Frankston City News January 2015

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Frankston City

2015 Saturday 17 January 11am –10pm Sunday 18 January 11am – 6pm Pier Promenade, Frankston

Frankston , e d a n e Pier Prom . n o t s k n a fr Eden Gardens Children’s Zone

where Visit the Eden Gardens Children’s Zone, vegetable children can take part in the interactive and care for garden display and learn how to plant experts their own vegetables and flowers. Garden nce to win can try the Eden Gardening Quiz for a cha great prizes. ’s Lives Eden Gardens – Enriching People With Plants.

Swim with a ‘Mermaiden’ Meet the Festival’s favourite Mermaidens, Nerissa and Aradia. Kids can join them in the water as they swim, dive and glide in the bay. Bring your camera to capture the moment.

Frankston Beach Activity Zone

Try something new at the water’s edge. Have a go at stand up paddle boarding, canoeing, beach hockey and socce r, sailing and snorkelling. You can even test your scuba skills in the dive tank. Go to for program times. Please Note: for all water activities including sailing you will get wet, please dress appropriately and bring a change of clothes.

Sessions run Saturday 11.30am – 3pm and Sunday 11am – 4.30pm.

Frankston Stand Up Paddle Festival 2015

Proudly presented by Peninsula Stand Up Paddle and Frankston City Council See novice and experienced paddlers compete in a range of events across the weekend. Stand up paddling is fun for the whole family (recommended for ages 6 to 60). Come and try this popular sport between 11am and 4pm both days of the Festival.

Bloody Big Swim

This 11.2 km marathon swim from Frankston Life Saving Club to Mornington Life Saving Club can be completed by individuals or in teams of two or four. Come and support the swimmers as they depart at 7am on Saturday 17 January. For more information go to thebloodybigswim .com

Rides and Amusements Enjoy all the fun and excitement of the rides and amusements. Catch a glimpse of the entire Festival and beyond from the top of the Ferris Wheel or take a motor bike ride and enjoy the view from the Olivers Hill lookout. Rides cost between $5 and $10.

Lifestyle Zone

ngal Proudly presented by Telstra Store Kari

x, Learn about the local NBN roll out, play Xbo see environmental displays, play giant chess, have climb the rope bridge with Frankston Scouts, the t your face painted with Nine News and mee Roller Derby team.

Sand Sculpting Australia Exhibition 'Friends, Foes & Super Heroes’ – Wander amongst the spectacular sand creations to see Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Elsa and Anna from Disney’s Frozen, Marvel’s Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk and the ultimate Star Wars foe, Darth Vadar. Pre-purchase tickets at or at the Frankston Visitor Information Centre on the day.

arket Place M e r lo p x E d Taste, See anMasters Home Improvement nted by Proudly prese e and Explore At the Taste, Se u will find the Market Place yo of your summer perfect souvenir ton Peninsula. on the Morning d ade jewellery an Discover handm and children’s stationery, ladies t, ssories, glass ar fashion and acce of foods and plenty paintings, health e. and fresh produc tasty local treats ton’ Stage ‘I Love Franks ic sessions with Enjoy local mus e region’s rising a selection of th rs, g acoustic cove stars performin ms instrumental ja original songs, and more. t e Improvemen your DIY Masters Hom to answer all of te si on be ill w Masters for the house The team from demonstrations d an s lk ta g tin u en questions, pres r. Go to frank to va no re e m proud or ho times. for program

Frankston City News Follow us »

Your Official Council Newsletter January » February 2015

Sand Sculpting Now Open at Frankston Waterfront Open Daily from 10am, Friday 26 December 2014 until Sunday 26 April 2015 510N Nepean Highway, Frankston Visit Frankston Waterfront between Boxing Day and Anzac Day to see iconic Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars characters reimagined in sand as part of this year’s Sand Sculpting Australia exhibition. More than 3,500 tonnes of sand is carved into unique, detailed and enormous sculptures featuring popular Disney Princesses and legendary Marvel heroes. There’s something for all ages including: • Elsa and Anna from Disney’s Frozen • Buzz and Woody from Disney Pixar’s Toy Story • Star Wars including the dark side’s Darth Vader • Marvel’s Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, the Incredible Hulk and Thor Inside the event are children’s activities, including sand carving in the sand workshop area and art and craft.

On weekends and school holidays there will be roving entertainment and free face painting. Special events and family days are offered throughout the season. The exhibition is also a popular venue for birthday parties.

Open Hours December and January Daily, 10am–6pm February, March, April Monday to Thursday, 10am–4pm Friday to Sunday, 10am–6pm Public Holidays, 10am–6pm This is a family-friendly event, smoke-free and alcohol is not permitted. Dogs are not permitted in the exhibition (with the exception of guide dogs, hearing guide dogs and guide dogs in training). Wheelchair access is provided.

