27th San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival

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Welcome to the 27'h San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival!

Queer Ci nema i n 2003 is shaping u p to be a ba n ner year. Thus far, the Su ndance and Berl i n Fi l m Festiva ls have offered some of the strongest sel ecti ons of queer fi l ms i n many yea rs . Over 18 days i n J u ne, we're th r i l led to bring you some of the best of th ese films, an d many others, too. Ope n i ng N ight has Charl es B usch playing a has-been singer bent on getti ng the most out of life in the h i larious DIE M O M M IE DI E. The Festival features some of the best real female actors, too. Olympia Dukakis plays the mother of a son with A I DS i n the heart-wrench i ng THE EVENT a nd D i a n n e Wiest gives a com i c turn as a n opera diva with a gay son i n the Merchant Ivory p rod uction M E R C I DOCTEUR R EY. And our favorite plu m ber a n d showgirl G i na Gershon cl oses the Festiva l with a riotous performa nce as a bisexua l rocker i n PREY FOR ROCK & RO LL. F rom the J o h n Waters favorite P O R N TH EATRE to the tra nsgender crime dra ma GEN DER B I AS, the French offer an amazing a rray of q ueer i mages-seven features tota l ! Enjoy extraord i nary q ueer fi lms from such cou ntries as Argenti na, Korea , C h i n a , and Israel, too. Festiva l fi rst-t i mers i n cl u de I ra n with DAUG H TERS OF THE SUN a n d Sri La nka with FLYI NG WITH ONE W I N G . Some favorite fi l m makers retu rn to the Festiva l with n ew works. Jacque M a rtinea u a nd Ol ivier Ducastel bring us the de lightfu l and hea rt-wa rm i ng MY L I FE ON I C E and S pa i n's Eloy de la Iglesi a returns to the Festiva l after a 17-year a bsence with h i s latest, BULGAR I A N LOVERS. D iverse visions on A I DS cont i n u e to i nterest q u eer c i n ema fi l m ma kers . I n addition to THE EVENT ( d i rected by THE HANGING GARDEN's Thom Fitzgera ld) Au stra l i a n di rector Tony Ayers bri ngs us WALKI N G ON WATER , the story of immediate a nd extended fa m i lies com i ng together u pon the death of a loved one. Rory Ke n n edy looks at the worldwide effect of the disea se in her movi n g docu me ntary PAN DE M I C: FACES OF A I DS a nd a n other docu mentary chro n i cles 15 yea rs of AI DS activis m . THE G I FT i l l ustrates a more controversial side of the epidem ic by exploring " bug chasi ng," which Rolling Stone magazine inferred as a sign ifica nt gay male behavio ra l problem. This yea r a lso ma rks the 10th a n n iversary of two l a n d mark p rod uctions that fostered u n precedented nationwide awa reness on A I DS. Both A N D THE BAN D PLAYED ON and P H I LA D E LP H I A w i l l be screened i n honor for their brave c i n ematic h istory. So as you'd expect, o u r l ineu p is as dra matic, i rreverent, sexy, co m i ca l , enl ighteni ng, an d em powering as ever, a nd we guara ntee it' l l defi n itely be the q u eerest Festiva l you ' l l see a l l yea r! Enjoy! SO

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tia·Presenters Source Framellne M e m bersh i p Advertisers I nd ex Print Source and Film In�ex

M ichael Lum pki n Festiva l Co-D i rector


Festival Co-Di rector



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Fram eline's m ission is to strengthen the diverse lesbia n , gay, bisexua l , a nd transgender com­

m u n ity and fu rther its visi b i l ity by s u p porti ng and p romoting a broad array of cu ltura l repre­ sentations a n d artistic expression in fi l m , video, a n d other media arts. The San Francisco International Lesbian & Gay Film Festival is the oldest a n d la rgest event of its k i nd in the world. As the world's prem ier showcase for q u eer cinema, the Festival enter­ ta i n s a nd educates more than 80,000 people each year. For over 20 years, Frameline Distribution, the only national distributor dedicated solely to lesbia n a n d gay fi l m and video, has provided LGBT-focused works to educators, com m u nity orga n izations, l i braries, a nd i ndividuals across the cou ntry. Look for selections from our collec­ tion of more than 200 titles in this year's Festiva l . ( For more information a bout Fra meline D istri b ution , please ca l l 4 1 5. 703.8650 or visit www.fra m e l i ne. org/distri b ution . ) The HorizonslFrameline Film & Video Completion Fund provides financial s u p port t o film­

and videoma kers for the com pletion of new works. Through a n n ua l gra nts, the Fund seeks to su p port excel lence in q u eer fi l m ma ki n g a n d to foster new work by a n d for u n derserved audi­ ences. R ISE A BOVE: T H E T R I BE 8 DOC U M ENTARY, B UTCH M YSTIQUE, a nd NO SECRET ANY M O R E are works in this year's Festiva l that have received Com pletion Fund gra nts . ( For more i nformation a bout Completion Fund gra nts, please ca l l 4 1 5.703 .8650 or visit www.fra meline.org/fu nd. ) Fra me l i n e is generously s u pported in pa rt by grants from Gra nts for the Arts, the Cu ltura l Eq u ity Gra nts Progra m of the Sa n Fra ncisco Arts Com m ission , National Endowment for the Arts, Cal iforn ia Arts Cou nci l , the Gay and Les bia n Fund for the Redwood Em pire at the H orizons Fou n dation, The R. Gwin Fol lis Fou ndation, the W i l l i a m a nd Flora Hewlett Foundation , the Academy Fou ndatio n , Wel ls Fargo, and the Brooks-Math ews Fou ndation . Our progra ms a re a l so funded by the mem bers of Fra me l i ne, private donors, and corporate s ponsors. Our tha n ks to a l l who m a ke Fra meline's i m portant work possi ble. Fra mel i ne is a lso a m e m ber of the Ninth Street Media Consortium. The Consorti u m is gen­ erously fu nded by the fol lowi ng: Wi l l ia m a n d Flora H ewlett Fou n datio n , Non profit Space Ca pita l Fund, Wa lter a n d Elise Haas Fu nd, J a mes Irvi ne Fou ndation, Col u m bia Fou ndation, City of Sa n Francisco, Nationa l Endowment for the Arts, ArtHou se/Emergency Rent Subsidies Progra m , M a u rice Kan bar Cha rita ble Trust, Cal ifornia Arts Cou ncil, G ra nts for t h e Arts/San Fra ncisco H otel Tax F u nd, Fleishhacker Fou ndation, Koret Fou ndation , Wells Fargo Fou n dation , Gaia Fu nd, Theoph i l us Fou ndation, San Fra ncisco Arts Comm ission , Pacific Pioneer F u nd, Sa n Fra ncisco Fou ndation, J a mes C. Hormel & Ti mothy C. Wu , Non profit Fina nce Fu nd, Anonymous (2).

Supported by



FRAMELI Operations




Board of Directors


K.C. Price

R uss G age

Development Director

Operations Director

Fra nces Wa l lace

Will Roq ue

Development Associate

Operations Manager

Ben S i b rack

Charlotte G utierrez

Membership Services Coordinator

Volunteer Coordinator

Pa mela Davi d , President Dua ne Cra mer, Vice President John S mall , Treasurer Sa nd i p Roy, Secretary Adam Berma n David Castro Timothy Cava n a ugh Na ncy Choate Lisa C h u n Tom d i M a ria El iza beth Fa lkner Wendy Levy Debora h Montesi nos Kathryn Stebner Susa n Stryker

M ichael Lu m pkin Executive Director

R uss Gage Administrative Director

Christopher Kel leher Administrative Assistant

Lisa Ged u Id ig

Lisa Foster

Advertising Sales

Events Coordinator

M i ng Lee Manager o f Information Services

H a l Rowland

Frameline Distribution

H ossei n Sepas Bookkeeper

Desi del Va l le Distribution Director

National Advisory Board Allan Beru be El iza beth B i rch Douglas B ra l ey Susie B right H a rry B ritt Debra Chasnoff Tom D i M a ria Arth u r Dong Robert Epste i n Linda Fa rin Ti m G i l l Ti m H a n lon Marcus H u R ichard J e n n i ngs Fenton J o h nson Jude Kaye Hael Kobayash i Steve Lew And rew ( B rother Elk) Lisac Arm istead M a u p i n Ti mothy McFeely Pratibha Pa rmar Lou rd es Portillo Fra nces Reid Ga i l Silva John Si lva Liz Stevens Pa u l T h u rston Gus Va n Sant Ti m Wolfred Debra Z i m merma n


Programming M ichael Lu m pkin

M a u ra King Distribution Associate

Technical Director

Aa rin B u rch B rad Robi nson Rebeka h Sitty Theatre House Managers

R ick Stone Operations Assistant

Festival Co-Director

Larry Ackerman J e n n ifer Morris


Slide Production

J u l ie T. Wong

Trilogy Prod uctions, I nc. Pa m Lawrence Joe Lawrence

Festival Co-Director

Cindy Emch

Catalog and Mini Guide

Program Coordinator

Design & Production

P h i l i p Wa l ker

Jim N orrena

Hospitality Coordinator

Catalog Copy Editor

M ichael Ch ristman, O PTS events Monetta Wh ite

Ch ristian Razukas

Den ise G ranger, Perry-Granger Associates

Special Events Producer

Catalog Printing Consultant

Greg Shapiro

Box Office Management

Travel Coordinator

Texas Sta rr

Web Master

Guest Services Coordinator


Desiree B uford Print Traffic Coordinator

Chad Armstrong Web Programming & Design

Corey Euba n ks Frameline Publicist

Sa m Rypi nski Print Traffic Assistant

Amy Anner Vi ncent Calvarese J o n G i noli Ad ria na Gordon Anisha N a rasi mha n Kev O'Mal ley Ma her Sabry La urie Sm ith Screening Committee


J oa n G i bson

Festival Design

Publicity Coordinator

M a rtin Venezky, Appetite Engi neers

Larsen Associates Ka ren La rsen Ti mothy Buckwa lter Carol i n e H a n n i

Festival Trailer


Stea khaus Prod uctions Steak House, Producer Carey Rockla n d , Producer Sol B u rbridge, Director Loua n ne Ponder, DPIEditor G reg Arden, Writer J en ny B . at Shady Lady Lighti ng




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42 Degrees Ben & J erry's Catch Clif Bar Dr. Eugene Sigler, DDS Esca pe From N ew York Fly-Life M usic Good Vi brations/O pen Enterprises

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and now

Something that inadvertently happens before each Festival is that after viewing hundreds of


films and videos-including features, documentaries, shorts, bio-pics, and much much more­

And The Band Played On

you begin to see distinct cinematic themes emerging. These themes represent an indisputable account of our experience as a community, as well as a reflection of the times we live in.

Close to Leo

Not surprisingly, after more than a generation of living with the AIDS epidemic, this is one

The Event

of the prevalent themes in the current state of L GBT cinema. There are a large number of new works that deal with AIDS and HIV as their subject matter this year. These films are at times

Fight Back, Fight AIDS:

controversial, but they are also the penetrating visions of filmmakers who offer us stories of

15 Years of ACT UP on Video

observance, education, interpretation, and documentation of the pandemic after 20 years. These new works are as fascinating and noteworthy as the Japanese film MORE LOVE, a star­

The Gift

tling and somber work that screened at our 9th Festival in 1985 and was the very first AIDS film

Pandemic: Facing AIDS

screened at this Festival. Since then, the staggering number of queer filmmakers who have steadfastly addressed this challenging area is a testament to how much our community has

People Like Us: Making Philadelphia

been devastated by the disease. This year's films dealing with AIDS and HIV are a combination of new works and retro­


spectives. 2003 marks the tenth year anniversaries of two AIDS films that were major Hollywood

School's Out:

studio releases when they first came out: PHIL ADELPHI A and AND THE BAND PL AYED ON.

The Life of a Gay High School in Texas

We will be screening both works, and we will ·also be showing PEOPLE LIKE US: M AKING PHIL ADELPHI A which tells the story of how the A cademy Award-winning movie was produced.

Walking on Water

For new works, the scope of film broadens to include unique, ethical-probing features such as THE EVENT and WALKING ON WATER . We are also screening historic and contemporary polit­ ical documentaries that include FI GHT BACK, FI GHT AIDS: 15 YE ARS OF AC T UP ON VIDEO and THE GIFT. There is an educational documentary PANDEMIC: FACING AIDS, and we are also featuring several powerful, moving, and sometimes, humorous short films. What is so intriguing about all these films dealing with AIDS is the exceptional range of political diversity that you see throughout. The archival footage of AC T UP's rage-filled emer­ gence in 1987 is counter-balanced by THE GIFT's controversial look at "bug chasing," the intentional pursuit of HIV infection. Whether it's life-affirming or self-destructing, AIDS is still a human rights issue-resonating with the same caliber of political motivation that resulted in activists who stormed government buildings to protest exorbitant costs of AIDS medications. The "then and now" perspectives in this year's Festival and the extraordinary range of these films dealing with AIDS and HIV, allow us to both commemorate and celebrate the thou­ sands of lost lives since the early 1980s. Seeing films that depict our lives or our history, direct­ ly or not, is to ensure we solidify the history of our community.




FEATURES Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin The Child I Never Was Dark Roots: The Unauthorized Anna Nicole The Edge of Each Other's Battles: The Vision of Audre Lorde The Education of Gore Vidal The Life and Times of Count Luchino Visconti No Secret Anymore: The Times of Del Martin & Phyllis Lyon One Man Band: David Hegarty's 25 Years at the Castro Organ The Opposite Sex: Jamie's Story The Opposite Sex: Rene's Story Party Monster Rise Above: The Tribe 8 Documentary

SHORTS PROGRAMS Since You've Been Gone

is tory

A well-known d i ctu m states we're bou nd to repeat our m istakes if we do n't study our h istory. With a lternate fi l m ma k i ng styles, q ueer history can be both i ntrod uced a nd preserved s i m u lta足 neously. Queer biogra phies and docu menta ries help restore om itted-or hidden-perspectives that a re vita l to LG BT history. And accu rate a nd com plete history is vita l to ensuring we recog足 n i ze o u r m ista kes. Plentifu l docu menta ries, biogra ph ies, a n d na rrative features (bio-pics), both feature and short length-Western a n d non-Western-bring significa nt q ueer h istoric va lue to the Festival's l i neu p. Com menda ble fi l m m a kers from around the world provide missi ng lessons, breath ing new l ife i nto n a m es a nd faces of people to whom we o n ly now rea l ize the extent of gratitude we owe. Thus begins the process of rei nstati ng releva nt q ueer h istory to its proper place for our next generation's access. The outi ng of reputa ble and historic na mes has only come i n vogue over the past few decades; yet it's evident LG BT persons have always been integra l com ponents . Sta ndout Festiva l biogra p hies i nclude: Audre Lorde, poet and essayist; Luch i n o Visconti , fi l m director; Del Marti n a nd P hylli s Lyon, founders of The Da ughters of B i l itis; Baya rd R usti n, a leader i n the Civi l R ights movem ent; Gore Vid a l , a uthor; and, yes, even Anna N icole (Smith), fa mous for bei ng fa mous. B io-pics a re typica l ly na rrated features based on factua l events. PARTY MO NSTER and T H E C H I LD I N EVER WAS both depict rather shocki ng accou nts of rea l-l ife murderers, yet this format offers a u n iq uely pol ished style, such as a re puta ble cast and soundtrack. ( I f only h igh school h istory cl asses offered PARTY M O N STER today . . . ) Documenta ries a bout rea l-l ife, everyday q ueers hold a special place in ma king u p the Festiva l . This year S H OWT I M E's soon-to-be-a i red , two-featu re documentary THE O PPOS I T E O F SEX exa m i nes both F-to-M a n d M-to- F tra nsgender experiences with com menda ble honesty a bout gender identity. Other looks at "rea l " q u eers incl ude the first a l l -lesbian punk band i n R I S E ABOVE: T H E T R I B E 8 DOC U M EN TARY a n d WHAT I LOVE A B O U T DYIN G : A T R I B UT E T O KR I S KOV I C K. So whethe r you ta ke a l i king to doc u menta ries, biogra phies, or bio-pics, this year's Festiva l's selections are r i pe for the choosi ng. If your tend ency is to shy away from "fi l ms that educate , " try one of the bio-pics this year. Or com m it to see i ng you r first rea l-l ife account of what it's l i ke to be tra nsgender. This category of fil m making is broad in scope and depth. Each film offers a n inva l u a ble, u n i q u e perspective-one that adds to our q u eer hi story, but just l i ke high school history c lass, you have to show up to rea p the benefits .



_..-R YOU

FEATURES Blue Gate Crossing Close to Leo Don't You Worry, It Will Probably Pass Laura's Paradise My Life on Ice The Mudge Boy Put the Camera On Me Queer Parents School's Out: The Life of a Gay High School in Texas Secondary High Straight Out You'll Get Over It

SHORTS PROGRAMS Afternoon Delights Class Queers Growing Pains HOMOHOP


Success is often measu red by the a mount of progress peo ple have atta i ned , especia l ly i n the face of adversity. Notice this year's assortment of youth-focused fi lms, documentaries, shorts, and other works that offer a recognizable trend . Film representation of LG BT youth is no longer seen from a s i ngle, myopic vision, but rather from a rich com pend i u m of perspectives that del iv­ ers a wide s pectrum of what it's l i ke to be young a n d q ueer today. B L U E GATE CROSS I N G marks d i rector Eye Chi-yen 's long-awaited return to the Festiva l ( LO N ELY H EA RTS C LU B ) a n d deals with teenagers a n d their crushes. SCH OOL'S OUT: T H E LI F E O F A GAY H I G H SCHOOL I N TEXAS highlights a "gay" h igh school that helps stud ents em brace their emerging identities as q ueer yo uth . (Was there a nyth ing remotely l i ke this in your hometown?). QU EER PA R EN TS puts the proverbial shoe on the other foot, showing what it's l i ke "co m i ng out in reverse. " CLOSE TO LEO celebrates honesty with i n the fa mi ly. And be s u re to catch TH E M UDG E BOY, a fu l l-featu re version of the popular short F I S H B ELLY W H ITE, where a young man's identity becomes a fasci nati ng a n d u n ique portra it of adolescence. Short films, too, send us home feeling encouraged : B LOW, EXP R ESS YO U R S ELF, a n d ren owned d i rector M ichael Apted's LI PSTICK, which tells the touch i ng comi ng-out story of a teenager a n d her best friends, and is not to be m issed . The Festival l i ne-up a l so puts merit beh ind the adage progress not perfection. Des pite wonderfu l portrayals of q u eer-em bracing youth ( pu n i nte nded ), poigna nt films a lso focus on the continued pl ight of LG BT youth whose com i ng-out process remains cha llengi ng-a n added tra nsition to the a l ready com plex experience of adolescence. YO U ' LL G ET OVER I T (from Fra nce) offers a com passionate tell i ng of a student's struggle to meld h is sexua l ity with the expectations of fa m i ly and friends. M Y LI F E ON I C E and LAURA'S PA RADISE ( both French, as wel l ) explore the su btle a n d overt struggles with com i ng out in h igh sc hool . CLASS QU EERS is an exceptional progra m of shorts, as a re these short fi l ms: P E E LI N G , CA M O U FLAG E P I N K, a n d I S N 'T IT O B VI O U S? (The last fi l m is a respectful memorial t o Bay Area tra nsgender youth Gwen Ara ujo.) The va ried LG BT youth fi lms i n this year's Festiva l offer a n a mazing d isplay of self-accept­ a nce. Fa m i ly attitudes a bout q ueer youth , i nclud i ng those of friends, com m u n ity, a n d church, a re clearly sh ifti ng towa rd outspoken love a n d respect. To witness th is trend-litera l ly i n front of our eyes as person ified on screen-is to watch com i n g out become both an i nward and out­ wa rd self-celebration . How wonderfu l is that?















\'isioni1rics of modern cincma

Fenton Bailey & Randy Barbato

Frameline Award honorees Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato discuss their work with

N ew York

Ti mes critic-at-Iarge Margo Jefferson. The event will include clips of their films, including the doc­ umentaries






Wednesday, June 25 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm The San Francisco Public Library Koret Auditorium (lower level) 100 Larkin @ Grove Admission is free. Seating is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.

Fenton B a i ley a n d Randy Barbato a re conti n u a l ly turn i ng gay cu ltu re i nto pop cu lture. This d i rector/prod ucer d uo has made over 1 00 fi l m and television projects a bout people who are marginal ized or m isunderstood by ma instrea m med ia-nota bly the LG BT com m u n ity-a nd other q ueer-adjacent topics. In recogn ition of their contri butions to lesbian and gay med ia arts, Fra me l i ne is proud to honor Fenton Ba i ley a n d R a ndy Barbato with the 2003 Frameline Award . I n the late 1 980s, B ritish u pstart Fenton and Jersey boy Ra ndy met at N ew York U n iversity's fi l m school . B u i l d i ng on the underground success of their ba nd Pop Ta rts, they formed World of Wonder Prod uctions (WOW) in 199 1 , gu ided by the bel ief "today's marginal is tomorrow's mai nstrea m . " They d iscovered R u Pa u l and cata p u lted h i s success with both the "Su permod e l " video and VH 1 's "The R u Pa u l Show. " Fenton and Randy bega n making a wide va riety of television specials for Engla nd's B BC and Cha nnel 4, i n c l ud ing a profi le of Wigstock, a h istory of porn, and a look at the increasing representation of gay and lesbian characters i n America n sitcoms. When Ellen DeGeneres pre­ pa red for her historic com ing out, Fenton a n d Ra ndy were right there observing res u lting i n "The Rea l Ellen Story" As the i r reputation grew, Fenton a n d Ra ndy bega n creating progra ms for other major tel ­ evision outlets, i nc l u d i ng H BO , Ci nemax, VH 1 , Showtime, B ravo, a n d MTV. M a ny o f t h e pro­ gra ms were a bout gay or gay- i nterest to pics, includ i ng 1 0 1 R E N T BOYS and PLUSH I ES A N D FU R RIES. T h e n c a m e TH E EYES O F TAM MY FAYE, their biggest h it yet which secured t h e love a nd adoration of q u eer a ud iences and won a handfu l of awa rds for thei r sensitive and respect­ fu l portrait of a fa l len eva ngel ist reb u i l d i ng her l ife a nd ca reer-a nd who emerged a h u m bled ico n . I n 1998, Fenton a nd Ra ndy m a d e PARTY M O N ST E R , a documentary a bout N Y C "club kid" m u rderer M ichael Alig. This riveting look at the ea rly 90s underground q ueer cu lture beca me a c u lt favorite a n d led to the d uo's first foray i nto feature na rrative fi l m ma king. True to form, they cast M aca u lay C u l ki n as the m u rderous Alig. T h is year, the Festiva l is excited to present th ree new progra ms from Fenton and Randy's World of Wonder Prod uctions. In addition to PARTY M O N ST E R , the WOW ga ng bri ngs us SCH OOL'S O U T: T H E L I F E OF A GAY HIG H SCHOOL I N T EXAS a n d DAR K ROOTS : T H E U NAU­ T H O R I Z E D A N N A N I COLE. With the LG BT com m u n ity's presence seen i n a l m ost all med i a , Fenton Ba iley a nd Randy Barbato conti n u e to s h i ne l ights i n all the nooks a nd cra n n i es d iscovering who's marginal today. No d o u bt they wi l l be tomorrow's sh i n i ng sta rs.



,�"� ",, ,LLENT

mentary award

Documenta ries that celebrate and exa m ine our d iverse lives are vita l to the LG BT com m u n ities. Once aga i n , we have an enterta ining a n d e n l ighte n i ng col lection of new docu menta ries . Fra m e l i ne is proud to conti nue offering this uniq ue award recognizing excel lence in docu men­ tary fi l m making. Ge nerously funded by longti me q ueer cinema sup porters Stua rt Harri son and David R i ng, the $ 10,000 awa rd wi l l be presented to the best doc u mentary feature having a Bay Area premiere at the 27th San Fra ncisco Internatio nal Lesbian & Gay Fi l m Festival . This year's e l igible films: The Amasong Chorus: Si nging Out A Circus i n N ew York Class Queers Dangerous Living: The Ma king of a Gay I d entity in the Developing World Dear G a be Di ldo Dia ries Don 't You Worry It, W i l l Probably Pass The Edge of Each Other's Battles: The Vision of ·Aud re Lord e The Education of Gore Vida l Fight Back, Fight AI DS: 15 Years of ACT U P on Video G a l l a nt G i rls The G ift H ooked J ucita n Queer Pa radise La ugh i ng Matters The Life a n d Ti mes of Count Luc h i no Visconti Of Men a nd Gods Pandem ic: Facing AI DS People Li ke Us: M a k i ng P h i l adel phia Put the Camera On Me R ise Above: The Tri be 8 Documentary Stra ight Out T H I S O bed ience

Presented by

IF R A M E L I N E I 18



The San Fra ncisco I nternational Lesbia n & Gay F i l m Festiva l has long been the provi ng grou nd for u p-a nd-com i n g fi l m m a ke rs-a nd the place to see the best new fi l m s first. Over the yea rs, Festiva l j u ries and a ud iences have a n nou nced th ese new ta l ents to the world by bestowing a va riety of awa rds on first featu res such as G UA R D I A N OF THE F R O NT I E R , HED足 WIG A N D THE A N G RY I N CH, COSTA B R AVA , TOG ETHER ALO N E, and O RA N G ES ARE NOT THE O N LY F R U IT. M a ke s u re to catch the most promising new fi l m ma kers i n the world at the Festiva l this year. Generously funded by Levi Stra uss & Co . , this $ 1 0, 000 j u ried awa rd is presented to the best fi rst na rrative featu re screening at the 27th Sa n Fra ncisco I nternational Lesbian & Gay Film Festiva l . This year's e l igi ble fil m s:

Presented by


Between Two Wom e n A Biza rre Love Tria ngle The B ridge G a m e The C h i l d I N ever Was Cock & B u l l Story Daughters of the S u n Die M o m m i e D i e D o I Love You? Enter the Clowns Gaso l i n e Get a Way Ho Yu k-Let's Love Ho ng Kong La u ra's Pa rad ise

Ma ngo Kiss The M udge Boy Pa rty Monster Prey for Rock & Roll Queer Pa rents Robi n 's Hood Savage Roses Seconda ry High Sirens of the 23rd Centl!ry Suddenly Tasty B i ts Tota l ly Sexy Loser Wa l k i ng on Water




Die Mommie Die Thursday June 1 2 7:30 pm


Film Screening and Gala Castro $75 Mem/$100 Gen (OPEN12C)

To celebrate the Opening Night of the 27h Festival, join the cast of the Sundance Film Series release DIE MOMMIE DIE at San Francisco's fabulously restored Ferry Building at the foot of Market. With delicious culinary delights from Pinot Blanc you won't want to miss this exciting launch of the Festival and the unofficial kick-off of LGBT Pride. Complimentary transportation via MUNI will be provided to Embarcadero station just a few short steps to the Ferry Building and the Opening Night Gala. No organized transportation will be provided for return to the Castro.

Premier Sponsors

sundance CHANNEL.

Opening Night Gala Partner

What better way to kick off the Festival tha n with D I E M O M M I E D I E, Cha rles B usch's del ightful parody/tribute to some of the fil m s and fi l m genres that we love best? B usch ( PSYC HO B EACH PARTY, SFI LGFF '00) tu rned hi mself i nto a N ew York theater icon by writi ng and starri ng in gen­ der-bend i ng ca m p-fests l i ke Lesbian Vampires of Sodom and Shanghai Moon, then went on to write the smash "stra ight" stage hit, The Allergist's Wife. N ow he retu rns to h is gay roots with tongue (and other parts) fi rm ly in cheek in t h i s dazzl i ngly d izzy pastiche of a l l those movies-from WHAT EVER HAPPEN ED TO BABY J A N E?, to VA LLEY OF T H E DOLLS , DEAD R I N G E R , a n d more-that never q u ite m a d e t h e critic's A l ist, b u t defi n itely ea rned a place i n o u r hearts. B usch pu rrs and growls his way through the movie as Angela Ada ms, a h a s-been s i nging star who may have lost her voice but certa i n ly hasn't misplaced her attitude-or her eye l i ner. I n a del iciously self-written role, B usch ma kes the most of every del icious line a n d gesture i n a performa nce that del ights throughout. Yet with a stella r s u pport i ng cast, he doesn't get away with stea l i ng the entire show. N atasha Lyonne ( B UT I ' M A C H EER LEADER , S L U M S OF B EVERLY H I LLS , PARTY M O N ­ S T E R ) oozes spite as Ed ith, Angela's "daddy's g i r l " o f a da ughter w h o has no p lace i n her heart for mom . Sta rk Sa nd (Toby on "Six Feet U nder" ) oozes budding sex a ppea l as La nce, the men­ ta l ly cha l lenged son who just got kicked out of col l ege for being a sex magnet to the entire ma le faculty. And the cute-as-ever Jason Priestly ( B ra ndon on "Beverly H i l l s 902 1 0 " ) just oozes a l l over t h e screen as Tony Pa rker, a wel l-hung gigolo with a n agenda, w h o starts o u t as Angela's lover then has his way with both da ughter and son in ways not seen si nce Terence Sta m p i n TEOREMA. ( "That eleven-inch d o n g has m y l uggage tags on it, " screams Edith w h e n Tony's d u pl icitous nature is revealed . "What a bout that head-to-toe tongue bath I gave you?" whines La nce.) Mea nwh ile, Fra nces Conroy ( R uth Fisher on "Six Feet U nder" ) spouts both releva nt a n d i rreleva nt passages from scri pture as t h e fa m i ly's long-suffering maid, Bootsie. P h i l i p Ba ker H a l l (S U M O F ALL FEARS) sets t h e plot i n motion as Angela's ins ufferable movie prod ucer husba n d . A n d veteran Broadway d i rector M a rk Rucker proves hi mself to b e a master of c o m i c ti m i ng a n d understatement i n his fi lm-directi ng de but. Together, h e , B usch , and the rest o f t h e ensemble del iver a one-of-a-kind wa l low i n the best of cinema's worst. DIE M O M M I E DIE dir Mark Rucker 2003 USA 90 min 35mm

Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award




Prey for Rock & Ro l l


After the premiere of PREY FOR ROCK & ROLL, step out of the theater and into our Closing Night Party where we will announce this year's award winners. Lift a glass and indulge in scrumptious delights presented by Arguello Catering in cele­ bration of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Day and the closing of the 2?h Festival!

Premier Sponsors

sundance CHAN N EL.

Closing Night Party Partner

A u�19

Sunday June 29 7:30 pm Film Screening Only Castro $15 Mem/$20 Gen (PREY29C) Film Screening and Party Castro $50 Mem/$60 Gen (CLOS29C)

P R EY FOR ROCK & ROLL rocks hard . . . and it should with m usic su pervisor Alex Steyermark ( H EDW I G AND TH E ANG RY I NC H , C ROOKLY N , MALCOM X, T H E ICE STO R M ) as the fi lm's d i rector. Steyermark d isti nguishes his directorial a bi l ity in this masterfully crafted first feature fi lm exploring the Hol lywood m usic scene from a seldom seen perspective-hers! Based on rocker Cheri Lovedog's a utobiogra phica l play of the sa me na me, P R EY FOR ROCK & ROLL ca ptu res the life of Lovedog, the founder, singer, songwriter, and lead gu ita rist for the '80s a l l-girl rock-a nd-ro l l ba nd of the same name. P R EY FOR ROCK & ROLL is both rea l and at ti mes raw-even depicting the violent con­ d itions ma le-esta bl ished rock c l u bs pose for women. Yet P R EY is cha racteristica l ly more h u mor­ ous. It's a story a bout Jacki ( G i na Gershon, B O U N D) , a sexy but aging p u n k rocker who's the lead si nger of the a ll -chick rock-a nd-roll ba nd Clamdandy. She packs both attitude and despa i r i n not having "made it" despite 1 0 years playi ng t h e L . A . c l u b scene. Band mem bers i nclude bassist Tracy ( D rea d e Matteo, H BO's "The Sopranos " ) , lead guita rist Fa ith ( Lori Petty, TAN K G I R L) , a n d twenty-someth i ng d ru m mer Sa l ly (Shelly Cole, T H E P RINCESS A N D T H E BAR R I O BOY). Set in Hol lywood d u ri ng the "a lternative" m usic scene, a small record i ng label is courting the ba n d by tem pting their pa lettes with a sweet dea l-the open ing slot for Patti S m ith . But with her birthday fast a pproach i ng, Jacki is at a crossroads beca use of a prom ise she made to her­ self more tha n a decade ea rlier to q u it the m usic busi ness by age 40 if not yet successfu l . J acki resolves to play this one last gig. She hopes the band's many years of hard rock i ng, Aq ua Net spraying, couch tou ring, and sl ugging it out in sma l l c l u bs for eve n sma ller am ou nts of cas h is a l l a bout to pay off. H owever, when personal traged ies threaten to rip the ba nd a part, rocking the foundation of thei r friendsh i ps a nd trust, it's clear it' l l ta ke more tha n just hope to keep them together. -Darlene Weide PREY FOR ROCK & ROLL dir Alex Steyermark 2003 USA 100 min 35mm

Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award





Gender Bias Tuesday June 17 9:00 pm Castro $10 Mem/$15 Gen (GEND17C)

Di rector Fra ncis G i rod 's G E N DER B I AS is a u n i q u e detective th ril l er, replete with u n expected pl ot twists. Bo Ance l l i n ( R obi nson Steven i n ), a bea utifu l, young tra nssexua l with a trou bled past, becomes enta ngled with nosey Pol ice C h i ef Huysmans ( R icha rd Bori nger) as a series of demented killi ngs eru pts in B russels' u n dergro u n d . Each mu rder a n d its surro u n d i n g c i rcum­ sta nces a re inexplica bly l i n ked to Bo, a n d it's th is c i n ematic cadence that drives the film. Steven i n 's stu n n i n g performance ea rned him the 2002 Cesa r Awa rd (the French equiva­ lent to a n Osca r) for Best N ew Actor. His tender and unaffected i nterpretation of the rol e is mes­ merizing for its si m ple a nd truthfu l portraya l . His on-screen presence lends a magnetic p u l l that's d ifficult t o deny. Ex plori ng territory typica l ly offered from other reputa ble d i rectors l i ke Ped ro A l m odova r, G i rod's G E N DER B I AS is a m u rder mystery set i n a fasci nati ng underground world populated by tra nsgender prostitutes, sketchy cops, d rug-ru n n i ng rough-trade th ugs, a n d trou bled run­ aways. Seemi ngly everyone has a clandesti ne h istory in their emotiona l ly and phys ica l ly bu ried pasts-a setu p that evokes a series of twists a n d turns that makes this a crime t h r i l ler that s h i nes fa r brighter tha n m ost. Ada pted from B ri gitte Au bert's s u perb novel Transfixions, GEN DER B I AS tra nscends its crime-th ri l ler gen re by s i m u lta neously offering a pai nstaki ngly layered story of tormented love. Bo is passionately in love with J oh n ny (Step h a n e Metzger), her dangerously attractive down­ sta i rs neigh bor and , yes, thug. The cha racters' mutual attraction is u nderscored with com plex­ ity a nd volatility-two elements ea ch add resses in their shared process of self-exploratio n . W h e n asked about the tra nsgender representation i n h is fi lm, G i rod h a s expressed a n i ntrigu i ng cou nter-perspective t o that o f h is cha racters: " I chose t o express [ Bo'sJ s i m pl icity, day-to-day l ife a nd basi c emotions. I n the book, the cha racter had a masoch istic d i m ension which I played down-not to remove it from public view, but more to avoid a ny n egative judge­ ments by the a ud ience ."' An i ntricate a nd wel l-constructed fi l m , the story unfolds i nte l l igently an d the suspense per­ meates th roughout. Most noteworthy of a l l is Steven i n 's noteworthy nua nced performa nce. He has created a fem i n i ne swagger so u n iq u e to the screen that it is simply dazzling in its integri­ ty; never polis h i n g over Bo's more u nattractive as pects, and never a l lowi ng her to become red uced to mere gender cl iches . GENDER BIAS d i r Francis Girod 2001 France 106 m i n 35m m i n French with English subtitles





Sudden ly (Tan de Repente) Wednesday June 25 9:00 pm Castro $10 Mem/$15 Gen (SUDD25C)

No doubt a bout it, bad gi rls rule. M a ke them good-looking head-tu rners-name them Mao and Len i n-a n d now the interest of q ueer ci neastes a round the world i s piqued . Let your fi l m make a bout every u nexpected turn in the book a nd shoot it in black and white. This wi ll have fol ks wond eri ng if its the next GO FISH (S F I LG FF '94) . If it is hip, q ueer fi lm festival progra mm ers wi ll be ba nging your doors down . Wi n n i ng the Si lver Leopa rd at the prestigious Locarno I nternational Film Festiva l ca n't h u rt either. But when B. R u by R ich compares your fi l m to the ea rly works of Fassbinder a nd Jim J a rm usch , everyone sits u p and ta kes notice. That's exactly what happened to S U DD E N LY, the feature debut for 26-yea r-old Argentine d i rector Diego Lerma n . The 2Th S F I LG FF is proud t o present S U D D E N LY a s o n e o f t h i s year's special presenta­ tions. Despite the economic crisis in Argentina , there has been a remarka ble renaissa nce in the nation's ci nema . C ritics have been wowed by fil m s l i ke LA Ll B ERTAD and LA CI ENAGA. Now you ca n add S U D D E N LY to the l ist. The fi l m opens q u ietly in a sma l l , cla ustrophobic li ngerie shop in B uenos Aires . Life for chu bby sa les clerk Mari a is m u ndane. Her work is tedious a n d she has few friends. There is no ta ngo i n Ma ria's l ife. Day-in and day-out, not h i ng cha nges. B ut one day two dyke punks, Mao and Len i n , accost her on the street. Mao (Carla Crespo) asks Maria if she wants to fuck. Ma ria yea rns for love and passion , but the crass tough girl's come-on is less tha n desira ble. Mao a nd Len i n i nsist otherwise by bli ndfo l d i ng and kidna pping Maria at kn ifepoi nt. They then h ijack a taxi and set off to fu lfi l l Maria's secret d esire to see the ocea n for the first time. Slowly, the three women lea rn more a bout each other. From the ocean , they head al most a i m ­ lessly toward t h e provi ncia l town o f Rosa rio. They crash a t t h e h o m e o f Len i n 's agi ng a u n t B lanca ( B eatriz T h i ba u d i n whose low voice and sexy performance i s mesmerizi ng) . Along with a u nt B la nca and her housemates, the three you ng women find a new fa m i ly. The fi l m plays l i ke a n emotiona l roller-coaster ride-one moment it's frightening, we're laug h i ng the next at how rid icu lous Mao a n d Len i n's shared tough-girl sta nce is. Final ly, the vul­ nera b i l ity a n d tenderness that l ie just below the surface touches us. The s u m ptuous black-and­ wh ite i magery by c i nematogra pher Luciano Zito and D iego d e Piano ma kes one long for the good '01 days before Tec h nicolor™ beca me a part of a fi l m 's com mercia l release. Sponsored by

-Erica Marcus SUDDENLY d i r Diego Lerman 2002 Argentina 94 m i n 35mm in Span ish with English subtitles

Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award



Absolute ly Activist Fab u l o us

Afte rn oon Del ights

And the Band Played On

Friday June 13 3:30 pm

Saturday June 21 Noon

10th Anniversary Screening

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (ABS013C)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (AFTE21C)

Ta king to the streets, making our voices hea rd , a n d expressi ng pol itica l concerns t h rough the a rts a re a l l ven ues q ueers have used throughout h istory to enact social cha nge-loca l ly as well as global ly. I n this a bsol utely fa b u lous collection of activist-featu red shorts, it's evid ent that our activism conti n ues as i l l ustrated by this i m pres­ sive ra nge of determ i ned q ueers . A clever spoof, 6PM I N A M E R I CA ta kes on m a i nstrea m news med ia that q uestions the media as a sou rce of i nformation. With tongue firmly i n cheek, this is a perfect blend of h u mor a n d social criticis m . The ti mely O U T AGAI NST THE WAR features the Sa n Francisco-based a nti-wa r coa l ition as they try to ra lly the com m u ­ n ity, t h e Pride Comm ittee, a n d loca l pol iticia ns to its ca use. Full of loca l-flavored energy, raw testi­ mony i l l ustrates that even sma ll grou ps ca n esta bl ish com m u n ity solida rity a nd reach thei r goa ls. The experi menta l and drea my piece POETIX i s more of a mood -setter that's a great precursor to the finale of the program l i ne- u p. A C I RCUS I N N EW YO R K fol l ows C i rcus Amok-a tro u pe of gender-bend ing ca rn ival fol k, led by N ew York City's i nfa mous bearded lady J e n n ifer M i l ler. They visit poor com m u n ities a n d provide free pu blic art in a joyful extravaga nza of acrobatic a rtistry and sati ric s k i l l that a lso rai ses social awa reness .

Fun a n d endea ring, the narrative shorts that com prise the Afternoon Delights program i l l us­ trate com i ng out is more of a jou rney tha n a des­ ti nati on . I n A FTERSCHOOL DELIG H T, twelve-year­ old Scout a n d her best friend Angie, spend i ng an afternoon together getting i nto and avoiding trouble, end u p d i scovering some of l ife's less obvious del ights. T H E FAI R A N D T H E WEA K cleverly ada pts 1950s ed ucational films t o pro­ vide a comed ic lesson in the a rt of unatta i na ble love. A tough , m i l ita nt dyke wa nts to go to the prom i n a girlie-gi rlie p i n k d ress and m ust con­ tend with her own feel i ngs of identity a nd con­ formity in CA M O U FLAG E P I N K. The a n i mation in P EELI N G is bea utifu l ly and a rtfu l ly i nterwoven throughout the story of a teenage girl on the edge of wom a n hood who, while sti l l l iving at home, struggles with her mother and her desi re to come out. After receiv­ ing an u lti matu m from her gi rlfriend to come out or get out, Pa ige begi ns a comica l journey on a path to self-d iscovery in the h u morous O N T H E OUTS. I n B EAUTEOUS, a Long I sland beauty q ueen rea l izes she's more than just a pretty face.

