Business & Franchise Buyer Vol 4 No2 Jul to Dec 2017

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Own Your Future! Vol.4 #2 • 2017 | | $8.50

ISSN 1839-1125

9 771839 112004


SME Marketing System That Wins

The Holy Grail of Retail

Does Franchising Have an Advantage?

CONTENTS Aug-Dec, 2017 • Vol.4 #2

Own Your Future!

Vol.4 #2 • 2017 | | $8.50


Popular ways to get into business for yourself


If you are looking at this magazine it’s a good chance you’ve got the ‘itch’ in wanting to do something yourself. It’s good to know there are so many options out there – we summarized and dug deeper on a few

Welcome to another edition of Franchise Buyer magazine.

Well, actually no, it’s now called Business & Franchise Buyer magazine! ou may think ‘big deal, it’s only a name change!’, but for what we do, this is significant. We decided to make the move to blending franchise and nonfranchise business opportunities because it just

of the most popular ways to get into business.


makes sense. In our view, the world of franchise and business opportunities are blending at a fast pace. There are so many different types of business opportunities out there that all that really matters is what you, the buyer wants. We already always presented a lot of expert contributor information in our publications that was applicable no matter what type of business you had or were looking at. We now get the freedom to open up on that even more. Fundamentally, people in the market are looking for a business. What that business is, and what format of operation it is underpinned by is a whole other secondary consideration. I know that from my discussions with thousands of business buyers at business and franchise expos over a number of years. Our role does not change here in presenting information, education and inspiration to help you on your own business path. And the great thing is with this simple positioning change, we will now get copies of BFB into the hands of so many more people looking to buy a business who would possibly never otherwise have picked it up or paid attention – and that is good for everyone, buyers, sellers and us! As Big Kev famously use to say, “I’m excited!”.

06 Market Happenings An update on ‘happenings’ around the traps in business, franchising and beyond. 15 Deals Worth a Closer Look (Franchises) 18 Marketing – Client Attraction John Dwyer takes us through his five-step formula on how to build a small business marketing system that keeps on delivering – clients! 24 Business Paths – The business path, from bedroom, to garage, to global. 26 Marketing - Brand Activation Alicia Beachley will likely be introducing many to the concept of ‘Brand Activation’ and the role it plays in your marketing mix. 28 Feature – Helping entrepreneurs to grow their business, UFG style… We look at the unique approach to multi-brand franchise business development taken by United Franchise Group with their 1400+ locations across the globe. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

Glenn Walford Founder, Business & Franchise Buyer

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CONTENTS Aug-Dec, 2017 • Vol.4 #2


Peak Performance Firstly, Siimon Reynolds helps us with how to handle the stress of being an entrepreneur, followed by a quick 2 min test on whether we are actually hungry enough to be the entrepreneur we want to be!


Feature – 100+ year old marketing lessons that still apply today With the launch of his new book, Tony Melvin takes us through some golden age lessons that are as relevant now as they were then.


Entrepreneur Passion Andrew Phillips explains what it takes to succeed in 2017 and beyond.


Feature –Dreamed of becoming a hotel owner? Start here We take a look at the Quest Hotel Apartment business uncovering that the investment level to start your hotel empire is possibly not as much as you thought it might be.


Public Relations Jules Brooke fills us in on why all business owners should be doing PR, and how.


Own Your Future!

Business & Franchise Events With the Franchising & Business Opportunities Expo being 30 years young, the face-to-face experience is still proving a winner in 2017 with impressive crowds and stand bookings.


Feature – Choose your path With the amazing success stories of two young men with 16 stores between them, this is quite a story to tell.


Retail Insights Brian Walker talks about the ‘Holy Grail’ of retail and how to achieve it.


Retail Intelligence Rob Marsden brings us up to speed on the world in retail technology. What’s happening, what’s possible, and what you should be doing.


Digital Strategy Robb Snell breaks down digital strategy from the perspective of your website around cheap versus premium websites, what you get and what you miss out on.


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Finance James Scurr talks through the four main reasons why franchise brands fail to grow, with lessons applicable to any type of business.


Data for Small Business Peter Buckingham explains what, why and how certain data is useful for you in decision making at ground level in a small business.


Business Forensics Brett Goodyer casts his sharp eye over a business’ valuation and how there is so much more to it than meets the eye.


Business 101 - Payroll Kate Groom shows us the easy way to get the payment of award wages right – crucial in the current environment.


Australian Franchising Peter Buckingham details the current state of franchising in Australia.

CONTENTS Aug-Dec, 2017 • Vol.4 #2




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Own Your Future!

Franchising Your Business Many dream of taking their concept to market in a big way through franchising. Brian Keen is an expert in understanding and showing you how this is done, and here he helps you answer the question, ‘Is my business franchisable?’.



Feature – Does franchising really have an advantage over other businesses? Darryn McAuliffe looks at the data and use of it to examine if it’s all ‘beer and skittles’ in a franchise in comparison to a non-franchised business.


Community Cause Business has an important role to play in supporting its immediate and broader community, and we want to profile some special causes that struggle to get heard above the ‘noise’ to generate support. Just Like Jack is an inspirational movement – note the smile it puts on your face as you read and view the images J


Inspired Reading Technology – App Chat Powerful Blogs Websites We Love Brands in Action Deals Worth a Closer Look (Businesses) Business & Franchise Classifieds

Published by Published by Franchise Media Group Pty Ltd Opinions expressed in Business & Franchise Buyer are not necessarily those of Business & Franchise Buyer or the Publisher. Persons entering into a franchise agreement are strongly urged to seek their own independent advice. All material is copyright and reproduction in whole or in part is not allowable unless specific permission from the Editor is provided.


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Market Happenings

The Coffee Club and Justine Schofield Plate Up A Twist On The Classics with New Menu


resh Australian produce and bold flavours are the key to a popular all-day breakfast and lunch menu according to food personality and The Coffee Club Ambassador Justine Schofield, who has unveiled a new range of signature dishes in all restaurants nationally. As part of the new-look menu, Justine has introduced the robust flavours of chorizo, tomato and basil to the omelette range to join the other options that have also been revamped, which include mushroom, ricotta and spinach, and the classic combination of ham, cheese and tomato – all of which are available on the all-day breakfast menu. Ms Schofield said that while the dishes had been based on key trends this season, they are personal favourites of hers – tried and tested in her home kitchen before making their way onto The Coffee Club menus. “My new offerings are based around the philosophy of honouring the Aussie favourites like the classic omelette and BLT, but I’ve given each dish a new life by pairing the staple ingredients with bold flavours and loads of fresh herbs,” Ms Schofield said. Other new menu items include a chicken, pumpkin and pesto flat grill on a soft tortilla, turkey, cranberry and cheese toastie, and an indulgent breakfast option – salted caramel banana pancakes.


The Coffee Club Founding Director, John Lazarou agreed with Justine and noted that the much-loved franchise chain had given a number of the dishes a shake up to keep customers on their toes. “Our research shows that Aussies value meals with a home cooked feel, and are increasingly opting for familiar dishes that have a modern twist, over lavish options. “We know that our customers are obsessed with family favourites as they symbolise relaxation and catching up with loved ones, so we’ve embraced that – working with Justine on dishes that taste great and can be enjoyed at any time of day,” Mr Lazarou said. “I’m proud to say that The Coffee Club’s new menu items strike the right balance, combining trending flavours with seasonal produce and breakfast staples to create meals that appeal to a wide range of customers.”

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Market Happenings

RDG Newsflash: The State of Play in Digital Retail Today average 20-30%. • This dynamic is “moving the money around the pie rather than increasing the size of the pie”, according to most retailers, however according to the BDO trend spend report, Australian retailers increased their overall marketing spends (digital and non-digital) by a significant 35% over the past year. So we see that overall branding and marketing expenditure didn’t generally increase over prior year however the composition of budget did change.


t has been a pretty challenging period recently for many of our nation’s retail CEOs, with consumer spending weathering through some tougher times. And yet the speed of change in consumer behaviour continues to accelerate with demands for more mobility of retail offer, construction of retail “ecosystems” and increasing returns on trading. Capital is increasing and whilst there are many opportunities there are however some corresponding pressure points. Digital branding expenditure and deployment within a retailer’s brand portfolio is an interesting weathervane to understand how, if in fact at all, we are matching consumer demand for increased innovative digital reach amongst our retail community, or merely digitalising older methods of reaching our audience. To understand these questions and more (as part of a larger study), our consumer insights team went out to a large cross section of Australian retail CEOs, CMOs and Shopping Centre owners. Here are a few high level summary points, and feel free to connect with us at Retail Doctor Group, to find out more.

Digital marketing spend dynamics • Digital marketing spends have significantly increased across all categories over last 12 months and this trend is expected to continue. • The average spend increase across all categories was in the order of ~20-25% over prior year. • The most significant increase is noticed in the fashion, shoes & accessories category. • Shopping centres & malls increased their digital marketing spends by an BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

(Paradoxically, with some notable exceptions, investment in retail “ecosystem” (Omnichannel) strategy planning remained static to last year, somewhat revealing the highly tactical nature taken to leading and managing change within broader differentiation opportunities). We also observed the following within current practices in digital:

Current practices in digital • All respondents stated that investment in digital will be the major investment category to drive customer engagement and retention going forward. • Respondents are on growth journey of digital (adoption to early growth). • Retailers increasingly focus on data and insights to generate ROI. • Some retailers show relative inexperience in terms of capability to consolidate, interpret and action the data available. • Dilemma between capital investment (e.g. IT systems) and operational expense continued to derail strategic intent. • Willingness to learn, test and measure relative to perception of risk and cost was mixed, that is the appetite to innovate in this space and take risks. • EDMs are currently the most widely used digital activity - 14 out of 16 (88%) retailers use EDMs as an example, here we see that the old practice of reliance on EDMs still high ,with the method of application evolving , rather than attempting newer ways to reach current and future customers. • Achieving a single view of the customer is a top of mind priority for the majority of retailers but most of them are in the early stages of development or initial assessment So we see a changing and more promiscuous customer, more noise within the marketplace, and retailers in the relatively early stages of building a true “retail ecosystem” and as we look at digital planning and expenditure as a symbol of this journey, we see a longer road for many retailers with only a short runway to master the digital changes afoot. Brian Walker is founder and CEO of Retail Doctor Group,

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Market Happenings

Sunshine Coast business broker recognised for excellence


ueensland business broker Dione Mauric’s work supporting Sunshine Coast businesses has been recognised with a win at the 2017 Franchise Council of Australia (FCA) QLD/NT Excellence in Franchising Regional Awards. The Finn Franchise Broker, who is based on the Sunshine Coast, received the Multi Unit Franchisee of the Year Award at the industry awards held in Brisbane. The award is in recognition of her work supporting local franchises such as The Coffee Club, Guzmen Y Gomez, Subway, Gloria Jeans, Domino’s and Red Rooster. Along with the Sunshine Coast, she also works with businesses in Far North Queensland. Dione said it was an “absolute honour to receive the award in recognition of her team’s hard work across the two

Queensland regions. “Helping families make life changing decisions by achieving their dream of becoming a business owner, is something we are very passionate about.” “We’re a professional services business so it’s really important that the franchisees and the clientele within our network territory understand what we do and the value we can add. So we spend a lot of time actually out in the field talking to franchisees on a day-to-day basis, helping them with their exit planning strategies.” Len Ferguson, Co-Founder and Director of Finn Franchise Brokers, said Dione’s award was well deserved and she had built a “strong reputation on the Sunshine Coast and Far North Queensland as the first person many franchise owners turn to when considering selling their franchise”.

Perth business brokers win back to back awards and recognition for community contribution


tirling-based business brokers Ryan Willsher and Kate Longman have won industry awards for excellence for the second year in a row, as well as an award for their contribution to the local community. The Finn Franchise Brokers who support businesses in Perth’s northern suburbs, from the CBD through to Yanchep, as well as regional Western Australia, received three awards between them at the recent WA Franchise Council of Australia (FCA) Excellence in Franchising Regional Awards. Ryan won the Multi Unit Franchisee of the Year award, after last year winning the Single Unit Franchisee or the Year, while Kate, who assists Ryan in managing his two territories, Perth North and regional WA, again won the Franchise Woman of the Year award. The Finn Franchise Brokers also received the Franchise Community Responsibility and Contribution award, which recognised their commitment to their community by raising funds for local charities as well as hosting information sessions to educate and empower franchisees. “It’s an honour to be recognised again for all the hard work our whole team has put in to our business, The Finn BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

brand, and the franchise community,” Ryan said. “Our whole business is geared around giving back to the WA franchise community and the Perth local community. All the charities have a special connection to at least one of our staff and it give us a much higher purpose than just helping people enter and exit a business,” he said.

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Popular ways to get into business for yourself The number of ways and accessibility to get into business for yourself and make some extra money, or make it your full time ‘gig’, have never been as plentiful. Providing a summary of some popular options is one thing, but prefacing it with how our work life is changing around that puts the options into context… By Glenn Walford, Founder, Business & Franchise Buyer.


ur passion and mission is to provide pathways for you to do whatever it is you want to do. We provide information, inspiration, a bit of education, and options for you on how you could go about creating income and building wealth for you and your family. I’m going to give our take on why we are seeing an upsurge of people looking for options beyond turning up to a job each day, as well as the increase in people also looking at options other than the ‘traditional’ business. The reasons and paths mentioned will be just some of what’s happening and what is available out there. Fortunately, in this great country we have numerous options regarding the question of “what do you want to do with your life?”. So many options in fact, that it can be overwhelming, and many, frustratingly stick with the status quo.

globalisation was an eye roll producing word – remember that? It created all sorts movements and social upheaval as communities in the USA, Australia, UK and so on, pushed back against this. They even wrote songs and made movies about it! That movement pales to the shifts that are happening now. This change goes to a whole deeper level in our society and the way we function and go about our daily lives. The change, which is primarily brought along by the speed of technology and internet enabled ‘everything’ means that so many things we once had to leave our house or go to an office to do, now can be done as we sit in a room in our house that we prestigiously name our ‘home office’, or for

Change The world is changing rapidly. We all know it, and we can see it. in just about everything we do on a daily basis. This is not the change in the 80’s – 90’s for example, when auto manufacturers we’re shutting down globally in locations as cheaper vehicle production moved off shore and BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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COVER STORY many tasks, that a machine can, or soon will be able to do. Six years ago when I started Franchise Buyer, I used to hide the fact that I didn’t have an office and had some staff in offshore locations, diverted my phone and mail so we looked ‘official’ and like we had a ‘real’ office so we were a ‘real’ business. Now this is very normal as the traditional workplace transforms and people are not considered as having a rest day or day off if they were ‘working from home’. Not that long ago we also rolled our eyes when people said they were working from home! This is the lens you need to be looking through now. What are you going to do in the coming years as all this is happens around you? Don’t be scared of it, as this is not to scare you into action, but to prompt you to take action and be ready. It’s designed to get you thinking about your job, aspirations for a business, a different career, whatever it may be, but now is the time. Things are changing, you need to adapt with it and choose your path with insight.

Some Facts About Jobs and Activities in the Future Here are some sobering facts if you think, or are hoping that the status quo will remain. A McKinsey & Company survey in 2016 showed that current technology could automate 45% of the activities people are paid to perform*1. The survey highlighted that automation will have an impact in the following work activities in larger or lesser degrees;


Could it be the one you sit comfortably in right now?

What’s the answer for you? Well, the answer is pretty simple as you have just a few options when you boil it all down. That’s the beauty of it as the answer that’s right for you is still fundamentally pretty simple and it comes down to what you actually want to do for a living, for a lifestyle, for your family. But my suggestion is that whatever you do, you make sure that you are the person predominantly in control of your own destiny. Let’s pick through some of the popular options with some detail involved in each. Who knows, maybe you will find your next course of action or business for you!


Managing Others Applying Expertise Stakeholder Interactions Unpredictable Physical Work Data Collection Data Processing Predictable Physical Work McKinsey & Company©

Least Susceptible Least Susceptible Less Susceptible Less Susceptible Highly Susceptible Highly Susceptible Highly Susceptible

Furthermore, and closer to home, in the Centre for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), 2015 Australia’s Future Workforce report, that more than five million jobs, almost 40 % of jobs that exist today have a moderate to high likelihood of disappearing in the next 10 – 15 years.*3 But it is by no means a doom and gloom scenario. This dynamic market place and pace of change brings enormous opportunity with it. New businesses (and jobs for that matter), are being created every day, and providing services and performing roles that didn’t exist a couple of years prior. You just need to be aware that your environment and where and how you are remunerated is changing. It’s being ‘disrupted’ as the tech world like to constantly refer to. You often hear the question asked ‘what is the next industry to be disrupted?’ BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

Stay in your job doing what you are doing This is perfectly fine if that’s what you want to do! Just make sure you keep your eyes open and look for the signs of ‘disruption’ like roles and tasks disappearing. The biggest danger is being naïve or unaware and not ready, this is how people end up shocked and totally unprepared to transition when a business / industry they’ve been so comfortable in suddenly dries up in opportunities. The truth is, it is never sudden, the signs are always there some time in advance. Look for ways to develop new skills that add-value to your workplace that make you irreplaceable.

Start with a ‘Side Hustle’ This is a popular term in the US. “I’ve got 3 side hustles at the moment.” they might say. In the tech and associated

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COVER STORY world they call it ‘moonlighting’, and both refer to doing other jobs / projects in your own time after hours from your day job for income. How big is this? A recent Survey in the US found that 44million Americans (14% of the population) claimed they had a side gig, aka ‘hustle’.*4 It is a great way to start dipping your toe into the water to get into a business for yourself. Side hustles and moonlighting can turn into a full time business if you are doing the right things to set them up to do that. Basically, you can take a side hustle using the skills you have from your day job, such as a designer or writer doing freelance work at night for example. Or your side hustle could be quite unrelated to your day job, such as acquiring and selling stuff on eBay. These side hustles are great as they sharpen your skills, you learn and can see what is possible outside of you turning up for work, to work for someone else every day. Seeing a bit of cash rolling in is quite nice as well! It is a mindset leap to go from being a person who has always relied on ‘someone else’ to pay you for working, to realising that you can make money out of nothing but an idea and effort all on your own. That is hugely empowering when it happens!

If technology has empowered the side hustle, it has turbocharged MLM. Global MLM companies like Isagenix, Avon, and many more have harnessed technology to deliver easy ordering and tracking of sales, training of ‘members’, social media marketing and more, all giving the ability to scale and reach a wider audience much faster than ever before. They all have their unique elements, but ultimately they are all about you selling stuff to people you can get yourself in front of.

Franchise / License I’m not even going to try to go into the strict legal terms and definitions here for these two business models, the insight is general to help get your ‘head around’ where all fits in the scheme of things. Both a franchise and a license to varying degrees, allow you to access intellectual property (IP), created by someone else, for you to use. You get to use that IP to generate income under the terms of a contractual arrangement. How much it costs and what you get depends on the

Multi-Level Marketing Commonly referred to as MLM or network marketing, this has moved way beyond the annoying friend who keeps trying to invite you over to their house to sell you stuff! It surprises me that some people still often have an immediate negative reaction to considering this. They are business opportunities that depending on which one, have little or no investment required to get started.


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COVER STORY as you can literally sit and watch the way the business works, and access financial performance of the periods prior.

Start Up Your Own

system and its structure and way of operating. It may be the brand, the processes, a secret sauce, training, support, technology or a combination of many things. As a rule of thumb, the franchise is generally deeper in its involvement and direct regular support of you, but is also more prescriptive in what you can and can’t do. The license model is in general and more often, a more flexible approach. Again, all systems have their own attributes and I can’t speak for all of them. In reality, what is important here in these models is not the strict definition of what they are. But rather, to be aware that what they give you is some form of IP, backed by proof of success by others, to make it worth your investment. Choosing one that is robust and right for you can potentially fast forward your business ownership dreams as it means you get all the advantages and knowledge of a business that is proven through historical operations rather than you coming up with all the IP yourself. This approach often gives comfort to new business owners as they are in business for themselves, but not on their own.

This is the sexy one that everyone seems to want to talk about and do. The reality is though that it can be bloody hard to do! The old saying goes, ‘If it were easy, everyone would be doing it!’. And no truer words have been spoken than about starting your own business from scratch. Don’t feel bad at all if this is not you, as in reality it is a pretty rare breed of person that can just go out and start their own business from nothing and make it work fast enough to support them and their family. We get the enormous success stories of some APP selling whiz kid, or a stay at home mum or dad coming up with an organic muesli and stocking in Woolworths nationally and the rest is history. These are the miniscule noisy, enormous success stories that drown out the hundreds of thousands that start and try and don’t get close. That doesn’t mean you don’t try, but don’t think that level of success is achieved by anything more than a tiny percentage… There we have it, the state of the world for you in your J.O.B, and a handful of get into business for yourself options! I’m passionate and opinionated about this field as we can see it coming, and so many want to be the master of their own destiny and set themselves and their family up for a great rewarding life and lifestyle. But the question is, how are you going to make that happen and how urgent is the need to do it?

Buy an Existing Business This is a pretty simple approach – you can just buy an existing business that’s already operating (re-sale). There are thousands of businesses for sale across the country and the advantage of this is that you can see the actual historical performance of the exact thing you are buying. This could be a franchise or non-franchise that is being sold by the existing site operator. This approach also often gives comfort to people buying a business for the first time BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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*1 - where-machines-could-replace-humans-andwhere-they-cant-yet *2 where-machines-could-replace-humans-andwhere-they-cant-yet *3 five-million-Aussie-jobs-gone-in-10-to-15years *4 side-hustles-survey/

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Deals Worth a Closer Look

Franchises for Sale New South Wales


Jetts 24 Hour Gym Neutral Bay

Sub Sandwich Kings Cross

Submarine Sandwich Kiosk BUSINES ID: 3039886

$600,000 Plus Sav BUSINES ID: 3598573


Victoria Point, Brisbane BUSINES ID: 3496470

Sub Sandwich Sydney CBD PRICED TO SELL:

Stylz Hair BUSINES ID: 3127546

$149,000 + SAV

$179,000 plus stock

Mad Mex Wetherill Park BUSINES ID: 3179769 North Narrabeen Newsagency. North Narrabeen

$240,000 + SAV BUSINES ID: 3239278 Michel’s Patisserie Stanhope Gardens

$250,000 plus SAV BUSINES ID: 3243386 Muffin Break Eastgardens REDUCED TO $170,000 NEGOTIABLE BUSINES ID: 3265191 Sub Sandwich Bathurst St Sydney REDUCED TO

Solomons Flooring

Brendale, Brisbane City PRICE DROP

Westfield Chatswood REDUCED TO

$379,000 + SAV BUSINES ID: 3639268 BUSINES ID: 3720662 Brumby’s Bakery

Wavell Heights Brisbane North

Creative By Design


$275,000 + SAV

$99,000 + SAV



$615,000 + SAV

$150,000 Plus Stock At Value BUSINES ID: 3722546 BUSINES ID: 3639314

World Class Ice Cream

Nextra Rouse Hill

$165,000 + SAV


$180,000 + SAV BUSINES ID: 3639367 Award Wining School Readiness Tutoring Centre



Trendy, Mermaid Beach BUSINES ID: 3724112 Brumby’s Bakery


$150,000 Plus Stock at Value BUSINES ID: 3724817 Pizza Capers BUSINES ID: 3719958

Kenmore, Brisbane City HUGE SLICE OFF THE PRICE

Jim’s Pool Care Services BUSINES ID: 3727455

East Aydney RICE REDUCED $20.000

$159,000 BUSINES ID: 3719950 BUSINES ID: 3317021

199,000 negotiable plus SAV

Sleepy’s Ipswich

Roi 101%!!

$100,000 plus Stock at Value BUSINES ID: 3727510

For more info, go to and type in your selected Business Id Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker.


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Deals Worth a Closer Look

Franchises for Sale Queensland (continued)

South Australia

Victoria (continued)

Zarraffa’s Coffee

Red Rooster

Muffin Break

$199,000 + SAV

$680,000 + Stock

Fantastic South Brisbane Location

Mount Gambier BUSINES ID: 3728560 BUSINES ID: 2677191 Dosa Plaza Restaurant

Jetts Fitness

Ashgrove Brisbane MASSIVE PRICE DROP

$349,000 NEG plus SAV BUSINES ID: 3729583 The Coffee Club

Everton Park, Brisbane North

$299,000 + SAV BUSINES ID: 3731651 The Coffee Club


$99,000 plus SAV BUSINES ID: 3732537 BUSINES ID: 3669051


Victoria EFM Health Club, Mt Eliza

New Year Offer - Price Reduction

$130,000 BUSINES ID: 2935418 Red Rooster


$139,000 Plus Stock at Value BUSINES ID: 3737187 BUSINES ID: 3648673 Gloria Jeans Coffee

Newcomb Geelong Newcomb

$149,000 BUSINES ID: 3711086 Gloria Jeans


$60,000 BUSINES ID: 3711089 Sumo Salad

Airport West

$490,000 + SAV BUSINES ID: 3731909

$145,000 BUSINES ID: 3349290

Carseldine, Brisbane North

Geelong BP Service Centre

Mad Mex Franchise

$559,000 Plus stock at value

Brumby’s Bakery BUSINES ID: 3588368 Red Rooster


South Melbourne BUSINES ID: 3733812


Mawson Lakes

Zarraffa’s Coffee

Carseldine, Brisbane

Geelong All Offers Considered

ABS, Hoppers Crossing

$99,000 BUSINES ID: 3527607

Red Rooster


$339,000 BUSINES ID: 3731911

Town and Country Pizza

Red Rooster




Regional Victoria NORTH MELBOURNE BUSINES ID: 3731989

For more info, go to and type in your selected Business Id Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker.


