4 minute read
Editorial | Daniel Imwalle
Laws, Love, and the Path to Holiness
At the beginning of November, we’re quickly reminded crucified and risen, remain at the center of our daily life as of the importance of holiness by two back-to-back the wellspring of salvation, or are we content with a few relifeast days. Both All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day present gious formalities to salve our consciences?” The law of God, examples of holiness, whether they be individuals officially then, is contingent upon and flows from the love of God, and recognized by the Church or personal connections to loved not the other way around. God’s grace isn’t transactional; it’s ones who left an impression of true Gospel living. gifted to us because of God’s unbounding love.
It seems fairly obvious that the spiritual destination in life is holiness, a kind of soulful wholeness that not only enriches ‘TRUE PIETY’ us internally but also radiates outward to others, spreading The temptation to view following religious laws as proof of God’s light. Authentic holiness, bolstered by good deeds and holiness also exists in secular society and its edification of a sincere commitment to our faith, is ultimately what we the “law-abiding citizen.” What if the law being followed hope paves the way to eternal life. is based on something immoral? There For Christians, the path to holiness is simple on the surface: Live as Jesus taught us, love others as we love ourselves, and “The greatest challenge of the were many justifications and legal protections for slavery in the United States, for example, none of which were adequate love God with all our hearts, souls, and day is: how to bring defenses of the concept of one human minds. However, as we humans are wont to about a revolution of owning another. Throughout history, many do, rules and regulations were piled onto the heart, a in positions of power—whether in politics these basic, easily understood guidelines. revolution which or from the pulpit—have failed miserably After nearly 2,000 years of writing and rewriting laws, bickering, warring, and splintering, it’s hard to say whether Christians are anywhere closer to living has to start with each one of us.” —Servant of God Dorothy Day to lead by example as models of virtue or holiness. These powerful people may have been praised for following all of the rules of their time and place. out the Gospel than our ancestors in faith Fortunately, the history of our faith prowere. And some of the earliest of those ancestors actually vides a multitude of examples of holy rule breakers to show heard Jesus speak firsthand! However, we can take heart in us a better way, even if it is the road less traveled. Certainly, the straightforward nature of the Gospel call to holiness— Francis of Assisi comes to mind as one such model of holia call that we should view as a joyful invitation, not an ness. In chapter 17 of his Rule of 1221, he wrote, “A worldly oppressive rule. spirit likes to talk a lot and do nothing, striving for exterior signs of holiness that people can see, with no desire for true ‘A RIGID RELIGIOSITY’ piety and interior holiness of spirit.” And what better public In a general audience at the Vatican on September 1, Pope display of holiness is there than showing off how good we are Francis discussed St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, which, at following all the laws? St. Francis also didn’t play by the in part, addresses adherence to certain laws in light of rule book of his family or social class. When he was expected Christ’s revelation. In reflecting on this epistle, Pope Francis to turn right into a life of wealth acquisition and commerce, warned against defining holiness simply as strictly follow- he took a hard left into poverty and religious life. ing specific laws, since doing so “leads us to a rigid religi- More recently, people such as Blessed Franz Jägerstätter, osity, a rigidity that eliminates that freedom of the Spirit Servant of God Dorothy Day, and Martin Luther King Jr. which Christ’s redemption gives us. Beware of this rigidity refuted the unjust rules of their times, choosing instead to that they propose.” follow the moral compass of their consciences. Before he was
As the leader of the Catholic Church, a complex, massive put to death for his refusal to fight for the Nazis, Jägerstätter’s organization with over 1.3 billion members, the pope knows final words were, “I am completely bound in inner union something about the importance of structure, to be sure. with the Lord.” His inward connection with God is remiHe certainly isn’t advocating for any semblance of anarchy. niscent of St. Francis’ “interior holiness of spirit” and also What he is saying, though, is that the law alone doesn’t lead reinforces the pope’s message of keeping Christ’s love “at the to salvation. “The law does not give life; it does not offer the center of our daily life.” fulfillment of the promise [God’s covenant] because it is not Those in power called some of these individuals enemies in the position of being able to fulfill it,” Pope Francis said. of the state—possibly even enemies of the Church. Today, we
Later on during the general audience, the pope framed call many of these rule breakers saints, and they beckon us to the issue in the form of a question: “Does the love of Christ, follow in their footsteps of faith.