Thursday June 19 1:00 pm

-Darlene Weide AFTERSCHOOL DELIGHT d i r Eve Bregman 2003 USA 10 m i n

video (a Frameline Release) T H E FAIR A N D T H E WEAK d i r Lauren Cook 2002 USA 8 min video CAMOUFLAGE PINK d i rs Carolyn Caizzi


La u ra Rodriguez 2002 USA 16 min video PEELING d i r

H e i d i Bollock 2002 USA 1 3 m i n video ON THE OUTS d i r 6PM IN AMERICA d i r Mark Kenneth Woods 2002 Canada 4 m i n

video O U T AGAINST THE WAR d i rs Francisco Teixeira



Courtney Rowe 2002

USA 24 m i n video BEAUTEOUS d i r

Giovanna Chesler 2002 USA 24 m i n 1 6 m m

Tunui 2003 U S A 28 m i n video POETIX d i r J .T. O ' N e a l 2002 USA 4 min video A C I RCUS I N NEW YORK d i rs Frederique Pressnan


Tota l R u n n i ng lime: 95 m i n

Fraugoise Dunas 2002 France 54 m i n video

Total R u n n i ng li me: 91 m i n

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (ANDT19C)

On the 1 0th a n n iversary of the screen ada ptation of A N D T H E BAN D PLAYED O N , Randy S h i lts' accla i m ed c h ron icle of the early days of the A I DS crisis, the Festiva l looks back at the traged ies and victories of this vita l c ha pter i n the h istory of the LG BT com m u n ity. H BO's ada ptation of AN D T H E BAN D P LAYED O N succeeds by bringi ng a na rrative focus to the wide-ra nging facts of the book and focusing on the d rama a nd cha racters of the story instead of scientific d eta i ls . From the infa­ mous "patient zero" through the ra pid and con­ fus i ng growth of the d i sease to the pol itica l ly charged race for a c u re, A N D T H E BAN D P LAYED O N deftly ca ptu res the zeitgeist of the ti mes. The fi l m gives voice to the d iverse factions affected by A I DS a nd provides a sense of u rgency as the n u m ber of A I DS cases and d eaths q u ickly rises. Told th rough the point of view of CDC researcher Don Fra ncis, played by Matthew Modine, the fi l m a lso stars Sir Ian McKe l l a n as B i l l Kra us, Li ly Tom l i n as Sa n Fra ncisco Publi c Hea lth Officer Selma Oritz, and Ala n Aida as the controversial Dr. Robert G a l lo. The fi l m is a lso a time-ca ps u l e portrait of Sa n Fra ncisco a n d its lea d i ng role i n the A I DS crisis. We're rem i nded of the devastation and activism i n the Castro, the c losing of the bath­ houses, a nd the regular peo ple l i ke Kra us and Oritz who were forced into noticea bly public and someti mes heroic roles. Wit� no end i n sight, the A I DS outbrea k rem a i ns a story worth tel l i ng­ a n d rete l l ing. A N D T H E BAND PLAYED O N d i r Roger Spottiswoode 1993 USA

141 min 35mm

Sponsored by



An i ma l Attracti o n

Between Two Wom en

Bhangra By the Bay

Sunday June 22 4:30 pm Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (A NIM22H)

Sunday June 1 5 4:45 pm

Monday June 23 6:30 pm

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (BET W15C)

Herbst $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (BHA N23H)

From the spi ritual to the erotic, this progra m of fu n a nd fu rry s horts is a za ny blend of stories a n d styles s u re to please any critter enth usiast! A N I MALS I N M OT I O N is both a sen sually vi ntage look at animals, as well as a tri bute to Eadwea rd M uybridge, cred ited with the fi rst " n ud ie pictu res . " Moving from the sensual to the pol itica l , P RO U D LIVES is a n activist fi l m that exposes a n i ma l affecti on w h i le fol l owing tra ns­ gender activist M i rha-Sol eil Ross and her work with the A n i m a l Liberation Front as she a p pea rs as G ra n d Marshall for Toronto Pride. Following COW B RA (SFIG LFF '01 ), All ison Sweeney is ba ck aga i n with a new ta le of bovine bea uty in A COW WALKS I NTO A BAR, which explores the u n dergrou nd world of what it means to be a " bu l ldagger, " as wel l as i l l u strates what lesbian cow sex m ight look l i ke. From l i b­ eration to com m u n ication, COME HER E is a sweet s hort a bout one woman's inability to ta lk to her dog. The fi na l fi l m i n the progra m , AN I MAL ATTRACT I O N , is a fasci n ati ng documenta ry revea l i ng the phenomenon of a n i ma l com m u n i ­ cation . Travel ling t o a fa rm where t h e staff is com posed of a n i m a l psych ics who use their ski l ls to tra i n others how to ta l k to a n i m a l s , our a ppreciative les bian na rrator a l lows one com m u ­ n icator t o ta l k h e r c a t into ca l m ness.

The favored gen re of B ritish melod ra ma comes of age in BETWEEN TWO WOM E N , a classica l­ ly performed story of forbidden love, class d i vi­ sions, social roles, and desti ny s u re to add a touch of melod ra ma to the S F I LG FF itself! An i n d u stria l m i l l i n g town in northern England is a n u n l i kely place to fi nd bea uty in the m i d- 1 950s: A backd rop of gray weather, sm oke­ stacks, factories, and omni present tra i ns d eco­ rate the work i n g-class ch iseled la ndsca pe . A d eterm i ned housewife a nd mother, Ellen bala nces the needs of her d issatisfied h usband while a lso enco u raging her son , Victor, to p u rsue his a rt ca reer. Waveri n g in her a l legia nces, Ellen d i scovers her own des i res u pon meeti ng Victor's a rt teacher, Kathy, with whom an engagi ng fri e n d s h i p ens ues, desp ite her h u s ba n d 's protestations. Between cou ntry picnics a nd long conver­ sati ons, Kathy and Ellen develop increa si ngly joyfu l yet more com plex feeli ngs for each other, depicted in a poignant a n d u nderstated manner that perfectly matches the period . After retu rn ing from a sum mer holiday at the sea where she has a profound revelation, Ellen d iscovers Kathy has q u it her post at the school, moved from her a pa rtment a n d rem a i n s u n reacha ble. E l l e n reverts into a frustrated melancholy, even more determ i n ed to broker the class d istinctions sepa rati ng her bl ue-col l a r h u s­ band a n d her a rtist son u ntil a letter a rrives one day that cha nges everything.

ANIMALS IN MOTION d i r John Straiton 1968 Canada 7 m i n 1 6 m m P R O U D L I V E S d i r s M i rha-Soleil Ross & Mark Karbusicky 2002 Canada 5 m i n video A COW WALKS INTO A BAR dir All ison Sweeney 2002 U SA 7 min video COME HERE dir Christina Ze i d l e r 2001 Canada 1 min video ANIMAL ATTRACTION d i r Kathy H igh 2001 USA 6 0 min video Total R u n n ing Time: 80 m i n

The B ha ngra by the Bay col l ection of q ueer South Asian shorts ca ptu res it a l l-trad ition , c u l­ tu re, fa m i ly, ceremony, d rag, a n d now even MTV! "I had to say ' I 'm gay' in English . . . 1 cou ld­ n 't find any equ iva lent p h rase i n m y own lan­ guage , " says a n I nd ia n man i n the doc u menta ry FOR STRAI GHTS O N LY. The M u m ba i d rag q u eens at the center of THE P I N K M I R R O R have no s u c h proble m . Crackl i ng with del icious street sla ng, Sridhar Ra ngaya n 's fi l m stars a " m other/da ughter" d rag q ueen d u o that bickers over everyth i ng from the h u n ky cha uffe u r i n black leather pa nts to a sa nda lwood face pack. B u t beneath its ca m py powde r-puff exterior, P I N K M I R RO R is a bout creating fa m i l ies­ whether from b lood or c h oice. I n FOR STRAI GHTS O N LY, Vism ita G u pta S m ith tries to u ndersta nd her brother's gayness by tal king to other q u eer South Asians gra pp l i ng with fa m i l i a l a nd cultu ra l ta boos. I n KASHISH-ALLU RE­ MENT, a woma n i n Del h i has a h itch h i ker s h a ke her conception of relationsh i ps . Flash backs suf­ fused with ca ndlelight, pa i nted t-shirts, a n d flow­ ers s ketc h a sou l - bond i n g ceremony that cha nges i nto a passion that is both exh i l a rati ng a nd confusing. M a l l i ka Dutt's MTV awa rd-nomi­ nated video RHYTHM O F THE M I N D ( Ma n n ke .. Ma njeerey) is set a m i dst swi rl ing desert sands as a woman d rives a truck across I nd ia's vast h igh­ ways. (And yes . . . it's a stick sh ift!) FOR STRAIGHTS ONLY dir Vismita G u pta-Smith 2001 USAli n d ia 22 m i n video THE PINK MIRROR d i r Srid har Rangayan 2002

BETWEEN TWO WOMEN d i r Steven Woodcock 2001 U K 92 m i n video

I nd ia 40 m i n video in H i n d i with English subtitles KASHISH­ ALLUREMENT d i rs Meenakshi R a i & Vinay Rai 2003 I n dia 30 min video RHYTHM OF T H E MIND d i rs Sujit Sircar & Gary

Eligible for the Levi'sl!> First Feature Award

2000 I n d ia 5 m i n video in Hindi with English s u btitles Total Running Time: 9 7 m i n

Co-Presented b y Trikone

Co-Presented b y PAWS-Pets Are Wonderful Support Sponsored by


Sponsored by

-­ ..


A Bizarre Love Triangle

B l u e Gate Crossi ng

Monday June 2 3 9:00 pm

Saturday June 14 6:00 pm

Wednesday June 25 9:00 pm

Herbst $8.00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (BIZA23H)

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (BLUE14C)

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (BO YS25H)

Thursday June 26 4:00 pm

B LU E GATE CROSS I N G ma rks d i rector Eye Chi­ yen's long-awaited return to the Festiva l after his i m pressive feature fi l m d ebut with LO N ELY H EARTS CLU B (S F I LG FF '95 ) . And now he's back with a n exceptional new q u eer fi l m that was selected as pa rt of the C a n n es F i l m Festiva l 's prestigious Di rector's Fortnight event! B L U E GATE C ROSS I N G is a bout teenage crushes . The tom boyish M e ng Ke Rou i s some­ ti mes serious, but her schoolgirl s i l l i n ess u n leashes itself when she's with her close girl­ friend , Lin Yue Zhen. So fa r so good , but M eng Ke Rou has the hots for Z h a ng Shi Hao, the sexy boy on the swi m tea m . One eve n i ng when Zhang sneaks i nto the pool to do l a ps, he confronts Ke Rou who tells h i m that her friend l i kes h i m. He th i n ks "the friend" is i magi nary a n d that Ke Rou is com i ng on to h i m . Of course, she's a l ready e n l ightened to her encha nti ng desi res fo r women, so it's fa i r to say s he's looking to do her laps elsewhere . . . There's a n u nforeseen twist i n the fi l m that goes u ncha l lenged-but this is what ma kes the fi l m so enjoya ble. W h i le some fi l ms try to knock you over the head with " u n iq ue" characters a nd twists, Yee C h i h -yen is una pologetic, a l lowing for a natu ra l flow of u n conventional perspectives. The tech nique is effective. After a l l , haven't we a l l swam-or conti n ue to swi m-i n the pool of adolescence, struggl ing to fit i n , wrest l i ng with demons, and trying to just stay afloat?

Listen u p frea kboys, M ission fags, reform skool­ mates, q ueer p u n ks, yo-boys, and the lot of you who defy "ma i nstrea m " gay identification : this program is for you! THE TA NTI MAN is a sum­ mer memoir of a love affa i r with a strange d rifter-ti nted by suicidal and melodra matic h igh school jou rna l entries . In G O LDEN G U M S the fil m m a ker's narcissistic persona l ity d isorder foregrounds a personal story a bout love, loss, and gold s pray-pa i nted plaster teeth models. D I SSOLV E is a fa ux-docu menta ry exploring you ng men i n search of positive role models, as well as relationsh i ps with older men. A ba n a na­ eating boy shares lots of bana nas with a n other boy in (guess what?) BANANA S P LIT. LATE N I G HT VISITOR is an energetic tri b­ ute to the physique fi lms of Bob M izer and A M G Studios-a l l t h e wrestlers, body b u i lders, and jock posers who a re a del icious part of our her­ itage. I n d u lge i n a ra unchy, hormone-overd riven montage of school boy l ust (and "boy" is howev­ er you choose to d efi ne it, re member!) i n P H I N EAS SLI P P E D . F i na l ly, SALIVAT I O N A R M Y i s a twisted q ueercore ta le o f a brotherhood of q ueer p u n ks whose m ission devolves into a c u lt doma i n , res u lti ng i n a ta le of blood , spit, c u m , a n d cult recru iters .

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (BIZA26C)

A clever a n d d elightfu l ro m a ntic fa rce , A B I ZAR R E LOVE T R IA N G LE is fu l l of twists a n d turns-figuratively a n d l iteral ly! The film begins with the fa mous comed ian Doo-C han discovering h is wife, Eu n-Hee, na ked with her Tai Kwon Do i nstructor, Keu m-Sook. Stop . . . Rewin d . . . Let's start aga i n : Keu m-Sook is a Ta i Kwon D o expert who i s placed i n a school for trou bled girls. O n e day she sees a fight a n d comes to Eu n-Hee's rescue by fighti ng off a pack of bul l ies. The two women become fast friends and even faster lovers. Later, a n ight of dancing turns violent when two men proposition Eun-Hee, a nd proud Keu m-Sook lands in jail after si ngle-handedly beati ng u p both men (and a few pol ice officers! ) . U pon h e r release, Keu m-Sook fi nds out that Eun-Hee is pregna nt and needs money to help her u n born c h i ld . Desperate, Keum-Sook ma kes an attem pt to get the money and lands back i n ja i l . M ea nwhile, u p-a nd-com ing comed ian 000Chan, who stars on a television show to h e l p ra ise money for ba bies, meets Eu n-Hee a n d beco mes i nvested i n h e r l ife-eve ntua l ly asking her to ma rry h i m . Keu m-Sook is soon released from ja il a n d reconn ects with Eu n-Hee, b ut only after ope n i ng a Ta i Kwon Do school. Doo-Chan eventua lly d iscovers the two women's involve­ ment (sound fa m i l ia r?) a n d the su bseq uent med ley of com promises to become a s i ngle fa m­ i ly leads to some u n expected results!

BLUE GATE CROSSI N G dir Yee C h i h-yen 2002 Taiwan 85 min

35mm in Ma ndarin with English subtitles

Boys Got Spunk

-Oewey Schott THE TANTI MAN d i r Bobby Abate 1999 USA l l m i n 1 6 m m GOLDEN GUMS d i r Matt Wolf 2002 USA 14 m i n video DISS OLVE

d i r Stephen Remi ngton 2002 USA 15 m i n video (a Frameline

Release) BANANA SPLIT d i r G ra h a m Hollings 2002 Canada 3 min video LATE NIGHT VISITOR d i r M i chael Barry 2002 Canada 2 min video P H I N EAS SLIPPED dir Kerioakie 2002 USA 1 6 min video SALIVATION ARMY dir Scott Treleaven 2001 Canada 22 min video

A BIZARRE LOVE TRIANGLE dir Lee Moo-Young 2002 Republic of

Total R u n n i n g Time: 84 m i n

Korea 92 min 35m m in Korean with English subtitles Eligible for the Levi's® First Feature Award

Sponsored by



B roth er Outsi der: The Life of Baya rd Rusti n

The Bri dge Game Saturday June 21 5:30 pm Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (BRID21H)

Monday June 23 6:30 pm Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (BROT23C)

T H E B R I DG E G A M E is the story of how for every week for the past year, fou r women have met on the bridge where a friend com m itted suicide. I n her honor, these intrig u i ng women ritual istica lly ta ke turns venting their trou bles before going off to a n afternoon of bridge. One ra i ny Tuesday, tensions rise a nd emo­ tions flare as it's d iscovered one of the women u n ex pected ly c l i m bs over the ra i l i ng a n d attempts suicide i n t h e i r presence. Conversation turns from "trashy" to i ntense and volati le emo­ tions i l l ustrate how real issues ca n be buried under layers that often mask friendsh i p . As more secrets, a bu ses, a n d add ictions a re revea led , each m ust face persona l fears and confront d is­ a ppoi ntments in thei r l ives . Yet the women forge a new depth a n d i nti­ macy both with each other and with i n them­ selves. Di rectors R homie K. Thompson and David L. Lowe a pply the bridge as a meta phor, a n d the fi l m challenges viewers to cons ider the way people "play the ga me" and keep thi ngs l ight by "playing it cool . " The meta phor a l so comes i nto play as the women u lti mately b u i ld a bridge toward greater honesty and i ntimacy. Com pel l i ng performa nces a n d a powerful scri pt ta ke us on a jou rney of raw emotion, long­ i ng, a n d possi bilities. A piano teacher lea rns to give up on the sca les a nd cut loose in J onathan Wa l d 's short fi l m LI LIAN & I .

T h is sti rring documenta ry com bi nes the story of a u n iq u e America n l ife with a rich and fascinat­ i ng chron icle of civi l rights struggles i n America i n the late twentieth centu ry. Bayard Rusti n , a leader in these struggles, has long dwelt in the shadow of Marti n Luther King, J r.-partly by h is own design , a n d partly through the compl icity of activists , pol iticians, and historians. T h i s fi l m gives Rustin h is due, particula rly i n ma pping h is strategic and mora l choices which cont i n ue to have i m pact on America n pol itica l thought. From his collegiate days as a m usic student enthra lled by the ideal s of Com m u n i s m , to his i m prison ment for co nscientious objection to WWI I , to h is crucial role advisi ng King, J r. on the tactics of nonviolent resista nce, R usti n is shown as a t i reless a nd i ntrepid orga n izer determ i n ed to hold Am erica to its promises. R usti n's life i s a lso a study i n t h e para l lels between racism a n d homophobi a : D u ri ng t h e 1940s-50s, a t the same time he was battling with Jim Crow, R usti n was rema rka bly open a bout being gay. Yet rec­ ogn izi ng that h is homosexua l ity presented a pol itica l l ia b i l ity, he made the decision to rema i n i n t h e background for t h e sake of t h e movement, only to be sacrificed later by its leaders . Myriad testi monials from col leagues and friends, sti rri ng songs of protest sung by R usti n h i mself, and electrifying arch ival footage rou nd out this i n spir­ i ng a n d long-overd ue portrait of conscience i n action .

-Blue Walcer

-Shannon Kelley

LILIAN & I d i r Jonathan Wald 2002 Australia 8 min video THE BRIDGE GAME* d i rs Rhomie K. Thompson


David L. Lowe


2002 USA 88 m i n video



Bennett Singer 2002 USA 84 min video

* Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

Co-Presented by BCOA-Black Coalition On A I DS, Inc. Sponsored by



Sponsored by

ACLU e...� �"""'9



Bu lgarian Lovers Friday June 20 8:00 pm Herbst $8.00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (BULG20H)

This dark and evocative thri l ler is set aga i nst a backd rop of Europe i n tra nsition, where the East meets the West and where poverty clashes with affl uence. Da niel is a si ngle gay man l iving i n Mad rid . H e is a successfu l lawyer and consult­ ant who spends his hours outside of work with a gro u p of close friends, cru ising the streets of the city's gay q ua rter at n ight picking up men. Da niel's life ta kes a dramatic t u rn one eve n i ng after he meets Kyri l , a ha ndsome B u lgarian who he bri ngs home for an u nexpected ly long stay. Kyril soon moves i nto h is a pa rtment, a n d Da n iel finds h i m self behavi ng in s u rprising ways to s u p­ port his lover's adjustment to a new home coun­ try such as arra nging for Kyri l's gi rlfri end , Ka l i na , to come and l ive with them in M a d rid and becomi ng i nvolved i n M afia-related cri m i nal activities. Spa n ish d i rector Eloy de la Iglesia ( EL D I P UTADO) has spent h is life creati ng films that address class relations and socia l oppression. B U LG A R I AN LOVERS is a fasci nati ng portrait of a n obsessive relationsh i p a n d the d a ngerous choices made when allowing passion to overru le the senses. With its d a rk and evocative cine­ matogra phy and its effective portraya l of the cri m i n a l underworld , B U LGAR IAN LOVERS is essentia l ly fi l m noir. The stu n n i ng ope n i ng cred­ its a lone a re as spe l l bi nd i ng as the m ovie itself­ a fil m that takes us to the bri n k of a peri lous and frighte n i ng preci pice. BULGARIAN LOVERS d i r Eloy de la Iglesia 2002 S p a i n 95 m i n

35mm i n Spanish w i t h English subtitles

C h i c k Fl i cks

Butches, Bois and Kings Thursday June 19 6:30 pm

Thursday June 2 6 9:00 pm

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (BUTC19H)

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (CHIC26H)

This on ly-in-Sa n Francisco-style B utches, Bois, and Ki ngs program offers a selection of enl ig ht­ ening documentaries that expose the gender­ bend i ng edge of q ueer cu ltu re a n d shows off the many faces of butch, d rag, and gender identity. STRAP 'EM DOW N : T H E WO R LD OF DRAG K I N G S offers a n i nsid er's look at today's hot, cross-cultura l d rag king phenomenon , advocat­ ing a widespread re-th i n ki ng of female sex a n d gender expectations. XY: DRAG delves into the burgeoni ng su bculture of d rag ki ngs as i llustrat­ ed by one performer's perceptions of the cu ltu re she's helping create, a n d exa m i nes what d rag mea ns in a gender-controlled society. D i rector Ka rin M ichalski's doc u mentary PASH KE AN D SOFIA is a fascinat i ng i nsight i nto the strict gender roles em bedd ed in the l ives of rura l women i n Alba n i a . Pash ke-who l ives as a ma n-motivates others to q u estion what gender mea ns. B U TC H MYST I Q U E d rives home the d iverse cultu re of butch-stud , l esbian-identified women of Africa n America n d escent. Although from varying backgro u n d s-a s moth ers, activi sts, a n d a rtists-com monalities surface as they share their personal a n d raw emotions, power, a nd voices relati ng to their l iving outside the norm .

There's someth ing for every ga l in Chick Fl icks, a fa ntastic col lection of new lesbian shorts. Two l ittle gi rls on a playground deconstruct a n u rsery rhyme in BAKER'S M E N . A woman a lternates butch and fem m e d rag in B EFO R E I LEAVE, WHEN I R ETU R N A N D IN B ETWEE N . I n ES M E SEEKI N G , a bridesmaid u nwitti ngly catches the wed d i ng bouq uet. La u rel begins to q uesti on her decision to give her hea rt to her girlfriend i n KEPT. The roma ntic satire B E R L I N B ES H ERT fol lows the dating m isadventures of two sisters search i ng for ideal mates . U N RAVEL is a bea uti­ fu l da nce performance on relations h i ps. In LOVE LI FE, a woma n gets a second cha nce at l ife­ and sex-out of her wheelcha i r. I n S EA H O RS ES, Li ly ( G u i n Tu rner, G O F I S H ) struggles with put­ ting her l ife back together following a n accident i n which she loses her memory. A maid exacts revenge in STARCH ED. F I R EP U SSY is an erotic na rrative that uses poetry, montage, a n d i magery to explore the m i n d of M a ria , a volati le Lati na poet/pyro ma n iac who returns to M exico and her Maya n roots.


2002 Germany 29 m i n video in German with English subtitles

BAKER'S MEN d i r Ha rriette Yahr 2002 USA 5 min 35mm BEFORE I LEAVE, WHEN I RETURN AND I N BETWEEN dir Jessabelle

Labampa 2003 USA 3 m i n video ESME SEEKING dir Angela Cheng 2002 USA 4 min video KEPT dir Ch ristina H u l en 2003 USA 6 min video BERLIN BESHERT dir November Wanderin


Meredith 2002 USA 4 m i n video XY: DRAG d i r Robin E. Deisher

UNRAVEL dir Claudia Molin a 2002 Canada 5 min video LOVE

2001 USA 32 min video PASHKE AND SOFIA d i r Karin Michalski

LIFE dir Na nci Gaglio 2003 USA 5 min 35mm STARCHED d i r

2003 Albania 30 m i n video in Alba n i a n with English subtitles

Cath L e Couteur 2002 U K 6 m i n 3 5 m m SEAHORSES d i r Ta n ia

BUTCH MYSTIQUE dir Debra A. Wilson 2003 USA 30 min video

Trepa n i er 2003 USA

10 m i n 35mm FIREPUSSY d i r Laurel

The C h i l d I N ever Was (Ein Leben Lang Kurze Hosen Tragen) Tuesday June 24 9:30 pm Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (CHIL24C)

I n 1972, twenty-six-yea r-old J O rgen Bartsch , a c h i ld-m u rderer marked by i l l ness and i ncarcer­ ated in the Eickel born psych iatric hospita l , pro­ vided h is recol lections wh i l e being videorecord­ ed . Between 1962 and 1966, the butcher's assista nt a b used , tortu red , and k i l led fou r school boys i n Germa ny's R u h r d i strict. J ust 15 years old at the time of h is first crime a nd 19 when i nd i cted , Ba rtsch's mesmerizing confes­ sion is skillfu l ly a p plied by d i rector Kai S. Pieck to fra me the preced i ng circu msta nces a nd d is­ turbing reenactment of h is i nexpl ica ble crimes. THE C H I LD I N EVER WAS is a n emotiona l jou r­ ney i nto the d a rk reaches of a trou bled m i n d : his cold and severe adoptive pa rents, h is terror-fi l led years at a Catholic board i ng school , the d iscov­ ery of his sexua l attraction to boys, h is des perate longing to avoid a d u lthood-these and other emotiona l ly cha rged aspects of Bartsch's l ife u nfold before us. However, it is the outward a ppeara n ce of his norma l daily l ife that u lti mate­ ly underscores the horror of his deeds. Based on Ba rtsch's origi nal letters and statements, as recorded i n America n jou rnal ist Pa u l M oor's book Juergen Bartsch: Opfer und Taeter, T H E C H I LD I N EVER WAS provides a c h i l l i ng portra it of a m u rd erer who craves our sym pathy yet a lso depicts a charm i ng beast who strikes a n u nsettling chord i n our hearts. THE C H I LD I NEVER WAS d i r Kai S. Pieck 2002 Germany 83 min

Almerinda 2002 USA 1 9 min 35mm

35mm i n German with English s u btitles

Tota l R u n n i ng Time: 92 m i n

Eligible for the Levi's® First Feature' Award

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

Total R u n n i ng Ti me: 99 m i n



C lass Que e rs

C l os e to Leo (Tout co ntre Leo)

Cock & Bu l l Story

Tuesday June 17 4:15 pm

Monday June 23 9:00 pm

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (CLAS17C) Free for ages 18 & under (present /0 at door)

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (CLE023C)

Friday June 20 10:30 pm Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (CO CK20 C)

Sunday June 29 4:30 pm

Monday June 23 1:00 pm

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (CLE029 C)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (COCK23C)

Class Queers presents del ightfu l ly i magi native a n d i n novative q u eer youth fi lms that a re often tender, freq u ently wise, someti mes trou bled , a n d always fu n . FA D E TO P I N K i s a n exploration i n gender iden tity. G ay Youth Med ia Project mem bers doc­ u ment the obstacles in making a narrative that both explores q u eer youth identities while show­ ing their i nteraction. Their ca ndor, h u mor, a n d s p i ri t l e n d high expectations for t h e fi l m ma kers' fi nal project-a five-m i n ute na rrative that follows a pa i r of ord i n a ry, brown cowboy boots that d rea m of beco m i ng pink, h igh-heel pu m ps. The Gay Youth Media Project stars in O UT­ LET-QU EER YOUTH S P EAK OUT, as they del iver a p rogra m for q u eer kids designed to teac h fi l m a n d video prod uction wh i le provid i ng a forum for d iscussion of gay cu ltu re, h i story, a nd pol itics. The fi l m demonstrates the myriad ways m ed ia serve to develop character and expression. C LASS Q U EERS bea utifu l ly ca ptu res th ree stories from a Toronto progra m for q u eer youth that convey the angst and exh i la ration of h igh school . This fascinati ng fi l m c h ronicles their struggles to find love, accepta nce, a n d fu n . Ada m , R ichard , a n d Ad ina's stories i l l ustrate the d i versity of q u eer adolescence-underscoring the u n i q ue chal lenges faced by LGBT youth today. Each strives to carve a u n iq u e identity with i n the context of va ried and d isparate fa m i ly, romantic, a n d s u rvival experiences. -Blue Warcer

C LOS E TO LEO is a bout fa m i ly. . . namely, Leo's fa m i ly. At 21 , he's the eldest of fou r; M a rcel, age 1 1 , i s you n gest. With thei r relatively you ng pa r­ ents, they've always been h a p py and close-knit. Each is fa i rly open and accepti ng of Leo's homo­ sexual ity, but after lea rning he has AI DS, the fa m i ly is faced with a situation that wi l l eventual­ ly test a l l bonds. Worried that M a rcel is too you n g to deal with this devastating news, he's om itted from the fa m i l y d iscussions of Leo's HIV status. B ut one night after d i n ner M a rcel overhea rs ta l k a bout Leo's hea lth , and the news comes as a bom b­ shel l . The fa m i ly conti n u es pretend i ng every­ thi ng's fi ne to M a rcel-a nd perha ps even to itself. M a rcel is not d u ped , however, and he wa nts the truth to come out, but neither h is pa r­ ents nor h is brothers ca n bri ng themselves to s pea k openly a bout the situation . Faced with the prospect of beg i n n i ng a n a rd u o u s med i ca l regi m e n , Leo becom es increasi ngly more frustrated a nd he eventua l ly ta kes matters into h is own hands. He decides not to ta ke the cockta i l . Then h e ta kes M a rcel off to Pa ris so that he ca n expla i n both h i mself a nd h i s situation to h is you n g brother. P rod uced for French television as part of a series dea l i n g with issues facing you n g people, CLOS E TO L EO rea l istica l ly presents the issues of sexua lity a n d accepta nce with an honesty a n d i nsight that is seldom seen o n U . S. televisi o n .

FADE TO PINK d i r Patrick David 2002 USA 15 min video OUTLET

CLOSE T O LEO d i r Christophe Honore 2001 France 90 m i n video

-QUEER YOUTH SPEAK OUT d i rs Sacha Fink, Naba Zouinti, &

i n Fre n c h with English subtitles

Ta mar Eyton 2002 Canada 26 min video CLASS QUEERS d i rs Mel issa Levin & Roxana S p icer 2003 Canada 53 min video

Total R u n n ing Ti me: 94 m i n Co-Presented b y GSA Network & LY R I C-Lavender Youth

Recreation & Information Center



Set i n C h icago's Southside, COCK A N D B U LL STO RY exa m i nes the cross section between homophobia, violence, a nd repressed sexua l ity. Travis a n d J a c ko a re two friends who deal with their rage in rema rka bly different ways. Travis ( B ret Roberts) is a good -looking boxer who longs to be a contender. He has a s pecial move for wi n n ing his matches whereby he gets h i s oppo­ nents in "the c l i n ch . " With h i ps tightly locked together, Tra vis gives his adversa ry something extra and rather unexpected . Yet thi ngs don't bode well for Travis when a nother boxer tries a si m i la r psychologica l strategy on h i m in the men's bath room. And w h i le Travis is psych ing out his opponents in the ring of a n i m portant matc h , h is best friend J acko (we l l acted by B rian Austin G reen of " Beverly Hills 902 1 0 " ) engages in down-a nd-d i rty street fights with h i s enem ies. He is deeply homophobic and even tries to l u re the u nwi l l ing Travis i nto a gay bas h i ng. I n 1 970, B i l ly Hayes bega n h is long night­ m a re in the Tu rkish p rison system that was fa mously d ra m atized in Ala n Pa rker's M I D­ N IGHT EXP R ESS. Hayes' d i rection in COCK 'A N D B U LL STO RY offers i ntrigu i ngly s i m i la r themes o f bruta l ity and homoeroticism. T h e fi l m itself is a com plex a n d powerfu l m ovie that does­ n't pretend to offer easy solutions a bout vio­ lence. I n GO-GO BOY, a you n g man d evelops a fetish for the su perhero lifestyle while a s p i ring to overcome past a n d present vul ne ra bil ities. G O - G O B O Y (PRElUDE) d i r Kenneth S h e r m a n 2002 C a n a d a 1 2

m i n 35mm COCK & B U l l STORY* d i r Billy Hayes 2002 USA 1 0 2 m i n 35mm * Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

Da ngerous living: Com i ng Out i n the Deve l op i ng Wo rld

Dark Ro ots : The Unauthorized Anna N i cole

Daughters of the Sun (Dokhta ran Kh orshid)

Saturday June 28 4:00 pm

Friday June 2 7 10:45 pm

Friday June 2 0 6:00 pm

Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (OANG28H)

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (OARK27C)

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (OAUG20C)

The explosion of homosexual activism i n d evel­ opi ng pa rts of the worl d , expl ains a Malaysian activist, is d ue to H IV/AI DS , MTV, and the I nternet. B ut such activism comes at a price , as shown in DA N G EROUS LIVI N G , a globetrott i ng docume ntary that highlights i nspirational LG BT " movements" i n evolving co u ntries . By using the a rrest of 52 men in Ca i ro for parti ci pati ng on a floati ng d isco as the fulcru m , d irector J o h n Scagliotti explores t h e pleasures a n d peri l s of being q ueer i n such far away places as Pa kista n , Hond uras, t h e P h i l i ppi nes, a nd N a m i bia. The i nterviews with q ueer activists a re both hea rtrend i ng and inspiring: A H ond u ra n lesbian descri bes how her young son is assa u lted by homophobes; terrified Egyptia n men awa it sen­ tencing after bei ng accused of " d eba uchery" for drinking in a gay nightc l u b ; a n d a Vietnamese man ( i n s i l houette) fears exi le if he orga nizes a gay movement . Yet a lso depicted is tremendous courage under fi re, as witnessed by q ueer fol ks marc h i ng in Hond uras wh i l e u nder the scrut i ny of the para m i l itary, as we l l as a N a m i bi a n acti vist who refuses to cha nge how he swi ngs his h i ps just beca use his presid ent ca lls for the " el i m i na­ tion " of gays and lesbians. DAN G E R O U S LIVI N G d rives home that even if q u eer rights is a western idea , homosex­ ual ity certa i n ly is not. I n fact, as one activist provocatively q u i ps, " Perha ps it's homophobia that's been im ported from the developed world . "

Gra b you r big g u l p of Mounta i n Dew, sit back i n your La-Z- Boy, a nd h u n ker down for a treat i n pop culture. Fra me l i n e Award honorees Fenton Bai ley and R a ndy B a rbato, a long with G a briel Rotello del iver DAR K ROOTS: T H E U NAUTHO­ R I Z E D A N N A N I COLE, a n inside story a bout Anna N icole S m ith . Although Anna N icole Sm ith's TV show h igh l ights her gla morous and i ntrigu i ng Los Angeles l ife, this fi l m shows Sm ith's more hum­ ble begi n n i ngs . Born Vicky Lyn n Hoga n i n Mexi a , Texas, A n n a N i cole comes from a loving fa m i ly that speaks ca nd id ly a bout her u pbri ng­ i ng: Aunt Kay, who ra ised Anna ; stepfather Dona ld ; u ncle Floyd ; a n d cousins M e l i nda and Shel ly. You may reca l l Shel ly's visit on a particu­ larly touching episod e wherein she ta l ks a bout how Anna N icole sent her money for teeth . The fa m i ly provides i nsight a bout Anna's life (or Vicky, as she's known to them) a n d the cha nges she faced in goi ng from popular to fa mous to the "tra i n wreck" we know today. Absol utely noth ing is off l i m its as they delve i nto Anna N icole's a ppreciation for sex, Vicod i n , and jewel ry. Add itiona l i nterviews include her ex-girl­ friend and the plastic surgeon who hel ped her acq u i re that lofty buxom look (via the "dou ble­ stack" proced ure). And wh ile this may seem fun ny, the d ocumentary d oesn't lend to ma king fun of those a ppea ring in it. Like the TV show, it's riveting, fun ny, a nd ultimately-l i ke a ny natura l d isaster-i n herently sad . Come back to the five a n d d i me, A n na N ico le, Anna N icole.


dir John Scagliotti 2003 USA 70 min video

Monday June 23 4:00 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (OAUG23C)

Both hau nting a n d pa infu l ly bea utifu l , M a riam Shariar's DA U G HTERS O F THE SUN is one of the most controversial works to come out of I ra n . T h e open ing scene shows a young woma n hav­ i ng her head shaved . Not terri bly noteworthy i n terms of B a y Area q ueer fi l m making, but enough to have the fi l m censored in I ra n . ( U nder I s l a m ic law, a d u lt women a re forbidden to a ppea r on screen unless a scarf covers their hair. ) To address the oppression of women i n I ra n ian society is brave but com mercia l su icide. Cross-dressi ng is considered taboo i n I ra n , too. However, this is t h e precise terra i n that DAU G HTERS O F T H E S U N treads. Ama nagol is just a girl and the oldest of six daughters from a poor rura l fa m i ly. She ho pes to earn some money for her sick mother. With a shorn hea d , s h e d resses l i ke a young man a n d goes t o work for an a busive ca rpet dealer. She works, eats, a nd sleeps in the sma l l workshop but is locked in at n ight. Out of fea r of bei ng d iscovere d , she seldom s peaks with the you ng fem a le co-work­ ers who weave beside her. Her si lence and strength i n the face of the master's cruelty earns her the love of a n other young woma n . The down played physical expression is vastly made u p for by the powerful a nd emotion-pa cked repressed desire that is exh i bited in the s i ngle movement of a ha nd a nd a longing gaze through a window. Every day she passes as a man expo­ nenti a l ly adds to her despa i r.


Bai ley, Ra ndy Barbato, video


Ga briel Rotello USA 2003 89 m i n

DAUGHTERS OF THE S U N d i r Ma ria m Shahriar 2000 Ira n 92 m i n

35mm i n Farsi w i t h English subtitles Eligible for the Levi's" F i rst Feature Award

Co-Presented by I G L H RC-I nternational Gay



H u man Rights Commission

Sponsored by




Dear Gabe/H e's Having a Bab y

D i l d o D i a r i es/B e i ng H u man

Do I Love You?

Sunday June 1 5 2:00 pm Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (OEA R 1 5H)

Thursday June 19 4:00 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (OILD1 9C)

Saturday June 21 7:45 pm

J eff Da n i s i s a Hol lywood ta lent agent, at the to p

A gro u p of London n ud ists u p holds the right to

I n Lisa Gorni ck's q u i rky a n d e n d ea ri n g fi l m DO I

of h i s ga me a n d l iv i n g the Hol lywood d rea m .



LOVE YO U , you ng Ma r i n a e m ba rks on a n a dven­

Comm itted t o h is pa rtner of 2 0 yea rs , Don P i ke,

shoc k i n g passers-by a n d occasiona l ly e nd u ri n g

t u rous j o u rney to m a ke sense of her i n tricately

t h ey e nj oy a rich l ife together: they a re s uccess­

ja i l t i m e , the n u d ists s i m ply a n d thoughtfu l l y

woven com m u n ity of l overs, ex-gi rlfri e n d s , a n d

fu l , wealthy, own a bea utifu l home, ta ke exotic

a rg u e for the right to be n u d e-anywhere a n d

friends. It s e e m s l i ke everyo ne knows everyone

vacations, a n d have n u mero us cl ose fri ends.

a nyt i m e ( i nc l u d i ng d u ri n g t h e dead o f winter) .

in t h i s del ightfu l ro ma ntic comedy . . . a n d those

J eff, who i s a p proach i n g h i s 50th b i rthday a n d i s

Co n s i d e red odd by some Londo ners, the n ud ists


fee l i ng t h a t h i s l ife

bel ieve s h a m e i s preve nta ble if the h u ma n body

sooner or later!

i s somehow i nco m p lete ,

t h e m sel ves



H U MA N .

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (OOIL21 H)

d o n 't

know everyone


W h i l e bicyc l i n g th rough

Lond o n ,

i n volved M a ri n a

d rea m s of someday becom i ng a father. When he

is ro utinely seen i n its truest fo rm . B oth poigna nt

s h a res h i s d e s i re with h i s pa rtner Don , thei r re la­

a nd i n s p i ri ng, B E I NG H U M AN offers an i n s ight­

a rrives at t h e conc l usion that gett i n g pregnant

tion s h i p i s s u d de n ly t h rown i nto chaos . H E'S

fu l message a bout how we view the h u m a n body

j u st m ight be the a n swer to resolv i n g h e r prob­

HAVI N G A B A BY c h ron ic les the perso n a l cha l ­

a nd the j u d gm ents we place u pon it at its most

l e m s with her gi rlfriend , Ro my. After a l l , whatev­

le nges t h e co u p le encou nters on thei r jou rney t o

honest l eve l .

er rift d evelo ped between she a n d R o m y cer­

become parents . D EA R G A B E is a to u c h i ng a n d nosta lgic

Don't stop i n Texas with a d i l do i n you r pos­

ta i n ly cou l d be m e n d ed by her becom i ng preg­

session beca use yo u ca n la nd in the c l i n k . I f yo u

n a nt, right? And whatever " i nfidel ity" t h i s m ight

i ntrod u c i ng Ga brie l , the son of

possess s i x or more-that's co nsid ered a fel o ny.

pose certa i n ly doesn't outweigh Ro my's cu rrent

Alexa n d ra J u h asz ( both the n a rrator a n d d i rec­

B u tt pl ugs, however, a re okay beca use "You ca n

fl i rtation with an ex-gi rlfri end . . . does it? Either

tor), to the peo ple a nd the c i rcu msta nces s u r­

put a nyth i n g u p yo u r butt i n Texas as l o n g as it's

way, it m a kes for a rather thought-provoking

ro u nd i ng the journey toward motherhood . S i x

not a pen i s . " The D I LDO D I A R I ES d i sc u sses the

dyke ride!

friends who o rigi na l ly shared a fe m i n i st house­

i ro n ies and odd ities of the Texas obscen ity laws .

hold d u r i n g t h e i r yea rs at A m h u rst Col lege ta l k

Accord i n g to one attorney, " B ad laws co me i n

a bout

today a bout the ir u n i q u e choices i n sta rti ng a

severa l forms a n d t h e Texas o bscen ity laws have

needs, M a r i n a 's adventu res a bout town m a n ifest

fa m i ly. Each h a s made su rprisi n g d eci sio ns­

a l l of them com b i n ed . " Featu ri ng i nterviews with

a tra i l of lovers, friends, trysts, a n d affa irs! So

a nd co m p rom i ses-that a re d i scussed in tu rn :

t h e ever-cheeky M o l ly Ivins,

m u ch for s i m p l ify i n g matters . . .



