6 minute read

Followers of St. Francis

By Janine Walsh

Loving Mother, Franciscan Sister


“I thank God for the two vocations he gave me,” says Sister Jannette Pruitt, OSF. “One is being a mother of three bishops, informed the people, gathered together, and hosted dialogues sharing the message of “who and whose we are.” beautiful children whose families have grown, and now I Years passed and Jannette’s kids grew and left home have seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. The while she spent time in New Orleans, helping to care for her other is being a Sister of St. Francis in ailing mother and walk her through the Oldenburg, Indiana, where I find in my dying process. Several years after that, she sister friends much wisdom and spiritual- moved to Indianapolis at the urging of her ity. The prayer life fills me up and com- friend Rose, who asked Jannette for help pletes my happiness.” picking out a church to attend. The two

Sister Jannette is the second of five kids settled on St. Rita’s, which is built like an born in Biloxi, Mississippi, and raised in amphitheater, the entrance being at the Bay St. Louis on the Gulf Coast, approxi- crest, so that “everyone saw who was commately 45 minutes from New Orleans. She ing in late.” A compliment made by the is a self-proclaimed “cradle Catholic” and pastor about her hand-sewn dress turned describes her family as very loving. They into a request for Afro-centric vestments were the first of their generation to settle for Kwanzaa and then employment at the there, and much of their time was spent church and school. with their grandparents. Her grandfather The first time Sister Jannette recalls was a carpenter and helped build the small Sister Jannette Pruitt, OSF God opening the door to religious life for town of Bay St. Louis. her was during her second year teach-

Jannette would walk with her grandmother to church ing at St. Rita’s. She was working on Kwanzaa plans, looking every morning for confession, wondering, How much sinning at materials to use for the celebration, when an item from could Grandma have done? She just the bulletin caught her eye. It was went to confession yesterday. However, an invitation for a “Life Awareness it made an impact on her. She recalls Weekend” to see what it would be the day she was to receive her first like to be a sister. “The bulletin hit me Communion. “I really wanted to like a ton of bricks, but since I had receive Jesus,” Sister Jannette says. to finish the Kwanzaa plans, I threw “I didn’t want anything to spoil my it aside,” Sister Jannette recalls. “But special day, so to avoid any possible God has a way of making sure we occasion to sin, I sat with my grandfa- listen to him.” The paper about the ther all morning, doing nothing, until weekend kept showing up again and it was time to go to church.” again. Jannette finally wrote it down

After her marriage to a child- on her calendar and called to find out hood friend didn’t end well, Jannette about it. The cost to attend was too took her two daughters and son to high, but again God’s will won out. Menlo Park, California. She got a Through a scholarship that was availjob as a nurse in addition to work- able, she was able to attend. ing furiously in the church, trying “I was a bundle of nerves as I to raise her kids on her own. In the packed for the weekend, realizing I early 1970s, the young mother and wasn’t going to know anyone,” Sister her three children joined St. Francis Jannette says. “When I got to the of Assisi Church in Palo Alto, a very Sister Jannette’s two daughters, DeLaSandra and retreat center and stepped up to the forward-thinking parish for the time. Dorothea, met Sister Thea Bowman at the first gathering check-in table, my nerves melted Her daughters were altar servers, and of the Black Catholic Apostolate, circa 1970. away. There were priests and nuns Jannette joined a parish group called from every order milling around.” She the Black Catholic Apostolate, whose mission was to navi- saw nuns in habits and thought, No, I can’t do that. Then she gate how to be “Black and Catholic” in service to the Church. saw a young woman who had gray hair like hers and wore a Through this group, Jannette became friends with Sister Thea pantsuit, and she thought, I can do that. Jannette looked at a Bowman, who was very involved in the work. They spoke to display of photos of a beautiful motherhouse with gorgeous

Sister Jannette stands among family and friends before her final vow ceremony in 2007: (Left to right) Harold White (son), Christian Curry-Jeffries (granddaughter), Father Charles Smith, SVD (friend), Cache Dequire (granddaughter), Sister Jannette, Sharice Deteige (granddaughter), Father Chester Smith, SVD (friend), and DeLaSandra McKnight (daughter and mother of Sharice and Cache).

“Transition comes to everyone, and when it does, I trust in God and try to take life one day at a time.”

—Sister Jannette Pruitt, OSF

grounds, and all the nuns looked as if they were having a great time. The woman with gray hair whom Jannette had spotted came up behind her and introduced herself as Sister Marge Wissman. Sister Marge invited Jannette to come see the motherhouse and the grounds personally and informed her about the possibility of staying at their Nia Kuumba Spirituality Center. Nia Kuumba’s mission is centered on providing African and African American women a community where they can be challenged and encouraged to live, as fully as possible, lives of purpose (nia) and creativity (kuumba).

Jannette visited the Oldenburg Motherhouse for a few days during her Easter break and then headed to Nia Kuumba house in St. Louis. While there, she met Marian, a sister who was “so welcoming and full of life.” Upon her arrival, two pictures she saw in the house inspired peace: one of Sister Thea Bowman and one of a young African American girl with beads coming off the ends of her braids. She met so many inspiring women and had a great experience hearing all the wisdom from around the table.

Sister Jannette entered the Oldenburg community in 1997, spending a year and a half under the guidance of Sister Marge. In 2004, she made first vows with her children participating in the Mass. She took her final vows in 2007 and has never looked back. Now she lives with 10 others and works within the community making donation cards and taking life one day at a time. Sister Jannette is still sewing, mostly making face masks for protection against COVID-19. “Transition comes to everyone,” she says, “and when it does, I trust in God and try to take life one day at a time.”


The National Shrine of St. Anthony is located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Consecrated in 1889, it includes a first-class relic of St. Anthony and serves as a center for daily prayer and contemplation.

The Franciscan friars minister from the shrine. To help them in their work among the poor, you may send a monetary offering called St. Anthony Bread. Make checks or money orders payable to “Franciscans” and mail to the address below.

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