ateu r we b ca m s-as wel l a s a l o o k a t t h e wide ra nge o f m e n w h o enjoy p utti ng them there. THE T R U T H ABOUT GAY SEX opens with befudd led responses from stra ight people asked if they know the truth a bout gay sex, then goes on to tel l and show them more than they proba­ bly ever wanted to know. From the pa ins a n d pleasures o f anal sex t o blow j o b do's a nd don'ts . The mysterious va riety of penile sha pes and what to do when a d ick turns out to be too much, too big, too soon . R i m m i ng and kissing. Anatom ical d iagra ms a nd a cock's-eye view of a rectum via a n endoscopic ca mera . Crisco, the "connoisseur's l u be, " and the joys of fisting. Cottaging and cruising from Hem pstead H eath to Oxford Street to Sa nta M o nica Bou leva rd . Qu ickies, long-term relations h i ps a n d gay mar­ riage. It's a l l here in th i s surprisingly expl icit pro­ gra m made for B ritish TV, which rem inds us once aga i n j ust how prudish America n television rea l ly is. H A R D FAT takes viewers i nto the world of "ga i ners , " men who l i ke to get bigger, and the men who l i ke to encou rage them to get that way. These a re guys who reject the buffed idea ls of gay c u ltu re and fi nd l i beration i n glorifying beach ba l l bel l i es i nstead of was h boa rd abs.





v i d eo

True-Hearted Vixens d i r Mylene Moreno 2000 USA 60 m i n video

Total Runn ing 'Ti m e : 77 m i n

* El igible for the Stu & Dave's Excellent Documentary Award

Co-Presented by Team S F Sponsored by


Conti!1ental mJII , �I. AirlInes



Sponsored by

Tsunami Warning: Queer Asian Cine ma A Panel Discussion Friday June 14 3:00 pm Castro FREE presentation-no ticke t required

Queer Asia n s a re m a king bigger ci nematic waves than ever. At this yea r's Festival alone, we've got 20 features and nearly two dozen shorts by and a bout LG BT Asia ns. And this tida l wave i s no fl u ke. Someth i ng b i g is ha ppeni ng. What took place i n the West 30 years ago seems to be occ u rring today in Asia-with the launch of new q ueer fil m festiva ls from Seo u l to Si nga pore. Asi a n fi l m ma kers a re b u i l d i ng confi­ dence a n d fi n d i ng thei r voices, crafti ng better stories, creating more ski l l ed a nd a ccessi ble work, a nd reach i ng a wider aud ience. J oi n i nspired Asi a n fi l m ma kers, i nternation­ al ind ustry guests and mem bers of the media as we d iscuss the explosion of Asia n-made LG BT fi lms fro m everywhere in the world . We' l l look at the cu ltura l context-the challenges of bei ng openly gay and As ian-a n d ta l k a.bout how these fi l m m a ke rs even fi nd the resources to make their work. We' l l a l so d i scuss why a l l this is ha ppen ing now. Are q ueer Asians a round the world movi ng down the sa me path that q u eers i n the West d i d a few d ecades ago? Wi l l w e a rrive at t h e same places? Will we become pol iticia ns a nd d i plo­ mats , d omestic pa rtners and gay pa rents? Will we soon have a n em ba rrassment of fi lms and TV shows d epicti ng our l ives? Yes-sort of, maybe. Perha ps it wi l l look s i m i l a r but feel d ifferent. O r vice versa . Either way, we' re gua ra nteed to make a big splas h . Pa nel ists w i l l i nclude Sta n ley Kwan (d i rec­ tor, LA N Y U ) , Li Yu (di rector, F I S H & E LE­ PHANT), M a rcus H u (Stra nd Releasi ng) a nd Sa n d i p Roy ( Ed itor, T R I KO N E) . Corey Tong wi l l moderate .

Venus Boyz Friday June 28 9:3 0 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (VENUS28)

Like d rag q ueens, d rag ki ngs rel is h i n the ca m p a nd kitsch of d rag. Cosmetica I IY, it's n o less com pl icated , yet the ritu a l is a l l its own . For some it's a way of l ife, for others it's a sexy pas­ time-but for all it's a road to self-expression and se If-d i scovery. At the ce nter of Ga briel Baur's exploration of the l ives of d rag ki ngs is C l u b Casa nova , N ew York City's fi rst d rag-king meeti ng place. At the c l u b , ki ngs come together to " play men" as va r­ ied as themselves : Danny King is an a brasive man's man (fi rmly based in rea l ity, says the wom a n beh i n d the bea rd ); Dn§d is a s mooth , sexy Africa n-American who's pop u la r with the lad ies. Featu ring such l u m i n a ries as Mo B. Dick, Del LaG race Volca no, Diane Torr, Shelly M a rs a n d J ud ith H a l berstam , VEN U S B OYZ delves i nto the many com plexities of ki ng-d o m . Drag ki ngs a ren't sim ply women who d ress as men­ as though mascu l i n ity were a static state of bei ng-they a re women who e m b race gender and sexual ity as a conti n u u m . Whether they get i nto chara cter a t n ight to take a vacation fro m themselves or a re making a scientific lea p by experi menting with male hor­ mones, these boyz a ren't focused on getting a leg u p i n a man's world-they're i ntent on cross­ ing and b l u rring bou nda ries, and on creati ng a more textured a n d fl uid h u man experi ence. VEN U S BOYZ goes beyond a treatise on gender, ra ising existentia l q uestion s a bout how we perceive and a re perceived a n d the rea l ity that l ies beneath those perceptions. -Carrie Lozano

Whether You Like It or Not: ' The Story of Hedwig Friday June 21 1 1 :00 pm Castro $7.50 Mem/$8.50 Gen (WHETH21 )

A treat for fa ns everywhere , this doc u mentary traces the d efi n itive h istory of Hedwig-from the cha racter's ea rl iest inceptions, out of a cloud of hairspray and glitter, to Hedwig's eventua l status as a c u ltura l phenomenon . J o h n Cameron M itchell J r. , the son of a n a rmy genera l , grew u p on m i l itary bases a round the cou ntry and the world before beco m i ng a successful B roadway actor and the creator of the fi l m 's eponymous tra n sgendered s u bject. M itchell a n d com poser-lyricist Stephen Trask l a u nched their Teutonic song stylist at the i nfa­ mous N ew York c l u b Squeezebox, before trans­ for m i ng their d rag act i nto an Off- B roadway smash h it, a nd later a n acclai med feature fi l m . A com pend i u m of extraord i n a ry footage, the d ocu­ mentary featu res H edwig's very fi rst p u b l i c a p pea ra nce, scenes from t h e stage play, t h rong­ i ng cult fa ns (the H ed - H eads), beh i nd-the­ scenes gl i m pses on the set of the movie and many ra re performance cl i ps. D i rector La u ra N ix i nterviews M itche l l , Trask, M i riam Shor (who plays Yitzha k i n the movi e), M istress Form i ka , fo rmer H edwigs, stage d i rector Peter Aski n , celebrity H ed - H eads, M ajor Gene ra l and M rs. J ohn M itche l l , a n d a vast a rray of exceptiona l characters who fit i nto the H edwig epic. A u n i q ue d ocument of the cre­ ative process, W H ETH ER YO U LI K E IT OR NOT explores everyth ing from the natu re of a rtistic colla boration to the h istory of the Berl i n Wa l l , the fl u id ity of gender and the vast i m porta nce of bei ng a blonde. Whether You L i k e It or Not: T h e Story of Hedwig d i r La u ra N ix

Venus Boyz dir Ga briel Baur 2001 Switzerland/Germa ny/USA

2001 USA 85 m i n video

102 m i n 35mm El igi ble for the Stu & Dave's Excelle nt Doc u m e ntary Award

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Wu Ye n

Yo ung S o u l Re bels

Thursday June 20 9:00 pm

Isaac Julien in person

Castro $7.50 Mem/$B.50 Gen ( WUYEN20) Tuesday June 25 9:00 pm

WU Y E N is the latest offering from J o h n n i e To a n d Wa i Ka i-fa i , the d u o beh i n d such action­ packed fi l ms as FU LLT I M E KI LLER a n d T H E M I SSI O N . Here, theive created a colorfu l a n d fa rcical gender-bend i ng j a u nt sta rri ng H o n g Kong's th ree lead i ng Ca nto-pop actresses: An ita M u i , Sa m m i Cheng and Cecilia Cheu ng. Set i n C h i na 's feudal period , W U Y E N is based on a n old fol k legend a bout a m essy love tri a ngle. The coward ly Em peror Qi (played by a cross-dressing M u i ) m ust ma rry the female out­ law wa rrior Wu Yen (Cheng), who is desti ned to save h is th reatened state. But before the wed­ d i ng ta kes place, t h e co u p le u nwitti ngly u n leashes the med d l i ng and m isch ievous Fa i ry Encha ntress (Cheu ng) . The fa iry, who sh ifts between male a nd female personas, fa l l s in love with Wu Yen and sets out to wi n her heart. B ut when Wu Yen rejects h is b u m bl i ng adva nces, he cu rses her with a la rge red birth m a rk that a p pears on her face whenever she's near the person she loves. This mark renders her " ugly" to the sha llow Emperor Qi , who q u ickly loses i nterest. The fairy then transforms h i mself i nto a sexy you ng woman and easily sed uces the wea k-spi rited sovereign . The ensuing a ntics a re chal lenging to kee p up with but completely enterta i ni ng. WU YEN has h i la rious ra pid-fi re d ia logue and sla pstick p u n n i ng, along with com­ ica l ly dated ci nematic effects . To a nd Ka i-fa i have created a stu n n i ng fi l m reflecting both the trad ition a nd i nnovative s pi rit of H ong Kong cin­ ema today. Wu Y en d i rs John nie To

& Wai

Castro $7.50 Mem/$B. 50 Gen (YOUNG25)

From the moment Parliament's " P- F u n k Wants To Get Funked U p " eru pts over the ope n i ng cred its of YO U N G S O U L R EB ELS-only to be rudely i nterru pted by Poly Styrene wa i l i ng out, " I dentity is the crisis, can't you see"-we know that we' re in for a wild ride. The changes keep com i ng as an i nterracial sex act in the bushes turns i nto a m u rder, setti ng off a pol ice i nvesti­ gation and waves of controversy in London's black com m u n ity. The year is 1977, and whi le some people a re busy getting ready to celebrate Queen Eliza beth's Si lver J u bilee, others have more i m porta nt thi ngs on thei r m i nd s . P u n ks a n d Teds, N ational Front a n d Natty Dreads a re fighti ng in the streets, and the a uthorities seem more i nterested i n h a rassing the victi m 's friends than in solvi ng the cri me. M ea nwh i le, black DJ s Caz and C h ris d rea m of playi ng music so fu n ky that "even the wh ite boys wi l l shake a leg. " But when Caz meets a cute wh ite p u n k named B i l l i bud , it's shaggi ng he wa nts, not shaki ng. As the roma nce and the m a n h u nt both heat u p , Ch ris fi nds he is a sus­ pect i n the m u rder, a nd YOU N G SO U L R E B ELS becomes a riveti ng look at the forces of race, class a nd sex that resha ped the U . K. j ust before the Thatcher yea rs . Framel i ne Awa rd win ner I saac J u l ien m ixes the pol itics and d rama with '70s h its that wi l l have you d a ncing in you r seat as this brea kth rough fil m-which won the 1991 Critics' Week prize at Can nes and is as exciti ng as ever today-heads toward its fiery c l i max.