Texas Legislatu re , and the owner of one of the

G o r n i c k focuses on the love, a m u sements,

a n other ra ises a n a d o pted Africa n America n

l a rgest sex-toy e m p i res i n t h e world-a n entre­

a n d roma ntic i d ea l i s m that d rive us, wh i l e fu l ly

c h i ld

"vi deo letter"

a re

m a rried

profess i o n a l s with

mem bers of the

Determ i ned to resolve how she feels both Romy a n d



c h a n g i n g sexua l

d i vorced

pren e u r with whom several presid ents, i n c l u d i ng

ca ptu ring the chaos, self-refl ect i o n , a n d frustra-

moth er; a n d one les b i a n professional cou p l e

R o n a l d Reaga n , have m et. Don't m iss t h e enter­

. t i o n that can accom pa ny l ife as a dyke i n you r twenties . F i l led with h u mor, natura l a n d sharp



s i ngle,

J ewish ,

les bi a n ,

have t h u s fa r d ecided n o t t o h a v e c h i ld re n . T h e

ta i n i ng and s p i rited d iscussion of d i ldos and a na l

cross-section o f fri ends co u pled with a post h u ­

sex sta rr i n g mem bers o f t h e Texas Senate! ( H ey,

perform a n ces, as we l l as a second -ha n d couch

m o u s i ntrod uction to a you n g ma n w h o rem a i ns

doesn't that m e a n the Texas Legi slature pedd les

that j ust m ight have ex p l a i ned it a l l , D O I LOVE

dear to a l l of them , affords Alexa n d ra 's " l etter"

porn?) T h i s one's too su rrea l to m i ss .

YO U? covers a l l bases a n d tru ly h its h o m e as a zesty a n d a m u s i n g c i ne matic treat.

more t h a n a few s l i ces of rea l l ife . BEING H U MAN d i r Lisa Seidenberg 2002 USA/UK 30 m i n video HE'S HAVING A BABY d i r Georg Hartmann 2003 USA 39 min

DILDO DIARIES d i rs J u dy Wilder

video D E A R G A B E d i r Alexandra J u hasz 2003 USA 50 min video

6 1 min video


Laura Barton 2002 USA

DO I LOVE YOU? d i r Lisa Gorn ick 2002 UK 73 min video

El igible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

Co-Presented by Our Fa m i l y Coalition Sponsored by



Co-Presented by SFSI-San Francisco Sex Information



Do Yo u r Thang Sunday June 1 5 Noon Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (OO Y01 5C) From the sweat on the basketball court to the steam in the boudoir, Do Your Thang is a siz­ zling, eclectic mix of shorts by, for, and about queer women of color. The relationship between two teenage girl basketball players is seriously tested in WE GO T NE XT







encroach on the security of their world. A sexy French instructor toys with a handsome, butch student who is "hot for teacher"


A GAIN. U nforeseen events lead to a young les­ bian couple to struggle to maintain faith and love in THE SH ADOWS OF YO U . SI MONE 'S 24 fol- . lows Simone's adventures negotiating her some­ times maddening world of relationship drama, identity politics, and self-discovery-who gets help from her fashionable friends. The world is STR ANGE & C H AR MED in this three-part short: A lonely woman literally takes matters into her hands; a spurned lover gets pleasure afresh after a chance meeting with a hot and willing substitute; and a child wants to explore a play­ mate in a new way. In the beautiful and erotic FIREPUSSY, the guilt of a childhood accident and its subsequent effects wrack M aria, a Latina poet/pyromaniac, who searches for her lost her­ itage and flees to M exico where she meets a seductive but mysterious stranger who may hold the key to unlocking her past.

Don't You Worry, It Wi l l Probably Pass

The Edge of Each Oth er's Battles:

(Du Ska Nog Se Att Det Gar Dver)

The Vi s i o n of Audre Lorde

Wednesday June 18 6:30 pm

Thursday June 2 6 6:30 pm

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (OONT1 8C)

Herbst $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (EDGE26H)

The only notable difference between the three

A frican American queer feminist Audre L orde's

young Swedish girls featured in the documen­

poems and essays establish her as a visionary


revolutionary who could move heart, mind, and

PASS from any other girl on the planet is that

sex. To veteran lovers of her work, these two

each is dealing with her lesbian identity, strug­

films will inspire and delight, allowing a return to

gling with coming out. E ach girl's journey toward

this amazing artist's work. For those less familiar


with Lorde, this program serves as an accessible

including both inner turmoil and

and enjoyable look at an influential artist who

outer conflict, is eloquently captured. Filmmaker C ecelia Neant-Faulk shows us

established the image of "warrior women. "

the reality of coming out for young Swedish girls

BOD Y OF A POE T provides exquisite cine­

much like those we fell in love with in the film

matography and rich, sumptuous reenactments

SHO W ME LOVE . My is a shy, somewhat awk­

of key moments in Lorde's life-interspersed

ward girl whose first love was Scully on "X-files. "

with poetry inspired by L orde-to memorialize

Her parents don't know about "it" and her

the artist. Sensual, powerful, lyrical, and erotic,

friends make blatantly homophobic comments

BOD Y O F A POE T gets into the heart of how

that result in profound hopelessness. Joppe is a

poetry touches the soul.



though not officially out, is convinced the town





examines the history-making conference held in

suspects she's a lesbian. Natali is a budding

1992 that celebrated the work of Audre Lorde.

rock star living in Stockholm who is mostly out

The conference was born from the work of dili­

yet still struggles with life in her small hometown.

gent organizers who participated in conjunction

Neant-Faulk's camera works as a secret

with Lorde, who did not wish to be canonized.

video diary that records both the experiences

With a commitment that the conference atten­

and individual metamorphoses of each young

dees be made up of 50 percent people of color

girl, as well as the filmmaker herself. The girls

and 50 percent poor and working class peoples,

have unique temperaments, interests, and back­

the makeup of the event and its aims were both

grounds that weave engaging stories about their


hidden desires, forbidden feelings, and pending

Introducing the poetry and philosophies of many





fears. As each girl films h er parents, siblings,

radical feminists, both male and female, the

and schoolmates, she discovers innate intrica­


cies of her own life. A lthough the subjects are

sweetened and strengthened by the variety of

Jeanette Aguilar 2002 U S A 25 m i n video STRANGE & CHARMED

adolescents, their experiences are universal­

attending A udre Lorde supporters.

dir Shari Frilot 2003 USA 14 min video FIREPUSSY dir Laurel

honestly capturing youth's awkward nuances.

WE GOT NEXT dir Tricia Creason 2002 USA 16 m i n video BEGIN AGAIN d i r Anika B u rt 2001 USA 1 2 m i n video THE SHADOWS OF YOU d i r Narissa Lee 2002 USA 8 m i n video SIMONE'S 24 d i r

Almerinda 2002 USA 19 m i n 35mm

-Nathalie Peterson

Total R u n n i ng Ti me: 96 m i n DON'T YOU WORRY, IT WILL PROBABLY PASS d i r Cec ilia Neant­

became a shared space for poetry­

BODY O F A POET d i r Sona l i Fernando 1995 UK 29 min video THE EDGE O F EACH OTHER'S BATTLES: THE V I S I O N O F AUDRE LORDE dir J e n n ifer Abod 2002 USA 60 min video

Fa u l k 2003 Sweden 74 min 35mm i n Swedish with English subtitles

Co-Presented by N ia Collective

Co-Presented by Di mensions-Health Services for Queer &

Co-Presented by The Women's B u i ld i ng

Questioning Youth Sponsored by


Special thanks to the Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation Sponsored by

irIfrU!JUls G

Sponsored by



The Event

Ente r the C l owns (Chouj u e Dengchang)

The Ed ucati on of Gore Vi da l Monday June 1 6 6:30 pm Herbst $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (EDUC1 6H)

Tuesday June 17 6:30 pm Castro $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (EVEN1 7C)

Friday June 27 8: 15 pm

T H E E D U CAT I O N O F G O R E VI DAL is a wo nder­ fu l docu me nta ry that c h ro n i c l es Gore Vi d a l 's l it­

Herbst $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (EN TE27H) C u i Z i ' en (who tea ches at the Beij i n g F i l m

era ry a n d pol itica l accom plish me nts si nce arriv­ i ng on the New York l i terary sce ne i n the 1940s .

Academ y) h a d a la rge h a n d in Li u B i ngj i a n 's pio­

With m ore t h a n 50 books beh i nd h i m , Vidal is a prol ific n ovel ist, essayist, pl aywright, fi l m actor,

G F F '00 ) . N ow he i na ugurates a new q u eer

pol itica l ca n d i date, a nd celebrated wit. De bora h Dickson ( R U T H I E & CON N I E , S F I LG F F '02) let's us enter Vida l 's worl d , sta rting with h i s privi leged c h i l d h ood i n Was h i ngton D . C . H i s u p bri ngi ng a nd ed ucati on have made Vidal a n o uts poken critic of our nation's governing i nstitutions. With the cu rrent pol itica l-economic c l i mate, t h i s is a presc ient documentary a bo ut h i s l ife and wo rk. In the fi l m , Vidal states, " My s u bject is the U n ited States.

My fa m i ly hel ped fo u n d th is

cou ntry, and I have a personal fa m i l ia l fee l i n g a bout it. I h ate what has been done to it. " We eve n

see t h e fa mous fight with W i l l i a m


B u ckley, J r. o n natio n a l te levision when Vida l cal led h i s a rc h n e mesis a "crypto- N az i . " I n a d d ition t o h i s leftist pol itics, Vid a l i s a l so wel l known for be i ng one of the fi rst America n nove l i sts to write open ly a bout ho mosexua l ity. I n 1948, he p u b l ished The City and the Pillar, a nove l fra n kly d e pict i ng sex between m e n . The sca n d a l ca used by t h is book damaged h i s l iter­ a ry ca reer over the next decade. However, Vidal has never been one to be brought down by oth­ ers. He is a n i n dom ita ble Ame rica n ico n , a n d this fi l m a bout h i s legacy is a defi n ite m ust see. THE EDU CATION O F GORE VIDAL d i r Deborah Dickson 2002 USA

84 min video

neering gay feature M E N AN D WO M E N (S F I L­ C h i n ese ci nema with a movie that says every­ t h i n g you know a bout sexual identity and ge nder orie ntation i s wrong. From the o pe n i ng cha pter, in which the h u n ky Xiao Bo gets a blow-job fro m h i s dying m other (or is it h i s fath er?) , the m ovie del ights i n splash ing a bo ut i n the mora l eq u iva­ lent of sperm . T h e cha racters a re delici ously va riegated . Xiao Bo l i ves with N a n a , but tota l ly fa i l s to satis­ fy her. N a na fl i rts with lots of men, hoping to find someone better, but starts to fea r that there isn't a ma n in B e ij i ng to match her. Dongdong is a h ig h school boy whose m other goes t h rough a fe male-to-m a l e sex cha nge. This com p l i cates her re latio nsh i p with Dongdon g's stepfather, who sti l l loves her ( h i m ) enough to preclude looking for a new gi rlfriend . . . C u i first wrote this a s a novel , and its struc­ ture of i nterloc k i ng cha pters a n d the someti mes h igh-flown d ia logue may reflect those origins. B ut its 'q ueering' of everyday l ife i n Beij i ng is a nyth i ng but l itera ry, and its rough i n d i e edges act ua l l y

i ntens ify


splend idly

-Tony Rayns ENTER THE CLOWNS d i r Cui Zi en 2001 C h i n a 82 min video in

Ma ndarin with Engl ish subtitles

Co-Presented by NAATA-National Asian American Teleco m m u n ications Association

Sponsored by

[JLrQXQX�]� a gay asian magazine



a p p roach to gender po l itics . Witty, to uch i ng, a n d a nti-heterosexist t o t h e max.


The terrific ensem ble cast of i n d i e vete ra ns i n TH E EV E N T works i n sync t o maxi m ize the i m pact of this h ighly moving fi l m . D i rector Thom Fitzgera ld ( H ANG I N G G A R D E N , B E E FCAKE) is fi r m ly at the hel m , g u i d i ng a n i ntricate , i nterwov­ en patchwo rk of re lationsh i ps, friend s h i ps, a n d fa m i ly ties that u nfol d s with s h a rp i n sight a n d d ra m atic fla i r. T H E EV ENT is d riven both emotiona l ly a nd pol itica l l y by two o p posing truths . Truth N o . 1 : Matt wa nts to d i e ; h i s A I DS cockta i l n o l onger works, h i s health is fa i l ing fast, a nd he wa nts to leave th is earth with h i s friends a n d fa m i ly a ro u n d h i m . Truth N o . 2 : Choos i n g to d i e is i l le­ ga l ; N i ck, a d i strict attorney i nvestigati ng the m ost recent series of u n expla i n ed deaths i n the C h elsea d i strict of M a n hatta n , i s p us h i n g h a rd to get to the bottom of the a p pa rent suicides . A s w i t h N i c k's i n vestigati o n , T H E EVENT ra ises as many q u esti ons as it a n swers . What is the respo n s i b i l ity of th ose left be h i nd when a ter­ m i n a l l y i l l perso n ta kes h i s or h e r own l ife? What good a re laws a n d b u rea ucracy that d o n 't se rve us? Fitzgera ld's response is to lay it bare a n d let a l l the voices be heard , leavi ng u s to fi nd it in the a n ger a nd d i scover it in the tea rs. TH E EV ENT . works on all levels, but none greater tha n the d e pth of emotion this bea utifu l l y rendered pi ece evokes a bout a m a n and the people who love h i m enough to h e l p h i m d i e . -John Cooper THE EVENT d i r Thom Fitzgera ld 2002 Canada 105 m i n 35mm

Fight Back, Fight AI D S : 1 5 Years o f ACT U P o n V i d e o

Flying With O n e W i ng (Ta n i Tatuwen Piyaban na)

Wednesday June 25 6:30 pm

Wednesday June 25 6:30 pm

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (FlGH25H)

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (FLYI25C)

If the trad itional documentary-one with carefu l­ ly scri pted voiceovers an d thought-provoki ng i nsight-is you r cup of tea, FI GHT BACK, F IGHT AI DS: 15 YEARS OF ACT U P ON VI D EO m ight best be kept for a ra i ny day. That's because it's an actual reca ptu ring of q u eer h i story, offering neither na rrator nor sca n d a l . Yet it is a docu­ m enta ry beca use it ca ptu res our memories of our friends and lovers who fought for our politi­ ca l rights regard ing what used to be our d isease. Ja mes Wentzy's in-you r-face FI GHT BACK, F I GHT A I DS is a com pi lation of live footage doc­ u menting the first ACT UP m eeti ng in 1987 on N ew York City's Wa ll Street a nd contin ues to 2002. Amate u r video record i ng-at the demon­ stration level a n d from the private, beh i nd-the­ scenes m eeti n gs a nd tra i n i ng-revea ls the astonishing ca maraderie that u n ited a pol itica l ly en raged com m u n ity, rega rd less of age, race, eth n i city, or gender. Recogn iza ble faces a mong the h u nd reds of ACT U P activists , timel essly ca ptu red over the 15 yea rs of footage , a re l i kely to be movi ng. Pa rticula rly noteworthy is seeing activist a nd a uthor Vito Russo issue a s peech equating A I DS to wa r then demand i ng to know how the two la ndsca pes d iffer. Whether or not you r own politica l views a re a l igned with ACT U P's today, this infi n itely rele­ va nt politica l grou p ta ught us to fight back aga i nst govern ment com placency, to protest the h igh costs of pha rmaceutica l d rugs, a n d to sim­ ply ask others: Where is you r rage?

U ndoubted ly the most revol utiona ry South Asi a n fi l m t h i s year, FLY I N G WITH O N E W I N G is a n engaging pa ra ble o f a m a n creati n g a life a m i dst a cu lture that deems h i s existence cri m i n a l . D i rector Asoka Ha ndaga ma ca ptu res t h e rea l ity for women l iving in p resent day Sri La n ka-a deva l ued class, oppressed by both trad ition and sexist attitudes. Here i n l ies a n edgy, gender­ a l tering story that manages to remain l ighthea rt­ ed a n d h u morous despite the b u i l d i ng tension that c u l m i nates with u nexpected resu lts. M a nj u is a boyish ca r mec h a n ic who plays the macho role i n d i cative of h i s p rofession with ease. He retu rns home after work to the friend ly, fa m i ly-oriented neigh borhood where he l ives with his you ng wife, Kusu m . See m i ngly happily ma rried , M a nj u m a i nta ins a deep secret by con­ cea l i n g from his wife his origi n a l fe male biology. Manju's secret is d iscovered when he's ta ken to a c l i n ic fol lowi ng a ca r accident. The chauvinistic doctor who treats him becomes obsessed with M a nj u . He even begi ns harassing M a nj u , wh ich sets i n motion a cha i n of events that could th reaten h is identity. And to fu rther com pl icate thi ngs, Manj u 's best friend confides h is own rom a n tic feel i ngs for h i m , suggesting they share thei r love secretly as closeted gay men to esca pe ru i n i ng either of the i r lives. A l ife of g u a rded secrecy is pa i nfu l ly assa u lted , a n d M a nj u is forced to confront the sexis m , homophobia, and confus ion exh i bited by those he had p reviously trusted .

Saturday June 14 11:00 am Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (FUNB14C) Sunday June 29 Noon Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (FUNB29C)

Catch the latest buzz at Fun In Boys' Shorts, a favorite afternoon i n d u lgence. S P I N is a dazzli ng plu nge i nto teenage longing and sexua l awa ke n i ng. D u ri ng a ra ucous house pa rty, a ga me of spin-the-bottle sets off a chain reactio n . SHORT, WHITE, P LEATED is a c u rious (and cu riously sexy) l ittle fi l m a bout a man who fa l ls i n love with a skirt a n d becomes a better squash player. His coach is so i m pressed they rendezvous after practice-in the shower. Ra ndy d iscovers a gayda r gun at a yard sa le a n d th i ngs get zany in GAYDAR ( keep you r eyes peeled for Charles Nelson Re i l ly a n d J i m J . B u l lock). L.T. R . ta kes a h i l a rious swi pe a t gay dating rituals, mocku menta ry-style. A coq u ettish young t h i ng a n d his stoner boyfriend let a fi lm­ m a ker docu ment th e i r long-term relationshi p . . . two weeks i nto it! After a n ight of clu bbing goes awry, Gary a nd Cra ig, who a ren't q u ite boyfriends but sure act l i ke it, s pend the eve n i ng i n an emergency room te n d i ng t h e i r physica l and e m otiona l wounds in B U M P I N G HEADS. Sta rring Cra ig Chester a n d Anderson G a bryc h . And for dessert is the fiercely witty a n d a rousing SEXO, an a d rena l i ne-charged commenta ry on pornogra­ phy a n d its a ud iences. -Oewey Schott SPIN d i r Cath Le Couteur 2002 U K 10 min 35mm SHORT, WH ITE, PLEATED d i r Georgina Lock 2001 U K 10 m i n 35mm


GAYDAR dir Larry LaFond 2002 U A 20 min video l. T. R. d i r FLYING WITH O N E WING d i r Asoka Handaga m a 2002 Sri Lanka


Fun I n Boys' S ho rts

81 min 35mm i n Ta m i l with English subtitles

P h i l l i p J . Bartell 2002 U S A 1 6 m i n video B U M PING HEADS d i r Brian Sloa n 2002 U S A 2 4 min video S E X O d i r Rodrigo Bellott 2001 USA 9 min video

J a mes Wentzy 2002 U S A 7 5 m i n video

Total R u n n i ng Time: 89 min

Co-Presented by People of Color on the FTM Spectrum

G roup, Pacific Center Sponsored by


Sponsored by




Fun In G i rls' Shorts

Ga l lant Girls ( D i e Ritteri nnen)

Gaso l i n e (Be nz i na)

Saturday June 1 4 1 :30 pm

Friday June 27 6:00 pm

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (FUNG 1 4 C)

Castro $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (GA L L27C)

Friday June 20 8: 15 pm Castro $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (GAS020 C)

Sunday June 29 2: 1 5 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (FUNG29C)

Hughes 2002 USA 7 min video PLAY DATE d i r Elise H u rwitz

GALLANT G I R LS i nsightfu l ly depicts how seven ra d i ca l , a n a rch istic, a n gry, a n d affectionate women, known as the "female kn ights , " rebel led aga i nst th eir pa rents, the system , patria rchy, a nd the state. On La bor Day, 1987, with pol itica l rev­ ol ution as their m issio n , a legendary riot broke out i n the volatile Kreuzberg d istrict of West Berl i n . Known as the "days of action , " Berl i n wa s left in fla mes, presenti ng t h e senator for i nternal affa i rs with a massive problem-how to control the d issidents d u ri ng the I nternatio nal Monetary Fund and World Bank Conference. Despite govern ment efforts, the revolution a ries q u ickly orga n ized , setting off an explosion of tension. Bonn ie's a young anarchist new to Berl in who finds kins h i p with the l i ke-m inded rad ica ls. Yet tensions between men and women wo u l d soon i n s p i re lesbian and " hetera" d issidents to j o i n fo rces . T h u s , the revol utionary seven ­ woman com m u n e emerged , brea king th eir bond with men and becom i ng the orga n ization that wou l d ca rry out the successfu l Days of Action ca m pa ign . Yet despite their reputa ble tactics, a s m a l l revol ution with in the female kn ights even­ tua l ly d ivided their union. F i l m m a ke r Ba rba ra Te ufel revisits the tu m u ltuous ti mes of the Reaga n era-just before the Berl i n Wa l l fe ll-a nd sea m l essly i ncorpo­ rates i !lto this en ga g i n g na rrative a rc h iva l footage o f the 80s demonstrations a n d i n ter­ views with the origi na l "kn ights . "

2003 USA 20 min video STRAIGHT SEX dir M o u ncey Ferguson

- Nathalie Peterson

A su ltry first feature by Mon ica Stra m bri n i , GASO L I N E i s a thriller with fiery c h a r m a n d promises to b e a n i nsta nt S F I LG F F classic. Touching on favorites l i ke HEAVEN LY CR EA­ TU RES, THELMA A N D LO U I SE, and B UTTER­ FLY KISS and complete with the sensu a l ity of THE HU NGER, th is thri l l i ng ride ma kes it the d efin itive fi l m to see th is year. In a sma l l , Ita l ia n gas station/cafe in the Ita l ia n cou ntryside, young Len n i is livi ng a new life. Ha ving cast aside both her stu dent status a n d her a busive bou rgeois mother, Len n i fi nds love with a sexy mechan ic-a tough girl named Ste l l a . U nfortu nately, Len n i 's mothe r a rrives under the au spices of del ivering an i n herita nce, soon recognized as an atte m pt at reu n iting with her daughter. When th i ngs get rough , Ste l la tries to i ntervene . . . with tragic consequences. An accidenta l death, a n u nsol icited spirit, a n esca pe plan to Tu nisia, a nd an u nforeseen visit of homophobic trou blema kers contri butes to the momentu m that c u l m i nates in a n explo­ sive cat-a nd-mouse chase a cross the Ita l ian cou ntryside. A nail- biter th roughout, the sus­ pense is ca ptivating-as is Len n i a n d Stella's relations h i p as it faces both p hysica l a n d emo­ tional chal le nges. U n l i kely to d isa ppoi nt, this volati le rol le r­ coaster ride crosses fi l m gen res a n d styles, d e l ivering an exh i l a rati ng a n d sexy l es b i a n roma nce . Based o n Elena Sta n ca n e l l i 's popu lar novel, GASOLI NE is a n u ltra h i p , sum mer block­ buster that we can cla i m as our own .

GALLANT GIRLS d i r Barbara Teufel 2002 Germany 90 min 35m

GASOLINE d i r Mon ica Stra m brini 2001 Ita ly 85 m i n 35mm i n

in German with English subtitles

Ita l i a n with English subtitles

The pere n n ia l ly popu lar and not-to-be-m i ssed best l esbian shorts progra m Fun in Girls' Shorts i ncludes the sexy, the q u i rky, a n d the down right hysterica l . KISS A N D TELL has women o n t h e street sta rting and fi nish ing each other's thoughts on kissing. In B UTCH I N THE CI TY, col u m n ist Terry Madshaw swi n gs the other way in this h i l a rious send up of the popu l a r HBO series. Two q u eer friends try to have a ba by together the old fash­ ioned way in STRAI GHT SEX. I n G IVE O R TAKE AN I N C H , A m a n d a Bea rse ( " M a rried with C h i l d re n " ) is a q ueer mom copi ng with her sis­ ter's coming out as tra nsgender. A modern les­ bian cou pl e shares a fever d rea m with Gertrude and Al ice in HU B BYIWI FEY. Th ree-year-olds a ren't the only ones that get to have fun i n PLAY DATE. A teenage girl di scovers com i ng out is the only c u re for her incessa nt sneezi ng in B LOW. In LI PST I C K, renowned d i rector M ichael Apted tel ls the touching com ing-out story of a teenager and her best friends. Fou r gorgeous high school gi rls becom e secret agents i n the soon-to-be major motion pictu re D . E. B . S. K I S S AND TELL d i r M i chelle B a b i c h 2002 U S A 9 m i n video BUTCH IN THE CITY d i rs J u l ie Goldman & M a ry C. Matthews




video GIVE





Fried lander 2002 U SA 14 min video HU BBYIWIFEY d i r Todd

I I I 2002 USA 8 min 1 6 m m BLOW dir M a rie Craven 2002 Austra l i a 1 0 min 1 6mm LIPSTICK dir M ichael Apted 2002 USA 10 min video D.E.B.S. dir Angela Robi nson 2002 USA 1 2 m i n video

Eligi ble for the Levi's® First Feature Award

Total R u n n in g Time: 97 m i n

Special thanks to the Istituto I ta l iano di Cu ltura Sponsored by


�LAC K�l'ONIl 36

Sponsored by

DAM R N Onl in e



Sponsored by

G et A Way (Cava l cades)

The G ift

G rowi ng Pai ns

T hursday June 1 9 6:30 pm Castro $8.00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (GETA 1 9C)

Saturday June 21 2:30 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (GIFT21 C)

Friday June 13 1 :00 pm

Wednesday June 25 1 :30 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (GETA25C)

G ET A WAY begi ns with the merging of two rea l­ ly bad days. Anne has j ust fa i led her exa ms, berated a leeri ng motorist, and col l id ed i nto Did ier's m i n i-va n with her bike . Did ier's day has n ot fared wel l either, having j u st seen h i s father for the fi rst time i n 20 yea rs . . . with d isastrous resu lts. H e promises to repa i r A n ne's bike, but o n ly if she ca n wa it u ntil he a nd his u ptight sis­ ter move their menta lly u nsta ble mother into a n ew a pa rtment. Anne decides to tag a long, pre­ ferring Did ier's com pa ny to an evening d i n i ng with her pa rents a nd ta l king a bout her exams. Did i e r a nd Anne q u ickly become friends as they d iscover each feels tra p ped by fa m i l i a l expectations. Anne feels estranged from her pa rents, who seem more interested in her hav­ i ng a degree than in what she actua l ly wa nts to do with her l ife . Did ier wa nts more of a con n ec­ tion with h is father a nd wonders a bout h is pa r­ ents' ea rly involvement. The q uestion "What would you do if you had 20 m i n utes left to l ive?" i n s p i res them to try som e t h i n gs d iffe rently. With th is new outlook, they a re a bl e to h e l p each other navigate the usual m i n efields of fa m i ly com m u n icatio n . Anne i s a ble to m a ke it t h rough a fa m i ly d i n ner with out either ex plod i ng (or i m plod i ng), a nd Didier is able to tel l h is father exactly what h e wa nts. Smart a nd sweet ( n ot a s i ngle ou nce of sc h m a ltz) , G ET A WAY is an easy-mov i n g charmer. GET A WAY d i r Noah N ue r 2003 France 88 min video in French

l . bug chaser ( n . ) One who intentiona l ly p u rsues an H IV i nfectio n . 2 . gift giving (v. ) The act o f pass i ng H IV to an u n i nfected perso n .

Rolling Stone magazi ne recently outed 'bug chasi ng' to m a i nstrea m media as gay men's new past-t i m e , p rovo k i n g criti c i s m of the 'gay l ifestyle' from stra ight m ed i a , wh i l e outragi ng gay advocates who in t u rn accused the med ia of exaggerati n g the occu rrence. T H E G I FT explores issues of ba reback sex, " [sero] conversion pa rties , " bug-chasing adoles­ cents, a nd other emotiona l ly charged issues affecti n g gay m e n , but d i rector Lou ise H oga rth chooses to expose a new a ngle-the perception that offering or accepting H IV is a gift exchange. (Th i n k of it as the gift that keeps on givi ng . . . ) . The controversial perception is t h a t a confi rmed H IV-positive status is more sexua l ly l i berating tha n a n u n known status. Rea l m e n ta l k a bout rea l issues: sexual a p petites, fea r of dying, the need for ba reback pa rties, the fa i l u re of present-day A I DS preven ­ tion tactics, H IV remorse , a ntivi ra l side effects­ a n d , yes, the desire to e l i m i nate the u ncerta i nty of one's H IV status. (A gay m a n who recently sero-converted a d m its, " . . . I'm rel ieved . I ca n breathe aga i n . " ) Fol lowi ng the screen i ng, the STOP AI DS Project wil l host a n a u d ience d i scussion on these issues . Featuring a d iverse pa nel of gu est s pea kers , a u d ience m e m bers can pa rta ke in a respectful yet com m u n ity-d ivid i n g d iscussion . T H E G I FT d i r Louise Hogarth 2002 USA 62 m i n video

with English subtitles

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (GROW13C)

This a mazing col lection i l l u strates va rious rites of passage that reflect the tra n sition from boyhood to adolescence to you ng a d u lthood , d rawi ng on ea rly c h i ld hood mem ories a n d closeted teenage a ngst. A six-year-old boy ma kes an aston i s h i ng a n nou ncement at a p u b l i c ceremony in C ELE­ B R ATI O N . A you ng m a n com es out as "clay" i n C LAY P R I D E. N i n eteen -yea r-old Steve n , a Mormon, leaves home a nd gets m ixed u p with his unorthodox roommate i n STEVEN'S S I N . The fi l m m a ker remem bers h is grandmother's s p i rit­ ed natu re, as wel l as Lawrence Wel k and TV d i n ­ n ers, i n SAT U R DAY N I G H TS I N T H E S EVEN­ T I ES . A tra i ler-pa rk boy experiments with cross­ d ressin g in J A R E D . P U B ERTY IN P I N K. Set on a deserted beac h in the 1950s, a you ng boy witnesses a th ri lling scene i n the d u nes in L U C KY B U G G E R . A C h i nese boy retu rns from s u m mer ca m p Wh ite-but remain s gay i n CH I N ESE TO M . H arry's a bout to bust with desire for his best buddy i n VIO L I N LESSO N . O u r progra m fi n ishes i n the 1980s, when young G oth-boy Ada m , when not fantasizing a bout Robert Sm ith (of The C u re), obsesses a bout h is a loof c h u m Matt i n O N E FI N E M O R N I N G . -Oewey Schott C E LEBRATION d i r Da ni el Stedman 2002 USA 5 min 35mm CLAY PRIDE d i r David Kalrsberg 2002 USA 4 m i n 35mm STEVEN'S SIN dir Lynda Ta rryk 2003 USA 22 min 35mm SATURDAY NIGHTS I N T H E SEVENTIES d i r Steven Marker 2002 USA 2 m i n

video JARED. PUBERTY IN PINK d i r Sarah Ka ne 2002 U S A 16 m i n video LUCKY B U G G E R d i r Matthew Fox 200 U K 1 3 min video CHINESE TOM d i r Stuart Gaffn�y 2003 USA 3 min video VIOLIN LESSON dir Robert Alan Rackham 2002 USA 18 m i n

16mm O N E F I N E M O R N I N G d i r Scott Boswell 2002 USA 1 6 min 16mm Tota l R u n n i ng Ti me: 89 min

El igible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

Co-Presented by STOP A I DS Project: Positive Force Sponsored by



Guss i ed U p

Ho YUk-Let's Love Hong Kong

H o m o Hop

Friday June 20 1 0:00 pm Herbst $8. 00 Meml$9. 00 Gen (G USS20H)

Thursday June 1 9 9:00 pm Herbst $8. 00 Meml$9. 00 Gen (HOYU1 9H)

Sunday June 22 2: 1 5 pm Castro $5.00 Meml$6.00 Gen (HOM022C) Free for ages 1 8 & under (present /0 at door)

Th ese fagnificent ga l s a re prim ped a n d pri med and ready to put o n a s how in this m ix of G u ssied U p d rag q u een shorts ( Puhleeeze! They're m i n i 's, not s h orts! ) . Street l i ghts, butterfl ies, d rag q ueens, a n d ba l l eri nas a l l merge t o a classic Dol ly Parto n soun dtrack i n LOVE IS L I K E A B U TT E R F LY. T H E R U B I G I R LS fo l l ows a close- k n it tro u pe of M i dwestern d rag q u eens whose co med ic per­ forma nces a re featured both on a n d offstage. I n T H E D R ESS, H a rd Kora p u rchases the d ress of her d rea ms to wea r on her date with the cucum­ ber fa rmer. ( H m m . . . gives vegeta ri a n i sm a fresh s p i n ! ) Yet when covetous pa ls C h i n c h ita a n d the c l u msy B a r b ie-Q ru i n the ga rment, b rea ks l oose. W i t h a

l ittl e



h e l p fro m


Tra n nys hack friends, Peaches C h rist h e l ps gi rl­ friend Sq u ea ky B l onde get sober-o n ly to be rewa rded with a nightmarish rela pse of her own in A N I G H T M A R E ON CASTRO ST R E ET. A mys­ terious ma keover d u o is s u m moned to hel p une

An a l l-les b i a n cast a n d crew m a ke LET'S LOVE H O N G KO N G an i m pressive and visionary fi l m fro m C h i n a . A stu n n i ng voye u ristic jou rney i nto

H o m o H o p is a provocative col lection of s horts

the l ives of th ree u n i q ue and determ i n ed q ueer

d ia metrica l ly o p posed worlds and d is p e l l i n ' h i p­

women and the c haotic ba lancing act each per­

h o p c u ltu re's bad ra p .

fo rms between fa m i ly, tradition, career, and sex­ u a l ity in present-day C h i n a . An I nternet porn site featu ring fantasy­ i n s p i ri ng C h a n Kwok Chan in and out of a va ri­ ety of period costumes and uber fe m m e d rag

S e t t o the rhymes o f the streets, B 1 0R H YTH M S is a you ng man's testi m o n i a l of find­ i ng h i s i n ne r voice d u ri ng a jou rney of sexua l se lf-d iscovery a nd a rtistic self-expression . LI FE O N C H R I STO P H E R ST. is a rivet i ng portrait of

kee p i n ' it rea l even when it comes to see m i ngly

serves as the common denom i n ator between the

the you ng B lack a n d Lati no h i p- h o p h om os who

t h ree cha racters. With a loca l prostitute a s her

have made the gay h i sto ric stri p t h e i r have n .

lover a n d a mother who prioritizes lea rn i n g all the fa m i ly rec i pes, Chan serves as the catalyst

the fierce d ivas th rowing shade, to the h u stlers

u pon which the others project their fa ntasies. N i cole is a su ccessful adverti s i n g executive who obsesses n ightly watc h i ng C h a n o n l i ne, l os­

fi l m p uts the s potl ight o n the Stonewa l l I n n 's lesser-known neigh bors. EX P R ESS YOU R S ELF

i n g both sleep a n d pers pective . N e ither re l igion nor feng shui ca n conq uer N i col e's attraction to Chan. Ad d i ng i ntrigue a n d fl irtation to the m ix is Zero, a to ugh, h i pster realtor, sex-toy sell er, a n d a l l-round h u stler w h o fol lows the iconocl a st i c

"Accepta nce" is t h e word on t h e street. From working the aven ues , a nd the homo-th ugs, the

p rofi les you ng peo p l e assoc iated with S M YA L (Sexua l M i nority Yo uth Assi sta nce Leagu e ) . District o f Col u m b ia LG BT youth revea l i ns pi ri ng sto ries of atte m pt i ng to cha nge leve l s of i ntoler-

Sa n F ra n c i sco's own Ken n edy. After a h o rrible

C h a n a round H ong K o n g u ntil fi n a l ly atte m pting

. a nce. The latest presentation of QueerYouth TV, H O M O H O P is a fresh new ta ke on the cu ltu rE

make u p i n cide nt, a d rag q u een grows 50 times her origi n a l size. ( Does that m a ke h e r a size 50?)

to p i c k her u p w h i l e en route on a su bway tra i n . Zero conti n ues t o pursue the mysterious C h a n i n

Visiting Oa kla n d 's Peace Out: The 2 n d A n n u a

She then proceeds to terrorize N ew York City i n

a n attem pt to grow the friend s h i p .

Wo rld Homo H i p- H o p Festiva l , the fi l m expose�

D RAG Z I LLA, a twisted ta ke on G O D Z I LLA a n d ATTACK O F T H E 5 0 FOOT WOMAN sta rring G ­

T h i s sexy debut feature from veteran shorts fi l m m a ker Ya u C h i ng exh i b its u n i q u e storyte l l i ng

the th rivi ng u n d erground q ueer h i p h o p world o' free-styl i n ' gay MC 's a n d beat box i n ' dyke ra p­

S pot a n d a cast choc k-fu l l of New York und er­ grou nd celebrities.

tech niq ues re m i n iscent of David Lync h , Wong Ka r-Wa i , and classic ci nema verite to create a

LOVE IS LIKE A BUTTER FLY d i r Ken Wardrop 2003 I reland 3 m i n

vi sce ra l and erotic portrait of q ueer l ife in H o n g Kong.

pers . Performance footage i n c l udes severa l loca ta lents : s poken-word a rtist J u ba Ka la m ka , h i p· h o p e mcee-stress J en-Ro, a n d Oa kland-basec

fille on her b l i nd d ate in 9 1 1 SALO N , sta rring

video THE RUBI GIRLS d i r Jonathan E. McN eal 2003 USA 30 min video T H E DRESS dir N ickolaos Stagias 2002 Canada 15 min video A NIGHTMARE O N CASTRO STREET dir Joshua G ra n n ell 2002 USA 16 min video

91 1

SALON dir Cristina Ferrer

2003 USA 5 m i n video DRAGZILLA d i r Lola Roc kn Rolla 2002 USA 1 8 min video

H O YUK-LET'S LOVE HONG K O N G d i r Y a u Ching 2002 C h i n a 8 7

m i n video in Cantonese with English subtitles


h i p- h o p a n d q u eer id entity

q u eer crew Deep Dicko l l ective . BIORYTHMS d i r Paper Tiger Television with Streetworks 200:

USA 1 0 min video LIFE ON CHRISTO P H E R ST. dir Maria Clare 2002 USA 28 min video EXPRESS YOURSELF dir Ha rry Harp

Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

2003 USA 1 2 m i n video HOMOHOP d i rs Bret Berg USA 43 min video

Tota l R u n ning Ti me: 87 m i n

Tota l R u n n i ng Time: 93 m i n

Co-Presented by NAATA-National Asian American Teleco m m u n i cations Association




Co-Presented by Larkin Street Youth Center


Alex H i ntor


I ntentions

I ntersex Exp l o rati ons

Saturday June 1 4 4:00 pm

Tuesday June 24 9:00 pm

Wednesday June 2 5 4:00 pm

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (HOO K1 4C)

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (INTE24H)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (ISEX25C)

Cou ntless gay men a re cruising online right now. H OOKED is the new documentary by d irector Todd Ahl berg that goes be h i n d screen na mes and i nstant messages to revea l rea l men who share their motivations, fee l i ngs, and fea rs . Ahl berg bega n recru iti ng men for his docu­ menta ry by posti ng ads in I nternet chat rooms a nd was i n u ndated with over 1 , 200 responses . He ulti mately chooses to focus on the stories of a bout two dozen men from across the cou ntry that depict how connections a re made a nd what feel i ngs these men have a bout this modern hobby. The group of men is s u rprisingly honest. The men spea k fra n kly a bout how they behave o n l i ne (yes , some boys do lie) a nd the risks they ta ke tryi ng to meet M r. Right N ow. And , a propos for the su bject, he i nterviewed severa l men over the I nternet using web cams, a d d i ng a vica rious twist for those in the aud ience who haven't yet ventu red i nto a cyber chat room . O n l i n e cru ising has ra pid ly beco me a dom­ i na nt part of gay cu lture, and H ooked ca ptures the zeitgeist of gay cruising. An engagi ng docu­ menta ry of how com p l icated sex ca n be, no mat­ ter how or where it ha ppens. HOOKED reveals the often h u morous a bsurd ities that a re particu­ lar to o n l i ne cruising yet shares the honest lone­ l i ness and frustration of trying to sim ply connect with another h u ma n bei ng. The program opens with C LI C K where two men meet o n l i ne , but a re eventua l ly compelled to revea l their true identities .

I NTENTIONS is director Luanne Beck's first fea­ tu re-length origina l screen play a bout two women who fi nd roma nce and drama wh ile cross i ng over forbidden professional and personal bou nd­ a ries. Drama professor a n d "soccer mom " Renee H iggins' l ife is ba la nced between her passion for d i recti ng theater at the u n iversity and the routine sta bility of her fa m i ly. Yet noth ing tips the ba l­ ance sca le q ui c ker tha n retu rn i ng grad uate stu­ dent Eve, who decides with Renee's encourage­ ment to try out for the lead role in the u pcom i ng prod uction . Eve's relation s h i p with Eri n is in trou­ ble (she sus pects Eve of using the theater to avoid addressing their tu m u ltuous and u nfu lfi l l ­ i ng pa rtners h i p) so Eve natura l ly basks i n Renee's i nterest i n her. Soon t h e m utua l attrac­ tion sti rs them both to be true to themselves a n d fulfi ll their creative purs u its. However, t h e i r pur­ su its tu rn a m orous, resu lti ng in both profession­ a l and personal li nes being crossed . . . and a rela­ tionsh i p procu ri ng d es i re, sacrifice, heartbrea k, a n d uncerta i nty. Although the rom a nce is i n itia lly kept clan­ destine, it's eventua lly d iscovered by a student­ as wel l as by the department chai rperson, and by Renee's husband! With the proverbial cat out of the bag, a series of events propels Renee a nd Eve i nto a rol l er coaster ride of emotional a nd eth ica l scrut i ny u ntil they both come to a n understa nd i ng a bout themselves, their d rea ms, and what is rea l ly i m porta nt i n thei r lives.