Ticket Prices

Adults $13.50 Concession $11 Children (ages 3–12years) $10 Children under 3 Free Family (2 adults, 2 children) $40 Extra children $6 Pre-booked Group* 15+ people $8 each 20+ people $7 each *Guided tour extra $40 per group. Pre-book to receive group discount (03) 5986 6684 or Tickets at the gate are cash only or pre-purchase using eftpos/credit card from the Frankston Visitor Information Centre, 7N Pier Promenade, Frankston Waterfront. Details: 1300 322 842 or

Reader Competition Details on page 4

Inside ›› 6


enjoy every moment

School holiday activities


Neighbourhood houses


Street sweeping Calendar

Seaford » Frankston » Langwarrin » Karingal » Skye » Frankston South » Frankston North » Carrum Downs » Langwarrin South » Sandhurst

Your Council Frankston City NEWS

In this Issue

January » February 2015

Frankston City’s New Mayor

Frankston Waterfront Festival .................. Wrap Sand Sculpting ................................ Front page Your Council ..................................................... .2 Liveable City...................................................... 3 Enjoy Every Moment .................................. 4–5 School Holiday Activities ............................. 6–7 Sustainable City ............................................... 8 Our Community ................................................ 9 Neighbourhood Houses ................................. 10 Frankston Arts Centre .....................................11 Around Our City .............................................. 12

Contact Details Customer Service Phone:

1300 322 322

Email: Civic Centre

30 Davey Street, Frankston Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.20am–5pm

Seaford Customer Service Centre 120 Nepean Highway, Seaford

Langwarrin Customer Service Centre Shop 6, Gateway Village Shopping Centre Cranbourne-Frankston Road, Langwarrin

Carrum Downs Library and Customer Service Centre 203 Lyrebird Drive, Carrum Downs

Visitor Information Centre

7N Pier Promenade, Frankston Waterfront Open 7 days, 9am–5pm Phone: 1300 322 842

Hoon Hotline: 1800 66 4666 (1800 NO HOON) Graffiti Removal: 1800 66 8247 (1800 NO TAGS) Printed on stock sourced from sustainable farmed forests.

Like ‘Frankston City Council’ Follow @FrankstonCity FrankstonTV on YouTube

Cr Sandra Mayer with her sons, following her election as Frankston City Mayor in November 2014

It is a great honour and privilege to have been elected Mayor of Frankston City for a second time, and I thank my colleagues for their support. Thank you to the residents of Frankston City for supporting Council’s State election Speak up for Frankston campaign. Council will work with the new Victorian Government to achieve the following election commitments:

• $50 million to redevelop the Frankston transit interchange • $175 million to duplicate Thompsons Road • $25 million to build a new Higher Education and Student Hub at Chisholm Frankston • Full diamond interchange for Ballarto Road as part of the upgrade of Western Port Highway • Removal of the Overton Road level crossing We will continue to advocate for funding to meet our other advocacy priorities including: • A waste transfer station • Upgraded regional sporting facilities • An integrated health and human services hub • Frankston foreshore completion By working with the State and Federal governments, the community and all members of Council, I look forward to helping create better opportunities and outcomes for Frankston City residents. Cr Sandra Mayer Mayor

Annual Report Out Now Frankston City Council’s Annual Report is now available and lists Council’s performance against the Council Plan from 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014. Some report highlights include: • $61m of capital works projects undertaken • 923 new dwellings in Frankston City • 131,707 phone calls answered by Customer Relations • 72 per cent of planning decisions made within the statutory deadline of 60 days • $20m in work won by local businesses through the Buy Local Program • 1412 people attended business growth workshops • Nearly 13,000 square metres of graffiti removed from 869 sites • 45,000 people attended Frankston’s Christmas Festival of Lights

• 35,000 people attended the Frankston Waterfront Festival • 24,543 people attended 1011 library programs for children and adults • 13,200 young people attended activities at youth hangouts • 3897 trees planted on nature strips and in parks and reserves • 8.7kg waste to landfill per household per week Copies of the Annual Report are available online visit: or from local libraries and Council Customer Service Centres, phone 1300 322 322.

Message from the CEO The Frankston Waterfront Festival offers you a chance to join in many activities or take the opportunity to relax and celebrate our beautiful foreshore this summer. Drop into our awardwinning Visitor Information Centre where you will be greeted with a friendly smile, helpful staff and volunteers and you will leave with a lot of information on the many attractions that you can visit. This includes the amazing Sand Sculpting exhibition where all our favourite

‘Friends, Foes & Super Heroes’ have been carefully crafted by expert sand sculptors. The new year presents Council with the task of following up with the State Government on the commitments to make our community a better place. A high priority is to see work on the ground around the Frankston Transit Interchange. Your support for Council’s ‘Speak up for Frankston’ election campaign was outstanding and you did make a difference. Council is commencing the next budget process and I would like to assure you Council will continue to provide services and projects that reflect the community’s needs. Dennis Hovenden Chief Executive Officer

Liveable City Frankston City NEWS

January » February 2015

Transport Alternative for Local Seniors Thelma will celebrate her 100th birthday this April and lives independently with her daughter. She catches the Council bus to visit Frankston Library each fortnight to select new books and chat with the other friendly regulars. If you don’t drive, or are considering giving up driving, Council’s Community Transport provides a safe, friendly and reliable service to eligible Frankston City residents, who may find accessing public or private transport difficult. Community Transport driver Dorothy Penny, left, with bus passenger Thelma Stewart

Frankston resident Thelma Stewart is a regular passenger on Council’s Community Transport bus which helps local seniors to access services, shopping and more for the cost of a gold coin donation.

This door to door service operates Monday to Friday on a fixed timetable to various locations and enables senior residents to continue to actively participate in local life. For more information and to determine eligibility please contact Council’s Active Ageing and Disability Services Intake Officers, phone 9784 1933.

Heatwave Health

Frankston City Council, Peninsula Health and Mornington Peninsula Shire are pleased to present the updated Physical Activity Directory for Older People, listing over 200 groups in Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.