Kai-fai 2001 Hong Kong 120 min

35mm i n Cantonese with English subtitles

Y oung S oul R eb el s d i r Isaac J u lien 1991 U K 95 m i n 35mm

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NEWS FLA� Continued from page � 250 million 19


asian queers at the festival

The Swell in Asia In many ways, what took place i n North America th ree decades ago is hap­ pen ing today in Asia: the launch of new q ueer fi l m festiva ls in Seo u l , Hong Kong and Si nga pore; a n astounding va riety of q u eer ba rs in Kuala Lu m pu r, Shanghai , Del hi and Bom bay. Asia n fi l m makers have slowly and q u i etly cre­ ated q u eer-i nspired fi lms over the yea rs . Sti l l , it's been a gradual swell, not the ts unami-like i m pact that's ta ken place in the West. There a re "fa m i ly" fi lms (TH E WEDDI N G BANQU ET, F I R E); q ueer-curious ones ( EAST PALAC E, WEST PALAC E); com i ng-out docum enta ries (OSAKA STORY, Sta nley Kwa n's STI LL LOVE YO U AFTER ALL T H ESE); youthful fi lms ( Ryos uke Hash iguchi's LI KE G RA I N S OF SAN D and A TO U C H OF FEVER ); experi menta l ones (M USCLE); Ta iwa nese (J o-Fei Chen's WH E R E IS MY LOVE?) , Korean ( B RO­ KEN B RA N C H ES) a nd I ndian ( BO M G AY). They all emerged gently from the closet, a ha ndfu l each year.

2002 and Counting Suddenly it's 2002, a n d the SFI LG FF is honored to open the Festival with Sta nley Kwa n 's award-wi n n i ng featu re LAN Y U , a s u btle but powerful love story set in modern-day Beij i ng. And an astonishing th ree other new fil ms are set in China as wel l : the lesbian d ra ma FISH & ELEPHANT; the docu­ mentary SNAKE BOY, a bout q ueer si nger Coco; and S H A N G HAI PAN IC, a narrative a bout a gro u p of cu ltu re mavens hol d i ng court in modern Sha ngha i . From Hong Kong, there's S PACKED O U T, a gritty slice of h igh­ school l ife; I AM NOT WHAT YOU WA NT, a rea lity-style comi ng-of-age-a nd­ out ta le; and WU YEN , an over-the-top gender-bending comedy set 2,000 years ago i n a n cient C h i n a . From Ta iwa n's C h e n comes a q u iet, cou ntryside story o f a cha nce encou nter between two women in I NC I DENTAL JO U R N EY. From J a pa n , we have a sop h isticated trio of fi l m s: Hashiguchi's H U S H ! , a refi ned urba n ta le of gay lovers i n Tokyo lea rning to create a fa m i ly; Desi ree Lim's S U GAR SWEET story of a lesbian pornogra pher; a nd a spectacular a n i me fi l m , R EV­ OLUTIONA RY G I R L UTENA: TH E M OV I E . A look at South Korea's ventu res into q u eer rea l ities and fantasies incl udes a gender-less roma nce i n the eye­ brow-raising h it B U N G EE J U M P I N G O F T H E I R OWN ; R U N N I N G B LU E, a deeply personal story a bout being Korean and tra nsgender; and the never­ before-seen q ueer ROAD MOV I E. F R I E N DS I N H I G H PLACES i ntroduces us to Bu rmese nats, or spi rits, and the homosexua l med i u ms who channel them . The reveal i ng documen­ tary G EORG I E G I R L looks at the first tra nsgender mem ber of Pa rlia ment in

N ew Zealand, and Hawa i i 's tra nsgender com m u n ity is celebrated i n KE K U LA N A HE M A H U : R E M EM B ER I NG A S E N S E OF PLACE. An enl ightening progra m is I EXIST: VOI C ES FROM THE LES B IAN AND GAY M I DDLE EAST­ E R N COM M U N ITY; one highlight is J U ST A WO M A N , a bout an I ra nia n transsexua l . Other shorts incl ude STAG from the U . K. , S U ET-S I N 'S S I STERS from Hong Kong, T RA N SG R ESS I O N S from the U . S . , FI N E CH I NA from Ca nada, and more from I nd ia, Samoa and Austra l i a .

Why Now-and What Took So Long? Was it America n c u ltural i m peria l ism? Did the West " i nfect" Asia and the rest of the world with q ueerness? Hard ly. LG BTs exist everywhere in every coun­ try, fa ith , cultu re and com m u n ity. But in most Asian societies, where the sense of i n d ivid ual identity often takes a backseat to the col lective fa m i ly and gro u p identity, it ca n be a struggle for many Asia ns to feel that their own desi res (sexual or otherwise) and individual truths deserve a voice. Perhaps what held people back was access to resou rces-money, knowledge, eq u i p­ ment. Perha ps it was fear of persecution . After all, how accepta ble is it sti l l , today, t o b e gay and Asian, and t o prod uce a p u b l i c docu ment a bout it?

The Future

Will Asians ever have their own "Wi l l & G race" ( " Ch u ng & Mei-Li n " or " Riyad & Meena")? And who wi l l be next? Wi l l African and then Ara b cu ltu res em brace their own q ueer versions, too? Like in the West, the n u m ber of fi lms wi l l increase, and so wi ll produc­ tion va l ues and popula rity. M o re people wi l l l ive open ly as LG BT, and they wi l l fear less. Some thi ngs may even begin to look l i ke the West-perhaps we'll see legal forms of domestic pa rtners h i p . Yet some thi ngs will proba bly l ook the sa me, too. The weave of fam i ly and social fa bric i n Asia wil l likely rem a i n similar to what it has a lways been . . . just with' d ifferent cha racters playing out the d rea ms. Boys and their boyfriends may have their parents or sibli ngs move i n with them or share a home with extended fa m i l ies. Women may ra ise their c h i l d ren with lesbian pa rtners, alongside their mothers and sisters and cousi ns. Witness the evol ution of love in LA N Y U , watch a coincidenta l meeti ng of potential lovers unfold i n I N C I D ENTAL J O U R N EY, hope for a gay male cou ple and their female friend to ra ise a child together in H U S H ! This is a gl i m pse of the futu re of q ueer Asians. And we saw it here in 2002 at the 26th S F I LG FF. -Corey Tong





ACKNOWLEDGM B .J . Ata nasio Al ison Austi n Son ia Banerj i B i l l B a n n i ng J udy Barrows Patrick Batt Bay Area Video Coa l ition Karl Beck Joe Bi l a n cio Pa u l Bollwi n kel Joe Bonasera John Bott Carly B resl i n M ichael B rown Ch ristian Bruno Lorne B uc h m a n Ca l ifornia N ewsreel Vi ncent Ca lva rese Cine Acci6n Den n i s Conroy Ca ro l Coom bes Lesley Cootes J eff Crawford J oa n C u rry Zanne de J a nvier Da i n e DeM a rco Adela Gonza lez del Va l l e Lisa El liot Steve Ferra rio Film Arts Fou ndation Jose M a ria Franco Jon Gerra ns Eliza beth G laze Stephen G uttwi l l ig Stephen H arpster Amy Ha rrison Heller Eh rma n Attorneys David H i l l brand Doug H i lsi nger Evelyn H u M a rcus H u R uth H uffy I ndependent Television Service Jackra bbit J C Decaux Sa n Franci sco Geoff Ka plan Patricia Kava na ugh Shan non Kel ly Ka ren Kircher Ka rl Kna pper Cate Latchford C h ristopher Lee M a rk Leno Keri Levy Rachel Lim Da rryl MacDonald Erica M a rcus G i a m paolo M a rzi B i l l M c Leod


Gert M c M u l l i n Mercha nts of U pper Market & Castro Ca role M igden Preeti A K M istry An ita M onga Cornel i us Moore Moore B rothers Anne- M a ry M ullen Kath leen M u llen National A l l i a nce for Med ia Arts and Cultu re ( N AMAC) N ational Asian American Telecom m u n ications Association ( NAATA) Kathy N elsen Eri k N i lsen Scott N oble J ea n N oh J e n n ifer N orris Rod ney O ' N e i l Austin Steve Ol iver Pa ul Olson Rich O ppen he i m Dean Otto M a rk Page Steve Pa rker Jonath a n Pea rlman Nathalie Peterson Thai Pham Pick M e Up Cafe J a n is Plotki n Joach i m Post Jen Rau D u ncan Reyes I I I Carol Rossi Hal Rowland Lisa R u ben San Fra ncisco Ci nematheq ue San F ra ncisco J ewish Film Festiva l Steven Saylor Ki rsten Schaeffer Daniel " Dewey" Schott Joel Shepa rd Sea n S hoda h l G a i l Si lva M a rya n n S i m pson Oren Slozberg J i m S m ith KC Sm ith R i c k Solomon Carl S pence Ian Sta l l i ngs Lau ra Ta kesh ita Ta pioka Cafe Alan Teague Pau l Thu rston Lewis lice Corey Tong Basil Tsiokos



special thank you Tricia Tuttle J i m Va n Buskirk Nata l ija Vekic M a rc Vi rga Jack Walsh Kathryn Weaver Darlene Wei d e David Weissman Fresh White Stacy Wisnia M i chael Wolford J ason Wolos Women Make Movies Edd ie Wong Ali Woolwich C h i - h u i Ya ng Amy Yunis

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DONO Listing as of April 1 0, 2002


Visi onary Producer J i m Fol l is & Ray H u rst Stuart H a rrison & David R i ng

Visi onary Dire ct or Anonymous M ichael Berg & B i l l Dickey Robert D. Dockendorff Ti m Eicher M ichael Katz & Lawton Allenby J a mes A. M c i ntosh Tom R i p py Ti mothy Ted rick

Visi onary Star Alvin H . B a u m , J r. J ody Cole Gary G rossman & Mattheus Da hl berg Suza n ne Israel Jodi J o h nson M ichael Kossm a n Don MacDonald & Scott Montgomery Dana M orse & Anne Madden for mother & m iss a n n ie lee, love spyke, spyke j r. & gracie John Schl esi nger Allen A. Sch u h R ick Solomon & Steven Saylor M a rk Street & M ichael P h i l l i ps M a rk Tad a & David H a rbert Floyd Thom pson H oa Tran & J effrey N e benza hl Eric Trefe l ner & Pa ul Perkovic R ichard H . West & Wee Ping Goh

Kevi n Ca ravello & Peter R enteria Ti mothy M. Cavanaugh & Eric Vida l Ray Cha nce & J i m Tus h i nski Ann Mei Chang & J e n n ifer Krauel Na ncy Choate M ichael Ch ristman Lisa Chun & Esther Lee Eric Ciasu l lo & Loren H e n n i ng Ron Claveloux Jay Cohen Duane Cramer Vicki Cramer & Lin Gentry Pam David & Cheryl Laza r J o h n DeLois & Tim Yankosky I rene Dick-End rizzi & Regina Dick-End rizzi Tom di M a ria Terry Dol l a rd Thomas L. Donela n R iza l i na C. Dungca & Pau l a B lack Pa u l D u n kley & Kerry M itchell And rew D u n n & Doug S h i mosaka Suza n n e Eisenhut Pa mela Erwin & Susa n U nger M i lton Estes El iza beth Fa l kner & Sabrina R i d d le M i ke Fa n n i ng & M ichael A. C h ristman Lel e & Rachel Field J ose Madeira G a rcia & AI Villan ueva Vivien Gay, The Isoscel es G ro u p Steven Gere & M a riana Almeida

Visi onary Anonymous Robyn Alexa nder Terry & J ason S . Allen-Rouman Alternative Mortgage Sou rces Ignati us Bau & J o h n B a re Ada m Berman J u l i e Bertucce l l i Cathy E . B lessum & Joa n Loeffler J oh n G. Bars, M . D. & M a rcel lo M i randa Catherine B ra n n iga n Thomas B rock Alan B rookba nk & J a mes Anderson M a rcia B rown & La u ra M oran Tom B rutti ng & Edwin R . York, J r. I . M . O . Peter P. Connolly Pete B u l la rd & And rew Ogus Geri B u m ba lough Tom B u rke & Axel B ru nger J o h n Ca laway & Olaf H ansen R ick Ca m p bell