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Join Domino’s



Domino’s invites like-minded entrepreneurs to join our solid and established brand as we pave the way to success. Be a part of our success story and create your legacy now! head to:


How to Build a Small Business Marketing System that Keeps on Delivering... Our resident expert in client attraction, John Dwyer, reveals his ‘formula’ to driving customers to your business over and over as the gift that keeps on giving!


ver a number of decades of providing marketing advice to all types of businesses, I’ve been able to create a “Small Business Marketing System” that works like a dream if you join the dots. I’m proud to say that my client list is a “who’s who” of the Australian business world that includes the likes of News Ltd, KFC, Caltex, 7 Eleven, McDonald’s, Pacific Magazines, Fairfax Publications, the Nine Television Network, Westfield Shopping towns, Warner Bros, Coca-Cola, the Greater Building Society, Woolworths and Madura Tea and so on... But despite enjoying a list of prestigious large clients, I have actually assisted more smaller businesses with my ‘wow’ marketing mantra throughout this time, with my recommendations used across more than 58 industries and 27,000+ businesses, with sales growth achieved in excess of $15 billion. I tell you all this not to blow my trumpet, but to make it clear from the outset that the simple but effective strategies I’m referring to below will work for ANY business. As the saying goes, if I had a dollar for every time someone said, ‘but my business is different’, well’ I’d be pretty well off!

based on price), there’s a very strong chance of you enjoying an increased market share in your industry. My Wow Client Attraction Formula includes both “offline & online” executions. Have most of my clients had a “product advantage” over their competitors? In other words, was their product unique and superior to any other business in their category? Nope, this was mostly never the case. Neither did these clients have a “systems advantage” over their competitors such as a fail-safe, robotic system akin to a Disney theme park.

People are attracted to attractive ‘things’ This marketing ‘thing’ really comes down to understanding that “people are attracted to attractive things”. And if you get your “message-to-market match” right and provide your target audience with an attractive offer (importantly not BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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So what they came to me for was the magic formula of how they could distinguish their business and products and services via “clever client attraction marketing”. Here are the five major ingredients to the ‘Wow Client Attraction Marketing System.

1. Determine your target audience very clearly This sounds like a pretty obvious first step, doesn’t it? Why then, do so many businesses ‘spray bullets’ with their advertising money and spend a fortune communicating with everyone, rather than concentrating in targeting prospects within their niche cost effectively? Are you chasing just men or women and do they fall in a particular age group or socio-economic demographic? Does your audience comprise predominantly of working class people or are they consumers who would more likely be driving a Mercedes? These are the sorts of questions that you need to answer before you embark on any marketing campaign. And the best way to go about determining your target audience is to apply the good old 80/20 rule to your business (80% of your sales normally comes from 20% of your customers). It’s a matter of determining who are your most profitable customers and what they look like – and then go looking for more people who look like them!

You can visit virtually any business today & they won’t ask for your contact details……madness!! Spend $200 in a restaurant tonight & I bet they won’t bother asking you for your name, email address or phone number. Likewise, hardly any websites have a “data capture” tactic – like offering “a free report” or whatever. The Rugby League organization gets 80,000 fans to a State Of Origin or Grand Final match……& they have no clue who was there!!! Ticket does, but the NRL doesn’t. Imagine the volume of caps & t-shirts etc they could flog after the game IF they’d collected data. So, you must COLLECT DATA!!!

Name, email address……& most importantly, their mobile phone number.

3. You need to create a Wow! As consumers, we are reportedly exposed to over 3,000 advertising messages a day. And no wonder this is the case, with all of us being exposed to TV, pay TV, digital TV, paid newspaper, free newspaper, billboards, radio, digital radio, email, direct mail, Facebook, cinema advertising and so on – you get the idea. Surely this is evidence enough that you need to inject some “Wow Factor” into your marketing, otherwise you’re just going to be in the sea of sameness. This is why I preach to business owners that they need to become the “UN” of their industry, UNlike any of their competitors. So if you’re a dentist, you need to become the “UN-dentist”.


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MARKETING – CLIENT ATTRACTION If you are a plumber, you need to become the “UN-plumber”. If you are a butcher, you need to become the “UN-butcher”. If you decide not to do this, you’ll have to accept that your communications will probably be invisible for the most part, just like the majority of the other 3,000 messages we are subjected to everyday. In the game of marketing, there is nothing wrong with being the “black sheep”. My business is called The Institute Of Wow and when you visit my website at you will see that I have a tagline which says “Learn To Deliver The Unexpected!” Don’t follow the crowd and don’t wear beige. When you start to shock your clients (in a good way, mind you:-) watch them return in droves. Do you think Disneyland was just another fun park when it opened? Not on your life; Walt Disney has created the “UN” of the amusement park industry and the rest is history. A certain pizza called Domino’s originally put itself on the map with a very clever wow factor of guaranteeing, “Customers will receive their home-delivery pizzas within 30 minutes of placing the order or they will receive their pizza free”. This simple but very effective “Wow Factor” immediately distinguished Domino’s from its competitors and catapulted the company’s sales to dizzying heights. You need to do everything you can to take your prospect’s eyes off the price and on to the value. McDonald’s has cleverly done this with their Happy Meal Toy. As a parent of six children, I can recall spending a fortune on McDonald’s Happy Meals when they were all younger. I joke that when we had six children under 12 years of age, I must have spent five billion dollars on Happy Meals to pacify the kids in my Tarago van. Yet, I couldn’t tell you what the price of a Happy Meal was because Maccas had successfully taken my eyes off the price. I did exactly the same thing when I introduced my “Wow Factor” of getting a free holiday with a home loan with the Greater Building Society back in 2001. When every other bank was promoting their home loans via an interest rate, the Greater enjoyed nine long years of never advertising an interest rate because of the “free holiday offer”. Let me repeat that. For nine years from 2001, the Building Society marketed “Get a Home Loan and Get a Free Holiday” and skyrocketed their market share – and never once advertised an interest BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

rate. It was the only financial institution in the world that did this. To be able to take the consumers eyes off the interest rate of a home loan for $400,000 or $700,000 is any incredible feat. Woolworths and Coles’ supermarket chains have been dining out on their “fuel discount program” for many years doing exactly the same thing with their grocery pricing. Take a leaf out of McDonald’s and see if you can come up with your version of their Happy Meal wow factor and you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank!

4. Use the problem/solution formula I believe the most persuasive marketing tool for any business to use is the problem/solution” formula. This is where you highlight to your target audience their problem and then provide them with the solution. I’ve tended to nickname this strategy as the “Nurofen formula” or “Panadol formula”. The reason for doing so is because of the similarity of the problem/solution tactic to that of these headache remedy companies. In the old days, Nurofen and Panadol would promote “the features” of their headache tablets citing the fact that their capsules contained paracetamol and codeine. These days, both Panadol and Nurofen cut straight to the chase and highlight, “If you have a headache and want it gone in 15 minutes, take our tablets!” Some marketers will call this formula “emotional direct response advertising” and that’s fine.

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MARKETING – CLIENT ATTRACTION Technical people are wizards when it comes to creating functional operational procedures, but don’t dare ask them to devise a sales and marketing plan! When putting your website together, you want a marketing person first and a “techy” second. As your ‘Director of First Impressions’, your Home Page is the absolute most important page of your website and therefore should be given the most focus.

There are five ingredients to making this formula work for you in your own business, and they are:

1. Identify your prospect’s problem, 2. Exaggerate the problem (highlight what may happen if they don’t do something about it), 3. Provide the solution, 4. Provide proof (normally, customer testimonials or industry expert endorsements), 5. A strong call to action (ring a1300 number or visit a website).

Regardless of what business you’re in, this problem/ solution marketing tactic will be a wow factor that acts as a powerful persuasion tool that I bet your competitors will never use.

Check your visitation statistics and if your “bounce rate” (the percentage of visitors who enter your site and then leave without viewing any other pages) happens to be 70% or more, perhaps this is telling you that your Home Page isn’t very compelling? Ask yourself these questions about your website homepage:

• Do you have a “problem/solution” headline? • Do you have an explanatory Welcome Video? • Do you have a Free Report or “tease gift” to collect visitor data? • Do you feature “customer video testimonials?” • Do you highlight “the top 3 benefits” you offer?

All IMPORTANT components of a powerful “sales driven” homepage. Now get stuck into it!

5. Dump your boring website as quickly as possible Let me give you my view about the online world - the vast majority of business websites are just awful. No, let’s make that “woeful”. The reasons for this are numerous, but I believe two major factors are responsible: 1. Most business owners (particularly small business owners) are not “online savvy” and therefore don’t appreciate the “must- have ingredients” for a successful website. They also consider the online world to be this spooky, mystifying thing which supposedly can help make one lots of money, but for the moment, it takes a lower priority in their day-to-day business. They know that they should have a website, so they get one put together quickly and then forget about it. 2. Most websites have been put together by “tech-heads” who don’t have an ounce of marketing skill or sales knowledge in his or her body. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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John Dwyer is the owner of The Institute of Wow, a marketing advisory company to business owners. Book in to one of JD’s upcoming events to get more wow than you probably even handle in your business! Sydney – Thursday, 27th July Melbourne - Wednesday, 2nd August Check the website for even more dates www.






It would be safe to say that most Sleepy’s franchisees started out with an idea of a business for themselves and decided to further investigate franchising. Apart from your time it costs nothing to begin the journey with an initial phone call or email to get the ball rolling. The Sleepy’s team is there to help you decide and will be happy to discuss all of the aspects of a Sleepy’s opportunity. Sleepy’s is the only mattress retailer with a range tested and endorsed by the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia. We believe in our service and range so much, we support our mattress sales with a 60 night Comfort Exchange Guarantee. Sleepy’s currently operates 23 locations in Australia and is seeking interest from people who are passionate about their personal success. If you are interested in talking over a Sleepy’s franchise opportunity further, please contact Guy Elliott, National Franchise Manager on (07) 3895 4100 or 0434 254 154 or email



Where there’s a wig, there’s a way By Paul Robinson What are the steps to taking a business from running out of a bedroom to global – while still staying ‘small’ and having a life? Andrew and Mandy Coates have done just that with This is their story…


retend hair has been around for a while. Credit for creating the wig goes to the ancient Egyptians, who came up with it as a way of protecting their shaven heads from the relentless desert sun. Depending on a person’s social standing the wig would be made of human hair, wool or vegetable matter and held in place with beeswax glue. Things have moved on a bit since then and wigs are now made out of a variety of natural and synthetic substances and have a wide range of uses. Gold Coast husband-and-wife team, Andrew and Mandy Coates, first established The Wig Outlet, Australia’s largest online wig store, in the early 2000s. The idea for the business was pure chance. At the time, Andrew was working from home designing e-commerce websites – going fishing as often as he could – and Mandy was working as a speech pathologist for the Queensland education department. One of Andrew’s clients sold adult lingerie and gave him a box of out-of-season stock to sell on the website. That box sat in his office until the day Mandy popped her head in saying she’d heard about people selling on eBay and thought she might give it a go. “I looked at the box on the floor and said maybe we could sell that,” Andrew recalls. “As quick as she could list it, it sold. That got us thinking we should purchase stuff to sell on eBay. Some Chinese factories had contacted us offering to supply products, and when we started looking through their websites we noticed a lot of them also sold wigs. We were more comfortable selling wigs than adult lingerie, even though Mandy was getting quite good numbers, up to around $15,000 a month, selling lingerie. She cut her BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

speech therapy job down to four days a week, then three days, substituting that income with what she was making online.” That success of that fledgling eBay business led Andrew and Mandy to develop their own e-commerce platform and website. “We decided to take it to the next level,” Andrew says. “The wigs were an easier product to sell than lingerie – they were cheap to post, they never went out of season and the stock didn’t go off. That was the niche market we decided on. We thought about expanding it into costumes, but were held back by the inventory side that came with that.” Then they put it all on the backburner, selling wigs parttime while they started a family. Andrew set up Hot Goanna, an internet marketing business with a contract from Google, which had just launched AdWords into Australia. After five years, they decided to rev the wig business back into life. “It was such a good niche and we were the experts in that niche – it was a bit like a tap, we just turned it back on and the orders came streaming in,” Andrew recalls. “We started to take the business more seriously and to import, manufacture and stock for ourselves. We sourced a factory in China, which is a whole experience in itself.” Andrew and Mandy found that doing business in China had its share of pitfalls – one of them dealing with trading companies that are basically on-sellers. “You think you’re dealing with a factory and order a stock of yellow wigs,” Andrew remembers. “Then the next shipment is a different colour because the agent has found a cheaper factory. It gave us a few problems, but we were fortunate in that we’ve got a low-cost product.”

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The couple found that acquiring a reliable representative in China smoothed out many of the problems they were facing. “We developed a good relationship with a lady called Cassie who ran a trading company,” says Andrew. “We now employ her as our quality control officer. We order from four factories in China, pay a 30 per cent deposit then send Cathy to check the quality of the product before we make the final payment and it gets shipped.” Andrew says they pinpointed early on the importance of creating a label and branding their products. “This allowed us to sell our own brand on the website, which opened up the opportunity to wholesale into bricks-and-mortar costume shops around the country. The novelty and special-occasion wig business has certainly proved a winner at many levels. “The State of Origin wigs are always popular,” Andrew laughs, “the ‘Richies’ at the cricket, a lot of rugby, we sell a lot to AFL and NRL clubs directly as giveaways and for member events. School Book Week is a real big seller for us in August – every primary school kid in Australia has to dress up as a character from a book. And of course the king is Halloween, it’s really started to take hold in Australia. We also sell a lot of wigs at discount prices to charities – Ronald McDonald houses, Beyond Blue, the Cancer Council, the Heart Foundation.” The more serious side of the business, Luxury Wigs and Hair, evolved around 2011. One of Australia’s leading manufacturers of wigs, hairpieces, ponytails and hair extensions, Luxury Wigs caters to people who have had cancer treatment, accidents or suffer medical hair-loss issues such as thinning hair or alopecia. “We’d been getting a number of enquiries to the website from people who had had chemo and were losing their hair, so obviously there was a market there,” Andrew remembers. “We’d sourced a high-end product from the US, a leading US brand, but the problem was that they set the RRP too high. People were saying they couldn’t afford to outlay $600-$800.” When Andrew’s mother had similar concerns after a course of chemotherapy, the couple decided they wanted to be able to offer a quality product below the price point currently in the marketplace. The only way to bring that price point down was to manufacture the product themselves. “Cathy identified a factory for us and we did quite a bit of research and development before setting everything in motion,” Andrew recalls. “We use a new Japanese synthetic fibre called Futura, which is designed to mimic human hair. So it has the feel of human hair without the price tag – and BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

it’s 100 per cent heat-friendly. We also have a range of human hair wigs.” With only a few traditional wig salons in Australia, Andrew and Mandy were hearing that the majority of customers would understandably like to look, feel and try before they buy, but were unable to. Regional Australia in particular was under-served. So the next logical step was to get a good distributor for the brand, one with trust in the marketplace and an existing distributorship of clients. “We went with a hair extension company called Showpony, also based on the Gold Coast. They’re a great fit because they’ve got around 5000 salons around Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia that they sell their products into. We’re also having conversations with a large distributor over in NZ. The experience there is very similar to Australia.” Andrew and Mandy are finally stepping back from running the business to growing the business. The stock has been moved out of the big shed on their Nerang property and orders are being packed and dispatched via a third party fulfillment centre. Andrew says his main focus for the next 12 months is to take the novelty wigs to the international market. Previously, postage was the sticking point with the cost of freight often exceeding the cost of the wig. However, after a fact-finding mission to the US last year, Andrew found the solution – and its name is Amazon. “It quickly became evident that the best way was to sell directly to the public on Amazon,” he says. “It’s a mindblowingly huge market – there are 330 million US customers on Amazon and 80 million of them pay Amazon $100 a year to become a member and get free shipping. Our stock will be manufactured in China, sent straight to an Amazon fulfillment centre in Dallas, listed on Amazon and they’ll ship the product to the customer. Of course, Amazon coming to Australia will be another platform for us to sell our products here, as well.” For the future, Andrew indicates that “the timing is actually right about now to sell the business and move onto some new projects. With the #1 Google ranking, fully automated, and Amazon on its way in to further lift the business again, we’re ready for our next challenge!”. Judging by the path taken in this one, that will be something to see.

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Marketing and the role of Brand Activation These days we all need to do more with less and when it comes to marketing options there is so much choice. It can sometimes be a challenge to create an effective marketing campaign that delivers a strong return on investment. With ever-shrinking budgets it’s important to make the right choice for you and your brand. By Alicia Beachley


he digital world, and in particular the digital world of marketing, is moving so quickly that the days of traditional media - TV, radio and print when not well-targeted, are becoming a thing of the past. Our customers are bombarded from the minute they wake up, and as marketers, we have so many more avenues to connect with them. We also know that our customers all want to feel a sense of engagement but it’s on their terms and in their own time (can I get a high five to the world of content streaming!). So, the question is what is the right technique for brands to employ to cut through the clutter and leave a lasting impression on a customer? The most effective way to connect will vary from product to product and is based on the brand objective and the desired outcome. Is it trial, awareness, sales (it generally always comes down to sales) or brand building? Brand activation can deliver on all of these objectives, it’s all about getting the right mix and the right formula to make the campaign a success. What is Brand Activation? Brand activation is the art of driving consumer action through brand interaction. In simple terms, the key aim of these marketing campaigns is to get consumers to act. It’s about bringing brands to life via experiences and forming long-term emotional connections. Through these campaigns we are able to directly influence more people to do more, more often! Brand activation campaigns take many forms and may involve some, or all of the following: • Promotions such as prizes, giveaways, competitions and gift with purchases. • Experiential Marketing. This is where we are directly interacting with our audience


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MARKETING - BRAND ACTIVATION and implementing a test case is a great way to sound out a campaign before national rollout; Take the time to consider all the options available to you within the brand activation space. Spend time working out which is the best option for your brand (and budget), and most importantly, which tactics will get you the best return on investment based on the campaign objectives; Remember it’s not all about immediate sales – think long term. Brand activation campaigns can generate trial, awareness, brand switching and brand loyalty, so again take the time to employ the right method; and Get an agency to help you. There are specialist brand activation agencies that are experts in this space and are dedicated to creating campaigns that deliver, on time on budget and brand.

and they are experiencing your product in some type of immersive activity. • Sampling Campaigns. Getting your products and services into the hands of as many customers as possible in a brand authentic way. • Sponsorship and partnership leverage. This is when we take a sponsorship property and create a brand partnership to bring the investment to life. Activating a sponsorship gives us an opportunity to take the partnership to the next level. • Loyalty and Influencer programs. This can be as simple as a coffee card, or as complex as a brand ambassador influencer program with multiple layers of engagement and communication. • Mystery Shopping. This is often forgotten but a very powerful way to communicate, train and motivate staff, if done correctly.


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We also need to remember the place of digital marketing in brand activation and acknowledge that it does play a pivotal role. Digital and social marketing are used to amplify brand activation campaigns and to help us reach a wider audience, it is also used as a platform to promote, capture and communicate our campaigns. Best practice brand activation is strategically led and delivers measurable results, with a focus on return on investment. To activate a campaign successfully, you need a mix of the following elements: market insight, budget, strong adaptable concepts, consumer desire and interest, integrated support, sufficient time in market and eye-catching creative and support materials. Getting the right mix is critical to campaign success and even if just one element lets you down – like the creative not being captivating, or the prize not aspirational, the campaign not supported or the promotion not given enough time in market – the brand activation campaign may not meet the objectives set at the outset. There really is a science behind getting the formula correct!

While brand activation campaigns can achieve outstanding results, conducting a campaign that is not aligned with the overall brand strategy and doesn’t stem from a brand insight could result in a less than successful activity. Sadly, we know from research that, 50% of promotional concepts won’t change consumer behaviour and 50% won’t generate enough awareness*. But on a more positive note, we do know that a large proportion of consumers with live streaming and on-demand services say they tune out or actively skip ads, so there is the need (and it’s only getting greater) to find another way to connect with consumers and bring them meaningful brand engagement opportunities, you just need to decide which one.

My top five Do’s and Don’ts for brand activation are:


Brand activation should be considered as a vital part of the overall marketing approach, or marketing mix, and not a stand-alone discipline. With this in mind, it is important that the resources and budget are in place from the start in order to meet objectives and ensure the best results; Due to ever changing market conditions, campaigns may need to be tweaked or changed accordingly, so ensuring you have a sound understanding of this knowledge upfront



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*IMI Consumertrak

Alicia Beachley is founder and CEO of leading independent brand activation and marketing agency April5. With an impressive suite of repeat clients, Alicia and her team work with some of Australia’s leading brands including Microsoft, RAMS Home Loans, Coty, Paypal and Muffin Break. A sought-after industry commentator and contributor to trade and business media, Alicia is an engaging speaker, and a valued mentor.


Helping entrepreneurs grow their business, UFG style

With a unique approach to multi-brand franchising, United Franchise Group (UFG) are extending their established brand offer by finding on-trend business concepts in growth markets, then utilising its expertise in systems, business development and support to collaborate and grow. By Glenn Walford


nited Franchise Group (UFG), is the umbrella company that operates multiple brands that include Signarama, EmbroidMe/Fully Promoted, Experimac, VentureX and more, with nearly 1,400 locations in more than 80 countries around the world. Started in 1986 in the USA by franchise ‘legend’ Ray Titus, initially with the Signarama brand, UFG has a significant foot print in Australian under the leadership of Evan Foster, as Australian Director. “UFG as a whole is growing fast with a number of new brands coming on board.” Says Evan. A typical approach by UFG is to find entrepreneurs doing something really well, and then get into business with them, backing them and integrating that business into their broader model. It’s a clear value-add from all parties type of approach to build multiple businesses in high-growth niches going forward. “We want to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses, and potentially grow with us.” The epitome of this on-trend, forward thinking approach is their entrance into the flexible workspace market with the VentureX franchise concept. “This is an exciting concept in a really exciting space. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

Clearly, the way people work is changing, and VentureX is well poised to be a big part of this with UFG’s established ‘business building DNA’. “With VentureX we’re providing a premier level of membership-based flexible workspaces. But, we’re doing more than just providing a workspace – we’re creating an environment to facilitate the building of a collaborative, diverse and inspiring community.”, according to Evan. “Business building entrepreneurs don’t just need a space to work, they need a work environment that facilitates and encourages work and social connections in line with their unique needs compared to the PAYG office workplace.” “Where is co-working going? Well, taking the stats from the states (USA), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by 2020, 40% of that entire workforce will be made up of freelancers, temps, contractors or entrepreneurs. And our indications are that Australia will be no different.” As a VentureX franchise owner you provide the modern workspace, community and services that members buy levels of memberships giving them access to the open areas or private offices. They are also able to tap into the global network of VentureX establishments opening across the globe.

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To get a clearer picture of the concept, Evan says to “Think of the space as a blend of boutique hotel and modern offices with a higher premium design level than most others. It’s a unique business in many ways in a concept that barely existed around a decade ago, so the pace of change and the opportunities it brings is always exciting!” Another recent brand of UFG’s brought to Australia is Experimac. This concept specialises in sales of pre-owned Apple® computers and devices, repairs, trade-ins and accessories. “When you think about it, it just makes sense to position a brand to capitalise and service a vast customer base like this. The cost-effectiveness of refurbished compared to new in the Experimac offer for the end customer provides exceptional value. If it is exceptional value for a customer, then there is clearly a business opportunity in the space.” “It’s an exciting, fast growth brand with a forecast of 7 additional locations opening in 90 days from July alone and we are seeing capacity for just 100-120 locations across the country. It’s a concept that is being very well received by the business opportunity seeker market place”. With UFG having such a diverse brand line up, Evan also gave some insight into the direction of the more established brands in the network. With a number of house hold name franchise brands in Australia (not just with UFG) in the mature stage in numbers and time in the market, the UFG approach is highly relevant. “The Signarama brand is in a mature position seeing us focusing on identifying and working with existing signage businesses, to welcome them into the Signarama family. It’s a conversion strategy focus,” says Evan. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

With 31 years of experience in the market, the business serves the signage and advertising product needs in their communities. “With the success in expansion of the brand over a number of years, this necessitates the focus on a strategic location approach to converting existing signage providers by demonstrating the exceptional value, buying power and the business development support that we can provide.” In a dynamic approach to the business, UFG is also in the process of re-branding another of their well-established brands in the market. The EmbroidMe brand is in the process of transitioning to being called Fully Promoted. “This process is not an overnight thing and there has to be a period of transition, as re-branding, while necessary we feel to position the brand properly for the future, also involves costs for all. And this is something we are very aware of and work through that with our franchise partners.” The re-branding from EmbroidMe to Fully Promoted is scheduled to run across the next 12 months, with the Hervey Bay store in QLD recently being the first store to be completed. “It’s a great space to be in helping local businesses grow by being a one-stop shop for their branded products and marketing services. The Fully Promoted space is growing partly due to the access and prevalence of what seems to be a never-ending range and array of promotional products for businesses, including corporate apparel, promotional products, printed material and digital services. With our ability to offer personalised service locally, with access to best-in-class apparel and products, we know this gives our franchise partners an edge in a market with significant opportunity.”