Victoria Police shares these tips for looking after yourself, and your friends or neighbours during the summer heat:

Each listing includes the cost, times/day, a description of the session and any prerequisites. The directory is available online or order a free copy by contacting Karyn Seymour, Agestrong Network Coordinator 5976 9071 or

• Drink plenty of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty • Keep yourself cool, use wet towels or have a cool (not cold) shower • Use your air-conditioner if you have one and close doors to other areas of your home to keep your room cooler • Spend time in air-conditioned buildings like shopping centres, libraries or community centres • Close curtains or blinds and where possible, use outdoor blinds • Stay out of the sun during the hottest parts of the day • Eat smaller meals more often and include cold meats and salads • Avoid strenuous exercise, even gardening. Wait until it is cooler to do these activities • Store medications appropriately as heat may affect their composition 24 hour health advice is available with NURSEON-CALL 1300 60 60 24. Emergencies 000.

Dogs on Beaches Summer Restrictions Dogs are not permitted on Frankston or Seaford beaches between 9.30am and 7.30pm during: »» December »» January »» February »» March Dogs are permitted at other times – provided they are on leash. There are no free-roam beach areas in Frankston City.

• Graffiti removal • Dumped rubbish • Litter at local parks and reserves • Parking across driveways and footpaths • Dogs off-leash

Keeping Active

There are many types of activities including: gentle exercises; walking/cycling; strengthening programs; water exercises; leisure and dancing.

Contact Council to Report ...

• Limited footpath access from overhanging branches More than 7700 customer requests were received by Council in the three months between August and October 2014 with an average on-time resolution rate of 93 per cent. Council allocates priorities and responds as quickly as possible in line with set service standards.

Phone 1300 322 322

Phone Police on 000 for ... • Monkey bikes in use • Graffiti in progress • Children/pets left in cars


Frankston City NEWS

January » February 2015

February – March 2015 Experience the vibrant world of Latin America, Portugal and Spain with the ninth annual Ventana Fiesta offering a month long celebration in Frankston City.

Ventana Opening

Sand Sculpting Australia Reader Competition Win a Disney Pack or one of 10 family passes

Friday 27 February, 7pm, Cube 37, Frankston Arts Centre • Marco Polo in Piñata – an interactive installation • Treasures of the Pachamama – indigenous food trail • Elixir – a performance installation FREE event. RSVP: 9784 1896

Question: Which Disney, Pixar, Marvel or Star Wars character would you like to be, and why? (in 25 words or less)

Ventana Street Fiesta Saturday 14 March, 12–7pm

Frankston Beach ceremony at 12pm followed by dancing, food, music and more in Wells Street from 12.30pm

Ventana Cultura

March (various dates), Frankston City Libraries FREE events including bilingual storytelling in Spanish and Portuguese, world movies and live music Sundays in the Library

Ventana Música


Thursday 26 March, 8pm, Frankston Arts Centre My Latin Heart – José Carbo with Slava and Leonard Grigoryian

Your Name: Age: Address: Phone: Email: ⃝ Yes, I would like to receive Frankston City e-news Post your answer to: Sand Sculpting Competition, Media and Communications, Frankston City Council PO Box 490, FRANKSTON VIC 3199 Or: Entries close: Friday 23 January 2015 Winners will be notified by Friday 30 January 2015 Privacy Statement: Personal information will be used solely for the purpose of entering the Friends Foes & Super Heroes competition. Personal information will not be passed onto any third party without your permission.

Ventana Arte

27 February to 29 March, Cube 37 and Frankston Arts Centre FREE events including exhibitions, performance installations and interactive education programs • Memoir of a carapace: Stolen by Paola Aguanta • Conexión by Jesús Moreta • Marco Polo in Piñata by Ramón Martínez Mendoza • Treasures of the Pachamama – interactive Pre-Colombian food trail and more by Chilean-Australian collective • Sand and Magma, The Legacy of the Ocean by Michael Ayala • Galápagos Surreal by Fernando Espinosa Chauvín • Arts and crafts from the Andean countries – displayed in the foyer boxes and for sale

Internationally acclaimed singer joined by classical guitarists offering stunning strings and tantalising tango Tickets: $30–$49. Bookings: or 9784 1060

Ventana Closing

Thursday 26 March, 6.30pm, Cube 37 Come and see how the interactive installations evolved throughout Ventana Fiesta and enjoy a guided tour throughout the Ventana exhibitions and more. Schools, Teachers, Parents

Ventana Education Program Term 1, 2015 Workshops and guided tours, tailored to the needs of your primary, secondary and tertiary students in English and/or Spanish language, VSL and VCE by request. Includes interactive installations and Andean music with Asian roots, pre-Colombian rituals and ancient food workshops. Enquiries: 9784 1896

Frankston City NEWS

January » February 2015

Sculpture Finalists at McClelland includes a solo exhibition during the McClelland Sculpture Survey 2016. Visit the Sculpture Park to see if you agree with the judge’s choice. The other 31 finalists are also on display along the bushland garden and walkway – creating a family-friendly day out. Voting is now open for the $20,000 Frankston City People’s Choice Award and the winner will be announced in April 2015.

Vote for your Favourite Sculpture Melbourne based artist Matthew Harding is the recipient of the prestigious McClelland Award 2014 at the McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery in Langwarrin. Matthew has been awarded a cash prize of $100,000 for his work Void 2014 (pictured) as part of the McClelland Sculpture Survey & Award – open until Sunday 19 July 2015. Sonia Payes is the recipient of the $30,000 McClelland Achievement Prize (MAP) for her work Re:Generation 2014. The MAP prize also

Vote by 5 April and you could win either a Sofitel Escape package or Quest Serviced Apartments Frankston weekend getaway. Collect a voting form from inside the gallery. McClelland Café is also on-site or you can enjoy a picnic in the beautiful grounds. McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery 390 McClelland Drive, Langwarrin Open Tuesday to Sunday (closed Mondays and some public holidays) Entry: by donation or 9789 1671

McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery’s annual fundraising event

IRONMAN Save the Date The event includes: • 3.8km swim at Frankston Waterfront • 180km bike leg through Frankston City’s streets heading north along the south-bound carriageway of EastLink • 42.2km run beginning at Frankston Waterfront before the triathletes travel along the north-bound section of Nepean Highway – onto the finish line in St Kilda.

