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What are we going to do?
Provide better information for the community on play
Council will develop, distribute and promote mapping and information on play facilities in Frankston City. Plan holistically for play
Council will plan and design prior to the delivery of all new, upgraded and renewed playspaces. This may also sometimes involve an integrated approach at multiple sites across local areas to provide better outcomes for the community.
Renew 15 existing playspaces
Council will replace existing playspaces as guided by the priority action plan.
Upgrade 103 existing playspaces
Council will improve the play equipment, amenity and environment of existing playspaces as guided by the priority action plan.
Build 16 new playspaces and play experiences
Council will build new playspaces or play experiences in identified locations of need, where no playspace currently exists within a 400m walking distance of surrounding residences.
Connect communities better through play
Council will continue to improve shared paths that connect to existing or proposed playspaces. Where suitable council will co‐locate playspaces with existing or proposed community facilities.
Provide better integrated, inclusive and accessible playspaces
As Council renews, upgrades or builds new playspaces it will integrate play and environment better. Council will improve the accessible function of paths, furniture and play in all community, district and regional playspaces, and some local playspaces. Council will also incorporate structural shade and fencing at suitable identified locations.
Provide more diverse and better distributed playspaces
Council will introduce new play types including; informal nature play, intergenerational play (including adult and older persons play), digital play and water play in consultation with the local community at suitable locations.
Introduce new types of play
Council will introduce new play types including; informal nature play, intergenerational play (including adult and older persons play), digital play and water play in consultation with the local community at suitable locations.
Improve the flexibility of playspaces to allow them to grow with communities
Council will continue to improve the range and diversity of facilities at each playspace so that they provide for different ages and abilities to use them.
Develop a consistent level of amenity
Council will respond to the development standards outlined for each playspace level in the Play Strategy 2021 to improve the consistency and quality of amenity at all playspaces. This includes; toilets, shade / shelter, fencing, seating, and other park furniture. Improve the design, delivery and maintenance of playspaces
Council has developed processes to assist with a consistent quality of approach for each project from community engagement to ongoing maintenance. Council will meet regularly to review and revise these as needed.
Strategic Future Directions
The following describes municipal or general actions proposed and supported within the Frankston Play Strategy’s 15‐20 year program. These actions are prioritised High (1‐7 years), Medium (8‐10 years) and ongoing for implementation:
Prepare a 15‐20 year capital works program for renewal, upgrade and consolidation of Council’s existing playspaces.
Review current funding levels for playspace renewal, upgrades, design and master planning inline with strategy recommendations. Where possible consolidate funding programs.
Review existing maintenance practices, service levels, capacity and budgets inline with proposed development standards, design guidelines and priority action plan.
Prepare a feasibility study for the introduction of Water Play to Council’s play network including; types, function and issues, costs, technical and maintenance requirements and potential locations for consideration.
Prepare a feasibility study for the introduction of additional skate and Pump tracks/BMX to Council's play network with consideration to potential sites identified in the following Neighbourhood recommendations.
Develop a policy for the long‐term acquisition of open space for future playspace development in local areas without access to open space or play.
Seek additional external funding to support identified new projects.
Precinct: Priority:
Municipal High
General High
General High
Municipal High
Municipal High
Municipal Medium
General Ongoing