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Find Out More: 02 8878 0400


How to Handle the Stress of Being an Entrepreneur By Siimon Reynolds 2. Write down absolutely everything you have to do One of the main reasons we get stressed as entrepreneurs is the sheer number of tasks we have to do weighs us down. This feeling is magnified when we are not absolutely sure what we should do. Take another ten minutes to get on paper every To Do you have – put your business tasks on one page and your personal tasks on another.

3. Prioritise your tasks Put the number 1 next to your most important To Do. Then put a 2 next to your next most important, etc. This creates a further level of clarity and calm as you realize that many of the jobs you may have been fretting about are just not that important. Usually only a few of your To Do’s really matter. Getting clear on the vital few makes a world of difference to your stress levels. This should take another 5 minutes.


hen you get overloaded with work, what do you do? Most people push through it, work much longer hours and just accept that they are in a stressful period. In essence, they try to out-work the problem. I coach a lot of entrepreneurs, and when I see they are overloaded with work I suggest they do the opposite. Stop work entirely. Take a break. Get centered and calm. Then begin the process of getting clarity over your work situation. Here are the 5 ways to get clarity.

1. Tidy up your work environment Your office environment definitely affects how well you think. A messy desk helps create a messy mind. It’s hard to think clearly when your direct work environment is chaotic. Just ten minutes cleaning, tidying and organising your desk makes a phenomenal difference to how well you think. And how on top of things you feel. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

4. Discipline yourself to work on the most important tasks first This is not easy. Many of us pick the easy or fun tasks to do, particularly when we are stressed. If you can force yourself to work on each item on the list in accordance with the priority number you gave it, then you will find you will make huge progress quickly.

5. Avoid perfectionism at all costs When you are overloaded with work don’t try to do every task perfectly. Just do every job to a 70 – 80% standard of excellence. That way you’ll get through the list in half the time. If you have some time left over at the end you can always go back and finesse some tasks, but generally in the business world you are better off getting more stuff done then doing a small number of jobs exceedingly well. So the next time you are feeling overwhelmed with your workloads, resist the urge to just work harder and longer. Instead, stop working. Get clear. Get calm. Get direction. Then and only then get to work again. This simple 5 step clarity system will make a major difference to both your effectiveness and your happiness.

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2 Minute Test for Entrepreneurs:

Are You Hungry Enough? By Siimon Reynolds


’ve met a lot of really successful entrepreneurs. I’ve noticed that one trait they all share is a great hunger to create more, achieve more and get better. But as you become more successful, hunger can give way to comfort, satisfaction and a slow and almost imperceptible lowering of standards. Results then decline in alignment with this mental softening. That’s why it makes sense to regularly put your hunger for excellence to the test. Let’s do this now. Take 2 minutes to answer these questions and see how hungry for entrepreneurial excellence you currently are…

10. Do you have a list of improvements you are itching to make to your company? 11. Are you constantly dissatisfied with your company’s performance versus it’s potential? Now look at your results. If you can’t answer Yes to at least 70% of these questions, I’ve got bad news for you: you ain’t hungry enough to make your business a super success. The good news is that hunger can be cultivated – it’s a choice, you can will yourself to be inspired about your company. And many have done so. Make the commitment today to massively increase your hunger for entrepreneurial greatness. When you do you won’t just become a whole lot richer, you’ll become vastly happier too.


1. Are you emotionally excited about your business? 2. Are you always checking on what competitors are doing? 3. Do you think about your business at night, when driving and in the shower? 4. Are your goals for your company huge? 5. Do you constantly push your staff to get things done better and faster? 6. Do you eagerly study business courses and books? 7. Do people marvel about your passion for your business? 8. Do you have business heroes that you follow and learn from?

Siimon Reynolds is one of the world’s leading high performance coaches for CEO’s and entrepreneurs. He coaches business leaders from all over the world. Siimon also speaks globally on the subjects of high performance, leadership, productivity and ultra achievement.

9. Do you get to work early? BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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100+ year old marketing lessons that still apply today By Tony Melvin


ver one hundred years ago there lived a man who was a marketing genius. At the turn of the century, in 1907, he was paid $185,000 per year as an employee of an advertising firm. In case you’re curious (I certainly was) I did the math and that is equivalent to over $25 million today. He name was Claude Hopkins, and although you might not have heard of him, I’d like to bet that your life has been influenced by him. Let’s put that to the test. Back in 1911 the owner of B.J.Johnson Soap Co., B. J. and his newly appointed Sales Manager, Charles Pearce, approached Claude with the view of selling a BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

laundry detergent. Claude and his team advised against it. When Claude asked, “Do you have anything else to sell?” B.J. replied, “Only toilet soap” which he considered an unprofitable product line. However, Claude convinced them to put $700 up for a test campaign. Instead of calling it “Toilet Soap” Claude employed the concept of using a name that tells a story. After researching the product, he discovered the ingredients included palm and olive oils, so he coined the name Palmolive! That test campaign sparked others, making Palmolive a household name. That’s the history of the current-day multi-billion company: Colgate-Palmolive. | 32 |

FEATURE How about another test? Perhaps you have driven a car with Goodyear tires? That too was a brand built by Claude in the early nineteen hundreds. Thankfully Claude documented his marketing methods so his genius would survive. As Claude openly admits, advertising is not a special talent, restricted to a select “lucky” few. It is a science which can be taught and learned. What may surprise you is that his techniques are still valid, even in today’s online hyper-connected world. Sadly however, these techniques are not well known and so business owners still grope in the dark for advertising “secrets” that work. Well I’m such a fan of Claude that I decide to revisit his works, isolate the key laws he so readily shares, and show how these laws can be applied today, both on and off line and even on social media. I discovered 114 Marketing Laws in total across 7 categories, including: • 8 Laws for Headlines • 2 Laws for Call-to-Action • 13 Laws for Salesmanship


Let me share with you four vital laws that can make a dramatic difference when applied.

The first law is: Our final conclusions are always based on cost per customer or cost per dollar of sale. How effective is your advertising? And by advertising we mean everything you do to attract customers, from signage, to uniforms, to paid advertising. How do you know if one campaign was better or worse than another? There is only one answer: You must know the cost per customer or cost per dollar of sale.

Second Law We test everything pertaining to advertising. I’ve seen people argue about the color of a font or the placement of a logo, yet neither person had any idea what will work best. When people ask me for such advice my answer is always the same—”Let’s test it!” There is only

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FEATURE Fourth Law

one person you should listen to when deciding on what works and what doesn’t, and that is your client. If they buy or response to an advert, great, if not throw it out and start again. Continual testing eventually results in a very powerful campaign, and it is usually dramatically different to everyone’s “professional” opinion.

Almost any question can be answered, cheaply, quickly and finally, by a test campaign. And that’s the way to answer them—not by arguments around a table. This law is a cousin of the Second Law. And it is much easier to do today than it ever was in Claude’s day. Before you spend thousands on a campaign or even before you spend thousands (or millions) developing a new product line, test it first. The fastest way to do this is on Facebook. You can isolate your ideal audience, with age, gender, locations, profession, hobbies, interests, relationship status, and a host of other information that is readily available. Put together a simple campaign and set your budget, which can be as little as $5. Now sit back and see what works. Facebook provides the ultimate laboratory for your marketing. And when it comes to planning a new campaign you should adopt the process of a scientist. Test your formula in a laboratory, away from the usual daily confusions of your business and see what works. Within a few days you gain invaluable insight it what creates a response, the cost of a potential client and whether or not the campaign will be a success. Armed with such data you can easily settle all arguments with business partners, bosses and the marketing department. If business owners applied these laws, they could half their advertising and still get an improved response. Claude said it best over a hundred years ago … “Groping in the dark in this field has probably cost enough money to pay the national debt. That is what has filled the advertising graveyards. That is what has discouraged thousands who could profit in this field. And the dawn of knowledge is what is bringing a new day in the advertising world.” After almost one hundred years I think it’s time we followed the advice of this Marketing Genius, don’t you?

Third Law The reason for most of the non-successes in advertising is trying to sell people what they do not want. I see this happen a lot: Appealing to the wrong person. If your product is suitable to males, don’t target females. If your audience is the elderly, don’t try to sell younger people. Many advertisers fall into the trap of trying to attract mass attention. This is often done with a witty message. Mass appeal, however, will attract people who do not want your products or services and no amount of selling or discounting will change their mind. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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Tony Melvin is the bestselling author of six books on the subjects of finance and business. Hi’s latest book, How to Be a Marketing Genius is available in ebook, paperback and audiobook. For more information or to contact Tony visit

BECOME A QUEST FRANCHISEE A PROVEN AND SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS FORMULA As Australasia’s largest apartment hotel operator, Quest is a brand business travellers have come to rely on for more than 25 years. We’ve created a business format franchise model that takes away some of the challenges to achieving success in small business, with the support of one of Australia’s most recognisable brands.

Visit or call 1800 809 913


WHAT IT TAKES TO SUCCEED IN 2017 After being involved on a global scale in sales training, professional development and franchising for over 20 years, and logging 10,000+ hours of coaching and training, Andrew Phillips knows a thing or two about motivating forward-thinking entrepreneurs to achieve their goals. Below, Andrew gives his insights on what it takes to succeed today…


have been very fortunate to work closely with business leader Brian Tracy, who is the foremost expert today on the psychology of success and the ways to maximise your potential. The author of 84 books, he addresses audiences of 250,000 worldwide every year, presenting to over 5 million people across 80 countries. In a great tick of approval, Tony Robbins even says he was inspired by Brian Tracy.

Why some succeed and others don’t I often talk with Brian about why some individuals or business owners are more successful than others. Why is it that some people are happier, more satisfied in their careers and relationships, have nicer homes, take frequent holidays and overall enjoy a great life? And others, not so much! In a nutshell, the secret to this success is attitude. Skills and knowledge are important but studies have shown that attitudinal attributes count for 85% of a person’s success. This means that the way we think and how we react to our circumstances—our response-ability—is essential. This key component is often a missing ingredient in leadership training or coaching for staff and business owners.

The training challenge in the Australian business sector In Australia, one critical reason that businesses fail or never reach their potential is that historically, governments and employers have placed too much emphasis on training BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

staff in the areas of skills and knowledge. In the past 10 years, I have spoken to many business owners who have told me that the vocational education sector has not delivered on their promises for the business. The organisations that have received funding to conduct the training have not provided the essential ingredient. They did not offer attitudinal training to the staff and managers and as a result, the employers did not receive the expected return on investment. There is no point in filling an employee’s head with knowledge and skills if their attitude is all wrong—they will never sustainably deploy the information! Therefore, this type of training (skills with no focus on attitude) is often a waste of time and money. As evidence, the government has shut down over 3000 sponsored vocational training programs in recent years.

Employees need to know their ‘why’ Business owners and staff need to know why they are coming to work or getting out of bed each day. This key component comes ahead of practical capabilities and certificates. Having a passion for what you do may be easier said than done. If you can achieve this, however, it is a potent elixir for long-term success. We may take many roads on the career journey to find it or it may be like the situation Earl Nightingale recounted in the story ‘Acres of Diamonds’ and what you are looking for may be at your feet right now. If you are not yet familiar with this tale, I encourage you to | 36 |

ENTREPRENEUR PASSION read it. I agree with the saying that ‘opportunity often comes dressed up in work clothes.’ So always be looking for the diamonds!

A real-life ‘diamond miner’ An example of a ‘diamond miner,’ someone always looking for opportunity, is our newest franchisee in the FocalPoint business, Mike Ribot. He happened to pick up a magazine (Franchise Buyer, in fact!) while staying at a hotel in Canberra. The article on FocalPoint caught his attention and led him to purchase a business coaching and training franchise. In 1999, Mike co-founded Global Orthopaedic Technology with a vision to create an Australian orthopaedic company which would provide a vehicle for Australian surgeons to design and commercialise orthopaedic implants. The company grew to 60 staff, an annual revenue of $27 million, and is the largest Australian-owned orthopaedic implant designer and manufacturer. After successfully growing the company, Mike sold his share and found a new way to pursue his passion of mentoring others. An experienced entrepreneur, Mike will be the first to tell you that the path to growing a business is not all ‘beer and skittles.’ Through his journey, he learned that coaching others is what gives him the most satisfaction. Mike enjoys helping individuals and business owners to succeed. To grow an organisation, develop a high-performing team and then exit with respect and life-changing profit, is the dream of every entrepreneur. Mike will now make a big impact on the companies and individuals who are fortunate to gain his services in a coaching or training capacity. He can be contacted at

our. Risks challenge us and bring out the best in us. Growth requires risk as well as the drive to find the diamonds in their rough state. Pursuing your passion will deliver long-term satisfaction where happiness can be defined as the pursuit of a worthy goal. So, make a goal to find your passion and then act on it, taking a calculated risk. If you agree with me but are not sure where to start, you could even start with one of our FocalPoint coaches (of course I was always going to recommend that!). They are highly-experienced and have the tools and resources to support you in finding your passion, determining your why, and developing your staff and business. Best of all, they have absolute passion for what they do and they guarantee results. Contact me at any time on aphillips@focalpointcoaching. com or +61 418 500 721.

The Entrepreneurs Organisation A well-regarded organisation which helps entrepreneurs grow is the Entrepreneurs Organization (EO) ( A worldwide network of 12,000 members, EO is in 150 countries and includes 600 entrepreneurs in Australia. EO members are dedicated to life-long learning and the 360-degree perspective that focuses on the balance of business, family and personal lives which makes up the total entrepreneur. The concept of the organisation is that to be successful, it is the whole person rather than the parts that is critical to the outcome. As an entrepreneur, EO is instrumental in my business and personal success. The key to achieving your goals is to be in the company of positivethinking and like-minded people. To find out what truly motivates you requires self-analysis and then the courage to take a risk to pursue that endeavBUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

Andrew Phillips has specialised in Franchising and Licensing for 20 years. He is a highly-regarded international speaker, trainer and mentor in the fields of sales strategy, leadership, and business development. Andrew works with organisations and individuals who are serious about achieving goals

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Dreamed of becoming a Hotel Owner? Start here… Business opportunities come in all shapes and sizes, where you can invest in just about anything. But it’s quite possible that one option could slip under the radar – hotels. By Glenn Walford


ithout a doubt, many people seem to assume that owning a hotel or accommodation business requires an investment that is out of reach. And this is simply not true, depending of course on the property and location.” explains Otti Faska, Franchise Establishment Manager for Quest Apartment Hotels. With businesses broadly sold for an investment level on the basis of existing performance and or future potential earnings (assets aside), there are many ‘price / value’ factors at play in any purchase. “Most importantly, from my perspective, finding the right business for you is a combination of factors, notwithstanding the crucial aspect of are you suited to that business, and is that business suited to you?” “As far as investment levels go, you can, and people do, spend significantly more on some cafes or restaurants in the market, than you potentially could on a hotel / apartment business like ours. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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FEATURE Of course they vary in price, but we’ve had a property entry level as low as $500,000, and right up to $5-6million, with $1-$1.5million the average. This range of investment levels is quite an eye opener when people realise this.”

Best suited to the business “The type of people that are best suited to our style of business are those who have already been successful in a business career and are looking for a well-established, proven model. They may have had a larger independent business or sometimes have had smaller format franchises or multi-site franchises. It is also fair to say that our model attracts more sophisticated investors looking for a substantial business.” There is no requirement to have specific hospitality

experience with Quest guiding them through an extensive Foundation Training Program, which includes on-site hotel operation experience, and all the technical skills required to run the business. “In fact our most desirable attributes are for people management skills, Sales skills, the desire to grow wealth and a hunger for success.”. Interestingly, Otti also reports that they currently have an ex-McDonalds franchisee, as well as ex-multisite service station operators, teachers, accountants and corporate sales executives as a brief cross section of the background of some current owners. According to Otti, the launch of the Quest Academy in Melbourne, “Demonstrates our further commitment to training and excellence for our partners with initial training there, but it also has a strong focus on ongoing training and upskilling existing partners already running their apartment hotels.”

Location of your hotel

is a collaborative one and it’s very important the franchise owner has ‘buy in’ on the location they have their business. Our assessment methodology is well-defined.” Currently, Quest has just under 130 properties throughout Victoria, Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia, with around 50 of these in Victoria. The focus for the business is very much on expansion in those three other states for the future given the number of opportunities we see in those markets.

“The Fastest Growing Apartment Hotel Franchise Group in Australia” “As Australia’s largest apartment hotel operator, our business is aimed at the extended stay business traveller, and our 25+ years in this space means that currently, Quest is used by over 80% of Australia’s top 500 companies across the country. “This is comforting for our existing and in-coming franchise partners, but it also underpins our future growth.” “With a strong pipeline of hotel locations for 5 years and beyond, we are opening on average 6 – 10 franchised properties each year – this is strong for hotels and makes us the fastest growing apartment hotel franchise group in Australia.” The company focus is on opening new locations involving buying the plot of land and building the property, working closely with the developer, landlord and the franchisee in building and establishing the hotel. Given the length of time this can take, Otti explains that “we’re a committed, wellestablished business as this can be a 2 – 3 year process from start to open, and we are very adept at working with the franchisee and all stake holders to manage this all the way through.” “It’s definitely an exciting process knowing what the end result is going to be like, but it is still something that takes a great deal of co-ordination and transparency.”. The company also has on average 8-10 location re-sell each year which is quite normal for a business with around 130 locations. These opportunities become available from time to time but are a quite a different process to the find, build, open new location cycle.

“We like our franchise partners to have their hotel in a location they are comfortable with. The site selection process BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

Find Out More: | 39 |


Why all business owners should be doing PR The power of extensive, free media coverage is well known. Less known however, is how to get it! By Jules Brooke


hether you do it yourself, or you have the resources to employ an agency, all small business owners should be doing public relations (PR) as part of their marketing mix. Even accountants, gardeners and window cleaners can get publicity for their business if they know how. Including PR, along with any advertising or digital marketing you do, is a great way to enhance awareness of your brand.

advertisement. People don’t buy magazines and newspapers or watch TV for the ads, do they? It’s all about the stories. The other great benefit of PR is that it gets your potential customers coming to you, rather than having to go out and find new leads. Hearing about your business, from a blogger or magazine that they like, creates instant trust for people. They figure it must be something special, or you must be an expert if the media are featuring you. We all do it.

PR is all about getting free media coverage

How to get this valuable free coverage

If you can offer a good story or article to a media outlet, they will run it for free. No money exchanges hands. That’s where PR differs from advertising. Well, that and the fact that having an editor, or radio or TV presenter tell people about your business is much more powerful than seeing an BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

You have to pretend you are the journalist and you are writing the article for their readers. You need to talk about the way it will improve their lives, or scale up their business, or give them tips and advice they may not know about your particular product or service.

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Journalists need stories. If you think about it, how else are they going to fill a website with new stories every hour or so, or a full day’s worth of radio, or a weekly or monthly magazine? They rely of people pitching them story ideas, or gorgeous new products, and they always want to hear about new businesses. Don’t feel nervous or unsure about approaching them. Nine times out of ten, if you have a good story, they will be delighted to hear from you. With some of them, even if they don’t think the angle is quite right, they might talk to you a bit more about it, or suggest a different approach.

Don’t Just ‘Blow Your Own Trumpet’ Getting PR is not about blowing your (or your business’s) own trumpet and telling everyone how great you are. If you offer a media release that is just about your business, that talks about the various bells and whistles you can offer, that talks of some great success you have had, you will lose the interest of the journalist and the reader. It’s boring and it’s blatantly commercial. Imagine instead, that you talk about them, the audience. About how you solve a common problem, or about the problems that people have doing something and how you can give them some tips for how to solve them. You could write something like ‘Five things you should be aware of when choosing an accountant’, or ‘Five questions you should ask every gardener/nanny/book keeper/builder before employing them’, or perhaps ‘Eight plumbing tricks you can do at home’. Leverage your expertise, be generous with your information and people will see you as an expert. Of course, if it is a genuinely newsworthy story and you can imagine seeing it on the news, or reading about it in the paper then go straight to the outlet that you think might feature it and pitch it. Creating tips and advice is one of the tricks you can use when you are trying to create an angle, because you have nothing obvious to promote. They will always credit you and put a link to your website at the bottom of your tips article (if you include it in your media release), so you can start to build up a bit of a profile. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

As a small business owner, you will often be involved at a hyper-local level. Perhaps it is with community events or you are sponsoring a sports team. You can think outside of the square a little if that is your situation. For instance, you can talk with your customers; run surveys about locally important issues and offer the results to the local paper along with some commentary from you. Or, you could keep your ear out for interesting stores that relate an interesting customer and your business and pitch those to the paper. You can also offer some products or services as a prize. For example, a guitar teacher could offer some free lessons as a prize, a restaurant could offer a meal, or a florist could offer a month of flowers. Whatever your ‘prize’, try to make sure it relates to something that you are trying to promote, but don’t make it too commercial. You have to genuinely want to help people or offer information.

Think Bigger There is also no real reason to stay local as a franchise or non-franchised business. Taking the franchise model as an example, think about how you can use PR to benefit the whole business, and all the owners. If the individual franchise owners learn how to do their own PR, and all the franchise owners are getting some coverage, even just one article, every month, that group effort may result in ten, twenty, even 50 or more news stories every month about the business. That’s a heck of a lot more powerful than simply advertising, and a lot more affordable too! PR is easily the most effective, and affordable way to promote your business. It also has loads of other benefits like SEO and social media content which are too numerous to mention in this article. Ask your web master, he will tell you all! It’s time to get your PR happening.

For the last fifteen years, Jules Brooke has been teaching small business owners and entrepreneurs how to grow their sales and get the phone ringing by getting featured for free in the media, helping helped over a thousand small business owners to make millions of dollars’ worth of media exposure. For more information, or to try running your own PR campaign, go to

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Looking for a fresh start? Learn how to get into your own business at the Franchising Expo

franchising & business expo opportunities FREE FREE Seminars A dvice


the exhibitors

Sydney March Perth May Brisbane July Melbourne August Get your free ticket online using code FBM



See franchising up close and personal


here’s no better way to find out more about starting or expanding your own small business than attending one of the exciting Franchising & Business Opportunities Expos held each year around Australia. Now in its 30th year, the Franchising Expo is the place where people come to meet the people behind the big brands, discover new and emerging business ideas, and find the legal, financial and business experts who can help them on their journey. “Over the years we have seen many brands launch and grow their businesses in Australia by exhibiting at the Expo,” says Exhibition Manager Fiona Stacey. “And it is very satisfying to see people who have come to the show as visitors, returning as part of their franchisor’s stand to share their business success.” In 2017 the Franchising Expo has been bigger and better than ever, with sellout shows in Sydney in March at the new ICC Sydney at Darling Harbour, and in WA in May at a boutique one-day show at Crown Perth. “This year the show has grown again with the number of companies and brands exhibiting, and we have also seen more international companies becoming involved, with a large Taiwanese contingent exhibiting in Sydney,” comments Stacey. “I’m really excited about our Brisbane and Melbourne shows coming up, we’ve got even more interesting brands and business concepts, with investment levels ranging from $10,000 to over $500,000. Stacey says even in the digital age, nothing can replace the face-to-face interaction between visitors and exhibiting BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

franchisors. “People coming to our show are making lifechanging decisions that can’t be taken lightly,” she explains. “At the Franchising Expo they can ask questions directly to the franchisor and experience the concept up close instead of on a website.” Damian Paull, CEO of the Franchise Council of Australia (FCA), is a strong supporter of the Franchising Expo. “It provides an opportunity where people can have a conversation about franchising, where they can learn whether franchising might be right for them, where they can be inspired by meeting with others in the franchising community,” he says. Fiona Stacey believes live events like the Franchising Expo appeal to people wanting a one-stop-shop with everything they need under one roof. “If you’ve ever had a dream to be your own boss, the Franchising Expo is the country’s leading event to find information and inspiration to start, build or grow your own business.”

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Pre-register online at au for discounted tickets. And use code FBM to get your tickets.

Brisbane Franchising & Business Opportunities Expo Saturday 22 July – Sunday 23 July, 10am-5pm Hall 1, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre Melbourne Franchising & Business Opportunities Expo Saturday 26 – Sunday 27 August, 10am-5pm Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre


Your Own Pizza Business Empire?


As arguably the highest profiled quick service food operator in the country, everything Domino’s does attracts attention. Clearly, Domino’s wants you to know about stories like these below, and with these two young franchise owners with 16 stores between them, can you blame them! By Glenn Walford

(L-R) Don Meij, Group CEO and Managing Director of Domino’s Pizza Enterprises, with business partners Tom Walker and Morgan Wilkins. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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Chad Cable, Multi- Site Domino’s Franchisee in Canberra; • 24 years old, (one of Domino’s youngest), • Worked in Domino’s since he was 16, • Is opening his 6th store. • Has 200+ employees.


Don’t give up There will be a lot of challenges when you first start trying to achieve your goal and you’ll cop knocks many times a day, but it’s really important not to give up. Every time I have built a store I’ve had people stand in my way but you have to learn to never say no.

Tom Walker, Multi-Site Domino’s Franchisee in SE QLD; • Started with Domino’s as a 14 year old, • Opened his first store in 2013 and has just opened his 10th store in June 2017, • His Bundaberg store holds the Guinness World Record for the most pizzas sold in a single day, • His latest store opening (June 2017) broke the record for most pizza sold in an opening week for Australia and NZ (just under 9,000 pizzas).


Do your homework Make sure you know your stuff inside out and have dedicated time and put in the hard work so you understand everything about your business.