Sunday 22 March 2015 Frankston City will again be host to the IRONMAN Asia-Pacific Championship Melbourne in March.

Twilight Jazz at Cruden Farm

More information about the event including road closures will be published in the March 2015 edition of Frankston City News, online or phone 1300 835 411.

Discover more in Frankston

Saturday 28 February, 4–8pm Cruden Farm, enter via Cranhaven Road, Langwarrin Featuring: • mrs sippy jazz band with Pippa Wilson • Dukes of Debonaire • The Beckitt Brothers • Frankston High School Senior Stage Band Bring your picnic basket, rug, table and chairs, sit back and enjoy the surrounds of Cruden Farm’s gardens and lakes. Browse the gift stall or purchase wine, soft drink, tea, coffee or gourmet sausages. Tickets: $20 pre-purchased up to 3pm Friday 27 February; on the day $25 Children under 12 are free Bookings: 9789 1671 or

with the FREE Frankston Visitor Guide Treat your family and friends to a holiday to remember with the help of the Frankston Visitor Guide 2015. Your best source of information about activities, attractions, dining, shopping and events locally, you can use it to create the perfect family holiday, artistic experience, indulgent getaway or outdoor adventure.


Including maps and other useful information, this guide will help you and your visitors ‘enjoy every moment’ in Frankston. To receive your copy in time for summer, contact the team at the Frankston Visitor Information Centre or download a copy:


Frankston Visitor Information Centre 7N Pier Promenade, Frankston Waterfront, phone 1300 322 842. Copies also available from Council Customer Service Centres. »5

School Holiday Activities Frankston City NEWS

Frankston City Libraries Free unless specified Bookings essential: 9784 1020 Lego in the Library

Thursday 8 January, 2.30pm Carrum Downs Library Suitable for all ages

Crocodile Storytime and Craft

Friday 9 January, 10.30am Seaford Junior Library, Seaford Community Centre, Station Street Suitable for ages 2–6

Lego in the Library

Monday 12 January, 2.30pm Frankston Library Suitable for all ages

Fish Storytime and Craft Friday 16 January, 10.30am Seaford Junior Library Suitable for ages 2–6


Monday 19 January, 10.30am Carrum Downs Library Join the Scientwists for an action-packed interactive science show Cost: $5 per child, suitable for ages 5+

Movie Singalong

Tuesday 20 January, 10.30am Frankston Library This 2013 computer-animated musical fantasycomedy features the journey of a fearless princess, a rugged iceman, his loyal pet reindeer and a snowman. Can you guess what it might be? Suitable for all ages

Bunnings Craft Workshop Thursday 22 January, 2pm Carrum Downs Library Suitable for ages 5–12

Pines Forest Aquatic Centre ‘Pines Pool’ is an outdoor swimming centre with quality facilities for all age groups and skill levels. fac483_HotArts_fac483_DL 26/11/14 3:13 PM Page 1

A water slide operates on hot days. To avoid disappointment please phone 9786 4568 to confirm whether the slide is in use.

Explore BANG

Corner Forest Drive and Lehmann Crescent, Frankston North Phone: 9786 4568 Open: Monday to Friday, 6am–7pm Weekends, 8am–6pm

imagine create


DRAW Make Frankston Arts decorate Cube 37 Centre paint  Bunnings Craft Workshop Tuesday 13 January, 10.30am Frankston Library Suitable for ages 5–12

Creative Craft

Wednesday 14 January, 2pm Carrum Downs Library Suitable for ages 3–7

Summer Reading Club until Friday 23 January Frankston City Libraries

Choose your own adventure, register your reading record and enter the draw to win an iPod touch and other prizes. Suitable for ages 5 and above. Register:

McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery 390 McClelland Drive, Langwarrin, 9789 1671 Open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am–5pm

Catch the Sun

Friday 16 January, 11am–12.30pm Make your own sun catcher inspired by some of the sculptures.

Both activities for ages 8 and above or ages 6 and 7 with adult help. Cost: $10 Bookings: 9789 1671 Free Activities


Thursday 15 January, 11am–12.30pm Create some giant flowers of your own inspired by ‘Wallflowers’ pictured from Christopher Langton’s current Map:12 exhibition showing until 8 February. 6«

NGV Express Yourself! Kids on Tour Tuesday 20 January to Thursday 22 January, 11am–1pm Activities include: Australian animal paper folding, pasta-bling and beard/necklace making. No need to book, just drop-in to the shaded area in front of the Gallery. Recommended for ages 4–10 but all ages welcome. Parental supervision required.