Nik A. Gervae Kurt Gesel bracht & Fra nci sco G u evara Ca lvin G i pson Den ise G lover & Lea Ann Kjome J erome Goldstei n , M . D . & Thomas J. Taylor Brian Goldston Lau rie H . Gottl ieb & Al issa Ha user Bob & G regg Cathy H a l l iga n & Zoon N guyen And rew Ha rker & Jeffrey Kno l l m i l le r J o h n Hershey & Ted Lawyer Benj a m i n H u & Dan Dyer Robert Jaq ues & Donna Jaq ues M a rtha J i menez & Amanda N avarro Carla Joh nson & Anna K u perberg J o h n Killacky & Larry Con nolly David Linco l n Ki ng & Ti mothy P. Stevenson Li nda Kol l & Anna Ka rydas Kim Kreis & Donna Sta pleton Ri chard A. La Cava , Attorney at Law J o h n Leitner & M ichael Wittgen M a u ricio Leon Donna Leona rd Ela i n e Lissner M ichael Lum pkin & Mark Page G len Math i son & Zoel Fages David B. M i l a n i & Dongyi Zhou Sh igeo N a kata n i & B rian G i pson M issy Nery & M i rn a Rivera Robert N ewbold Da n iel N icoletta & M ichael Pi natelli M a rk Perkins & J oe Ka nsopon Steve Polsky & Mark Oliver Ti m Portwood & J i m La u ber B o b Powers & Donald Clement Randolph Quebec G reg Rasalan M a rk G . Reisbaum Gera l d R icha rdson Continued on page 1 04



G presents

www. s t ra n d re l e a s i n g . c o m



Visionary Richa rd Ridgeway Charlie Rid lon & Rick Osmon Sand i p Roy Linda Sca pa rotti Law Offices Steven Sch m i d bauer & Martin Herrick G raham Schn eider Ken Sch u ltz, Co-O perative Cleaning Com pany Susan Sch u man & I lene Osheron M i chael Sha piro Samuel D . Si rko & Louis D. Smith Richa rd Skid more & Mark Pierce Bob Skin kle & Felix Vega John Small Mega n J. Sm ith & Kara Swisher Ray S pea rs & Dave Oppen heim John Sta nsel l & Bruce Wi lliams Kathryn Stebner & J u lie Davis Dona l d Ta rver I I , M . D . , Ta rver Psych iatric Care Vad i m Tem k i n And rew Thom pson B i l ly Tom pkins & Da n Steves Sheryl Tra u m Thad Trela Steven Va nce Joe Vassa llo & Doug Paxton Dr. Wi nston Vaughan & Stanford S i n us Center Marti n Venezky Marc Vi rga & M ichael Westerfield And rea Wa chter & Soher Youssef R u d d & Gera rd Walter-Canaday Pa u l Wei ntra u b & Ray Szczesny Stephen Wereb Robert T. Weston Alexa nder White & G reg Sa ntee Thomas F. Wh ite Marcus-Jay Wonacott & Andy Anderson William J. Woods Claude Wynne & David Douma Doug Yagaloff Ron Zuckerman

Benefactor Anonymous (3) Larry Ackerman M itch Altm a n Timothy Arbogast Henry S. Baird & Raymond L. Harbort La u rie J . Baker Roy Bateman Ma rio Bertucci J ames L. Boha n non Victor P. Bonfi l io, J . D . , P h . D . J osh Bottfeld And rew C . Boulter Alan B risbon M ichelle B rodie El l i ott B rown

1 04

Rich B rown & Ch ris Nordstru m B rian C. B u rr & Thomas B. Nolan J o h n Butts & J i m Abbed uto Robert M . Byh re Robert Cabrera C l a u d ia Ca rasso & G retchen Thomas Debbie Ca rmona & Susan Zi m belman La u ra Castella nos & Theresa Caffese Edwi n D. Challebois Willia m C h i les J i m Dayis Suza n ne De Wit Cynth ia G. D u n n J a m es N . Dyvad Elsa E'der Da n iel Ernster A n n e Etheridge Alan Fa rley & R ica rdo Lasq u ete Joseph Fera Steve Ferra rio A. Foland Mark D . Forester Da ryl Fox & N ick Englebert J i m French Martin Fung & M ichael Hughes Allan K. Gala nter & Ca l Domi ngue J a n e Goldman Steve Cla rk Hall S u ki Haseman F. Myron Hays & R. Zuniga Susan Hein Cha rles Henn Frederick H ertz Kirk H i nman & Ramon Sa ntos J o h n M . H ladky Lisa Hoffman Ernest C . Hopkins Karen Hoveka m p & Lisa Jensen Eric Hsu & Jim Cham bers Dave Jacobs Ca rl Jaeger Ch ristopher Joh nson Mark Joh nson Kris Kad i n Debra Kent Saadia Kha iri Pen ni Kim mel Vivian Kleiman & Reyna Cowan Pa u l Knudsen & Tim Etheridge J essica Lawrence Koeppel & Anna Prestezog Keely L. Kol mes Ryszard Koprowski Ch ristopher Kryzan Robert L. Ku h n Gera l d La B uda & Da niel Healy Richard J . Lee B rent K. Lok & J oel Wad e F rench Li nc Mad ison Nolan Madson


Ch ris Mancini And rew Mann I n memory of Peter Maxwel l Richard Mazza risi Patrick M cCabe Cathy M cGoff Kate Meiss & Beth Steckler Roger E. M i ller Robin M i lls Robert Mison Lau retta M o l itor & Charlotte Woody M ichael M oran Continued on page 106



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Under Ih! OlllcUon 01 Clrol,Sholinsteln Hays & Scollf. Nedt'lander





DONO Ben efa ct or Alfred M oser Douglas Mylcra i ne & Kevin B radford John N ewmeyer N ick N ussba u m John C . Osborne & A b e G . Doherty Carl Paga n e l l i Steve Parker Benj a m i n Patterson J oel T. Perlste i n M a r k C . Peters J a n Probst & Ka ren Wells Doug Rayner


M a rk Reisman Ernest Patrick Rod riguez Ela n Rosenqu ist Cheryl Rosenthal Lee Sauer Ba rry Schmell & J oseph Costa J ud y Schu ltz & G lenna Dowl i ng David S. Schwa b & M ichael DeM a rco Stacey Scu l l M ichael Sebastian & Kyle La lande Barton S h u l m a n P h i l Siegel Eugene Sigler Patrick T. Sm ith & Bart Vis Ken ny Sontheim Kevin A. Soriano & M ichael D . Mathews H a m pton Ste n n is B i l l Stewart Gary Suto J e n n ifer H . Taylor Alan Teague Amy Toder & Marguerite Pakozd i Ja mes Torbett And rew Utiger Oliver Vogel Scott Wa l ker V. Thomas Weisser Scott Whitsett & Ted G laza Ca m i lla Whyte Fiona Wil mot & Anne M u rray Alex Woolfson Ja net Wright Edward Yu Dawn Zemo & Stephanie A. Ste h l ing

Patron Anonymous Robert M. Anderson & Kyong S h i k Eom Pa u l Arshawsky & Jeff Spiegel Tony Boersma & Benj a m i n M eng Ky J. Boyd & M ichael O' Rand La rissa B rookes & El iza beth La Blanc Roland Brunne r Thomas B u rke & Kent Noyes Ray Ca n non & John S u l l iva n Dam ia n S. Ca rmichael & J ua n C . Reyes-Torres Ca lvin Chou , M . D. P h . D . D r. G regory C l i nton & G regory Morris Mary Frances Culnane Arvada J. Darnel l & Cheryl P i ke G le n n E. Davis & J a m es H . Ta kagi Kevi n De Yager & Kewchang Lee M ichael Eh renzweig & Wayne Salaza r Jeffery Fraenkel Sherri Fra n klin & Dea n ne Fra n klin Erin Gal lagher & Zoe D u n n ing Hollis G reenwood & Mary Pat Power Ramona Lee G reer & Tori Wieldt



Ann M . Had ley & Rachel C h u rner Wayne Hazza rd & E. Eastma n Stua rt D. H i l ls & Kent L. J ue Paula E. Hocker & J a n ice Mari n i Ra ndy Holleschau & J eff Joh nson Den n is R. Hol mes, M . D . & M . C h ristopher H i l lyard J o h n H ud son David L. Jackson Robert Kevess Kim Klausner J erry La Ba rge & Ca rlos Castrillo M ichael La ngha m & Kevin Ames S u pervisor Mark Leno Ba rry Lynch & Den n is B lanchard Mark A. Marrow & Pat Dixo n Keith A. Martinsen & Edwa rd Gama Holly Mercer & Robin Bed e n ba ugh Law Office of Amie D. M i l le r N i cole Neumarker & Ba rba ra Morton Robert L. Owen & George Wu J a n Pa rdoe & Cathy M c i ntosh B i l l ie Parker & M a u ry Cooper J ose Perez & Eugene Freeman Lynda J. P i ke S i mon Pitchford & J i m M u nson Jay Powell & B ria n Sloan Kendall Risselada Roger J. Ritland & Thomas Ossen beck Em i ly Rosen berg & Darlene De M a n i ncor J oe Rosenthal Kristen Schnepp & Lori Dobeus Neil Silverzweig Da n iel S la ughter & Stephan B lachowski Arth u r Slepian & G erry Lla mado R ussell Sm ith & Ch ristopher Moore Ka r l i n Sorenson & Krista Lucchesi J e n n ifer S parks & Al ice Locke Larry Steele & Cra ig Mayer Robert Stern Susan Ta ka lo & G lynis Takalo Ka ren Trilevsky & Patti Cha ng '. G retchen B. Verner & l Iana Ka ufma n Kim Wa l lace &. Maggie Gould Bob Ward & Henry Empa m R ussell Wil liams & David Schaefer The Wil lows I n n Stephen B . Wi lson J r. M ichael Wimer & Robert H otz Marya n n Wolfe & Fra ncine Masiello All ison Wood & J ea n ie Morrow Ben Yokoya ma & Kyl e C h i l d ress David N. You ng & Dona ld B i rd Stephen Young & Peter C u l l i n a n S usa n Za ro Continued on page 1 08


San Fran cisco M un icipal Rai lway

DONO Supporter Anonymous (2) R . Rhenton Aames Pa ul Aesch bacher David Al port Steven Am brose J oh n Amod io Don Ba ker M i chael Beekman Steve Bennett J ud ith Berkowitz & Sheryl Con nell Robert B lea Reed B ogle R ick B owe rm a n Craig Brebner-Souza Sonja M . B rewer Dr. Yolanda B . B riscoe J i m B roga n & Jack Post G len B rooks Amy B rown Lawrence Ca rba ry M a rk Carmody Sue Caswell Roderic W. Cathca rt Trish Chapman B ri a n Cheu Dion F. Coa kley David V. Costa & Gary Fu rlong Roddy Creedon Kevin T. Crilly Don C risostom o Carole S. C u l l u m & Kathy B rehm G. Ea rl Darny J a n Robert de Gier Don na Di Meo Arth u r Dong Calvin Doucet Add ison Dowl i ng, J r. John T. Dra k u l ich Lisa D u nga n M a x Dyksterhouse M a rgaret Ell ison Maia Ettinger Ti m Fincham Lou Fischer And rew Freeman Fun G i rl Films, Kim Va nSlyke Ken G a l la nt & J oseph Na N ongka i Kevin G a rd ner & Pa ul M orrell Ba rba ra Gersh M a ri lyn Gold berg & Linda Rostoker B rendalynn R. Good a l l Stewart G ra ha m Ada n G riego Pa u l G ross H e n ry J . G utierrez M a rtine H a b i b & H i la ry H a rt Al bert H el ler Darin H ie b

1 08


Liz Hoad ley & Marsha Gale Curt Holzi nger Genevieve H owe Thom H uebner Edward Jajeh Tony J asi nski J ames R. J ones Deyon J onson Lawrence R. Katzin Evan Kava nagh J ud e Kaye & Diana G ray J ud ith Keena n Edwa rd Kimak Amy Kind rick La u ra Kin ley Ron Kisl ing John Kruse & G a ry Beuschel David M. Lawless Ala n Lessi k Scott Levokove Kath leen Li pari n i G lenda Lockhart Gary L. Lomax & Den nis Tyler Jen M ayer Patricia McGa rvey Larry Mc N e i l l P a d r i c Meagher Thomas Merrifield M a rk M o l i na Richard Morasci Tod d Morris Pat M urray I a n Myszenski Ta nya Neiman Kathy N elsen M ichael N ewman J ea n ine R . N icholson Jay O'Conor J o h n - M ichael Olexy Richard Peard Ana C l a u d ia Pereira Keith Pugliese I sen Na ncy Purcell Ron R a n u m Weldon R . Rash Eldon Ream H ector Reyes Col leen Robi nson Tom Root Robert S. Rosborough Hal R owla nd J a mes Rowley J a mes Sand berg Derrick Sands F. Allen Sawyer Ankha S h a m i n Va n essa Siegel G a i l Silva William L. Sm ith


Peter C. Spi ngola Renate Stendhal Na ncy Suib N a ncy H. Sutley Dia n ne M . Terp R a l ph Thomas Donn J. Tho m pson Steven Tierney Ti m Tu ne Da n a Wa ller Jack Walsh & Andy M oore Reed Wa rren M a rc H. Wern ick Kel ly Wilki n son John B . Wi lliams Phil Wi l l kie J oseph Wong Ron Wong Ga rrett Wun Ma rgot Ya pp Mark Ziering M i ke Zim merman






and mention code



for discount fares.