Always have a people plan Always make sure to have a back-up plan when it comes to your team that you rely on to deliver a great experience to your customers and run the business. You need to know and pre-empt what they might do and need. If you are unprepared and ‘fill spots’ with anyone available, don’t be surprised if the result is poor.

The stories of both Chad and Tom are ones that Domino’s wants you to know as a potential franchise owner, even as a parent, and as a customer. And why not… It’s undeniable that from an entrepreneurial perspective, these are great inspirational stories. They are about earning your dues, learning from the ground up, preparing well, and being given a chance, and then taking that chance with both hands – and who doesn’t love those kind of stories? According to Nick Knight, CEO Aust/NZ, the reason for the success of both Chad and Tom is no secret. “Amongst the many other things they do well in their business, they are first and foremost passionate local area marketers. They are constantly looking for ways to promote and present their business in the communities they are in.”


Prioritise your spending You have to be money savvy and prioritise what’s important. You’ve got to work hard and sometimes you have to miss out on things like holidays initially in order to prepare yourself and the business so you’ll have money later through a solid business operation.


Be picky about your tribe Running a business is hard and people need to remember that nothing is going to be given to them and they’ll never do it on their own. You will need help along the way. I could not have achieved what I have so far on my own, so make sure you get and keep the right people around you.

Creative Partnering In what can best be described as a kind of ‘creative partnering’, a significant number of Domino’s franchisees are quickly moving from a single site, to two, three and so on. It’s the way they are doing it within the system that is interesting, and creative. Nick says that “It’s not unusual for franchisees to go into partnership with friends or spouses, as well as other franchisees in the system to co-own multiple stores together. They may co-own one store with one franchisee, and another with a different franchisee and so on.” “Having multi-unit franchisees like Tom and Chad who started from absolutely the base level within the business at the youngest of ages is such an exciting thing. They are literally growing up with the system at the commencement of their working lives and tapping into all that the Domino’s system has to offer with their passion, enthusiasm and drive for success. It’s infectious!” “We have this great experience occurring within the business where we are having young people who have worked and demonstrated success in running a store as a manager


Tom Walker’s Five Key Tips for Success

for example, can benefit from the franchisee arranging an equity structure for them to assist their expansion into other locations. This benefits everyone involved.” But Nick is also clear to state that multiple store ownership is not necessarily for everyone. “Everyone has different goals and desires. Just because you may not have in your plans to own and run multiple locations, this does not mean that this business isn’t for you.”

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In search of Retail’s Holy Grail

How to discover greater profits in business “Well have you heard about the great crusade? We ran into millions, but nobody got paid.” By Brian Walker


hese prophetic words to the Hunters and Collector’s famed song could well apply to one of the most critical inputs to speciality retail success. It’s always interesting to see that it’s not lack of profit that influences the “business fitness’ of a business, it is the cash flow, and the “holy grail of retail” is to understand the relationship between sales, margin and closing stock. In fact, at our “Fit For Business” presentations or consulting diagnostic work we get quickly to this area because it’s a classic KPI of the health of a retail business. These three critical inputs are simply sales, margins and closing stock levels. Time and time again we see that stock levels are the ‘poor’ cousins of the three yet they command the single largest investment a retailer makes. How can your business replicate the world’s best retailers, accurately managing your stock levels - thereby avoiding unplanned markdowns along with maximising cash flow and profits, while others just buy what they think will sell, then cross their fingers and hope for the best? How many really understand the significant impact that a well managed stock position will have on increased sales, liquidity and profitability?

In Search of the Retail Holy Grail. Let’s explore the factors that separate the “Business Fit “ performers from the ‘also-rans’. In this area. Our retail performance for each period varies depending on a number of key contributing factors. These factors can include economic confidence, weather, competitive environment and managing turnover. Recording and analysing factors influencing these key events in your retail diary is the first important step to take. Whilst we can’t influence the weather, and our inventory at this time of the year has most likely been purchased, any opportunity to maximise stock profitability now depends on good management. Such management is made a lot easier by good systems (both computerised and manual) and the discipline of a market leader who measures sales, margin and stock position in both detail and composition.

Have a Product Budget: Formal product management often works within a concept known as Open to Buy (OTB). Plans for our performance of product groups are noted in terms of dollars and unit sales, with corresponding levels of purchases, discounts and delivery periods etc. If sales are trending up, you need to buy more. Discounts can be used to increase our units sold in order to reduce our closing stock target where applicable. A good OTB system will balance all these factors – with a view to assessing if the retailer is heading toward their planned closing stock position – even though that position may still be weeks or months away. Whether you run a formal OTB via a retail management system, computer spreadsheets or even manually the key is to ensure that you are now heading towards the planned closing stock positions you want. If you are a retailer who finishes a period overstocked - stock not sold and left behind - you can be assured that this critical trading period will damage your cash flows and lead to unplanned discounts. This often leads to ‘flow-on’ effects, which could leave you looking stale for the start of your new trading year and new season purchases being made out of the bank account rather than positive cash flow. Conversely, too little stock means you have probably missed out on sales and potential customers have been forced to shop at your competitors.

Working Your Systems for Profit

Finding the Right Stock Levels to Sales is a Large Balancing Act.

Here are some of the tools that you will need to maximise your stock management effectiveness (and therefore profit!).

Having a ‘Product Budget’ is an invaluable tool for a retailer to manage closing stock positions. It can help map your predic-


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RETAIL INSIGHTS tions regarding your customer purchases, sales, discounts and delivery times and ensure these positions are achieved. Whether formal or informal, now is the time to consider your ‘right’ stock levels for coming weeks. Average Margin: Retailers should try to differentiate between the concepts of first margin and average margin. Our first margin is the difference between our initial sales price and our cost of our item (that is the ‘buyer’s margin’). Your average margin will reflect the various prices at which stock items are sold during an overall period and takes into account various discounts and/or changes in cost during that period. Ultimately it is average margin which is reflected in the profit and loss, however many best-practice retailers ‘engineer’ better average margins by pro-actively managing first margins and discounts - across the whole trading period. Whilst a discount may reduce your average percentage margin for part of your range, the increase in sales may increase your dollar margin. The art of good retailing is to balance these positions in a manner that leads to the desired outcome without compromising your required dollar margin By pro-actively managing your discounts, you will avoid average margins being below plan. For example: Offers such as ‘buy 2, get one free’, may damage margins on one item but serve to increase your sales and your average dollar margin per sale. Accordingly, do not get too hung-up on protecting margins irrationally when the end of season is approaching. It is important to ‘bite the bullet’, and use your imagination to engineer attractive offers, rather than hanging on to dead stock which is unlikely to be more attractive to buyers in subsequent weeks. As we know retail creates moving targets (especially in fashion!) and there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. Our ultimate imperative is finish a sale period as close as possible to a logical position both in terms of closing stock and average margin - having achieved the desired level of sales.

If a stock item is a problem, is there a way to avoid a discount? Is it viable to move this item to another store? Can you engineer a conditional offer that will benefit broader sales whilst solving your problem? Will your supplier assist? If you do need to discount your item, can you gain a strategic advantage by making this a loss leader in your sale period? It is better to consider these questions sooner rather than later. If you make such plans and monitor performance diligently, it may be that you can avoid the effects of subsequent vicious discounting.

Retail is a very competitive business. To compete you need a plan to Win, Every retailer is trying to entice customers to spend more in their store/s. Use your stock statistics, in a manner that allows you to gain additional sales, but still achieve your required margins, and ensure your finishing stock level is logical, both in terms of cash flow and in terms of the stock you want to start next year with. There is little point hanging on to dead stock “just in case”. Use your best opportunity in the annual calendar to clean your stock rooms. Use it to your advantage, but use it logically and plan your management now.

Failure to plan is a sure fire plan to failure. Our best retail plans are based on understanding our historical and current statistics and forecasting the future accordingly. If your current systems cannot assist you in this regard, you should change systems. Furthermore, if you have no stock-turn measurement systems currently in place then there is no better time than the present to institute one that sets your retail business on the road to your Holy Grail of Retail Success.

The art of good retailing is to compare performances within appropriate parts of our business. For example;

If a product is ‘turning’ 8 times per year at store X and only 3 times a year at store Y – you could consider sending stock from store Y to store X – to balance supply and demand. If your ‘sell through’ on product group A is 25% in week 1 of December and only 15% on product group B – you may have a potential problem in either product. If your ‘week’s cover’ of accessories was 10 in the first week of December ’06 and is now 3 in December ’07, you may be running short on stock (assuming you closed 06 cleanly).

Overall, avoid looking for the ‘silver bullet’ answer which will magically enlighten you. ‘Retail is detail’ and at this time of our year, the detail you are looking for is based on understanding the velocity of sales and margins, relative to the amount of stock held. The correct balance will be assessed by comparing performance relative to an objective benchmark point. That benchmark point may be similar stock, it may be last year, it may be BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

across branches, but if you rank your performance across logical sub-sets of your business, the items that appear as worst and best sellers need our most attention! By using your merchandise management skills and some imagination, you can pro-actively manage offers that head toward a desirable closing stock position and still respect your planned average margin – relative to your desired level of sales. There is no point discounting items that are selling well, but equally it is better to clear poor performers at the fastest and most appropriate time.

Brian Walker is the CEO of the Retail Doctor Pty Ltd, a specialist Retail Consulting and advisory company to the franchise and retail sectors . Brian can be contacted at www. or on 0425 285 825

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Growing Business with Retail Intelligence Technology With technology transforming our day-to-day lives, the options available to any bricks and mortar retailer are numerous. The best place to start is to find out what is actually possible and available. By Rob Marsden


oday’s modern retail landscape has changed. Foot traffic has certainly declined in the traditional retail destinations over the years (shopping malls), but approximately 90% of retail still remains in-store. Good retailers have adapted to use technology to keep their buyers engaged and happy. Aside from the efficiency benefits that technology can provide to a business, it also offers a new way for consumers to interact with the retailer, the product, make decisions, purchase more, and share their newly purchased treasures. Retail intelligence gives an insight into what consumers desire, what they need, how likely they are to purchase and what drives those purchasing decisions. Here we discuss some of the current strategies that good retailers are adopting in technology to help their business remain not only competivite, but future proofed.

Implement a Modern POS system Modern touchscreen point of sale (POS software) can give you access to live data throughout the day and aggregate sales data across multiple sites. Timely access to data and quality reporting will help with strategic decision-making, promotion planning and effective operations. Some key things to consider when choosing a POS provider should be;

• Fit for purpose – There are a lot of different POS systems on the market. You need to evaluate and match core business BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

needs against the operating functionality of the system. • Customer Loyalty Integration - What features and functionality is built in or available from integration partners to increase customer loyalty? • Payment Support – What payment providers are supported, and are electronic payment types such as EFTPOS directly integrated within the software to avoid clerk mistakes? • Reporting – How accessible is your data? Is it able to show multi-site live data or is it only offering a daily read out? • Ominchannel support – Can your inventory be sold in-store, online, mobile and social all at the same time?

Encourage Interaction When it comes to the buyer experience, positivity and peer approval can be important factors in influencing a buying decision. For example, encouraging and enabling customers in a clothing store to try on outfits, share them

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RETAIL INTELLIGENCE & TECHNOLOGY via social media and seek instant approval, can improve both sales and drive brand awareness. Digital signs, kiosks, and touchscreens attract shopper attention, provide product advice and product suggestions, and encourage engagement with current retail promotions. In-store hubs can enable customers to view items in-store while at the same time also shopping for alternative options within an online catalogue with items / inventory not on site. In the next few years, expect to see the introduction of advanced in-store technology such as augmented reality systems where digitally enhanced content is layered over real world items. Virtual reality systems where customers can attend live streamed product launches and events and interactive product hangers that, when lifted, trigger preprogrammed content, lighting, or music.

In-store tracking technology is also becoming more accessible and cost effective. With widespread smart phone adoption, customers are becoming more open to real-time engagement with the retail environment to enhance and support buying decisions. Near Field Communication and RFID technology can be deployed on product tags to allow buyers to access product information, loyalty programs, share content, and scan basket items. Location Based Services uses the internal GPS of a phone to match buyer location, special offers, and offer promotional deals to loyal consumers.

Enabling Smartphone use in-store Customers are increasing using smart phone technology to research and review products whilst in-store. Offering free customer Wi-Fi is a low cost and effective way to enable this customer interaction and can offer additional benefits to the retailer. Facebook check-in provides a fast and simple way for customers to access free Wi-Fi services in-store. Automatic redirection of customers to your Facebook business page allows customers to browse store information, engage with current promotions and to ‘Like’ your brand. The customers’ check-in status will also be posted to the users Facebook News Feed, further increasing the presence of your business amongst the customers friends. By actively contributing to leading internet product review sites and comparison websites, the retailer can also ensure that the customer finds positive reinforcement about the product and brand when searching online.

Retail Analytics By harnessing the power of intelligent video analytics provided by modern IP Video Surveillance systems, retail operators can gain new insights into specific consumer behaviour to help spot trends and make more informed business decisions. Some of the readily available data from these systems include:

• Store Traffic Management (people counting) - Measure the number of people who visit your store, at a whole site or within a specific zone of observation. Improve customer service by BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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smartly planning staff hours around peak times. Plan in-store promotions more accurately and optimise your promotional strategies. • Queue Management - Measure and manage the load on points of client service in your store. Improve business efficiency and increase customer satisfaction. • Heat Mapping - Understand your customer traffic patterns. Plan promotions and merchandise placement based on information about the most attractive areas of your store. Determine the effectiveness of your product placement and scale out successful experiments. • Facial Recognition – Putting a name to a face has taken on a new meaning. Facial recognition is no longer a futuristic technology and will be a real game changer for retail implementations. Imagine welcoming a patron in a different city of the same brand of outlet by their first name from an intelligent multisite detection system.

for convenience and simplicity for the consumer. Quality retail intelligence has become an accessible commodity for business owners of any size. Technology such as advanced point of sale system, video analytics platforms and managed customer Wi-Fi can provide exceptional data to assist with day to day decision making and long term strategic planning. The effective use of technology in-store can continue to provide an engaging point of difference to your competition. Think about the best interactions you’ve had with a company and their technology. Consider their impact on you and how that affected your buying choices, and how you can adapt that technology to work for you.

Payment Providers Taking payments in retail has changed dramatically in recent years. Universal adoption of credit and EFTPOS cards, along with the ever-increasing use of Apple and Android Pay mean that consumers expect to be able to pay via their preferred method and to do so without added fees. Treat merchant fees as a cost of doing business and build it into your product cost. Payment surcharges are increasingly unpopular amongst consumers and can negatively differentiate your business from the competition. Opt instead BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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Robert Marsden is the Managing Director of Addictive Technology Solutions. A company that specialises in empowering retailers through the adoption of modern point of sale, video analytics, facial recognition and payment technology systems. He has worked for almost two decades with large franchised based businesses to continually deliver technology that grows the bottom line. www.


Websites - Premium vs Cheap In a world where technology gets glorified on a daily basis, it’s important to keep your feet on the ground lest you get swept away into the waiting throng of Apple© ‘fan boys’. By Robb Snell


s a technology professional that specializes in launching and transforming businesses I’ve got my eyes keenly focused on business goals, not technology toys or “instant” wins. To illustrate my view of the technology landscape and the type of value it can bring to a business I’ll walk you through the difference between a cheap-as-chips website and something a little more premium. The views expressed in this comparison will probably apply to every aspect of your business, they’re not just problems inherent to technology, but it’s common that technology information is layered in so many shades of hype that reality struggles to penetrate.

The Cheap Website There are many products available these days that let you get yourself up and running with a drag-and-drop site and off the top of my head I can name several like Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, or DoodleKit. These platforms typically come with a range of technical benefits like hosting, stock SEO features, or mobile friendly templates, and they say just enough things that you don’t really BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

understand so you’ll jump in and let them make it all go away. The fundamental problem with these solutions is demonstrated by a simple statement on the Squarespace website: “Think of Squarespace as your very own IT department”.

Since when has the IT department run your customer experience, your marketing, your sales funnel and your business process? This is a classic case of the technology sector thinking that it’s changing the world by connecting a few dots that really have very little to do with the bigger picture.

What does Premium give you? The first thing you can expect from a slightly more premium website is some actual time being invested in your “Digital Strategy”. Previously I’ve written on Digital Strategy, what it is and how you can define one that suits you. In a single sentence I would describe your perfect Digital Strategy as: “The framework of technical platforms, customer flows,

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marketing tools and business processes that you create to enable your business to run the way you need it to.” Your website is often a core part of your Digital Strategy because it can be completely tailored for your business (unlike your social pages) and is commonly used to: • Deliver useful information, • Drive customer activation, • Offer ecommerce, • Enable customer self-service, • Integrate with your Social or CRM, or any other type of web service. When you go with a cheap option you’ll get something that may look like other websites but it’s unlikely to fulfill any of the crucial things you need as a business owner. Usually it’ll simply take care of putting your brochure on the web.

Picture a ‘Bricks and Mortar’ cafe To illustrate this point a little further I often find a bricksand-mortar café analogy to be the most effective way of explaining how a customer should view investment in their web presence. If you can picture a café, the development of your website is comparable to the fit-out of your store, not just the interior design but a good number of the features that make your business stand out from the crowd and operate efficiently including your menus, your point of sale and your loyalty systems. If you think that a generic cafe fit-out from Bunnings is going to give you what you need then that’s what you’ll get BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

from a template. You’ll probably get an instant coffee machine as a part of that package or you could invest in some real tools of the trade and get a machine that makes the type of coffee you really need.

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Taking the analogy a bit further, the work you do in the digital marketing space, including work on SEO / PPC / Social channels, is comparable to the money you would expect to spend on rent for your café. If you’re relying on your website to deliver a considerable amount of traffic then you will need to invest in these areas just as you would invest in a highvisibility / popular location for your café. Where a lot of these cheap tools suggest they do it all out of the box, they’re clearly just skimming the surface of a complex topic so they can mention all the hot words in their sales pitch!

Classic cases of this are the all-in-one SEO feature or the mobile friendly templates. Anyone in the industry would know that SEO is a domain most effectively tackled through keyword analysis, content structure and marketing activity. At the very best your free templates can be SEO-friendly but that’ll only take you 5% along your path. The same thing goes for responsive mobile templates. Yes you can get a free website template that effortlessly resizes on all devices or as you adjust your browser window, but does it really highlight the right content? Most free templates look fantastic if you change your content to meet them, not the other way around. The final point I’ll make is around tool sets. If you’re going to be using your website as a key part of your Digital Strategy then you’ll want to get pretty efficient at using it and you’ll want to enjoy it. Most of the cheap website toolsets are great for managing content their way, but if you want it to do BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

something your way then you’re in for a world of pain. A common example in this realm is the widespread use of Wordpress. Even though it has tried hard to become a true Content Management System (CMS) in recent years, it still looks, feels and operates like a blogging tool. Every time I show a client a system that was designed to manage lots of types of content, a true CMS, they’re blown away by how simple it is. For you as a business owner it means no training, no mistakes, higher productivity and ultimately a better business. In terms of websites, technology and life in general, you get what you pay for.

From the start of the online revolution, Robb Snell has crafted technology solutions to get the best out of any business. From the biggest corporates to ‘Day One’ startups, Robb’s work has launched companies, won international acclaim and revitalized P&L’s time and time again.

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Digital Strategy, mild to wild. Marketing Strategy, mild to wild. Franchising pedigree second to none.


4 reasons why franchise brands fail to grow Are you looking to grow your brand? Here are the most common challenges you’ll face when trying to grow your franchise system. By James Scurr



t some point, every franchisor struggles with the recruitment of quality franchisees and the ability for franchisees to access the capital required to start the business. The two challenges are in fact related. If franchisors were able to offer some solution that assisted with accessing finance, then they would typically be able to recruit more of the right franchisees. This is where Cashflow It can help. Accessing business finance doesn’t have to be painful. Our seamless process at Cashflow It is all about making this important step as stress-free for you and your franchisees as possible. Helping franchisees have a greater understanding of finance and what is required, is just one of the services we provide. We’re here to provide the right funding solutions for all your finance needs. That’s why I’m sharing four common mistakes I regularly see franchisors make when trying to grow their business.

of the franchisee’s business. If the failure leads to legal action against the franchisor (this happens!) then this can be reflected in the litigation section of the Franchise Disclosure Document, as well as being shown in the section that discloses franchise businesses that ceased to operate. If this happens to you, it will significantly affect your ability to sell more franchises. Ultimately you want all your franchisees to be successful to enable you to sell more units and grow your network.

1. POOR SITE SELECTION Choosing the right site for your franchisee’s should be one of the most important decisions you make. Choosing a poor site has significant flow-on effects to everyone involved in the franchise network, even other franchisees. Franchisees rely on the expertise of their franchisor when it comes to site selection. Poor site selection can lead to a disgruntled franchisee who can potentially affect other franchisees in the network or even lead to the failure BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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The right franchisee recruitment process is critical to the growth of a franchise network. This is because the people who you recruit to join your business must share your vision and be committed to growing it with you. A well thoughtout and executed franchisee recruitment process should prioritise building, and strengthen, relationships over the long-term. Your goal from the outset is to recruit and sell a franchise to a viable, capable business partner who you can see yourself still working with well in years to come. There’s no point recruiting someone who you know won’t be able to add value to your franchise system for many years. Many franchisors rely on emotion, gut feel and unsubstantiated assumptions to select their future franchisees far more than they do on sound business judgment. Inadequate franchisee selection procedures are one of the biggest reasons why a franchisor fails. Ideally, you want a franchisee who can maximise sales and control costs; who values customer experience, and who can culturally fit in with your franchise operating model and brand values. You don’t have to accept every franchisee, and, in fact, you shouldn’t. The cost of supporting the wrong franchisee direct and indirect resources including additional staff, travel costs, management time and professional resources – not to mention damage to your brand, could cause irreversible damage to your business and even cause bankruptcy. Ensuring you have robust systems and processes in place will help you to filter out undesirable franchisees. And having a documented business and marketing plan will support you to attract the right people to your business.

IMPORTANT THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHOOSING A LOCATION: Research a range of different locations, ensuring you gather information about the demographic and economic characteristics of the areas you’re interested in. Find out about other businesses in the area because you never know if another local business might complement your business’ product or service. Spend time learning about your competitors including where they are located and the type of premises they use to sell products and services. Contact local councils to learn more about the area, any future or planned development, zoning, rates and business activity in the region. Take time to consider the current and future needs of your business. Make sure you’ve got an up-to-date marketing plan and that your chosen location is in line with your business goals and objectives.


For years access to finance has been cited as one of the top challenges in the franchise sector. The other most cited challenge is recruiting quality franchisees. This is because often the most suitable people for your franchise network may not have the financial means to buy a business. One way to overcome both of these challenges is franchise accreditation. Put simply, franchise accreditation is a model that recognises the strength of the brand and offers a preferential financial package that is available to the whole franchise network. Having an accreditation model in place means franchisors can be assured that their current and prospective franchisees have a guaranteed avenue for accessing finance. Once accreditation is in place, franchisees don’t have to go through the normal full assessment process to access funding. All franchisees need to do is complete an application and they are given a pre-approved level of funding from a financial institution like Cashflow It. All the hard work - collecting all the supporting information that you would normally be expected to provide - is done up front by the franchisor. The accreditation process acknowledges that there are similarities to the recruitment process that franchisors adopt. In Cashflow It’s Franchise Accreditation, we consider four broad areas in our decision-making process: franchisee recruitment processes, the franchise disclosure document & franchise agreement, franchisor & franchisee financials and store assets. The Disclosure Document helps lenders determine the network’s performance and profitability such as how many stores have been sold or how many franchises have been shut down and terminated while reviewing a franchisor’s history and experience, financial position and recruitment process ensures the strength of the system as a whole.

4. NOT REFRESHING THE BRAND Quite often, not a lot of thought is given to how a franchisee will fund a store refurbishment until it’s too late. In a fast paced world, consumers expect the best and the latest version of just about everything. This same concept applies to your business. If you let your franchise brand go stale and don’t update the look of stores then it can dramatically impact the growth of the network. Then there’s the other side of the coin, prospective franchisees. Just like consumers, they too are attracted to modern, edgy and everevolving franchise businesses. This is just another reason why you need to keep reinventing yourself. Depending on their specific individual terms, generally every five to six years, franchisees need to upgrade their store fittings and equipment based on their franchise and landlord tenancy agreements. But a lot of franchisees don’t budget for their refurbishments and many may not realise the cost associated with a refurbishment. Too often they are caught up in the initial opening and running of their business. Five years may seem like ages away but it comes around quickly and if you haven’t budgeted correctly, it can be a very | 56 |


stressful time. For example, a typical hospitality franchise spends between $75,000 and $150,000 on a refurbishment. If you do find yourself short on cash and need to apply for finance, the process is simple and straightforward and has many benefits including tax advantages.



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Look for ambitious, hardworking franchisees that will do whatever it takes to ensure the businesses success.

Franchisors sometimes fall into the trap of accepting a franchisee with plenty of financial capacity to buy the business, but not the drive and determination. It’s not always the people with money that will make the best franchisees.

Make sure your financials are in order. It’s best to make sure your accountant prepared financials are in order to ensure a seamless process when you go to a lender to seek funds. For a depreciating asset like a store fit-out, it’s important to choose the right type of finance. Generally speaking, operating leases may be the best option for franchise owners due to the tax advantages. If you choose a bank loan, only the interest portion of your repayments will be tax deductible. Make sure your refurbishment is going to add value. The whole point of a refurbishment is to attract new business, and ideally, you want to see an increase in sales as a result of the money you are spending.