I ntersex peo ple have often had to l ive i n silence-but n o longer. The Festiva l proudly presents I ntersex Explorations, a n engaging, i nsightfu l , a nd fasci nati ng col lection of short documenta ries that proves the i ntersex revolu­ tion is on track. It may be su rprising to learn more tha n one i n every 2000 persons is born with a d egree of i ntersex development. Visi bi l ity and understa n d i ng help ensure the movement contin ues to address eth ica l issues concern i ng medica l practice, sexual ity, and a utono my-as wel l as to debu n k the long-held i m m uta ble cate­ gorization of male or female (and q ueer or stra ight) . Born i n 1950s rura l N ew Zealand , M a n i Bruce M itchell recou nts a person a l and brave journey: brought up as male, ta ken to the hospi­ ta l to be transformed i nto a girl, com i ng out as a lesbia n , a n d recla i m i ng a lost identity as a n i ntersex i n H E R M I S H LY YOU RS. A close look at the new sta ndard of care for intersex ind ividuals is at the heart of FI R ST DO N O HAR M : TOTAL PAT I E N T CA R E FOR I N T E RSEX. The movi ng experi mental doc u mentary G EN DER T R O U B LE features four British i ntersex persons who tel l thei r stories with aston ish i ng cou rage a n d ca n­ dor. In I NTER S EX EXPOS I T I O N : F U LL M O N TY a J ewish Austra l i a n perform$ at a lesbian stri p c l u b i n Syd ney and "comes out" as i ntersex dur­ i ng the performa nce.

CLICK dir 1 1 0 Orleans 2002 USA 6 m i n video HOOKED d i r Todd

Ahlberg 2002 USA 60 min video

-Blue Walcer I NTENTION S dir Luane Beck 2003 USA 96 m i n video

HERMISHLY Y O U R S d i r Susan Potter 2002 N e w Zealand 1 2 m i n

video FIRST, DO N O H A R M : TOTAL PAT I ENT CARE F O R INTERSEX dir Phyl lis Ward 2002 USA 20 min video GENDER TROUBLE d i r Roz Mortimer 2002 U K 2 4 m i n video INTERSEX EXPOSITION: FULL MONTY d i r Shorona se Mbessakwi n i 2002 Australia 7 min

video Total R u n n i ng Time: 63 m i n

Co-Presented by ISNA-I ntersex Society o f North America Sponsored by



Jesus Christ Va m p i re H u nter

J u c ita n Queer Pa ra d ise

Saturday June 1 4 1 0: 1 5 pm Castro $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (JESU1 4C)

Friday June 20 6:00 pm

Tuesday June 24 6:30 pm

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (JUCI20H)

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (LADI24H)

Monday June 1 6 2:00 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (JESU1 6C)

H ow m a ny q u eer peop l e h ave d rea med of l iv i ng in com plete peace and h a rmony in a town free

T hese lad i es a re fierce as they pass d own-a nd


p rej u d ice? J U C ITAN


La d i es Get Down Li ke That


ma ke-lesbian herstory i n LA D I ES G ET DOWN LI K E T H AT, a fa bu lous col lecti o n of shorts ra ng­

"Where h ave a l l the lesbia ns go ne?" a sks a n

c h ro n i cles such a u n i q ue place! T h e su bsta ntia l ­

i ng from the seri ous to the sexy to the s u b l i m e .

Ottawa Ti m es h ead l i ne .

ly sized q u eer popu lation o f J uc h ita n , a sma l l M exican town , lends its ex pla nation t o l egend . Accord i ng to fa ithfu l be l i evers, G od gave Vi ncete

to the ed ucation process in SWEET B A B Y J A' I

T h e second com i ng has a rrived as J esus C h rist Va m p i re H u nter returns to earth to save sou ls (and perform some heavenly d a nce n u m­ bers! ) , but he's forced i nto battle with an a rmy of

Ferrer, the patron Sa i nt of J uc h ita n , a bag fu l l of

A performance artist lends a n u n u su a l twist O N D I VAS B R EA K I NG TA BOOS, i l l u strati n g a n d h ig h l ighting so m e o f o u r pioneeri ng d ivas a n d rad ica l women a bout whom o u r h i g h school textbooks proba bly d i d n 't offer too m u c h . N O YOU CYANT TO U C H I T is a personal exploration

va m pi res who a re k i l l i ng lesbians a n d harvesti ng

q u ee rs to d i stri b ute t h roughout the wo rld . Everywhere Vincete traveled-Colombia, Centra l

t h e i r s k i n s for s i n ister p u rposes. What's a savior

America, Argenti n a , a n d so o n , he left beh i n d a

to do? J . C . hooks up with sa p p h ic fem me fata le M a ry Magn u m to shop and get that i n cogn ito

q u eer. When at J uch ita n , however, the bag

look. Soon J . C . a n d M a ry set off i n search of

th e i r fa m i ly mem bers a re q ueerer than a th ree­

va m p i re hea d q u a rters a nd a re forced i nto one of

d o l l a r b i l l . Located n e a r the bord e r of G uate m a l a , J u c h ita n is home to a popu lation of

fe m mes they love.

many fa bulou sly choreogra phed fight sce nes . (Okay . . . he's back a n d he's baaad.0 However, h e's no match for bloodth i rsty, k i l ler l esbia n

gays , l esbians, bi sexua l s , and tra nsgender fol ks who a re fu l ly at home-both externa l ly and inter­


va m p i res . So after M a ry is sucked off a n d ta ken away, J . C. m u st ca l l i n rei nforceme nt-leg­

nal ly-a nd they a re va l u ed as an integra l pa rt of the co m m u n ity. The town offers many celebra­

spi rit of one of the o n ly c l u bs of its k i n d i n the world . By tracing the h istory of th is fa bu lous

o pe n ed , s p i l l i n g all the q u eers i nto this one town . J uc h i ta n i a n s today don't seem to m i nd if

of co nfl icti ng pol itics i nvo lvi ng id entity, q u eer­ ness, B lackness, com m u n ity, a n d h a i r. Africa n A merica n butches ta l k a bout the B U TCH M YS­ T I Q U E-th e tria l s , the tri bu lations, a n d the We ca n a l l get our groove o n in C L U B Q: LEG E N DARY D A N C E PA RTY F O R

WO M E N , t h e fi l m that ca ptu res t h e l egacy a nd

endary M exica n wrest l i n g sta r (and crime fight­

tions-j ust a bout one every day, i n c l u d i ng ma ny

" m u lti-cu lti " da nce eve nt, we see h ow it started

e r) EI Sa nto . Look o ut, lesbi a n va m pi res!

for a n d a bout J u ch ita n 's popu lation of q u eers . Amazi ngly, when t h e com m u n ity experiences

as a grass roots prod uction put on by Page H odel a n d a sma l l gro u p of fri ends a n d h ow it

Written by Ian Dri scott a n d d i rected by Lee Gordon Dema rbre, J ES U S C H R I ST VAM P I R E H U N TER is a ca m py a n d reverentia l hom age to the 70s exploitation flicks. It offers a l l the notice­ a b ly bad acti ng, ridiculous situations, nonexist­ ent logi c, a n d a bleached and blem ished fi l m stock look that i s de rigueur for t h e genre. And it

prej u d ice and viol ence ste m m i ng from the rich­

became a month ly event atten d ed a nd re l i shed

er a n d more westernized neigh borh ood s, all cit­ izens m o b i l ize to protect this sl ice of pa rad ise.

by th ousa nds of wome n .

Ca rlos is a young gay Sa nteria priest i n Cu ba w h o is prowl ing for love o n the streets of H ava na i n SANTERO CA R LOS.

even offers a baaad-assed sou ndtrack! G ra h a m Col l i n del ivers a smok i ng score t h a t switches from th ro bb i n g tec h n o to a swa n ky sleaze to a h u n ky rock ba l l ad (J . C . 's keynote tu ne-" I was born in a ma nger/Doomed to l ive in danger . . . " ) .



Mary J o Godges 2002 USA 8 min video N O YOU CYANT


Bryan 2001 Canada 3 min video BUTCH

MYSTIQUE dir Debra A . Wilson 2003 USA 30 min video CLUB Q: THE LEGENDARY DANCE PARTY FOR WOMEN dir Kristen Wolf

SANTERO CARLOS d i r Xavier-Daniel 2002 Spain 1 0 min video in

2003 USA 30 min video

Spa n ish with Engl ish subtitles JUC ITAN QUEER PARADISE dir Patricio Hen riq uez 2002 Canada/Mexico 65 min vi d eo i n

Tota l R u n n i n g Time: 7 1 m i n

Spa n i s h with English s u btitles

I n t o p B m ovie form , i t deserves a n A plus! J E S U S C HRIST VAMPIRE H U NTER d i r Lee Demarbe 2001 Canada

85 min 1 6 m m

Co-Presented by Latino Film Festiva l , Sa n Francisco Bay Area Sponsored by

sundance C H A N N E L.



Co-Presented by N ia Collective

La ugh i ng Matte rs Sunday June 22 6:30 pm Castro $8.00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (LAUG22C)

LAUG H I NG M ATTERS is an enterta i n i ng docu­ mentary showcasing four u n i q ue veteran per­ formers-each from d ifferent eth nic and eco­ nomic backgrounds yet a l l of whom share two th i ngs i n com mon: Each is a professiona l sta nd­ u p comed ian, a n d a l l have been out lesbia ns for the entire d u ration of their ca reers. Cele brated comed ians Kate C l i nton , Marga Gomez, Suza n ne Westen hoefer, and Karen Wi l l i a m s have followed their hearts as performers, forging a path for other q ueer comed ians. LAU G H I NG MATTERS shows how these fou r women beca me role mod­ els with i n the q ueer com m u n ity, as well as icons for other mai nstream performers. D i rectors And rea Meyerson and N a ncy Rosen blum a lternate between one-on-one i nter­ views that offer a rare gl i m pse of the persona l i­ ties behind the stage faces, as wel l as offer solo performa nce h igh lights. Each comed i a n revea ls why she chose to come out on stage-tel l i ng h i la rious stories and i nteresting facts a bout what it was l i ke to declare her homosexual ity before it was fashiona ble to do so. They a l so d iscuss their u p bri ngi ng, struggles, a nd tri u m phs as open ly lesbian enterta iners-stories eq ually deserving of the spotl ight. Georgia Ragsdale l ives l ife to the fullest as both a ta lented , openly gay comic a nd a pas­ si o nate profess i o n a l boxer. I n K N O C K ' E M D EAD, d irector J u l ia n Starks provides i ntimate a n d fu n ny i nterviews, action-packed boxing footage, a n d G eorgia 's l ive sta nd u p comedy. -Nathalie Peterson Comedians Kate Clinton, Suzanne Westenhoefer and Karen Williams are expected to attend.

Lau ra's Para d ise (Les Pa ra d i s de La ura)

The Life and Ti m es of Count Luch ino Visconti

Monday June 16 6:30 pm

Wednesday June 18 4:00 pm

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (LAUR16C)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (LlF£l8C)

Tuesday June 17 2:00 pm

Aristocrat a nd Marxist, master eq ually of harsh rea l ism and s u b l i me m e lod ra m a , L u c h i n o Visconti ( 1 906-1976) was without q uestion one of the greatest fi l m d i rectors of the twentieth century. I m mensely rich a nd a bit of a d i l ettante, he went to Pa ris in the 30s to esca pe the stifl i ng cu ltu re of Fascist Ita ly. I n Pa ris he met, a nd fel l i n love with, t h e fashion photogra pher Horst P. Horst. B ut even more formative i n d efi n i ng Visconti's vision was h is meeting with d irector J ea n Renoir in the heady pol itica l atmosphere of the Popular Front. One of the i n itiators of Ita l i a n c i nema's neo­ rea l ist movement, Visconti created fi lms, from OSS ESS I O N E th rough T H E LEOPA R D to D EATH I N VEN I C E a n d LU DWIG , that constitute one of the most monu menta l ca nons in world c i nema . Ada m Low's i m pressive documenta ry com bi nes archiva l footage, in-depth interviews with fa m i ly, friends, a n d col la borators; visits to the d i rector's home; and footage of Visconti at work. Some of those commenting on the l ife a n d work of the d i recto r i n c l u d e c i nematogra pher G i useppe Rotu nno; d i rector and lover Fra nco Zeffi rel l i ; Claudia Card i n a l e , Fa rley Gra nger, a n d protege a n d lover H e l m ut Berger. This a rtfu l blen d i ng of fi l m c l i ps, i nterviews, a n d locations yields perha ps the richest and most com prehensive portra it of this com plex, bri l l ia nt man whose work remai ns profoundly i nfl uenti a l .

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (LAUR1 7C)

Lau ra is a q u iet, you ng girl who l ives with her mother i n a s u b u rban neigh borhood i n Fra nce. She's a bout to ta ke her fi nal exa ms and gradu­ ate h igh schoo l , but she's d i stracted and u nfo­ cused . La ura meets a n i ntrig u i ng new friend who introd uces her to an exciti ng worl d , but the encou nter resu lts in a downward spira l that is nea rly i m possi ble to contro l . With a mother who's more i nterested i n fi n d i ng you ng d ates t h a n helping h e r da ughter, La ura attem pts to i m prove her studies with the help of her book-smart friend Flo. However, La u ra 's efforts to cha nge her ways prove fru itless when she meets Soph ie-a n attractive, flam boy­ a nt, a n d i ntriguing law school student who l ives a feverish c l u bs-a nd-pa rty nightl ife. La ura i s i m med iately d rawn t o Soph ie's i ntense and h igh­ octa ne lifestyle and she begins i n d u lging herself, includ i ng experi menti ng with d rugs. La u ra con­ tin ues to pull herself fa rther off her i ntended path a nd dee per i nto a world she ca n't esca pe. As schoo l , friends, and fa m i ly transform into mere shadows with i n a d rug-ind uced haze, La ura finds herself on the bri n k of i nsa n ity. With a n ever-i ncreasing o bsession with Sophie, La u ra a ba ndons a l l that's i m porta nt as she succu m bs to the surrounding myriad tem ptations. Only after a n u nforeseen m isca lcu lation that forces La ura to confront her self-destructive behavior does she choose to seek a way back to the world in which she ca n survive.


Low 2002 UK 106 min video

LAURA'S PARADISE d i r Olivier Panchot 2002 France 90 min KNOCK 'EM DEAD d i r J u lian Starks 2002 USA 23 min video LAU G H I N G


d i rs

A n d rea

Rosen b l u m 2003 USA 60 m i n video

Sponsored by




video in French with English subtitles

N a n cy Eligible for the Levi's� First Feature Award

Special thanks to the Istituto I taliano d i Cultura Sponsored by




Loone y Lezz i es

Love Forbi dden (Defense d'a i mer)

M a mas and Pa pas

Saturday June 28 1 1 :30 am Castro $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (LOON28C)

Thursday June 19 9:00 pm

Sunday June 22 Noon

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (LOVE19C)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (MAMA22C)

B ruce, the m a i n character i n LOVE FO R B I D D E N ( D E F E N S E D'AI M ER ) , proba bly wou l d d isagree

From a "fraternal tu rkey baster" to a rgu i ng a bo ut I K EA shelving, the ec l ectic M A MAS A N D PAPAS ta kes o n q ueer conception and parenti ng. PAPAS, from G e rma n fi l m m a ke r M a rt i n

The title Loo ney Lezzies says it a l l ! A young girl wishes for la rger breasts in the a n i mated B OO­ B I E G I R L . After a brea k u p , La u ra h i res h o rror

with the fa m i l i a r adage '' 'Tis better to h ave loved a n d l ost, than never to have loved at a l l . " M a sterfu l ly, R od o l p h e M a rcon i writes, d i rects,

ssspoof. I n N ESTI N G S EASO N , affection ate bun­ n i es rom p th rough the seasons. A lesbian wed­

a n d stars (as B ruce) i n an exploration of obses­ sion a n d sexua l pa nic. As an actor, M a rconi fully

d i n g gets out of hand in S H A R E MY LOVE. Sometimes topica l treatment isn't enoug h to

e m braces the ro l e of a sensitive man q u estion­

R E PODYKE to retrieve her, va c u u m cl ea ner. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS



sssi l l y

c u re love's infections, as see n in P I N K EYED P ET. In BAR TA LK, some dykes a re j u st too cool

i ng love a n d d ea l i ng with a n u nexpected tu rn in h is sexua l ity. And rea Necci, a s Matteo, e m bod­ ies the force of a yo u ng ma n d iscovering the

for words. LITTLE FRAN K E N STEI N explores the

strength of his sexual i nfl uence,

shorts progra m offers new a nd often h u morous

Gypkens, explores the relatio n s h i p between two gay fathers a n d their a d o pted s i bl i ng son s , wh i l e two friends offer t h e i r com m e ntary on th is p a r­ ticular fa m i ly. B R EAT H E offers yet a n other o utlet for lesbian cou p les to work on their relationsh i p s k i l l s . J e n ny a n d Va nessa attend a La maze c la ss led by a n over-the-to p, process-oriented i nstruc­

d ra m a i n h e rent i n c rus hes on roo m m ates. J A KE

H avi ng lost his brother to AI D S , B ruce

tor a n d soon d iscover it ta kes m ore than j ust

RATCH ETT, S H O RT D ETECT IVE pa rod ies 1940s

leaves F rance for Ita ly to study with a select

h a rd-bo i led detective fi l m s . In S L i C KST ER F IX­

gro u p of i nternational a rt students at the V i l l a M ed i ci . Lonely a n d d i sori ented , B ru ce struggles

breat h i ng to prepa re for pa renthood . Someti mes it ta kes the v i l lage people to

TU R E, a n ood le-legged hero pl ucks d i stressed fema les from bori ng pred ica ments. Queers get down in the a n i mated B OOTY DA N C E . The

to con n ect. Yet soon he ta kes up with Matteo, a fascinat i ng loca l man with whom B ruce u nwit­

m oc k u m e ntary B A LLET D I ES E L is a bout a butch

ti ngly begi ns to love . B ut u pon lea rn i n g Matteo

ra i se a c h i ld . Welcome to Teo's world of oh-so pol itica l ly correct c h i l d rea ring, Berkeley- les b i a n style. East Bay fi l m m a ker D i a n e Dodge's h i l a ri­ ous spoof ( i s it?) T EAC H I N G T EO offers c h i l d­

with severa l gi rl ie-gi rlie ha bits . Dol ly turns 30 i n

h a s moved on to a noth er conquest, a moody,

rea r i n g advice that eve n

G U E R N EV I LLE, a h i l a rious sati re a bout t h i s loca l

you ng fe male writer from N ew York City, B ruce's

d rea med of.

town a n d its people.

l ove turns to despa i r a n d soon eru pts as obses­

a strol ogers, a n eti q u ette a n d style coa c h , a

s i o n . With Matteo gone, Bruce accepts that he,

b i rt h i n g advisor, and a civil d i sobed ience affi n ity

BOOBIE G I R L d i r Brooke Keesling 2001 U S A 5 min 35mm

too, m u st let go-doing so in a tragic, operatic

g rou p , baby Teo's "facil itators" ma ke s u re h e's

m ove of com passion and reve nge. LOVE FO R B I DD E N is a delicate character

ready for the 2 1 't century, Bay Area style! I n

study of an a rtist ca utious ly open i ng h i mself to the world , sea rc h i ng for solace and mea n i n g i n

rom p with a twist. What wou ld you d o if you were Mels a n d Ellen a n d you wa nted a ba by? Ask R o b

h u ma n ity. Set a m i d st a rich h isto rica l la ndsca pe

for hel p-M els' gay brother, of cou rse, a n d t h e n

of Ita l i a n a rts , M a rcon i lends LOVE FO R B I D D E N

d o at-home a rtificial i nsem i nati o n . D O N O R i s a h u m orous story of relation s h i ps, fa m i ly, a n d

REPODYKE dir Tucker C , Doherty 2003 Canada 4 min video SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS dir Christina Zeidler 2002 Canada 3 min

video N E S T I N G S E A S O N d i r Paula D u rette 2001 USA 3 m i n video SHARE M Y LOVE d i r B rian H , Krinsky 2002 U S A 3 m i n video PINK EYED P E T d i r Al lyson M itchell 2002 Canada 3 min video BAR TALK d i r Cheryl Furjanic 2002 USA 8 m i n video LITTLE FRANKENSTEIN dir Samuael Topiary 2003 USA 4 min

video JAKE RATCHETT, S H ORT DETECTIVE dirs Terry Gal loway


Diane Wilkins 2002 USA 18 min video SLiCKSTER FIXTURE d i r L e x Vaughn 2 0 0 1 Canada 4 min video BOOTY DANCE dir Paula Du rette 2003 USA 4 min video BALLET DIESEL d i r M ichelle Ehlen 2002 USA 9 min video GUERNEVILLE dir Maria Breaux 2003 USA 20 min video

a r i c h visua l weight that offers a vibra ntly fresh d e p i ction of passion and obsession .

DON O R , cha rity begins a t home i n this comic

what it mea ns t o b e a parent.

LOVE FORBIDDEN d i r Rodolphe Marconi 2002 France 96 m i n

PAPAS d i r Martin Gypkens 2001 Germany 36 min

BREATHE d i r Karen Curtiss 2003 USA 1 5 m i n video DONOR d i rs

Adele Wilson


Sponsored by



Eve Whitaker 2002 USA 29 min video TEACHING

TEO dir Diane Dodge 2003 USA 1 2 min video

Tota l R u n n i ng Ti me: 92 m i n


psyc h ics a n d

3 5 m m in French, Italian a n d English with English subtitles

Tota l R u n n i n g Ti m e : 88 min

Sponsored by

D r. S po c k n ever

Com p l ete with

M ango Kiss

Ma ngo S ouffle

Friday June 13 8: 1 5 pm

Friday June 27 1 0: 1 5 pm

Saturday June 2 1 1 :00 pm

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (MA NK13C)

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (MANS27H)

Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (MA NL21 H)

A fresh a n d q u i rky fish-o ut-of-water com edy, M A N G O KISS fol l ows the adventu res of baby

With a ti me-hon ored classic plot a n d contem po­

U s i ng a m i x of styles ra nging from storyte l l i ng to

rary gay I nd i a a s the fil m 's setting, M A N G O SO U F FL E is a screen first. M ix i n s o m e gay m e n , ex-lovers, a n d friends w h i le sti rri ng i n some

docume ntary to experimentati o n , Manly Men explores the va rying i mages of masc u l i n ity with­ a l so with occasional scrut i ny.

a rati ng jou rney to Sa n Fra n c i sco to p u rsue their d rea m of be i n g q u eer performa nce a rti sts.

cockta i l s . N ow let the l ove, va lor, and com pas­ sion-not to m e ntion ca m p and bitc h i n ess-rise to the su rface . . . but o n ly after some skeletons

d rea ms that seem to over-tit i l late h is construc­

Lou and Sass next decide to give roma nce a go , but not without some n ewly d iscovered caveats based o n S& M , role-pl aying, and non­

come t u m b l i ng out of the c l oset. M a h es h Datta n i , I nd ia's m ost pro m i nent English-la ngua ge p laywright, offers h i s screen­

monogamy. Suffice to say, a s Lou becomes the b rat

p lay that depicts co ntem pora ry gay l ife i n I nd i a . T h e result is a s ta rt-sweet as t h e green mangos

tion s ite buddy in R I TC H I E'S ITC H . A gay Everyma n , with rather prec ise criteria in m e n , searches a ba r f o r h i s fantasy m a n i n LOO K I N G F O R M R . R I G H T. T H E B I G G E R T H E B ETT E R is

pri ncess , each agrees there can be o n ly one

from the orc h a rd the fi l m 's set i n . A gay fas h i o n

male body i mage a n d exa m i nes the idea of con­

daddy and one pri ncess. That be ing decided , they go exploring the n ew terra i n of open re la­

designer i n vites h is fri ends t o l u nch i n order to confid e a secret. B ut when h i s sister a n d her

tem pora ry male beauty with i n the gay sce ne. ST RAP ' E M DOWN del ivers butch boys who

tions h i ps. When Sass meets a punk S & M - p laying gui­

fia nce unexpected ly s how u p , a ca refu l ly con­ cocted souffle of sex, l ies , and an incri m i nating

know h ow to work the testosterone.

tarist named M i cky, t h i ngs get m o re compl icat­ ed . M ea nwh ile, Lo u i s beco m i n g more attached

photogra ph starts to colla pse. W h i l e the d i a l og cracks l i ke a w h i p with z i ngy one-l i ners (the

PAC K I N ' ( need I say more? ) . S pea k i ng o f cops,

to Sass than she d a res a d m it, but she va l i a ntly conti n ues to play by "the rules , " i nc l u d i ng offer­

characters a re oth erwise tra d itional i n popula r I nd i a n custo ms-right d own to the last potato


i n g to " botto m " for C h e l sea C h uwawa-the s l i c k

"out" on the beat a n d a l so d i scuss the feti s h istic

a n d glamorous d o m i natrix.

pa kora ) , the fi l m gra p p les with how their desi res confl i ct with model m id d le-class expectations.

The love ro m p comes to a head when Lo u tests her l i m its by i nviting both M ic key a nd

Datta n i presents t h e rea l ity of be i n g gay i n modern I n d ia-via the cruising i n pa rks . . . to the mar-

fi n a l ly, i n A B EA R ' S STORY, a big, bu rly m a n fi nds love, ca m a raderie, a n d com m u n ity at a

Ch el sea to a wild b i rthday celebrati o n for Sass

ried a n d closeted soa p o pera sta r . . . to the h u n ky

" regu la r" pool pa rty j ust for bea rs . Woof!

and Lou creates a decadent feast of suga ry treats, hoping to wi n her desired's heart. The

"stra i ght" watc h m a n who bri ngs pa rty favors . . . to

-Oewey Schott

the diffi cu lties in be i n g gay in a ma rri age-based

sexua l tension explodes i nto ra ucous f u n when

cu lture. ( Do n 't m i ss the first rea l , boy-on-boy

RITCHIE'S ITCH d i r M i chael Shea 2002 USA 1 1 m i n video

Chelsea suggests a ga m e of " h it or ki ss"-a m od ified version of s p i n -the- bottle with some rather u n expected resu lts .

k iss scene in an I n d i a n feature fi l m . . . one that isn't coyly cut short by a zoom-in to nodd i n g

video THE B I G G E R THE BETTER d i r Timothy Smith 2002 U K

flowers! )

A n n P . Meredith 2002 U S A 4 m i n video PACKIN' d i r John

MANGO KISS d i r Sascha R ice 2003 USA 80 m i n video

MANGO SOUFFLE d i r Ma hesh Dattani 2002 I nd ia 9 0 m i n 35mm

THE BADGE d i r Charley Lang 2003 USA 26 m i n video A BEAR'S

butch Lou wh ose wo rld is tu rned u pside down when she fa l l s i n love with her best friend Sassafras. Togeth e r they ta ke a heady and exh i l­

sea-fa ri ng

Ca pta i n

D a d d y to

Sa ssy's

M a n ly M e n

i n gay male c u ltu re-often with a d m i rati o n , yet R itch ie's been having recurring homoerotic

a docu me ntary that ex plores the n otion of gay

Cop crotches a n d m ore cop crotches i n meet the men a nd wo men of law enforcement in pol ice officers reco u nt t h e i r experiences being pro perties the u n iform a nd i mage evo ke. And

LOOKING FOR MR. RIGHT dir David M. Young 2002 USA 4 min

1 5 m i n video STRAP 'EM DOWN: T H E WORLD O F DRAG KINGS d i r Greyson 2001 Canada 4 m i n video GAY COPS: PRIDE BEHIND STORY dir Vincent Mtzlplck 2003 USA 21 min video

Eligible for the Levi's'" First Feature Award Tota l R u n n i ng Time: 85 m i n

Co-Presented by Trikone Sponsored by


Sponsored by

C H A N N E L.



Me rc i Docteur Rey

M i ssed Conn ecti ons

Thursday June 26 6:30 pm

Sunday June 22 4:30 pm

Friday June 13 6:00 pm

Castro $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (MERC26C)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (MISS22C)

Castro $8.00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (MUDG13C)

Dia n ne Wiest snuggles i nto her role as a bored and narcissistic o pera d iva in the M erc hant Ivory fi lm's M ERCI DOCTEU R R EY, with a plomb a nd grace. She is Elisa beth Bea u mont, vis iting Paris to perform the celebrated Turandot a n d see Thomas, her Pa risian son . When asked in a n interview a bout h e r son , El isa beth responds demurely, "Yes I have a son . . . but he doesn't sing the Turandot. I do. " Add one Va nessa Redgrave ( playing herself! ) and a l l the maki ngs for an ela borate, d ra m atic, a n d worldly c i nemat­ ic experi ence-typical of this celebrated prod uc­ tion team-a ppear withi n reach. However, it's a bit of a stretch if you're look­ ing for such haute couture-identified fi l m ma k­ ing, as writer and d i rector And rew Litvack clev­ erly de parts from HOWA R D'S E N D and obvious­ ly has no pu rpose for A ROOM WITH A VI EW. The fi l m is a n ecclectic and farcical rom p-a hodgepodge of mista ken identities, restless male h ustl ers, a lesbia n sidekick, Al ice B . Toklas brown ies, mora l (not ora l ) narcissis m , and a sym pathetic fi l m voice-over actress who exh i bits a vicarious gravitation to Vanessa Redgrave, the actress. When Elisa beth reveal s shocking news to Thomas (Sta n islaus Merhar) , he goes to see a thera p i st where he i nadvertently meets a n eccentric patient who i s i m personating Docte u r Rey t o h ide t h e thera pist's sudden death (she died d u ring her thera py session! ) . Thus ma rks the onset of a wacky friendsh i p that u lti mately leads to the l ight at the end of the tu n n e l .

Romantic q uests (and we've a l l pursued them) often throw us curve balls: I nstead of love we find adversity and i nstead of getti ng conj uga l we get cra bs . Yet once in a wh i l e we get lucky. I DO L tells the story of a m a n neq u i n that fa l ls for its window d resser, but unfortu nately, com petition exists. I n T H I S CAR U P, a h u m py b i ke messenger crosses paths with a n office d rone a nd neither ca n forget the other. A man gets a special gift from his best fri end on h is 70th birthday in S EVENTY. Marc scours Paris to fi nd a sign ifica nt trick in M O R E OF PAU L. The darkly comical LADY O F THE LAKE is a fairy ta le a bout sexual awakening that ta kes a rema rka bly sord i d t u rn . An u n bala nced man writes to his ex­ lover to rem i nisce their loving but stormy affa ir i n t h e hea rtfelt A LETTE R TO S U S U o I n a n a i rport a mong departures, a rrivals, a nd delays, two peo­ ple make a connection in H O LD I N G PATT E R N S . I n a touching yet u n nerving ta le, ROCK BOTTO M features a needy writer looki ng for love in a wasted h ustler. They attempt d i scovering i ntimacy by navigat i ng through sex, a little kiss­ i ng, and perha ps a little too m uch crack smoke.

Mourn i n g is a u n i q uely private ritua l , especia l ly for the young who have l ittle experience with d eath . Du nca n M udge is a r u ra l-bound adoles­ cent whose mother suddenly d ies, leavi ng h i m a n d his father t o ru n t h e fa rm . Left with a d i sta nt a n d grieving father a n d no one else to ta l k to, Dunca n finds solace with a pet chicke n , only to be la beled "the chicken boy" by the town's rowdy teenagers . Despite the circumsta nces, l i fe is pretty sim ple for D u nca n . He is content tend­ ing to the ch ickens and ta king over the house­ hold d uties. N o longer a boy but not yet a ma n , Dunca n d evelops a n u n l i kely friendship with Perry, the masc u l i ne ringleader a mong h is tormentors. Perry gu ides Du nca n-mentoring h i m to live h i� l ife as a m a n , u ntil the friendsh i p intensifies i rre­ vers i bly. With the bo u n da ries of friends h i � crossed , Du nca n is forced to m a ke a l ife-a lteri n§ sacrifice and boldly steps i nto m a n hood . Director M ichael B u rke has expa nded hi� popular and accla i m ed short film FISH B ELLy W H I T E (SFI LG F F '99) i nto a n evocative a n c com passionate portra it of a burgeon i ng youn§ man a n d his challenging world . Emile H i rscr ( T H E DAN G EROUS LIVES OF A LTAR BOYS: bravely tackles the role of D u nca n a n d Ri charc Jenkins ( "Six Feet U nder") m asterfu l ly portray� the fa m i liar a n d com plicated father fig ure role With its sensitive d i rection and fi nely nuancec performa nces, T H E M U DG E BOY is a fasci nat­ ing a n d u n i q u e portra it of adolescence.

-Dewey Schott IDOL d i r G rant Nel lessen 2001 USA 7 m i n video THIS CAR UP

d i r Eric Meul ler 2002 USA 16 m i n video SEVENTY d i r Q. Allen Brocka 2002 USA 8 min video MORE OF PAUL (PLUS DE PAUL) dir Alessandro Avellis 2002 France 8 min video LADY OF THE LAKE dir M ichael Lucid 2002 USA 8 min video A LETTER TO SU SU dir

V incent

Au 2002 USA 3 min video HOLD ING PATTERNS

dir PJ Raval 2002 USA 9 min video ROCK BOTTOM dir Mary Feuer 2002 USA 22 min video Total R u n n i ng Time: 81 min

MERCI DOCTEUR REY d i r Andrew Litvack 2003 France 106 m i n

The Mudge Boy

T H E MUDGE B O Y d i r M ichael Burke 2002 U S A 90 m i n 35mm

35mm i n French a n d English with English subtitles

Eligible for the Levi's0 First Feature Award

Sponsored by

Sponsored by



M y Life on I c e (Ma vra i e vie a Rouen)

No S e cret An y more: The Ti mes of Del M a rtin & Ph y l l is Ly on

Saturday June 2 1 8:00 pm

Saturday June 28 3:30 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (NOSE28C)

Castro $8.00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (MYLl21 C) Eti e n n e is a cute tee nager at h i gh sc hool i n h is native Rouen , p layed by the very ta lented J i m my Tavares in h i s fi l m de but role. When he is given a video ca mera , his whole l ife c ha nges as he

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (OFME28H) "They have men's bod ies but with women's styl e , " say the Masisis of H a iti proud ly. A world of men who openly express their sweltering sex­

Ge rtrude Ste i n and Al ice B. To klas, have been leaders i n the struggle for acce pta nce, eq ual ity,

l ife in anthro pol ogist A n n e Lescot a n d La u rence

a n d j ustice for over 50 yea rs. NO S EC R ET A N Y­

any ra ndom encou nter with a ca m era but bui lds u p i nto a co m pe l l i ng video d i a ry. We grad ua l ly

fou n d ers of the modern l esbian civil rights move­ ment. Di rected by i nternationa l ly recogn i zed

becom e awa re of the many d iffe re nt strands of h i s l ife as we meet the key pl ayers: h i s mother (a

d ocumentary a rtist J EB (Joan E. B i re n ) , the fi l m tende rly c h ro n icles t h e i r end u ri n g pass ion and

won derfu l performa nce by Aria n e Asca ride) a n d

pol itica l activism t h rough a rch iva l ph otogra phs, i nterviews, a nd ci ne matic su rprises.

M O R E tel l s the story of these two l egendary

Del and Phyl l i s courageously l a u nched the

male geogra phy teach er. H is p u rs u its a re a lways very solita ry a n d he spends a h u ge a m o u nt of

Daughters of B i l itis in 1955, the first p u b l i c orga n i zati on f o r lesbians i n Am erica . W i t h addi­

time spying on va rious other peo ple. I ce skati ng a l so ta kes u p a lot of his energies as he prepa res

tiona l ground brea k i n g work on l esbian mothers, sex ed ucation, fa m i ly violence, and other a reas,

for a big com petition . It a l l adds up to a s u btle, affecti ng, a n d

this couple has a dva n ced the rights of wom e n ,

refres h i ng portra it of the torme nts of yout h , revea l i ng the rea l ities o f l ife for a n a d o lescent i n

ple everywhere .

a French provinc ia l ca pita l . There a re some

were a rrested for wea ring men's clothes, th i s fi l m

t h i ngs of which Eti e n n e seems u nawa re, but h i s fi l m i n g has its own i n ner na rrative. I n a n i nte nse

provides a fasc i nati ng journey th rough a world of

d i scussion with h i s best frien d , he a s ks, "Can two men love ea c h oth er?" By the end of the

Saturday June 28 6:00 pm

Del M a rt i n a n d P h y l l i s Lyo n , the m ost widely rec­ ogn i zed a n d a d m i red l e s b i a n c o u p l e si nce

becomes obsessed with record i n g every deta i l of h i s l ife a n d th ose a ro u n d h i m . At fi rst it feels l i ke

h i s best friend at sc hool , Lud o . T h i ngs seem a l l very normal u ntil w e fi nd that h e's sta l king h i s

Of M e n a n d Gods

lesb ia ns, ga ys, bisex uals, and tra nsgender peo­ Even i f you d o n 't rem e m ber w h e n l esbia ns

struggle, u n ity, a n d eve rl asti ng love. An affi rma­ tion a n d acknowledgement of o u r older mem­ bers a n d a n i n s p i r i n g and encouragi ng docu­ menta ry va lentine for our yo u nger mem bers, NO

fi l m , he is on his way to fi n d i n g a n a n swer. A l ife­ e n h a n c i n g story from the d i rectors of ADVEN­ T U R ES O F F E L I X a n d J EAN N E A N D T H E P E R­

S EC R ET ANY M O R E is one of the fi nest tri butes in yea rs . And co nsidering these u n a pologetic

FECT G UY with bri l l ia ntly natu ra l performa nces

and u nstop pa ble a ctivists cont i n u e to ed ucate

th roughout.

both the aging movem ents a n d LG BT com m u n i­

-London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival

ty a bout older lesbians' needs, it's a fitti ng tri b­

u a l ity in a whorl of vood oo a n d l i pstick comes to Magloire's re ma rka ble documentary OF M EN A N D G O D S . G od s a re very m uch a part of the l i ves of men l i ke I n nocente and B lo n d i n e , who e ke out l ivi ngs as man icu rists a n d street ven­ d ors . I n stead of h i d i n g their homosexua l ity i n a c u ltu re that deems it ta boo , they re ly on a d ivine j ustifi cation-a scri bing it to the fe male voodoo s p i rit Erzu l i . The men a re n ot gay, but rather the " c h i l d ren of Erzu l i . " An eye-open ing look i nto fa ith a n d sex i n a sisterhood of ord i n a ry H a itia ns who stake out their place i n society with a defi­ a nt fl ourish-co m p l ete with ga rish p i n k l i pstick, hair rol l ers, and a big sun hat. Another j uxta positi o n of the s p i ritu a l and the ho mosexua l , SANT E R O CA R LOS portrays a gay man in C u ba who d escri bes h i mself as a santero, or "sai nt's horse , " cha n n e l i n g spi rits i n the Yoru ba rel igio n . B ut a santero's pleasures a re n 't j ust holy-as dep icted when Carlos gets away from h i s mother a nd two brothers and beg i n s cruising H ava na's pa rks at dawn . -Sandip Roy SANTERO CARLOS d i r Xavier- Da n iel 2002 Spa i n 1 0 m i n video OF MEN AND GODS d i rs Anne Lescot


Laurence Magloire 2002

Ha iti 53 min video

ute , to be s u re! MY LIFE ON ICE d i rs Ol ivier Ducastel

& Jacq ues

Martineau 2002

-Blue Walcer

France 102 m i n 35mm in French with English subtitles NO SECRET ANYMORE: THE TIMES OF DEL MARTIN AND PHYLLIS LYON dir J EB (Joa n E. B i ren) 2003 USA 55min video

Co-Presented by G LB T H istorical Society Sponsored by

Conti�e!ltal � Airlmes �I.

Sponsored by



The Oppos ite Sex: J a m i e's Sto ry

The Opposite Sex: Ren e's Story

Pandemic: Facing AIDS

Sunday June 22 2:15 pm

Sunday June 22 12:30 pm

Friday June 20 3:00 pm

Herbst $5. 00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (OPJA22H)

Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (OPRE22H)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (PAND20C)

J A M I E'S STORY d e picts a male-to-fema le transi­ tion, ba lancing co-prod ucer, d i rector, a n d writer J osh Aronso n's T H E O P POSITE S EX, a two-fea­ ture documentary portraying both sides of the tra nsgender jou rney, and set to a i r on S H OW­ T I M E in 2004. Jamie's private self-reflection coupled with added com mentary of close friends and fa m i ly co m prise Aronson's method in showcasing the i n nate chal l enges when d isti nguish i ng herself as female des pite a biological male u p bringi ng. As a father, son , husba n d , and brother, relatives and c h i ld hood pals, u na ble to a ccept Jamie's evol utionary process, litera lly mourn the "death " of this m uch-loved person . Rather than concede her n eed for a more d ign ified life, J a m i e d iscov­ ers the extent to which her l i beration from shame evokes unforeseen conseq uences. Yet conversely portrayed is Jamie's wife, who gen u i nely s u p ports, accepts, a nd encour­ ages her h usband's tra nsformation , i n c l u d i ng her com passionate i nsight that " . . . no person would ma ke this choice . " Her u ncond itiona l ly loving yet cemented-in-rea l ity composure is a refresh i ng a nd prom ising attitude to witness firstha nd . The ba la nce in perspective i l l ustrate more than one person's transition may be nec­ essary in t h i s fa m i ly. Neither J A M I E'S STO RY nor R E N E'S STO RY ( both com prise THE O P POS ITE S EX) may be our own story, but each is a rea l story a bout self- i d entificati o n . M issi n g either fi l m wou l d b e a d i sservice to a nyone who has ever struggled to fit i n .