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Partners In Pride:


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PASSPORT "' • • • , 1 ft .

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GII1Ii1enilS fJ.iiONiiERS·

Black Coalition on AIDS, Freedom




fr��i�Sg 11-2111rl-l QSF "

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In Christ Evangelical

DeSign: Todd Hedgpet h , Cornyn+ Partners

<4IItp> � Church,

Most Holy Redeemer AIDS Support, PositiveHealth Practice UCSF,




GLBT Historical Society of Northem California, Harvey Milk Institute, Positive Resource Center, Pride Apparel Company

This event is sponsored In part by Grants For The Arts - San FranCISco Hotel Tax Fund, For official Pride merchandise, call The Pride Company of San FranCISCo Photography: Duane Cramer




415.861 . 1 390

VOLUNTEE Many thanks to the volunteers whose hard work and dedication make this Festival and all our efforts to advance queer film possi­ ble. Thanks a/so to those who joined us after the printing of this catalog. Interested in volunteering? Visit www. frameline. orgljobs.

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M a rk Abbott Fra n k Ad ler M ered ith Akers N icole Alamo And rew Ald rich Katheri ne Alferi La n i Alo Ki m be rly Alva renca Joan Am brosio Da n i Amtm a n n B i l l Anderson Eri k Anderson Amy And re J ua n Antonio M ichael Apa ricio J ed Appe l m a n J a i m e Aragon M ichael Arsen a u lt Mel Asher M ichael Ashworth J e n n ifer Awn G len B a i rd Patty Bal dwin Alyssa Ban ner S h a n non Ba rnes Robert Beatty Holly Bened i ct S uza n n e Bentley Kate Berg Larry B iando J u l ie B lack William B la ke R ich B l u m berg M a u reen Bogues Douglas Bond ick J yoti Bowen Sharon Bowen Virgi n ia Bowen M ichael B rady Larry B ragg Catherine B ra n n igan M a rga n B rayton M ichelle B renard Katie B rewer-Ball Ki m be rley B rooks J i m Buchanan Edward B uckley Ka rl B u rka rt Anthony B u r r is J o h n Ca labrese Darshan Ca m pos Sven Ca rlson Tracey Ca rter A n n e Cassia G regg Cassia Rose Castro Al i ssa Chadburn M a rtin Chai D'chell Cham bers


J a n sen Chan M i esje C h i ld Aine Coffey R uth Coffey S h e l ly Coleman N a ncy Con nol ly Robert Contreras G a i l Conway Luis Cordero Ronald Corley Darlene Costello Arnel Cruz El iza beth Cruz Mattheus Da h l berg N i cole David Amanda Davidson J ackie De n n is Steven Desroches M orty Diamond Debby D i Fronzo Sharon D i n ki n El iot Dobris Des i rae Dona ldson Tom Donelan M ichael Dorame Shean Dorsey Mel issa Dougherty Benja m i n Dres ner Angela Dru ry Thomas Duffy C h ris Dunaway Christopher Duran Evadne "Ve " Edwa rds Vi nce Errico Howard Eva ns J e n n ifer Eve Eddy Falconer Bon n ie Fei n berg Em i l y Fenster M ered ith Fenton B rett Fisher M o n i q ue Fla m b u res Lucrecia Fontes Alan Fox Andy Friend Joa n ne Frijas Ty G a rofalo Katri n Gensler Barry G i lwarg B u rnie G i pson Dea nna Gold Heather Gold Re becca G oldfader J e n n ifer Gorospe G reen Cate G regory Rene G riffith Cindy G rissom Mark G ross

Doree G rossman Angela Hackenschm idt Patricia Hageny Aisha H a m i lton Nath a n Harrison Li n n ette Haynes Amata Hefm a n e k Dorothy He n n i ng An ita Herna ndez R a u l Hernandez Vivian H erna ndez M itch e l l Herri ngton Kristofer H e rzog Maria Hol lowel l - Fuentes Ded i H u bba rd Stacie H udson Wyl ie H u ey Rea I nglesis Feras I ri kat Vi rgi n ia Jay Kazia Joh nson M ichael Joh nson Eric Johnston Ken n Jones M a rsha l l Jones Kathleen Joyce J oesph Ka nuch J effrey Kawai Kerry Kay Donald Keith Sa ra h Kennedy Kris Ki rby Kasper Kocza b Candace Kosior N ora Krol l-Rose n ba u m Ed ric Kwan I ngrid Lagos Robert La ngdon Maggie Leigh Davi n Leong Hy Levy J e n Linaman Ela i n e Lissner Amy Little Kay Lo m bard i n i Gene London Victoria Long W i l l i a m Long M issy Longshore Doug Lonste i n Pa u l Lo per La u ra Lunt Kent MacDona ld C h ri s Maddox Erin Magee Moorea Magu i re R uth Maha ney Continued on page 1 1 2


With a grant from the HorizonslFralneline Film & Video COlllpletion Fund, Milford Thomas's Claire is able to be part of this year's Festival. Since its creation in 1990 , the HorizonslFrameline Film & Video C ompletion Fund has awarded over $ 1 00 , 000 to more than 75 projects in the final stages of production, making it possible

for queer filmmakers to bring their vision and artistry to audiences here and around the world. Look for these other 2001 Completion Fund-supported works in this year's program: Claire Just Call 1Vle Rade Re Rulana He Mahu: Remelnbering a Sense of Place Novela, Novela The Politics of Fur Simon & I

The C ompletion Fund is made possible by the Gay and Lesbian Fund for the Redwood Empire at the Horizons Foundation and by Frameline donors . Frameline looks forward to continuing to support more works by, for and about our communities, and to doing our part to keep the world's movie and television screens filled with queer content. For guidelines and an application, or to donate to the HorizonslFrameline Film & Video Completion Fund,

contact Frameline at 4 1 5 . 703 . 8650 or visit www. frameline . org.



VOLUNTEE David M a hon J oa n na ( Lucio) Mamayson Lea h M a n n ing B uzz M a rti n Stacey Massignan S i mone Masson S hawn Matlou b Lara M aye l i a n S horona M bessa kwi ni Lisa McCa l ly Kerri a n n McDermott Lyn n M c i nti re Shari M c Koy Bob M cloud C h ristie M c N ickle Dol i ssa Med ina Leea n n e Merritt Sasha Merritt A n na M i l ls Amy M i lsovic D. M i nor R a kesh Mod i M ichelle M o n roe H e n ri Mora Dianna Mori J e n n ifer Mork (Zoe) Mark M u l l i n M a rcia M u nson Jod i Naas M ichael N a l bone Kirthi N ath Kim N ea l Tracy N e i l J ea n n ette Nelson Aleah Nesteby Tua n N go Ch ristopher Nguyen J i m bo Norrena Alan Oa kley John O'Co n nor Kara O ' M a l ley Joe Ol ivo M ustafa Onder John Osborne Chet Overstreet G i l bert Paca ldo M erija n n Pa kistan Ann Pandj i ris F. Patrick Pangl ilaya n Sara Pa rker Vi rge Pa rks Jea n ne Pea rson Ca rlos Pen i l la Ca m i l l e Pen nell Darlene Perd isatt J oey Plaster Diana Polish Kristi n Poor Stepha n i e Portman

1 12

G us Preston Isa bel le Proust M ichael P u l izzano G retchen P u rser Val R a m i rez Masha Rasko l n i kov Lisa Raymond Kathy Reinartz Hyde R evilla Amy Rezn i k Sara h Rezny Yona R i e l Fred R i mand J o ha n n R i pfel Nathan Robi nson U rsula Rod riguez C.J . Roessler Elan Rosenq u ist Staci Rosenthal Kristin R oth ba l le r N i col Rothert J u l ie R u bi n Da n i R u k i n M ichael Rya n Eric Sad d i k Norma n Saffen J oe Sa m pson Linda Saytes Roger Schachtel Karen Schu macher H eather Schwa rtz Rebecca Sea l Cassa n d ra Sermons Paula Settle El iza beth Sevi l la R ichard Sherwin Al i sa Shor Steven S h u m Ti m S i lva Shel ley S i m pson J eff Sinclair Cheryl S i ngh C raig S i u l i nski Tri na Sia biak Tom Slama Helen S m ith Latonya Sm ith Scott S m ith J oyce Solano J essia Sol i uea I rena Solomon Ca ri S p iva k J o h n Sta n l ey Frida Ste i n Kyle Stephan J o h n Stevens Susa n Stone Beth Stover David Suehla

Bob S u l l ivan Therese Tatum Ti mothy Ted rick Joh n-Ch ristopher Thomas Z u rfl u h Thomas Randy Todd Melanie Toledo Kat Tragos D i n h Tran LaTonya Trotter Cheri Tsai Thomas Tymstone Robin U nger G i useppe Vaccaro M igda l ia Va ldes M a rtha Va lentine Cheryl Va lenzuela Jonathan Van Antwerpen Sta n Van B i bber Alfredo Victorio Luz Vi lla Rekha Viswa nathan M ichele Wagner Steve Wa l ko Kathryn (Katie) Watson Yar Wei M ichael Wh ittier Mega n W i l l ia m s M ichelle Wi l l ia m s Ron Wi nterstei n B i l ly Wiselogel Kwan Wong Peter Wong Re becca Woo Anne Wood John Wood Kim Wood Wes Wooden Wi lton Woods Sa bri na Wu G loria Yee A. Ton i Young Steven Zetla n Da le Z i n k




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1 15

Congratulations on the 2 6th successful year of the San Francisco International Lesbian


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1 17

C O-PRESE NTE Asian Pacific Islander Wellness Center

IGLHRC-International Gay & Lesbian

San Francisco Silent Film Festival

T 4 1 5 292 3400 F 415 292 3404 www.a piwe l l ness.org

Human Rights Commission

T 4 1 5 777 4908 F 4 1 5 777 4904 www.silentfi l m .org

BCOA-Black Coalition On AI DS, Inc.