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Have franchisees fill out a comprehensive application form to filter out those who aren’t suited to your franchise. Take time to assess their financial capacity to purchase a franchise.

Look for people who are passionate about the brand. Not just someone who just wants to work for themselves or buy an investment.

The best time to do your refurbishment is before the holiday period. You want to be able to open your doors and use this key trading time to get increased exposure for your new store. If you still aren’t convinced that a refurbishment is a necessary expense for your business, think about it this way: A refurbishment isn’t a wasted expense it is an investment in additional revenue for your business. A new look will only increase traffic to your store, and this increase in revenue will make it that much easier to sell your successful franchise to potential franchisees. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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James Scurr is the MD of Cashflow It© , a lender that focuses exclusively on the franchise sector. For more information or assistance go to www.


What data is useful in a practical way for small business at a local level? Real data to help in your decision making about where to buy a business, or how to market to your existing one is now within easy reach. By Peter Buckingham CFE CMC


hether you are opening a new store or buying an existing business – would you take someone else’s word (probably only met them a week ago), that this is fantastic for you to invest your money in? If that is how you operate, I suggest success may elude you over the long term. Most successful business people back up their intuition with facts and data. As much as a very biased seller, or an over enthusiastic real estate agent will tell you the business or the location is great, there is that thing called Due Diligence you need to undertake. If you are opening a store or buying a business, it is relatively easy to look around at ground level. You will walk the streets, count the people (maybe), and make some qualitative judgement on their age, ethnicity and many other factors. You will look at a shop premise for visibility, size, suitable layout access, parking and many other factors no doubt. However, how can you get up in the helicopter and measure the area, or compare this one with other areas and make an informed decision on what is best for you? Depending on your new business opportunity, you may need to concentrate on business to consumer (B2C), business to business (B2B) or both.

ethnicity – especially if what you are selling has some attraction to certain groups. • How many people work in the area? • What type of people work nearby – white collar, grey collar or blue collar?

Business to Consumer (B2C) Using Census demographics and mapping tools allows us to make more informed decisions. The 2016 Census has been released in June 2017, and this feeds through to give us a much smarter picture of what is happening with our population Australia wide. If you are buying an existing business or opening a new store, you can gain insight into factors like: • How many people live nearby (maybe in a territory, or in a certain radius)? • What types of people live nearby? – think in terms of age, income, employment and maybe BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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DATA FOR SMALL BUSINESS • Many other factors that could / should influence you decision.

Shopping Centres and Shopping Strips If you are going to buy a business in a shopping centre or a shopping strip, and you have some options – what should you be looking for? I am sure the Leasing Agent will have told you all the positives about the shopping centre, but how can you compare the people (in the trade area)? Our suggestion is you look at the demographics, and make an assumption that a big shopping centre (Super or Major Regional) may draw from a 10 km radius – Chadstone, Castle Hill, Marion etc, and medium size (Regional or Sub Regional may draw from 5 kms radius. Smaller Neighbourhood shopping centres may be thought of as 3 km radius from where they draw the majority of customers from. Once we have decided this, we can look at information. To help in this process, Franchise Buyer and my company, Spectrum Analysis have created reports and easy access available for every shopping centre in Australia. For a comparative nominal investment, our Datapaks include the demographics at the certain radius you select.

So what should we be looking at? The first thing is the population and number of households. You can have the best products for sale but if no one lives nearby or close enough, you are going to be in some bother. In many cases new shopping centres and


supermarkets are built, and they work on the theory “Build it and they will come”! A new supermarket may have very cheap rental to begin with to attract tenants in, and may be able to run on low staff levels initially, and therefore low costs until the people arrive into the area in a few years’ time. You also may not have that luxury, and go broke waiting. While there is no fixed rule, I feel that the population needs to be a part of your business plan, and that way you may be realistic on your sales expectations. No good selling donuts, and needing to sell $600,000 pa, if the population is 2,000 people to start with. You would need to sell every man, woman and child $6 worth per week per person – mission impossible – or a very fat population! The demographic should also help you decide on the suitability of the area to your product. Again, I suggest the main things are to consider age, income and ethnicity. If I am selling Bubble Tea, then it has a strong Asian demand. If I am selling high price skin care products, it probably has a female bent, and looks to higher income levels. If I am selling school shoes – think kids and families. You really need to do a reality check and be honest with yourself to try and match the product to the market. We work with many franchise systems, and many require this sort of information to show the territory or their marketing area to potential franchisees. It also serves to be a good due diligence for them, so as to minimise the risk of opening poor stores. The same data is useful however if you are a franchise or not.

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Detailed DataPaks For as little as $99+gst

You can do more when you know more. Fit-For-Purpose Small Business DataPaks Whether buying or operating your business, a DataPak on your postcode, or the radius around your shopping centre gives you decision making data and information. With; Population demographics, Zoning of Use, Business & Employment Summaries and more. Know your trade area inside out from as little as $99+gst for a detailed report accessed immediately online. Go to and enter your postcode into the search box to view the available reports for your area.

Own Your Future!


Business to Business (B2B) Many business opportunities are all about selling B2B. If you have a business like KwikKopy, Snap Printing, National Drones or Drug Safe for example, it is all about other businesses in the area that can use your services. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) tells us how many businesses are in each specific area, what they basically do, and what is the approximate number of employees they have. There are many other businesses that also can take this into account such as lunchtime food (Sushi Sushi for example), businesses such as Appliance Tagging Services, and accounting businesses right from KPMG to franchises like First Class Accounts. Many of these give territories – as they are mobile services, and the territory size and planning is based on these business and employee numbers.

Mapping to assist your knowledge As well as the data mentioned above, looking at a map of the area can help your understanding greatly. Mapping has moved forward over the years, and one mapping set we like to use is the government supplied Land Use maps, where we can see the predominant use of any small area. This is great to see: • • • • • •

(Total Tools or Sydney Tools), being located in or on the edge of an industrial area is probably ideal to attract and be seen by your potential customers. Investing in value-rich information to make better business decisions is a very small price in what will probably be the second biggest investment decision of your life (only behind your residential home). When buying a home you have far less risk (assuming you can afford it), as history shows it normally appreciates long term, and you can easily see and feel the area you are going to buy in. Business is completely different, as there is no guarantee of success. Using data to assist in your business decisions cannot be seen as an optional expense, it must be seen as an investment in your future. Peter Buckingham is the Managing Director of Spectrum Analysis Australia Pty Ltd, a Melbourne based Geodemographic and statistical consultancy. To contact Peter email or call on 61 398300077. To find out more about the location of your potential or existing business, find your DataPak by typing in the postcode area you are researching in the search box at www.

Residential areas, Commercial areas, Industrial areas, Schools and Education, Hospitals, Parklands.

Seeing it on one map gives you a much greater idea on where different parts of the community are located and how that may affect the business you are going to operate. For example, if you are a transport business or a tools provider BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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Peter Buckingham is the Managing Director of Spectrum Analysis Australia Pty Ltd, a Geodemographic and statistical consultancy. Peter is both a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and a Certified Franchise Executive (CFE). To contact Peter email peterb@spectrumanalysis. or visit www.


Putting the Diligence into Business Due diligence has many other roles to play in a business besides forming part of a potential buyers’ assessment. As a specialist in Business Forensic due diligence, Brett Goodyer explains this broader and potentially lucrative role.


any people would assume that for a business to be undergoing a due diligence process that a transaction must be about to occur – a merger, an acquisition, a divestment; but that is not necessarily true. Sure, each of these events should trigger a due diligence process of some shape or form, but perhaps it’s time for us to broaden our understanding of due diligence. Due diligence, done well, can also be considered a diagnostic tool, one that will help us look at our business with new perspective and assist us to be strategic in implementing a medium to long term goal, rather than concerning ourselves with only the immediate future. For demonstration purposes, we like to use case studies where some level of due diligence is required. From a simple appraisal to an in-depth analysis of the form and substance of a business.

Retirement Planning for Dave… A business owner, let’s call him Dave, starts to think about whether he has sufficient superannuation with which to retire comfortably and so he starts a conversation with his accountant or financial advisor. Based upon their assessment of his needs it is decided that Dave needs a minimum of around $2 million in assets (other than the family home) at retirement in 5 years. Dave’s current superannuation balance is around $500,000 and he believes his business to be worth around $1 million, leaving a shortfall of $500,000 that Dave needs BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

to accumulate over the next 5 years. $500,000 in 5 years will be tight, but it is doable if Dave is a little frugal and saves his pennies. However, what happens if Dave’s business is not worth what he assumes it to be worth? What if it is only worth $500,000 when he retires in 5 years? Does it mean he can’t retire yet? Does it mean he has to retire with less than he really needs? Will it be Passion Pop and Kraft Singles rather than Moet and Camembert? The difference between what we ‘think’ and the reality When planning for his future retirement, a prudent advisor will do their best to make unknown risks into known risks. Often there is a disparity between what a business owner thinks their business is worth and what someone would pay for it in an arm’s length transaction. After all, it’s only natural that you’d think your ‘baby’ to be more valuable than anyone else. The difficulty lies with the potential disparity between what the market considers to be a fair value and what Dave considers to be a fair value, and if left unchecked Dave may well find himself in a position where he cannot retire when he wants to. At this point, a prudent advisor will recommend some form of due diligence as a pre-emptive strike. At the very least Dave needs to find out what his business is worth today just so he can understand his current financial position. In having his business appraised Dave would gain insight into how businesses in his industry are truly valued and the basis of the calculation of that value. It is a regular misconception

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BUSINESS FORENSICS influencing factors in the value of his business:

• The earnings that could be reasonably expected to be generated by the business year on year (the future maintainable earnings); and, • The capitalisation rate (or multiple). So clearly, it would be Dave’s fondest wish to increase both the earnings of the business and its multiple.

How to increase business value

that a business, any business, is valued at three times its annual profit. The problem with this misconception is that many business owners believe it so thoroughly so as to plan their future on it only to find out when it is too late that it is based on myth rather than reality.

Calculating Value Whilst businesses are regularly valued utilising what is called the Capitalisation of Future Maintainable Earnings (CFME) business valuation methodology (around 80% of businesses valued are valued in this way), it is not the only methodology that can be used. Where the CFME valuation methodology is utilised it is a rarity for the business to achieve a multiple of future maintainable earnings of three where the business turns over less than $1 million. For businesses turning over more than $1 million, it is highly dependent upon the industry and many specific risk factors for the specific business as to what multiple of earnings will be the most likely achieved at market.

The First Step So step one for Dave is finding out not only what his business is worth, but why. Requesting a simple appraisal from a competent professional experienced in the valuation of businesses should not be difficult nor time consuming, and (probably) gives him a reality check on the current market for his business. It is not often that a business owner is surprised and delighted to hear that their business is worth more than they expected; or even that it was worth what they expected for that matter. Assuming that the value is in fact below what he requires for retirement, Dave will likely need to move on to step two: due diligence on his own business to understand what he can do to improve its value. It is one thing to know that the market value of your business is not going to be enough for retirement, but knowing what to do to increase that value is another thing entirely. Even cursory due diligence will allow Dave to gain insight that allows him to understand the two main BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

The earnings of the business can be increased by only two factors; increasing turnover, or decreasing expenses. Understanding where some tweaks can be made to increase earnings is important and will have the effect of increasing the businesses value considerably. However, the multiple utilised in the valuation is an assessment of the overall risk profile represented by the business as an investment proposition. For instance, are Dave’s customers subject to long term contracts? No? Well, then it is a risk that these customers won’t stick around if Dave sold his business. Does Dave’s business have any intellectual property that sets him apart from his competitors? No? Then there is commercial risk that customers might move to another provider. Due diligence that is done properly will allow understanding of the risk profile of a business and provides insight into how this information is considered in a valuation. By knowing what the businesses risks are allows the owner (or their advisers) to understand what changes can be made to decrease the risk of the business as a potential investment to a third party and thereby significantly increase its value. It is always preferable to create a plan for the future knowing all of the variables that are knowable. To do otherwise is to fly blind and hope. Nearly all businesses, like Dave’s, will benefit from due diligence performed as a measurement and diagnostic to allow medium to long term strategic planning. It could well be the difference between Dave retiring with sufficient accumulated wealth or not.

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Brett Goodyer is a Director of SV Partners Forensics and online SME Due Diligence portal www. discuss your needs or the needs of your clients with Brett you can call him on 0447 264 224 or contact him on brett.goodyer@svp.


How to get award wages right Payroll compliance without spending a fortune! By Kate Groom


ayroll has become a hot topic - especially in franchising! It’s no surprise since it’s one of the more complicated aspects of running a business. This means that it’s relatively easy to make mistakes. But putting the mistakes aside, the big issue we see is that too many businesses and franchise owners are burdened by cumbersome payroll processes. There are more headaches with payroll than there need to be. That’s why we are so keen on helping business owners use technology to help with payroll processes.

Why is payroll such a headache? Payroll headaches are frequently caused by a combination of the complexity of award conditions and the array of recording methods franchises use. We can get clues about the areas of difficulty from the work done by the Fair Work Ombudsman. Their investigations have highlighted areas prone to errors. These include incorrectly prepared pay slips, failing to pay the correct overtime and penalty rates, and underpaying staff. Part of the challenge is that payroll calculations for staff paid under the Modern Awards (for instance, the Fast Food Award 2010) can be genuinely tricky. If you’re relying on manual calculations a mistake can easily be made - even if you are being careful! BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

As further evidence for just how hard this is, in 2016, we asked a room of 70 franchise accountants to calculate one person’s pay from a timesheet. Not one person got the correct answer! Through our work, we’ve come to appreciate the situation of franchise owners - and why this makes accounting tasks (like payroll) so daunting for many. Most have no prior experience of calculating pay or processing payroll. They may never have dealt with hourly paid staff or the complications of penalty rates. Someone in the accounts department where they used to work would have taken care of the pay calculations and reporting. But in their own business payroll is the owner’s responsibility. It’s their job to implement systems that ensure people are paid the correct rate for the hours worked and that payroll record keeping complies with the legal requirements. They also the need to get entitlements and leave allowances right, and pay tax and super as required by law. All this on top of the day to day aspects of running the business!

The practicalities of payroll (for most people) In our work with franchisees, helping them with their bookkeeping and tax, we see the burden many face with their | 65 |

BUSINESS 101 - PAYROLL for human error all over the place. We know this happens. We’ve seen it! So what’s the solution?

Better technology Payroll doesn’t need to be hard to do. But to address the headaches we need to appreciate that one big thing to get right is the pay calculation. In other words, that the right rate is applied to the hours worked, and any allowances are correctly accrued. The best way we know to reduce the risk and reduce the time taken to process payroll is with a system that builds in the award structure and rates. By this we mean the business owner doesn’t enter this information, it comes from a third party.

Our approach We have put together a package to help franchisees (or any business owner) implement cost effective payroll software that automates the Award Compliance side of things. For instance, it means the pay rates are automatically updated when the Award changes, or when an employee has a birthday. It also handles pay slips, leave calculations, Super, and ATO reporting. And it can work with the commonly used rostering platforms. The cost of the software itself is $6 +gst per employee paid each month. You only pay for what you use! Most owners using it are now running their weekly pay in just minutes. Even better, it can be up and running within a week. Please contact us if you would like more information. payroll calculations. A common situation is that hours are tracked on a spreadsheet or point of sale system, or possibly a rostering system. The owner then has to apply the hourly rate (which varies depending on whether overtime or penalty rates apply). Sometimes this is done in a spreadsheet, sometimes in the accounting software. This type of workflow is wide open to errors and opens up room for disputes. On top of this is the time taken by the business owner, their staff, their bookkeeper. And the massive headache for anyone trying to check whether pay is correct. Questions that are - or should be - in the owner’s mind include: Were the hours recorded correctly? What about break times? Have they been correctly input to the accounting system? Is the pay rate correct in every place it is used? Have overtime hours been identified? Did we update the system for the award rate increases? What about when someone has a birthday? It doesn’t take too much thinking to realise there is scope BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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Kate Groom works with franchises to help them get the financial aspect of business under control. She loves finding ways to take away record keeping headaches and free up time for the owner to work on business improvement. You can find her online at www. or kate@franchisepayroll.

Want to make a clean break? Build your future with Chem-Dry Chem-Dry is the world’s largest carpet cleaning franchise, and has been helping Australian’s realise their dream of business ownership since 1986.

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Australian Franchising in 2017 The franchise sector in Australia is in a mature state, and has become the distribution method / business model of choice for some 1,120 systems. Being this size in a population of just 24 million means franchising is always more or less in focus. By Peter Buckingham CFE


ccording to Professor Lorelle Frazer and Griffith University in their Franchising Australia 2016 Report, this number of 1,120 franchise systems has dropped slightly from the 1,160 reported in 2014, but many systems have grown for a minor positive change in the size of the industry.

Professor Frazer also reports that Franchising in Australia: • Directly employs around 470,000 people. • Has around 70,700 business format franchised units and 8,300 company-owned units, producing a total of 79,000 units operating in business format franchises. • Has an additional estimated 6,050 fuel retail and 4,618 motor vehicle retail outlets. • Has a total turnover in the entire franchising sector estimated to be $146 billion (compared with $144 billion in 2014).

History Franchising has been in Australia since 1815, when it was started by Sydney Hospital being built and was funded by the private sector, allowing the operators to charge a fee for service, and being allowed to import 60,000 gallons of rum to service the people. The hospital was also known as Governor Macquarie’s Rum Hospital. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

The food franchises probably started the rapid growth with McDonald’s, KFC, Hungry Jacks (aka Burger King) and some other large QSR’s (Quick Service Restaurants) bringing their systems from America in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Personally, I became involved in franchising when on the 30th September 1980, government legislated in the form of the Petroleum Retail Marketing Franchise Act of 1980, that every service station owned, leased or operated by all the major oil companies was effectively a franchise immediately, with the incumbent given 9 years’ worth of franchise tenancy. That created around 8,000 new franchises overnight!

Franchise Council of Australia Australia has a strong body pushing franchising forward in the form of the Franchise Council of Australia (FCA). We are fortunate enough to have former Small Business Minister, Hon Bruce Billson as the Executive Chairman, and this brings strong contacts to Government to keep abreast of the regulatory issues. The FCA have chapters in all mainland states, and run a 3-day National Franchise Convention every year, which is seen as the peak event, cumulating in the Gala Awards Dinner and the announcements of the awards including mature Franchise System of the Year – won this year by Poolwerx. | 68 |

AUSTRALIAN FRANCHISING Education is one of the cornerstones of the FCA, and they and Griffith University have worked with the ACCC to ensure there is free online education available for anyone considering taking on a franchise. Many experts in the industry have contributed to bring a strong level of education to the forefront. You can find this course at https://www.

The 7-Eleven storm Not everything runs to plan, and late in 2015 a television expose was run on 7-Eleven, and how many of their franchisees were exploiting their workers by underpaying them, or demanding a kickback of part of their wage. This has resulted in various legal actions, and 7-Eleven committing to pay the proven claims that have come forward. This is also being seen as a warning to all other

employers that you cannot underpay the national wage agreements, and expect to get away with it. Both sides of Australian politics have come out to say that franchisors should be responsible to educate their franchisees in this area and that they will need to take all reasonable steps to ensure this is not occurring, or risk being held responsible in the future. The government has committed to increase the powers of the Fair Work Act, and increase their resources by an additional $20M funding for enforcement. The lesson to any franchise system and any business for that matter in Australia, is that strictly complying with the minimum wage arrangements is simply not negotiable.

Finding Franchisees in Australia The biggest complaint from franchisors has been the quality and financial capacity of the prospective franchisees. Whilst many are willing, the financial requirements to join a

FCA Executive Chairman Bruce Billson

John O’Brien and the Poolwerx team


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Sydney_Hospital - Australia’s first franchise


good system are quite high, and often out of practical reach. Australia has a strong banking system, and banks are prepared to loan some monies to prospective franchisees against the goodwill of the business. FRANdata has recently expanded in Australia to assist in this process, by encouraging the banks to evaluate franchise systems and be prepared to loan monies to well-run franchise systems and their potential franchisees. Professor Frazer, in her 2016 report states the total start-up cost for a new retail franchise unit was $287 500 compared to $59 750 in a non-retail franchise. This included an initial franchise fee of $31 500 in retailing compared to $28 000 in non-retail franchises. The shortage of franchisees has led many companies to seek hardworking people who wish to come to Australia to apply. This has led to quite a deal of Business Immigration, adding to the ethnic diversity of our country.

Regulated markets

regulations; however this has not come to pass, meaning that we have one set of regulations Australia wide. The huge advantage of this is to minimise red tape, unlike some other countries (such as the USA), where some states have their own franchise regulations, creating the need to individually comply in registration and fees from one state to another.

Summary Franchising is moving slowly forward in Australia where we have a relatively mature market, and a great variety of systems working under the franchise format. Australia is also open to business for international franchise systems to enter the market with minimal foreign ownership constraints. The main point of difference to many other countries is our relatively mature legislation which is definitely aimed at ensuring the franchisor acts responsibly, and encourages the franchisees to be properly funded and act in a responsible and legal manner.

Franchising has become a mature distribution method for many major companies. The Federal Government has stepped in to place some forms of national regulation over it, by legislating a Code of Conduct, which is administered by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). The Code of Conduct is aimed to be: • Fair to both parties, • Ensure a proper Disclosure Statement is provided to would be Franchisees, • Ensure the Franchise Agreement is reasonable to both parties, • To minimise legal actions by bringing an arbitration process in before Legal actions are taken.

There has been some push from various state governments over the last 10 years to introduce their own separate BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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Peter Buckingham is the Managing Director of Spectrum Analysis Australia Pty Ltd, a Melbourne based Geodemographic and statistical consultancy. To contact Peter email peterb@spectrumanalysis. or call on 61 398300077.


IS MY BUSINESS FRANCHISABLE? This is a question I am asked every day of the week. And in answer… I have a question of you. “How flexible are you to making changes to your business and the way you do business?” By Brian Keen


ou see, almost every business can be franchised in theory. It just needs to be correctly structured and be led by a business owner who can completely change the way business is done. We have a simple 10-point questionnaire to help you find out, and I’m going to take you through that below. Does the business have a proven cash flow and profitability? A franchised business must be profitable and have a cash flow which will sustain a franchisee comfortably and enable him to pay his franchisor the necessary fees into the future. If your current business is not profitable now, it is usually something to be careful about as it may be an indicator that your franchisees will not be able to make their business profitable enough to cover their own expenses and yours. I am aware though, that many franchise systems have been developed from concepts and built up by the franchisor

with their first franchisees. In this instance profitability and cash flow will not be proven up-front. But it takes an experienced business person to develop a franchise group from concept, often with much help from franchise savvy specialists along the way. Are we 100% committed to building a larger business? In the way we run Franchise Simply, we know franchising a business should be simple. But we also know that it is not that easy. It takes time, money and a lot of effort, often by more than one person, to build a successful franchised business system. So, you need to have a passion for your business and be committed fully to wanting to take your business down this path. Without that commitment and passion, it will be difficult to sustain the effort over time.

Brian and his team working with a group of enthusiastic franchisors to be


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Have we reached a cross roads in the business where a key decision needs to be made about the future direction of the business? As businesses grow, they pass through stages – start-up, consolidation, success, growth, maturity. And at each stage, new factors need to be worked on to take the business to the next level. Business people know when they have reached a threshold where they could introduce new factors to grow the business and they often have a choice. Stay comfortable where they are or take a leap of faith and grow the business. And they know growth could come through different business models – franchising being just one model. Have we had any enquiries from people wanting to franchise/ licence/partnership or open a branch, and are prepared to commit to this business? Such enquiries are often a clear indication that the business is franchisable. These are enquiries from your prospective franchisees and show that you probably have a market for future franchisees out there. Do we have proven demand for our product? Tied in with the success of your business, firm demand for your product is a sign that you probably have a market BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

in other geographical areas and that you will be able to find franchisees to service your new outlets. Can our business model be easily taught to others? Simplicity is key. Think about the person who will be best suited to become one of your franchisees. Will it be painful or a delight to explain how your business runs? The more complex your business, the more difficult it will be to find suitable people to run clones elsewhere. Do we generate enough profits so that franchisees can recover their initial investment quickly? Remember, your franchisees are business partners who, by buying one of your franchises, have made an investment into your franchise system. They will own this franchise for the term set out in your Franchise Agreement (3 years or 5 years or more). In that time they need to generate enough profits to recover their initial investment as soon as possible, their ongoing profits, and to pay you any ongoing fees. Do we have the right management in place? Your responsibilities in business will change. Today you are responsible for looking after your customers and delivering your product with a smile. | 73 |


Tomorrow, your franchisees will be the ones looking after your customers and your product. You will be looking after them. Your responsibilities will be to support your franchisees, to look after the brand so that every outlet looks, feels and performs the same and to make sure the money is working across the group. Do you have the management skills and structure to look after this new business format? Can we / do we have someone to look after the franchisees? Whether it’s you, one of your present team, or a new team member you propose to recruit, you will have to look after your franchisees. Certainly, your franchisees (or franchise partners as I prefer to call them) are expected to be or become business people who will deliver your product and be responsible in performing their part of the deal, but you have to provide your part of the bargain too. As Tom Potter said when he moved from owning pizza bakeries to creating a pizza franchise group, ‘I have moved from the pizza business to the people business’.

