SUMMER | JULY 2010 | FIRST EDITION The Official Newsletter of Winston County Self Help Cooperative, Louisville, MS
“WCSHC Reconnecting Families to Mother Earth” The Millers’ moves to Rural America Back home and
loving it!
Charles and Carolyn Hampton on their tractor.
Alonzo and Peggy Miller working hard in the field.
Who would have ever thought it?” Born and raised in the metropolitan area of one of the largest cities in Texas, I spent the last thirty years of my adult life in a major suburb area of Dallas, called “Grand Prairie.” Straight up “City Living!” Surrounded by large 2 and 3 level malls, major grocery store chains, restaurants serving up gourmet cuisines, 18 screen movie theaters, symphony and concert halls, musicals, plays, Cowboy Stadium, Ranger Stadium, American Airline Center, Six Flags Over Texas, Wet and Wild, and DFW International Airport all just minutes away. Oh, I dare not forget about the multi-levels and 10 lane highways. But, I said “Good Bye” to it all, including my family and my friends. No, I didn’t get on a Midnight Train to
Georgia. But I left it all behind for a life in Louisville, Mississippi, sometimes referred to as “The Sipp.” By way of a Cadillac, a pick-up truck, and 2 loads in an 18-wheeler, I am now residing on “Green Acres” in Winston County. What in the world would cause me to make such a drastic change at such a young age (50 plus) in my life? Well, I’m glad you asked…. In year 2002, I met Alonzo Miller who had moved to Texas about one year earlier. He was actually a new member at my church, but for some reason it took a year before I noticed him, which seems strange because we were in the same Sunday School class. Of The Millers’ moves to Rural America, Continued on pg. 2
*SAVE THIS DATE* Winston County Self Help Cooperative 4th Saving Rural America and Youth Conference February 25 & 26, 2011, at Louisville Coliseum in Louisville, MS. Forward your comments to Frank Taylor fltaylor@bellsouth.net or 601-291-2704
“As far as I am concerned you can give the land away” was a statement Charles Hampton told his father after graduating Louisville Colored High School; headed to work in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. However two years later, after marrying his high school sweetheart, they agreed that upon retirement they would return to Mississippi and the land! In Milwaukee, Charles was involved in different organizations which gave him a better appreciation for homeownership and the value of his father‘s land back home in Mississippi. Charles and Carolyn moved back to Louisville, Mississippi in October 1998, and Charles now says, “There is no place that he would rather be than on his small farm in rural Mississippi.” Being the activist that he is, Charles joined the NAACP and is now President of the local Winston County Branch of the NAACP and 1st Vice-President of the Mississippi State Conference NAACP Back home and loving it!, Continued on pg. 2
WINSTON COUNTY SELF HELP COOPERATIVE SAVING RURAL AMERICA Announcements *SAVE THIS DATE* Winston County Self Help Cooperative 4th Saving Rural America and Youth Conference February 25 & 26, 2011, at Louisville Coliseum in Louisville, MS. Forward your comments to Frank Taylor fltaylor@bellsouth.net or 601-291-2704
The Millers’ moves to Rural America, Continued from pg. 1
Peggy and Alonzo Miller
course, he said that he had observed me for 2 years prior to our first date. Alonzo later became one of the teachers for our class. To make a long story shorter, we started a friendship in 2003 and I became Mrs. Peggy Miller in 2004. Life for the three of us (Alonzo, me and God) seemed to be on a fast pace. Shortly after getting married, we started a trucking company which was a whole new experience for me, in it. So I guess that was the first of big changes in my life. I went on the road with Alonzo for 9 months which gave me an opportunity to learn the business first hand. My experience as Project Manager in Corporate America allowed me to recognize
WCSHC NEWS ways for us to improve our customer base, customer service and our profits. So, I came off the road and set up a home-based office that I managed. We quickly realized that the 3 of us (Alonzo, me and God) worked very well together. A few months later, Alonzo accepted his calling into the Ministry and I then became the wife of a Minister. I told you things moved fast for us. Alonzo had grown up on a farm in Louisville, Mississippi about a mile from where we currently live. He often talked about his life on the farm, which I thought was fascinating. He told me stories about families pulling together to help each other. Some of the families may have raised hogs. They would come together to kill and process them at the same time and share with other families who may have shared their crops with the group. But they would all take part in the processing. Everyone may not have raised the same things. Nevertheless, everyone received some of everything. If you think about it, this is the same concept as the first church in the book of Acts. Of course people worked from sun up to sundown on the farm. I remember Alonzo telling me about how he and his siblings had to help his parents plant the fields. When they were finished for the day, he would sneak off into the woods and plant his own little garden with seeds that he had stored away in his pockets during the day. So at the age of 6, he was growing and maintaining his own garden in the woods. One of the things that stuck with me the most was the fact that Alonzo recalled that his family did not have a lot of money, but they always had plenty of food to eat. I began to realize that my husband had a real passion for farming. Alonzo began to speak to me about his dreams to be self sufficient and to be in control of the food that we ate. He was concerned about the quality of the food and produce that we bought out of the stores, as well as, the chemicals and preservatives used on them. He said that if we grew our own vegetables and raised our own meat allowing us to eat healthier and we would also know what we were eating. It made good sense to me. We began to talk more and more about being in a place where we could do this and the more we talked about it, the more we prayed about it. We put together a plan and began to move on it. We found that land was very expensive in Texas, so he asked me if I would be willing to move The Millers’ moves to Rural America, Continued on pg. 3