Hot Arts for Cool Kids Monday 12 January Tuesday 13 January Thursday 15 January Friday 16 January Stay cool this Summer at Hot Arts and join Arts for‘Water’ Cool Kids the funHot with our themed workshops School Holiday Program from 10am–12.30pm. Enjoy creating your own Cube 37 @ Frankston Arts Centre artworks using woodwork, construction using Monday 12, Tuesday 13, Thursday 15, Friday 16 January, 10am-12.30pm recycled materials, sewing, painting and so much more. Suitable for children aged 5–12, must be accompanied by an adult. Cost: $15 / $10 each additional child per session Bookings: 9784 1060

Circus Fun for Everyone Tuesday 20 January Ages 5–7: 10.30am–12pm Ages 8–13: 1–3pm Come and meet fabulous funky circus trainers and have a go at tumbling, hooping, juggling, spinning plates, acro-balance, aerials and much more. No prior experience is required. Life really is a circus. Cost: $25 each session. Bookings: 9784 1060

School Holiday Activities January » February 2015

Guided Ranger Frankston Youth Central Activities and excursions Youth Hangouts Walks and Rides for ages 12–17 Holiday Open Hours • Open to all ages, children to be accompanied by an adult • BYO hat, water bottle, sunscreen and snack

Frankston Youth Central, 60A Playne Street, Frankston (next to Frankston Library) Bookings required: 9768 1366

Lower Sweetwater Creek, Frankston South Tuesday 6 January, 9.30–11.30am

FREE YMCA Skate Clinic Tuesday 6 January, 1–4pm

Studio Park, Langwarrin Wednesday 28 January, 9.30–11.30am Seaford Wetlands Bike Ride Wednesday 14 January, 9.30–11.30am Suitable for children aged over 8, accompanied by an adult. BYO bicycle, helmet, water bottle, sunscreen and snack Aboriginal Bush Foods Walk Tuesday 20 January, 9.30–11.30am George Pentland Botanic Gardens, Frankston

Dolphin Boat Tour, $15 Wednesday 7 January, 11am–3.30pm Beach Day, $7 Thursday 8 January, 10am–3pm FREE Arthurs Seat Adventures, Friday 9 January, 10.30am–3.30pm

Frankston North Hangout, Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre: • Hangout, Wednesday 7 January, 1–4pm • Drop-in, Tuesday 13 January, 1–4pm • Hangout, Thursday 15 January, 1–4pm • Drop-in, Thursday 22 January, 1–4pm Karingal Hangout, Karingal PLACE Neighbourhood Centre: • Cooking, Thursday 15 January, 1–4pm • Big Screen Movie and snacks, Friday 23 January, 12.30–4pm

Hoyts Cinema, $5 Tuesday 13 January, time to be confirmed

Seaford Hangout, 41 Railway Parade:

Geelong Water Park, $25 Wednesday 14 January, 8.30am–5.30pm

Carrum Downs Hangout, Lyrebird Community Centre: • Ready Steady Cook, Monday 19 January, 10am–2pm

Moonlight Cinema, $15 Thursday 15 January, 7–11.30pm

Junior Explorer Activities

Details: 9768 1366

• Fishing Fun, Friday 16 January, 1–4pm

Enchanted Maze and Tree Surfing, $25 Friday 16 January, 11am–4pm

Frankston South Hangout, Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre: • Music Workshop, Tuesday 20 January, 1–4pm

Horse Riding, $20 Tuesday 20 January, 11am–4pm

FRESH Recording Studio, Ebdale Community Hub and Learning Centre:

Fun Fields, $25 Wednesday 21 January, 8.30am–5.30pm

• Thursday 8 January, 1–4pm

Yarra River Cruise, $17 Thursday 22 January, 10am–5.30pm Police Boat and Biscuit, $10 Friday 23 January, 9am–3pm

Pines Pool, Forest Drive, Frankston North: • Meet at the pool, $3 includes lunch, Monday 12 January, 11am–4pm • Meet at the pool, $3 includes lunch, Monday 19 January, 11am–4pm Please note: program is subject to change

• For ages 6–12, accompanied by an adult • BYO hat, water bottle, sunscreen and snack Upper Sweetwater Creek, Frankston South Wednesday 7 January, 9.30–11.30am Belvedere Bushland Reserve, Seaford Tuesday 13 January, 9.30–11.30am Frankston Foreshore Wednesday 21 January, 9.30–11.30am Oakwood Reserve, Carrum Downs Tuesday 27 January, 9.30–11.30am

Cost: $5 per booking Bookings: or 1300 322 842

Hosting Visitors this Summer Bring your visiting friends and family to the Award-winning Frankston Visitor Information Centre for holiday ideas, activities, itineraries and much more. The friendly staff and volunteers provide local knowledge as well as maps and advice on dining, tours, events and attractions for your Mornington Peninsula experience. They can even find somewhere for your visitors to stay. The Centre has a range of guided walking maps plus suggested itineraries covering art galleries, gardens and nature, Sunday drives, and Wednesday wanders plus kids’ days out. The staff can help you enjoy every moment in Frankston. The Centre is also an Australian Made retail supporter business with a wide variety of art, local produce, clothing, and jewellery. Myki visitor packs and public transport information are also available.

Frankston Visitor Information Centre 7N Pier Promenade, Frankston Waterfront Open seven days, 9am–5pm or 1300 322 842


Sustainable City Frankston City NEWS

January » February 2015

Robinsons Road Recycled Water Project This work will make Class A recycled water available to irrigate Robinsons Park in Frankston – which is home to local softball and baseball clubs – as well as Frankston Golf Club. The project involves constructing a small pump station at Baxter Park to utilise recycled water from the South Eastern Outfall connection. From there, the water will be pumped along a 7.55 kilometre long pipeline which will be built to the club and park. Cr Rebekah Spelman with Malcolm Jansen from the Frankston Softball Club based at Robinsons Park

Council is investing in a $500,000 recycled water project to keep Robinsons Park and Frankston Golf Club green year-round and save precious drinking water. The Robinsons Road Recycled Water Project is a joint venture between Council, the State Government and Frankston Golf Club.

