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Floating Realities by BUREAU toki + LIM by kfuna JAM by kfuna One & Only by kfuna Bicycle parking garage The Hague by Silo and studiomarsman The Kult Studio by Sivak+Partners M-Fit Space 01 by Studio Ramoprimo Livesport Offices by Studio Reaktor Figure Ground by TAKUYAHOSOKAI ATOP Beauty Clinic by TEAM55667788 Warehouse Gym Springs by VSHD Design MARE eyedesign by yasuhiro sawa design office Key Takeaways
María Rafaela Hostel by Además Arquitectura Shelters for Hotel Bjornson by Ark-Shelter KIRO Hiroshima by THE SHARE HOTELS by Hiroyuki Tanaka Architects Carpe Diem Dementia Village by Nordic – Office of Architecture Sara by Odami CAMHS Edinburgh by Projects Office Yunomori Onsen and Spa by Sixseven Studio Exhibition of Frozen Time by Waterfrom Design Key Takeaways
Designer Index Credits 150 152 160 168 176 184 188 192 196 200 204 210 216 222
224 226 230 234 238 244 250 256 260 264
266 272
The last decade has seen a growing interest in all aspects of health and wellbeing and designers have not been immune to this. Much of the debate has been framed in terms of providing spaces to support wellness, mindfulness as well as more established forms of medicine and healing, both through individual optimisation and self-care as well as by increasing accessibility for underrepresented groups within society. Sustainability and the use of healthy materials was another ongoing concern.
At the time of writing, the Covid-19 pandemic may still dominate the conversation, but it hasn’t replaced earlier debates around wellbeing. Instead, the pandemic has acted as a catalyst for existing trends, as opposed to a new, allencompassing reset as to what the healthy indoors might look like.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that natural ventilation, easily disinfectable surfaces, home office nooks, occasional maskwearing or individual activity pods will soon be a thing of the past. What we do see is an attempt to expand access and make these spaces more inclusive and more a part of their communities, often retrofitting existing spaces for new uses. While existing typologies may change as a result of the trend towards the sharing and experiential economies, new spatial concepts and hybrids emerge, emphasising and clustering health and wellbeing functions in places where this may not have been the case in the past.