R E N E'S STO RY ( pa rt of the two-feature docu­ menta ry THE O PPOS ITE S EX) chron icles the brave a nd i ntensely persona l struggle Rene­ fema le by biologica l defin ition yet ma le by per­ sonal identification-confronts wh i l e com pleti ng h is female-to-male surgica l transition . Rene's extraord i na ry jou rney is brought to the screen by co-prod ucer, d i rector, and writer J osh Aronson, who has secured S H OWT I M E's com m itment to a i r this thought-provoking doc u ­ m entary i n 2004. For Festiva l attendees, it's a n exciti ng preview o f this i ncred i bly i m portant work that delves i nto the physica l , emotiona l , a nd social conseq uences ma ny-if not a l l-tra ns­ gender persons confront wh ile l iving with i n bod­ ies that don't match their identities. As his biological history as a woman is revea led , Rene must decide to what length ( l it­ era l ly!) sex-reassign ment surgery wi l l afford h i m a natura l fit between m i nd a nd body. Whether h is twelve-year "ma rriage" ca n survive re ma i n s u n certa i n despite courageous determ i natio n . Add itional interviews with fa m i ly mem bers offer a lternative and hea rtfelt perspectives . These perspectives a re both controversial and utterly poignant. U ltimately, R E N E'S STO RY is not as m uch a bout bei ng male or female, per se, but rather a gra ph ica lly honest a n d deeply penetrati ng, rea l­ life story of a person forced to both defend a n d s i m u lta neously surrender physica l a ppeara nce for a cha nce at greater ha ppiness . THE OPPOSITE SEX: RENE'S STORY dir Josh Aronson 2003 USA

75 min video

Twenty-fou r m i l l ion people worldwide have d i ed from AI DS-related d iseases, a n d there is a n oth­ er death somewhere i n the world a pp roxi mately every ten seconds. Presented by H BO and the B i l l & M e l i nda Gates Fou ndation, the new docu­ mentary PAN D E M I C : FAC I N G A I DS h igh l ights the existi ng facts of this far-reaching crisis a n d explores t h e cu ltu ra l d i mensions o f this globa l d i sease . Di rector Rory Ken nedy portrays the globa l state of the A I DS pa ndemic by showcasing five i nternationa l stories that feature people from a l l fou r corners o f t h e world who a re fighting aga i nst, l iving with , a n d dyi ng from AI DS. In B razi l , a 27-year-old gay ma n ta kes adva ntage of the cou ntry's free A I DS drug thera py to reb u i l d his hea lth and his l ife. I n R ussia , a n i nfected you ng couple struggles to raise the i r son . I n I nd i a , where it i s estimated that 3 7 m i l l ion peo­ ple wi l l be infected by 2005 , a truck d river a nd h is wife ta ke every preca ution to prevent tra ns. m itting H IV to their u n born c h i ld . In Thailand, a sex worker returns to her village to d i e with d ig­ n ity. And in Uganda, a passionate wo man runs a n orpha nage a n d ded icates her life to activism a n d outreach . Each story i l l ustrates how mora l issues clash with public hea lth needs, thereby fue l i ng the crisis by sta l l ing sol utions. N a rrated by Danny G l over, PAN D E M I C : FAC I NG A I DS com­ bines the overwhe l m i ng facts of the crisis with i n d ivid ual stories that reflect the wide-ra ngi ng effects of the d isease-as wel l as i dentifying some of the many frontl i ne heroes a n d victi ms of the fight.


73 min video

PANDEMIC: FACING AIDS d i r Rory Kennedy 2002 USA 104 min


Co-Presented by Tra nny Fest-Tra nsgender and

Co-Presented by Tra nny Fest-Transgender and

Transgenre Ci nema

Transgenre Cinema



Co-Presented by BCOA-Black Coalition on A I DS, I n c .

Pa rty M onster

The Path to Love (Tari k e l Ho b)

Presentation of the 2003 Frameline A ward

Monday June 16 9:00 pm Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (PATH1 6H)

Saturday June 28 8:30 pm Castro $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (PA R T28C)

O nce aga i n , the i m m ed iacy of d igita l video bri ngs the previously u n heard stories of non­

Steep i n g the screen i n '80s m usic a n d c l u b cu l­ t u re, fi l m m a kers Fenton B a i l ey a n d R a ndy B a rbato enl ist a keen and h i ghly i m agi native fi l m m a k i ng style to recreate t h e d i stu r b i n g

Western homosexuals from a ro u n d the world to the forefront of o u r vision a n d perspective. I n TA R I K E L H O B , a you ng student provides h i s p o i n t o f view a bout the l i ves o f gay men i n t h e

events t h a t l e d to t h e fa med m u rder o f Angel Melendez . PARTY M O N STER , based on t h e book Disco Bloodbath, focuses o n the relati onsh i p

M a g h re b reg i o n ( e n co m pass i n g M o rocco, Algeria , a n d Tu n isia ) . Ka ri m i s a soci o logy student who has decid­ ed to m a ke a fi l m a bout homosexua l ity i n this

between M i chael Alig a n d J a mes St. J a mes, two

pred o m i n a ntly Islamic Ara b regi o n . He sets o ut to i n terview gay m e n , which is c h a l lenging

kids from the M i dwest who fou n d th e i r way to New York and re inve nted themsel ves a s "fa bu­ lous" peo ple. J a m es i n iti ated M i chael i nto the New York c l u b scene, but it was M i chael who made it i nto the l i m el ight. C l u b kids were d rawn to h i m and became the Lost Boys to his Peter Pa n . N oth i ng with M i chael was ever done i n mod e ration , i n c l u d i ng h i s i n itiation i nto t h e fi ne­ tu ned wo rld of designer d rugs . B ut h i s invented

enough i n a re pressive soci ety. Some men run away, w h i l e oth e rs suggest sed u ctive i ntentions u pon m eeti n g the h a n d so m e Ka ri m . He d evel­ o ps a friends h i p with Fa ri d , an openly gay flight attend a nt who q u esti ons Ka ri m 's heterosexua l ity. When Fa rid gives h i m a book of Persian love poems, Ka ri m 's gi rlfriend d iscovers it a n d su bse­

perfect l ife s p i ra l ed down and was fi na l ly ha lted

q u e ntly leaves h i m-but s h e a lso encourages h i m to fu rth er ex plore h i s ho mosexual ity. Free to

with an atrocious act of m u rder.

do ju st that, he a nd Fa rid go to M a rra kech

Maca u lay C u l k i n , as M i chae l , ma kes a brave a n d m i racu lous transition to a d u lt actor,

together and d i scover a whole n ew world .

a d opting h i s rea l-l ife cou nterpa rt ' s extre me charisma a n d the tel l ta l e twi n kl e in h is eye . Seth G reen a nd the rest of the cast stay out of the shadows as cha racters necessary to the suc­ cessfu l forging of th is ca utiona ry ta le. Di rectors Bai l ey and Barbato p u l l out a l l the sto ps to c re­ atively craft a verita ble c i nematic collage. I n their version of PARTY M O N ST E R , h a l luci nations turn revelatory, overdoses serve a s rites of passage, and one lost boy's ta l e i s told without a pology. -John Cooper

W h i l e m a k i ng h i s documenta ry, Ka ri m 's research lends to the u nearth i n g of a rich h isto­ ry of ho mosexua l ity in both I s l a m and Northern Africa . In l ea rn i ng that some regions not o n ly acce pted-but encou raged-gay u n i ons, Ka rim e m b ra ces h i s homosexua l ity on h i s own terms. Aga i nst the b u stl i n g ba c kd ro p of Kua la Lu m p u r's C h i n a town , fi l m ma ker Amir M u ha m ma d rem i n isces a bout a teenage rela­ tionsh i p with a C h i n ese classmate in PA N G YAU . PANGYAU dir A m i r M u ham mad 2002 Ma laysia 13 min video i n

M a l a y a nd Cantonese with PARTY MONSTER d i rs Fenton Bailey


Randy Barbato 2002

USA 97 min 35mm

English subtitles (a Frameline

Peop l e Li ke Us: M a k i ng P h i l a d e l p h i a Tuesday June 24 5: 1 0 pm Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (PEOP24C) (Includes free ticket to PHILADELPHIA) P H I LA D E LP H IA, the first major H o l lywood studio release to d ra m atize A I DS, was both a box-office a nd critica l success; ea rning two Aca demy Awa rd s , a s wel l a s a

n o m i nation for Best

Scree n play. J effrey Schwa rz' new docum enta ry P EOPLE L I K E US revisits the fi l m 10 years later to reveal h ow the cast a n d crew ma naged to p u l l it off, i nclud i ng i nterviews with stars Tom H a n ks ( B est Actor) , Anto n i o B a nderas, a n d Denzel Was h i ngto n . I n itia l ly, d i rector J o nathan Demme a n d out screenwriter Ron Nyswa ner d isc uss their moti­ vations to portray A I DS to a wider a ud ience . How d i d a fi l m that centers on characters ra rely por­ trayed by Hol lywood succeed? PEOPLE LI K E U S goes o n t o a n a lyze the c h a l lenges o f ma k i ng a fi l m that n eeded to confront both AI DS-pho bia a n d homophobia , w h i le sti l l del ivering a d ra mat­ ic message to a ge nera l a u d ience. Nyswa ner acknowledges it was critica l to find cele brated m ovie stars l i ke Tom H a n ks a n d Denzel

Wa s h i n gton

w h o A m e r i ca n s

enj oy,

though the fi l m ma kers a l so prioritized casti ng actors with A I DS in key s u p porti ng roles (as wel l a s d ozens o f extras played b y gay m e n with A I DS). Desp ite the effort, P H I LA D ELPH I A met criti cism fro m the gay com m u n ity, a controversy that is explored with great i nsight, i nc l u d i ng a first look at a n ed ited scen e of Tom H a n ks a n d Anto n i o B a n de ra s i n b e d together. P EO P LE L I K E US a d m i ra bly ca ptu res the chal lenges a rtists face i n p romoti ng critica l sto­ ries to wider a u d i e nces .

Release) THE PATH TO LOVE d i r R e m i Lange 2002 Algeria 69 min video i n French with English subtitles


2003 USA 57 min video

El igible for the Levi's0 First Feature Award

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

Sponsored by



Ph i la d e l p h i a 1 0h A nniversary Screening Tuesday June 24 6:30 pm Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (PHIL24C) P H I LA D E LP H I A was born i n a p h o n e ca l l between d i rector J o nath a n Demme a n d myself wh i le s h a r i n g our grief s u rround i ng the A I DS epidemic. People we loved were dyi ng. We had to do somet h i ng. There were no d rug "cockta i l s " i n the late 1980s to pro l o ng l i ves, no steroids to co m bat wa sti n g . R o b u st people-tu rn ed skeleta l , pocked with lesions-were writi ng wills. People bel ieved that H I V was ai rborne; da nger l u rked i n a h a n d s ha ke . W e conce ived o f P H I LA D E LP H I A as a "co nversatio n " with mai nstrea m A m erica , goi ng after the hea rts a n d m i nds of ord i n a ry movi egoers. We attempted to peel away the ve i l o f differences t h a t sepa rates peo p l e . The fi l m is a message movie, cou rtroom d ra m a , a n d tear­ jerker. Its d ra m atic tension comes from the begrudgi ng respect that develops between its ma i n characte rs , pl ayed to perfection by Tom H a n ks and Denzel Wa s h i ngto n . T h e i r interaction m i m i cs the d ia logue between the film a nd its a u d i e nce-fe a r t u r n i n g i nto c u r i osity then understa n d i ng. For som e , the fi l m is flawed . Where is the ange r? Why a re the gay lovers so reticent? These criticisms a re va lid . Sti l l , the power of the fi l m is u n d e n i a ble. I t plays today a s a h i storica l docu­ me nt-a re m i n der of the early days of AI DS when fu nera ls were weekly events in gay l i ves . I t is a lso a timeless, cath a rtic experi ence. Love a n d loss may be u n iversa l , b u t A I DS has bo und these experiences to the gay co m m u n ity forever. P H I LA D E L P H I A h o n o rs that g r i ef a n d o u r

P i k i & Poko­ Adventu res in Starland

Porn Theatre (La Chatte a Deux Tetes)

Sunday June 22 6:30 pm

Friday June 13 1 0: 1 5 pm

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (PIKI22H)

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (PORN13C)

P i k i a n d Poko a re two J a pa nese schoolgi rls s h a r­

Co m i ng in second on J o h n Waters' top-ten l ist of

i ng a very special bond . Best friends at first sight, the heroi nes a re prom ptly th rust i nto an

the best 2002 fi lms, he ca l l s P O R N TH EAT R E a " . . . h i l a rious, enterta i n i ng, a nd a uthentic fi l m . "

a lternate u n iverse ca l led Sta rla nd . Sta rland is a

It's a l so a q uasi- nosta lgic love story with a n ow a l m ost entirely d efu nct phenomenon-porn c i n ­

fa ntastic world of " hot-blooded volca n oes and effe m i nate trees . " It's a l so where mars h m a l low bu n n i es pa c k a dead ly and add ictive wa l l op, DJs a re i n crea si ngly beco m i ng e n d a ngered , a nd vend ing machi nes d i s pense over 1 00 flavors of sex-c ha nge o pti ons. Basica l ly it's q u eer cinema . anime on ecstasy! O n ce a

emas where fi l ms a re scree n ed on ce l l u loid . Actor, writer, a n d d i rector Jacq u es N o l ot wanted to m a ke a fi l m a bout such porn c i nemas before it was too late. For a few d o l l a rs , an a n onymous porn the­ ater's vis itors watch LA CHATTE A D E U X TETES

h a r m o n i o us a n d astro l ogica l ly


a l igned parad ise where everyone da nced to the celesti a l groove spun by the zod iac DJ s, Sta rl a nd is now in trou ble. The d i a bol ica l " homema ker"

office cash i e r is i nterested in one of the regu l a rs, a m a n i n h is fifties ( played by N olot) . T h e m a n , however, is i nterested i n t h e new you ng projec­

(who bea rs a more-th a n- pass i ng rese m b l a nce to

tion ist, but that boy has h i s eye o n the cas h ier.

M a rtha Stewa rt! ) and her candy ca ne henc h men a re sta m ping out Starland's d iverse fa bu l osity!

W h i l e i n the lobby, each shares h i s life story. I n

Enter Piki a n d Poko, the lo ng-pro p hesied "eterna l m a rtia l a rts astrology wa rri ors from

where t h e exc l u sively m a l e a u d ience mem bers

a n other world . " Tra p ped in a confu s i n g new


environment with o n ly a m ute s pacesq u i d and a

cash . . . a l l executed to u nwritten rules a n d cus­ to ms. N either the sex acts nor th e i r locations have

ge nder- bend i ng Latina/o bom bshel l as gu ides, P i ki a n d Poko m ust navigate Sta rl a n d wh i l e lea r n i n g t o access t h e i r awesome powers.

contrast, l ess ta l k i ng occurs i n the a u d itori u m fi nd what they' re looki ng for with few word s : a some a d ve ntu re ,

or a

been made a n y prettier tha n what o n e wou ld

Can o u r heroi n es save the u n iverse by

. expect: the sta i n -covered seats a re broken, thE

d rawing on that very specia l love o n ly two gi rls ca n s h a re? Stay tu ned . . .

wa l l pa per is old and pee l i ng, and the sq u a l i d toi­

The evening's screening (including more than

let is . . . wel l , it's sq ualid . This forth right a p proa ch conti n ues i n the fi l m 's so u n dtrack, w h ich i� made up la rgely of the groa n i n g ema nati ng from the si lver screen . Rema rka bly, N o l ot contrast�

12 episodes-many never-before-seen) features a brief presentation by the show's creators, fol­ lowed by an audience Q&A.

t h is setting with a n extraord i na ry el ega nce i n


P O R N THEATRE d i r Jacques Nolot 2002 France 8 7 min 35mrr

m ovement a n d l ighti ng.

cou rage u n d e r fire.


-Ron Nyswaner

David Cutler 2000 USA 90m in video

i n French with English subtitles

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

d i rs Mark Ewert

PHILADELPHIA d i r Jonatha n Demme 1993 USA 125 m i n 35mm

Co-Presented by National A I DS Memoria l Grove Sponsored by


l ittl e extra



Put the Camera o n M e Saturday June 28 1 :30 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (PU TC28C) F i l m d i rector/writer Da rren Ste i n (JAW B R EAK­ E R , S PAR KLER) made P U T T H E CA M E RA O N M E , a documentary co- p rod uced a n d co-written by c h i l d h ood friend Ad a m S h el l , with as m uch u n a bashed voye u rism as it featu res! A rea l i ty-TV shoo- i n for yo u ngest cast, th is is rea l-l ife video footage ta ken by Da rren w h i l e between ages five a n d fiftee n . Da rre n's ea rly fla m boya nt and pre­ cocious nature lend to h i s d i recti ng some rather q uestiona ble after-sc hool activities . Even as you ng as te n years o l d , Da rren a n d h i s posse were reenact i n g a n d record ing such d readfu l simu lated scenes as Nazi death ca m p torture, gra ph i c exec ution-style m u rder, viol ent c h i l d a b use, n u clear war, catastro p h i c ea rth­ q ua kes, a n d cou ntl ess h orro r fi l ms . Th ere's even the sce ne when babysitter Carol Ka n e rea l i zes s h e's n ot a l o n e in t h e h o u se ( W H EN A STRA N G E R CA L LS ) . Yet a c h i l d w h o "feels d ifferent" h a s a re ma rka ble i n n ocence a n d u ns poken need to con nect so mehow. Da rren a n d Ad a m evoke t h i s u nscri pted a n d po igna nt theme as e a c h a d u lt " sta r" reflects on the m ea n i ng of such i m agery. W hether it's a bout pretend gay sex, l i p-synch i ng l i ke a megastar, or acting out a gay-bash i ng scene, it's evid ent c h i l d ren use " . . . ficti on as a fac;ade for truth . " Being both a c h i ld a n d a n outcast i nevita bly s h ows itse lf-so m e h ow, so m ewhere-a nd


Queer Docum enta ry i n Wa rt i m e : A New V i ew of the Isra e l i Pa l est i n i a n Crisis

Qu eer Pa rents (Des Parents Pas C o m m e Les Autres)

A Presentation with E/len Flanders

Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (QPA R28H)

Tuesday June 1 7 6:30 pm Herbst $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (QOOC1 7H)

more self-assertive? T h i s is a c h a l l enge for

Saturday June 28 2:00 pm

H ow does a tee nager who's i n secu re become

J o i n Ellen Flanders, fi l m m a ker ( O N C E ) , photog­

an exciting d i scuss i o n , i n c l u d i ng excerpts rom

a n d Leo enj oy i n g t h e i r fi rst roma ntic encou nter at a wee kend d a nce, but at school the fo l lowi ng Monday, Gera l d i ne, a j ea lou s riva l , publ icly outs

her documentary-in-progress Z E R O D EG R E ES OF S E PARAT I O N .

s hocked , as her mother, M a rtine, has never

ra pher, a n d fo rm er exec utive d i rector of I nside Out Lesbian & Gay Film Festiva l of To ronto for


Z E R O D EG R E ES is a doc u m entary fi l m a bout q ueer Pa lesti n i a ns a n d I s ra e l i s a n d t h e i r u n iq ue re lations h i p t o the cu rre nt confl ict i n t h e regi o n .

Se l i m

a nd

Ezra ,


I s rae l i


Pa lesti n i a n g a y co u p le, who a re trying t o win t h e right t o l ive together i n J e rusa le m , a re the foc us. They a re end uring t h e l a rger co nfl i ct, but deal with l esser battles , too, such a s fa m i ly a n d fri ends. S pea k i n g openly f o r the fi rst time a bout their sexual ity, Se l i m a n d Ezra ta ke la rge po l itica l a n d personal risks. D i recto r E l l e n F l a n d e rs , w h o rece ntly retu rned from the regi o n , wi l l show footage from her fi l m and d i scuss the c u rrent M i d d l e Eastern confl ict as it relates to q ueers, i n c l u d i n g the cha l le nges in

m a k i ng a documentary u nder

such d iffi c u lt c i rcu msta nces . Come h ea r a n i nsider's k nowledge o f the I s ra e l i -Pa l esti n ia n confl ict, the l ives of M id d le Eastern q ueers, a n d

you ' re l u c ky, there's a ten-year-old boy l i ke

the firsthand acco u nt o f m a k i ng a docu menta ry

Da rren n earby hold i ng h i s fi rst video ca mera eage r to ca ptu re the i n n ocence , the h u mor, a n

tor of Z E R O D EG R EES, who wi l l d i ssect the


even the rage. PUT THE CAMERA O N M E d i rs Darren Stein


Adam Shell 2002

O lympe, a yo u ng g i rl stigmatized for be i n g d if­ fere nt. QU E E R PA R E NTS begins with Olym pe

fi l m . J oi n i ng the d i rector is Aleesa Cohene, edi­ u n iq ue process of colla boration a n d the myriad d i rections that projects ca n ta ke-es pec ia l ly those fi l m ed in warti m e .

O lym pe's m oth e r as a

lesbia n .

O lym pe is

actu a l ly a d m itted be i ng a lesbia n . She confronts her m other with q u estions a bout her relation s h i p with h e r father, now openly gay, but M a rtine i s d ism issive- i n h e r world it's never q u ite t h e right time to s pea k a bout such matters with her d a ughter. Sensing a deception a n d fed

up with

" i ssues" s u rro u n d i n g her mother's sexua l ity, O lym pe turns to her father i n Paris. After vo icing h e r d istress a n d acting out her sea rch for self­ ide ntity, she retu rns home o n ly to find her moth­ er m a k i ng l ove with a noth er woma n . Her m oth­ er's betraya l , not knowing where she sta nds at sc hoo l , Leo's d ista n ce after all her confusing behavior-a n d u lti mately h e r lack of self-ide ntity d rive O lym pe to attem pt s u i c i d e . T h e desperate act fi n a l ly causes her pa rents to conced e the d i re natu re of their d a ughter's emotional state. D i rector La u rence Katrian provides excep­ tional perspective i n QU E E R PA R E NTS, a fi l m that exa m i nes with re ma rka ble fa m i l i a rity the com p l icated dyna m ic of a fa m i ly struggl i ng to d iscern how its mem bers fit together. QUEER PARENTS dir Laurence Katrian 2002 France 90 min

video i n French with Engl ish subtitles

USA 70 m i n video

Sponsored by

Sponsored by


(j) :.:





Rise Above : The Tribe 8 Documenta ry

Ree l Transformations Wednesday June 1 8 6:30 pm Herbst $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (REEL18H)

offers a d iverse grou p of na rrative a n d documenta ry tra nsgender shorts. The u n ique col lective helps recla i m a n d tra ns­ form the cel l u loid screen by del ivering powerfu l exa mi nations of cross ing over gender l i nes. ISN'T IT O BVIOUS? is a respectfu l memorial to Bay Area tra nsgender youth Gwen Ara ujo of N ewa rk who was ruthl essly m u rdered when four men discovered she was a natomica l ly male. Streetlights a n d butterflies, d rag q ueens, a n d ba lleri nas merge i n this ta le set t o a classic Dol ly Parton song in LOVE IS LI KE A B UTTE R LY. A LLO P E R F O R M A N C E! features performance-a rtist M i rha-Sole i l Ross with her mother d i scussing motherhood and pregna ncy wh ile under the Golden Gate B ridge. In FU LL-T I M E WO MAN , a tra n sgender woman goes to an em ployment agency looking for work and encou nters a ha rsh rea l ity. B UTTER F LY addresses the chal lenges and rewa rds of l ivi ng a new l ife as a woman in a tra n s phobic world . N I N A tackles what it mea ns to be a n Asia n migra nt tra nsgender person in Austra l ia . TRANSG EN DER DAY OF R E M EM ­ B ERANCE b y loca l d i rector D i o n M a n ley docu­ me nts Sa n Fra n cisco's fou rth a n n ua l Tra nsgender Day of Remem bra nce-a ca ndle­ l ight march a nd vigil payi ng tri bute to a l l the m u rd e red tra nsgender victims worldwide in 2002 . Reel Transformations

ISN'T IT OBVIOUS? dir M ichelle Prevost 2003 USA 8 min video LOVE IS LIKE A BUTTERFLY d i r Ken Wardrop 2003 I reland 3 min

video ALLO PERFORMANCE! d i rs M a r k Karbusicky


M i rha-Soleil

Ross 2002 Canada 13 min video FULL-TIME WOMAN dir Sean Patrick McCarthy 2003 USA 11 min video BUTTERFLY dir Paul Sherma n 2002 USA 14 min video NINA dir Rolmar Baldonado 2002 Australia 1 0 min video TRANSGENDER DAY OF REMEM­ BRAN C E d i rs Dian Manley

& Jed

Bell 2002 USA 15 m i n video

Sunday June 22 9:00 pm Castro $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (RISE22C)

R I S E ABOVE: T H E TR I B E 8 DOCU M EN TARY offers a ra re view i nto the l ives and m i nds of the mem bers of Tribe 8, the fi rst ever dyke-identi­ fied , hard core pun k-rock ba nd that beca me a pioneering force in m usic history. F i l m m a ker Tracy Fla n n iga n brea ks through the grou p's shocking exterior, ca ndidly ca ptu ring each band mem ber's rich a nd com plex l ife story. The ca m­ era follows them at home, on the road, a nd on the job-i ncl ud i ng the 1994 M ich iga n Womyn's M usic Festiva l controversy that l a nded Tri be 8 i n a q uagm ire of protest a n d pra i se from a fiercely d ivided crowd . R I S E A B OV E i ntrod uces us to Lyn n B reed love, the goofy l ead si nger who vows "the mea n ing of life i s to experience the ra pture of being a l ive" and reu n ites gu itarist Silas " Fl i pper" H oward ( BY HOOK OR BY C ROOK, S F I LG FF '0 1 ) with esta bl ished fa ns. Festival viewers a re given the opportu nity to get u p close with all the band mem bers! Fla n n iga n combi nes a mazing performa nce footage, a rch iva l child hood pictures, and i ntense perso nal i nterviews to make a tour de force tri b­ ute to "Sa n Fra ncisco's own a l l-dyke, a l l -out, i n­ your-face, blade-bra n d ishi ng, gang-castrating, d i ldo-swi ngi n ' , bu llsh it-detecting, a u ra l ly porno­ gra ph ic, N e a ndertha l -pervert band of patri­ a rchy�smash i ng snatch-l ickers . " This is not your women's stud ies professor's cha mom ile tea­ a nd-folk m usic fem i n ism, but rather her a ngry, u n a pologetic, S& M , ge nder- be n d i ng n i ece's k i nd of fem i n ism . RISE ABOVE: THE TRIBE 8 DOCUMENTARY d i r Tracy Flann igan

2003 USA 80 min video

Robi n's Hood Wednesday June 18 9:00 pm Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (ROBI18C)

Loca l dyke d i rector Sara M i l l m a n redeems bridge-a nd-tu nnel girls i n R O B I N 'S H OO D . This com pell i ng independent fi l m tea ms M i l l ma n with Khathee V. Tu rner and gives us a refresh i ng con­ tem porary screen play that tweaks the classic Robin Hood story in j ust the right way! Today, Robin's stud is a h ot, French butch­ dyke thief, named B rooklyn , who ca n be fou nd mounting a sporty Honda C B R 900 in Oa kland, not Sherwood Forest. She's a bold outlaw, a n African America n lesbia n , a n d a fea rless social worker who acq u i res from the privileged a nd donates to the underserved (sound fa m i l i a r?) . She a lso boasts a love'em-a nd-Ieave'em track record , m uch l i ke Don J ua n . However, Brooklyn's cha nce meeti ng with Robin foreshadows putting some old patterns to rest. B rooklyn 's edgy charm seduces R o b i n , a nd riches a re d isplayed on screen ! Their i nterracial love affa i r i ntensifies when Robin suddenly q u its her job, d isi l l usioned by the fa i l u re of the system . to address the needs of her com m u n ity. Pushed i nto a corner, they rei nvent their jobs, em power­ i ng Robi n to bestow her former c l ients with copi­ ous aid! The ensuing wh i rlwi nd of l ove, robbery, a n d philanthropy is awe-inspiring. Tha n ks t o sta rring actresses Khathee V. Tu rner and Clody Cates­ a n d an eclectic music score that wi ll have you h i p-hopping in you r seat-Kevi n Costner's e pic fi l m is now a mere footnote in the a n na ls of our conti n u ing fasci nation with the Robin Hood saga . -Erica Marcus ROBIN'S HOOD d i r Sara M i l l m a n 2003 USA 100 m i n video

El igible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

Total R u n n i ng Time: 74 m i n

Sponsored by

sundance C H A N N E L.



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Savage Roses Sunday June 15 6:30 pm Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (SAVA15H)

Tough , gritty, and sensua l ly enthra l l i ng, this c i n­ ematic sl ice of urba n ga ng l ife explores the oft over-looked world of you ng, street-smart Lati nas. Toro, a tough lesbia n ga ng mem ber, accl i m ates wel l to the gro u p as they rob, stea l , a n d h ustle. The ga ng i s strong-both sexual ly and physica l­ ly-hold i ng sacred both loyalty and the money it ta kes to survive. Despite the closeness of her ga ng and sis­ ters, Toro feels isolated . Secrets from her past keep true friendsh i ps at bay a n d harden her a l ready tough exte rior. Yet Toro soon meets M i chelle, a young mother who moves in with her a busive and c heati ng boyfrie n d , res i d i ng nea r where Toro spends time both kee ping a n eye on the neigh borhood a n d trying to work through her a nger. After d iscovering M ichelle bru ised and bat­ tered , Toro crosses the l i ne of friends h i p by pro­ tecting and defend i ng M ichel le-a ccelerati ng the relationsh i p beyond mere fri endship. Yet their evolving relationsh i p jeopard izes both their safety as the gang's suspicion is raised concern­ i ng their closeness. Trying to find peace withi n herself a n d hoping t o e l i m i nate t h e rage and h u rt in her hea rt before it affects her budding rela­ tionsh i p with M ichelle, Toro struggles to leave ga ng life a n d brea k the cycle of violence before it is too late. SAVAG E ROSES i s a brea kth rough fi l m-a n old-fashioned , lesbian love story, h u morously a n d poignantly told a m i dst the confl icts and mora l a m bigu ity often fo und on the streets of N ew York City. SAVAGE ROSES d i r J a mes Tucker 2002 USA 105 min video

Eligible for the Levi's'" First Feature Award

Sponsored by

Schoo l's Out: The Life of a Gay H igh School i n Texas Friday June 27 3:45 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (SCH027C) Free for ages 18 & under (present ID at door)

If bei ng gay a n d closeted i n high school seems tough enough , try bei n g a seventeen-year-old pre-o perative tra nssexua l j u n i or. S C H O O L'S OUT: T H E LI F E O F A G AY H I G H SCHOOL IN TEXAS d i rector J eremy S i m mons gives us the o p port u n ity to travel to Wa lt Wh itm a n Com m u n ity School i n Da llas, Texas, a nd meet several of the students at this excepti onal lea rn­ i ng i nstitution. As one of only th ree schools in the country with curricula s pecifica l ly designed for lesbia n , gay, bisexua l , and tra nsgender stu­ dents, this ca m pus truly places its students' wel­ fare fi rst. S i m mons c h ron icles the '01-02 school year, a period of time when enro l l m ent dwindled to a mere ten students, the school struggled to meet accred itation req u i rements, a nd each day was met with a host of challenges j ust to stay open . Featured stud ents i nclude: Angel, a young dyke with enough pierci ngs to merit attention i n the lower H a ight; And rew, t h e lone stud ious Republ ica n d eterm i ned to get a good job; Da m ien, whose tra n sformation to " Denise" by the end of the yea r i s s uccessful despite his tu mu ltuous l ife at home; and Angela, the gla m­ orous tra nssexua l who, at the begi n n i ng of the year, m ista kenly ta kes fresh-faced M ichael for "a rea lly butch lesbia n . " Confronting great odds, these you ng q ueers step up to the plate not only for themselves, but for each other, too . I ntense and ulti mately i nspiri ng, this documenta ry war­ rants its placement on any school's " req u i red viewi ng" l ist. SCHOOL'S OUT: THE LIFE OF A GAY HIGH SCHOOL IN TEXAS

dir Jeremy S i m mons 2002 USA 69 m i n video

Secondary H igh Saturday June 21 9:45 pm Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (SEC021H) Tuesday June 24 2:45 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (SEC024C)

Ta les of surviva l , sed uction, and tri u m p h com­ prise S ECON DARY H I G H , a ca m py ci nematic treat split i nto three episodes. Referencing old and new teen movies, you ' l l la ugh out loud wh ile reca l l i ng j ust how wei rd h igh school often felt. Chet wa nts to be cool . . . bad . H e's big, black, a nd burly yet is as th reate n i ng as a teddy bear. Peers t h i n k he's a frea k, so he has no fri ends . . . u ntil his cousin Heidi a rrives-a cute butch who breathes some refres h i ng l ife i nto the u ptight household, but not before she stu m bl es u pon Sa l ly (awkward with head-brace a n d a l l ) l iving i n t h e fa m ily's basement i n a n effort to concea l s he's become a va m pire! Sa l ly fears rejection as her " n ew self, " but Heid i a dvises, "closets are for clothes a nd basements a re for furnaces!" N ext comes T h eod ora who turns her schoolgirl crush on her teacher i nto someth ing more after she rescues him from a m uggi ng. The ru n n i ng theme is girlz kick ass. No bet­ ter portrayed tha n in the final segment which has t h ree i ntrigu i ng and rebe l l ious, heavily seq u i ned , "gla m rock" lesbians fighting, making up, and fighting agai n before playi ng their first gig as The Six H ea lthy Fists at Chet and Heidi's big pa rty. Caution: Ad hering to the princi ples of the "ridiculous ci nema man ifesto , " SECON DARY H IG H is sure to touch a n d thri l l you , but it won't ma ke you wa nt to go bac k .to h igh school. SECON DARY H I G H d i rs P a t M i l l s , Emily Halfo n ,


Hazel Bell­

Koski 2003 Canada 90 m i n video Eligible for the Levi's'" First Feature Award

Sponsored by




Send Me a n Angel

S ex, S i rens & Sti l ettos

S exotica

Saturday June 28 7:45 pm Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (SEND28H)

Tuesday June 1 7 9:00 pm

Saturday June 2 1 1 0:30 pm

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (SEXS1 7H)

Castro $8.00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (SEX021 C)

Two I s ra e l i s a re cele brati ng b i rthd ays i n this dou­

S EX, S I R E NS & ST I L ETTOS provides a sexy

ble featu re. The first fi l m is a story a bout a

There's lots of m eat to s i n k yo u r teeth i nto, but Sexotica i s more than a ch ea p carna l ride. W h i l e

sea rc h for love , wh i l e the fo l l owing is a h it sitcom

ro m p t h rough the latest lesbian sine matic treats! Friends do some steamy kibbutzing i n

in I s ra e l . Ea ch offers a gl i m pse i nto I srae l i gay

M ATZO M A I D ELS , a h i la rious l esbian porn o,

salacious to t h e core, th ere's a l so a deeper level that expl ores gay male desi re-both sacred a n d

cu ltu re .

c i rca 1923. A hygie ne-obsessed fe mme con­

profa n e .

I n S E N D M E A N A N G EL, ha ndsome but lonely Ronny i s celebrati ng his 30th b i rthday by

fronts the c h a l lenge of ora l fres h ness i n the fl i r­

The fiercely witty S EXO is a n a d re n a l i n e­ c h a rged remark on porn cons u m pti o n . LE LA IT

trying to meet a guy th rough a phone service .

ty TOOTH B R U S H TA N G O . R U B depicts o n e girl's self-made pleasures . A mate finds herself

N ESTLE . . . it's sweet a n d sticky! THE B A I T B U S

named Sa h a r who shows u p is not what he

an u nwitting pa rti c i pa nt in an other's hyper-meta ­ m orphosis i n E N T- H O M O- P H I LlA. If a l usty

is a cruel yet rea l exa m ple of " ba it a n d switc h . " Tod d Verow turns h is strange gaze o n Nob H i l l

expected . After Sa h a r storms out, R o n ny heads to Tel Aviv looki ng for fu n . After scouting the

na ked lady who is hell bent on gett i ng off piq u es you r i nterest, M AST ER LI BAT I O N is for yo u .

Cinema stri p pers i n FLU FF. Tattooed skater-boys

bars, R o n ny runs i nto Sahar who is with a violent

B LU E EY ED MOON i s a poetic story of a young

" h e l p ea ch other out" in S P O RT I N ' WOOD 4 . And I F I H A D A HAM M E R q u esti ons the elec­

bud dy. After a rough a n d tu m bl e fight, R o n ny fi nds h i mself awkwa rd ly a l one with Sa h a r. W i l l

girl i n a n cient G reece ( based on Pi erre Louys's Les Chansons De Bilitis) . H E R is a self-erotic,

tro n i c rea l ity of porn, beer, sex, cas h , a n d d rugs. K. I . P. i s a tribute to 70s porn sta r Ki p N o l l , w h i l e

Ronny get the b i rthday present he's looking for? A vi b ra nt look at gay l ife in Tel Aviv, S E N D M E AN

black a n d wh ite expe ri menta l fi l m . C H E R R I ES I N T H E S N OW: AN O D E TO J OA N N ESTLE cel­

Osca r W i l de i s honored i n PO R N O P I CT U R E O F

A N G E L wi l l touch a nyo ne trying to m a ke that

ebrates J oa n N estle a n d others. G i nger S natch

ca reer t h ro ug h several d isti n ct gay-porn era s .

ra i n bow con n ection.

and M s . B ee H a ive s h a re hot p l easu re ti ps i n G O O D M O R N I N G QU EERS. J i ggl e i n yo u r seats

Y o u get " stu pid people tricks" i n S M O K E R I N GS

U nfortu nately for R o n ny, the a ngel i c blonde boy

M O M M Y Q U E E R EST is a wacky sitcom­ pictu re an I srae l i "A bso l ute ly Fa bu lous" sta rring Divine-with a d rag q ueen p layi ng the neu rotic mother of an outrageo usly q ueeny gay son . Formerly M i ss Baghdad 1965, Doris is red u ced to celebrat i n g her 55th birthday a l one when everyone ove rlooks it. Her son Nadj i is too pre­ occ u pied with h i s nom i nation as best cl oth i n g designer i n Te l Aviv t o even m a ke t h e l itt le black d ress h i s m other has a lways wanted . When Doris goes to Nadj i 's a rc h riva l P n i n a for the d ress, chaos ensues on the ru nway of the designer s howdown . In a u n iq u ely I sra e l i way, M O M M Y QU E E R EST ta kes the tra d itiona l sitcom to h i l a riously new q u eer places. SEND ME AN ANGEL d i r N i r Ne'eman 2002 Israel 46 min video

DOR IAN G R EY, w h i c h follows a n ageless sta r's

a n d HOSE is a n experi ment in piss. MAKI N G

P O L KA- brea st-d a n c i n g set to

M A PS layers to mesmerizing effect l us h i m agery

pol ka m u sic! Five horny housewives receive a myste rious pac ka ge in S EX-RAY.

Of pre-A I DS gay porn with vi ntage footage of



boys' ca m p activities. -Dewey Schott

MATZO MAIDELS d i rs Jenni Olson , Julie Dorf,


Monica Nolan

2003 USA 5 m i n video TOOTHBRUSH TANGO d i r Dara Sklar 2003 USA 7 m i n video RUB d i rs Anne Borden


Gail Mentl i k

2002 Canada 2 m i n video ENT-H OMO-PH ILIA d i r Hima B . 2003 USA 10 m i n video MASTER LIBATION d i r Dayna McLeod 2002 Ca nada 5 min video BLUE EYED MOON d i r Pencho Ku nchev 2001 B u lgaria 9 min 35mm HER dir Kai Ling Xue 2001 Ca nada 1 0 min video C H ERRIES I N THE SNOW: AN ODE TO JOAN NESTLE d i rs Mel issa Levin


Roxana Spicer 2002 Canada 4 min video

GOOD MORNING QUEERS dir PA M ! Dare 2003 USA 13 min video HOOTER POLKA dir

Ingrid Wilhite 2003 USA 2 min. video

SEX-RAY dir Kim Beecroft 2001 USA 23 min video

Total R u n n ing Time: 90 m i n

SEXO d i r Rodrigo Bel lott 2001 USA 9 min video LE LAIT NESTLE

dir Herve Joseph Lebrun 2002 France 8 m i n video THE BAIT . BUS (Trailers) dir Bangbros 2002 USA 5 min video FLUFF d i r

Todd Verow 2003 U S A 2 m i n video SPORTIN' W O O D 4 (Excerpt) dir Joe Serna 2003 USA 5 min video I F I HAD A HAMMER d i r Bobby Abate 2001 U S A 8 m i n video K.I.P. d i r Nguyen Tan Hoa ng 2002 USA 4 m i n video PORNO PICTURE OF DORIAN GREY dir Wash West 2001 USA 20 m i n video S M OKE RINGS dir I a n Jarvis 2002 Canada 2 m i n video H O S E d i r Ken Anderlini 1998 Canada 9 min video MAKING MAPS dir Tony Wu 2001 Ta iwan 19 min 1 6 m m Total R u n n i ng Ti me: 96 min

MOMMY QUEEREST dir Eitan An n e r 2002 Israel 25 min video

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

Sponsored by

PlanetOut:com falconstudlos.com



Sha d es of P i n k-New Re l eases from Fra m e l i n e D istr i b ution Tuesday June 24 12:30 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (SHA D24C) A h , re l ationsh i ps . Whether with you r father, yo u r best fri e n d , yo u r class mate, or with the g u y you met a broa d , re lationsh i ps often befu d d l e a n d bemuse. Shades o f Pink is a n ec lectic sa m pl i n g o f shorts that h i g h l ights t h e thi ngs we d o for love . I n AFTERSC H O O L D E L I G H T, twelve-yea r­ old Scout a n d her best friend Angie s pend a n afternoon getting i nto a n d out of trou ble, but a l ong the way they d iscover some of life's del ights. Dare we say th is short is, we l l , delight­ fu l? D I SS O LVE explo res re lationsh i ps between you nger a n d older men via shad owy, a n on ymous interviews . You n g men who seek ro l e models engage top ics such as I s sex l ove or is love sex? a n d What does my fat h e r have to do with th is? PA N G YAU ta kes us on a jou rney t h rough the streets of Kuala La m pu r, a s the fi l m m a ker rem i n isces a bout a tee nage re lation s h i p . And for a cha l l enge, try settl i n g d own with someone from a com pletely d iffe re nt c u lture! The men in D I F­ F E R E N T S H A D ES OF P I N K h ave done j ust that, with resu lts as va ried as the men themselves . I n t h i s Austra l i a n docu menta ry, cross-c u lt u ral love is exa m i ned th rough the l ives of th ree Syd ney couples. Some people wi l l travel the world to fi nd love. Some have no choi ce . Whether h a p p i ly ma rried or th i n k i n g to yo u rself, " H ow do I brea k up with her/h i m ?" this progra m offers i n sights a nd enterta i n m ent for a l l .

video DISS OLVE d i r Stephen R e m i ngton 2002 U S A 1 5 m i n video PANGYAU dir Amir M u ha m mad 2002 M a laysia 13 min video in

Ma lay an d Cantonese with English subtitles DIFFERENT SHADES OF PINK d i rs Pak-Kin Ho

& Alexa nder Ku

Total R u n n i n g Time: 83 min

S i ng O ut

Friday June 20 1 :00 pm

Sunday June 1 5 2: 1 5 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (SING1 5C)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (SINC20C) Since You 've Been Gone offers encouragi ng

A h i storic n ig h t for q ueers of voice at the Castro ,

ways to dea l with the freq uent occ u rrence of

S I N G OUT is a co m p lete aud itory a n d visua l d e l i ght!

death (often p remature) with i n the q ueer com­ m u n ity. Rea l iz i ng the i m porta nce of grief, a n d

Q U E E R G R O U P I E is a wond erful docu men­

how it affords us life-affi rm i ng stre ngth , is a n i n h erent reward o f t h i s powerfu l progra m .

tary that features d ifferent q u eer m usicians from a va ri ety of ge n res. Pa rtnered with the deli ghtfu l

I S N 'T I T O B V I O U S? is a respectful memori­ a l to Gwen Ara uj o , the N ewa rk, Cal ifornia tra ns­

F LAS H G O R D O N : Q U EEN O F T H E U N IVE R S E a sen d-up of the classic fi l m as o n ly the Sa n

gender youth who was ruth l essly m u rdered by fou r men who d i scovered she was a n ato m ica l ly

Fra ncisco Gay M e n 's Chorus ca n del iver! F i nd out how the Castro Theatre's m i ghty Wurl itzer

male. LOS I N G LO I S is a n em oti o n a l i nside look at the tragic death of les b i a n po l ice offi cer Lo is

orga n brings us that fa b u l o u s m usic in O N E M A N BAN D : DAVI D H EGA RTY'S 25 YEA R S AT

Ma rrero of Ta m pa , Florid a , a nd a hea rtbrea k i n g


d e p i ct i o n o f h e r pa rtn er's batt l e t o o bta i n s pousa l be nefits . T h e fi l m a l so extols the need ' for both p u bl i c a n d private sector em ployers to

Di rector J ay R osenste i n 's a l l -out pleasura­ ble docume nta ry T H E AMASO N G C H O R U S :

recogn i ze domesti c pa rtners h i p l egislation . Awa rd-wi n n i n g d i rector Stacey Fo i les ca p­ tu res the esse nce of grieving a n d hea l i n g i n S I N C E YO U 'VE B E EN G O N E, a n homage to her late wife Lynd a . Applying fa m i ly video footage a n d d rea m - l i ke i m a ges, Foi les c h ro n i cles u n iver­

S I N G I N G O U T presents a Cha m pa ign , I l l i nois les b i a n chorus. This work explores issues of homopho b i a , co m m u n ity, a n d the need for per­ so nal expression . M eet the fo under of t h i s fa bu­ lous choir and lea rn a bout her struggles to become a q u eer activist a n d m usicia n , as wel l as her brushes with d i scri mi n ation and how she

sa l stages of grief. W H AT I LOVE A B O U T DY I N G :

rose from adversity to fo u n d such a revo l utionary

A T R I B U T E T O K R I S KOV I C K is a n ode t o the

a n d i n s p i rationa l-yet i n itia l ly rat her ragtag­

l ate reputa b le Kris Kovi ck, a loca l a uthor, story­

performance tro u pe . Soon se l l i n g out every per­ forma nce a n d then wi n n i n g a coveted G LAMA

te l l er, ca rtoo n ist, h u m orist, activist, me ntor, a n d gender- bender who d ied i n 200 1 after a battle with breast ca n cer. I nterviews with Kovick s how us the depths of her gratitude for l i fe, as we l l as givi ng us tools to d isa rm the fea r of dying.

