MÚSIQUES DEL MÓN Tony Allen Film of life
Waed Bouhassoun L'Âme du luth
CD 010.6ALL
CD 024.2BOU
Astor Piazzola Escualo
Vitor Ramil No mês que vem foi
CD 042.6PIA
CD 049.7RAM
Ciao bella!: Italian girl singers of the 60s CD 075.7A
JAZZ / SOUL / BLUES Xavier Dotras Trio Paintings CD 1.DOT 70
Swamp Dogg The White man made me do it CD 180SWA
ROCK / POP Barzin Barzin CD 2.BAR
Núria Graham Bird eyes CD 2.GRA
Celeste Celeste canta Antonio Machín CD 2.CEL
L.A. From the city to the ocean side CD 2.LA
Led Zeppelin Physical graffiti CD 2.LED 40
Sufjan Stevens Carrie & Lowell CD 2.STE 60
Little Boots Nocturnes CD 2.LIT
Verve Remixed: the first ladies CD 2.VER 50
Robert Wyatt Different every time
Zomby With love
CD 2.WYA 20
CD 2.ZOM 50
MÚSICA CLÀSSICA Edvard Grieg Piano concerto; Lyric pieces
Robert Schumann Violin concerto; Trio op. 110
CD 3.SCH 21.11
ALTRES MÚSIQUES Alberto Ginastera Panambí CD 4.GIN 20
MÚSICA DE PEL·LÍCULES Michael Giacchino Jupiter ascending CD 520DES