The project could potentially save up to 76 megalitres of drinking water used at the sites each year, along with improving playing surfaces and drought-proofing these two assets. This is a major step in Council’s ongoing plans to drought-proof the City’s sports grounds, parks and gardens to support the health and wellbeing of local residents. Works are due for completion mid 2015.

Put your items in the bin loose so they can be sorted and recycled. To find out how to get it right visit

GET IT RIGHT ON BIN NIGHT Visit or contact your local council

Detox Your Home

Recycling Plastics

Drop off your Unwanted Household Chemicals

Myth Busting: One of the biggest misunderstandings about plastic recycling is that you need to look for the recycling symbol or code 1 to 7 to recycle it. This is actually not true. The recycling symbol and numbers 1 to 7 show what type of plastic the item is made from. The recycling industry has evolved since the code was introduced and it is no longer relevant for recycling.

Saturday 7 February, 8am to 4pm, Seaford – site address provided upon registration Dispose of unwanted – and potentially dangerous – household chemicals through the Detox your Home FREE service coming to Seaford on Saturday 7 February. Detox your Home is a safe, free and easy-to-use service to dispose of common toxic chemicals such as: • Acids and aerosol cans • Brake fluid and car wax • Cooking oil and coolant • Detergents and drain cleaners • Fire extinguishers and fuels • Pesticides, paint stripper and pool chemicals For a full list of accepted items, visit This service helps reduce the risk of poisoning, environmental pollution and bushfire hazards, and the items are recycled for recovery and diverted from landfill.

Clean Up Australia Day Sunday 1 March 2015 Grab your gloves, friends and family and help keep Frankston City clean and beautiful. Taking part in Clean Up Australia Day is a simple way you can make a difference to the local environment.

Registration is required to manage traffic flow and avoid queues on the day.

Register your own Clean Up site or volunteer at a site near you.

Register at detoxmobile or phone 1800 353 233

If you would like some help promoting your site and attracting volunteers, please email Council by Friday 6 February: If you are an individual, school or business wanting to clean up an area on a day other than 1 March, you can register your site for any day of the year as a part of ‘Clean Up Australia Every Day’. Clean Up Australia will send you all the information and materials you need.

In Frankston City, as well as most municipalities in Victoria, all firm plastic packaging (e.g. yogurt containers and shampoo bottles) can be recycled – even if the packaging doesn’t have a symbol or code on it. Soft flexible plastics like plastic bags, bubble wrap and cling wrap cannot be recycled in your yellow lidded recycling bin, even if the plastics carry a recycling symbol or code 1 to 7. Apply the scrunch test: If you can easily scrunch it in one hand – don’t put it in your recycling bin. Please do not put any soft flexible plastics in your recycling bin. Instead, take them to Coles to recycle through their soft plastic recycling program or to the Frankston Civic Centre or Frankston Library to put in Council’s Specialty Recycling Hubs (pictured below). For more information on plastic recycling, visit

Our Community Frankston City NEWS

January » February 2015

International Women’s Day Breakfast Wednesday 4 March 2015, 7–9am, Gunnamatta Room, Mornington Racecourse, 1 Racecourse Road, Mornington

Neighbour Day

Sunday 29 March 2015

‘The community you want starts at your front door” Neighbour Day is the perfect opportunity to get to know your neighbours and feel part of your community.

Frankston North Rotary with the Rotary Club of Frankston and Rotary Peninsula 2.0 invite you to join this International Women’s Day celebration with breakfast and guest speakers on the “Women of Strength” theme.

Contact Judi McKee 5975 1030 or

Frankston Community Register Supporting seniors and people with disabilities

Residents and community groups in Frankston City often make the most of Neighbour Day to host an event or invite their neighbours for a cuppa or barbecue.

The Frankston Community Register records information about your next of kin or doctor, and optional medical details, for emergency access by police. If required, this information can be given to paramedics or the fire brigade. This is a free service run by accredited volunteers operating from Carrum Downs Police Station. If required, the Register will also provide regular phone calls to check on resident welfare.

If you are planning to organise an event in support of Neighbour Day, Council can assist by providing advice and helping to plan and promote your event. For information and assistance, please contact Wazed Ali by 12 February, phone 1300 322 322 or email

Tickets on sale from mid-January until Friday 20 February, $40 per person. Individual bookings and tables of 10 welcome.

To register:

Victoria Police members with Frankston Community Register volunteers Sandra and Sue

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 10am–12pm Phone: 8770 4126 or

Family Programs Parent Education and Immunisation Sessions Bookings are now open for free and friendly Parent Education sessions including: Sleep and Settling, Positive Play and Behaviour, Foods for Baby, Creative Play, Newborn Communication, Toilet Training and – new this year – Post Baby Core Strength and Mum and Bub Wellbeing. Immunisation sessions are also free. No need to book. Bring along your child’s Medicare card and Childhood Health Record Book. Brochures detailing session dates, times and venues are available from Council Customer Service, Maternal and Child Heath Centres and

IQ Relatio ips: GLBT family d consh mmun Friends,



Student Discounts, Giveaways and Special Offers Splash card gives students exclusive giveaways, job updates and special offers from participating local businesses in Frankston’s city centre. Any student attending secondary or tertiary education is eligible to register for a card. To register or update your details, visit: Participating businesses include: Cold Rock, Strike Bowling, Trigger Brothers and Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar. Some new businesses this year include: • The Groove Train • Tunzafun • Coffee Club • Peninsula Gamers Check out Splash Card Frankston on Facebook and Twitter for updates on events, jobs, offers and giveaways.