(Gay a nd Les bia n American M usic Awa rd ) for their record ed m u s i c , the most i m press ive as pect rema i n s t h e i r bea utifu l vo i ces-lesbian a n d stra ight women-a l l fem i n ists joi ned a s si s­ ters , thriving i n the heartla n d .

AFTERSCHOOL DELIGHT d i r Eve Bregman 2003 USA 1 0 m i n


S i n ce Yo u've Been G o n e

2001 Australia 45 m i n

ISN'T IT OBVIOUS d i r M ichelle Prevost 2003 U S A 8 m i n video LOSING LOIS d i rs J u lie H i l l , Kathy R ichter,


Barbara Rosenthal

2001 USA 1 8 min video SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE... dir Stacey Foiles 2002 USA 30 m i n video WHAT



A TRIBUTE TO KRIS KOVICK d i r S i las Fli pper Howard 2003 USA

25 min video Tota l R u n n i n g Time: 81 min

QUEER GROUPIE d i r M a u reen Futtner 2003 USA 3 0 m i n video ONE MAN BAND: DAVID HEGARTY'S



ORGAN dir Pa u l Va n De Carr 2003 USA 7 min video FLASH GOR­ DON: QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE dir Bud Dil low 2002 USA 5 m i n

video AMASONG C H O R U S : S I NGING O U T d i r J a y Rosenstein 2002 USA 56 m i n video Total R u n n i n g Ti m e : 98 min

Co-Presented by New Leaf-Services for O u r Com m u n ity Sponsored by



S i rens of the 23rd Century

S poofe d !

Straight Out ( H r e i n og Be i n )

Monday June 16 9:00 pm Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (SIRE16C)

Friday June 27 6:00 pm

Sunday June 15 4:15 pm

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (SP0027H)

Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (STRA 15H)

S I R EN S OF T H E 23RD CENTU RY recreates a world where exaggerated fem i n i n ity is outlawed . No fas h ion; no make-u p; no s i l icone breasts; a n d no self-obsess i ng bea utification. A l l behav­ iors such as pl ucki ng, tweezing, and concea l i n g are ba n n ed-pun ishable by i m prison ment i n "fashion work ca m ps" o r death . T h e Facist a n d conservative Men's Pla in ness Advocacy has e l i m i nated a n cient bea uty, asserti ng that bea uti­ fu l women a re d is posa ble. So what's a g i rl to do? Ca l l i n the Beauty Renegades-the self-proclaim ed "victi ms of the 23rd century" who execute regu l a r gueri lla ra ids on thei r repressive govern ment. After a l l , "A l ife without skin ca re is not a l ife worth l ivi ng, " pro­ fesses Princess Helen, the na rrator a n d princi­ ple heroine who esca pes Troy (her a ppoi nted l over) o n l y to m eet l u stfu l D i a n n a , the Amazonian leader of the fem i n ist movement. Together they m ust contend with the ge nder­ bend ing a ntics of Dian na's sidekick Ga briel , the Renegade defector U l uth (who has stolen the Ha nger 5 1 sex fi les that jeopa rd ize the Pla i n ness Advocacy's regi me) , and even Dian na's own wea lth of over-the-top insecu rities that fuel th i s perverse, coming-of-age fantasy lived o u t in a colorful a n d bizarre pa ra l lel un iverse. Screen i ng before S I R ENS is T H E G I R L WITH T H E P EA R L SUSPEN D ED, a su rrea l ca r­ n iva l ride of love, lust and d rea ms.

If the gay M afia rea l ly d i d control Hollywood , this is what the med ia a nd enterta in ment industry m ight c h u rn out. Th is rol l icking col l ection la m­ poons a l l gen res-from i nfo m e rc i a l s to B m ovies; a nd from the nightly news to Satu rday morning ca rtoons. A you ng man stu mbles u pon a rath er gay i nfomercial wh i l e watc h i ng late- night TV in TA R­ G ET AU D I EN C E . Wh itewashed American media receives a ca m py critiq ue i n 6PM IN A M E R I CA. Dr. Winston a n d the loca l boys give a step-by­ ste p approach to mastu rbation in this pa rody of h igh school hea lth fi l m s from the 50s in M AS­ T U R BATI O N : PUTTI N G T H E F U N I NTO S ELF­ LOV I N G . Enjoy GAY PROPOGAN DA's q u eer ta ke on fa mous scenes from movies (ON G O L D E N P O N D , TH E B R EA K FAST C L U B , YO U N G F RA N K E N ST E I N , a n d more ! ) . M Y D I N N ER WITH OVITZ col l ides Coppola's G O D FATH E R headlong into t h e Va n ity Fa i r interview with M ichael "gay Mafia" Ovitz . When a wayward meteor crashes into her backya rd , Jan ice begi ns to q uestion her existence i n I WO KE U P! , a sch lock sci-fi ta keoff. We close the program with two odes to h u n ky guys in tights : T H E A M B I G U O U S LY GAY D U O a nd S U PER FAG a l l working hard to rid the world of " evil doers" a n d homophobia .

T H E G I R L WITH T H E PEARL SUSPENDED d i r Nata lija Vekic 2003

6PM IN AMERICA dir M a rk Kenneth Woods 2002 Canada 4 min

USA 18 min 1 6 m m SIRENS OF THE 23RD CENTURY* d i r Jenn ifer


M . Kroot 2003 USA 86 min video

J . T. Te pnapa 2002 USA 8 m i n video GAY PROPOGANDA d i r J .

* El igible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

d i r Steve Young 2002 USA 15 min video I WOKE UP! d i r Alex

-Dewey Schott TARGET AUDIENCE d i r David Kittredge 2002 USA 12 min 35mm

D . Disa lvatore 2002 U S A 2 0 m i n video M Y DINNER WITH OVITZ H i nton 2000 USA 6 min video THE AMBIGUOUSLY GAY DUO

This beautifu l ly crafted fi l m (a rec i pient of (; H orizons/Fra me l i ne F i l m & Video Com pletior Fund gra nt) ta kes us to I celand where n i n E cou rageous a n d articulate lesbian a nd gay youtr provide amazing com i ng-out testimonia ls. Witr com mendable ca ndor, the s u bjects reca l l their fi rst memories of fee l i ng exc l uded , d evelopin� self-hate, d iscovering sex, fi n d i n g other q u eers, attem pting su icide, experi menting with a lcoho and d rugs, dea l ing with thei r pa rents , and rea l­ izing their fi rst crushes and loves. Without a ny wh itewash ing, the youthfu l self-awa ren ess and wisdom is am azi ng. Co-d i rector G u n na rsdottir, wel l known i r t h e B a y Area for h e r work, retu rned t o her home­ land to close a cha pter on her own comi ng-oui expe rience twenty yea rs ago. " I n my youth therE was no open d ia log a bout homosexual ity. No'l Icela n d ic q u eers a re fu l ly protected by the la'l a nd can ma rry and d ivorce. Yet the kids WE s poke to su rprisi ngly descri be a l l the e motions I . remem ber as a 1 6 yea r ol d . " G u n na rsdotti r'� statement underscores that despite vast geo­ gra ph i c d i sta nce q u eers everywhere seem tc have s i m i lar experiences from which fa m i l ia r fee l i ngs resonate. ( I n addition, the h a u ntin� I celandic la ndsca pes and m usic a re s u re tc mesmerize!) BOYG I R L is a fi l m that add resses the d a i ly experience of fee l i ng d iffe rent. I nterviews witr people who fa ll in between the ge nder s pectru rr provide revelations a bout what it's l i ke to not fee 1 00 percent male or female. -Erica Marcus

BOYGIRL d i r Au rora R e i n h a rd 2002 Finland 1 2 m i n video i r

# 1 0-THE THIRD LEG OF JUSTICE dir J. J. Sedelmaier 2002 USA

F i n n ish w i t h English subtitles STRAIGHT OUT d i rs Hrafn h i i d u l

2 m i n video S U PERFAG dir Kurt Koehler 2002 USA 25 min video

G u n n a rsdottir & Thorva l d u r Kristinsson 2003 I celand 5 6 m i r video in Icelandic with Engl ish subtitles

Tota l R u n n i ng Ti me: 92 min

Co-Presented by MadCat Women's International F i l m Festival Sponsored by




Co-Presented by STO P AI DS Project:

Q Action

Tasty B its

THIS Obed ience

Tota l ly Sexy Loser

Friday June 27 8:15 pm

Saturday June 21 3:15 pm

Thursday June 2 6 9:00 pm

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (TAST27C)

Herbst $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (THIS21H)

Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9. 00 Gen (TOTA26C)

The succu lent characters i n t h i s Russian come­ dy a re smart, sexy, and skil led at repartee. Fil med in d igita l video, TASTY B ITS i s the first lesbian na rrative from the former Soviet U n ion . The fi l m focuses on the relationsh i p between J u l ia, a h i p rad io station 's creative d i rector, a n d Ta nya, a former stri pper. ( Lesbian identity is refres hi ngly not the s u bject of the fi l m-as J u lia, Ta nya , and thei r friends a re rea l istica l ly por­ trayed and provide an i nfectious h u nger for l ife . ) T h e two women meet a t a pa rty a n d con nect i n a n entirely pa l pa ble way. J u l ia , certa i n that the one-night sta nd is j ust that, is su rprised when Ta nya ca l ls in to J u l ia's radio progra m a n d , whi le on a i r, ma kes her w i l l i ngn ess a nd ava i l a b i lity known . Enter M icha i l , Ta nya's ex-boyfriend a n d small-time ga ngster, who i nforms J u l ia that Moscow's govern ment is trying to exert control over her rad io statio n . She ca n either watch this ha ppen or use her media savvy to prevent the hostile takeover. J u l ia i s then propel led i nto a screwba l l scheme to save the station . Vetera n actress J u lia M u ra nova , starring as J u lia, exud es a magnetic energy-her sultry voice is not o n ly effective for rad io broadcasting, but a lso in the voca ls she lends to "Whis key, " one of the fi l m 's signature songs. A l itera l former exotic da ncer, Ta nya Alyokh i na was s urprised to l a n d a lead role. Her debut performa nce as Ta nya , we hope, wi l l res ult i n futu re roles so we may see her aga i n .

An ita H i l l is back . . . Rev. An ita C. H i l l , that is-a lesbian ordai n ed pastor at a Luthera n congrega­ tion in St. Pa u l , M i n nesota . By asserting her committed relationsh i p is as much a part of her soul as the c h u rch itself, H i l l creates a national stir of ecclesiastica l propaga nda and ta kes a proverbia l lea p of fa ith that is TH IS O B EDI ENCE. Lovi ng, brave, a nd resol utely com m itted to chal­ lenging the Eva ngel ica l Luthera n C h u rch i n America 's ( E LCA) policy, H i l l advocates cha ng­ ing the church r u l e that req u i res a homosexual pastor be chaste yet affords a heterosexua l pas­ to r the privi lege of a spouse and fa mi ly. Replete with va rying perspectives, includ­ ing the o m n i p resent shenan iga n s of Rev. Fred Phel ps a n d h is " m i n istry" (who meet thei r match i n Soul Force-a su bgroup of activist Luthera ns devoted to nonviolent protest tra i n i ng) , the doc­ umentary visits the nationa l Assem bly a n d ca p­ tu res members as they passionately de bate the controversial E LCA pol icy. From sta unch tradi­ tional ists to you ng gay Lutherans who struggle to accept themselves to the former ECLA B ishop­ who ma kes a su rprising a bout-face on h is previ­ ous stand-seem i ngly everyone i s affected by Rev. H i l l 's personal and pu blic jou rney to ensure fa ithfu l sa me-gender relationsh i ps receive eq ual privileges. Can a "good " M us l i m have God and a lso be gay? What bel iefs, if a ny, m ust be forfeited? ACT OF FA ITH offers a timely reflection on how the Holy Ka ra n i nfluences today's gay M uslims.

Saturday June 28 9:45 pm Herbst $8.00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (TOTA28H)

TOTALLY S EXY LOS ER proves New York City is n ot the o n ly city for neurotic heroes who are sl ightly o bsessed with their relati onshi ps-Los Angeles runs a close second! It's true the hand­ some hero happens to be sl ightly self-i nvolved , a nd it's a lso true that everyone else is attractive a n d see m i ngly 29 years old . J e remy, having ended it with his previous 44 boyfri ends, is tired of being "the bad guy. " H is boyfriend C h i p is in love with h i m , and there­ fore com p l etely fa l l s a pa rt when J eremy attem pts to end thei r relationship . . . in a h i l a rious yet awkward post-coita l moment! J e remy q u ick­ ly rescinds h is words, but then fi nds hi mself torn between need i ng out and not wa nting to h u rt a nyone. As J e remy conti n u es to t h i n k of ways to brea k it off, he gets some unsuccessful hel p from a n array of fol k: a n ex-boyfriend , a smitten twenty-fou r-year-old barista , and a frustrated co­ worker. Reflecting on the relationshi p's begin­ ni ng, J e remy ponders the l i m its of love and asks h i mself the see m i ngly ever-present q uestion, Did that count as a date? Writer a n d d i rector J ason Schafer has cre­ ated a fi l m rese m bl i ng that bickeri ng cou ple on which you ca n't help eavesd ropping . . . some­ times u ncomforta ble, u n expected ly fu n ny, and ulti mately enterta in i ng. TOTALLY SEXY LOSER dir Jason Schafer 2003 USA 75 min video

-Erica Marcus ACT TASTY BITS d i r Sasha Valenti 2002 R ussia 105 m i n video in

R u ssian with English s u btitles





B ree


THIS OBEDIENCE d i rs Jamie A. Lee






Dawn M i kkelson 2002

Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

USA 86 m i n video

Eligible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

Sponsored by



Sponsored by



Castro Theatre 429 Castro ( between M a rket a n d


B u s l i nes: 24 Divisadero , 33 Stanya n , 35 E u reka , 37 Corbett

F M a rket streetcar

M u n i M etro l i nes : K, L, M, S (exit Castro stati o n )

BART riders transfer t o M u n i Metro at the Em barcadero, M o ntgomery, Powe l l , or Civic Center stations.

Parking: Everett M i d d l e School ( 1 71h between C h u rch and Sa n c h ez) ava i lable o n a first-come, fi rst-served basis; no i n -a nd-out privi leges. Lot c l oses 30 m i n utes after the end of the last scree n i ng. Fra m e l i n e is not responsi ble for cars left in the lot after c l osing. Opening Night June 12-Assisted pa rki ng $ 5 . 00 . Lot opens at 5 : 00 pm a n d closes sharply at 1 2 :30 a m . Monday through Wednesday-Lot c l osed Thursdays-Self-pa rki n g $2.00 per day. Lot opens at 2 : 00 p m . Fridays-Assisted pa rking $5.00 p e r day. Lot opens at 2 : 00 pm . Saturdays & Sundays-Assisted pa rki n g $ 7 . 00 per day. Lot opens at 1 1 : 00 a m .

Herbst Theatre Sa n Fran ci sco Wa r Mem orial a n d Perform i ng Arts Center, Vetera ns B u i l d i n g 40 1 Va n N ess ( between G rove a n d McAl l iste r) •

Food and beverages wi l l be ava i la b le from Patina Catering in the m a i n lobby prior to each scree n i ng

B u s l i n es : 5 Fulto n , 2 1 Hayes, 42 Downtown Loop , 47 Va n Ness, 49 Va n Ness- M i ssion

F M a rket streetcar

M u n i Metro l i n es : J, K, L, M , N, S (exit Va n Ness station)

B A RT: Civic Center station

Parking: Perform i ng Arts G a rage, 360 G rove (at Gough ) . Rates : $ 1 . 50-$ 1 5 . 00.

Festival Ticket Outlet Located at the Castro Theatre , 429 Castro ( between Ma rket and


B u si ness hours begi n n i n g May 30 ( M o n .-Fri . 2 : 00 pm-7 : 00 p m ; Sat.-S u n . noo n-7 : 00 p m ) Ava i la bl e services:

Wa l k-u p tic ket sa les

Festival mercha nd ise

Genera l Festiva l i nfo rmation

Will Ca l l desk

Fra m e l i ne m e m bers h i p i nfo rmation

Special Needs Fra m e l i ne is co mm itted to accommodating a u d ience mem bers with spec i a l need s , offe r i n g ea rly seat i ng to d i sa b led persons. P l ease make you rself known to the theater ho use man ager. A l l ve n u es a n wheelcha i r access i b l e . All theaters have hea ri n g ass ista nce devices.

Patron Courtesies W h i l e wa iti ng in l i n e , please be consid erate of our neigh bors and loca l busi nesses. A l l seats a re gen era l a d m ission, and m u lt i p l e-seat saving in the theaters is not perm itted . Please refra i n from wea ri n l perfu m es a n d other scented products s o t h a t attend ees with e nv i ron menta l sensitivities can comfort a bly enjoy the fi l m s . Th a n k you .



San FranCl·SCO·


jU�2003 ne











frameline.org/festival 925 .866 .9559

SCHEDU Saturday J u n e 1 4

Fri day J u n e 1 3

Th u rsday J u n e 1 2




1 1 :00 am

1 1 am

M o n day J u n e 1 6

S u n day J u n e 1 5





Fun i n Boys' Shorts F U N B 14C Noon

Noon Do Your Thang DOY0 1 5C 1 : 00 pm

1 pm

Growing Pains

1 : 30 p m

G ROW 1 3C

Fun i n G i rls' Shorts

2 pm

F U N G 14C

2 : 1 5 pm

3 pm

2 : 00 pm

2 : 00 pm

Dear Gabe/He's

Jesus Christ

S i n g Out

Having a Baby

Vampire H u nter

S I N G 1 5C

DEAR 1 5 H

J ES U 1 6C

3:30 pm Absolutely Activist Fabu lous

4 pm

4:00 pm

ABS0 1 3C -

5 pm


4: 1 5 pm

HO O K 1 4C

Straight Out

4:45 pm


STRA 1 5 H


4 : 1 5 pm Worldly Affairs



Two Women B ETW 1 5C 6 pm

6 : 00 pm

6:00 pm

The Mudge Boy

B l u e Gate Crossing

M U DG 1 3C

B LU E l4C 7 : 00 pm Yes N u rse!

7:30 pm 8 pm

6 : 3 0 pm

Laura's Paradise

The Education

SAVA 1 5 H

LAU R 1 6C

of Gore Vidal EDUC 1 6 H

No Nurse!

Die M o m m i e Die O P EN 1 2C

8: 1 5 pm


Yossi & Jagger

MAN K 1 3C

YOS S 1 4C

Wa l k i ng on Water

The Ferry B u i l d i n g 1 1 pm

WAL K 1 5C

1 0 : 1 5 pm

1 0 : 1 5 pm


Porno Theatre

Jesus Christ Vampire H u nter

PO R N 1 3C



9:00 pm

9 : 0 0 pm

Sirens of t h e

The P a t h t o Love

Won't She

23rd Century

PAT H 1 6 H


S I R E l6C

9:00 pm Wi l l She or

9:30 pm 1 0 :00 p m


YES N 1 5C

8 : 1 5 pm

Mango Kiss 9 pm

1 0 pm

6:30 pm

Savage Roses

6:30 pm

7 pm


M i d n ite

Mo nday J u n e 23

S u n day J u n e 22 CASTRO





Wednesday June 25

Tuesday J u n e 24 HERBST




1 1 am


Noon M a mas and Papas

1 pm


1 2 :30 pm The Opposite Sex: Rene's Story OPRE22H

2 pm

3 pm

4 pm

5 pm


2 : 1 5 pm

2 : 1 5 pm

Homo H o p

T h e Opposite

H O M 022C

Sex: Jamie's Story


1 :00 pm Cock & B u l l Story


4:00 p m Daughters

4:30 p m

4:30 p m

M i ssed

Animal Attraction




of the S u n DAUG23C

5 : 10 pm


People Like Us



6 pm

7 pm

6:30 p m

6 : 3 0 pm

Laugh i n g Matters

P i k i & Poko


P I K I 22 H


6:30 pm

6:30 pm


:30 p m


P h i la d e l p h i a

Ladies Get Down

Fight Back,


by t h e Bay

P H I L24C

Like That

Fight A I DS

LA D I 2 4H


9 : 00 pm

9:00 pm


8 pm

10 pm


9:00 pm

9:00 p m

9:00 pm

9:00 p m

R i se Above

Worldly Affairs

Close to Leo

A Bizarre

I ntentions

Boys G o t S p u n k


WO R L2 2 H


Love Triangle



B I ZA23 H -

11 pm

M i d n ite


6:30 pm

Brother Outsider


9 pm

6:00 pm 6:30 pm


Close-Up Fenton B a i ley & Randy Barbato

(Free Admission)

Thursday J u n e 1 9 CASTRO




Saturday June 2 1

Friday June 20






Noon Afternoon Delights AFTE2 1 C

1 :00 pm 1 :30 pm

1 : 00 pm

Wa l k i ng o n Water

Si nce You've Been Gone

And the B a n d


WAL K 1 8C

Played O n 2 :30 p m T h e Gift

3 : 00 pm

G I FT2 1 C

Pandemic 4:00 pm

4:00 pm

The Life a n d

Di ldo Diaries/

Times o f Count

Being H u man

Luchino Visconti

D I L D 1 9C

T H I S2 1 H

L l F E 1 8C


6 : 3 0 pm

6:30 pm


Get a Way

Butches, Bois



and Kings

6:30 pm

6:30 pm

Queer Documentary

Don't You Worry,

in Warti me

I t Wi l l Probably

QDOC 1 7 H



6 : 30 pm

6:00 p m

6 : 00 p m

& Sti l ettos

R o b i n 's Hood R OB I 1 8C


9:00 pm

9 : 00 pm



W H AT2 1 C

8:00 p m

8:00 p m

B u lgarian Lovers

My Life on Ice


MYLl 2 1 C


Love Forbidden

Ho YUk-Let's

TWI S 1 8 H

LOV E 1 9C

Love Hong Kong



1 0 : 00 p m


1 0.30 p m

Co k & B u l l Story

Susan Jane

Fri day J une 27



Saturday J un e 28



DOI L2 1 H -

Secondary H igh 1 0: 3 0 pm


7 : 45 p m D o I Love You?

9:45 pm


Gussied U p

SEC02 1 H



Thursday J u n e 26

B R I D2 1 H



SEXS 1 7 H


Happened to

J ucitan Queer

Gasol i n e

Sex, Sirens

5:30 p m The Bridge Game


8: 1 5 pm

9 : 00 pm

5:30 p m Whatever

of the S u n


9 : 00 pm

3:15 pm This Obedience





A N DT l 9C

9 : 00 pm

1 : 00 p m M a n ly M e n

S EX02 1 C

Sunday J u n e 29



1 1 am 1 1 :30 am Looney Lezzies




Fun in Boys' Shorts FU N B29C

1 pm

2 pm

1 : 30 pm

1 :30 p m

1 : 30 p m

Yes N u rse!

You ' l l Get Over I t

Put the Camera

No Nurse!


o n Me



2:00 pm 2 : 1 5 pm

Queer Parents

Fun i n G irls' Shorts

QPA R 2 8 H


3 pm 3 : 30 p m 4 pm

3 : 45 p m 4:00 pm

No Secret

School's Out

A B i zarre




Love Triangle 5 pm

6 : 30 pm

6 : 3 0 pm



6 : 00 pm

6 : 00 p m

6:00 pm

G a l lant G i r l s


You ' l l Get Over I t

Of M e n and Gods




O F M E28H

Each Other's Battles EDGE26H

9 : 00 pm TOTA26C

4:30 p m Close t o Leo

6 :00 pm

9:00 pm

7:30 pm

Prey f o r R o c k & R o l l

7:45 pm


Send M e

8:15 pm

8: 1 5 p m

Tasty Bits

Enter the Clowns

8:30 p m


Party Monster


F i l m O n l y P R EY29C

F i l m & Party CLOS29C

a n Angel S E N D28H


Tot a l ly Sexy Loser C h ick F l i cks -


10 pm

1 0 : 1 5 pm 1 0 :45 pm

1 1 pm

Dangerous Livi n g


Merci Docteur Rey_ The Edge of M E RC26C

8 pm

9 pm

4:00 pm


6 pm

7 pm


Dark Roots

Mango Souffle MANS27H

9:45 pm Tota l ly Sexy Loser



9:30 pm Closi n g N i ght Party


DAR K27C M id n ite




May 30 at noon




Regu lar Scre e n i ng

G enera l Pu blic Discou nt

$9.00 $8.00

Dai ly, 24-hour at www.framel ine.orglfestival

Monday-Friday, 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm; Saturday a n d S u nday, noon to 7:00 pm at the Festiva l Ticket Outlet located in the Castro Theatre, 429 Castro, in Sa n Francisco Wa lk-up

Monday-Saturday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at 925.866.9559 Phone

M atinee (screenings up to and i ncluding 5:00 pm) $6.00 Genera l Pu blic $ 5.00 Discou nt O p e n i ng N ight Film and Gala

G e n era l P u b l ic Discou nt

$ 1 00.00 $ 75.00

S p e c i a l Presentation Fax

Dai ly, 24-hour at 925. 866.9597


M a i l Ticket Order Form with payment to: S FI LG F F P. O. B ox 2229 Danvi l le, CA 94526-7229

Day of Show Tickets Only ava ila ble for purchase at the theater venue box office begi n n i ng 30 m i n­ utes prior to the fi rst screening of the day. Discou nts not ava i la ble. Cash on ly.

G enera l Public Discount

$ 1 5. 00 $10.00

C l os i ng N ight F i l m Only

G enera l P u b l ic Discount

$ 20.00 $ 1 5 .00

C l os i ng N ight F i l m a n d Party

G enera l P u blic Discou nt

$60.00 $50.00


Visa , MasterCard , and American Express ca rds are a ccepted . Personal checks and money orders a re a lso accepted on wa lk-up and mail orders on ly. Cash only on " Day of Show" tickets. TICKET D ELIVERY Via M a i l Tic kets and/or passes purchased o n l i n e o r b y phone, fax, or mail w i l l b e a utomatica l ly mai led with i n th ree busi ness days . Tickets wi l l be ma iled to the billing add ress listed on the Ticket Order Form , u n less an a lternate add ress or Will Ca ll o ption is selected . O rders received less than 10 days prior to the earl iest scree n i ng will a utomatical ly be placed at Wi l l Ca l l .

Located a t the Festiva l Ticket Outlet in the Castro Theatre begi n n i ng J u ne 2. All Wi l l Ca ll tickets may be picked u p d u ri ng busi­ ness hours at the Festival Ticket Outlet at least one day prior to the first screeni ng. Only the per­ son (s) l isted on the Ticket Order Form wi l l be a l lowed to pick up Will Ca ll tickets (va l id photo I D req u i red ) . P l ease a l low 7 2 hours from receipt of order for ticket processing. W i l l C a l l-Adva nce

Wi l l Cal l-Day of Screen i ng Avai la ble at each the­ ater ve n ue's W i l l Ca ll Desk begi n n i ng 30 m i n utes prior to the first screen i ng of the day. O n ly the person (s) listed on the Ticket Order Form will be a l lowed to pick up W i l l Ca ll tickets .(va lid photo I D req u i red ) .


Fra m e l i n e Mem bers When orderi ng, you m ust present you r members h i p ca rd or have you r n a m e a n d m e m bers h i p n u m ber ava i l a bl e . Li m ited t o two d iscou nt tickets p e r screen i ng. StudentslDisabled Persons/Seni ors (62+) When ordering, you m ust present a va lid photo I D ( proof of d iscount eligibility) . Send a photocopy of you r ID with your Ticket O rder Form when order­ ing by fax or mail. Lim ited to one d iscou nt ticket per screen i ng. THE F I N E P R I NT

A l l orders a re fi n a l . No refu nds, excha nges, s u b­ stitutions, or replacements. Fra meline a n d the S F I LG FF a re not responsi ble for lost, stolen, for­ gotten , or d a m aged tickets or passes, or a n y item m isd i rected by the Post Office. If a scree n i ng i s cancel led , tickets m ust b e retu rned t o t h e Festiva l Ticket Outlet with i n 72 hours o f the ca n­ cel led scree n i ng date. Processing fees a re non­ refu ndable. The process ing fee for online; fax, phone, or mail orders is $ 1 . 50 per ticket, with a maxi m u m fee of $5.00 per order. Passes repre­ sent m u lti ple tickets and wi l l be cha rged $5.00 per order. Returned checks a re s u bject to a $25.00 fee. Rejected cred iVdebit cards a re s u b­ ject to a $ 5.00 fee per rejection .


Who needs to make decisions i n adva nce when all you need is a Festival Pass? N o box-office l i nes to wa it in and no i nd ivid ual tickets to sort th rough . S i m plify a n d enjoy the Festiva l at you r own pace with a Gold Card , Castro Pass, or H erbst Pass. G o l d Card This pass ca n only be obtai ned i n a ppreciation for a Benefactor ($600) or Visiona ry ($ 1 200+) membersh i p . Gold Card hold ers have preferred entra nce i nto theaters a n d ca n use their pass for si ngle ad mission to ALL festiva l scree n i ngs regard less o f ven ue. F o r O pe n i ng a n d Closing N ight fi l ms, Benefactor, a n d Visiona ry M e m bers a re issued hard tickets to use rather tha n Gold Cards. Please contact our M e m bers h i p Dept. a t 4 1 5 . 703.8650 ext. 3 1 8 for fu rther infor­ m ation. Castro Pass $200.00 eac h . Al lows a d m ission to a l l Festiva l screenings at the Castro T heatre, except O pe n i ng a nd Closing n ights. Lim ited to two passes per buyer. H erbst Pass $ 1 00.00 each. Allows a d mission to a l l Festiva l screenings at the Herbst Theatre. Li m ited to two passes per buyer.

MORE INFORMAT ION S o l d out? Then RUSH it! If no more adva nce tick­ ets a re ava i l a ble, rush tickets w i l l be offered at each theater ven ue's box office a pproxi mately 1 0 m i n utes prior to the screening. T h e n u m ber of tickets ava i la ble is dependent on the n u m ber of u noccu pied seats. The R ush Line may start a ny­ where from 15 minutes to two hours prior to the screening. 24- H o u r Festiva l Hotl i n e and Web S ite For Festiva l i nformation, i nclud i ng conti n u a l ly u pdat­ ed scree n i ng i nformation , please ca ll the 24-hour Festiva l H otline at 925.866.9559 , or visit our Web site at www.fra meline.orglfestiva l .



JUNE 1 2-2 9 , 2003




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Castro Pass

@ $ 200.00



Herbst Pass

@ $ 100.00



Your tickets will automatically be mailed to the billing address listed above unless you select one of the options below. Orders received less than 1 0 days prior to the earliest screening purchased

Basic Membership

@ $ 45.00



will automatically be placed at Will Call-Advance, located at the Festival Ticket Outlet. On the

($1.50 per ticket,

day of the screening, your tickets may be picked up at the theater's Will Call desk.

only, and not charged for purchases made at the Festival Ticket Outlet)

Processing Fee



Donation (Tha nk You!)













Senior (62+)






I would like my tickets held at Will Call (photo ID req uired) .


I would like my tickets held at Will Call. However, I also authorize

up to $5.00 each order; not charged if membership payment


(printauthOril.ed person'snamel

to pick up my tickets at Will Cal l ( photo ID required). o

I would like my tickets mailed to the alternate address listed below.

Alternate Address







Wa l ki ng o n Water

Whatever Happened to Susan Jane?

Wednesday June 1 B 9:00 pm Herbst $B.OO Mem/$9. 00 Gen (TWIS1 BH)

Sunday June 1 5 9:30 pm Castro $B.OO Mem/$9. 00 Gen (WALK1 5C)

Saturday June 21 5:30 pm Castro $B.OO Mem/$9.00 Gen (WHA T21 C)

Ranging from the m i l d ly creepy to the down right

Wednesday June 1 B 1 :30 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen (WALK1BC)

a h ead of the l a st th i ng Andy Wa rhol d i d . "

maca bre, t h i s progra m 's i ma ges a re bo und to

-Bay Area Reporter

get u n d e r you r s k i n a n d l i nger-perh a ps even h a u nt yo ur d rea ms. When Max d iscovers a n old cowboy who

Austra l ian d i rector Tony Ayres' debut feature film WA LKI N G O N WAT E R begi ns where ma ny A I DS­

has a fetish for lad ies' shoes, he's i ntrigued

focused fi l ms typica l ly end . Gavi n is term i na l ly i l l

enough to fo l low h i m home in COM E N I G HT­

a n d h i s best fr i e n d s A n na a n d C h a r l i e (Austra l i a n lead actor Vi nce Colos i mo) wa nt to h e l p h i m d i e with d i gn ity. T h e i r plans dera i l ,

FALL. Two u n l i kely c h a racters-a midd le-aged obese m i l k man and a ski n ny, ho rny, teenaged

" S u perior to a n y J o h n Waters fi l m , and ten years

WHAT EV E R H A P P E N ED TO SUSAN JAN E turns d r i n k i n g a ge so we 're toasti ng the 2 1 st a n n iver­ sary of this "only in San Fra nci sco" truly und er­ gro u n d

"Ta l es o f t h e City" with a wild cast

boy-fi nd a preternatu ra l con nection i n T H E M I LKM A N . R A G ' N B O N E M A N i s a n other­

however, w h e n a morp h i n e overdose fa i l s t o k i l l

re u n i o n . T h i s ca m p class ic, directed by Festival fo u n d e r a n d pro m oter extraord i n a i re M a rc

h i m , lea d i ng a pa n i c ked C h a rl i e t o suffocate

H u esti s, fol l ows M a rcie Clark (Ann B l ock), a

world ly a n i mation depicting a n old m a n who

Gavi n with a p la stic bag. The tra u m atic experi­

polyester s u b u rba n housewife d issatisfied with

a l l eged ly preys o n ado lescent youths. By the way, that strange pi ece of clot h i ng i n the back of

ence u nfo lds in a ri p p l i n g effect fel t t h roughout

her bouffa nt-a nd-ba rbec ue lifestyle hot o n the tra i l of an old h igh school c h u m , Susan Jane

yo ur closet is trying to te l l you someth i ng, which yo u ' l l d i scover i n T H E D E L I C I O U S . A sta l ker

the fa m i ly: C h a r l i e i s h a u nted by the experience as h i s relati o ns h i p with F ra n k , h is boyfriend ,

S m ith ( Fra n cesca R osa ) . When s h e recon nects

flou nders . Anna becom es obsessed by self-con­

with Susan J a n e (now "Sujana " ) , Marc i e stu m­

h u nts her beloved prey in T H E D EV I L O N H E R M I N D . An Aleister C rowley i nca ntation d rives

trol-even d own to the s m a l lest deta i ls , such as whether or n ot ba by's breath should be i n c l uded

bles i nto the wild a n d wacky world of Sa n

B EASTB OY, w h i l e master and sl ave reverse ro les in M A N I P U LATO R .

with the roses on the casket. Gavin's mother,

Perha ps the m ost controversi a l , O B ED I ­ E N C E is a colon ia l-era got h i c story o f fa m i ly,

beca use of Anna's tight contro l . And Gavin's brother, S i m o n , is utterly s hattered a n d resorts to

gives herself over to the i ntoxicating wh irl of a

power, a n d torture. And in ESTR A N G ED, a lone­

havi ng an i l l icit affa i r.

wild pa rty featu ring Sa n Fra nc isco based ba nds

ly wo man l i v i ng i n a big house struggles to rega i n roma nce th rough a tel e p h o n e l i ne, but i nstead encou nters d e n i a l s a nd del usions.

yet l ittle senti menta l ity-Ayres' kee n eye u n s pa r­ i ngly sketches out the shadows Gavin's death

-Oewey Schott

casts on th ose who s u rvive and try to ca rry on

The col orfu l cast features ca meos by Sa n Fra n cisco C h ro n i c l e critic Edward G uth man n ,

their ord i n a ry l ives. B ut their i nvolvement with

R e n o , Coco Vega, the Angels o f Light, t h e Was p

COME NIG HTFALL d i r Abigail Severance 2002 USA 17 m i n

eac h other becom es i n d e l i bly cha nged i n ways

Wo m e n ,

both big a n d sm a l l as they struggle to ma p the

Tommy Pace. Fo l l owi ng t h e scree n i ng th ere wi l l

u n c h a rted territory of what it mea ns to grieve a n d l ive with l oss.

b e a S U SAN J A N E cast re u n ion a n d scri pt read­ i n g of the seq uel WHATEVER HAPPEN ED TO

WALKING O N WATER dir Tony Ayres 2001 Austra l i a 90 min

S U SAN J A N E 2 by stars Francesca Rosa , Anne B l ock, Lu l u , and other surprise guests.

1 6mm T H E MILKMAN d i r K e n Ta ka h a s h i 2002 Canada 8 m i n 16mm R A G 'N B O N E M A N d i r G regory George 2002 Australia 8 min video THE DELICIOUS dir Scott Pendergast 2002 USA 16 min video THE DEVIL O N HER MIND dir Annie Wright 2002

Ma rgaret, finds herself ba rely a b le to mourn

With gen u i n e e m pathy and q u i rky h u mor­

Holland 6 min video BEASTBOY d i r Scott Treleaven 2002 Canada 3 min video M AN I PULATOR d i r Wrik Mead 2002 Canada 4 min video OBEDIENCE dir David O ' B rien 2002 Canada 1 4 m i n video ESTRANGED dir Todd Downing 2002 U S A 1 3 min 35mm

Fra n c i sco bohemia c i rca 1980, re plete with wild d rag q u eens and gl itter, kooky a rtists, M o hawk h a i rdos, new wave slackers, and a pool of well­ known celebuta nts. She gets h igh a n d fina l ly

Tuxedo M oo n , N o h Mercy with Esmerelda, Ben B ossi of R o m eo Vo i d , a n d many others.

R od n ey P r i c e ,

Si lva n a

N ova , a n d

35mm El igible for the Levi's" First Feature Award

Tota l R u n n i ng lime: 89 m i n


USA 60 m i n 1 6 m m

Co-Presented by STOP A I DS Project: Queer Movie Night Sponsored by

Sponsored by Z E PHYR

• Sun microsystems We make the net work.



