4 月 11 日,阳春时节,花开光华路。 想起朴树。想起那些花儿。落花总被雨打风 吹去,新花又待含苞欲放时。冬去新华,春 来光华。花儿绮艳。草儿默青葱。 搬运工,发心烧炭南山中,满面尘埃烟火色, 两鬓苍苍十指黑。大嫂等四人有如西天取经 般,路漫漫而脚沉沉。 数据使者,撕皮、抽芯、敲击、写号,水流 般一气呵成,我们有时速度快得都怀疑自己 就是个 RAU。 苏珊大妈,发号施令爱用 darling,哀生怨 气好用 sugar,一会儿跑着去抢吃美味蛋糕, 一会儿又来用汉语提醒我们“不要捣乱”。 Everything is GREAT. Just like the GREAT campaign. It has just started. Flowers of all kinds begin, to blossom in the spring. Everyone is GREAT. The line manager is GREAT. The colleagues are GREAT. Big Brother is GREAT. Superstars are GREAT. Handsome uncles are GREAT. Picnic is GREAT. Britain is GREAT.