Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type specification

Page 1


Francisco Marrero



Grid, Folios, Running Heads & Page Furniture


Typography Body, Captions Sub-Chapter Section Header Header Quotes Facts


Custom Type






Paper & Binding



Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification










Page size:  19 x 23.28 cm Pages 49—58:  16.08 x 23.28 cm

Grid: 7 Columns x 5 Rows, symmetric

1. Baseline Grid: 13.2 pt

2. Module width: 1.98 cm 4. Module height: 3.72cm 3. Gutter width: 0.46cm, one baseline grid

Margins: T: 0.93 cm  (26 pt) B: 2.32 cm (52 pt) O: 0.93 cm  (26pt) I:1.39 cm  (39 pt)

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification





LEGOISM: Sketching Utopia


Folios, Running Heads & Page Furniture

Chapter one: Play


y Well

Folios, Running Heads & Page Furniture

1. Folios: Futura Medium 8 pt — Paper 2. Book title: Futura Light 8 pt ­— K = 100% 3. Chapter section: Futura Light & Medium 8 pt — K =100%

4. Folios background:    Chapter one: M = 100% Y =  100%    Chapter two: C = 100% M = 47%    Chapter one: M = 100% Y =  100%    Other: K = 100%


Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification


Bitstream Futura abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789



Futura Book 10.2 pt/13.2 pt — Ragged right

2.9 Symmetry.

2.9 Symmetry.

There’s a log tradition of architects seeking out construction toys for children, in the 1870’s Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Buckminster Fuller, and many other members of the architectural Avant-garde went to kindergarten schools and played with Froebel’s geometric toys. They sat at special gridded desks where they experimented with knitted balls, building blocks, coloured sticks, rings, mosaic tiles, and a rudimentary construction set made from SYMMETRY toothpicks with dried peas for the joins. The Egyptian and Mayan pyramids are classic examples of Froebel drew plans for educational tools that implicitly symmetry. If you place a vertical plane through the center of foreshadowed the actual buildings that Wright, Mies van der a pyramid plan, parallel to one of its sides and compare the Rohe, Adolf Loos, and Le Corbusier would design when they two halves, you will see that they are identical and could be grew up. mirrored over the center axis.


If you look at the floor plan of the Kukulkan’s Pyramid in The Egyptian and Mayan pyramids are classic examples of Chichen Itza, you will discover that a line drawn through symmetry. If you place a vertical plane through the center of the center of the square floor plan, parallel to one of its a pyramid plan, parallel to one of its sides and compare the sides, will divide it into two symmetric halves. A line, drawn two halves, you will see that they are identical and could be diagonally from a corner through the center to the opposite mirrored over the center axis. corner will divide the floor plan into two symmetric triangles.

Solving orphans: Tracking +/- 20


If you look at the floor plan of the Kukulkan’s Pyramid in A symmetrical design embodies a sense of balance, or Chichen Itza, you will discover that a line drawn through equilibrium. Symmetry is often used in classical architecture the center of the square floor plan, parallel to one of its to impress: it conveys order and has a monumental sides, will divide it into two symmetric halves. A line, drawn appearance. LEGOISM: Sketching Utopia diagonally from a corner through the center to the opposite corner will divide the floor plan into two symmetric triangles. A symmetrical design embodies a sense of balance, or equilibrium. Symmetry is often used in classical architecture to impress: it conveys order and has a monumental appearance.

In-body quotes or interviews, quotation mark outside column “ I wouldn’t be able to imagine my childhood without Lego; cause is such an integral part of it. I used to build these James Bond’s Villan’s lairs. Always something with secret, revolving doors or sliding walls, I was very much into this idea that the architecture could somehow contain sort of unseen possibilities that things seemed to be a certain way but then they could actually do so much more.

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification



Bitstream Futura

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Bitstream Futura

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 012 34 5 67 8 9



Futura Book Italic 8 pt/9.9 pt — Cross aligned every 5 lines Character style: Futura Medium

2.10 Lego Towers Model, Bjarke Ingels. The site is laid out as a grid of 3,6 x 3,6 meter squares, creating one continuous pixelated surface. As a topographic map the surface is morphed to form a terraced landscape of towers, accommodating housing, hotel, offices and shops.

Three column caption in pages with more than 3 pictures 2.15, 16 & 17 The Collectivity Project, 2005. Olafur Eliasson. White Lego bricks and wood. Installation at 3rd Tirana Biennial, Albania. Courtesy of the artist; neugerriemschneider, Berlin; and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York.

Type over chapter break or images (adjustment for inkjet printing) Futura Medium Italic & Bold 8.6 pt, horizontal scale 105% — Paper Chapter two: Sketching Utopia


2.12 The Lego House, headquarters masterplan, Bjarke Ingels Group. Chapter two: Sketching Utopia

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification



Egyptian Slate abcdefghij klmnopqrs tuvwxyz ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP QRSTUVW Sub-Chapter


Egyptian Slate Pro Regular 56.3 pt — x-height = 2 baselines 3 mm rule one baseline below matching chapter colour Body rule: body text set in two three-column boxes, two line drop cap, manual kerning -20

1.16 Representation of Bauhaus famous primary colours in Lego.

One module break after

A Modernist Mentality I

t is no coincidence that Frank Lloyd wright, Le Corbusier, and Buckminster Fuller were all taught in Kindergarten the school system that introduced building blocks into educational play. These simple forms reveal the first traces of modernism, the start of a relationship between architecture and creative children’s games that continues to this day.

