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3. Campus Safety and Security Report (Clery Act

distributed throughout the campus via bulletin boards, the student newspaper, employee newsletters, and within this handbook.

Emergency Information and Communication

During emergencies, including severe weather, it is important that the college be able to communicate clear, concise information to the campus community. Franklin College, as part of its emergency management plan, has developed a purposely redundant system for effectively sharing information. This system includes text messages, emails, telephone calls, the Franklin College website and word of mouth. All methods of communication may be used during an emergency or selected methods may be employed based on the content of the information and/or nature of the emergency. Typically, emergency text messages contain information about what is happening and what should be done immediately. Emails do the same and may contain additional information related to the emergency. The website usually will have more details.

Students are given opportunities to enroll in the emergency text messaging system at the start of each academic year. It may be done while registering your vehicle for a parking permit or by going to GrizLink https://GrizLink.FranklinCollege.Edu and searching for things like “Emergency text messaging” or “Parking.”

3. Campus Safety and Security Report (Clery Act)

Originally known as the Campus Security Act, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security

Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f)) is the landmark federal law that requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses.

By October of each year Franklin College produces an annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report. The report is available to all students and employees on GrizLink https://GrizLink.FranklinCollege.Edu by searching “Safety and Security Report.” or it may be requested in booklet form in the security office. The phone number for the security office is 317738-8888.

The report contains three years of on /off campus crime statistics reported for the following offenses: Murder, negligent/non negligent manslaughter, sex offenses (forcible and non-forcible), robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, arson, motor vehicle theft, hate crimes, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking.

The report includes arrests or disciplinary referral information for alcohol, weapons and drug violations.

The Security Report includes information on how procedures for crime reporting, general security information, educational programming, definitions of crimes, and the sexual misconduct policy. Information is also included on victim assistance, disciplinary procedures, compliance information concerning the Drug Free Schools and Community Act and information on hate or bias related crimes or incidents. The report also includes fire safety amenities in residential facilities and timely warnings/emergency notification system.

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