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Find Career Bliss
Find Career Bliss
by Alesia Visconti
You might not associate “career bliss” with the franchise industry, but believe it or not, many professionals do. Who canblame them? Corporate America isn’tthe security blanket that it once was. The options for many seem minimal and depressing. Nowadays, companies want younger employees and professionals in their forties are labeled “old.” Military veterans struggle to land jobs after their service is over, and it’s hard for stay-athome moms to find work after taking time off for their families. Owning a franchise is like a beacon of light, a professional safe harbor.
Still, making a career transition—especially one from Corporate America to business ownership—is never easy. Simultaneous excitement and fear is common. The more certain you are that you’re moving ahead with the right business, the easier the transition will be. For starters, explore many brands. Sure, everyone wants a business that’s prosperous and turns the right numbers. But think beyond that. How do you want to spend your time on a daily basis? What core values do you want the franchise brand to hold? Does the brand culture align with your lifestyle?
Next, think about the day-to-day. Do you want to have staff to manage, or do you prefer to work solo? It’s important to know where you stand when you’re looking at brands. Do you want to be part of a trendy, sexy industry, or is something more predictable appealing? Make brand decisions based on what’s right for you, not because your friend’s brother-in-law’s cousin owns one. Knowing the answers to these questions will ultimately help determine which brand is right for you, and then you may have your own career bliss.
Alesia Visconti has 20-plus years helping others find their career bliss. She is the CEO of FranServe Inc, the world’s largest franchise consulting & expansion organization. Her motto in life is “Work hard, play hard, help others, repeat.” She is passionate about helping others achieve their dreams of business ownership through franchising. A die-hard science fiction/fantasy fan, Alesia is a self-proclaimed nerd and loves all things “superhero.” For more information, visit www.franserve.com. To reach Visconti, call 800-206-5454 or email avisconti@franserve.com