Back home and loving it!, Continued from pg. 1
Carolyn and Charles Hampton
where he also serves as the Chairperson of the State Legal Redress Committee. Charles and Carolyn are members of Mt. Sinai M.B. Church, the church where they 1st met at a “Dinner on the Ground” service approximately fifty years ago. At Mt. Sinai, Charles serves as a Trustee and Carolyn as an Associate Minister and Sunday School Teacher. They are the proud parents of two children and four grandchildren. Both Charles and Carolyn enjoy vegetable and flower gardening. So it was only natural for Charles to become a member of Winston County Self Help Cooperative (WCSHC). As a result of being a member of WCSHC, the Hamptons’ have tapped into resources which improved the value of their land and quality of their lives: •
Grants through WCSHC made it possible to help stock their 2 acre pond and plant an orchard of a variety of fruit trees, and grape vines
The Natural Resource Conservation Services (NRCS) made it possible to spray the hardwoods making it possible for the pine trees to thrive
Under the leadership of Frank Taylor, WCSHC sponsored seminars and field day trips have provided information which improved the efficiency of the Hampton farm. A recent Forestry Field Day at their farm provided a forum for Wilson Murray, NRCS Outreach Specialist; Bill Kitchens, Mississippi Forest Commission Outreach Forester, and Kelvin Jackson, NRCS District Conservationist for Clarke County to share very valuable information. The Hamptons’ say that “Saving Rural America” and community involvement are a part of their Christian ministry.
July 2010 The Millers’ moves to Rural America, Continued from pg. 2
to Mississippi. After giving this idea some serious thought and negotiating a deal with my husband, I agreed to the move. So in the fall of 2008, we loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly. No, we moved to L’ville. I traded in my 2 story home on a third of an acre lot for a ranch house on a 72 acre farm. I traded in my corporate suits, dresses and my high-heels for over-alls, straw hats, work gloves and knee high rubber boots. My friends from Texas to Oregon compare me to Lisa on the Green Acres TV sitcom. They found it hard to believe that I would even consider giving up the “city life” for a new life in rural America. Well, I’m here and I would not trade what I’ve learned for anything in the world. We eventually gave up the trucking business and concentrated on building the farm. Alonzo took a job teaching Alternative school in Carthage, MS. We planted our first garden (about 1/2 acre) in the spring of 2009. I had to learn about cutting and rowing the garden and the process of preparing the soil before planting the seeds. I even had to plan what we were going to plant and make a list to take to the seed store, instead of the grocery store. We harvested okra, squash, corn, tomatoes, peppers, peas, butter beans, green beans, turnips greens, mustard greens and watermelons. Our winter garden yielded us collards, sweet potatoes, cabbage, and broccoli. It was so fascinating to see the fruits of our labor. When my husband went to work each morning, I headed off to the garden to pick vegetables by myself and put them up. I attended canning classes sponsored by the Winston County Self Help Corporative (WCSHC) program in addition to tapping into the wisdom of my motherin-law and was able to can many of the vegetables from the garden. What I didn’t can, I used the internet to learn the process to properly freeze vegetables. My mother-in-
SAVING RURAL AMERICA law also taught me to make pear preserves from the pear tree we have on the farm. We had more than enough for ourselves, so we shared with our friends and family here in Louisville. I even sent packages back home to Texas so my family and friends could get a taste of what I had learned. It was wonderful having vegetables that tasted fresh all yearround with no preservatives. During the winter or 2009, we added chickens to the farm which we also got through the WCSHC program. Had I raised chickens before? I can’t recall ever touching a chicken that wasn’t fried, baked, roasted, grilled or cooked in some way. In other words, if I touched them…they didn’t have feathers. I have the morning feeding shift and my husband takes the evening shift. The first few weeks, I went out in all kinds of protected armor just in case one of the roosters decided to attack me. But then, the more I talked to them, the more we were comfortable with each other. I gave them all their own names, which they responded to very well. I experienced my first cock fight when my husband was at work. I walked out to the chicken house one morning and saw blood everywhere. My first thought was that some wild animal had gotten into the coop and attacked one of the chickens. I counted them each morning to ensure they were all there and that particular morning, I was missing one. I pulled up the swing door to the under compartment and saw Roger the rooster in one of the back corners in a balled up position. Just as I began to speak to him, Roody the rooster ran in and attacked Roger. They both ran out pass me and fought on the ground for a while then they both took flight to the air. WOW! I had never seen anything like that before. I was trying to break up the fight and call my husband on the phone at the same time. As soon as he answered, I began telling him what was happening and he began yelling at me through the phone to get out of the pen with the chickens. He then explained to me how roosters fight so one can become the dominate rooster, in other words, it’s a male thing. It was apparent that Roger could no longer protect himself due to injuries. But Roody wanted a fight to the bitter end. So, I let Roger out of the pen. For fear that he would wonder off and some wild animal would get him, I sat on a bucket outside and talked to him until my husband got home about 2 hours later. Needless to say, Roger never had his way with the hens again. They all belonged to Roody and he was not willing to share. There was also, the time when I went in to
