2020-21 Junior Kindergarten

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Junior Kindergarten

Junior Kindergarten At FRA, we believe young children learn best through active involvement in meaningful experiences. We incorporate hands-on activities in a center-based classroom that provide children the opportunity to succeed and progress at their own rate. Through thematic-based units of learning, subjects such as social studies, science, creative arts, and music are integrated into everyday learning. These domains of learning are supported with technology, literature, and handson activities immersed in center-based play.

Program Highlights: We provide a variety of playful and educational events throughout the year for our younger children enrolled in our pre-kindergarten programs, including: • • •

Field Day 100th Day of School Celebration Dr. Seuss Read Across America Week

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National Week of the Young Child Annual End of the Year Water Party

• Philanthropy Focus: Children attend numerous field trips throughout the year to engage in learning

experiences outside of the classroom. We partner with the Center for Philanthropic Studies which allows children to utilize their time, talents, and treasures to connect and apply classroom knowledge to hands-on community outreach programs, such as the Owl’s Hill Sanctuary Program.

• Thanksgiving Program: One of our most treasured events in the preschool is our annual Thanksgiving Feast.

Our students dress up and perform a brief program of song and dance for our guests, before enjoying a traditional Thanksgiving meal together.

Academic Highlights

These are the skills extended from our Pre-K4 program.

Literacy: • • • • • •

Writing first and last name Identifying letters and letter sounds Writing capital and lower case letters with correct form Showing awareness that some words begin alike Generating rhyming and non-rhyming words spontaneously Hearing and showing awareness of separate words in sentences

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Using emergent reading skills Identifying the role of author and illustrator Showing understanding that text is meaningful and can be read Asking and answering questions about a text Retelling familiar stories Writing to convey meaning

Math: • • • • • • •

Counting to 50 and beyond Identifying numbers 1-20 Writing numbers 1-20 with a model Counting sets of objects using one-to-one correspondence Understanding addition and subtraction sentences Identifying, extending, and creating patterns Measuring in standard and non-standard form

Why Choose our Junior Kindergarten program?

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Understanding positional words Comparing and ordering a small set of objects according to size, length, or weight Sorting objects in two or more groups Comparing size of objects by using words (big, small, etc.) Learning simple story problems

Children must learn the pre-academic foundations for formal reading and math before they enter kindergarten. Our junior kindergarten program gives children an extra year to prepare by providing exposure to kindergarten level components, while providing additional time to master pre-kindergarten skills. In junior kindergarten, children have the opportunity to learn new vocabulary and develop important pre-reading skills, as well as strengthen number sense and problem-solving strategies. Junior kindergarten also provides extra time to grow socially and emotionally and develop more independence and academic stamina in the classroom setting. Children learn the social skills they need to get the most out of school, such as how to pay attention in class and interact with peers, and they have opportunities for further gross-motor and fine-motor development necessary for academic success. The lower class ratio provides more opportunity to respond and adapt to individual needs of students. Intentional class sizes also allow teachers to support children who may need extra time to grow socially and emotionally and develop more independence and academic stamina in the classroom setting. 2021-22

Junior Kindergarten Program Schedule 7:45 a.m.

Arrival: Students unpack belongings, sign in, and complete table morning work.

7:50 a.m.

Devotion: During this special time, students will have the opportunity to share prayer requests and praises. We then read together and discuss a Bible story and verse before closing with prayer time. On Wednesdays, we attend a lower school chapel program led by various FRA staff members and individual classrooms.

8 a.m.

Literacy Block: Through thematic integration and implementation of our Starfall literacy program, students are provided hands-on opportunities in whole-group and child-guided small-group settings to develop listening, reading, early phonological awareness, oral expression, and pre-writing development. Art, fine-motor activities, word-work stations, classroom library, computers, iPads, and other hands-on centers are available each day for children to engage in active learning and reinforce independence and social skills.

9:25 a.m.

Snack: The school provides children with a nutritious snack in the classroom. We recite a blessing together before eating each snack or meal daily.

9:45 a.m.

Enrichments: Students attend one of six enrichment classes for 30 minutes each day: STEM Lab • Guidance • Performing Arts • Visual Arts • Spanish • Media Center

10:15 a.m.

Math and Science Centers: Students learn through hands-on math exploration centers with the BUILD math structure in addition to science integration and math/science journaling. Our BUILD structure provides children the freedom to explore math manipulatives to solve problems, utilize math strategies independently, or practice math skills with a partner through active math games. Blocks, LEGO center, and science stations are also available for students to learn through hands-on experiences.

11 a.m.

Recess: Students enjoy a common recess time on the playground. Recess is split on designated P.E. days (30 minutes, twice weekly).

12 p.m.

Read Aloud Story Time: Children are read thematically-related books daily to enhance content and for simple reading enjoyment.

12:15 p.m.

Lunch: Students bring a sack lunch from home and eat in the classrooms. Milk and water are provided daily, and children help set the table and clean up to support responsibility and classroom community.

1 p.m.

Rest Time: Because our junior kindergarten program is licensed by the state, a minimum one-hour rest time is required.

2 p.m.

Free Choice Centers: Children explore different centers, where they learn how to interact with their peers, how to communicate with one another, problem solve, think critically, share, take turns, and much more. Teachers work with children one-on-one (or in a small group) on learning academic concepts.

2:35 p.m.

Departure: Children are walked to their cars during car line at the end of the day. Students enrolled in After School Extended Care or Afternoon Enrichment Classes are walked to their designated pickup areas.


4700 Franklin Pike Nashville, TN 37220 FranklinRoadAcademy.com

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