4 1 5 6 1 5 9945 F 4 1 5 6 1 5 9943 bcoa@ bcoa .org www. bcoa .org

T 4 1 5 255 8680 F 4 1 5 255 8662 igl h rc@igl h rc.org www. igl h rc.org

Shanti Project

4 1 5 674 4700 F 4 1 5 674 0370 www.shanti .org


Breast Cancer Action

877 278 6722 F 4 1 5 243 3996 info@bcaction .org www. bcactio n .o rg T


4 1 5 437 2900 F 4 1 5 437 2550 www.conti n u u m h iv.org


KCCEB-Korean Community Center of the East Bay

T 5 1 0 547 2662 F 5 1 0 547 3258 genera l@kcceb .org www. kcceb .org

Team SF

4 1 5 522 2986 i nfo@teamsf.org www.teamsf.org T

LVA-Lesbian Visual Artists

4 1 5 788 6 1 1 8 lesbianarts02@hotma i l .com www. lesbianarts . o rg T

TILT-Teaching Intermedia Literacy Tools

LYR IC-Lavender Youth

T 4 1 5 40 1 8458 F 4 1 5 401 8458 ti lt@ti ltmed ia . org www.ti ltmed i a . org


Recreation & Information Center

4 1 5 703 6 1 50 F 4 1 5 703 6 1 53 i nfo@lyric.org www. lyric.org

Tranny Fest-Transgender and


Dimensions-Health Services for Queer & Questioning Youth

4 1 5 487 7500 F 4 1 5 558 822 1 www.d ph . sf.ca . us/chn/H IthCtrsl castro-m ission . htm T

Film Arts Foundation

T 4 1 5 552 8760 www.fi l m a rts.org

Transgenre Cinema T 4 1 5 820 3223 tra n nyfest@aol .com www.tra n nyfest.com

NAATA-National Asian American Telecommunications Association

UTOP IA-United Territories of

T 4 1 5 863 0814 F 4 1 5 863 7428 www. naatanet.org

i nfo@polyuto pia .com www. polyuto pia .com

Polynesian Islanders Alliance

Native American Cultural Center

Yuricon-Celebrating Lesbians i n Japanese

FTM International, Inc.

www. n ativecc.com

Animation & Comics

T 4 1 5 553 5987 tstgmen@aol .com www.ftm- i ntl . org

New Leaf-Services for Our Community

yuricon@ hotmai l .com www.yuricon .org

Galeria de la Raza

T 4 1 5 626 7000 F 4 1 5 626 59 1 6 www. newleafservices.org

T 4 1 5 826 8009 F 4 1 5 826 6235 i nfo@galeriadela raza.org www.ga leriadela raza .org

d i rector@ourfa m i ly.org www.o u rfa m i ly.org

Our Family Coalition

GAPA-Gay Asian Pacific Alliance

PAWS-Pets Are Wonderful Support

T 4 1 5 282 4272 i nfo@ga pa .org www.ga pa .org

T 4 1 5 241 1473 F 4 1 5 252 947 1 www. pawssf.org

GLBT Historical Society

San Francisco Cinematheque

4 1 5 777 5455 F 4 1 5 777 5576 i nfo@gl bth istory.org www.gl bthistory.org

T 4 1 5 822 2885 F 4 1 5 822 1952 sfc@sfc i nematheq ue.org www.sfcinematheq ue.org


SFSI-San Francisco Sex Information

T 877 472 S FS I www.sfsi.org

1 18



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1 19

ADVERTISE 2223 Resta u rant p . 8 1 ABSOLUT p. back cover The Academy Fou ndation p. 20 ACLU of N orthern Cal iforn ia p. 92 The Advocate p. 13 A i r Canada p. 90 Allstate p. 1 22 Alternative Mortgage Sou rces p. 1 2 1 Amoeba M usic p. 1 1 7 Appetite Engi neers p. 14 Assemblywoma n Carol M igden p. 92 Autu m n Moon p . 1 1 5 Beach B la n ket B a bylon p. 95 B edford Hotel at U n ion Square p. 85 B lackstone Winery p. 22 B ud LIG H T p . 66 Cafe M o n k p. 88 Canterbury Hotel p. 1 1 5 C H AT Cafe p. 1 19 Citizen Cake p. 1 5 T h e Clay Stud i o p . 1 1 6 Continental Airli nes p. 1 1 Crossroads Trad i ng Com pa ny p . 122 Crystal G eyser a l pi ne spring water p. 18 Crystal G eyser J u ices p . 84 CU RVE Magazine p. 84 Dam ron p . 79 D I ESEL p. i nside back cover Eye Gotcha O ptometric p. 93 Fa lcon Studios p. 93 Foreign Cinema p. 1 19 Framel i ne Distri bution p. 86, 96 Frameline Mem bers h i p p. 14 G a l leria Park H otel p. 1 19 G i rlfriends Magazine p. 85 Golds Gym p . 82 G ood Vi brations p. 98 Halcyon H otel p. 79 H BO p . 72 H e rth Rea lty p. 1 2 1 H i lton S a n Fra ncisco p. 1 1 9 H otel M onaco p. 105 H otel Triton p. 1 2 1 J a rd i niere p . 89 Jewish Com m u n ity Federation p. 92 Jewish Fa m i ly & C h i l d ren's Services' LG BT O utreach Project p. 1 1 6 J ewish F i l m Festival p. 1 1 7 Joie de Vivre H ospita l ity p. 1 7 Ka buki S pri ngs & Spa p. 1 1 7 Ki ng George H otel p. 1 2 1 KQED p . 83 KRON-TV p. 87 La ndmark Theatres p. 92 The Last Drag p. 76 Levi's® J ea n s p. 73 Lufthansa German Airli nes p. 1 14 M a m ma M ia p. 105 Ma rket & N oe Center p. 122

1 20

Monaco La b p. 71 Mother Jones Magazine p. 77 M U N I p . 107 National Center for Lesbian R ights p . 85 The N ew York Ti mes p. 4 N i rva na p. 93 Noe Val ley Pet Co . . p. 99 Olivia Cru ises & Resorts p. 1 13 Passport & QS F Magazi nes p. 26 Patina Cateri ng p. 94 PlanetOut.com & Gay.com p. 74 P l u m pJack Cafe p. 88 Qantas Ai rways Limited p. 85 R a i n bow G rocery p. 77 R I PS U nderwear p . 74 R itz-Carlton p. 1 14 SAAB p. 24 The San F ra ncisco Bay G ua rd ia n p. 78 The San Fra ncisco F i l m Com m ission p. 1 6 T h e S a n Fra ncisco Foundation p. 9 5 Sa n Francisco Frontiers Newsmagazine p. 75 The SF LG BT Com m u n ity Center p. 66 Sa n Francisco LG BT Pride Celebration p. 109 Silent F i l m Festival p. 1 22 Sma l l Potatoes Catering p. 9 1 Stars B a r & D i n i ng p . 89 State Farm I nsura n ce Com pa n ies p. 73 Stea mworks p. 27 STO M P p. 1 1 7 STO P AI DS Project p. 87 Stra nd Releasing p. 103 S u n d a nce Channel p. inside front cover Supervisor M a rk Leno p. 1 1 6 T LAvideo.com p. 99 U n d e rG lass Fra m i ng p. 1 1 6 Ven us Magazine p . 93 Virgin Atlantic p. 9 Wel l s Fargo p. 2 Wolfe Video p. 1 0 1 XYZ p. 90 Yerba B uena Center for the Arts p . 80 Zao N ood le Bar p . 91




. .. ....



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You're in good hands.

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Welcomes you . . . .. Tower Records SoRo Gallery Radio Shack Maxicare European Dry Cleaners Sabin Chiropractic

.. Market Street at 1 6th & Noe (Public Parking on Noe Street side)

1 22


Cash for you r clothes. No appoi ntment.

RI Look for this !( symbol for titles distributed by Frameline Distribution. The 1 0 R u l es p. 42

The Amazing Meat G i rl

Besam e Mucho p . 41

B reakfast? p. 41

Sharkski n P rod ucti ons, L . L . C . T 818 566 1841

Monstr N i ne Films

H e u re d ' Ete P rod uctions

Boomtown M ed ia G m b H & CoKG

T 503 235 0494

T 33 4 66 03 63 25

Uwe D i e rks

F 347 7 1 0 439 1 sha rkski n prods@ya hoo . com

n i nestarred@ya hoo.com

F 33 4 66 03 60 1 7

T 49 30 264 80 550

s u m mert i me@fnac. net

F 49 30 264 80 555

www.sha rkski n prod uctions.com

The Amb iguously Gay Duo #9 p. 36

p. 40

uwe . d ierks@boomtow n m ed ia . d e p. 54

www. boomtown med ia . de

J .J . Sedelmaier Prod . , I nc .

B i nge ba bes at the Truck Stop

2.2.Tango p . 44

T 9 1 4 949 7979

H FF Konrad Wolf

Hannah G ugge n h e i m

F 914 949 7989

M a rtina Liebn itz

T 510 653 2342

sedel ma ier@aol .com

T 49 33 1 6202 1 40

Power U p

F 49 33 1 6202 1 99

T 3 1 0 271 4708

hgugg@aol . com American M u l let p . 34 21

m . l i ebn itz@ hff-potsd a m . d e

F 3 1 0 246 9877 joi n poweru p@aol .com

Pa rty in the Back Prod uctions

p . 50

Brea k i ng Up Really Sucks p. 39

Sm ithy P rod uctions

T 323 660 3255

B l u e Haven p. 42

T 212 560 4876 sm ithyprod ucti ons@hotm a i l .com

F 323 664 9924

J u l i a n Ca utherley

a merica n m u l l et@earth l i n k . net

T 8 1 8 261 7813

www. pa rtyi ntheback.com

F 8 1 8 246 8899

Ra p hael F i l m s

cautherley@ya hoo.com

T 3 1 0 280 02 14

3-Second Melancholy p . 61

F 8 1 3 3374 1 3 1 2 iri@wa 2 .so-net . n e .j p

T I LT-Teac h i ng I ntermed ia

Blue Tuesday p . 36 Broken p. 40

Lea rn i ng Tools

Fast G i rls Prod uctions

T 415 40 1 8458

Lisa G

Eve B regm a n

ti lt@tiltmed ia .org

T 604 879 8464

T 3 1 0 659 6344

F 604 253 1924

eveb7 1 @ya hoo.com

www.ti ltmed ia .org

AKA p. 3 3

B ritney Baby-One M o re Ti m e p. 35

F 3 1 0 280 02 18

As If It Matters p . 52

iri T 81 3 3374 1 3 1 2

www. power- u p . net

l i sagis@ya hoo.com

T h i rd R ock F i l m s

B ungee Jump ing of The i r Own p. 35

D u nca n Roy

!( The Attendant p. 51

T 44 1 227 770 1 55

Fra m e l i ne

Bob & Rose p . 34

Ci neclick Asia

d u nca n p roy@aol .com

T 4 1 5 703 8650

Red Prod uction Com pa n y

F 4 1 5 861 1404

T 4 4 0 1 6 1 8 2 7 2530

Yu n -jeong Kim T 82 2 538 0240

Adventures i n Tucking with Jeanne B.

info@fra m e l i n e . org

F 44 0 1 6 1 827 2 5 1 8

F 82 2 538 0479

p. 62

www.framel i ne.org

red l i m ited@d i a l . p i pex. co m

jeong@c i ne c l ickasia . com

T 4 1 6 351 1 3 1 7

Baby Blue p. 42

BobNa l erie p. 52

The Business of Fancydancing p. 36

F 4 1 6 3 5 1 1 509

Wi l l i ng Suspension F i l m s

Cool G uy F i l ms

Fa l l s Apart Prod uctions Inc.

www.vta pe .org

Patrick M cG u i n n

J oel J a necek

T 206 322 2287

V Ta pe

The Adventures of the Super Powerful

p.4 1 , 53

T 2 13 926 4827

T 310 489 442 1

F 206 322 232 1

F 323 665 02 19

joelja necek@hotma i l . com

wei b@ea rth l i n k . net

patri ck@interport. net

www.joelja nece k . com

www.fa l lsa pa rt.com/fa ncyd a n c i ng

Body p . 68

The Butch

SP P rod uctions

The H u man Race, LLC T 2 1 2 757 2616

www. i nterport . n et/- patrick

J u l ia J orda5 T 55 11 96945637 F 55 1 1 3826765 1

Backseat Detour p. 44

p. 58

Cave 7 Prod uctions

Sha ron Pellerin

T 4 1 5 377 1 550

T 415 922 1 1 65

F 2 1 2 757 67 1 7

ByG race 19@aol .com

spelleri@earth l i n k . net

theh u m a n race@nyc . rr.com

T 4 1 5 824 1333

Bacon p. 58

The Boyfriend p. 6 1

Butterfly p. 41

ck u n kel@matson .com

see Adventures in Tu cking

7 Dea d ly F i l m s

F i l o Fi l ms

with Jeanne B .