You must create two separate businesses, one for you as franchisor to look after the whole group and another structure for your franchisees to deliver your product to your customer. In the process, it is likely you will have to adjust your business by: • Fine-tuning your brand and your corporate structures, • Making sure fees are going to work, • Creating territories so that potential profitability is equitable among your franchisees, • Developing communication and training systems. Take the test and find out how you rate. Go to this link and complete the questionnaire which comes up and you will receive a report on your results and a complementary consultation with Brian Keen.

Do we have the necessary capital to develop the franchise? Finally, yes, you do need capital to develop a franchise. Franchising a business is less capital intensive than developing a corporate business structure but it does take time and money. You will need to make an initial capital investment to various franchise savvy business specialists to get help with structuring the business correctly – franchising is not just a matter of getting a Franchise Agreement in place to clone your existing business.


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Brian Keen is a veteran of the franchise industry with more than 30 years’ hands-on experience in all parts of the sector With his team, he helps driven business owners who want more time and money to grow their business into a valuable asset. www.FranchiseSimply. 1300 960 136


Does franchising really have an advantage over other businesses? Using combined and meaningful data from multiple operators of the same business in different locations can provide significant data – but is it useful for better decision making? By Darryn McAuliffe


oing onto your own business is one of the biggest decisions anyone can make. The rewards (and risks) can be high and we are constantly reminded how critical it is to both obtain good advice and to undertake effective research. But it doesn’t stop there, as relevant and timely information is critical to not just building and maintaining a healthy business, but also achieving your ultimate exit strategy. Many franchise systems enjoy a distinct advantage over independent small operators with the ability to evidence a successful and proven business model. While this article is written primarily for a prospective franchisee many of these considerations will apply to any small business in the market, so I encourage you to read on!

Business Information Cycle Broadly speaking we can break down the typical information cycle for a small business into four basic stages, which I would like to consider in turn: • • • •

Feasibility – the decision to invest in the business, Establishment – starting or taking over a new business, Growth – building the business, Maturity – achieving the potential of the business. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

Feasibility This is probably the most critical stage of the whole process. By all means be excited about the opportunity, but remember what is at risk; 100% of your initial investment, your lifestyle and the happiness of those closest to you. Once comfortable that you are well suited to the type of business you can get down to the serious matter of making | 76 |

Franchise Sales Experts

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FEATURE sure it will provide an acceptable return on your investment (money and time). A good starting point is to consider the market in which you propose to operate. Who are the current and potential competitors? Will the products or services being sold remain relevant in coming years.

Franchising Edge 1 Franchise systems are legally required to make certain information available to prospective franchisees in the form of a “Disclosure Document”. The Disclosure Document contains a wealth of information to assist in determining the appeal of the investment. A brief history of the franchise system, the key people behind it, locations of existing outlets, initial costs, ongoing commitments, terms and perhaps most importantly, contact details for existing and previous franchisees are just some examples of mandatory information included. High termination and transfer rates can all provide warning signs that the financial and lifestyle expectations of existing franchisees are not being met. Similarly sustainable growth with low “churn” (change over) rates can provide strong positive indicators. Tip: A high franchisee churn rate or low unit continuity rate are both potential early warning signs.

Franchise brands should have a clear line of sight of the key financial performance indicators for existing franchisees. While they will generally be very careful about making “earnings representations”, it is reasonable to ask for guidance on what “average” looks like in their network. Average should not be confused with “mediocre”; in this context we want to know what most are experiencing so a meaningful budget can be prepared. Tip: Focus on the key financial drivers of franchise unit performance; Sales, Cost of Goods (COGS), Rent and Labour

The Australian Franchise Registry™ provides a voluntary platform for franchise brands to lodge their Disclosure Documents and promote their transparency. The registry also publishes reports aggregating that information that can be used to get a feel for things like average entry costs, ongoing fees and unit turnover rates. For example, the overall average Initial Franchise Fee from the documents of registered brands is $44,049, ranging from $3,500 to $92,000. At $45,448, the non-food brands’ average is slightly higher. For a new BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

franchisee the key question with an initial franchise fee (and most other fees for that matter) is what do I get for that fee?

Establishment The importance of being ready to commence trading cannot be underestimated. Adequate training and absolute attention to detail is required here. Connection of all utilities, fully functioning Eftpos facilities, completed fitouts, landlord handover and adequate stock levels are but a few simple examples.

Franchising Edge 2 Established quality franchise systems will generally have a comprehensive and proven training program in place to help new business operators be ready to maximise their business outcomes from day one. In the background these brands will also be overseeing the detail to ensure all items are ticked off on checklists developed over time to ensure a smooth opening. Tip: Use the Disclosure Document to contact one or more relatively new existing franchisees and ask them to share their experience of being positioned for success from day one.

Growth Experiencing growth in any new business can provide enormous satisfaction and energy for the journey. However, growth can also create pressure on staffing, working capital and other logistics. There are many interrelated items that should be measured and used to identify early warning signs and guide ongoing business investment including:

• TRADING PATTERNS - Identification of peak trading times, • STAFFING – appropriate number and experience mix for different trading periods, • SALES EXCELLENCE – ability of staff to maximize items / revenue per transaction,

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• PRODUCT MIX – identification of slow and faster moving products, • LOCAL AREA MARKETING – results of the impact and the best timing for various local area marketing initiatives, • CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – insights into ability to retain existing clients, build repeat business and respond to customer feedback, • SECURITY – maintenance of records evidencing high standards (or development needs) for staff security, cash security, theft prevention, • COMPLIANCE – strong processes to promote the effective management of payroll, OH & S, and industry specific standards. Tip: The faster the business grows the greater the investment of time that is required to monitor and act on information to capitalise on the opportunity and mitigate the risks.

For some business owners their intensity can reduce at this time which can create the risk of deterioration in the business outcomes. These risks normally arise from the owners or their staff feeling complacent or stale and subconsciously losing their brand passion and customer focus. The lack of presence of the owner “in the business” may also unintentionally create an environment of lower standards and reduced controls. Accordingly, it remains critical that the key information and data relied on so heavily in the growth stage is continued to be provided and acted upon in a timely manner. The importance of key indicators cannot be underestimated as business owners contemplate expanding their interests, seek a renewed franchise agreement term or contemplate the sale of their business. Remember at some point you will be subjected to the feasibility assessment rather than undertaking it. At FRANdata, we have been collecting and analysing data on the franchise sector for almost thirty years and have now accumulated information covering 22,000 franchised businesses; or close to 30% of the reported Australian market. One of the more useful applications of data comes from looking past the numbers and trying to learn and question further what the underlying information may be telling us. In the context of franchising it can be very helpful when trying to compare and contrast the offerings of different franchise brands.

Darryn McAuliffe, FRANdata Australia CEO has over 30 years experience in the

Franchising Edge 3 Established quality franchise systems will generally have not only a set of benchmarks for key financial and nonfinancial indicators for the entire system but an effective field support function that both identifies and provides remedies for weaknesses in an individual business.

banking and finance


for over 25 years and

For many business owners the achievement of the maturity phase creates the opportunity to take a step back from the business and focus on their next challenge and opportunity. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

sector. FRANdata has been supplying independent and credible information to the franchise sector operated the Australian Franchise Registry.

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Be Just Like Jack – and get the most out of life By Paul Robinson


ack Duffy is a tough customer. The 11-year-old has cerebral palsy spastic quadriplegia – which means he can’t walk, talk or eat by himself. But according to his dad, Jack understands everything and doesn’t think his condition should get in the way of his making the most out of what life has to offer. Thanks to his family and the volunteers at Just Like Jack, he doesn’t have to miss out on all the good stuff. Just Like Jack is a volunteer group set up by Jack’s parents, Chris and Erin Duffy, last year. It’s dedicated to helping special needs kids like Jack have a few fun adventures and get the best out of life, despite their physical condition. So far they’ve raised more than $100,000 for not-forprofit organisations. As with most parents of special needs children, Chris and Erin weren’t really prepared for what life with Jack would entail. “My wife and I both went to the Defence Academy,” recalls Chris. “In that environment it’s about being fit and healthy and strong. We were pretty successful, but had never had much to do with the special needs community. We had three kids, but when Jack came along it was fairly confronting and quite a challenge for us. It took us a BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

while to come to grips with his issues, but we realised there are a lot of kids much worse off.” Their shared military background likely made them better equipped than many to face the challenge. “Erin and I had been on operational deployments,” says Chris. “We’d had experience in dealing with different kinds of challenges in stressful environments, and facing it together also helped a lot. Our training held us in good stead for meeting these challenges. But you really can’t prepare for it. It knocked us on our bums for a while, but it’s worked out that our lives are 1000 per cent better for the experience.” Jack’s first big adventure was back in 2009 when he and

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COMMUNITY CAUSE his dad paddled 600km from Launceston to Hobart in a kayak. Jack spent an hour each day on the water with his dad. “We were in Hobart and I was being a house dad while Erin was still with the army,” Chris remembers. “I was taking Jack to appointments and meeting all these single mums [of special needs children] whose partners had left. We had it so good compared to them and that’s what motivated me to do the kayaking trip as a fund-raising venture for St Giles [a Tasmanian special needs provider].” In 2015, Jack and Chris “did a couple of marathons and then the Overland Track, where we raised about $30,000 for Life Without Barriers.” Jack was in the box seat on his dad’s back for the rugged 65km adventure, with a support team that included firefighters, police and a paramedic. “It was after that we decided to start our own not-for-profit so we could be in control of how our money was being spent,” says Chris. “The Just Like Jack organisation came into being late last year when we did the Point to Pinnacle. It’s been up and running for around eight months now. Last year, Jack and Chris ran in the Hobart Point to Pinnacle half-marathon, 21km to the top of Mount Wellington and back. They’re planning on doing it again this year – along with a few other events. Having just completed the Launceston Ten (10km) in June, the Just Like Jack crew aims to have five running chairs supported by family and volunteers in the Burnie Ten (km) in October before lining up for another Point to Pinnacle in November. “That’s one of the main reasons we called it Just Like BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

Jack,” says Chris, “because we wanted other kids to be given the same opportunities Jack has had. Getting out and participating in these sporting events, just being included, is a massive thing for disabled kids.” Apart from fundraising, Just Like Jack supplies purposebuilt running chairs and sets up the support teams so other special needs kids can enjoy doing what Jack’s doing. “The chairs cost around $2000 each,” says Chris. “We organise sponsorship and put company or business logos on the hubcaps so they have ownership of that chair. We let other kids use these chairs, but stipulate that for each event, another family member has to be involved because we know that it won’t succeed for these kids if their families aren’t

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involved. Families often take on the disabilities of their kids and think they can’t do anything – we’re trying to break down those perceived disability barriers.” It can be hard work stimulating corporate interest and support, but momentum is growing. “Sponsorship is very localised at the moment,” says Chris. “It’s mainly the smaller local businesses that get behind you, not the big corporate organisations. Being a very new not-for-profit, we are try to generate a bit of support ourselves. It’s already blown us away with how successful it’s been. We’ve got eight chairs sponsored so far and another two in the pipeline. Hopefully by the end of this month we’ll have 10 chairs available.” Chris is also heartened by how quickly community support is growing. “We’ve got so many people involved. At the Launceston Ten last month we had about 40 people on the team. For the six kids involved besides Jack, we nominated four people per child and we alternated pushing the child over the 10km. And we set up the teams to accommodate each of the individuals if they wanted to walk or run. That’s the way we’ll work it from now on. We’re aiming to have five kids up at the top of Mount Wellington being pushed by a team of four or five.” He reckons the smiles on the kids’ faces are all the proof he needs that Just Like Jack is working. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

“At the ‘Launie’ Ten, we printed out bits of paper with the kids’ names on them and stuck them on their legs. The street was lined with people cheering these kids on by name. To see their sheer joy, the grins on their faces when they realised they’d finished this race and the cheers were for them was reward in itself.” Just Like Jack will be officially launched at a fundraising cocktail party in Launceston on August 12. “Ex-AFL player Shane Crawford is speaking. He’s one of our ambassadors. We’re having it at the Penny Royal Hotel, Launceston, which has really got behind us. We’ve got 350 people coming and we’re having a silent auction on the night to raise a few funds and hopefully get even more people involved.”

So what does Jack think of the movement that bears his name? “Jack loves it. We were out at 6am yesterday doing a 20km training run, it’s zero degrees and he’s just laughing at all the trucks going past. Jack really embraces life. With all the issues he’s got, he’s still the happiest man out there and doesn’t really grizzle much. His attitude to life is what inspires us to do this stuff – and what inspires a lot of other people to get involved, too.”

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To Contact and get Behind Just Like Jack, go to

Inspired Reading In this edition we are presenting a range of different books that we like that have had an impact on us, and that we think you will get a lot out of. Come on, allocate the time to read – you know you’re smarter and sharper and have more ideas and insights when you do! The Revenue Growth Habit: The Simple Art of Growing Your Business by 15% in 15 Minutes Per Day

Million Dollar Maverick: Forge Your Own Path to Think Differently, Act Decisively, and Succeed Quickly

Alex Goldfayn, 20 July 2015; Wiley Do you have trouble finding time during your hectic day to grow your business? Is your company stalled because you are too busy reacting to customer problems? Do you lack the funds to jump-start an effective marketing plan? The Revenue Growth Habit gives business owners, leaders, and all customer facing staff a hands-on resource for increasing revenue that is fast, easy, and requires no financial investment.Alex Goldfayn, CEO of the Evangelist Marketing Institute, shows you how to grow your organization by 15% or more in 15 minutes a day… without spending a penny of your money. How does it work? Each day, take one quick, proactive communication action that tells someone about how they’ll be improved after buying from you. Choose from the 22 actions Goldfayn details in this essential guide.

Alan Weiss, 30 June 2016; Bibliomotion Inc. When it comes to how to succeed as an entrepreneur, we are besotted with advice. According to bestselling author Alan Weiss, success is a combination of opportunism, very disciplined work, luck, timing, and ignoring most advice. In other words, it means striking out on your own, original path to success. In Million Dollar Maverick, he explains that entrepreneurs don’t take advice, they create value and then monetize it. They do what they love and are great at and find a way to sell it to people. They do not--contrary to “conventional wisdom”--chase money. They attract money. And most of all they think differently, act decisively--and, if talent and timing are with them, succeed quickly.

Nonstop Sales Boom: Powerful Strategies to Drive Consistent Growth Year After Year

The Naked Salesman: How to Walk the Talk and Sell Your Way to Success!

Colleen Francis, 13 August 2014; AMACOM Do your company’s sales results lurch between highs and lows--with the end of each quarter reduced to a mad scramble to meet quota? For many sales organizations, the pattern is commonplace and unshakeable. Nonstop Sales Boom explains how to break this unhealthy cycle and achieve strong, steady results--every quarter, from every member of the team. The secret is to broaden the focus from merely closing deals to actively nurturing the four critical stages of client engagement: •Attraction: Fill the funnel with lucrative prospects •Participation: Turn them into customers faster •Growth: Invest in valued clients •Leverage: Turn customers into referral generators When companies concentrate on only one or two of these areas, their results become erratic. With the field-tested strategies in Nonstop Sales Boom, readers will learn how to systematically attract a regular flow of prospects and move them smoothly through the pipeline. Packed with enlightening examples of sales disasters and standouts, this practical guide brings balance to the selling process, reliability to revenues, and booming sales all year long.

Trent Leyshan, 28 November 2011; Wisdom Pearl Publishing If you run with the herd, you will never be heard. Will you offend some people by being naked? Sure. But will some people really embrace you and what you stand for? You betcha! The intention of this book is to empower you with a unique, ethical and purposeful way of conducting business. Whether you’re in a large sales team or small business, this enables you to develop meaningful relationships with customers and to create greater buy-in, satisfaction and loyalty. In essence, it’s about standing up for your customers and giving them more of the real and best you. Why are these characteristics important? Because you need to be passionate about the business you’re in or else you won’t stand a chance in today’s hyper-competitive markets. Moreover, you need to ground your business in solid ethical foundations, or you will never succeed in the long term. In business there is so much damn competition, clutter and confusion that it is becoming increasingly difficult to get your customers to notice you. It’s even harder to have them listen, ‘believe’ and follow you. Businesses and salespeople need help — today, more than ever — to stand out from the crowd.


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Inspired Reading You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth

Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital Philip Kotler, 5 December 2016; Wiley Marketing has changed forever—this is what comes next Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital is the much-needed handbook for next-generation marketing. Written by the world’s leading marketing authorities, this book helps you navigate the increasingly connected world and changing consumer landscape to reach more customers, more effectively. Today’s customers have less time and attention to devote to your brand—and they are surrounded by alternatives every step of the way. You need to stand up, get their attention, and deliver the message they want to hear. This book examines the marketplace’s shifting power dynamics, the paradoxes wrought by connectivity, and the increasing sub-culture splintering that will shape tomorrow’s consumer; this foundation shows why Marketing 4.0 is becoming imperative for productivity, and this book shows you how to apply it to your brand today. Marketing 4.0 takes advantage of the shifting consumer mood to reach more customers and engage them more fully than ever before. Exploit the changes that are tripping up traditional approaches, and make them an integral part of your methodology. This book gives you the world-class insight you need to make it happen.

Jen Sincero, 18 April 2017; Viking From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of You Are a Badass, a lifechanging guide to making the kind of money you’ve only ever dreamed of You Are a Badass at Making Money will launch you past the fears and stumbling blocks that have kept financial success beyond your reach. Drawing on her own transformation—over just a few years—from a woman living in a converted garage with tumbleweeds blowing through her bank account to a woman who travels the world in style, Jen Sincero channels the inimitable sass and practicality that made You Are a Badass an indomitable bestseller. She combines hilarious personal essays with bite-size, aha concepts that unlock earning potential and get real results. Learn to: • Uncover what’s holding you back from making money • Give your doubts, fears, and excuses the heave-ho • Relate to money in a new (and lucrative) way • Shake up the cocktail of creation • Tap into your natural ability to grow rich • Shape your reality—stop playing victim to circumstance • Get as wealthy as you wanna be

The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster: Why Now Is the Time to #JoinTheRide

How to be a Marketing Genius: Scientific Advertising Revisited and Revitalized for Today

Darren Hardy, 3 March 2015; Success. 66% of small businesses fail – and it’s not for the reasons you think. Why do they fail? That is what SUCCESS Publisher Darren Hardy set out on a mission to discover. What he found was startling. All the previously reported reasons and assumptions for the failure rate (capital, location, credit, inventory management, and competition) were wrong. Failure was not due to outside factors--they were internal. They weren’t economic--they were emotional. The unexpected and terrifying emotional roller coaster an entrepreneur experiences is the greatest factor in why most quit and ultimately fail. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster: Why Now Is The Time To #JoinTheRide, will prepare you for the wild ride of entrepreneurship. It will warn you (of forthcoming fears, doubts, and the selfdefeating conditioning of your upbringing and past), inoculate you (from the naysayers, dreamstealers, and pains of rejection and failure), and guide you safely past the landmines that blow up and cause the failure of 66% of all new businesses.

Tony Melvin, Claude Hopkins, 1 May 2017; Tony Melvin


Claude Hopkins was a marketing genius earning $185,000 in 1907 as an employee of an advertising firm. That’s equivalent to over $25 million today. Claude codified his techniques in 1923 in a book called Scientific Advertising. While this book has been recommended and used by many great marketing minds since Claude’s day, his principles remain broadly unknown. To ensure Claude’s techniques and principles are not forgotten, best-selling author and entrepreneur, Tony Melvin, has taken Claude’s original work and revitalized it for today. Tony isolated 114 Profitable Laws of Advertising & Marketing providing a clear set of rules that anyone can follow. These Laws spread across 17 categories including: • 8 Laws for Headlines • 2 Laws for Call-to-Action • 13 Laws for Salesmanship Never before has Claude’s work been presented with such clarity, including: • Uncommon words defined. • Example ads referenced by Claude. • Added illustrations to aid understanding. If you learn and apply these laws, you’ll never waste money on ineffective advertising or marketing again. That’s a promise!

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Apps We Love There’s just so many event and planning apps these days, with new ones released basically every day. Most of these apps boast varying features such as social media integration and analytics, making it nearly impossible to know which tools are best for your team. Here’s a few of the best meeting planning apps and their most useful features.



Planning Pod


This product offers one of the simplest ways for planners to create branded, personalized mobile event apps with the features and custom content they need. WHY WE LOVE IT: Attendify’s apps integrate social media and real-time analytics to improve engagement, boost promotion for sponsors and facilitate networking. Attendees can also use the app to access event guides with schedules, and exhibitor and speaker lists.

This online event management software integrates nearly 50 planning tools into one easy-to-use database. WHY WE LOVE IT: Planning Pod dramatically streamlines processes by enabling you to manage nearly every aspect of your events—including budgets, attendee lists and event itineraries—all in one place. The application allows your team to keep track of calendars and tasks, share files and create dashboards for a quick overview, or detailed reports for a more in-depth status update.

This platform allows planners to create mobile event apps with a truly powerful suite of features. WHY WE LOVE IT: CrowdCompass’ “smart content” technology powers personalized activity feeds and innovative beacons that send relevant notifications to attendees’ phones. Meeting planners can also take advantage of the app’s lead retrieval tools, attendee surveys and one-of-a-kind social games that boost engagement.

With Guidebook, just about anyone can create a branded, fully customized app. Guidebook is popular among planners who use it to build applications for corporate meetings, conferences and other events. WHY WE LOVE IT: For meeting planners, Guidebook offers some exciting features, including enterprise-grade security and the ability to create a corporate handbook within the application.


A team-messaging tool that’s revolutionizing the way we work. Slack allows users to organize team conversations into channels, open private channels for sensitive information and share files. WHY WE LOVE IT: Although it isn’t built specifically for meetings, planners can use Slack to streamline internal communication and boost efficiency. The app eliminates the need for endless email threads and offers completely searchable conversation archives. Users can also link Slack with other Web tools, including social media and Google Drive, so that they receive notifications only in Slack. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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Shopping APPS You’ll Love This time around we are showcasing shopping apps and we’ve skipped the Amazons and Etsys of the world, and, instead, focused on some lesser-known shopping apps. Whether you’re looking to shop quick, grab an awesome deal, or browse goods like you navigate Pinterest, there’s something here for everyone. Better yet, they’re all built to work best on your phone.


Avoid the hassle of waiting in line outside fitting rooms! Thanks to the recent rebirth of JackThreads as a men’s shopping destination, the company is now all about letting customers trybefore-they-buy (think: Warby Parker). Customers can order items via the company’s official mobile app or website, then get five days to decide which pieces they want to keep or return. Best of all, they will only be charged for what they keep. Download now from: iTunes Google Play


How about shopping with paper coupons and weekly flyers? This may seem outdated in our digital world, but there is no denying the convenience of circling the best deals directly on your smartphone. Flipp combines the best of both worlds by providing a digital library of all the latest flyers and helping you build shopping lists within the app. All you have to do is tap on a specific product or coupon within the digitized flyer, and the app will automatically circle and add it to your digital grocery list for a modern shopping experience. Download now from: iTunes Google Play BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

Touch of Modern

Men out there who have everything and are notoriously difficult to shop for, Touch of Modern (ToMo for short) might be your best bet! Known for offering lifestyle items that are both design-oriented and meant to start conversations, this app features timed sales that cover everything from retro hats and beef jerky to vintage Rolexes and Picasso prints. Every now and then, it also partners with brands like Samsung to offer members early access or extra perks on new products. Download now from: iTunes Google Play


Looking for handcrafted artisan work from around the world? Look no further than Tictail. Artists and artisans come to Tictail to set up their own stores, much like Etsy, but with more polish and fewer rough edges. Here you’ll find more 100,000 storefronts, including everything from exclusive small-brand fashion lines and housewares to funny enameled pins and brooches. The app also compiles bargains, but remains far more concerned with bringing unique indie work to a wider audience. It’s a custom outlet for people making items they love, and you get some cool stuff without putting down your phone. Everyone wins. Download now from: iTunes Google Play

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Powerful Blogs Need some inspiration and ideas for your business and marketing? Here are a couple of really powerful marketing blog sites that you can follow!


Looking for an absolute bread-and-butter SEO and blogging tips? ideal for the harried business owner (or their even more harried assistant) to pick up immediately useful and up-to-date information. But this site also introduces higher-level hacks like Comment Collection.

Want to amp your Email marketing? It is this blog’s specialty, with topics like “How IKEA Sends SuperTargeted Promotional Emails” and “How to Bridge the Gap Between Education to Activation.” Email marketing is closely connected with blogging and social media, but while there are a number of bloggers covering the last two, really good material on email marketing can be few and far between. Or, at least, it used to be.




You have to love a blog that’s not afraid to ask the really important questions, like “Why Are B2B Brands So Obsessed with Native Advertising?” On this blog you’ll find more “Whys” than on a road trip with a six-year-old, but you’ll also get some pretty good answers. As’s @ElizavetaNV says, it’s a “nice mix of sales/data/marketing topics.” BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

HubSpot is one of the most popular blog site bestknown for its software and primetime marketing conference, Inbound. Beyond these product offerings, this blog is the first step toward inbound marketing certificates offered by the company.

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Websites We Love Want to get some very interesting technology app update and insight? We’ve curated a couple of authority tech websites, which also caters to business, and security news and updates in multilingual resource too!


Impressively, this multilingual resource has been helping people make informed tech purchasing decisions since 2004. It’s no surprise that the collection of blogs on Engadget have had such success, since it was created by a co-founder of Gizmodo, Peter Rojas.