Wi l l S h e o r Won't She

Wo rl d ly Affa i rs

Yes N u rse! N o N u rse! (Ja Zuster, Nee Zuste r)

Sunday June 1 5 9:00 pm

Monday June 1 6 4: 1 5 pm

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (WIL L l 5H)

Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (WORL l 6C)

W I L L S H E O R WO N 'T S H E-the defin itive col­

Sunday June 22 9:00 pm

lection of h i l a rious and artful sa p p h i c sh orts that

Herbst $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (WORL22H)

Castro $8.00 Mem/$9.00 Gen (YESN1 5C)

pays tribute to that q uestion we've all asked o u r­ T h i s yea r's i nternati onal exped ition jet-sets the

selves at some po i nt . I n D I N G DO N G , a stra ight wo m a n with a

a u d i ence through the rocky M id d l e East, ma kes

sweet tooth is p leasa ntly surprised to meet her

a stopover i n South America , and then com­

secret ad m i rer. Ever wo nder a bout you r m i ssed

p l etes the jou rney with a tou r through three

opportu n ities? T H E DAY WE N EVER M ET looks

E u ropean cou ntries (all this and no jet lag! ) .

at the

d e c i s i o n s we

m a ke d u r i n g d efi n i n g



is a



moments, a n d how such decisions affect the

i n s p i red by a story of sepa ration as one ma n

rest o u r l ives . A you ng wo m a n gathers the

reca l l s meeti ng a nother man in a n a l l ey fifteen

cou rage to a d m it she has a crush in KAT I E

yea rs ea rl ier. Wh ile in the a l ley together, they

M CG R E EVY. Sue ca rries A B I T OF YOU as a

s h a red a p i ece of gum with a ha ndsome, yo u ng

J ewish les b i a n loo k i n g for love in a l l the wrong

c h ewi ng-g u m

ve n d o r.

dark and







places. A nood le-legged hero pl ucks d i stressed


fe m a l es out of their l a c k l u ster reg i m e n s in the

Pa lesti n i a n h ustl e r whose trick with a n Isra e l i

so m be r ta le o f a

hila rious


j o h n triggers violent and l i bi d i nous c h i ld hood

roma ntic comedy with a Fre n c h twist, STA R ­

m e mories. A gro u p of c h i ld hood fri e n d s reu n ite

C R O S S E D te l l s t h e ta le o f how Soph ie secretly

in a ba r, and as the l i q uor-ridden eve n i n g pro­

ta kes a job as an astrologer to woo her horo­

gresses, th i ngs get rather nasty i n F R I EN DS .

scope-obsessed co-worker. There is more to dog

Based on a true i nc i d e nt, a yo u n g boy on the

tra i n i ng then meets the eye in LEAVE I T! See

c u s p of consent a n swers a 30-year-o ld m a n 's

S L i C KS T E R

F I XT U R E .


what ha p p e n s between Trish a nd Kelly when

person a l a d , only to have the tryst d iscovered i n

Trish gets ca ught with her dog off- leash i n a city

P R EC I O U S M O M ENTS. The th u m pi n g tec h n o

park a nd

m us i c fades t o H a n d e l , w h i l e a m a n witnesses

is sentenced to d oggie obed ience

schoo l . Woof!

h i s lover d ee p-kiss i n g a nother man i n a n i ght­ c l u b i n T H E J U DAS K I S S . Mem ory a n d rea l ity

DING DONG dir Anne

T. Hanson 2002 USA 4 m i n video THE


m e rge in PA RAD ISCO, a gay m usical ( i s n't that

WE NEVER MET d i r Christy L. Williams 2002 USA 7 m i n video KATIE MCGREEVY dir Leslie Kralyo Satterfield 2002 USA 7 m i n

red u nda nt?) i n which the hopes of the 70s gener­

video A B I T OF YOU dir Jennifer Ma rkowitz 2002 Canada 2 1 m i n

ation are revived to the backdrop of a d i sco beat.

video SLiCKSTER FIXTURE d i r Lex Vaughn 2001 Canada 4 m i n

-Dewey Schott

Tota l R unning Ti me: 94 min

Thursday June 26 1 :30 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6.00 Gen (YESN26C) W ith the tri u m p h of C H I CA G O a n d M O U L I N R O U G E , Hol lywood has d ec l a red that the m u si­ ca l is back i n a big way! B ut Dutc h fi l m ma ker Pieter Kra mer hasn't been wa sting h i s time wait­ i ng to hear this news from u s . H e's been busy ma k i ng Y ES N U R S E! NO N U R S E ! , a del ightfu l D utch treat of a m usical homage to the 60s , Amsterd a m style! It's noth i ng l i ke those bloated H o l lywood

s pecta c u l a rs that ta ke

h o m e the

Oscars, b u t it s u re is fu n . N o other movie i n the Festiva l is goi ng to give you a B us by B e rkeley­ style title seq uence featuring n u rses i n stead of c horines . . . Or a n open i ng n u m ber that Variety d escri bed


". . .a

c ross



U M B R E L LAS OF C H ER B O U R G a n d S I N G I N G I N T H E RA I N i n i n s p i ration a nd poster-color look" a nd pra ised for its " l ightness" and " c heer­ .fu l c hees i n ess . . . that's j ust right . " And what could b e better t h a n a bleached­ blo nde

b u rg l a r with a


butt strutting

a ro u nd in h i s u nderwea r, si ngi ng an e n d ea ring love so ng-to h i s pet p igeon s! That sort of th i ng j ust co m es with the te rritory at N u rse Klivia's R est H o m e , where the resi d ents a re n 't neces­ sari ly old-they're j u st a l ittle d ifferent. The o n l y f l y i n t h e oi ntment i s a gru m py neigh bor w h o wa nts t o d rive Kl ivia a n d h e r za ny c h a rges out of

video STARCROSSED dir Lorene Machado 2003 U S A 22 m i n video LEAVE I T ! d i r Laura J e a n Cronin 2002 U S A 29 min 3Smm

Sunday June 15 7:00 pm


the i r house. But when an extremely gay h a i r­

2002 Lebanon 10 min video DIARY OF A MALE W H ORE dif Tawfik Abu Wael 2001 Palestine IS min video FRIENDS (AMIGOS) dir

d resser opens u p a shop across the street, the

Claudio del Valle Ojeda 1999 Chile 20 min 1 6 m m PRECIOUS M O M E NTS (FREMRAGENDE TIM ER) dirs Lars Daniel Krutzkoff

n e i g h bor

Jacobsen & J a n Dalc how 2002 Norway 17 m i n 3Smm THE

p l ot takes a n u m ber of q ueer twists a s both the and


n e i g h bo r h ood

beg i n


c ha nge . . .

JUDAS KISS dir Seamus Rea 2002 UK 1 2 min 3Smm PARADISCO

dir Stephane Ly-Cuong 2002 France 17 min 3Smm

YES NURSE! NO N U RSE! d i r Pieter Kramer 2002 Netherlands

104 min 3Smm in Dutch with English subtitles Total R un n i ng Time: 91 m i n

Special thanks to the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Los Angeles

Sponsored by


Spirit of Australia




Sponsored by


Yoss i & Jagger Saturday June 14 8:15 pm Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen ( YOSS14C)

Renowned gay Is raeli d i rector Eyta n Fox (TI M E O F F, F LO R EN T I N E, S O N G O F T H E S I R EN ) del ivers a touching portrayal of gay l ife i n the I sraeli a rmy. The love story between Yossi a nd Jagger, two officers stationed i n Israel's snowy northern border, revea ls the chal lenge of a bl ossom i ng yet closeted relationsh i p that is confi ned to a m i l itary environ ment. There's a backd rop of su rprisi ngly endea ring characters , each rep resenti ng a n aspect o f modern Isra e l i society ra ngi ng fro m the macho, hawk ish co m ma n d er to a yo u ng Buddhist foot soldier. Fox's d i rection rem a i ns fresh by presenting from the perspective of the two gay men who struggle with their desi re. They are conflicted having to meet the demands placed on them by both a homophobic i nstitu­ tion and by thei r fellow sold iers, for whose l ives they a re responsible. W h i le Israel has allowed gays to serve eq ua l ly in the m i l itary begi n n i ng in 1985, the fi l m i l l ustrates that issues relati ng to homopho­ bia-both i nstitutiona l a nd i nterna li zed-conti n­ ue to challenge despite a l most 20 years of lega l­ ized pol icy. This mi rrors the larger Israeli society in which the gay com m u n ity has made sign ifi­ ca nt legal adva n ces, but conti n ues to seek wide­ spread social cha nge . YOSS I & J AGG ER is a love story with a fa iry ta l e q u a l ity. I n turn sweet and sad , the fi lm por­ trays the extreme cond itions many face before the closet doors ca n open . . . and ca ptu res how fragi le two people d iscovering newfound honesty ca n be. -Oren S/ozberg YOSSI & JAGGER d i r Eyta n Fox 2002 Israel 71 m i n 35mm

Yo u ' l l Get Over It (Tu verras, �a te passera) Friday June 2 7 1:30 pm Castro $5.00 Mem/$6. 00 Gen ( YOUL27C) Saturday June 28 6:00 pm Castro $8. 00 Mem/$9.00 Gen ( YOUL28C)

The French have a s pecia l knack for portraying the real ities of sexua l awa ken i ng, and YO U ' L L G ET OVER I T is a pri me exa m ple. Prod uced for French televisio n , this affords a su rprisi ngly fra n k a n d candid story of o n e teenager's com i ng out. Vi ncent is an average h igh school boy, a good student, and a sta r swi mmer. With h is best friend Stephane a n d h i s bea utifu l gi rlfriend N oemie, h igh school l ife cou l d n 't be better for Vincent . . . u nt i l he meets Benja m i n . Vince nt keeps crossi ng paths with the new student, until the two fin a l ly have a private moment. The next day, Vincent's idyl lic l ife begins to cru m ble when the school is va ndalized with graffiti labeling h i m a "fag. " As the people in his l ife respond to the news Vi ncent faces the i n herent cha l l enge of adap i ng to life as a gay you ng ma n . YO U ' LL G ET OVER IT ta kes a d i rect a n d com passionate look at V i ncent's struggle. And newcomer J u lien Bau mga rtner bri ngs a q u iet sensitivity to the role of Vi ncent, rem i n iscent 0\ the torn yet sym pa­ thetic cha racter played by a you ng H ugh G ra nt in MAU R I CE. What ma kes the fi l m u n ique is its consider­ ation of how Vincent's l ife affects his friends and fa m i ly, as it touchingly portrays how they strug­ gle with understa nd i ng h i m . Li ke EDG E OF S EV­ ENTEEN, YO U ' LL G ET OV ER IT delves i nto the u n iversa l experiences of coming o ut, making it easier for futu re generations. One thing is for sure-America n tel evision won 't be showing a nyth i ng remotely l i ke it a nytime soon.


YOU'LL GET OVER IT d i r Fabrice Cazeneuve 2002 France 8 6 m i n

35mm i n French with English subtitles

Co-Presented by LG BT Allia n ce Jewish Com m u n ity Federation Special thanks to the Consulate General of Israel Sponsored by

Sponsored by




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A u d i e n ee F a vo r i te Da m ro n LG BT trave l g u i d es h ave bee n t h e sta rs of g ay t rave l si n ce 1 9 65 ! . Pa cked w i t h t h o u sa n d s of l i st i n g s, p l u s a d eta i l ed ca l e n d a r secti o n . To n s of fi l m festiva l s i n t h e U S , Ca n a d a a n d E u rope­ t h o u g h Fra m e l i n e's w i l l a l ways be o u r fave !

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ACKNOW-...Ca roline


Renaye Ac uFi a-Gui lartes

Don Adams

al thank you

Jon Gerrans

Keri Levy

R ich Oppen heim

I a n Stallings

Allen G i les

Curtis Lewa l len

Dean Otto

Susan Sternau

Amy An ner

M i kal Gi lmore

Carrie Lozano

Mark Page

Superstar Video

Al ison Austin

Stephanie G i nger

Ken Lum naokrut

Steve Parker

Ernestine Taya bas-Kim

Babylon B u rning

Eliza beth Glaze

M i ke Lynch

Nathalie Peterson

Pa u l Thurston

Sonia Banerji

Taro Goto

Darryl MacDonald

Marco Place

Lewis Tice

Bill Bann ing

Steve Gravestock

Denise Macias

J a n is Plotkin


Patrick Batt

Elizabeth Green

Jorge M a u mer

Jason Plourde

Laura Torell

Bay Area Video Coalition

Stephen G u ttwi llig

B i l l McLeod

Joa chim Post

Basil Tsiokos

The B ig Picture AudioNisual Services

Martine H a b i b

Erin J. McLeod

J u a n R a m i rez

Tricia Tuttle

Joe B i lancio

J effrey Harding

Merchants of Upper Market

Ad ria B l u m

Stephen Harpster

Preeti AK Mistry

& Castro

Jen Rau

U n der One Roof

Sarah Rosedale

Cheryl Valenzuela John Vanco

Pa ul Bollwinkel

H i l a ry Hart

Anita Monga

Hal Rowland

Joe Bonasera

David Ha rtenstein

Carmen Morrison

Lisa R u ben

Natalija Vekic

John Bott

Hel ler Ehrman Attorneys

Kathleen M u l l e n

San Francisco Cinematheque

M a rc Virga

Ellis A. Breaux

Doug H i lsinger

Barry M u niz

San Francisco jewish Film Festival

Jack Walsh

Brickley Co m m u n ications

Evelyn H u

National Al l iance for M e d i a Arts

Steven Saylor

Carl Weichert

M ichael B rown

Marcus H u

Christian Bruno

I ndependent Television Service

and C u lture ( N A M AC) National Asian American

Kirsten Schaeffer

Darlene Weide

Alicia Schmidt

Fresh White Stacy Wisnia

California Newsreel


Teleco m m u n ications

Karin Shaw

Vincent Calvarese

Peter Jacobson

Association ( NAATA)

Sean Shod a h l

M ichael Wolford

Den nis Conroy

JC Decaux Sa n Francisco

Kathy Nelsen

Gail Silva

Jason Walas Women M a ke Movies

Carol Coombes

Lee Jewell

Eri k N i lsen

Maryann Simpson

Lesley Coates

Kris Joh nson

Kel l i e Nixon

J i m Sm ith

Eddie Wong

Blase DiStefano

Shan non Kelly

Scott Noble

KC S m ith

Ali Woolwich

Lawrence Ferber

Karen Kircher

J e n n ifer Norris

Soiree Parking Service

C h i - h u i Yang

Steve Ferrario

Kat Lam

Rodney O'Neil Austin

R ick Solomon

Amy Yunis

Film Arts Foundation

P h i l i p Lane

Gary Olive

Tom Spear

Joseph Flores

Ma rla Leech

Steve Oliver

Carl Spence

Mark Ganter

Christopher Lee

Pa u l Olson

Debra Sl. J oh n

BROUGHT TO YOU IN PART BY FRAMELINE With a grant from the HorizonslFrameline Film

& Video Completion Fund,

Joan E. Biren's documentary NO SECRET ANYMORE: THE TIMES OF DEL MARTIN AND PHYLLIS LYON is now part of this year's Festival.

1 990, the HorizonslFrameline Film & Video Completion Fund $1 1 5,000 to more than 80 projects in the final stages of production,

Since its creation in has awarded over

making it possible for queer filmmakers to bring their vision and artistry to audiences here and around the world. Look for these other

2002 Completion Fund-supported works in this year's Festival program: HREIN OG BEING (TAKE ME AS I AM) BUTCH MYSTIQUE RISE ABOVE: THE TRIBE



The Com p l etion F u nd i s made poss i b l e by the Gay a n d Les b i a n F u nd for t h e Redwood E m p i re at the H orizons Fou n d at i on and by Frame l i n e donors. Fra me l i ne l ooks forward to cont i n u i ng to su pport more works by, for, and a bout our com m u n ities a n d �o doi ng our part to keep the wor l d 's movie a n d t e l evision screens fi l l ed with q ueer content. For gu idel i nes and a n a p p l ication , or to donate to t h e Horizons/Fra me l i n e F i l m & Video Com pletion F u n d , contact Framel i n e a t 4 1 5 . 703 .8650 o r v i s i t www.fra mel i ne .org.



DONO Listing as o f April 9, 2003

Visionary Producer The R . Gwi n Fol l is Fou ndation Stua rt Ha rrison & David R i ng

Visionary Director Anonymous ( 2) M i ke Berg & B i l l Dickey Catherine B ra n n iga n Robert D. Dockendorff M ichael Katz & Lawton Allenby James A. Mci ntosh Ti mothy Ted rick Eric Trefe l ner & Pa u l Perkovic

Visionary Star Alvin H . Ba u m , J r. Ray Cha nce & J i m Tus h i nski J ody Cole Pam David & Cheryl Laza r Tim Eicher & J eff Eubanks Gary G rossma n , P h . D . & Matt Da h l berg Jod i J oh nson M ichael Koss man loze n , s pyke & gracie Scott M ontgomery & M a rc Rand Dana M orse & Anne Madden John Schlesi nger Allen A . Sch u h Mark Street Mark Tada & David H a rbert Floyd Thom pson Hoa Tran & J effrey N e benza h l Richard West

Visionary Anonymous Ti mothy John Arbogast & John Anthony Flores John W. Bare & Ignati us B a u Ada m Berma n J u l ie Bertucce l l i Cathy L. Blessum & J oa n E. Loeffler John G. Bors, M . D. Ky J . Boyd & M ichael O ' Rand Thomas B rock M ichelle B rodie & Susan Ba rnes M a rcia B rown & La u ra Mora n Tom B rutting & Ed York, J r. Pete B u l la rd & And rew Ogus Geri B u m ba lough Tom B u rke & Axel Bru nger John David Calaway & O lof C .J . Ha nsen Rick Ca m pbel l


Kevin Ca rave l lo & Peter Renteria David A.T. Castro Ti mothy M . Cava na ugh Ann Mei Chang & Jenn ifer Krauel N a n cy Choate M ichael Ch ristman Lisa C h u n & Esther Lee Ron Claveloux Jay Cohen Co-O perative Clea n ing Com pa ny Vicki Cra mer & Lin Gentry D u a n e Cra mer John C u m m i ngs & Tom Heck I rene & Regina Dick-End rizzi Tom D i M a ria Dya n D reisba c h , M . D . P a u l D u nk l ey & Kerry M itchell And rew D u n n & Doug S h i mosa ka M i lton Estes El iza beth Fa l kner & Sabri na R iddle M i ke Fa n ni n g & M ichael A. Ch ristma n Lele & Rachel Field Da ryl Fox & N ick Englebert D r. N a n ette G a rtrell & Dr. Dee Mosbacher Vivien Gay, The Isosceles G ro u p Steven Gere & Mariana Almeida Nik A . Gervae Kurt G esel bra cht & Francisco G uevara Den ise G lover & LeaAnn Kjome J e rome Goldstein & Thomas Taylor Da n G reening & Ron Lussier J a ne H a m bleton & Shawn Lovel l Linda H a rrison & Ellen Anderson J a mes C. H ormel & Ti mothy C . Wu Ben H u & Dan Dyer Suza n n e Israel Robert J a q ues & Donna Jaq u es Martha J i menez & Ama nda Nava rro Eva n Kava nagh & And rew H a rkins J o h n Kil lacky & Larry Con nolly J effrey Kno l l m i l l e r & And rew H a rker J essica Koeppel Kim Kreis & Don na Sta pleton R ic h a r.d A. La Cava , Attorney at Law M a u ricio Leon . Wendy Levy & Kerry H effernan David Lincoln King & Ti mothy Stevenson Elai n e Lissner G len Math ison & Zoel Fages Debora h Montesi nos Alfred Moser & Emily M oser Sh igeo Na kata n i & B ri a n G i pson M issy N ery & M i rna R ivera Robert N ewbold Da n iel N icoletta & M ichael Pi nate l l i J r. Dave O ppen heim & Ray S pea rs Fra n Perru l l i


Ti m Portwood & J i m La u ber Randolph Quebec G reg Rasa lan M a rk G. Reisba u m M a rk Reisman M . D. G era ld R ichardson Charlie R id lon & R ick Os mon San d i p Roy Law Offices of Linda M. Sca pa rotti Steven E. Sch m i d ba uer & M a rtin P. H errick G ra h a m Sch neider M ichael Nathan Sebastian & R ick D i n i ha n i a n M ichael S h a p i ro Sa m Si rko & Lou Smith Richard Ski d more & M a rk Pierce Bob Skinkle & Fel ix Vega J o h n Small R ick Solomon & Steven Saylor Kath ryn Stebner & J u l i e Davis The Art of Gary Stutler (www.ga rystutler.com) S usan Stryker Kath leen Taggart & Cynthia Kea r Dona ld Tarver, M . D . & Ray Ferrer And rew Thom pson B i l ly Tom pkins & Dan Steves Sheryl Tra u m & Neo Coll ett Steven A. Va nce M a rtin Venezky M a rc Vi rga & M ichael Westerfield R udd & Gera rd Wa lter-Ca naday Paul Weintra u b & Ray Szczesny Stephen Wereb Alexander Wh ite & G reg Sa ntee R usse l l Wil liams & D r. David Schaefer M ichael J. Wittgen & Jon A. Leitner William J. Woods Soher Youssef

Benefactor 路 Anonymous (3) J a mes Abbed uto & John Butts La rry Ackerma n M itch Altma n M ichael Arma n i n i Tom Atkins H e n ry S . B a i rd & R aymond L. H a rbort Dr. C .J . Bannoch ie & David Key R ichard Ba rgetto Ken n eth W. Ba rnes & John H . Du cote Roy Bateman J a m es L. Boha nnon Victor Bonfi l io J osh Bottfel d Peter B ray Ell iott B rown

R ichard Brown & Chris N ordstrum B ria n C . B u rr Robert M . Byhre Claudia Ca rasso & G retchen Thomas Da m ia n S. Ca rm ichael Debra Carmona & Susa n Z i m belman Edwi n Charlebois William Chil es Chri s Choy & Sha u n Rowley Robert Cohen Tom L. Donela n Cynthia G . D u n n Ja mes N . Dyvad Suza n ne Eisen h ut Dan iel Ernster Pa mela Erwin & Susa n U nger Ala n Fa rley & R i cardo Lasquete J oseph W. Fera Steve Ferra rio A. Foland M a rk Forester Kathy Foster & Suza n n e Joh nson J i m French M a rty Fung & M ichael H ughes Allan Gala nter & Cal Dom i ngue Calvin G i pson Robert J . G ra h a m Martine H a b i b & H i lary H a rt Steve C la rk H a l l Andrew H a n ushevsky Frederick C. H e rtz & R a ndol ph La nge n bach J o h n M. H la d ky & Lee M. J o h nson Ra ndy Hol leschau & J eff Joh nson Martha Hoopes Ernest C. Hopkins Eric Hsu & J i m Cham bers J eff lori l lo Dave Jacobs Christopher Joh nson Cec i l ia J oyce Kris Kad i n Debra Kent Pa u l Knudsen & Ti m Etheridge Keely L. Kol mes Robert L. Ku h n Gera ld La Buda & D a n i e l H ea ly B rent K. Lok & J oel Wade French Lu l u N o l a n Madson C h ris Mancini R icardo M a rti nez R i cha rd Mazza risi Patrick M cCa be Lisa McCa l ly Cathy A. M cGoff Stephen R . McNeil & Bria n Mai l m a n Kate Meiss & Beth Steckler

Roger M i ller Robert M ison Joe M orris Ta nya Neiman & B rett M a ngels J o h n N ewmeyer Chas Nol N ick N ussba u m J o h n C . Osborne & A b e G . Doherty Margue rite Pa kozd i & Amy Toder Steve Pa rker Benj a m i n Patterson J oel T. Perlste i n Mark C . Peters M ichael P h i l l i ps J a n Probst & Ka ren Wel ls Douglas Rayner Ernest Patrick Rod riguez Elan Rosenq u ist Cheryl Rosenth a l & Sue Li bby J oe Rosentha l J a mes Rowley J udy Sch u ltz & G lenna Dow l i ng Terri L. Sch u pa k David Schwa b & M ichael De Marco Stacey Scu l l M . Eugene S igler Patrick T. Sm ith & Bart Vis Ken ny Sontheim Kevin A. Soriano & M ichael D . Mathews Gary Suto J a mes Torbett Thad Trela And rew Utiger Winston Va ugh a n Ol iver Vogel Kel ly W i l k i n son & Ed ith Peck Dona ld Wilson J a n et Wright David Yo ung & Donald B i rd Sa m uel You ng Edward Yu Dawn Zemo & Ste p h a n i e A. Stehl ing Ron Zuckerman

Patron Anonymous (4) J oel Alegria & J a mes Donaher Robert M. Anderson & Kyong S h i k Eom Merri Ba ldwi n & J a ne S h i rcl iff Roland Brun ner Raymond Cannon & J o h n S u l l iva n Dr. Calvin Chou & Dr. C ra ig Kliger G regory Cli nton & G regory Morris Cappy Coates & Veronica Selver Roddy Creedon B rad Crowel l & Gary Koehler

Mary Fra nces C u l na ne & J a n Wison Arvada Darnell & C heryl P i ke G lenn E. Davis & J a mes H . Ta kagi G regg De Meza & Colton Weeks Ca lvi n Doucet Noreen D u n leavy & Eri ka Peterk i n M ichael Eh renzwe ig & Wayne Sa lazar J effrey Fraenkel & Ala n Mark Marsha G a l e & Liz Hoad ley Pa u l Eva n G ross Wayne Hazza rd & E. Eastman Stuart H i l ls & Kent J ue Kirk H i n m a n & Ramon Santos Pa ul E. Hocker & Casey Caston David J a c kson M ichael J e n n is & M ichael Butler Robert Kevess Kim Kla usner John S. Kruse & Gary Beuschel David Law & Ken n eth Si nger Peter L. Lu n ny & J oh n L. Li pp Barry Lynch & Den n is B l a nchard M a rk A. M a rrow & Pat D ixon Keith Martinsen & Edward Gama Pat M. M i l ler & J a c k Tsoodol Sa ra h M urray & Ron i Robertson N icole N e u m a rker & G i na Baldi Robert L. Owen M . D . & George Wu J a n Pardoe & Cathy M c i ntosh B i l l ie Parker & M a u ry Cooper S i mon Pitchford & J i m M u nson Carrie Portis & Na ncy Rya n J a n ice Puig & J e n n ifer Phan Kori Rae & Darla Anderson Roger J . R itla nd & Thomas Ossen beck Kris Rockwel l & La ura Touw Em i ly Rosen berg & Darlene De M a n i ncor Ba rry Sch m e l l & J oseph Costa Xander Sha pi ro & Kurt Bedell M .T. Si lvia Sta n ley Sim & Marcel la B arron Daniel K. Sla ughter & Stephan J . B lachowski Arth u r Slepia n & Gerry Llamado Larry Steele & Cra ig M ayer Susan Ta ka lo & G lynis Ta kalo Ka ren Tri levsky & Patti Chang Ca m i l la Whyte M ichael Wimer & Robert Hotz Stephen Young & Peter C u l li n a n

Supporter Anonymous Donald E. Ba ker J eremy D. Barca n Dottie Ba rrett Ames Dan Bartley WWW. FRAM ELl N E. O RG/FESTIVAL


DONORS Supporter Con Michael S. Beekman Judith Berkowitz & Sheryl Connell Glen Brooks John F. Brown A my Brown Lawrence C arbary M ark


C armody

Sue C aswell R oderic W. C athcart Humph rey C han Trish C hapman Brian C h eu Michael S. C lune Dion F. C oakley Kevin T. C rilly C arole S. C u l l u m & Kathy Brehm A nna Damiani G. E arl Darny C arol Dawson R ose Donna Di M eo A rthur Dong A ddison Dowling, J r. J o h n T. Drakulich Sharon Dulberg & IIana Drummond J ay Elliott Margaret Ellison Tim Fincham Lou Fischer A ndrew Freeman Yukiko Gillen Marilyn Goldberg & Linda R ostoker Brendalynn Goodall A dan Griego Henry J . Gutierrez E dward Haheg Darin Hieb Lisa Hoffman Tom Hofmaenner C u rt Holzinger Genevieve Howe & Bev Wells Thom H u ebner IIyas IIiya A lex Ingersoll & David Stein Tony Jasinski Steven Jenkins Deyon Jonson S. J. Kahn Petyr Kane Lawrence R . Katzin Jude Kaye & Diana Gray Judith Keenan L awrence Kim

Justin Lo uie & R oberto O rdenana A ndrew Mann C h arlie Marshall Patricia McGarvey Peter R . McGrath Catherine M c Kenzie David M erkel J oan M esker Bobby Miller & Scott McC abe Michael M ills Mark M o lina Todd M o rris Kathy Nelsen Michael L . Newman David Novak J o h n-M ichael O lexy Jay Powell & Brian Sloan Keith Pugliese Isen Nancy Pu rcell R on R anum E l don R eam Th omas R egez Hector R eyes C olleen R o binson E ric R ofes R obert S. R osborough Mich ael D. Ryan A my Ryken & Holly Senn James Sandberg Margaret Schadler Donald Scherl Michael Serup Gregory Neil Shapiro Phil Siegel Gail Silva William L onon Smith R andall Soloman & Joseph Mallett Nancy Suib & Karen Sundheim Steve Sullivan Nancy Su tley Dianne Terp R alph Thomas Donn J . Thompson Pau l Th u rston Steven Tierney Tim Tune Kim VanSlykem, Fun Girl Films Greg Vierra Peter Washburn & R od Brown Sheryll White Scott Whitsett & Ted Glaza J o h n B. Williams R on Williams

A my V. Kindrick

H ank Wilson

Nina M . Kiniery

Steven Wolfe, Sneak Preview Entertainment

R on Kisling Vivian Kleiman & Reyna Cowan John E . Kolb Karen Larsen

Joseph Wong Garrett Wun Mark A. Ziering Mike Zimmerman

David M . Lawless Kath leen L iparini





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J e n n ifer Col l i n s

D e b b i e Gross

Shirley Liu

Sean O'Connor

Rebecca Seal

Kevin Afuso

Lisa Congdon

Angela Hackensch midt

Heidi Lloyd

Alan Oakley

Leslie Shane

M ichelle Aguirre

Steven Conley

Patricia Hageny

Pa u l Loida

Natashia Ogletree

R ichard Sherwin

Yasmin Ahmed

Benja min Connelly

M a rk Hall

Kay Lombardini

John Osborne

Lillian S h i i ba M ichael Sh ugert

Alex Alexander

Nancy Connolly

Ellen H a rris

David London

Patricia Ovando

J en n ifer Allen

Edana Contreras

Leslie H a rris

Gene London

Tonte Owens

Rebecca Si brack

Lani Ala

Liz Conway

Sheryl H a rris

Victoria Long

Gil bert Pacaldo

Shel ley Sim pson

John Amodio

Ronald Corley

Dona ld Hawkey

William Long

Merijann Pakistan

Craig S i u l i nski

B i l l Anderson

Ma nuel Correia

Melissa Hawkins

Missy Longshore

N icholas Pa n nozzo

Trina Siabiak

Eri k Anderson

John Cox

Alison Hawthorn

Doug Lonstein

Ta nia Parsley

Tom Smallwood Anna Smeby

lolanda Antunes

And rew Cruz

S h a n i Heckman

Pa u l Loper

Todd Paulsen

Erica Anzalone

Arnel Cruz

Steven Heitman

Robert Lowe

Celeste Pearl

Latonya S m ith

M ichael Aparicio

Paul Culpepper

Lisa Herbiner

Courteney Lunt

C h ristine Peterson

Sabrina Sm ith Scott S m ith

Ray Apodaca

Rina Czapszys

M itc hell Herri ngton

Cybele Lyle

Mo Phalon

N ick Aq u i l i n o

Wanda Dabkoska

Amata Hetmanek

Deb Lyman

Raymond Phathananirongoon

Suzi S m ith

J a i me Aragon

Mattheus Da hlberg

Alice Heyneman

Kathy Ma

Kim Pierce

Irena Solomon

M ichael Arsenault

N i cole David

Da n ielle H idalgo

Ruben Macias

Susan Pleck

Debbie Sommer

M ichael Ashworth

Lauren Davidson

Romy Hoffman

Martin Macor

Kristine Poggioli

Ken Sperandio

Glen Baird

M i kel Delgado

Todd Holland

Eri n Magee

Kyle Pollock

Amanda Staab

Marianne Balfe

Joa n na DeLucia

Benji Holman

R uth Mahaney

Stephanie Portman

Nadia Stanis

Alyssa Ban ner

M i ke Denison

Vashti Holt

David Mahon

Shana Prechtl

John Stanley

Steve Bauer

Jackie Dennis

Saydeah Howard

Sona l i Maitra

Alexia Prichard

Frida Stein

Robert Beatty

Joh n Den ni s

Yetta Howard

Christy Ma ldonado

Thomas Pyun

David Stevenson

Lee Beckstead

Ma ria DePalma

Patrick H u a ng

Luis Mamayson

Seeley Quest

Joey Stevenson B i l l Stewart

Peter Bejger

Maggie Diaz-Monroy

Jeff H u nter

Beck Man kowski

J a net Quezada

Jacque l i ne Belanger

Karen Dietrich

H ugh H uynh

Leah M a n n i ng

Christina Quintana

Paul Stewart

Barak Ben-Gal

Sharon D i n ki n

M ia Hwang

Bob Marko

Sarah Raab

Sheri Storey

Jaiya Ben-Yuh m i n

D J Gray

Rea Inglesis

Buzz Martin

Kaiya R a i n bolt

Jon Stuber

Holly Benedict

M a rtin Dooley

Lissa Ivy

Christina Martinez

Ken Ra lston

David Stueve

Jeremy Bergtholdt

Mel issa Dougherty

Alyssa Izen

Stacey Massignan

J u l ie R a m i rez

Catherine Stu pa r

Da phne Berkovits

Angela Drury

Angel Jade

Shawn Matloob

Val R a m i rez

Bob S u l l ivan

Melissa Berman

Thomas Duffy

Virginia Jay

Paul Matzner

Susan Ramsey

Terese Tatum Timothy Tedrick

Larry B iando

Sarah Dunham

Tony Jenkins

Lynn Mcintire

Emma Ramstad

J eff Biegen

Christopher D u ra n

T h i a J e n n i ngs

Shari McKoy

Masha Rasko l n i kov

John-Christopher Thomas

Ca ro l i n e B i rd

Jean DuSablon

Con nie Jeu ng- M i l l s

Robert McLoud

Jen Rau

Jomo Thorne

R ich B l u m berg

Shaun a Eastberg

Amy Joh nson

Ton ique M c N a i r

L i s a Raymond

Pa u l T h u rston

M a u reen Bogues

Evadne Edwards

J u lie Joh nson

Sarah Meadows

Jea nette Reiff

Chavonny Tillotson

Douglas Bondick

Vince Errico

Kazia J oh nson

Sasha Merritt

Hyde Revilla

Nicole Toms

Jyoti Bowen

Howard Evans

Wenohna Joy

Steven M iddleton

Sarah Rezny

Cheri Tsai

Sadie Bowman

Avner Even-Zohar

Kathleen Joyce

Michael M i lazzo

Fred R i m an do

Keren Ts ur

Ronald Bozek

Su Evers

R ick Kappra

Ta h l M i l b u rn

M a u ra R iordan

Sativa Turner

Jackie Brady

AI Fei n

Hel isa Katz

Amanda M i ller

Joha n n R i pfel

Maya Tuttle

Larry Bragg

Bonnie Feinberg

Jeffrey Kawai

Nicole M i l l er

A n d re R ispler

Ta kaz u m i U e m u ra Kristina U n derdal

Yael Braha

Dia Felix

Babe Kawaii-Bogue

Anna M il l s

Natha n Robinson

Tara Brandel

Taddy Fick

Kerry Kay

Hae M i n

Fran Roccaforte

Martha Valentine

Catherine B ra n n iga n

B rett Fisher

J e n n ifer Kelley

Greta Miskatel

Greg Rodehau

Cheryl Valenzuela

Alex Bratkievich

Christina Fisher

Lily Khadjavi

Stephanie M itchell

Elise Rodman

Heidi Van De Wege

M ichelle Brenard

Mebinchi Fluker

Mai-Stella Khantouche

Mark Molina

Ligia Rodriques

Jay Vega

B rian B r i ngardner

Lucrecia Fontes

Keith Kilgore

Sean Mol loy

C :J . Roessler

Rebecca Veit

Carolyn Broughton

Alan Fox

Penni Kimmel

M ichelle Mon roe

Cye Rollins

Rekha Viswanathan Willie Walker

Kendall Brown

Lesley Frana

Evan King

Thomas Montague

Leo Romo

John B uckhanan

Sonja Franeta

Da nny Kirchoff

Henri Mora

Roxxie Rosen

Bernard Wallace

B i l l B u l kley

Hobbes Frazier

Jen Knapp

Paula Moran

Lauren Rosenberg

Claire Walsh

Karl Burkart

Ida Friedman

Nannette Kol b

Patty Moreira

Elan Rosenquist

M ichelle Walton

Gizelle Cadogah

Andy Friend

Candace Kosior

Jennifer Mork

Staci Rosenthal

Arielle Webb

Stacey Camillo

Jerry Fuller

M ichael Kossman

Dave Morrison

Sarah Rossiter

Terri Westerlund

Tiffany Caravelli

Jen Gandy

Amal Kouttab

Ja mes Mowdy

G id a l ia Roth man

Corky Wick

Lisa Ca rlotta

Wendy Garfield

Ellen Krantz

Dennis Moyer

J e n n ifer Rowley

Megan Williams

Tim Carrol

Joseph Gavi n

Kelly Kuhn

Megan Moyer

Nancy R ussell

Kurt Wil lig

Charna Cassell

Colleen Gellerman

Evelyn Kunkel

Anne M ulford

Patrick R ussell

Ron Winterstein

Anne Cassia

Randi Gerson

Edric Kwan

Marcia M u nson

D u ra n Rutledge

B illy Wiselogel

Sonia Cassia

Bob G i bson

I ngrid Lagos

Brad M u rdock

Eric Sadd i k

Becca Wolsky

Rose Castro

Tom G i bson

Le V. Lam

Kevin Mu rotsune

M ichael Saenz

Maggie Wong

Gail Caswell

Zoe G i l lespie

Carol Lambrecht

Eileen M u rphy

Norman Saffen

Peter Wong

Alissa Chad burn

Winn G i l more

William Langley

Hannah M u rray

Aileen Santos

Rebecca Woo

Martin Chai

Jen nifer G i lomen

M ichelle Lawler

Ian Myszenski

Eddie Santos

Christina Woolner

D'chell Cham bers

G i na Giotta

Spyke Lawlor

Jodi Naas

J u l ia n na Sassaman

Ali Woolwich

Vivien C h a m bers

Dee G l a i m

Maggie Leigh

M ichael N a l bone

Leslie Satterfield

Ja nson Wu

Alan Chan

S i i ke Goetz

Davin Leong

Anisha Narasimham

C i ndy Sawchuck

Maari Yamada

Ja nsen Chan

Dea nna Gold

Sara Lesser

Jeannette Nelson

Roger Schachtel

Gloria Yee

Sammy Chen

Vierka Gold man

J a n i ne Liebert

Aleah Nesteby

Tracy Schaffer

Steven Zetlan

Helen-Ryu Cheng

Maria Gonzalez

Gail Lillian

Casey Nguyen

Jonathan Schneiderman

Natalie Zhang

Tomi Clark

Shawn Goodspeed

Edward Lim

Christopher Nguyen

Sharon Schra n k

Dale Zink

J a i me Coan

N icole Gordon

Sotirios Limotyrakis

Kevin Nguyen

Karen Schu macher

Aine Coffey

Aaron Graff

Genevieve Littleton

Masashi Niwano

Heather Schwa rtz

R uth Coffey

Linda Greiff

Max Litwak

Paul Norcia

Shorona se Mbessakwini





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Nati onal AIDS Memorial Grove

T 4 1 5 6 1 5 9945

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F 4 1 5 750 02 14 www.a idsmemorial .org


New Leaf-Services for Our Community

T 4 1 5 487 7500

T 4 1 5 626 7000

SFSI-San Francisco Sex Information T 877 472 SFSI www.sfsi.org Stop AIDS Project T 4 1 5 575 0 1 60 F 4 1 5 575 0 1 66

F 4 1 5 558 822 1

F 4 1 5 626 59 1 6

www. d ph .sf.ca .us/chn/Hlth Ctrs/castro-mission. htm

www. newleafservices.org

GLBT Historical Society

Nia Collective

T 4 1 5 777 5455

T 5 1 0 869 4403

F 4 1 5 777 5576 www.glbthistory.org

www. niacollective.org

www.tran nyfest.com

Our Family Coalition


GSA Network

T 4 1 5 981 1 960

T 408 270 8776

T 4 1 5 552 4229

F 4 1 5 398 4733

F 4 1 5 552 4729 www.gsanetwork.org

www.ou rfa mi ly.org

F 408 274 2733 www.trikone.org

IGLHRC-International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission T 4 1 5 255 8680

F 4 1 5 255 8662 www. iglhrc.org ISNA-Intersex Society of North America

www.stopa ids.org Tranny FestTransgender and Transgenre Ci nema T 4 1 5 820 3223

PAWS-Pets Are Wonderful Support

Women's Bui lding

T 4 1 5 24 1 1460

T 415 43 1 l l 80

F 4 1 5 503 0436 www. pawssf.org


F 4 1 5 86 1 8969

People of Color on the FTM Spectrum Group, Pacific Center www. pacificcenter.org

T 206 633 6077 F 206 633 6049

www. isna .org Larkin Street Youth Center T 4 1 5 673 09 1 1

F 4 1 5 923 1378


www. larkinstreet.org Latino Film Festival, San Francisco Bay Area T 4 1 5 454 4039 F 4 1 5 454 46 13

www. lati nofilmfestiva l . org LGBT Alliance, Jewish Commun ity Federation

T 415 777 4545

www.sfjcf.org LYRIC-Lavender Youth Recreation Information Center T 4 1 5 703 6 1 50 F 4 1 5 703 6 1 53

www. lyric.org MadCat Women's International Film Festival T 4 1 5 436 9523

www. madcatfi I mfestiva I. org NAATA-National Asian American Telecommuni cations Association T 415 863 08 14

F 4 1 5 863 7428 www. naatanet.org



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Eureka Street in The Castro


Studio renta l

.... w ......

MELI JOIN TODAY ! Frameline Members receive: •

Ticket discounts

Advance ticket-purchasing privilege • •

Our Frameline newsletter

Our annual Festival Catalog

Both the newsletter and catalog are mailed to your home. And this is just the start of benefits you receive as a Frameline Member ! For information about membership levels , visit www.frameline .org/membership or call 4 1 5 . 703 . 8 6 5 0 to request a Membership Brochure.

Frameline Membership supports one third of our nonprofit media arts programs . B y giving to Frameline, you help to ensure the independent visions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender filmmakers are real­ ized and to make these films and videos accessible to all communities. Frameline memberships are tax­ deductible to the extent allowed by law.

















Congregation Beth Sholom

We are Fam i ly!

in San Francisco wishes you a . . .

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join the Keshet Chavurah

(" rainbow comm.unit:y") of LGBT Conse rvative Jews and their friends, fan1ilies and supporters.

Traditional Shabbat Dinners

Educational Activities

Holidays and Cultural Events

Spirituality and Friendship

Congregation Beth Sholom is a traditional, Conservative, egalitarian synagogue where people of all sexual orientations and gender identities are welcomed and affirmed.

J F C S provides peo p l e of a l l ages, faiths a n d eth n i c backgro u n d s

For furtller i n formation, contact Michael at

w i t h the encouragement a n d

(41 5) 22 1 -8736, ext. 231 , or msarid@eartlllink.net

too ls they need t o l ive h a p py, hea lthy a n d fu l l l ives . We 've been servi n g the Bay Area for m o re t h a n 1 50 yea rs . Let us be you r extended fa m i l y !

