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Tuesday 31 October 2023
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Gnomes roam THE towering chrome gnome has been removed from his Frankston home, but his fans have not forgotten him. Reflective Lullaby (inset) by artist Gregor Kregar was positioned at the corner of Moorooduc Highway and Hastings Road in Frankston for the last four years. Earlier this month it returned to its permanent home at the McClelland Gallery sculpture park in Langwarrin. Tributes to the chrome gnome, known affectionately to many as “Frankie”, have popped up at his former home. A dozen smaller gnomes have been left by fans and followers to fill his enormous silver shoes. A new sculpture is set to be installed at the site soon. Picture: Gary Sissons
Higher height limits approved Brodie Cowburn HIGHER height limits for developments in Frankston’s city centre have been approved by the planning minister. Frankston Council’s metropolitan activity centre structure plan was sent to Victorian planning minister Sonya Kilkenny for approval in June. The draft plan outlined “preferred height
limits” of up to 54 metres in some parts of Frankston’s city centre. Those limits can be exceeded at council’s discretion. Last week Kilkenny approved interim 12 storey limits near Kananook Creek and allowed council to commence another round of consultation before implementing its new planning controls. A state government statement read “the minister for planning has authorised Frankston City Council to go to public consultation on new planning
and development controls to implement the Frankston metropolitan activity centre structure plan, ensuring the Frankston foreshore and Kananook Creek provides a place for all Victorians to visit and enjoy. “Revised interim building controls have been put in place, allowing for the proposed permanent controls to proceed through the amendment process, including public consultation, without the risk of inconsistent development occurring in the interim period. The interim controls include preferred build-
ing heights of up to 12 storeys, ground and upper-level setbacks, solar access, design details, activation, access and pedestrian links.” The interim controls cover the area bordered by Nepean Highway, Beach Street, Wells Street, and Kananook Creek Boulevard. The interim controls are active until 24 April, 2025. The gazetted change read that the interim 12 storey height limit is consistent with the preferred height limit for that area in amendment C160fran, which seeks to implement the FMAC.
In July, Kilkenny implemented a three-storey height limit for developments within the Kananook Creek precinct. Those interim planning controls expired on 27 October. The planning minister’s decision could clear the way for two multi-storey developments along Nepean Highway that are currently in the pipeline. Proposals for a 16-storey building at 438444 Nepean Highway and a 14-storey building at 446-450 Nepean Highway are awaiting final approvals at VCAT. Continued page 3