2 minute read

8. Drug Policy

1. The Director of Security will review requests for approval of use, noting any limitations. 2. Local Law Enforcement use of UAV technology in execution of a search warrant or as part of a tactical response to an immediate threat is automatically authorized, subject to applicable laws and government regulations. 3. Operators will check in with the Director of Security or in their absence, the officer on duty, before use on campus and will notify the same upon completion of use.

b. Written requests shall include: 1. Equipment to be used, (include information about the UAV control systems, communication systems, etc.) 2. Date and approximate time to be used 3. Location(s) to be used 4. Purpose(s) of the operation 5. The identity and contact information of users or other remote operators 6. All forms of data (including imagery) to be collected 7. Current status of any required licenses or permission (when applicable)

c. For approval of a request: 1. Plan must be submitted at least three business days prior to operation on campus 2. The plan must include all required information in its content. It may be submitted in writing or via email to the Director of Security 3. The requested operation must not pose an unacceptable threat to health, safety, privacy, or the environment 4. The requested operation must be judged by administrators to be in the best interest of the college

d. The Director of Security will notify operators of approval to operate on campus. This must be received before the UAV is brought onto campus. 1. The college holds the right to immediately shut down the operation of an UAV if it creates any type of electronic interference, poses a hazard to sensitive campus equipment, invades the privacy of any student or employee, or interferes with any college activity. The user will be solely responsible for any damage that occurs while operating the UAV. 2. Any questions or comments about this UAV policy shall be directed to Director of Security (317) 738-8888 or by email at sleonard@franklincollege.edu.

8. Drug Policy

Possession or use of stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, marijuana or other agents having potential for abuse violates state and federal law and is expressly prohibited at Franklin College.

The manufacturing, selling, bartering, exchanging and giving away of such drugs or agents to any person is also illegal and prohibited. Only those drugs authorized through the prescription of a licensed medical professional will be permitted. Possession, use or sale of illegal drugs and/or possession of drug paraphernalia of any kind may result in immediate removal from the residence halls and/or suspension from Franklin College.

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