Knee Rehab Exercises for Fixing Knee Pain Did you know that you can help to prevent knee joint pain and swelling symptoms like arthritis with just doing knee exercises and knee workouts regularly? Well that's why doctors and physiotherapists highly recommend that their patients keep up a regular regime of exercises that are tailored to work certain parts of your body. So to help you with keeping your knee joints strong and healthy as can be and to keep arthritis and other issues at bay, here's some great knee rehab exercises for fixing and strengthening your knees! Because doing a regular workout of your knees in different ways can not only help your knees but your whole body too to help to stay fit and healthy and stave off unhealthy diseases with these ​knee rehab exercises​. Just Walking One of the most easiest and most effective knee exercises you can do is just go out and about walking about. You don't need to do much to walk as in not much effort is needed as you just put one leg in front of another! Water Sports You can do knee exercises in water, in a swimming pool like water aerobics and playing games in the water. Since the water supports the weight of your body it makes it easier to move around and use up all your muscles as you do without hardly any pain. Just Swimming Any activity like swimming alone can be a great workout for your knees. Since again you're not putting all your weight on your knees so you get a really good cardiovascular knee exercising work out. Riding a Bike When you're riding a bike you're also not putting all your weight on your knees while giving them a good workout too. It can be painful at first but only at first as you warm up and cycling is a great way to relax your knees and loosen up stiff joints.
Healthy joints are vital to the quality of your life. Build a life free of pain and aches. Start protecting your joints now. The knee muscles include the hamstrings, quadriceps, and a few other muscles. These muscle help you extend, flex, and rotate your knee. In this article, you will learn exercise to build up knee muscles. There are some exercise to perform exercise to build up your knee muscle. First, I called it wall sits. This exercise is a good method to do a squatting exercise. Your muscles at the back, front and side of the hips and thigh are strengthened while you perform the wall sit. Stand with your back against a wall and place your feet about 24 inches away from the wall, spaced hip-width apart. Point your toes straight ahead and space your weight on both feet. Keeping your entire back against the wall, slide down slowly until your knees are bent to about 45 degrees, and hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds. Push equally into both feet to slide back up to the start position. Repeat this 5 to 10 times. The second exercise to build up knee muscles is Lying Leg Lift. It Strengthens hip flexors and quadriceps. Enhances the walking move by working muscles in opposition that may be under used, like the smaller quadriceps muscles of the thigh. Lie on your back with right leg straight and extended; and left knee is bent, with left foot flat on floor. Contract the right thigh muscles to straighten (but not lock) the knee. Slowly raise your right leg until knees are parallel. Then lower your leg. Repeat 8-12 times, working up to 2 sets on each side. To advance: Begin holding to a 3-5 count in the up position. The third exercise to build up knee muscles is Straight Leg Raises. Strengthens the quadriceps muscles to help support your knee joint. To perform it, you must use 1 lb. ankle weights. Sit in a chair with one leg extended, resting your foot on a second chair or bench and your leg should be straight. Lift that foot several inches while keeping your leg straight. Hold it for 10 seconds then return to resting position for 10 seconds. Work up to 3 minutes of lifting for each leg. Advance by adding ankle weights in ½ lb. increments. Keep in mind that building up your knee joints will increase stability and mobility. Best of all it is possible to enjoy joint and muscle pain relief. Enjoy the benefits of your easy knee workouts. When you are going to get a knee support, think about the knee pain and diagnosis that you have. If you have nominal knee pain, you may just want to try to rest your knee or get an elastic (drytex) style knee support. These are often times considered to be "knee sleeves". Once your pain increases you will need to think about getting a more deluxe knee support. There are many that address meniscus injuries, ACL tears, MCL tears by helping to limit side to side and hyperextension movements of the knee. A good retailer will go into more detail on their website about each knee brace that can help you. It is an old thought that a knee brace must be oversized and heavy to provide you with the support that you need. This is not true, especially with the innovations seen today.
A low profile knee support can offer great support and help reduce your knee pain problems before, during and after your workouts. In the end, it is in your hands. You can choose to forego a knee support or choose to use one. If you have knee pain as a result of working out, then you should consider the positives of a knee brace. To find out more about looking after your knees, for 11 Knee rehab exercises for fixing knee pain, strengthening after knee injury. Check out this ​Knee workout - Part 1​.