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Submit community events for future issues of Franklin Living to alison.james@franklincountytimes.com. Requests must be received Submit community events for future issues of Franklin Living to alison.james@franklincountytimes.com. Requests must be received by the first of the month for consideration for the next edition. Submit community events for future issues of Franklin Living to alison.james@franklincountytimes.com. Requests must be received by the first of the month for consideration for the next edition. by the first of the month for consideration for the next edition. All events are subject to change or cancellation.
Rockin’ at the Roxy March 12Spring Spring Sports The Franklin County Arts and Humanities Council has made plans for some outstanding shows at The Historic Sports Registration Registration Roxy this spring. First up will be the return of Rockin’ at the Roxy, March 12. Jan. 1 through Feb. 1 Jan. 29 through March 7 Chucky Mullins Football Camp March 12 Jan. 1 through Feb. 1 Jan. 29 through March 7 The Russellville Parks and Recreation Department will begin spring sports registration with soccer signups Jan. 1 through Feb. 1. Youth soccer is for boys and girls ages 3-12, and cost The Kerry Gilbert Band will be joined by Trinecia Hall Hodge, Derrick Stancil and Joe Holmes for a Mountain Breeze 2.0 reunion. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the show is at 7 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 6-12 and free for children younger than 6. The Russellville Parks and Recreation Department will begin spring sports registration with soccer signups Jan. 1 through Feb. 1. Youth soccer is for boys and girls ages 3-12, and cost is $35. Teams will play their games at the soccer fields by the Chucky Mullins Center. Youth softball signup for girls ages 6-12 will begin Jan. 29 and continue through March 7, The Chucky Mullins Scholarship Comis $35. Teams will play their games at the soccer fields by with a cost of $35. For more information call 256-332-8870, mittee presents its second annual the Chucky Mullins Center. Youth softball signup for girls ext. 14. Football Camp March 12 at Russellages 6-12 will begin Jan. 29 and continue through March 7, ville High School football stadium. with a cost of $35. For more information call 256-332-8870, Different programs will be offered for ext. 14. those 8-12, those 12 and older and those with special needs. A number of special guests will be on hand. For tickets and more Rockin’ at information visit www.cms1988.com/football-camp. the Roxy
Franklin County Egg Hunts April 16 Rockin’ at the Roxy Jan. 11 and Feb. 8 The second Saturday night of each month at 7 p.m. is the monthly The Franklin County Jan. 11 and Feb. 8Kerry Gilbert Band Chamber of Commerce will once again host Easter egg hunts across Franklin County. RusThe second Saturday night of each month at 7 p.m. is the monthly Kerry Gilbert Band concert at the Historic Roxy Theatre in Russellville. The KGB will be joined by a special guest for each show. Doors open at 6 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 6-12 and free for children younger than 6. sellville’s hunt will be at concert at the Historic 10 a.m., Phil Campbell’s Roxy Theatre in will follow at noon, and Russellville. The KGB will be joined by a special guest for 6 Red Bay’s will be at 3 p.m. These events are free, and typically each show. Doors open at 6 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 include prize drawings and other surprises as well as a visit from for children 6-12 and free for children younger than 6. the Easter Bunny. For more information call the chamber at 256332-1760. Franklin County Basketball Tournament Jan. 14-18 BTCPA’s “A Farce of Nature” April 21-24 Franklin County Basketball Tournament The Bay Tree Jan. 14-18 Red Bay, Tharptown, Vina, Belgreen and Phil Campbell Council for the Performing Arts in Red Bay will host its third Red Bay, Tharptown, Vina, Belgreen and Phil Campbell basketball teams production of basketball teams will face off on the season, “A will face off on the court for the Franklin County Varsity Tournament. Teams will play at Red Bay in this annual Farce of Nature,” April 21-23 at the Weatherford Center. This show is written by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope and Jamie Wooten and directed by Scotty Kennedy. For information about group prices and dinner theatre options, contact Beth Hammock at 256-668-0045. the court for the Franklin County Varsity Tournament. Teams will play at Red Bay in this annual competition among county teams. competition among county teams.

Scale Back Alabama: Weigh-In Week Almost Elton John April 23 Jarred Price will return to the Scale Back Alabama: Weigh-In Week Jan. 20-26 Jan. 20-26 Historic Roxy Theatre to presThe Weigh-In Week for teams The Weigh-In ent his show, participating in Scale Week for teams “Almost Elton Back Alabama will be participating in Scale John,” at 7 p.m. Jan. 20-26, kicking Back Alabama will be This tribute to off the two and a half Jan. 20-26, kicking off the two and a half month program. SBA is a free statewide weight-loss campaign designed Elton John features Price and his band, The Rocket Men. Price first performed at the month program. SBA is a free statewide weight-loss campaign designed to encourage Alabamians to get healthy and have fun to encourage Roxy Sept. 25, doing it. Since the Alabamians to get 2021. He will be bringing his beautiful red baby grand pi first challenge in 2007, Alabamians have lost more than 1 healthy and have fun ano for the show. Tickets are on sale now, with all seats are million pounds. For more information, to sign up or to find doing it. Since the reserved, for $20-35. a local weigh-in site, visit www.scalebackalabama.com. first challenge in 2007, Alabamians have lost more than 1 million pounds. For more information, to sign up or to find a local weigh-in site, visit www.scalebackalabama.com. LifeSouth Blood Drives The Roxy’s Jan. 22 and Feb. 1 Salute LifeSouth Blood Drives Jan. 22 and Feb. 1 The LifeSouth bloodmobile will be in Russellville to Broadway April 28 through May 1 A new musical, “The Roxy’s The LifeSouth Jan. 22 at Salute to Broadway,” will be bloodmobile will be in Russellville Jan. 22 at IHP and Feb. 1 at Cricket Wireless. The bloodmobile will be at IHP from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and at Cricket Wireless from noon to 7 p.m. For more information visit www.lifesouth.org. For additional questions presented April 28 through May 1 at the Historic Roxy Theatre. This production, written and directed by HillIHP and Feb. about appointments, eligibility and more call 1-888-795ary Malone Hall, will pay trib1 at Cricket 2707. LifeSouth supplies blood needs at Russellville Hospital. ute to many Broadway hits Wireless. The bloodmobile will be at IHP from 9 a.m. to 4 through the decades. Showp.m. and at Cricket Wireless from noon to 7 p.m. For more times will be 7 p.m. Thursday information visit www.lifesouth.org. For additional questions Franklin livingand Friday, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. about appointments, eligibility and more call 1-888-795Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. 2707. LifeSouth supplies blood needs at Russellville Hospital. More information will be available soon.