LGST Outreach Services:

LAUGH and C ry. Mix and MINGLE . C LAP and Stomp . WE ' RE M O RE LI KE TH E F I LM FE STIVAL THAN YO U TH I N K . So cial Actio n . Learning . Lifecycle C elebratio ns . C o mmunity. Holiday Services . CO N G R EG AT I O N S H A 'A R Z A H AV

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Vo l u nteer O p p o rtu n ities *

Sliding fee scale and L GBT therapists available. For more i nformation, contact: Margaret Rothman, LG BT Outreach Coord i nator 4 1 5/ 449- 1 2 2 8

A Progressive , Reform Synagogue Embracing a D iversity of Sexual and Gender Identities Sh abbat Service held every Friday at

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PM and

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A P P ET I T E E N G I N E E RS 4 1 5 252 8 1 22 www e


1 04

e com


ADV 2223 Restaurant p . 74

The Clay Studio p. 100

J oi e de Vivre Hospitality p. 5

AAA Travel p. 1

Congregation Beth Shalom p. 102

Ka bu ki Springs

& Spa

The San Francisco Bay Guardian p. 75 The San Francisco Film Commission p. 100

p. 88

A . G . Ferrari p. 77

Congregation Sha'ar Zahav p. 102

King George Hotel p. 68

The San Francisco Foundation p . 68

ABSOLUT p. back cover

Continental Airli nes p. 70

KQED p. 76

Sa n Francisco Jewish Film Festival p. 78

ACLU of Northern California p . 65

Crystal Geyser a l pine spring water p. 4

La ndmark Theatres p. 79

The Advocate p. 67

Crystal Geyser J u ices p. 98

The Last Drag, Tobacco Free Project p. 63

Sa n Francisco LG B T P r i d e Celebration p. 106

Air Canada p. 99

C U RVE p. 82

The Lexington Club p. 85

Allstate p. 98

Damron p. 88

LGBT A l l iance Jewish Com m u n ity Federation p. 63

Alternative Mortgage Sources p. 69

D I ES E L p. inside back cover

American Cancer Society p. 65

Escape From New York p. 1 0 1

Amoeba M usic p . 1 0 1

Eye Gotcha Optometric p. 9 6

Appetite Engineers p. 104

Falcon Studios p. 66

Arguello Catering p. 80

Frameline Distribution p. 86

Assemblymember Mark Leno p. 78

Galleria Park Hotel p. 77

Astroglide p. 66 Atelier Gallery p. 87

G i rlfriends p. 7 1 Gold's Gym p. 72

AVIS p. 8

Good Vi brations p. 66

Bay Area Video Coalition ( S AVC) p. 85

Halcyon Hotel p. 88

Beach B l a n ket Babylon p. 84

H B O p. 58

B lackstone Winery p. 6

Herth Realty p. 98

Books To Watch Out For p. 65 Bud LIGHT p. 97

Ma rket


Noe Center p. 87

Hotel Vintage Court p. 78

p. 104

S i lent Film Festival

p. 104

Small Potatoes Catering p. 82

& Teas

Monaco Lab p . 103

S p i ke's Coffee

The New York Times p. 64

State Farm I ns u ra nce Companies p. 7 1

p. 83

Noe Valley Pet Co. p. 62

Steamworks p. 24

Noodle Magazine p. 80

Strand Releasing p. 95

Park Hyatt San Francisco p. 86

Sun M icrosystems p. 62

Parker Guest House p. 87

Sunda n ce Channel p. inside cover

Pi not B lanc p. 79


TLA Video p. 93

Gay.com p. 80

Venus Magazine p. 79

Qantas Airways Limited p. 68

Wells Fargo p. 2

Radisson Miyako Hotel

Wolfe Video p. 7

p. 81

Zephyr Real Estate p. 62, 63

R a i n bow Grocery p. 69 Ritz-Carlton p. 83

Canadian Consulate p. 7 1

Jard i n iere p. 8 1

Cartwright Hotel p. 77

Jewish Fa mily

Citizen Cake p. 73

J o e Goode Performance Group p. 99


Scarlet Sage Herb Co. Serrano Hotel p. 105

MCC San Francisco p. 100


Hilton San Francisco p. 85

San Francisco Symphony p. 93

Children's Services p . 1 0 2

Sacramento International Gay F i l m Festival p. 84




1 05

• • • • • • • • • • - Harvey Milk

San Fra n cisco Lesb ian, Gay, Bisexua l, Tra nsgender Pride Parade a n d Celebration

SAT U R DAY, J U N E 28, 2003

Celebration i n the Civic Center. Noon

- 6:00 p m

S U N DAY, J U N E 29, 2003 (Beale to 8th Street) 1 0:00 onward

Parade on M arket Street

• 1i • -;.�

Celebration in the Civic Center. Noon


- 7 : 00 pm

Please remem ber to make a d o n ation at the gate of $3 or mo re a n d invest in our co m m u n ity.


� o�


� ,eel' 6."" Cil/ /4 I,' \ 15, 0 I;. ...... �t, 6. 4. 3733 or ema Il \�d'/ mfo @sfpride.o rg






t l\ \de.o r g . 1\\ 5 rr _ www .

G \" SOl e s�O" .\5 \ " e \5 0"





'" hotel nikko san franclsco



and menlion cod• •552 KS Jor dlscoulilforoJ.

�an "rand�t'f (!�rfnidt I SFCiate.com


Media Partners

Day Times




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Community Sponsors

Principal Sponsors

Travel Partners


\�� o\e o� c $ "C'\ �,�

wttu rooDS


Partners in Pride

!!!1UU! � KKsF�f!.9)J. WtW


GfI1frtSiils fr�f� i�S;9 ��.I.:� Q)ap!qm� Queery.com

AIDS Project East Bay, American Home Renewal, Asian

& Pacific

Islander Wollness Canter. Freedom in Christ Evangelical Church, GLBT Historical Society, Harvey Milk Institute, LYRIC, Most Holy Redeemer AIDS Suppor, Positive Health Practice UCSF, Positive Resource Centor, Pride Apperel Company, Project Inform, Stonewall ProjecVMognet

PRI 6pm in America p. 25, 54

The Bait Bus (tra i lers) p. 52

Berlin Beshert p. 29

Body of a Poet p. 33

V Ta pe

Ba ngbros Prod uctions

Berl i n Beshert Prod uktion

Wo men Make Movies

T 4 1 6 351 1 3 1 7

www. baitbus. com

N ove m ber Wa nderin

www. wm m . co m

Boobie Girl p. 42

F 4 1 6 3 5 1 1 509

T 49 1 60 1 768066

d istri bution@vta pe.org

Baker's Men p. 29

F 44 1 5 1 1 1 61 3425

www.vta pe .org

Ha rriette Yah r

berl in beshert@hotma i l .com

B rooke Keesl i ng

T 305 944 2730

www. novem berwanderin .com

www. boobiegirl .com

Between Two Women p. 26

Booty Dance p. 42

9 1 1 Salon p. 38

hya h rfil ms@aol .com

I n d i b i l Prod uctions Cristina Ferrer

T 4 1 5 83 1 2321 emayacoa@aol.com

Bal let Diesel p. 42

Centre Film Sa les Ltd .

Pa u la Du rette

Ba l let Diesel F i l ms

T 44 20 8566 2388

T 4 1 0 737 0505

M ichelle Ehlen

T 323 653 7748

Act of Faith p . 55

F 323 653 2388

Da n B ree

ehlen_m ichelle@hotm a i l .com

T 415 806 2 733 F 208 975 04 18 da n@nos h .org

Banana Split p. 27 see Animals in Motion

www. nosh .org/fa ith

F 44 20 8566 2388

F 509 275 0323

eleahy@centrefi l msales.com

pau la_d u rette@hotma i l .com

The B igger The Better p. 43

Boygirl p . 54

Tim of Funland Prod uctions


Timothy S m ith

K i rs i Va ki pa rta

T 44 207689 4734

T 358 9 694 4089

tim offy@hotma i l .com

F 358 9 694 4 1 87

Bar Talk p. 42

av-a rkki@av-a rkki .fi

Afterschool Del ight p. 25, 53

Com i ng Out Soon P roductions

BioRythms p. 38

Fra m e l i n e

Cheryl Furj a n i c

Paper Tiger Television

T 4 1 5 703 8650

T 646 36 1 4544

T 2 1 2 420 9045

ba rta I k@com i ngoutsoon .com

F 2 1 2 420 8 1 96

breathe p. 42

F 4 1 5 861 1404 d istri bution@fra m e l i n e . org

www.comingoutsoon .com

d istri bution@pa pertiger.org

T 7 18 812 285 1

www. papertiger.org

ka re nmcu rtiss@ya hoo.com

SGR Prod uctions

A Bit of You p. 60

The Bridge Game p. 28

Kev i n Bowe

S i phon F i l m s

North by South Prod uctions

T 323 785 2 140

J e n n ifer M a rkowitz

Rh omie K. Thom pson

F 323 785 2 146

T 4 1 6 485 8636

T 559 442 1 293 / 559 977 0576

Rosenste in P rod uctions

kevbowe@kevbowe .com

s i phon_fi lms@lycos .com

T 217 344 8076

www. a bea rsstory.com

www.fra m e l i n e . org

www.av-a rkki .fi

Karen Curtiss

A Bear's Story p. 43 Allo Performance! p. 50 see 6pm in America The Amasong Chorus: Singing Out p. 53

F 2 1 7 333 793 1 j rosenst@vivc .ed u jayrosenste i n .com

The Ambiguously Gay Duo #1 0The Third Leg of Justice p. 54

rhom i e k@aol.com www.northbysouthprod uctions.com

A Bizarre Love Triangle p. 27 Beastboy p. 59 see 6pm in America

M i rovision I n c . J a m ie Lee

Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin p. 28

T 82 2 737 1 185

Question Why F i l ms

Beauteous p. 25

F 82 2 737 1 184

N a n cy Kates

G6 Pictures

j a m i e@ m i rovision .com

T 5 1 0 60 1 7756

J .J . Sedelmaier Prod uctions, I n c .

G i ova nna Chesler

www. m i rovision . co m

T 9 1 4 949 7979

T 6 1 9 549 3074

F 510 60 1 7758 kates62@aol .com

F 914 949 7989

F 858 534 73 1 5

B low p. 36

www. rusti n .org

sede l m a i er@aol .com

giova n na @g6pictu res . com

Lizzette Atkins Productions

www. pbs.org/pov/brotheroutsider

www. g6pictures.com

And the Band Played On p. 25 HBO M a rcThomas . Ki ng@ hbo . com

T 6 1 395343359

F 6 13953445 1 8

B ulgarian Lovers p. 28

Before I Leave, When I Return and In Between p. 29

latkins@netl i n k.com .au

TLA Releasi ng

red Nova Pictu res

B l ue Eyed Moon p . 52

www.tla releasi ng.com

contact@tlareleasing.co m

An imal Attracti on p. 26

J essa bel l e Laba m pa

Boyana Film Studios Animation Division

Video Data B a n k

T 5 1 0 841 0780

Gergana Stan kova

T 3 1 2 3 4 5 3550

red nova@graffiti . net

T 359 2 9582786

F 359 2 9585780

B r i a n Sloa n

i nfo@vd b.org

Begin Aga in p. 33

a n i mation@boya nafi l m . bg

T 2 1 2 982 3 19 5

www.vd b.org

Spi ritguide F i l ms, I n c.

www.boya nafi l m . bg

F 3 1 2 54 1 8073

Esther Alix

Animals in Motion p. 26

T 917 678 42 10

Ca nadian F i l m ma ker's

spi ritfi lm s200 1 @a o l . com

T 416 588 0725

Being Human

F 416 588 7956

Metro Video

cfmdc@cfmdc .org

F 2 1 2 9 8 2 2642 xa n a d u 28@a o l . com

Blue Gate Crossing p. 27 nd Releasing 5002

Distri bution Centre

Bumping Heads p. 3 5 Xa nad u P roductions


Butch i n the City p. 36 Goldma n/Matthews P ictures Mary C. Matthews

T 7 1 8 399 0722

mcm press@ya hoo.com

www. cfmdc.org


1 07

Club Q: the legendary dance party for women p. 40

the delicious p. 59

Dragzilla p. 38


RocknRolla Prod uctions

Free Wolf Prod uctions

Scott Prendergast

La u ren Abady

Kristen Wolf

T 9 1 7 539 924 1

T 646 644 5652

T 720 308 1490

scottyth ep@ea rth l i n k . net

kristenwolf@ea rth l i n k . net

The Devil on Her Mind p. 59

Cock & Bull Story p. 30

Annie Wright

T h e Dress p. 38

T 31 20 6209032

Video O ut Distri bution

Pa ntheon Enterta i n m ent

F 31 20 6274748

Demian Petryshyn

34five@xs4a l l . n l

T 604 872 8449

www. a n n iewright. mywe b . n l brr �34((;!ma ntheonent. com

Nightfall p. 59 T 7 1 8 5 9 6 1 103

A biga i l Severance

F 7 1 8 596 3032

T 323 957 2474

daniel@thelfi l m s . com

bel l ecote@earth l i n k . net

www.thelfi l m s . com

Cherries in the Snow (An ode to Joan Nestle) p. 52 see Animals in Motion The Child I Never Was p. 29 see Blue Gate Crossing Chinese Tom p. 37


Ara b Film Distri bution T 206 322 0882 F 206 322 4586

cote pictures

F 604 876 1 185

videoout@te l u s . n et

Diary o f a Male Whore p . 60 "UIIIIC>.. I-.Cre p. 26 imals in Motion

Daniel Sted m a n

lola rocknrol la@ya h oo . com www. lolarocknro l la . co m

F 303 444 0253

The Edge of Each Other's Battles: The Vision of Audre Lorde p. 33

a lex@arabfilm . com

Profi le Prod uctions

www. a ra bfi lm . com

J e n n ifer Abod

Die Mommie Die p. 20

ja bod . profi le@gte. net

Sunda nce F i l m Se ries

www.jenn ifera bod .com

T 562 2 1 8 7874

T 2 1 2 654 1 500

A Cow Walks into a Bar p. 26

F 2 1 2 654 4738

The Education of Gore Vidal p. 34

All ison Sweeney

feed back@sunda ncecha n n e l . com

W N ET J u l ie Sacks

T 847 424 0781 asween @ea rth l i n k . net www.tu natwi ns.com

Different Shades of Pin k p. 53 see Afterschool Delight

T 2 1 2 560 8702

Ent-Homo-Philia p. 52


D.E.B.S. p. 36

Dildo Diaries p. 32

Power Up

IA F i l ms

H i m a p h i l iac Prod ucti ons

T 310 2 7 1 4708

B i l l K i rkner

H ima B .

Stuart Gaffney

F 3 1 0 246 9877

T 512 794 9398

T 9 1 7 9 1 6 6094

T 4 1 5 386 67 10

eri n poweru p@ya hoo.com

F 5 1 2 794 9398

h i m a p h i l iac@yah oo.com

stua rt@aya .ya l e.edu

www. power- u p . net

bill@iafi l ms.com

A Circus in New York p. 2 5 I na I n stitut National D e L'Aud iovisuel

Dangerous Living: Coming Out in the Developing World p. 31

M ichele G uata rd

After Stonewa l l , I n c.

eyetooth prod uctions

F 86 10 68339836

T 33 1 49 83 29 92

T 4 1 3 267 9684

Anne T. Ha nson

cuizi777@29 1 1 . n et cu izi777@hotma i l .com

www. d i l d odia ries. com

Enter the Clowns p. 34

Ding Dong p. 60

T 861 0 68339836

Cuizi F i l m Stu d i o

F 33 1 49 83 31 82

F 4 1 3 267 9684

T 206 720 1901

mga uta rd @ i n a .fr

h u ntvideo@aol . com

don utsnax@ya h oo . com

www. i n a .fr

www.afterstonewa l l . com

Esme Seeking p. 29 Dissolve p. 27, 53 see Afterschool Delight

Sharon Ba rnes

World o f Wonder

Do I Love You? p. 32

sa ndragon8@hotm a i l .com

Clay Pride p. 3 7

T 323 603 6300

Va l iant Doll

Edeka Fi lms

F 323 603 6301

Lisa Gornick

T 3 1 0 275 3938

wow@worldofwon d e r. net

T 44 0 20 7613 5402

B roke n h i p Films

F 44 0 20 7613 5402

Todd Downing

lisag@va l i a ntdol l .co . u k

broke n h i pfi l ms@a o l . com

Class Queers p. 30 see Animals in Motion

Dark Roots: The Unauthorized Anna Nicole p. 3 1

F 3 1 0 275 1843

I ron Egg F i l ms T 718 788 4308

Estranged p. 59

davi d ka rlsberg@hotmail .com

Daughters of the Sun p. 3 1

www. c laypride.com

Facets M u lti-Media ray@facets.org

Donor p. 42

The Event p. 34

Click p . 39


Adele Wi lson

T H I N KFilm

T 541 736 0381

T 646 2 1 4 7908 F 646 2 1 4 7907

Ad Hoc Prod ucti ons, LLC 1 10 O rlea ns

The Day We Never Met p. 60

F 541 736 038 1

T 212 946 4460

Ch risty L. W i l l i a m s

adele@adelewilso n . com

ad hocprod@a o l . com

T 7 13 666 8907

www.adelewi lson . com

ch ristylwi l l i a ms@ hotma i l . com

Close to Leo p. 30 Dear Gabe p. 32

Don't You Worry, It Will Probably Pass p. 33

T 33 1 4 1 92 68 66

Stranger B a by P rod ucti ons, I nc

Swed ish Fi l m I n stitute

F 33 1 41 92 68 69

T 909 607 443 1

T 468 665 1 1 00

infom6da @m6 .fr

F 909 62 1 8481

F 468 666 3698

www. m6da.com

i nfo@stra ngerba by. com

sara . ruster@sfi .se

www.stra ngerba by.com

www.sfi .se

M6 D. A.




Fade to Pink p. 30

Full-Time Woman p. 50

Go-Go Boy (Prelude)

Austin Gay & Les bian I nternational

Sea n Patrick McCa rthy

Ka rma 2000

F i l m Festival

T 9 1 7 414 3735

Ken n eth Sherman

T 5 1 2 302 9889

s p m d i rect@ya hoo.com

T 604 874 5399 F 604 874 5399

F 5 1 2 302 1088 fi lm@agl iff.org

Gallant Girls p. 36

The Fair and the Weak p. 25

Jorg Rothe

Hose p. 52

Mediopolis F i l m

see The Dress

Golden Gums p. 27

La u ren Cook

T 49 30 23 55 60 0

Matt Wolf

T 928 443 0989

F 49 30 23 55 60 66

T 646 232 8736

lau rencook3@hotm a i l .com

med i opol isberl i n@ya hoo .de

mw456@ nyu . edu

Killerpix G lo ba l Media Film Co.

www. concentric. netl-mpwolf/i ndex.html

P. David Eberso le

Fight Back, Fight AIDS: 1 5 Years of ACT UP on Video p. 35

Gasol ine p. 36 see Blue Gate Crossing


Hubby/wifey p. 36

T 323 666 49 1 1

Good M o rning Queers p. 52

F 323 666 03 1 3

PA M PAM Pictures

pde@ki l lerpix. net www. k i l lerpix. net

J a mes Wentzy

Gay Cops: Pride Behind the Badge p. 43

T 4 1 5 487 0636 / 4 1 5 5 1 6 0888

T 2 1 2 226 8147

Da kota Fil mworks

pa m . dore@cnet. com www. pa m pam pictu res .com

I Woke Up! p. 54 P u ppies & Kitties F i l m s

actu pny@pa n ix.com

Cha rley La ng

www.actu pny.orgldivatv

T 323 661 9961 F 323 66 1 9961

Guerneville p. 42

Alex H i nton

Firepussy p. 29, 33

da kotafilmworks@a o l . com

Raga m u ff Prod uctions

T 323 654 9596

Ma ria B reaux

pu pkit@aol . co m

T 3 1 0 4 1 5 13 55

Gay Propaganda p. 54

T 415 285 9236

0+, La u re l Almerinda F 310 392 7283

J . D . Disa lvatore

i nfo@raga muff.com

a l meri nda@ao l . com

T 8 1 8 625 3798

www. ragamuff.com

www.firepussyfi l m .com

moviesmarti n is@ao l . com www.gaypropaga nda . net

First, Do No Harm: Total Patient Care for Intersex p. 39

Gaydar p. 35

I D O L p. 44 G ra nt N e l lessen T 323 666 9 6 1 2

He's Having a Baby p. 32

gnel lessen@ea rth l i n k. net


www.grantnellessen . com

sa ra . bernste i n @ h bo. com

If I Had A Hammer p. 52

I ntersex Soci ety of No rth Am erica

Terry Ray

T 206 633 6079

T 323 665 54 1 2 / 323 823 1 202

her p. 52

mon ica@isna . org

meterray@pacbe l l . n et

the firey vagi na prod uction


www. isna.org

www.gaydarthemovie .com

Ka i Ling Xue


Flash Gordon: Queen of the Universe p. 53

Gender Bias p. 22

The San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus

Pictu re This! Enterta i n ment

Bo bby Abate

T 604 7 7 1 8983

Intentions p. 39

a rt_mach i ne_kei@hotma i l .com

Zer n u s Prod uctions

Bud Di llon

T 323 852 1398

Hermishly Yours p. 39

Lua n e Beck

T 415 305 425 1

F 323 658 7265

Susan Potter

T 510 589 6 196

bud_dil lon@ hotma i l .com

www. pictu rethisent.com

T 64 9 629 61 00

F 83 1 688 1488

spotter@ pa rad ise. net.nz

l u a ne@zernusprod uctions.com www.zernusprod uctions .com

Fluff p. 52

Gender Trouble p. 39

bangor fi lms

Seventh Art Releasing

Todd Verow

T 323 845 1455

Made-i n-China Prod uctions

Intersex Exposition: Full Monty p. 39

T 2 1 2 420 849 1

F 323 845 47 1 7

Yau C h i n g

Sh orona se M bessakw i n i

todd@bangorfi lms .com


T 8 5 2 90207656

T 4 1 5 939 4450

www. ba ngorfi lm s.com

www. 7thart.com

F 852 27924697

green p i rate q u een@ya hoo.ca

yauc@aol . com

www.geoc ities . com/green pi rateq ueen

Flying with One Wing p. 35

Get A Way p. 37

Ho Yuk-let's love Hong Kong p. 38

members . a o l . com/hoyuk

Isn't It Obvious? p. 50, 53

H e l i otrope Films

B a l e i n e So us Ca i l lon Prod uctions

La urent Aleonard

T 415 453 5050

Holding Patterns p. 44

T 33 1 45 83 92 28 1

F 4 1 5 453 5 1 60

G rasshopper Prod uctions

M ichelle Prevost

F 33 1 43 45 96 56

noa h @bscprod .com

PJ Rava l

T 5 1 0 657 7290

la u rent.aleonard@noos.fr

www. bscprod . com

T 5 1 2 507 8 1 58

shel ly@n ofreetime. org

S he l ly Films

F 5 1 2 47 1 4077

For Straights Only p. 26

The G ift p. 37

Footprints Prod uctions

Drea m Out Loud Prod uctions

Vism ita G u pta -Sm ith

T 310 3 1 3 0465

pjrava l@ya hoo.com

Jake Ratchett, Short Detective p. 42


T 850 893 144 1

Diane Wilkins P rod uctions

T 202 4 1 5 5796

F 323 436 5022

Queer Youth TV

F 850 668 7037

F 770 934 2970

dol@a rtnet.net

Alex H i nton

videowi lk@comcast . n et

vism itag@ya hoo.com

The Girl with the Pearl Suspended p. 54

Friends p. 60

Luckyb Prod uctions

I n so m n i o Films

Nata l ija Ve kic

Claudio del Va l l e




T 323 654 9596 a lex@q ueeryouthtv.org www. q ueeryouthtv.org

jared. puberty in pink p. 37 Sh ow & Te ll Prod uctions Joyce Draganosky T 7 1 8 802 1 630

T 4 1 5 206 0892

Hooked p. 39

F 4 1 5 552 0882

Ba ba l u Pictu res

F 7 1 8 802 1 630

luckyb72@ea rth l i n k . net

Todd A h l berg

d ragan osky@hotma i l . com

www. pea rlsuspen ded. net

T 323 525 1 782 F 443 583 2497

Give or Take an Inch p. 36 see D.E.B.S.

tod d @ ba ba l u pictu res . com www. hookedmov i e . com WWW. F R A M E L l N E. O R G/ F ES T I VA L

1 09

Matzo Maidels p . 52 J en n i Olson Lee Dema rbre

T 4 1 5 285 2950

T 613 233 8709

F 4 1 5 282 1 879 butch@butc h . org

F 613 789 3456 leedemarbre@rogers .com

kathy@critica leyefi l m s . com

www. odessafi l mworks.com

www. critica leyefi l m s . com

Merci Docteur Rey p. 44

Love Forbidden p. 42 see Blue Gate Crossing


Me rc hant Ivory Prod uctions

Juc itan Queer Paradise p . 40

sta ndoutprod@aol .com

Macu m ba I nternational Patricio H e n riq uez

Laura's Paradise p. 4 1

T 5 1 4 5 2 1 8303

see Close t o Leo

F 5 1 4 52 1 0260

The Milkman p . 59 Love Is Like a Butterfly p . 38, 50

kta ka@sym pat ico.ca

Dun Laoghaire Ins. of

patricioh@mac u m bai nternatio n a l . com

Le Lait Nestle p . 52

Art Design & Technology

Mommy Queerest-The Golden Hanger p. 52

www. ma c u m bai nternationa l .com

Herve J oseph Le b r u n

Ken Wa rd ro p

J CS Prod uctions

T 3 3 689 19 2 1 37

T 353 1 4925393

T 972 3 56 1 0060

yora m-ma@jcsprod uctions .co. i l

The Judas Kiss p. 60

hejol @noos .fr

Cheek2Cheek P roductions

www.geoc ities. com/cvhj l b run/

Love Life p. 29

T 44 207 090 5226

Leave It! p. 60

Nanci Gagl io

sdmg@sd mg.freeserve . c o . u k

B i Product Prod uctions

T 4 1 5 786 9499

Pretexte F i l m s

La u ra Jean Cro n i n

na nci@bigfatt.com

Norden A n d reo

K.I.P. p . 52

T 206 3 2 3 0557

www. bigfatt.com

see The Dress

F 206 323 0 1 1 8

F 972 3 56 1 0062 big fatt prod uctions

Sea mu s Rea

More of Pau l p. 44

T 33 14236 4 1 55 aave l l i @ya hoo . com

m i na d ogl O@hotma i l . com

Lucky Bugger p. 37

Sa ngi n i

A Letter to Susu p. 44

Joh nathan B rown

I nd i e P R

Betu Si ngh

Vi ncent Au

I b rown pr@a o l . com

T 9 1 1 1 26567049 26563929

T 4 1 5 279 2659

T 1904 607625

F 91 1 1 26859 1 13

vi ncenta u88@ya hoo.com

info@silvercloudltd .com

My Dinner with Ovitz p. 54

www.sa ngi n i .org

The Life and Times of Count Luchino Visconti p. 4 1

Making Maps p. 52

Den ise David

Light Cone

T 323 653 3 1 80

Katie McGreevy p. 60


Ya n n Bea uva is

F 323 653 3 1 44

Les l i e Satterfi eld

T 44 20 8752 5 1 72

T 33 0 1 46 59 01 53

ddavid@makemagic p rod uctio n s .com

T 415 725 6622

F 44 20 8752 6559

F 33 0 1 46 59 03 1 2

www. myd i n nerwithovitz.com

Kashish-Allurement p. 26

Si lvercloud Ltd .

F 1904 607625

sangini97@hotm a i l .com

M a ke Ma gic Prod u ctions

les l i e 1 satter@hotma i l .com

l igtcon e@l ightcone.org

Life on Christopher St. p. 38 Kept p. 29 B itc hass Cowgirl P rod uctions Ch risti na H u len

The Mudge Boy p. 44

www. l i ghtcon e.org

77 F i l ms Kim berly G ray

T 2 1 2 696 7454

My Life on Ice p . 45 We l l s pring

Mango Kiss p. 43

wi idel l@we l lspri ng.com

M a ngo Me P rod uctions

T 323 656 3920

F 2 1 2 279 2028

Sascha R i ce

F 323 656 3920

seventyseve nfi lms@hotm a i l .com

T 323 664 2394

Lillian & I p . 28

sascha rice@ea rth l i n k . net

A Nightmare on Castro Street p. 38

Mango Souffle p. 43

Joshua G ra n ne l l

Lotus P i ktu res

T 4 1 5 902 0452

T 9 1 80 655 5 1 57

F 4 1 5 7 5 1 32 1 2

c h u l e n @earth l i n k . net

Kiss and Tel l p . 36

F 323 664 2035

J o nathan Wa ld

R ufous F i l m s

T 6 1 2 9360 8629

M i cha l i n e B a b i c h

jo nwa ld@ya hoo.com

T 3 2 3 363 9633

Nesting Season p. 42 see Booty Dance

Backlash F i l ms

truestoriesla@a o l . com

Lipstick p. 36

F 91 80 655 5 1 56/1 53

peaches@peac hesc h rist . co m

www.thea meri ca nwoma n . us

Scena rios U SA

lotuspiktu res@rh p l . com

www. peachesc hrist.com

M a u ra M i nsky

www. ma ngosouffl e.com

Knock 'em Dead p. 4 1

T 646 230 7677

I n sa ne Asyl u m F i l m s

F 646 230 653 1

J u l i a n Starks

m a u ra@sce na riosusa . org

T 3 1 0 2 26 8079

www.scena rios usa . org

j u l i a nsta rks@ hotm a i l . com

Little Frankenstein p. 42 l.T.R. p . 35

Sa m uael Top i a ry

P h i l l i p J. Barte l l

T 2 1 2 683 4233

Nina p . 50 Manipulator p . 59 see Animals in Motion

F 41 1366675

Master Li bation p . 52 see The Dress

T 3 2 3 953 8520

F 2 1 2 683 4233

F 80 1 640 3026

topiary@d iffi c u lt m u s i c . com

SkyAngel F i l m s

Looking for Mr. Right p. 43

T 562 439 4503

Lady of the Lake p. 44

David M . You ng

c h a rl esgage@skya nge lfi ms .com

M i chael Lucid

T 6 1 7 267 0987

www.skya ngelfi l m s . com/masturbation

T 310 739 087 1

david myou ng@ lycos .com

Cha rles Gage

prettyth i n gsss@ya hoo.com www. p rettythi ngsss .com

1 10


rol m a r_metro@ya h oo .com . a u p . 45

Masturbation: Putting The Fun Into Self-Loving p. 54

crus hfi l m @a o l . co m

R o l m a r Bald onado T 2 933 2 1 0 5 1

Play Date p. 36

Obedi ence p. 59

Papas p . 42

F i re Fly Pictu res


El ise H u rwitz

David O' Brien

M a rtina Liebn itz

T 4 1 5 626 8 140

T 4 1 6 968 3270

T 49 331 6202 140

F 4 1 5 252 7627

david .obrien@a l l ia nceat l a ntis.com

F 49 33 1 6202 199

e h u rwitz@earth l i n k . n et

Of Men and Gods p. 45

www.hff-potsda m . d e

m . l i e b n itz@hff-potsd a m . d e Poetix

p. 25

J . T. O ' Neal

Docum e ntary Educational Resou rces T 6 1 7 926 0491

Para d isco p. 60

T 3 1 0 474 5510

F 6 1 7 926 9 5 1 9

Athanor Studio

poetixfi l m @aol .com


Ga briel M a m ruth

www. d e r. o rg

T 33 1 40 22 64 00

Porno Picture of Dorian Grey

F 33 1 40 22 64 00

( N ot a va i l a ble)

On The Outs

p. 25

Little Old Lady in a Strawhat Productions

pa rad isco@athanorstudio.com www. parad isco. net

Porno Theatre p. 48 see Blue Gate Crossing

Cou rtney Rowe T 8 1 8 542 3014

Party Monster p. 47

crowe_3@ya hoo.com

see B l ue Gate Crossing

Precious Moments p. 60

One Fine Morn i ng p. 3 7

Pashke and Sofia p . 29

T 47 22 47 45 00

Norweig i a n F i l m I nstitute Scott Boswe l l

Ka r i n M icha lski

F 47 22 47 45 97

T 4 1 5 558 7 1 82

T 49 30 624 34 27

a rna b@nfi . no

F 4 1 5 575 4945

F 49 30 624 34 27

www. nfi . n o

scotte m i s@ya hoo.com

km icha Iski l @hotma i l .com

One Man Band p. 53

The Path to Love p. 47

Left Turn at A l bequerq u e

R e m i Lange

Pa u l Va n De Carr

ria nge@free .fr

Robin's Hood p. 50 Last C h a nce F i l ms Sa ra M i l l ma n

Prey f o r Rock & Ro l l p. 2 1

T 415 355 1 327 pa u l vdc@hotma il .com

T 5 1 0 654 9494 F 5 10 654 9494

M A C Re leasing

m i l l ma nsara @ h otma i l . com Proud Lives p. 26 Rock Bottom p. 44

see 6pm i n America

F i re b u i l d e r Pictu res

Pee l i ng p. 25 Little Ch icken Prod uctions

Put the Camera On Me p. 49

M a ry Feuer

The Opposite Sex: Jamie's Story p . 46

Heidi Bol lock

Tri plefeature Prod uctions

T 323 661 3473

Showtime Networks I nc.

T 5 1 2 470 526 1

T 323 856 4881

F 323 661 2979

T 2 1 2 708 1 582

F 5 1 2 471 4077

F 8 1 8 98 1 6080

m a ryfeuer@ea rth l i n k . net

F 2 1 2 708 1 2 1 7

h bol lock@ya hoo.com

adam@tri plefeatu re .com Rub p . 52

da rre n@tri plefeatu re . com

kath e r i n e . meyer@showti m e . net

see Animals in Motion

People Like Us: Making Phi ladelphia Queer Documentary i n Wartime p . 49

The Opposite Sex: Rene's Story p . 46

p. 47

see The Opposite Sex: J a m i e's Story

Automat Pictures

El len Fla nders

T 213 351 0444

T 4 1 6 926 9000

R u bi H ouse P rod uctions

Out Against the War p. 25

F 2 1 3 351 0445

erla nd@aol .com

Jonathan M c N ea l

M a n u leo Media Prod uctions

jeffrey@a utomatpict u res.com

John Tu n u i

www.a utomatpictures .com

T 4 1 5 552 6599

The Rubi Girls p . 38

T 937 294 8532 Queer Groupie

p . 53

theneon@ms n . com

Eccentric A u nt P rods. Phi ladelphia p . 48

M a u reen Futtner

The S a l ivation Army p . 27

Sony Pictures

T 4 1 5 864 5465

see 6pm i n America

M i chael_Sch lesi nger@spe . sony.com


Deblekha G u i n

Phi neas Sl ipped p. 27

Queer Parents p. 49


T 250 539 5904

Postcode Prod uctions

see Close to Leo

Xavier- D a n i e l

F 250 539 5941

Kerioa kie

a m es@gulfislands .com

T 415 436 9889

The Rag 'N Bone Man p. 59

xavier_d a n ie lg@ hotma i l .com

postcodeprod uctions@ya hoo . com

GG Show B i z

www.xavie r-da n ie l . es .fm

kiwi puss@aol .com OUTlET-Queer Youth Speak Out p . 30

Santero Carlos p. 40, 45

Access To Media Ed ucation Society

Pack in' p. 43

www.sexyfi l m .se

G regory G eorge T 6 1 24 1 2345532

see 6pm in America Piki & Poko-Adventures in Starland p. 48 Pandemic : Fac ing AIDS p. 46

T 34 9 3 4 4 1 8 808

a d m i n @ggshowb i z . com

P i k i & Poko

Saturday Nights i n the Seventies p. 37 R a b bit R a m P rod uctions Steven Ma rker

M oxie Fi recracker F i l m s

M a rk Ewert

Red Chewing Gum p . 60

T 4 1 5 550 8336

T 2 1 2 620 7727

T 4 1 5 252 932 1

see Diary of a Male Whore

F 4 1 5 777 5565

F 212 620 0383

marcusrisi ng@aol .com

www. moxiefirecracker.com

Savage Roses p. 5 1

Pink Eyed Pet p. 42

J a n e Wayne P rod uctions I nc.

see A n i mals in Motion

Tucker Doherty

Coast2Coast Productions

T 4 1 6 5 1 6 3 1 29

J o s h ua Nelson

tuckerdoherty60@hotma i l . com

T 2 1 2 539 7554

Pangyau p. 47, 53 see Afterschool Delight

Ra bbitRa m@aol . com Repodyke p. 42

cpote n za @ m oxiefirecracker.com

The Pink Mirror p . 26 Solaris Pictures

F 2 1 2 867 9643

Srid h a r Rangayan

thesavageroses@ao l . com

T 9 1 22 2633 1655

www. savageroses.com

solaris p@vs n l . net www. solarispictures.com/ga . h tm



p. 53

S ince You've Been Gone . . .

School.s Out: The Life of a

p . 51

Strap 'Em Down p . 29, 43

Tooth brush Tango p . 52

B i rd Pictures

Swordfish Prod uctions

Heidi Lloyd

T 2 1 2 253 2841

Ann Mered ith

T 4 1 5 577 6475

safoi les@aol . co m

T 510 883 1948

heid i m ichel le77@ya h oo . com

F 510 848 5790 S i rens o f the 23'd Century p. 54

a n n pmer@ pacbe l l . net

Tigerl i ly Pict u res, LLC

www. a n n pmered ith . co m

Tota lly Sexy Loser p. 55

M ichael Bod ie

T 3 1 0 360 1981 / 626 429 5229

T 4 1 5 885 0 1 92 F 4 1 5 456 2258

Suddenly p . 2 3

F 310 360 1969

lavina@sbcgloba l . net

Empire Pictures

m i cha el_bod ie@s u n d a nce. org

T 2 1 2 629 3097 S l ickster Fixture p . 42, 60

F 2 1 2 629 3629

Transgender Day of Rememberance

see Animals in Motion

info@e m p i repicturesusa .com

p . 50

www.em pirepictu resusa . co m Smoke R ings p . 52

Dion M a n ley Custom Design T 415 252 7567

see 6pm in America

Superfag p . 54

F 4 1 5 522 1 1 57

Padded Prod ucti ons

d ion@d ionman ley. com

Spin p . 35

Kurt Koehler

www. d io n m a n ley.com

Shooting People

T 818 505 0835

Cath Le Couteur

F 818 255 0036


T 44 0 780 1 207 6 1 6

padded prod uctions@ya hoo.com

C l a u d ia M o l i n a Pictu res

F 4 4 76880762

p. 29

T 604 68 1 4258

cath@easynet . co . u k

Sweet Baby J'ai on

www.shootingpeo p l e .org

Divas Breaking Taboos p . 40

Goff- Ke l la m Prod ucti ons

Sportin' Wood 4 (excerpt) p. 52

T 310 657 8041

Robert Alan Rackha m

Q. Allan B rocka

J asonJCT Stud ios

F 3 1 0 652 5573

T 2 1 2 989 4060 rr367@nyu .ed u

Seventy p. 44

Renee Sotile

posh pictu res@ m i ndspri ng.com

ch ris@porntea m .com

godgesongs@aol .com

www. pos h pict u res .com

www. pornteam .co m

www.sweetbabyj a i . com

Sex-Ray p . 52


H otsy Totsy P ictu res

l u n a m o l i n a @hotm a i l .com Violin Lesson p. 37

Wa l king on Water

p. 42

p. 59

The Tanti Man p . 27

Fortissimo Fi l m Sa les

see Animals in Motion

see If I Had a Hammer

info@fortissi m o . n l

T 206 861 7465

Starched p . 29

Target Audience p . 54

W e Got Next p . 3 3

ki m@hotsytotsy.net

see Spin

Tri ple Fire Productions

Flaca F i l m s

David Kittredge

Tricia Creason Va lencia

Kim Beecroft

Sexo p . 35, 52

Starcrossed p . 60

T 2 1 2 262 7275

T 2 1 5 247 3963

BoSD F i l m , LLC.

Lorene Machado

F 2 1 2 262 7284

flacafi l ms@ea rth l i n k. net

T 617 566 1043

T 8 1 8 787 2465

davek@tri plefi re . com

F 617 507 6228

F 8 1 8 787 303 1

www.triplefi re . co m

a ra@createforthecure.org

lorene@m a rgaretch o . net Tasty Bits p. 5 5

p. 33

Steven's Sin p . 37

Rasfocus Stud io 路

Steven's Sin Prod ucti ons, I nc

Sasha Va lenti

T 4 1 5 6 1 3 1 432

S h i rley Delovich

T 617 924 5461

na rlee_l@ya hoo.com

T 3 10 652 361 1

F 617 924 524 1

sdelovich@prodigy. net

s h u rchi k@tastybits-themovie.co m

The Shadows of You

Ma rissa Lee

Share My Love p . 42

www.tastybits-them ovie.co m

B ri a n Krinsky

Straight Out p. 54

T 323 665 59 1 2

Kru m ma F i l m s

F 323 356 8444

H ra bba G u n n a rsd6ttir

Diane Dodge

bhkrins ky@hot m a i l . com

T 4 1 5 648 75 1 5

T 5 1 0 649 9956

F 4 1 5 648 096 1

d ia nedodge@ya hoo . co m

Short, Wh ite, Pleated p. 35

www. kru m mafi l m s . co m

Teach ing Teo p . 4 2

H a ndstand F i l m s

T h i s Car U p p . 44

T 0208 808 7097

Straight S e x p : 3 6

1 in 10 F i l m s

F 0208 808 7097

Dou ble Dog Da re

E r i c M ueller


georgina lock@aol .com

Mou ncey Ferguson

www. a l eykat. co . u klswp

T 2 13 977 979 1


mouncey@ u lt i m a n et.com

onei ntenfi l ms@hotma i l . com

T 612 805 8855 6 1 2 339 7504

Simone's 24 p . 33

2quee r pictyres

Strange & Charmed p . 33

THIS Obedience p . 55

Jeanette Agu ila r

S h a ri Fri lot

Aqua ries Media

T 5 1 0 834 0603

frilot@sbcgloba l . n et

Dawn M i kkelson

j nett888@ya hoo.com

T 65 1 29 1 7727

F 651

www. 2queerpict u res.com

29 1 7727

dawn@a q ua riesmed ia . com www. a q u a ries med ia .com

1 12




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