Chiedu Egbun iwe

T 39 06 58 19 1 27

su perpod erosos@ bol . co m . br Alien p . 53

Cheryl K u n ke l

T 7 18 369 692 1

F 39 06 70450328

Ba l loon Wra ngler p . 5 5

ch i@7dead lyfi l ms . com

fi lofi l ms@l i bero . it

Toril Si monsen

B laze Productions

www. 7dead lyfi l m s . com

T 47 22 47 45 74

pistoI66@eart h l i n k . net

All About My Father p. 33

Norwegian F i l m I nstitute

F 47 22 47 45 97

Call Me Cwazy p . 36 The Boys i n the Bean p . 36

Lyn n e Chan T 2 1 2 260 6565

tori ls@nfi . n o

Barb i e Can Also B e Sad p . 36

M oonfish Pix

www. nfi . no


T 206 323 2922

Iyn ne_chan@hotma i l .com

Paolo Pelzmater

moonfish pix@ya hoo.com


T 54 11 48 65 96 67

www. m oonfish.com

All the Queen's Men

p. 33

Stra nd Releasing

Chang i ng Room p. 58

paola p@step. net.or

T 3 1 0 395 5002

Brea dcrumbs p. 35

Freela nce F i l m & TV P roduction

F 3 1 0 395 2502

R uven H a n n a h

Courtenay Singer

stra nd @stra n d re leasing.com

T 4 1 5 863 9545

T 202 234 932 1

www.stra n d releasing.com

ruven@ruve n h a n na h . co m

courtsinger@ m s n . co m

www. ruve n h a n na h .com/ breadc ru m bs WWW. F R A M E Ll N E . O R G/FEST I VA L

1 23

Fish & E l ephant p. 40

p. 4 1

Chi cken N i ght p. 50

The D a y Before Yesterday p . 44

Exh i bition

see Breaking Up Rea l ly S ucks

Ga brie l la R o m a n o

3 La ra njas

Cheng Yong Prod uctio n s

ga briromano@bigfoot. com

M a rkus R i beiro

C h e n g Yong

che ngyongfe@ hotma i l .com

Ciao Ciao

T 55 1 1 3064 0440

p . 40

T 86 1 390 1 38 7635

Video Out

Days p . 37

F 55 1 1 3064 0440

T 604 872 8449

M ovie Factory

markus. ribeiro@3 I a ra njas.com. br

F 604 876 1 1 85

T 39 063232937

www. 3 I a ra njas.com . br

vid eoout@te l u s . net

F 39 063232937

Food of Love p . 40

T LA Video Exp l o d i ng Oedipus

movie_factory@ hotm a i l .com

p. 39

Raymond M u rray

T 2 1 5 733 0608

F D F i l m s LLC

C l a i re p . 30 Desire p . 40

Kenneth Wayne

F 2 1 5 733 0637

Amy Nestor

T 4 1 5 350 6870

rm u rray@tlavideo.com

F 404 622 79 1 2

T 813 839 8 1 84

F 4 1 5 920 906 1

m i l l i et@ m i ndspri ng.com

a b n l 2@ao l . co m

ke n @ u mg. net

The Dev i l i n t h e H o ly Water p . 38

Face Fi rst p. 68

T 4 9 7 1 1 6203 659

The Complex p . 39

Com pass P ro d u ctions

Todd Verow

F 49 7 1 1 6203 78 1

Com plex Pictu res, LLC

T 5 14 393 7297

T 2 1 2 420 849 1

i nfo@gretafi l m . d e

T 323 848 2036

F 5 14 393 0299

todd @bangorfi l m s .com

www.greta-fi l m .de

com plexpictu res@ea rth l i n k . net

baljfi l m@ao l . com

www. ba ngorfi l m s .com

It A Different Kind of Black Man

Fa i ry Ste ps: A Gay Intervention

Put Down the P low Prod u ctions

T 404 622 79 1 2

Fortuna Transi lvania p . 53

G retafi l m

www.cla i refi l m . com

Fouca ult Who? p. 35

www.th ecom plex.tv p . 37

Heads Will Roll Prod u ctions

Contact p. 35

p . 62

FS U F i l m School

Ste phen J . R e m i n gton

see The Attendant

T 850 645 4840

F 4 1 5 7 0 1 1 78 1

F 850 644 2626

fouca u lt@igc . o rg

kba rber@fi lm sc h ool .fsu . ed u

fouca u lt . h o m e . igc . o rg

T 4 1 3 559 5 1 34 sre m i ngton@ha m ps h i re . ed u

Disposable Lez

p. 36

T 866 F O U CA U LT

Desi ree L i m p . 40

Copacabana B u i l d ing p. 42

T 604 2 5 4 8 1 14

Fa l l

Al exa n d re Dacosta

dezz u @ h otmail . co m

see C i a o Ciao

Fowl Play p. 55

B utter


Pinches Prod uctions

T 5 1 0 849 0802

T 55 21 2252 1 3987/995304 1 5 F 5 5 2 1 22677679

Divas: Love M e Forever p . 3 8

A Fam i l y Affa i r p . 39

m c m p ress@ya hoo.com

a l edacosta@uol . co m . br

Anto n Wagner P ro d u ctions

Atta G i rl P rod u ctions

www. buttera n d p i nches . com

T 4 1 6 863 1 209

T 760 603 0 1 2 1

Crip Shots p. 49

F 4 1 6 863 9973

F 760 603 0 1 2 1

Frantz Fanon p . 41

J o h n R . K i l lacky

awagner@yorku . ca


Cal ifornia Newsreel

www.attagirl prod s . com

T 415 62 1 6 1 96

Fam i ly Va l ues p . 60

contact@newsree l . o rg

T 49 30 2 6 1 52979

Life of R i ley P rod uctions

www. newsreel . org

F 49 30 2978 1 02 1

T 212 995 1 367

th u rit@we b . d e

nyevita@aol . com

Friends in H igh Places p . 4 1

F 5 1 0 653 8783

Dyke: Just Be It p. 58

Fantasy p . 41

T 4 9 30 306 144 48

symons@ix. netco m . com

see D i sposa b l e Lez

see Exhibition

T 4 1 5 86 1 7804

F 415 62 1 6522

p . 36

F 4 1 5 978 9635

A Duel

jason lwc@earth l i n k . net

Th u rit Anto n i a Kremer

Daddy & Papa

p. 37

Persistent Visions

Lindsey M e rrison F i l m

T 510 653 8763

F 49 30 306 144 47 merrison@a o l . co m

Daddy-O p. 42

Dykes and Th e i r Dogs

KGB F i l m s

Tra i ps i n g Thru F i l m s

T 3 2 3 9 3 6 3072

T 3 1 0 6 5 7 8041

kgbfi l ms@aol .com

F 3 1 0 652 5573

www. kgbfi l m s .com

www. dykesa ndtheirdogs .com

daM Naged

p . 35

p . 55

Femme p . 62

www. merriso n . d e

see C i a o Ciao Fumbl i ng Toward R o c k p . 6 1

Each N ight p. 40

Fenced Out p . 52

P a per Tiger TV

Stea khaus Productions

T 510 663 355 1

Ca rlos Pa reja

F 5 1 0 663 363 1

T 2 1 2 420 9045

ftr@stea kha us.com www.stea k h a u s . com

S l i d e M o n key P rod .

VU T. T h u Hcยง

F 2 1 2 420 8 1 96

T 4 1 5 823 2625

T 4 1 5 861 7225

ca rlos@pa pertiger.org

sku l lfi l m @hotma i l .com

vu_th u_ha@ h otma i l .com

www. pa pertiger.org

"g.p." p. 53

E l evator G i rls i n Bondage p . 67

Final Exa ms p . 41

T 8 1 3 689 0586

Local F i l ms

stjean333 @aol .com

Chris St J ea n Dance

p. 4 1 , 59

( n ot a va i la ble)

Doris Ng

T 33 1 44 93 73 59

T 31 06 1 5446868 d orisng8@ya h o o . com

Ere M e la M e l a p. 41

F 33 1 44 93 70 33

see Besame Mucho The Darker Side of Black p. 41

F i l m a kers Li brary T 2 1 2 808 4980

p . 48

Aleja n d ra B o rja

F 2 1 2 808 4983

T 34 93 2 1 03086

i nfo@fi l m a kers . co m

a lej borj@ya hoo.com

1 24

B l i ndfish P rod u ction Fine C h i na



Gay Life for Beginners p . 48

p. 59

Annabelle Wick

Videopoo l , I nc.

T 49 30 2650236

T 204 949 9 1 34

a n n a be l l e_wick@we b . d e

F 204 942 1 555 vpd ist@videopool . m b. ca

Hard Fat p. 68

I Am N ot What You Want p . 47

It J ust Ca l l Me Kade p. 58

Occasion a l Prod uctions

House of Praxis

see The Atten dant

A n n ie Goldson

Frederic M offet

D5/ 1 5 F Lung Kee B ldg Kit H u ng

T 64 9 360 1 1304

T 773 929 9347

T 852 2362 6538

J ust Ryan p . 35

F 64 9 373 8764

fmoffe@a rtic.edu

kith u ng@gmx . net

p. 43

Georgie G i rl

Eye bea m Pictu res Alonzo R uva lca ba

a .goldso n @a uckland .ac. nz

T 650 652 9237

Haro l d 's H isto ric H o m o

I Exist p . 46

The Gh ost of Roger Casem ent p . 43

Home Movies p. 45

Eyebite Prod uctions

F 650 652 9237

Cross i n g the Line F i l m s T 3 5 3 1 2872622

G L BT H istorica l Soc iety

T 4 1 5 551 1 723

a lo nzocom@pacbe l l . n et

Su sa n Stryker

F 4 1 5 551 1 723

F 353 1 2872622

T 4 1 5 777 5455

peter@eyebite .com

Ka rmarama

joh n m u rr@ i n d igo . ie

F 4 1 5 777 5576

www.eye bite. com

see H igh Street Love Story

p. 38

The Heart's Root p. 45

I Love You Baby p . 46

Ka rmen GeT p. 49

P M O Prod u ctions T 4 1 6 834 6560

Suma F i l m s F 351 21 3 1 5 9066

Alq u i mia I ke r Monfort

see Frantz Fa non

s i n isterfox@hotm a i l . com

su mafi l mes@ m a i l .te l e pac . pt

T 34 9 1 343 1 590 F 34 91 343 1 589

Ke Kulana He Mahu p . 49

The G i rl from Marseil les p . 40

Helmut & Bu ka

i ker. m onfort@a l q u i m ia ci nema .com

T 808 945 0996

Ca nyon C i nema

see The Amazing Meat Girl

Gi rl Drama

p. 39

p. 44

Za ng Pictu res

www. i loveyouba byla pe l i c u l a . com

www. ca nyo n c i n e ma . com


p. 58

see Adventures in Tucking Girl King p . 43

F 808 949 1 1 42 za ngpictu res@cs . com

T 415 626 2255

with Jeanne B .