Peninsula Health is presenting its third Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer Peninsula Proud Cube 37 (GLBTIQ) Celebration Day Informationevent. Frankston Arts Centre,

Sat 7 Feb 2015 11 – 3

03 9784 7990

Davey Street, Frankston BBQ, stalls, local art services, The event includes an exhibition and screens rainbow families, hands-on art, information for all ages, featuring a digital presentation created by Art show guest speaker Tony Briffa Tue 20 Jan – Sat 7 Feb 2015 Peninsula (human rights activist), members of the andlocal GLBTIQ community. Health Mon to Fri 9 – 5 Sat 10 – 4 more…

The finale will be a community day, celebrating relationships – with friends, family and networks. Meet other locals, enjoy a barbecue, workshops and meet the guest speaker Tony Britta. Art exhibition and digital presentation: 20 January – 7 February 2015 Celebration Day: Saturday 7 February 2015, 11am–3pm Venue: Cube 37, Frankston Arts Centre, 37 Davey Street, Frankston Details: or 9784 7990 »9

Learning City Frankston City NEWS

January » February 2015

Neighbourhood Houses and Community Centres 2015 Belvedere Community Centre Inc.

Langwarrin Community Centre Inc.

Karingal PLACE Neighbourhood Centre

36 Belvedere Rd, Seaford Ph: 9776 8922 Monday to Friday, 9am – 3pm

2-6 Lang Road, Langwarrin Ph: 9789 7653 Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm

103 Ashleigh Avenue, Frankston Ph: 8786 6650 Monday to Friday, 8.45am – 3pm

• • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

• • • • • • • •

Art and craft classes Book clubs Playgroups Computer courses Fitness for all ages English classes French classes Skills development workshops Children’s activities

Youth Hangout activities for ages 12–18 Further education Accredited courses Computer courses Mind, health and wellbeing Art, craft, hobby and fun Community groups Childcare and children’s activities Community Garden

Art and craft Playgroup Computers Vocational training Health and wellbeing Childcare program Support groups Youth Hangout activities for ages 12–18

Lyrebird Community Centre Inc.

Orwil Street Community House Inc.

Frankston South Community and Recreation Centre

203 Lyrebird Drive, Carrum Downs Ph: 9782 0133 Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 4pm

16 Orwil Street, Frankston Ph: 9783 5073 Monday to Friday, 9am – 3pm

55 Towerhill Road, Frankston South Ph: 9293 7122 Monday to Friday, 9am – 3pm E:

• Adult Further Education • Accredited courses • Children’s activities for ages 0–12 including 3-year-old playtime • Computer classes for beginners • Recreation activities including weekly walking group • Support groups • Youth Hangout activities for ages 12–18

• • • • • • • • •

• Community groups (tai chi, meditation, walk group, pram walk, fitness class) • Exercise programs (including Agestrong classes) • Social sports (volleyball, badminton) • Craft groups and book exchange • Children’s programs (ages 0-5) • Health programs (yoga, pilates, karate) • Exercise rooms and meeting rooms • Youth Hangout activities for ages 12–18

Playgroup Computer courses Vocational training Health and wellbeing Low cost counselling Gentle exercise program Improve your English Social and support groups Young mums group

Frankston North Community Centre (Previously known as Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre Inc.)

26 Mahogany Avenue, Frankston North Ph: 1300 322 322, Monday to Friday E: Council will resume management of Mahogany Neighbourhood Centre on 30 January 2015. Come along and chat to the new manager about programs, activities and projects in which you can participate or volunteer to support your local community to learn and grow.

Some of the health and wellbeing groups include: • • • • • • • •

Health programs Education, training and employment programs Tai chi Extreme dance Children’s programs and activities Women’s support groups Agestrong Social groups for seniors

Pop-Up Learning FREE fun learning opportunities and activities will pop-up all over Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula at Neighbourhood Houses. The Pop-up program for 2015 includes: cake decorating, mosaics, chair yoga, pet care, ipads and much more. For a calendar of events please contact or 9784 1067 10 «

Ebdale Community Hub and Learning Centre 20 Ebdale Street, Frankston Ph: 9293 7102, Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm E: • • • • • • • • • • •

Frankston Women’s Friendship Café Auslan Classes Level One and Two Frankston Toy Library Frankston Sports Uniform Library Frankston Volunteer Resource Centre Fresh Entertainment St John Ambulance Community Kinders Plus Wallara Ardoch Youth Foundation Connections Unitingcare

Frankston Arts Centre

Frankston City NEWS

January » February 2015

The FAC 2015 program contains 24 performances featuring the Frankston debut of the Sydney Dance Company in August and the return of the much-loved Miriam Margoyles in May. Lots more shows, exhibitions and workshops feature throughout the

year and you can stay up to date with what’s on by subscribing to e-news or to receive What’s On brochures in the post. Phone 9784 1060 or join online For the full 2015 program visit:




José Carbo with Slava and Leonard Grigoryan

Melbourne International Comedy Festival

Thursday 26 March, 8pm

Sunday 3 May, 8pm

Mikelangelo presents

ATA Allstars

Friday 13 February, 8pm

Sunday 8 March, 5pm

My Latin Heart

Hit Productions

Evelyn Krape

An Onyx Production

By Alan Seymour Tuesday 10 March, 8pm

Friday 17 April, 8pm Saturday 18 April, 8pm

Tuesday 5 May, 6pm

Cave - Waits - Cohen

bread&circuses ah Hawkins


Wot? No Fish!!