Want some scoop on technology startups? Then TechCrunch is the news source for you! This publication highlights the business side of tech innovation, covering major acquisitions, funding sources, and product launches. You can browse news based on brand names, such as Google, Apple, or Twitter. You can also sift through news and reviews by tuning into different category channels like Enterprise, Startups, or Mobile.


Wired features entertainment, opinion, business, and security news regarding electronics of all kinds. Also, if you’re interested in an old-school paper and ink experience, you can still buy a copy of Wired magazine on newsstands.


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Custom Photography On-Location for Your Business

Look at our examples and our simple online ordering form process to book your photo shoot FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #1

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Finally…an affordable coffee franchise!

By John Stanton, Director of Franchise Development, Lava Coffee


ava Coffee is a vibrant Australian owned Specialty Coffee Franchise currently operating in four states across Australia. Our exclusive and very popular private label house blend is the cornerstone of a modern, low complex menu relevant to today’s market. At Lava we are not just another coffee franchise. Gone are the expensive start up fees and over-priced equipment and fitting costs that are commonplace within our industry. Once you are up and running you will enjoy the certainty of a low, fixed franchise fee structure rather than a percentage of your turnover. The formula is simple - highest quality coffee with the lowest possible running costs – giving you every chance to win. Our head office support team are highly experienced in franchising, retail and coffee, with a management team that has the credibility that comes with already creating and operating a 250 franchise location business over many years prior to Lava Coffee - you will never feel alone. With a focus on ‘out of the box’ store formats and ‘non-traditional’ locations, we are the point of difference in the booming coffee industry. The key benefits for prospective franchisees include: • Affordable entry costs (under $100k turnkey in some formats) and fixed ongoing fees, • A proven business model designed to minimise overheads, • Unwavering commitment to Quality, • Highly Experienced Support Team, BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

• Comprehensive training and launch program, • Finance options available.

We currently have approved locations available in every state of Australia. You are also welcome to nominate a site of your own which our team will take a look at to ensure it meets criteria. If you have no coffee or hospitality experience that is not a concern – many successful franchisees have transitioned from completely different industries. The secret to franchising is having robust, tested systems and processes which provide the business owner the safety net they need, particularly when starting out. From there it is all about dealing with people. Our application process will test you in this area and ensure you are a good fit for the business. Once you decide to make the leap you will see the initial training, business launch program and ongoing support structures are the key to our success. The intense training, follow up support and lowcomplexity food offering means that our franchise partners don’t need to be foodies or coffee connoisseurs. We also have store options available with a choice of the smaller footprint in the simple ‘coffee cart’ style, or larger, fixed store. We welcome any contact and interest in our brand and what we do, or would like to know more specifically about our unique, low entry cost model.

Get More Info: 0421644661 | 92 |

LAVA COFFEE The coffee franchise with a difference

No over-priced starting costs - you will be amazed at our entry cost Fixed fee structure so you know exactly what you will be paying from day one Only the finest coffee with the backing of one of Australia’s great roasters Support team with a wealth of franchising, retail and coffee experience - you will never feel alone

Want to know more? Don’t hesitate, prime locations available now!

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It’s just such a simple business!

As the ex-General Manager of a major national Australian franchise brand, Jacob Spencer saw and took his opportunity to buy an existing franchise company of his own that just needed “some love and attention” to get it to the level he believes it can be. By Glenn Walford


s far as business opportunities go, it is hard to argue with Jacob Spencer when he says “It’s just such a simple business!”. Day to day, a Mobile Skips franchise business runs like this;

• You have a fleet of Skip bins on wheels (lockable trailer skips), • Trades and the public book and rent the bins, • Customers can have the option to come and get them, or they can be dropped to their location by basically any car with a tow bar, • After ‘use’ they are either dropped back or picked up the same way again (car with tow bar), • A contractor garbage truck comes to your central location and empties all your bins for you.

They are then ready to be rented out again and again – yep, pretty simple. Jacob states “If you are great with customers, are good at relationships, know how to tow and back a trailer, and you like driving a car – you can do this job, it’s that simple” He’s also proud of the fact that his franchisees really enjoy what they do. There is very little physicality in the work, which is an attractive feature for many and they get to interact daily with happy customers that love Mobile Skips “Honestly, who wants to own a business that is a bore to run? Our franchisees are happy with the work they do, and importantly, our customers are happy with the work and service of our franchisees. Check our Facebook page, as at right now (July 17), of 77 reviews over the last 3 months, BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

we’re 4.8 starts out of 5 – that’s fantastic! We want and ask all our customers to review us, GENUINE reviews. We’re all happy in this business!” Of course, as with every business there is work involved. Yes, it’s an opportunity like any business, but putting in time and effort to make the most out of that opportunity is where success lies. Jake is in full agreement. “We provide so much in the way of systems, service and support, but eventually the rubber only hits the road when the business owner gets up and goes out there and promotes their business to that opportunity market.” The Mobile Skips proprietary cloud based management system handles most of the administration for their franchisees. “We do the book keeping, customers book online via the main website and you get a text alert about the booking made on your behalf while working out of a home office.” “We’re also very proud and excited about our recognition and opportunity as a supplier to Bunnings Warehouses nationally. Herein lies another tremendous opportunity within our business. Those trailer skip bins you see and can hire from Bunnings – that’s us as well!” “In my view our opportunities are endless in the commercial and residential market place with all of the elements for growth well and truly in place.”

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Find Out More:

A Simple Business distributing through a major national brand

Welcome to Mobile Skips, the Skip Bin Hire specialists! We are growing fast across Australia through the Bunnings network and our quickly expanding Franchised network

Advantage over other franchised businesses:

• Simple, Easy, and Flexible – No experience necessary! No or minimal staff required, only work when work is there! • High Exposure – The partnership with Bunnings has increased popularity and the Mobile Skips themselves are mobile billboards. • High earning potential – You will profit from our cost efficient and streamlined business model. • Cost-effective Investment – The funds required to become a Mobile Skips franchisee are highly competitive compared to other franchise systems

What is a Mobile Skips franchise Why customers love us Whether it’s a spring clean, DIY job or moving house, Mobile Skips can assist you in all areas of skip bin hire. • We offer 4m³ mobile skips for the domestic and commercial markets with same day delivery, no council permits, lockable lids while fitting into tight places. • Don’t waste your time lining up in a queue at the tip. Waste and rubbish removal is becoming increasingly more difficult in every capital city, local councils are closing tips and are charging more to offload a trailer load of rubbish. • It’s very simple, we deliver the skip to you from our nearest depot (or you can pick one up from your local Bunnings); you fill it with rubbish and then we pick up the Mobile Skip and dispose of the rubbish for you.

Available locations across Australia VIC Melbourne - Mornington Peninsula Geelong

NSW Sydney CBD & Eastern Suburbs Sydney - Northern Beaches Sydney - Western Suburbs

QLD Brisbane Southwest Brisbane - CBD & North


Sunshine Coast

03 9380 7736

Gold Coast

WA Perth North

SA Adelaide

Safety should be everyone’s business In understanding more about the safety and consumables market, and how that shapes up as a business opportunity for the right person, we asked Gary Shearer of SafetyQuip, a ‘veteran’ of the industry for 25 years, to go into detail. By Glenn Walford What market are you in and how big is it? We operate in a business to business (B2B) environment targeting the myriad of businesses that use high end products and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), much of which is consumable. That market is approximately $2billion nationally, so it’s certainly a decent, but importantly, an easily identifiable market.

Who is in your target market? Every blue collar worker in Australia will, or should, be using safety products to some extent so there’s a massive market out there. The intelligence is to know who uses the most. We use our in-house data review process to determine those industries that consume the larger licks of consumable safety products and naturally these are our primary sales targets. In our territory selection process we endeavour to give all our franchisees similar share of these lucrative clients. We focus on small to medium enterprises (SME) up to 200 employees, as the larger businesses are highly sought after and serviced at low margins so we are not interested in them. We certainly are very familiar with our market and use our unique selling proposition to primarily target these clients.

What do your best franchisees do really well making them a success? Put simply, in our Industrial B2B market, it is all about client relationships commencing with a well-trained market savvy sales person meeting ‘face to face’ with potential clients in the first instance. The best franchisees utilise the marketing material we provide them plus their own local area marketing material and it gives them the reason to be in front of existing and potential client’s every day. It is all BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

about marrying a good sales person to the well-established, proven business model. Then it is all about the long term value of a client. For example a client that spends $500 per month will deliver almost $100,000 in sales over the terms of a franchise agreement. It is simply a numbers game. The more clients you add the larger your business grows. There is no end of opportunities. Generally, the sales person in the van will establish the client relationship and once a buying pattern has emerged encourage the client to place orders direct on the Safety Centre by fax, phone or online so that faster fulfilment is achieved. The client is happy and the sales person is freed up to seek out new clients – continuing to grow the business.

Ideal background for a SafetyQuip franchisee? Over the years we’ve had a whole range of different backgrounds of franchisees in our business. We’ve had a plumber, accountant, café owner, software engineer, farmer, policeman, a distribution manager and more. Yes, we’ve had all types! I could easily say that the ideal background is with someone who has had experience in industrial safety distribution but that as an exclusive background is quite rare. The beauty of the business model is that the safety product knowledge can be trained. We can take anyone from anywhere and teach them what they need to know. The only aspect we can’t teach is how to be a good sales person. Some people have it and some don’t. It is so much more about sales, service, persistence, and a willingness to learn and follow a proven system.

Find Out More: | 96 |

Online Sales Coaching and Training Business Branded For YOU Like it or not, in this world we are ALL selling, ALL the time. By Glenn Walford


ayne Berry, the Founder of Top Gun Business Academy has carved out an enviable reputation as an authority figure and speaker, helping individuals and companies to achieve more sales, more efficiently with the resources they currently have. “It is truly a life-changing approach to the traditional model used by most sales training and coaching professionals”, explains Wayne. Top Gun licenses this entire coaching and training system to sales professionals looking to carve out their own business in sales and leadership training and coaching. The system is fully online and interactive for students and coaches, supported by a “live coach” who can engage online with students across the globe in real time as they learn. “What we do is not just ‘training’. That produces a good result, but when you combine training with ‘coaching’, and you’re actively involved helping someone to actually implement what they are learning – that produces extraordinary results and is where the real magic is.” “With most training, implementation is optional, but with our coaching system implementation is mandatory” and this is why Wayne took his Sales, Sales Management and Leadership training programmes online more than a decade ago. This process, freed Wayne from repetitively running seminars day in day out. He got his life back! “The beauty with our online system is that our Top Gun BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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sales training and coaching is often happening as I sleep. This is the same for our licensees.” According to Wayne, sales trainers should no longer be just be standing in front of audiences delivering ‘training’ day in and day out, collecting their fees and then moving on to their next seminar. “Their clients deserve better that this, but this is what our competitors do.” “This does not provide outstanding value or a great return on investment for their clients. Also it’s a real challenge these days for trainers to get enough people in a room like this on a regular basis, to make a good living.” “With our business model, our licensees get to leverage off my 40+ years of sales, sales management and leadership training experience, and consistently deliver great value programmes” Wayne’s approach has been focused on reverse engineering his entire traditional, non-leveraged face-to-face based system of a decade+ ago, for any sales professional to now deliver with their own ‘spin’ on it. “Our world-class online platform gives you the opportunity to brand our programmes as your programmes, complete with videos featuring you if you like, and offer and deliver these programmes anywhere in the world.”

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Sick of corporate life? Want to be in control of your life again? Want more time to really live? We created the Online Top Gun Business Academy Coaching System to inspire Sales Professionals to become all that they could be. We believe that sales people should be able to be proud of their profession, and able to achieve an extraordinary income, through serving their prospects and clients professionally. If you share this same vision, and have a successful background in sales, sales management or leadership and would like to “cash in” this experience and create a profitable, inspiring business of your own helping others to achieve greater success, then we should have a chat.

Have you got what it takes to be a Top Gun Coach and work from anywhere in the world?

We are currently looking for 9 experienced Sales Professionals or Sales Managers or Leaders with the “Right Stuff” to join our International Top Gun Sales and Leadership Coaching Team. If you feel you might have the “Right Stuff” and would like to explore the very satisfying and rewarding lifestyle that a Top Gun Sales Coach can enjoy, running your own business from anywhere in the world and with clients anywhere in the world, please telephone Wayne Berry now on 0407 410 408

Who is successful in a franchise business? In approaching the magical 50 franchises milestone, Jonathan Payne at Xpresso Mobile Café should know a thing or two about what success looks like in a potential franchisee. In an open chat, he gave us his views on what he sees in successful people entering his or any business… By Glenn Walford


f course I am no ‘Nostradamus’ when it comes to franchise recruitment /sales (whatever you like to term it), but what I do reckon I’m pretty crystal clear on now is that the primary attribute of importance in success or otherwise, is the attitude to make the business work.” In practical terms according to Jonathan this means that “If somebody is a negative person, a glass half empty type, then as soon as things get a little tough, or don’t go how all planned on occasion, as they always do at times in business, then you are going to have problems.” “There is an old saying you hear mentioned in stories at times, that really applied to old school franchising 15 years ago, ‘if they had a pulse, they’d get them signed up.’ “That mentality could not be any further from the truth in the modern day hyper-competitive market place.“ Franchisors do tread a fine line in that they are chasing business growth in new sites / territories sold. This keeps the brand growing, and in-turn gives better brand presence, buying power and value to the entire brand and existing franchisees, amongst other things. Franchisors are working to grow these locations to achieve those aforementioned benefits, AND to potentially lock out a competing brand vying for the same market. All this is a fine balance indeed when considering turning down people ready and ‘cashed up’ to buy a franchise. “But the right person in the right business is so important.” explains Jonathan. “If we don’t get it right, just one or two ‘bad apples’ can be toxic to your entire business as it can bring other existing owners down who were not feeling that way at all prior. It also disproportionally sucks resources from other franchisees and distracts the franchisor from other BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

positive actions.” “Very careful selection processes are important that plug directly into your growth strategy as a franchisor. It’s also a franchisees brand so they should be just as keen on a franchisor being ‘choosy’.” adds Jonathan. “To help this we’ve added a further emphasis in our application and assessment process on identifying that positive attitude we know we need in the business for success. It makes sure we know up-front if we are best suited for each other and vice versa.” Xpresso Mobile Cafes approach to making sure they get the best possible fit for new franchisees is built around making sure they are happy AND the potential / incoming franchisee is equally happy. “We ALL have to be happy and comfortable to work very closely together for a lengthy period of time in order to maximise the business opportunity. Total transparency is our mantra. We encourage people looking at our business to spend time on the road in a van with a franchisee early on in the process to get a taste for what it’s about.“ Jonathan also believes that Xpresso Mobile Café’s status as a private company, where the founder and owner are involved on a daily basis in the business, gives them an advantage. “In our view, our competitors are running their companies to give returns to shareholders. Whereas our passion is in creating awesome businesses with like-minded people.” “Xpresso Mobile Café is run to drive that business to help, support and grow franchisee businesses.”

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Lounge Repair Guys – Backing their franchisees for success with income guarantees and in-house financing Someone comes to repair your damaged furniture rather than you putting in the big effort to take your furniture to them. A simple Problem / Solution approach. Mark Watkins at the Lounge Repair Guys is taking his business model a step further and backing his business to help new franchisees invest and grow with him… By Glenn Walford


he Lounge Repair Guys began in 2009 when CEO Mark Watkins saw an opportunity in the market for mobile furniture upholstery repair - from repairing broken recliners to making your lounge look new again! Currently servicing Queensland and New South Wales, the franchise is looking to expand nationally. “Our market is very wide”, shares Mark. “Our clients range from national furniture companies to hospitals to working in an individual’s mansion. We’ve even repaired a model ten-foot-tall dinosaur that was made of latex for a lady that works with children”. Everything a franchisee needs to start work – all the tools, equipment, and product – is provided. “We also provide two-weeks training in our Gold Coast head office. During this training franchisees will also learn how to use our CRM system, do basic bookkeeping, generate sales and build their own personal clientele”, says Mark. “Another thing that I am especially proud of is that we have built this business so that we can stand 100% behind our franchisees. We back you with an income guarantee so that you have the confidence that we are just as invested as you in making this work!” An income guarantee is one thing and is seen from time to time in franchising, but Mark explains how they are taking this even further. “I believe in my company so much that we offer in-house financing in a vendor finance arrangement as well to enable you to get into the business and afford it while you manage these costs in line with your growth.” BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

A successful key ingredient is the Lounge Repair Guys diary which acts as a support system, providing direct links between the franchisee and head office. “Most of our franchisees complete four to six jobs a day”, says Mark. “Franchisee’s use the diary to see their daily schedule, access customer mobile numbers and let them know they’re on their way, and upload job information like photos and notes”. Head office also helps manage franchisee diaries, removing the pressure of personally dealing with large, national corporate clients. “We get a lot of enquiries from large corporations and we find they prefer to deal with one head office”, explains Mark. “This corporate work is then automatically added to a franchisee’s diary on our online CRM system which can be accessed 24/7”. “We’re attracting a lot of attention from major national furniture retailers on how we can assist them in not only furniture repairs, but reducing the costs traditionally associated with that.” “We’re looking for people who are self-motivated and have experience in and enjoy hands-on roles. As long as you can drill a screw into a piece of wood, you can be very successful”. The job isn’t physically demanding either. “Some aspects of the job are physical but not any more so than mowing your lawn. A lot of our work is repairing leather which is not physically demanding and in fact, a lot of people say ‘you’re like an artist’ because it’s more about precision than stamina”.

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Find Out More: 1300 10 15 10

Owning and operating a Sleepy’s store – Kasey Cook, Franchisee, Kotara, NSW Selling beds might not be everyone’s dream business but Sleepy’s franchise owner, Kasey Cook is surprised more people haven’t cottoned onto the idea that giving people the best night sleep possible is a winning idea. By Rachel Kurzyp


inning is something Kasey and her husband and business partner Ben know a lot about. Since buying their Sleepy’s franchise, based in Kotara in New South Wales, back in November 2014, the husband and wife team have won every Sleepy’s award possible and have risen to the top of the sales board. But if you’d told Kasey a few years ago that she would be the owner of a franchise she wouldn’t have believed you. “I was very anti-franchise because I’ve got my own set of business ideas”, says Kasey. Kasey’s parents have always been self-employed and this gave her the idea to go into business for herself. “I’ve never worked for someone else, I’ve always been self-employed”, says Kasey. Seeing her mum and dad run their own business and the flexibility it gave them as well as the lifestyle they’ve created for themselves gave Kasey the confidence she needed to build something on her own. “It was always appealing for me to have my own show”, shares Kasey.

Beauty and Property Backgrounds Trained as a beauty therapist, Kasey ran her own beauty therapy salon until the birth of her first child. During this time Ben was working in property development but the couple began wanting to “do their own thing” and were seeking financial security. “We had children to feed”, says Kasey. “We could live on baked beans for three months while we waited to sell a house but that wasn’t necessarily what suited them”. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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Looking for a suitable business they could run together so Kasey could still spend time with her children was what made the couple consider buying a franchise, although Kasey was reluctant at first. “I didn’t want a bar of franchising”, admits Kasey. “Where Ben really liked the security of franchising”. So what changed Kasey’s mind? “The figures”. “We wanted to buy into something that was already making money because we felt like the position we were in life meant we didn’t really want to build something, we wanted to invest in a something that was already proven to be successful”. Looking to invest in a franchise, Kasey and Ben nearly bought a butcher business until they saw an ad for a Sleepy’s store in Kotara in the paper. “It said the business was making

$200,000 profit and that appealed to us”, says Kasey. During the first interview with Sleepy’s Management, Kasey and Ben explained that she wasn’t going to work in the business. To which they were told that “this isn’t going to work” unless Kasey was involved. “That built a lot of trust initially because I was like they aren’t willing to accept anyone’s money”, explains Kasey. “They wanted us to succeed as much as we wanted to succeed”.

Well-suited to a husband and wife team Kasey believes that Sleepy’s is suited to a husband and wife team and that has been the key to their success. “Ben’s strengths are in analysis, stock and cash flow of the business

Kasey. “The people we’ve employed have been with us for 2.5 years because we don’t rule with a dictatorship we do the opposite – we make them feel like it’s their own business”. Kasey’s approach to staff is explained best by this Richard Branson quote: “Your client doesn’t come first in your business. It’s your staff that come first. If you look after your staff then they’ll look after your business”, means she runs her store a little differently than most. “We work to everybody’s strengths”, says Kasey. “I don’t have my sales people trying to do admin or marketing. My sales people sell and that’s it”. Kasey and Ben have even hired an administration person freeing up time so Kasey can focus on doing what she does best: moving between sales, marketing and team building.

Importance of Goals and Benchmarks

and my strengths are in sales and growing people including our staff and customers”, says Kasey. “Initially in the first 2.5 years my role was selling and I was the number one sales person and now I’m the number four sales person in the business. Nothing makes me happier than that because that shows me that I’m doing my job of building my staff up”.

Investing in your staff For someone that never wanted to have staff let alone own a franchise business, Kasey understands that “choosing the right sales staff is key” to running a successful business. “What I learnt was once you build your business you don’t have to work seven days a week – I work three days”, says BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

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The biggest benefit of owning a franchise for Kasey has been the clear goals and targets. “I’m super competitive and I love that my franchise keeps me really focused because it gives me some measuring sticks to compare myself to, and until I had every record at Sleepy’s I didn’t sleep well”, explains Kasey. Her team lives and breathes sales targets all month and nothing stands in their way. “When we bought the business we were at $2.5 million turnover and we’re on track to do $4 million this year”, says Kasey. A result Kasey couldn’t have achieved without her salesfocused team. “My three best people have completely different sales techniques”, explains Kasey. “But that’s what’s great about this business, it doesn’t require one type of personality to be successful”. Beauty therapy, property, butchers and beds can’t possibly have anything in common. Or can they? “I know it seems really separated - beauty therapy and selling mattresses - but it isn’t”, explains Kasey. “It’s all about building a relationship with the customer. It depends on how much they trust you as to whether they are going to buy from you”.

For more information about becoming part of the Sleepy’s family, go to

Collaboration goes a long way to building a great café business

CXpresso focuses on attracting potential franchise partners with their open approach to building the business together. By Glenn Walford


he refreshing approach of Steve Andrews, National Operations Manager of CXpresso gives you an indication of how he likes to run the business in collaboration with the brands’ franchise partners. “We talk about this all the time, but again, I’ll reiterate that we are continually refining our product offer to the market place with the direct input of franchisees. It makes the business so much easier to run and to succeed in for all concerned if we’re all on the same page!”. CXpresso encourages ongoing collaboration between the franchisor and franchisees. “We want people who aren’t afraid to come forward with new ideas”. “Yes, there are plenty of options out there for businesses in cafes and coffee, food and so on. But we know that our approach of collaboration with our owners in the culture of our business is one of the features that stands us in great stead stacked up against anyone else.”, says Steve. New CXpresso franchisees undergo four weeks of training to learn how to run the entire business. “We support all of our franchisees to run a successful business but we find those that have a good understanding of stock control, labour and food cost really benefit”, says Steve. Another key advantage according to Steve, and one that really sets their operation apart from other brands, is that the labour component of the business is minimal because BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

CXpresso has focused on their menu development to achieve just that. “In our cafes, you only need two pieces of equipment to produce 90% of the pastries, sandwiches and salads you see available in store”. Being the face of, and leading your business is crucial – just like in any business. “Owners need to hire their own people but we assist in the training and developing of specific business roles like baristas”, Steve also believes CXpresso has an advantage over many other café and food type operations. “Unlike other brands where the entry is $700,000 to $1 million, for a low-cost investment of $350,000, our franchisees receive everything they need to run a successful bakery café without any hidden fees or charges”. Key benefits of becoming a CXpresso franchisee: • A brand new CXpresso store • Choose a territory close to home including prime locations in rapidly growing areas • Four-weeks comprehensive brand and operations training in a local store • Ongoing marketing support • Minimal physical labour • Chance to grow and manage a team

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Deals Worth a Closer Look

Businesses for Sale Northern Territory Iconic Darwin Nightclub Rare Opportunity Price Reduced. Highly Profitable Nightclub

Darwin, Northern Territory

$800,000 + SAV

Western Australia (continued)


Kalbarri, $390,000 BUSINES ID: 3582440

Master Shop Fitters PRICE REDUCED


Darwin, Northern Territory

Perth BUSINES ID: 3745847 BUSINES ID: 3674641

$99,000 neg

Western Australia

$79,000 psav

Day Spa - Huge Space ready to expand

Indoor Trampoline Centre, Malaga Well Below Replacement Cost

$199,000 BUSINES ID: 3420392 Price Reduced! Wholesale Business Own The Brand


$990,000 Plus Sav BUSINES ID: 3452645 Award Winning Western Suburbs Restaurant



$345,000 Plus Sav BUSINES ID: 3522601


$199,000 plus stock BUSINES ID: 3685181 Easy moving business run from home Removalist. Removal. Move.