I l eana P i etro b r u n o

I Was a Lesb ian C h i l d x5 p. 40

www.zangpict u res . n et

VideoVision Prod u ctions T 510 534 2750

Kee p i ng It Real p. 49

Mad Dog F i l ms

l esliebe@green s . o rg

T 604 684 6604

H igh Street Love Story p . 3 8

F 604 684 6614

Queer Screen

In the Name of Allah

T 61 2 9332 4938

Ladies Tea p . 36

T 4 1 0 737 0505

www. maddogfi lms .com p. 46

Glaad iator p. 42

F 61 2 933 1 2988

Pa rvez Sha rma T 202 486-5779

Comfusion F i l m s

i nfo@q ueerscree n .com .au

parvezsha rma@hotma i l .com

T 3 1 0 748 0903

www. q u eerscreen .co m . a u

Pa u la D u rette pa ula_d u rette@hotm a i l .com

j h udso n @ i n d ependentfi l ms.com

Incide ntal Journey p. 47 T h e H i story o f Mastu rbati on p. 4 5

J ofei Chen

Lady God iva p. 36

Going West p. 48

Wo rld o f Wonder

T 886 2 291 1 793 1

see The Housesitter

M ichael M ew

T 44 020 7349 9000

F 886 2 29 1 1 793 1

T 604 837 705 1

F 44 020 7349 9777

jofei@ms I 7 . h i net. n et

F 604 609 0280

wow@world ofwonder.co . u k

oceanstargazer@h otm a i l .com

www.world ofwonder. net

Lan Yu p. 28

see Al l the Queen's Men Into the N i ght p. 38

see H igh Street Love Story

The Lawless Heart p . 50

p. 48

I nto the Streets p. 48

T 3 1 0 855 1 1 99

Gay Propaga nda F i l m s

G l e n n Gaylord

J a m ie Kravitz

F 3 1 0 855 0 1 52

J D Disa lvatore

T 323 822 3830

T 323 876 1275

i nfo@fi rstlookmed i a .com

T 818 625 3798

F 323 822 383 1

jam ie@d igivitz.com

www.fi rstlookmed ia . com

F 818 995 4638

glen @correcth e l p . o rg

www. d igivitz .com

jd isal@ao l . com

www.correcth e l p .org

www. goi ngwest.ca

Fi rst Look

HIV Basics for Corrections Officers Goodfa igolas p . 36

Lesb ian Fas h ion? p. 34 It's My Life p. 48

Tra i ps i n g T h r u Films

The Graduate p. 36

The Housesitter p . 55

F i rst R u n/Icarus Films

R e n ee Sotile

see Go odfa igolas


T 800 876 1 7 1 0

T 3 1 0 657 8041

T 4 1 6 588 0725

F 7 1 8 488 8642

F 310 652 5573

F 416 588 7956

mai l@frif.com

re neei nweho@aol .com


booki ngs@cfmd c . org


M a ri lyn Freem a n

www. cfmdc.org


p. 44

Lesbians Are Special People p. 44

T 360 236 1 605 F 360 528 2398

How Beatrice Came C lean

p. 36

Jan-Michael Vincent Is My Muse

Ha rriet Storm

p. 35

T 5 1 0 843 5440

marilyn@wov i e . com

Spectru m M ed ia , I nc .

Gori lla Factory

F 5 1 0 848 94 13

www.gro u pthemovie.com

Sea n Ka m i nsky

T 4 1 5 43 1 2473

ha rriets@ix. n etcom .com

T 2 1 2 39 1 203 1

gori l lafactory@we bco m . com

sea n @spectru m m ed ia . net

www.j i mtush i nski . com/gori l l a

Guardian of the Fronti er p . 31

Ta n i ka Sajatovic

How They Get Us to Screw Ourselves

T 386 1 433 7 1 75

p. 48

F 386 1 430 6250

To bacco Free Project

ta n i ka .sajatovic@fi l m-sklad . s i

T 4 1 5 581 2445

www.va ru h mej e . com

It Junk Box Warrior p. 58, 62 see The Attendant

Lianna p. 50

I FC F i l ms Just a Woman

p. 46, 62

T 646 273 7207

F 4 1 5 581 2492

Sma l l Ca mera

F 646 273 7250

madawaska2@aol .com

T 43 87 1 5 62

eaenglish@ra i n bow-med i a . com

F 43 87 34 72 lesfi l msd u req u i n @ n oos.fr

www. ra i n bow-med i a . com

Hush! p. 46

It Hand on the Pulse p . 44 see The Attendant

Lez B e Friends p . 42

see The H ousesitter

Sl ove ne Film Fo un dation

see A l l the Queen's Men WWW. F RA M ELl N E . O RG/ F EST I VA L


p. 61

Like a Brother p. 37

Miss H e l l

Alexa n d ra Steele

see Fum b l i ng Toward Rock

Once p . 40

see The H ousesitter

T 2 1 3 364 1 1 1 2

Peaches Christ Superstar p . 42

Euge n i a C h a n T 4 1 5 990 7481

The Mom ent After p . 61

Open Letter p. 40

H a rd G Prod u ctions

Fa biana P rado

Lives of the Pharaohs p. 32

themomentafter@earth l i n k . net

T 55 11 557 1 3854

Peanuts & Pumps p. 42

J onat h a n Wa ld


fa b 1 237@uo l . com . br

( n ot ava i l a b le)

My Beautiful N eighbor p. 42

Operation YY p. 4 1


Da n i s h F i l m I nstitute

Sa m S piega l F i l m & T.V. School

Don Thomas

The Long Road to Mazatlan p . 47

T 45 33 74 34 00

-J erusa lem

T 4 1 5 775 8375

Somna m b u l i st

F 45 33 74 34 0 1

T 972 2 673 1 950

F 415 775 8375

T 44 020 7 . 83 7755

dfi@dfi . d l

F 972 2 673 1 949

deebo@sfs u .edu

xela pop@hotma i l .com

evecon 70@hotm a i l . com

T 4 1 5 564 0 1 53 jonwa l d @ya h oo.com


Tony? p. 36

F 44 020 7383 77 45 Myth o f Father p . 52

Ordi nary S i nner p. 53

P i n k Eye p. 40

Looking for Langston p. 5 1

Pa u l H i l l

S horelands P rod u ctions I n c.

P ro Dom P rod uctions

T h i rd World Newsreel

T 6 1 4 267 3 1 84

T 203 6 1 8 4803

Mac h i ko Sa ito

T 2 1 2 947 9277

p h i I 1 1 @col u m b u s . rr. com

F 203 629 8554

T 4 1 5 255 9778

F 212 594 64 1 7

www. mythoffather. com

shore l a n d s 1 23@a o l . com

man icmac h i ko2@hotma i l .com A Place i n Her Own D i rection p. 58

www.twn . o rg N a m i ng Pra i ri e p. 62

Our Brothers, Our Sons p . 48

Love Is Forever p. 36

Seventh Art Releas i ng

Eu reka Street Pi ctu res

see Adventures in Tucking

Esther R itter

Matt Henderson

J i m Arnold

with Jeanne B.

T 9 1 6 737 1 039

T 323 845 1455

T 415 626 7867

F 9 1 6 739 8738

F 323 845 47 1 7

F 4 1 5 645 4000

Pl ease D on't Stop p. 54


ja mesja rnold@ya h oo.com

Good Vi brations

www. 7tha rt.com

www. e u rekastreet pictu res . com

L u l l a by p. 62

see Adventures in Tucking

Sara h Ke n nedy T 4 1 5 974 8985 x237

N ight Kiss p . 4 1

Out in the C o l d p. 60

F 415 975 2925

Alcina P i ctu res Ltd .

C I R E Fo u ndation

sa ra h k@goodv.com

Luster p . 5 1

Boris Rod riguez

T 303 748 7508

R o bert S h u levitz

T 4 1 6 364 3777

F 303 232 6460

T 503 449 4 1 25

F 416 364 7 1 23

ekentz@ao l . com

World of Wonder

F 503 289 9034

boris rod riguez@hotma i l .com

www. ci refou ndati o n . org

T 323 603 6300

I uster@ i n door.com

pa u l @a l c i n a pictu res .com

with Jeanne B.

P l ushies & Furries p . 45

F 323 603 630 1 Outside In

p. 40

wow@world ofwonder. net

Madonnalogue p . 35

N ight Trade p . 38

Susan B ru ce

M-Sq u a red P rod uctions

Ba rba ra Ka rpi nski P rod u ctions

T 6 1 8 8 44 9 1 770

M a rk M cCormick

T 612 8300 1 700

susanart@cha riot. net . a u

The Pol itics of Fur p. 54

T 5 10 649 9624

ba rba ra . a . ka rpi nski@ uts . ed u . a u P.S . Your C a t Is D e a d p. 54

T 323 309 9529

www.worldofwonder. net

La u ra N ix

ma rkmccorm ick@ m i ndspring.com N ina Hartley's Guide

ECG Worldwide Enterta i n ment

F 2 13 351 0445

The Man I Love p. 5 1

to Doggy Eroticism p . 55

T 3 10 205 9324

n ixpix@ea rth l i n k . n et

Arte Fra nce

Cha rna Cassell

F 3 1 0 205 9325

Lisa Pel l i er- B en c h i kh

T 4 1 5 43 1 8 106

i nfo@worldwidente rta i n m e nt.com

Pretty Lad i es: A SuperSexp l osion

T 33 01 55 00 7777

thatca rd@ya h oo.com

www.worldwidenterta i n m e nt.com

p. 58

N o Prom for C i ndy p. 3 7

The Parking Lot of Shopl ifted Del ights

T 773 764 6648

F 33 0 1 55 00 7700 I - pel I i e r@ pa ris . a rte.fr www.a rtefra nce .fr

Cotton Lover Films He-Man Pi ctu res

p. 42, 6 1

F 773 764 6 1 70

C h a r l i e Ad l e r


cc@catherinecrouch .com

Marci l l a p . 53

hema n pictu res@aol .com

J o h n C h u rc h

www.catheri necro u c h .com

J e n e l l e Troxe l l

www. nopro mforci ndy. com

T 323 666 8 1 7 6

T 7 1 8 488 0030 jenel le@erols.com

jch u rc h @ u c l a . ed u Notorious C . H . O . p . 29

Pussies from Outta Space p . 53

B igfatt P rod u ctions

We l ls p ri ng Media

T h e Parlor p . 4 2

Nanci Gaglio

T 2 1 2 686 6777

B a n d s h e l l Enterta i n m ent

T 415 387 7050

RVQ Prod u ctions

F 2 1 2 545 993 1

T 818 761 7225

reelgurl@ya hoo.com

T 63 2 24 1 4840

www.wel lspri ng.com

F 818 761 7225

Markova: Comfort Gay p. 52

F 63 2 24 1 4855 rvq prod @the. net. ph

pontus@4 I i n k . net

Queen Lah T. Nedo p . 53

Pass i ng Resemblance p . 42

T 49 30 78899908

Novel a , Nove la p. 53

Liz M i l ler

big com prom ise

Mary Poppers: k i n da nanny p. 55

T 860 922 3995

Dan iel Wascou

F 49 30 897 484 54

Va lor D'Am izade

l iz m i l ler@contrition . n et

T 8 1 8 6 1 3 5550

bigcom prom ise@hotm a i l .com

T 11 962 68249 zaz u @ i n a m e . com

dwascou @hotm a i l . com

o Beautifu l p. 37

Queens Don't Lie p . 55

Gecko F i l m s

Peach Fuzz p. 44

Rosa von P ra u n h e i m Fi l m prod u ktion

T 2 1 2 267 7725

M a u reen F u ttner

T 30 883 54 96

Flavio C o l ker

F 212 732 5456

T 4 1 5 864 5465

F 30 881 29 58

T 55 2 1 2239 1 7 2 1

geckofi l m s@a o l . com

mfuttn er@on ebox.com

rosavp@aol . com

Meta lguru p. 48

b l u e5@visua l n et . com . br

1 26



Queer Geography p. 52

see The Attendan t Queercore p. 52

Roberta Loved p. 61

Shaving p. 50

. A Close Sh ave Prod uctions

Skeleton Woman p. 59

Posh P ictures T 323 634 9304

Caren McDonald

Vivf Letsou

pos h p ictures@ m i ndspring.com

T 323 663 3938

T 4 1 5 82 1 70 1 2

ca re n m o n key@earth l i n k . n et

vivilets@aol .com

Queer Youth TV Bret Berg T 3 1 0 277 6394 bret@q ueeryouthtv.o rg www. q u eeryouthtv.org Questio n i ng Faith p. 55

R i verfi lms

T 2 1 2 678 7 1 03 F 2 1 2 280 1476 riverfl ix@aol .com

Running Blue p. 57

Ske leto n Wom a n Prod uctions

www.s keletonwoman . com

see Road Movie

She Turned It p. 42

Ruth i e & Connie p . 32

T 212 780 9 1 3 1

M i c h e l l e Chen

sean 1 2277 1 @aol .com

T 86 1 0 8596 4226

she wears cuff l i n ks p. 58

c h e n m m02@ms n . com

Berke ley F i l m G ro u p T 510 893 1820 F 5 1 0 893 0816 berkfi l mgrp@l m i . n et Salt the Blade a n d Twist the Knife

Sea n De Simone

The Sna ke Boy p. 59

F 86 21 6253 1300 Diana J . B rod ie T 4 1 5 279 1318

So Different p . 58

Ma rla Leech

m i l l i o n a i re@s u bge n i u s . com

T 4 1 5 281 0547

p. 36 Radical Harm o n i es p. 56

Si natra-Sha m rock Producti ons

Shih Tzu Happens "The Contest" p . 55

Wom a n Vision

T 323 222 4648

Gypsy Stu d i os

Dee M osbacher, M . D . , P h . D .