Saturday 14 February, 8pm Sunday 15 February, 1.30pm

The Searchers

The One Day of the Year

More Female Parts

Joseph Simons

A CDP Production

By ILBIJERRI Theatre and Belvoir

Saturday 7 March, 7pm

Thursday 19 March, 6.30pm

Wednesday 29 April, 8pm

First Things First

The 26-Storey Treehouse

Beautiful One Day

Bookings: 9784 1060 or

Comedy Festival Roadshow

360 Allstars

A Queensland Theatre Company Production


By Matthew Ryan Saturday 16 May, 8pm Frankston Arts Centre is a business unit of Frankston City Council » 11

Around Our City Frankston City NEWS

January » February 2015

Frankston Waterfront Development The construction of the new building on Frankston Waterfront is underway following the demolition of the former Frankston Yacht Club. The new facility will feature a modern new home for the Frankston Yacht Club and also include a café, restaurant, public toilets, community space, function room and a safety look-out. Council has allocated $6 million to the project this financial year, while the Australian Government has contributed $1.25 million from the Community Development Grants Program.

Beach Wheelchair FREE Hire

Turning the first sod are the Mayor, Cr Sandra Mayer with the Hon Bruce Billson MP and Frankston Yacht Club Commodore Meaghan Densley

Available seven days, 9am–5pm, Frankston Visitor Information Centre, 7N Pier Promenade, Frankston Waterfront Assistance from a family/friend companion is required.

Winner – Best Presented Boatshed

Details: 1300 322 842 or

Congratulations to Karina, Madelaine and Maarty Stroot of Frankston on their recent award for the best boatshed on Frankston Foreshore during 2014. The awards aim to ensure that these foreshore icons are maintained by licensees in a good and safe condition, and help create a positive ambience. The beach is one of Frankston City’s greatest assets and boatsheds add to the charm of our pristine environment.



Street Sweeping Calender Weekly Commencement Dates Month 2015

12 «

Area A

Area B

Area C

Area D













2, 30
















1, 29











3, 31












2, 30









January 2016





February 2016


1, 29



Saturday 17 January 11am –10pm Sunday 18 January 11am – 6pm Over two exciting days celebrate with family and friends at the Frankston Waterfront Festival 2015. Live music, markets, beach activities, water sports, food, wine and more, make this a must visit event this summer.

Beer and Wine Garden Perfectly positioned near the Live ’n’ Local stage, the Beer and Wine Garden showcases the Mornington Peninsula’s best boutique beer, wine and cider. Sit back and enjoy the weekend’s entertainment with the makers from Mornington Brewery, T’Gallant Winemakers and Cheeky Rascal Cider.

Live ‘n’ Local Main Stage

Proudly presented by EastLink to settle in for The Live ’n’ Local stage is the ideal spot rock music. The live two days of jazz, funk, indie, pop and e sure you get there music continues through Sunday, so mak early and secure your spot up front.

Waterfront Dining – Relax with family and friends and enjoy a range of gourmet food from across the region including pizzas, meatballs, dumplings, burritos, potato twists, barbecue corn, wraps, ice-cream, sweet and savoury danishes and glorious coffee.

Saturday 17 January

Peninsula Arts Society and Friends Exhibition

Mechanics Institute, 1N Plowman Place, Frankston

Saturday 10am – 8pm and Sunday 10am – 5pm Paintings, displays, demonstrations and sales from a range of local artists and organisations. Enjoy Devonshire Tea with the Red Cross, free entry and the venue is wheelchair friendly. Some parking is available or walk across Nepean Highway from the Festival site.

11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9.45pm

Peninsula Folk Club Jake Nicholls The Medley Boys T’Ree Bek Turnbull Stellarcaster Heidi Louise Luckhurst Trio Ripple Effect Gossamer Pride Rolling Stones Tribute Band Fireworks display

Sunday 18 January

Challenge Arena

lth Clubs Proudly presented by Core24 Hea s Challenge Arena. Test yourself at the Core24 Health Club and have Watch the demonstrations then jump in swing dance, a go for yourself. Discover your love for and enjoy practise your bowling, relax with yoga performances by local dance groups. with the team Take part in the free Body Age Testing ce to win a from Core24 Health Clubs for your chan three-month membership. gram times. Go to for pro

WINESHANK Young Vincent Facades Andy Phillips & The Cadillac Walk

3pm 4pm 5pm

Tiana V Cam Mineo Sol Nation


FM - 'Your Voice on the Peninsula' w ill be broadcastin g live from the Fe stival on Saturday 7a m – 12pm and 6.10pm – 10p m Sunday 9a m – 6pm Tune in to 98.7 FM or 98.3FM Frankston and come and visit the team at the Fest ival.

Fresh Entertainment Stage

a free temporary tattoo Chill out to live music in the shade, try ce. and chat with the team from Headspa day 1pm – 4pm Acoustic Saturday 1pm – 7.30pm Rock Sun

For important information regarding parking, access and safety as well as programming details and times go to or phone 1300 322 322. The Frankston Waterfront Festival is proudly produced by Frankston City Council and sponsored by:

11am 12pm 1pm 2pm

Proudly produced by Frankston City

Stay tuned to the Festival Facebook page for programming information and updates throughout the event /FrankstonWaterfrontFestival Program correct at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

St Kilda b Football Clu

yers from the Meet the pla all Club as St Kilda Footb ities, host an they run activ ssion, photo autograph se andball station and h across competitions . the weekend

Don’t miss the fireworks at 9.45pm Saturday night.

Be a part of the celebration at the Frankston Waterfront Festival

Frankston’s favourite photography competition

Six photography categories: • Now and Then (new category) • Coastal Experiences • Love the Arts • The Great Outdoors • Food and Fashion • Celebrations

One video category: • Enjoy Every Moment

Entries open until 24 April 2015

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