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What’s Happening
Check out all the upcoming community events!
Submit community events for future issues of Franklin Living to alison.james@franklincountytimes.com. Requests must be received by the first of the month for consideration for the next edition. *All events are subject to change depending on the progression of the coronavirus.
U.S. Census 2020 May-August A l t h o u g h “Census Day,” April 1, has passed, anyone who has not yet responded is encouraged to complete the U.S. Census over the coming months online, by phone or by mail. Beginning in June, census takers will work to make sure everyone is counted.To find out more visit 2020census.gov or census.alabama.gov.
Virtual Agriculture Field Trip May 8 Every Friday through May 22, the Alabama F a r m e r ’ s Federation will be hosting virtual agriculture field trips on Facebook beginning at 10 a.m. These field trips will tour various agricultural sites across the state, and those tuning in live will be able to ask questions of the ag experts featured. May 8’s topic will be greenhouse and nursery products.
Deadline to apply for Franklin County Junior Leadership May 14 Rising juniors have until May 14 at 4 p.m. to turn in applications to be involved in the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce’s Junior Leadership program through the next year. Anyone who is interested in being a part of Junior Leadership can request an application by calling 256-332-1760 or emailing info@franklincountychamber.org.
Virtual Agriculture Field Trip May 15 Every Friday through May 22, the Alabama F a r m e r ’ s Federation will be hosting virtual a g r i c u l t u r e field trips on F a c e b o o k beginning at 10 a.m. These field trips will tour various agricultural sites across the state, and those tuning in live will be able to ask questions of the ag experts featured. May 15’s topic will be forestry.
Virtual Agriculture Field Trip May 22 Every Friday through May 22, the Alabama F a r m e r ’ s Federation will be hosting virtual a g r i c u l t u r e field trips on F a c e b o o k beginning at 10 a.m. These field trips will tour various agricultural sites across the state, and those tuning in live will be able to ask questions of the ag experts featured. May 22’s topic will be cotton and row crops.
Farmers Markets Opening June The Red Bay Farmers Market, located at 652 2nd St., NE, in the Family Fun Park will open for the season with sellers present Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week from 7 am. to 1 p.m., through September. The Franklin County Farmers Market, located in the pavilion next to the A.W. Todd Center, 202 Green Ave. SW, in Russellville, will open for the season in June, with farmers selling their produce Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 6 a.m. to noon., through October.
LifeSouth Blood Drive June 9 The LifeSouth bloodmobile will be in Russellville June 9 at Bank Independent on Highway 43 from 11:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information or to donate blood through LifeSouth, visit www.lifesouth.org.
Rockin’ at the Roxy June 13 The second Saturday night of each month at 7 p.m. is the monthly Kerry Gilbert Band concert at the Historic Roxy Theatre in Russellville. The KGB will be joined by a special guest for each show. Doors open at 6 p.m. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 6-12 and free for children younger than 6. For more information contact a member of the Franklin County Arts and Humanities Council or visit the KGB’s page on Facebook.
Phil Campbell Hoedown June 19-20 The annual Phil Campbell Hoedown returns this year with its traditional slate of communityfavorite activities, from the car show and the bubble gum contest to the buck dancing and, of course, plenty of live music. Gospel music takes center stage Friday night, with more live entertainment Saturday. For more information visit http://www.philcampbellal.com/hoedown.
Ronnie McDowell Concert June 20 Ronnie McDowell will perform at the Historic Roxy Theater June 20 at 7 p.m., having been postponed from the original date in March. For the past 26 years he has performed in Russellville. His fundraising concerts have benefited the Historic Roxy Theatre, the Chamber of Commerce and the local economy. People come from all across the United States for his show. McDowell has a winning personality that has inspired a nationwide network of fans devoted to promoting everything he does. Call 256-415-3270 to reserve tickets.
BTCPA’s “Cheating Cheaters” June 18-21 The Bay Tree Council for the Performing Arts in Red Bay will stage “Cheating Cheaters” as its summer production at the Weatherford Center.