3 minute read
Why I Love Franklin County
Will Stults
Russellville High School 2001 alumnus Will Stults is married to his high school sweetheart, Amanda (Adams) Stults, and the couple is celebrating 15 years of marriage. They have one son, 13-year-old Dalton, who is an eighth-grader at Russellville Middle School. Amanda is a clinical manager with Medical Associates, and Will is a performing songwriter whose career has led him to play at The Bluebird Café in Nashville, the VBC in Huntsville and the BancorpSouth Arena in Tupelo – but he said he considers his family his greatest accomplishment.
1. What is your job title, and what does your work involve?
I’m a performing songwriter, which means I do solo shows as an artist while also working to have my songs recorded by others. That involves writing, demoing and pitching songs to musical acts primarily in Nashville’s country music market. I haven’t landed the big one yet, but I am closer than ever and have been told “no” by several famous people! It takes a lot of work just to be told no in Nashville. I am also the co-coordinator for North Alabama Songwriters, an organization that serves to develop and encourage other songwriters in this area.
2. What do you enjoy about it?
I believe songwriting is a calling. I see being a songwriter as service work, and my goal is to help people get through life. I enjoy the process of writing, and nothing is more satisfying than having something God created through me reach the person or people who were meant to hear it.
3. What is your favorite place to visit in Franklin County?
My mother, grandparents and in-laws have all at one time lived on County Road 64 at the bottom of Spruce Pine Mountain. When I was a kid I called that the home road, and I still love the feeling of being in that area.
4. What is your favorite Franklin County restaurant, and what do you like about it?
Lately my favorite thing has been getting Tortas from Los Primos downtown, but it’s really
hard to pick between that and the Pupusa at Pollo Loco.
5. Why do you love Franklin County?
It’s home to me. I have traveled a lot for music and lived in Nebraska for 11 years growing up, but I always wanted to be back here. I believe we all have a place we’re meant to be, and for me this is it.
Favorite hobby: virtual reality Favorite food: S.O.S. Goal or ambition: I just want to die knowing I did what I was supposed to do. Church: God is a big part of my life, and I’ve been all over Franklin County learning about him. Something people might not know about me is: I’m an over-sharer. People know more about me than they want to, but my wife says I’m getting better about it!
Everything Franklin County all year long.

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