shamrock@ ktb. net

T 4 1 6 236 9 1 97

T 4 1 5 921 5687 F 4 1 5 346 1047

www. a n n l i p pert.com

gypsystud ios02@aol . com

orr40@hotma i l . com Some Real H eat p. 60

not in kansas a nymore producti ons T 49 30 782 1 9 02

dmosbacher@a ol . com

The Seamstress p . 58

Short(s)Sight p . 48

F 49 30 782 1 9 02

www. woma n-vis ion . org

( not ava i la ble)

Crist i n a Za netti

not i n ka nsasa nym ore@we b . d e

Ra ised by Drag Queens p. 42, 44

Raga m uff Productions

p . 53 Com m u n i on P rod u ctions

T 4 1 5 285 9236

T 415 553 7751

T 39 0 5 1 372394 Season of the Tro l l

F 39 05 1 6494276 za n i .cri@ l i bero. it

Sorry, B renda p . 6 1

Frea kshow P rod uctions T 510 652 2799

info@raga m uff.com

F 4 1 5 751 32 12

Shut U p Jose p h i n e p . 62

www. raga m u ff.com

peaches@peachesch rist . com

H ouse of Virago Prod uctions

www. peachesch rist.com

T 4 1 5 206 1427

Southern Fam i ly p. 37

F 4 1 5 777 5565

Wa l l eye Prod u ctions

Rep lay p . 56

flach pyra m i d e i nternational

Selma & Sofie p. 39

Pa ul R icher


houseofvirago@hotma i l .com

sa ma ra685@op l .com

Keith Wi lson T 4 1 5 269 3279

T 33 1 42 96 0220

Mia Engberg

Shut Up White Boy p. 44, 58

F 33 1 40 20 055 1

T 46 8 644 65 69

see Each N ight

m ichael keithwi Ison@ya hoo . com

pricher@flach-pyra m id e . com

m i a . engberg@te l i a . com

www.flach-pyra m i d e . com

www. mi aengberg.com

Simon & I p. 48

Ta i Seng

See Thru Medi a

Jon Soo

Reservo i r Dykes p. 36

Semiotics of the B itchin' p. 44

T 27 1 1 648 8889

T 650 87 1 8 1 18 x226

see Goodfa igolas

Theri ne You ngblood

F 27 1 1 648 8889

F 650 87 1 2392

T 4 1 5 643 7625

n i k@ netactive .co.za

jonsoo@ta iseng.cOni

Rev High, Never Idle p. 44

Spacked Out p . 60

www.ta iseng.com

theri ne_y@hotma i l . com

Flu rry F i l m s

S inalela

p. 42

El izabeth M cCa rthy

Sexto Senti do p. 53


T 4 1 5 285 61 45

(not ava i la ble)

T 4 1 5 244 03 1 7

Media Ed ucatio n Fou n d ation

ta u la pa pa@hotm a i l . com

T 800 897 0089

Left turn at Al beq uerq ue

Sing Al o ng San Francisco p . 42

i nfo@ m ed iaed . org

P rod uction I G

Pa u l Van De Carr

Scott Noble

www. m ed iaed . org

Maki Tera s h i ma-Furuta

T 415 355 1327

T 4 1 5 64 1 0984

T 310 530 3532

pa u lvdc@hotm a i l . com

snobl esf@attbi . com

maki@ prod u ction-ig.com

Sexy p. 36

Sir: Just a No rmal Guy p . 58

www.j rt.co.j p/yos/i k u n iweb

Stu d i o Prometheus

M e l a n i e La R osa T 2 1 5 848 8323

Stag p. 42

Tom Whitm a n Revolutionary Love : the defi nition

T 3 1 0 403 0087

s i rthemovie@ya hoo.com

Sa m B a ker

p . 58

tom@studioprometheus.co m

www.geocities . co m/sirthe movie

T 44 01 753 652 778

Shadow B o x p . 41

Sister S m i l e p . 59

sa m @ m p prod uction s . co . u k

eemccarthy@ m i n d s pring.com Sexual Orientation p. 35 Revo l utionary G i rl Utena p. 56

F 800 659 6882

F 310 530 3526

S p i ke p. 55

see The Housesitter

M a rtin Pope P roductions

F 44 01 753 655 043

Kobe J a ckson

T 440 775 54 1 5

Speak Up! p . 60

Pierre Yves Clou i n

N eofi l m

T 3 3 0 145852077

T 39 06 6872723

Road M ovie p. 57

ema i l @c-x-p. net

F 39 06 2332 45605

Lis beth Lyngh0ft

Ci nema Service

www. c-x-p. n et

i l d@attgloba l . net

T 45 35 39 05 81

F 82 2 2264 2 1 80

Shanghai Panic p. 57

S ize 'em Up p. 42

rach el@cinemaservice . com

Weste rn Dragon Productions

B u stin' O ut F i l m s

Streak Her Stark p. 40

T 86 21 62 1 6 0202

Ch risti n e J . R u sso

Airyka Rockefe l ler

F 86 21 32 25 03 83

T 323 646 64 1 0

T 206 852 4258

au sgonb@ya hoo.com

cj russo@ pacbel l . net

a i ryka r@hotm a i l .com

ch igusa32@hotma i l . com

T 82 2 2270 4732

T h e Strawberry Harvest p. 48

el iza beta@ofi r. d l e

www.cj russo .com WWW. F R A M ELl N E .O RG/FEST I VA L


The Stroke p. 36, 42

That's My F a c e p . 62

True-Hearted Vixens p . 68

Wayne p. 61

Austin You ng

C h i m pa nzee P rod uctions

Souve n i r Pictu res

see Fum b l i ng Toward Rock

T 323 906 9220

T 7 1 8 643 0342

Mylene Moreno

F 323 906 92 1 1

F 7 1 8 246 0 1 84

T 323 5 1 2 4677

We're Sti l l Poor and

a rtmagic@earth l i n k . net

ta ha rris@ucsd .ed u

F 323 512 4679

We're Sti l l Happy p. 42

www. a u stinyou ng.com

www. c h i m pa n zeeprod uctions.org

mylene@souve n i r pictures . com

Blue Room Productions

www.souve n i r pictu res.com

Mary D i lu l lo

Stuck p . 39

Th i n k i ng of You

F i n e Arts D istri b ution

see Ciao Ciao

T 6 1 0 642 0875

p. 62 The Truth About Gay Sex p. 68

cinemary@aol . com

see The H i story of Masturbation

Ti mothy Wollaston twollaston_fi nearts@hotmail .com

Wed nesday Roadsong p . 58

this i s a party p . 62

Da ra Sklar

Turn M e O n p . 45

Sucker p . 53

T 4 1 5 637 1 1 90

Austra l i a n Film TV & R a d i o School

Ka rina M a riano

I M M Prod uctions

d a ras@schwartz-pr.com


T 5 1 4 842 8089


R uth Sa u nders

stonel i lypix@videotron . ca

T 61 2 9805 6455

l a i n M u rton T 61 3 9534 8680

This Is N ot an AIDS Advertisement

Stonel i ly Pictu res

F 61 3 9534 8680

p. 47

F 61 2 9805 6563

Whether You L i ke It or N ot p. 69

ia i n m u rton@ya hoo.com

see The Atten dant

ruths@aftrs . ed u .a u

Automat P i ctures T 2 1 3 351 0444

Suet-S i n's Sisters p . 58

Thorn Grass p. 36

Twi n ki es p . 36

F 2 1 3 351 0445

see Adventures in Tucking

D . R . Hammer

J a rvis/Co l l i n s

la u ra@a utomatpictu res . com

with Jeanne B.

T 303 449 0738

T 4 1 6 363 3032

l ightci rclefi l m @webtv.net

F 4 1 6 461 245 1

Whitney: Mama's Little Baby p . 42

blowboy@i nterlog. com

El bro Prod uctions

Sugar Sweet p . 6 1 Three (The Conservator's Dream) p. 5 1

see Disposable Lez


david@a l lsa i ntstoronto.com

S u rfa c i ng p. 52

see The Attendant

Three Things My M other

Sweet Life p. 42

see Ciao C i a o

lawrence El bert T 2 1 3 368 9606

(not a va i la ble) U g l y Parade p. 6 1

F 2 1 3 388 3975

s e e Fum b l i ng Toward Rock

e l b roprod@earth l i n k . n et

U n hung Heroes p . 62

The W i l d Kingdon Strikes Back p. 55

l Iya Pearl m a n

M r. B u l l & Sons

Never To l d M e p . 36

Keegan a n d Lloyd P rod uctions T 310 452 63 1 4

Tom p . 67

T 323 4 6 5 3380

Mari lyn B u l l

F 3 1 0 4 1 0 36 1 6

see The H ousesitter

u n h u ngheroes@aol .com

T 510 428 0195 mrbuI I007@hotma i l .com

Traces p. 55

Vaga bondia p. 47

see The H ousesitter

(n ot ava i l a ble)

Transa n i ma l s p. 55

Venus Boyz p. 69

R a l p h McKay

Amy H i l l

Cel l u loid D rea ms

Pie Town Prod uctions

T 5 1 0 653 2580

T 33 1 49 70 0370

T 43 1 526 0990 0 F 43 1 526 0992

J e n n ifer Freed m a n

amylen ita@com p u m e ntor.org

Lkeega n@ya hoo . com Sweet Thing p . 38

Swimming Upstream

p. 62

With M e p . 40

S ixpack F i l m

see H igh Street Love Story

T 3 2 3 851 2333 x209

F 33 1 49 70 037 1

office@sixpackfi l m .com

i nfo@cel l u loid-d rea ms.com

www.sixpackfi l m . com

www.ce l l uloi d-d rea m s . com

F 323 851 2334

Transgressions p. 35

jfreed m a n @ pietownprods . com

Stuart Gaffney

www. pietownprods . com

T 4 1 5 386 6710

T h e Visitor p. 38, 6 1

stua rt@aya .yale.edu

J o u r de Fete F i l m s

Wu Yen p. 70

T 323 933 2733

Tales from the Powder Room

see Spacked Out You 2 p . 42

p . 36

Tread ing Water p. 67

F 323 933 3929

Sasha Dees Prod uction a n d

see H igh Street Love Story

Tu n n e l Vision P rod uctions

www.jo u rdefete . com

Ma nagement

Tanaka p . 38

ema i l @ l a u re n h i m me l . com

T 2 1 2 864 592 1

T 5 1 0 832 7860 Wash Dark Colou rs Separate ly p . 38


Chee la m

see H igh Street Love Story

Young Soul Rebels p . 70

Tremb lement d e Chair p. 62

T 6 1 2 95 1 7 9839

Taxi Lesbian p. 36

see Adventures i n Tucking

F 3 1 2 9290 329 1

Swa nk Motion Pictu res

see Goodfa igolas

with Jeanne B .

c m la m @s054.aone. net.au

T 800 876 5577

Tem po ra r i ly I nsane p . 39

Tri c ia's Wed d i ng p . 67

Watch i ng Lesbian Porn p . 36

August H a rvest P rod uctions

(not a va i la bl e )

www.swa n k.com

T 510 558 1 738


Your Better Butch Fas h i o n p. 34

T 5 1 4 2 7 1 5506

Tracy M. St. Pierre

a ugustharvest@hotma i l .com

T h e Trip p . 6 8

F 5 1 4 2 7 1 6980

T 78 1 246 00 18

www.je n n a ugust . com

Fa lcon la i r F i l m s L . L . C .

giv@videotron .ca

tmstpierre@a ol.com

Houston K i ng

www. givideo.org

Thank You Kate B ornstein p. 62

T 323 850 2757

see Adventures i n Tucking

F 323 850 2787

with Jeanne B .

Houston_Ki ng@ hotma i l . com

Watc h i ng You p . 48

Stepha nie Abra m ovich T 972 52 200375 F 972 9 9 5 1 7738 stsabitwi n i@hotm a i l . com

1 28


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