feed the chickens and the wind caught the door of the coop and held it opened just long enough for our dog, Samson, to get in. Chickens were running around everywhere and wings were flapping like crazy. His mouth clamped down on the back of Ms. Red (one of the hens), and the fight was on. In addition to screaming and crying, I was beating the heck out of the dog trying to get him to turn loose of the chicken. When he finally let go, I dragged him out of the pen and chained him down. I went back to see how bad Ms. Red was hurt and saw a small hole in her back side as she just lay on the ground. I had never picked up a live chicken in my hands and certainly not an injured one. But thank God for my mother-in-law. I called her and she told me that I needed to separate Ms. Red from the other chickens. I left the chicken coop to find a large box and lined it with hay. When I returned to the coop, the other hens were pecking the wound caused by the dog and the hole was larger. When my Mother-in-law arrived on the scene, she picked Ms. Red up and examined her thoroughly. We were relieved to know that there were no broken legs. I tore a white towel into strips and soaked it with some anti-biotic cream that I had gotten from a foot doctor in Texas. I then stuffed the towel into wound on her back. I put small containers of feed and water in the box and changed out her towel each day. I prayed and talked to Ms. Red every day and told her that she was not going to die. A couple of days later, she began to stand up in the box, and then shortly after that, she began to walk around. I saw her make progress each day. She is a Road Island Red so I would tell her how nice she looked in her red dress and that she was the prettiest chicken out there. She began to talk back to me when I talked to her. People would call to check on Ms. Red and I would let them hear her speak through the phone. Eventually, I nursed her back to health and it was time for her to go back into the pen with the other chickens. It wasn’t that easy. It never occurred to me that hens could be so mean toward each other. I now understand why women are sometimes referred to as “Hens.” Since the other chickens did not receive her well at all, we had to gradually work her back into the fold. The other hens were jealous and pecked her constantly. I encouraged her to fight back, but she would just run away. Finally the day came when things got back The Millers’ moves to Rural America, Continued on pg. 4
The Millers’ moves to Rural America, Continued from pg. 3 to what I deem as normal in the hen house. As the chickens grew older, some of the hens began to look a little strange to me. So I did some research on the internet and found that male chickens have spurs on the back of their legs, which is a way to identify them from the females. So sure enough, some of the hens were really roosters. They were just not as old as Roody and Roger. So we were in for more cock fights. Roody is still king of the coop and the positive is that I’m collecting eggs every morning when I go out to feed. In April of this year, we added 5 bred heifers and 1 donkey to our family. Those also came to us by way of the WCSHC program. Alonzo started months in advance sectioning off pasture land and installing barbed wire fences. What a long and tiring process! He worked all day in the classroom, and then came home to work on fences until dark. Now that it is summer, he is working from daylight to dark. Since he has to work alone most of the time, he has constructed tools and devises to make the job easier (he says). I see nothing easy about it. We don’t have all the equipment that we need yet, so he has to do a lot of improvising. I remember when he instructed me to call Bennett’s Rental Center and reserve a gas powered post-hole digger. Little did I know that it took two people to operate the machine? So, I became the second person. What an experience! You would have had to operate one in order to appreciate what I did. I offer to help out when I can like with the constructing of the chicken house, the dog pen, and loading fire wood. Some of our best conversations take place when we’re working together. Maybe one day, he’ll surprise me and offer to help me with the house cleaning. There is always something to do on the farm. If you’re ever bored, it’s because you’re not doing anything. Almost every day I learn something new. The work is very physical and most of the time downright dirty. In other words, there is nothing glamorous about farming. As for me, I’ve experienced many exciting things in my life. I’ve traveled to many places in the U.S. and even to other countries. When I compare them to my experiences on the farm, they are just fun memories that may someday fade away. But now I have lasting memories that I can pass on to my daughters and their daughters for generations to come. So my husband’s vision has become a reality that we both
share together. Otherwise, it would have only been a dream. “Oh, it ain’t over!”
July 2010
Photo Gallery: Back home and loving it!
July 2010
July 2010 Photo Gallery