In inventing Kindergarten (1997), the New York sculptor and architect Norman Brosterman argues that the pedagogical tools used in the second half of the nineteenth century might be interpreted as having laid the ground for geometric abstraction in art and architecture. Bosterman convincingly shows that the 20 ‘play gifts’ or architectural toys used by the German educator Friedrich Froebel to teach children an appreciation of abstract patterns were the building blocks of abstract patterns were the building blocks of modernism.

Chapter one: Play Well

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification



Bitstream Futura

abcdefghijklmnopqr stuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO PQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789

Section Header

Section Header

1.17 Tableau with Red, Black, Blue and Yellow, Piet Mondrian 1921.

Futura Bold 25.7 pt — x-height = 1 baselines Matches chapter colour One module break after

Defining Modernism

Modernism flourished during the years 1914 to 1939 and was the key point of reference for twentieth-century architecture, design and art, as classicism and realism had been in previous centuries. Rejecting history and applied ornament, and embracing abstraction, Modernists had a utopian desire to create a better world. This frequently combined with left-leaning political and social beliefs that design and art had the power to transform society. They extolled functionality and utility and an aesthetic hereby beauty was achieved though efficiency and perfection of form.


LEGOISM: Sketching Utopia

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification






Egyptian Slate Pro Medium 11.46 pt all caps — matching cap height with body

2.1 Abstraction: this build draws from the uneveness of mountains and peaks for the side rendering of rounded clear modules.

ABSTRACTION: The dictionary defines abstraction as ‘freedom from representational qualities in art’. Abstraction is the method through which we use various sources as inspiration in the design process. It starts by choosing an image, object, site, topic or even a feeling as inspiration. To abstract means to ‘draw away’. Important features from your source of inspiration are expresseed in your design.


Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification


Egyptian Slate

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ 0123456789



Egyptian Slate Pro Medium 20.9 pt — x-height = 1 baseline Quotation mark outside column

“ The game has become such a phenomenon, his videos can attract more than 30 million hits in a week” 3.E BBC Breakfast Interview with Stampy Cat & Joseph Garrett

Chapter breaks type in white

“ When you play with Lego, you take a spatial unit and you add it to another and there’s a bigger space being built. You’ll remember how you did it, and you’ll remember how that brick felt on your finger, you become a producer, not a consumer” Chapter three: Blocks to Pixels

2.A Olafur Eliansson, Artist.

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification



Egyptian Slate abcdefghij klmnopqrs tuvwxyz ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP Facts


Egyptian Slate Pro Medium Italic 57 pt — x-height = 2 baseline

Lego refined their designs between 1949 and 1958, since then, the basic bricks have remained unchanged. Chapter one: Play Well

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification



“ Our sim only bl gone aw that’s p bricks video g

3.A Tom Dyck Broadcaster.


Custom Type

LEGOISM: Sketching Utopia

Custom Type

Chapter Breaks: Custom — dimensions variable, fit to size in type area. Created by building the individual letterforms with black and transluscent Lego bricks.

mple desire to build from locks and imagination hasn’t way, and it’s the digital world picking off where plastic left off, paving the way is game Minecraft”

khoff, Writer &


Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification


Black: C = 0% M = 0% Y = 0% K =100%

Bright Red: C = 0% M = 100% Y = 100% K = 0%



Based on Lego brick swatches Bright Yellow: C = 0% M = 19% Y = 100% K = 5%

Bright Blue: C = 100% M = 47% Y = 0% K =100%

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification

26 1.18 Red and Blue Chair by Gerrit Rietveld, 1918.

Image as page furniture

1.19 Competition design for a shopping street with housing above in den Haag, Cornelis van Eesteren 1924.


All images referenced

LEGOISM: Sketching Utopia

Images set within modular spaces in the type area

1.23 Falling Acre, FAT. The pieces from the Fallingwater model have been used to construct a proposal for a new urban masterplan reminiscent of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Broadacre City concept. 1.24 Foster & Partners chose two iconic 20th-century buildings, Fallingwater and the Empire State Building, and brought them together to make a new mixed-use Lego development, somewhere to both live and work. 1.25 Meltingwater, ATMOS. “Bring out the nature of the materials,” Lloyd Wright said and, using the Lego model of Fallingwater, that’s what we did; a tiny tribute to his organicism. “Stone,” he wrote, “is the mass residue of intense heat,” and so was our riposte.



LEGOISM: Sketching Utopia


Secondary sources referenced on page 108 Primary sources taken with a Nikon D 7100. Range of lens:

Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8 Sigma 70—300 mm 1:4 f/5.6 Nikkor 18—105mm f/3.5

Images before or first page of sub-chapter fully bleed off the page


LEGOISM: Sketching Utopia

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification






Paper & Binding

Paper & Binding

Text block: 1. Page 1—48 & 59—112: GF Smith Fine Uncoated Naturalis   Absolute White Smooth 160 g/m2 2. Page 49—58: Arboreta Uncoated Signaset Grey 110 g/m2 3. Page 22B (Insert 1.11): Arboreta Uncoated Tracing   Paper 110 g/m2 Cover: 4. Maya smooth coloured card, yellow & blue 280 g/m2 Binding: DIY perfect binding, soft-cover

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification


Printing: The book was printed at home in a medium format inkjet Canon i6550, the print quality was overall good except from fine type over solid colours where I had to adjust my paragraph styles to accomodate for the printer; also, the gap between the lego bricks background in the folios turned out more opaque and less defined than in prior proofs, check process work for proof sample.

Binding: Cover spine is aproximately 1 mm bigger than text block spine.

Legoism: Sketching Utopia — Type Specification

PROJECT 02 Everything about one thing.


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