$199,000 + SAV BUSINES ID: 3709158

For more info, go to and type in your selected Business Id Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker.


| 109 |

Deals Worth a Closer Look

Businesses for Sale Curtain & Blind Business - PRICE REDUCED




Nail & Beauty Salon BUSINES ID: 3605264

Priced For Urgent Sale! Grab This Opportunity in inner North Melbourne Urgent Sale - Enquire Now BUSINES ID: 3460933

Huge Opportunity Cafe. Takeaway & Convenience Store in Dandenong


Industrial Machinery Parts Supplier for Sale

Specialised niche! Mitcham


MUST SELL Cafe. Convenience and Post office Roadhouse! BUSINES ID: 3483769


$200,000 Negotiable + SAV

Suburbs. Retail Butchers & Seafood Shop BUSINES ID: 3693554

Springvale URGENT SALE $300,000 +SAV BUSINES ID: 3498146

Queensland Cafe (Coffee Shop / Restaurant), Aspley

P.O.A Sub $200,000

Highly profitable Butcher in Fantastic Position with NEW LEASE. BUSINES ID: 3413863

$18,000 sales per week Ringwood





Highly Profitable Dog Grooming Business for Sale PRICE REDUCED! BUSINES ID: 3508190 Profitable Italian Fine Dining Restaurant

East Melbourne


Port Douglas, Cairns BUSINES ID: 3593030

$179,000 + SAV BUSINES ID: 3511030

Somerville Garden Supplies




$650,000 + sav

$215,000 NEG BUSINES ID: 3730608

For more info, go to and type in your selected Business Id Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker.


| 110 |




Own Your Future!

CLASSIFIEDS A selection of listings from

For more info, go to the website address listed with the business and type the Business ID number into the search box to find more information. NOTE depending on when you are doing this, some of the listings may no longer be available / displayed.




Dominos Pizza Kambah

Jamison Takeaway Busy & Profitable

IGA Supermarket

Design. Documentation. Construction! Canberra, ACT $795,000 BUSINESS ID: 3733105 Takeaway in a Fantastic Location! Canberra, ACT $160,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3733106

Roger’s Coaches

Huge Price Reduction! Loads of Potential for a Motivated Buyer Canberra, ACT $75,000 WIWO BUSINESS ID: 3733109

Highly Profitable & Busy Store Canberra, ACT $649,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3678637 South Canberra - Huge Potential for Motivated New Owner! Canberra, ACT $450,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731799

Donut King

Jamison Plaza - Great Location! Perfect for an Owner Operator! Canberra, ACT $120,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731802

For more info, go to and type in your selected Business Id Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker.


| 111 |




NEW SOUTH WALES Outstanding. Diversified Commercial Joinery


Lifestyle Business - Charter Yacht - Sydney Harbour

Wheel Change U

Sydney $1,050,000 BUSINESS ID: 3589504

Sydney, New South Wales $790,000 INCLUDING VESSEL BUSINESS ID: 3595475

Attention Wollongong Franchise Experts Wollongong, New South Wales $79,900 + GST BUSINESS ID: 3619365

CBD Espresso Bar/Chinese Takeaway Sydney, New South Wales $149,000 BUSINESS ID: 3625206

Chinese Takeaway - Busy Inner city Location Strawberry Hills, New South Wales $149,000 BUSINESS ID: 3625295

Unique Wheelie Bin Handling Business - For Sale SYDNEY, New South Wales $355,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3625325

Dural, New South Wales $280,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3191286 Sydney West, Parramatta, New South Wales POA BUSINESS ID: 3307789

Sub Sandwich Bathurst St., Sydney, New South Wales REDUCED TO $275,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3317021

Red Rooster Emerton **Rare Opportunity** Emerton, New South Wales POA BUSINESS ID: 3351004

Red Rooster Mt Druitt **Won’t last long high growth area** Mount Druitt, New South Wales POA BUSINESS ID: 3351005

The Largest Beaumont Franchise in Australia with Exceptionally High Profits!

Bathurst, New South Wales $1,295,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3436525

For more info, go to and type in your selected Business Id Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

| 112 |




NEW SOUTH WALES Own a Finn Business Sales Territory Today!

Attention Sydney Franchise Experts

Sydney, New South Wales $79,900 + GST BUSINESS ID: 3631914

Sydney, New South Wales $79,900+GST BUSINESS ID: 3443960


Fantastic Sub Sandwich Store in Richmond

Castle Hill, New South Wales $260,000 WIWO BUSINESS ID: 3669100

Richmond, New South Wales $349,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3594823


Sub Sandwich Store

Sandwich & Sushi Bar - Further Price Reduction

Real Estate marketing Company Windsor, New South Wales

Sydney, New South Wales $380,000 WIWO BUSINESS ID: 3669958

Wagga Wagga, New South Wales $99,950 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3671445

Espresso Bar | Sutherland Shire Caringbah, New South Wales $79,000 + S.A.V. BUSINESS ID: 3701907

Highly Profitable Pizza / Pasta and Coffee Bar in Winston Hills!!! WINSTON HILLS, NSW $495,000 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3701915


Richmond, New South Wales POA BUSINESS ID: 3601358


Donut King Toormina Gardens (Coffs Harbour Region) Sydney, New South Wales $479,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3609175

HUGE Health & Fitness Gym for Sale! East Dubbo BE QUICK!

$850,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3635650 | 113 |




NEW SOUTH WALES Profitable & Long Established Cleaning Business


Rouse Hill, New South Wales PRICE REDUCED TO $180,000 + SAV

Located in Wagga Wagga!

Wagga Wagga, New South Wales $299,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3711791 BUSINESS ID: 3639367


Triple Figure Income. No Stock or Debtors Sydney, New South Wales $199,000 BUSINESS ID: 3712114

Charlestown, New South Wales $450,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3646135

Profitable confectionery wholesale run! $85/hour to owner

The Coffee Emporium

Sydney, New South Wales $99,900+SAV BUSINESS ID: 3713458

Post Office

Profitable and iconic florist in Penrith area!!!

Budgewoi - Great Lifestyle Budgewoi, New South Wales $429,000 + STOCK BUSINESS ID: 3731268

Werrington County, Sydney $125,000 WIWO BUSINESS ID: 3720822

Newsagency | Southern Beachside Suburb | Bustling Shopping Strip Sydney, New South Wales $499,000 + S.A.V. BUSINESS ID: 3720825

Transport & Distribution Business - White goods & Furniture Taren Point, New South Wales $199,000 BUSINESS ID: 3720826

Newcastle, New South Wales $350,000 TO $450,000 BUSINESS ID: 3731266

Sub Sandwich Store - NSW Central Coast Lake munmorah, New South Wales $349,000 + STOCK AT VALUATION BUSINESS ID: 3731270

Swimart Shellharbour - 119% Return on Investment** Wollongong, New South Wales $299,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731778

For more info, go to and type in your selected Business Id Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

| 114 |




NEW SOUTH WALES Civil Works Sub Contractor | Line Marking | Hunter Region

Clark Rubber Shellharbou, New South Wales

Newcastle, New South Wales $450,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3720859

Huge Price Reduction 100% Return on Investment** $292,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731786

Highy Profitable & Iconic South Coast Restaurant. Function Centre & Catering Service!

Jamaica Blue Nowra - Profitable Store

Batemans Bay, New South Wales $1.2 MILLION BUSINESS ID: 3720914

Located on the Beautiful South Coast! Nowra, New South Wales $249,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731789

Superb Opportunity for Growth. Success and Lifestyle Sydney, New South Wales $390,000 WIWO BUSINESS ID: 3731434

Red Rooster Southern Regional, Wagga, New South Wales $650,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731808


Sub Sandwich Franchise Located in Popular Tourist Location Wollongong, New South Wales $250,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731822

Exciting opportunity for owner/ operator to grow & succeed. Sydney, New South Wales $890,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731446

POOLWERX Tamworth, New South Wales



Sydney, New South Wales $890,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731447


Multi Award Winning Cafe/Bar/ Restaurant for sale on Northern beaches!

$850,000.00 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3732789

Dee Why, New South Wales $500,000 BUSINESS ID: 3731779


| 115 |




NORTHERN TERRITORY Australia’s Leading Roast Franchise Bargain Entry Price!

Market Leading NT Fresh Seafood Wholesaling Business

Casuarina, NT $200,000 APPROX. After Landlord Contribution BUSINESS ID: 3472772

Darwin, Northern Territory $1,100,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3708432

Highly Profitable NT Supermarket with Liquor License

Australia’s Leading Tyre Specialists entering fast growing area

ALICE SPRINGS, Northern Territory $1,250,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3708433

Coolalinga, Turnkey Northern Territory ONLY $450,000 - $500,000

Price Reduction - Strong Cashflow Business - 23 Year Business History

BUSINESS ID: 3472774

New Darwin Dreamland

Darwin, Northern Territory PRICE REDUCTION - NOW ONLY $650,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3708438

Franchise Now Available Darwin, Northern Territory $300,000 Approx. BUSINESS ID: 3496496

Brumby’s Northlakes

Looking for Career Flexibility?

Northlakes, Northern Territory $399,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3708474

Darwin, Northern Territory $29,900+GST BUSINESS ID: 3576863

Tutor Doctor

Iconic Darwin Nightclub Rare Opportunity - Price Reduced -

Alice Springs & Katherine Darwin, Northern Territory $50,000 APPROX. BUSINESS ID: 3714769

Highly Profitable Nightclub Darwin, Northern Territory $800,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3711420

Price reduced - Master Shopfitters - $99k Negotiable Darwin, Northern Territory REDUCED TO $99,000 INC SAV BUSINESS ID: 3725146


| 116 |

New Stellarossa Cafe Palmerston, NT Finance Available! Darwin, Northern Territory $295,000 + GST BUSINESS ID: 3715274




QUEENSLAND Clark Rubber - Southport Under Management


Southport, Queensland $150,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3534434

Hervey Bay, Queensland $1,300,000 + SAV + FREEHOLD OPTION BUSINESS ID: 3534064


Popular Cairns Suburban Newsagent

Runaway Bay, Queensland $418,000 BUSINESS ID: 3566670

Cairns, Queensland $195,000 + STOCK BUSINESS ID: 3535640

New Stellarossa Drive Through Cafe | Finance Available!


Berrinba, Queensland $440,000 + GST BUSINESS ID: 3572484


Gloria Jean’s Castletown Townsville

FNQ Skips - A Great Lifestyle Business Bayview Heights, Queensland

Townsville, Queensland POA BUSINESS ID: 3631911




Coorparoo, Queensland $109,000 BUSINESS ID: 3730679



New Stellarossa Cafe STRATHPINE Finance Available! Strathpine, Queensland $250,000 + GST BUSINESS ID: 3683528

| 117 |




QUEENSLAND Healthcare Sector Products. Manufacturer. Importer & Distributor.

Bright Eyes Maroochydore QLD Maroochydore, QLD FROM $150,000 + GST BUSINESS ID: 3694070

Robina, Queensland $1,200,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3730717

Salsa’s Fresh Mex Indooroopilly ** SOLD **

Hairdressing Salon in riverside. village-style suburb.

Indooroopilly, QLD $495,000 + SAV NEG BUSINESS ID: 3704113

East Brisbane, Queensland 180,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3730720

Australia Post

Integrative Health Clinic Kedron, Queensland $320,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3730721

Convenience Store Sunshine Coast Cooran, QLD POA BUSINESS ID: 3704165

Close to GABBA! Coffee Shop & Eatery

Hypoxi Body Boutique


Woolloongabba, Queensland $349,000 BUSINESS ID: 3730728

Bakers Delight

Iconic Cafe / Restaurant. in restored cottage

Rockhampton QLD $350,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3714532

Paddington, Queensland POA WIWO BUSINESS ID: 3730732

Cafe. Excellent location. South

FCF Fire and Electrical Sunshine Coast, QLD

Brisbane. Profitable & loads of potential West End, Queensland $217,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3730734

PRICE: $249,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3723896

For more info, go to and type in your selected Business Id Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

| 118 |





Battery World Bundaberg Bundaberg, Queensland

$210,000 + SAV + VEHICLE

Yeronga, Queensland $179,000 BUSINESS ID: 3730739 BUSINESS ID: 3723897

Pizza Capers Kenmore

Professional Cleaning Business.

Brisbane City, Queensland

South Brisbane, Queensland $198,000 BUSINESS ID: 3732098


GLAMPING BUSINESS. Hire of Tents & Accessories.


Everton Hills, Queensland $37,000 BUSINESS ID: 3732449

Ipswich, Queensland




Ipswich, Queensland S176,000 + SAV NEG - MAKE AN OFFER BUSINESS ID: 3732815


$6,300,000 BUSINESS ID: 3732819 BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2 BUSINESS ID: 3727510

The Coffee Club Everton Park Brisbane North. Brisbane, Queensland

299,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731651

Are you sick of FIFO? A Mechanic? This is for you! Burleigh Heads, Queensland

$268,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731826

ABS AUTO MOUNT OMMANEY Mount Ommaney, Queensland

$399,000 PLUS STOCK BUSINESS ID: 3732540

| 119 |




QUEENSLAND Seafood. Takeaway and Cafe -

Pizza Capers for Sale Jindalee, Brisbane NOW $295k plus stock

GREAT LOCATION parking at the door! Wishart, Queensland $90,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3732820

Jindalee, Queensland $295,000.00 PLUS STOCK AT VALUE BUSINESS ID: 3732544


Xpresso Coffee Van “Murarrie Territory” for sale Murarrie, Queensland

$85,000.00 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3732555

CARAVANS - Repairs. Sales. Storage & Hire Oxley, Queensland $265,000 BUSINESS ID: 3733122


POPULAR CAFE. SEASIDE VILLAGE Wynnum, Queensland $219,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3733123



Browns Plains, Queensland $249,000 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3732573

Brisbane, Queensland POA BUSINESS ID: 3734991

Profitable manufacturing business for Sale Brisbane, Queensland POA BUSINESS ID: 3735004



Brisbane, Queensland $99,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3732570

Brumby’s Manly West - $249k plus Sav includes a brand new refurb

Brisbane, Queensland $249,000 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3732580

BRAND NEW PIZZA HUT. REDBANK PLAINS FOR SALE! Redbank Plains, Queensland $319,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3732588 | 120 |




SOUTH AUSTRALIA Attention Accommodation Owners & Managers Adelaide, South Australia $79,900 + GST BUSINESS ID: 3571574

Seeking Expressions of InterestFinn Financial Planning Adelaide Adelaide, South Australia $29,900 + GST BUSINESS ID: 3616785

UNIQUE WHEELIE BIN HANDLING BUSINESS - For Sale Adelaide, South Australia $355,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3625459

Family Business with profits of $300K plus ! Adelaide, South Australia $600,000 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3651532

Retail Business - Main North Road - $98.500 Plus Stock North Adelaide, South Australia $98,500 PLUS STOCK BUSINESS ID: 3707132

Independent Cafe. Prime Location with CBD

Red Rooster - Mount Gambier Mount Gambier, South Australia $680,000 + STOCK BUSINESS ID: 2677191

Mad Mex Fresh Mexican Grill is Coming to Westfield West Lakes West Lakes, South Australia

$450,000 PLUS GST BUSINESS ID: 3127485

Pedders Suspension Mt Barker, SA Mount Barker, South Australia $190,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3127494

Dream Doors - Adelaide & Surrounds SA Amazing Kitchen Facelifts!

Adelaide, South Australia $75,000 +GST BUSINESS ID: 3441995

Finance. Accounting.Mortgage Broking Experts Wanted Adelaide, South Australia $29,900+GST BUSINESS ID: 3565973

Domino’s Pizza - TRANMERE Tranmere, South Australia $535,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3575788

Adelaide, South Australia $165,000 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3721369


For more info, go to au and type in your selected Business Id. Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker.

| 121 |




SOUTH AUSTRALIA Over half a million in Profits. Adelaide’s Premium Business. Adelaide, South Australia $700,000 PLUS EXISTING SALES BUSINESS ID: 3721376

Profitable CBD Hair and Beauty Salon. Modern Fit out. Senior Staff.

Adelaide, South Australia $67,000 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3729856

Decades of Profitable History. Retail business. Excellent Pricing Adelaide, South Australia $429,000 PLUS STOCK BUSINESS ID: 3731533

Takeaway Business with high profits and excellent location. Under-Management. Adelaide, South Australia $235,000 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731534

Fantastic Fruit and Veg Shop Prime Location - Big ProfitsAdelaide, South Australia $396,000 PLUS STOCK BUSINESS ID: 3731536

Profitable Retail Business . Busy location . Under-Management

Auto Masters Clare Clare, South Australia $275,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3584078

Attention Adelaide Franchise Experts Adelaide, South Australia $165,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3599772

Goodyear Autocare Clare Clare, South Australia $170,000 PLUS STOCK BUSINESS ID: 3669058

Tutor Doctor - Various locations around Adelaide and South Australia Adelaide, South Australia $49,700.00 BUSINESS ID: 3679744

Exclusive BUNNINGS Partnership Strathalbyn, South Australia $87,000 + GST BUSINESS ID: 3727268

Goodyear Autocare Clare Clare, South Australia $170,000 PLUS STOCK BUSINESS ID: 3735446

Adelaide, South Australia $79,990 PLUS STOCK BUSINESS ID: 3731537


For more info, go to au and type in your selected Business Id. Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker.

| 122 |

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Ideal retail business with travel Armadale, Victoria POA BUSINESS ID: 2674853

Retail home accessories business Armadale, Victoria POA BUSINESS ID: 2818364

High-quality manufacturing business ready to go to the next level Melbourne, Victoria $320,000 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3662167

A great earner in a western bayside locale - don’t wait til it’s too late Melbourne, Victoria $190,000 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3662173

Spring Water Manufacturer and Distributor

Hudsons Coffees Spencer St Melbourne Melbourne, Victoria $230,000 - $250,000 BUSINESS ID: 3197379

Outback Jacks Bar & Grill Melbourne Sites Available Melbourne, Victoria FROM $400,000 BUSINESS ID: 3197424

Pets Paradise Victoria - Various Locations Available Melbourne, Victoria FROM $150,000 BUSINESS ID: 3197451

Hudsons Coffees Queen St Melbourne Melbourne, Victoria $230,000 - $250,000 BUSINESS ID: 3197586

Muffin Break Geelong All Offers Considered Geelong, Victoria $179,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3588368

Popular Mexican Franchise South Melbourne, Victoria POA BUSINESS ID: 3588437

Melbourne, Victoria

For more info, go to au and type in your selected Business Id. Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker.

$598,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3720370 BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

| 124 |




VICTORIA Pets Corner Store For Sale!


Geelong, Victoria $239,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3721340

Hoppers Crossing, Victoria $99,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3604360

Walk in walk out

Cartridge World

Melbourne, Victoria $255,000 BUSINESS ID: 3722574

UNIQUE Hair and Beauty Salon for Sale in Main road Location Toorak, Victoria $119,000 BUSINESS ID: 3725669

Well Known Automotive Business Bendigo,Victoria $320,000 BUSINESS ID: 3725789

Industrial and Automotive Coatings Cranbourne, Victoria

ASKING PRICE: $660,000 BUSINESS ID: 3727584

Are you ready to step off the treadmill and take control of your future? Melbourne, Victoria

$320,000 TO $1M + BUSINESS ID: 3730625 BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

Werribee, Victoria $530,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3664216

Bakers Delight Brandon Park Shopping Centre. Wheelers Hill, Victoria $200,000 to $250,000 BUSINESS ID: 3703487

Bakers Delight Parkmore Shopping Centre. Keysborough, Victoria $370,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3703562

Bridgestone Select Melbourne

Mornington, Victoria $350,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3703612

Bridgestone Select Caroline Springs

Caroline Springs, Victoria $35,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3703726 | 125 |




VICTORIA Hair and Beauty Salon for Sale in Main road Location - Great Opportunity

Highly Profitable Recruitment Business Melbourne, Victoria $645,000 BUSINESS ID: 3705255

Altona, Victoria $85,000 BUSINESS ID: 3731164

Sub Sandwich Franchise Melbourne North

On-line & In store sportswear retailer

Preston, Victoria $397,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3705370

Melbourne, Victoria $50,000 BUSINESS ID: 3731377

Submarine Sandwich Franchise

Melbourne North, Thornbury, Victoria $497,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3706896

High-quality manufacturing business ready to go to the next level Cranbourne, Victoria $320,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3731378

Sumo Salad Watergardens Taylors Lakes, Victoria $249,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3731912

Coin Laundry Š—– QUICK SALE


Gloria Jeans Coffee Franchise Geelong Waurn Ponds, Victoria

Stock Feed & Farm Supplies QUICK SALE Sunbury, Victoria ASKING PRICE: $305,000 INCLUDES EQUIPMENT PLUS SA BUSINESS ID: 3731531

Melbourne ONLY Indoor Dog Park

$170,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3731913

Clark Rubber Shepparton

Shepparton, Victoria $200,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3731945

Brooklyn, Victoria

For more info, go to au and type in your selected Business Id. Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker.


| 126 |




VICTORIA Long Established Crane Truck Business.

Donut King - Western Victoria West Melbourne, Victoria $370,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3731961

Melbourne, Victoria POA BUSINESS ID: 3732357

Highly profitable cafe restaurant in camberwell. Under management. Camberwell, Victoria $890,000 BUSINESS ID: 3733589

RETAIL Bridal Wedding & Formal Wear Melton, Victoria $49,000 PLUS SAV BUSINESS ID: 3733652

Large Iconic and Profitable Restaurant Mornington Peninsula, Victoria $550,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3733718

Location! Profits! Growth! Quick ROI St. Kilda, Victoria $499,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3733885

3rd Party Investment Opportunity with Major Roadside Petrol Station Brand. Melbourne, Victoria $400,000 BUSINESS ID: 3733979

Very Profitable Indoor Sports Complex and Kids Playhut. Altona North, Victoria $475,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3734993


Geelong Bakery Geelong, Victoria $229,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3731978

Donut King - Waurn Ponds Waurn Ponds, Victoria $370,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3731983

Brumby’s Belmont Geelong Belmont, Victoria $229,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3731984

Red Rooster Regional Victoria North Melbourne, Victoria $339,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3731989

Gloria Jeans Echuca Echuca, Victoria $60,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3731990 | 127 |





SUMO SALAD ROCKINGHAM Rockingham, Western Australia $149,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3305869

Joondalup, Western Australia $425,000 PSAV BUSINESS ID: 3674646


Karawara, Western Australia $169,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3453586

Entertainment Business Work From Home East Perth, Western Australia $195,000 BUSINESS ID: 3676728

BUCKING BULL - COCKBURN GATEWAY Cockburn Central, Western Australia $349,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3467037


Jim’s Paving. Perth Northern Suburbs (Various Locations)

NORTH PERTH, Western Australia $48,870 - $77,600 + GST APPROX. BUSINESS ID: 3542362



BUSY CAFE IN PERTH’S NORTHERN SUBURBS T/O $1.0M + Perth, Western Australia $375,000 BUSINESS ID: 3684861


Jandakot, Western Australia $ 899,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3570548

ROLL’D - new Rockingham / Baldivis Baldivis, Western Australia $300,000 - $450,000 BUSINESS ID: 3572580

Perth, Western Australia $499,000 PSAV BUSINESS ID: 3684863


For more info, go to au and type in your selected Business Id. Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker.

| 128 |





NEW PRICE!!! TURN KEY CAFE RIGHT ON THE WATER Hillarys, Western Australia $349,000 PSAV BUSINESS ID: 3712239

AWARD WINNING WHOLESALE BAKERY O’connor, Western Australia $125,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3712704


FANTASTIC RESTAURANT BAR OPPORTUNITY Fremantle, Western Australia $350,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3712738

High Voltage Servicing and Maintenance - WA Statewide Cooloongup, Western Australia $145,000 BUSINESS ID: 3712746 BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar Geraldton Western Australia - New Territory Geraldton $POA BUSINESS ID: 3591372

THE COFFEE CLUB - FREMANTLE Fremantle, Western Australia $399,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3597269

ULTRATUNE Close to Perth CBD South Perth, Western Australia POA BUSINESS ID: 3611066

Bakers Delight. Pinjarra Junction Pinjarra, Western Australia $510,000 - $560,000 BUSINESS ID: 3642317

FUEL STATION & CONVENIENCE STORE Hamilton Hill, Western Australia POA BUSINESS ID: 3648418

Auto Masters, Perth Northern Suburbs Perth, Western Australia $600,000 (PLUS $10.000 STOCK) BUSINESS ID: 3649321 | 129 |




WESTERN AUSTRALIA COMING SOON!!! Northern suburbs deli with residential accomodation Perth, Western Australia $290,000 PSAV BUSINESS ID: 3731273

Perth CBD Bar - Well located popular venue Perth, Western Australia $275,000 PSAV BUSINESS ID: 3733576


Chicken Treat. Wanneroo

Wanneroo, Western Australia $398,750 INCLUDING FEES AND GST BUSINESS ID: 3649335

Brand New Salon Express & Barbershop Express Ellenbrook, Western Australia $350,000.00 BUSINESS ID: 3679738

The #1 in-home tutoring company in the world! Geraldton, Western Australia $50,000 APPROX. BUSINESS ID: 3725968


Finance Available!


Retail & Mobile Swimming Pool and Spa Service

High-Profile. Strong Profit. Fast Food Restaurant in Launceston

$30.000 PA Existing Customer Sales

Hobart, Tasmania P.O.A. BUSINESS ID: 3703127 North Hobart, Tasmania $677,000 + SAV BUSINESS ID: 3704444

Launceston, Tasmania P.O.A. BUSINESS ID: 3711540

Hobart, Tasmania $122,500 + GST (TURNKEY) BUSINESS ID: 3725616

Launceston, Tasmania $95,000 + GST + VAN BUSINESS ID: 3726066

Hobart, Tasmania $55,000 + GST.Incl Equip. Training. Stock BUSINESS ID: 3727252

For more info, go to and type in your selected Business Id Whilst all care is taken to present correct information, please also refer to the most current website listing and/or contact the broker. BUSINESS & FRANCHISE BUYER • Vol.4 #2

| 130 |

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