6 minute read
Followers of St. Francis
By Stephen Copeland
Proclaiming the Good News in Jamaica
When Father Jim Bok, OFM, told his provincial he was volunteering to serve as a missionary in Jamaica, his THE BEGINNING OF A NEW CHAPTER That was September 2008. Today Father Jim lives in superior was surprised and responded, “You’re kidding!” the coastal tourism town of Negril in the civil parish of
Father Jim, 61 at the time, was an unlikely candidate for Westmoreland on the westernmost tip of the country, servthe role—not only because of his age but also because he ing as a priest at Mary, Gate of Heaven Church and St. Luke had spent most of his life in Ohio. He grew up in the com- in nearby Little London. After two years of being immersed munity of Reading, just north of Cincinnati. in Jamaican culture, Father Jim began to As a friar, he served as a teacher and principal see different potential avenues for outreach. for 17 years at Roger Bacon High School, fol- Jamaica faces tremendous poverty, as about lowed by another 17 years as the director at the 20 percent of the nation’s population lives provincial development office, both of which below the poverty line. The lavish resorts in a were roles in Cincinnati. Serving as a friar place like Negril can be deceiving. Father Jim there for so long also allowed him to be close says many locals work for very low wages and to his tight-knit family—his three siblings, 10 struggle just to put food on the table for their nieces and nephews, and now grandnieces and families. grandnephews. In many ways, everything Father Jim did
Yet there he was, at an age when most are as a friar in Cincinnati has prepared him beginning to think about retirement, volun- for Jamaica. One Sunday after Mass in 2009, teering to move 1,500 miles away and essen- Father Jim Bok, OFM a group of parish women discussed with tially start life and ministry all over. Why? The Father Jim the idea of starting a soup kitchen answer, Father Jim says, was simple: “The Spirit touched me in downtown Negril. In 2010, they opened St. Anthony’s at a chapter meeting. There was a need, and I wanted to go.” Kitchen and began serving 60–70 meals a day. There they It was one of those “aha moments,” he says—one of those began to notice an interesting trend. On Monday and times when the path lights up in front of you and you realize Tuesday, hardly any children showed up for lunch, but by there is no other way. the end of the week, children were showing up for meals in
“Somebody once said to me after hearing my story, ‘You droves. really gave up a lot to go there, didn’t you?’” Father Jim says. They learned this was related to families not being able to “I never thought about that, but I guess I did. Leaving a job I afford school expenses like lunch and taxi fare for the week. loved. Being away from family and friends.” Father Jim never How could they address this need? thought about what he was losing, perhaps because when In 2011, they launched the Get Kids to School (GKTS) seeking God’s will he has always felt as if he was gaining. program, which helps equip struggling families with uni-
Father Jim Bok has been immersed in Jamaican culture for well over a decade. Above, he sports a traditional “rastacap,” or tam. Father Jim stands outside Mary, Gate of Heaven Church with Vilma, a volunteer. Father Jim applies a fresh coat of paint to St. Luke Church in Little London with a group of volunteers.
“A hungry kid doesn’t learn,” says Father Jim. Children in the Get Kids to School program start their day with a nutritious breakfast.
forms, school supplies, taxi money (to get to school), and lunch money. They also started running a school bus to one primary school. And breakfast is provided to children at St. Anthony’s Kitchen before they head off to school.
Father Jim says they have seen school attendance and productivity drastically improve in their community in the past decade.
“A hungry kid doesn’t learn,” Father Jim says. A full-on local by now, the friar lights up when he talks about the resilient spirit of the hundreds he knows by name at St. Anthony’s, the inspirational students GKTS has helped to equip, the three youths who are now prospering in college—empowered by GKTS+, another program that was launched four years ago—the generosity of visiting tourists and donors, and his two mongrel dogs, JB and Stargirl.
“I never thought I’d be here for 12 years,” says Father Jim. “God has blessed me my whole life, and there are people who have had terrific disadvantages that I never had. I think of Matthew 25: 35: ‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink.’ There are so many people who need basic stuff, and it’s not through their own fault. My Christian obligation and responsibility is to love my neighbor and do that the best I can.”
These days their work is more vital than ever. The demand at St. Anthony’s Kitchen has more than doubled, from 150 meals a day in 2019 to 400-plus a day in 2020, as a tourism-driven economy continues to plummet. Local residents can also come to the church, where they receive a bag of peas and rice, as well as a tin of mackerel.
They are also trying to meet the challenges head-on in education, as the pandemic has caused schools to go virtual. Many children have no access to Internet or have no devices to get online with. Accepting the challenge, Father Jim—in collaboration with Cornerstone Jamaica, a US nonprofit organization that helps create sustainable programs in Jamaica—is finding ways to provide students with Internet, workspaces, tablets, and adult supervision. To give you an idea of Father Jim’s influence during his 12 years in Negril, the CEO of Cornerstone wants to call these learning centers “Bok Spots.”
Father Jim is quick to point out that most of what he does is not possible without the support of many benefactors: “I frequently remind folks that in Luke 8:1–3, we read that Jesus went from town to town proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and there were some folks who sustained him out of their means. From the very beginning of the proclamation, with Jesus himself, there were benefactors. I never forget that I am not in this alone. To use a popular expression these days, lots of folks ‘have my back.’ For them, I always give thanks!”
If you would like to support St. Anthony’s Kitchen, GKTS, GKTS+, and the Franciscan outreach in Jamaica, you can leave an online donation at StAnthony. org or send an e-mail to FriarWorks@Franciscan.org.
The National Shrine of St. Anthony is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Consecrated in 1889, it includes a first-class relic of St. Anthony and serves as a center for daily prayer and contemplation.
The Franciscan friars minister from the shrine. To help them in their work among the poor, you may send a monetary offering called St. Anthony Bread. Make checks or money orders payable to “Franciscans” and mail to the address below.
Every Tuesday, a Mass is offered for benefactors and petitioners at the shrine. To seek St. Anthony’s intercession, mail your petition to the address below. Petitions are taken to the shrine each week.
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