Greensboro echo newsletter 2011 special edition

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NEWS FROM ~ The V Voice oice of RURAL RuralAMERICA America ~

The Voice of America Special Edition Greensboro Echo Newsletter Louisville, MS

The Greensboro Echo

Website Winter| 1st Edition |January Winter| | 1st Edition| August |January 2011 7KH 2IÂżFLDO 1HZVOHWWHU RI WKH Summer 1st Edition 2010 2011 Winston County Self Help Cooperative

Recap of WCSHC’s 2010 Work-plan Recap of WCSHC’s 2010 Work-plan The Voice of Rural America

The Voice of RuralFire inAmerica: Fire in My Belly My Belly

I received numerous questions in about my “fire the belly� mantra and what keeps me geared up for the daily task of working and promoting change in rural America. My passion is deeply rooted in a rich family legacy of working the lands and providing opportunities for the next generation of inhabits to insure a good quality of life. The article below describes my eternal fire in the belly.

Americans from voting, advocating and securing living wages to ensure a good quality of life for their families. However, those individuals maintained a moral compass of moving forward to overcome adversities and secured our future with bountifully opportunities of change. The front porch represents other significant factors; and, we will end with four generations of Maben Austin Family gathering on (Aunt & Uncle) Omerio and Dee Dotson’s front porch. With the sun gravitating westward and temperature approaching 100 degrees, Dee harvested peas, lima & On the front porch sym- snap beans and pulled bolizes many aspects of liv- watermelons from the fam ing in the Deep South from ily’s sandy soil fields. The family’s squarely on discussions, poli- harvest landed legacy by moving into tics, relaxing, and marriage the front porch where four the kitchen and preproposals. I remember generations commences to pared a southern style spending numerous quiet shell numerous as Omerio questions recounted about my “fire in the belly� mantra and what I received keeps me geared meal. up She prepared afternoons with my grand- the Austin’s Family peas, lima and green daily task of working and promoting change in rural America. My passion is deeply rooted in daddy (Maben Austin) for on the History. Omerio received beans, corn on the cob, the front porch absorbing a richnumerous family legacy of working of questions from the lands and providing opportunities for the next generation chicken, beef steaks, life’s lessons from a noble nieces, great-nieces and peach cobbler, fried inhabits to insure a good quality of life. The article below describes my eternal fire in the belly. gentleman. Sometimes our nephews about growing up apple pies and sweet discussions would extend without air condition, runtea. I devour my share Frank Taylor Labor Day beyond his normal bedtime ning water, electricity andOn the Front Porch-by of green beans and of 8:00pm; nevertheless, most of all television. peach cobbler. The those moments made an Omerio responded with a night ended with indelible imprint on my broad smile and said I Omerio and Dee giving life. Although without a for- serve a God of Passion and O he frfront ions, 30 bags of Onn tthe ont porch porch symbolizes symbolizes m many any aspects aspects ooff lliving iving iinn th thee D Deep eep S South outh from from family’s family’s more discussions, discussthan mal education, he mastered Humility. Wiping away mission, he received a stir- landowners. He said a man fresh vegetables, can quiet rno ons w ith ppolitics, oliticofs, rrelaxing, ehis laxingring , aand ndsermon m marriage arriageon pproposals. ro“TAKING posals. I rremember emeshould mber sspending pprofess, ending numerous nprovide ume rousand quie t aafternoons fte with math, sociology, political sweat, Dee told taloupes and watermelons. THE y ggrand-daddy ranfront my d-daddyCARE (Maben (Mabeof nA Austin) ustin)FAMILY�. oonn the the front frontIpporch orprotect ch aabsorbing bsorhis bing family llife’s ife’s llessons eswithout sons frfrom om a“The nnoble oblnieces e science, and life’s obstacles adventure on m the gave thanks for infato provide comfort for his porch in asking ggentleman. entlegrandman. Sometimes Somreferred etimes oour uto r ddiscussions ismy cussfather-inions w would ould eextend xregard tend beyond befor yondlife. hhis is normal nThose ormal bbedtime edtimelife’s ooff 88:00pm; :00lesson pm; on the front law because family in a racial divided daddy to marry nnevertheless, everthAunt eless, th those ose as m moments odaddy ments m made ade aann of iindelible ndhis elible mous iimprint mprintwords oonn m myyof llife. ifewisdom .A Although lthouglive hw without ithoporch ut a fo formal rmaLouisville, l in MS as Mississippi. Jim Crow’s Omerio. “Dee said before laurel commitment to leave on today, although Daddy Maben Austin’s legacy lives ife’s oobstacles astered m ath, ssociology, ociology, ppolitical eeducation, ducation, hhee m bstacles to pprovide rovide ccomfort omfo mastered math, olitical sscience, cience, aand nd llife’s laws paled African granddaddy granted per- a fruitful legacy for the died in 1974. Omerio con- on in 2010�. mily iinn next a rracial acial ddivided igenerations vided M ississippi. of fo is fa fricFamily an A mericans frfrom om vvoting, oting, forr hhis family Mississippi. JJim im C Crow’s row’s llaws athe ws ppaled aled A African Americans tinued Austin

on the Front Porch by Frank Taylor

nd ssecuring ecuring lliving iving w ages to eensure aadvocating dvocating aand ife for ei families. milies. H wages nsure a ggood ood quality quality of of llife for th their However, owever, aintained a m oral ccompass th ose iindividuals ndividuals m those maintained moral ompass ooff m moving oving fo forward ard to oovercome vercome aadversities dversities and and February 25 & 26, 201 1 NEWS FROM RURAL SAVE DATE A ur AMERICA fu ture w ith bbountifully ountifully SA oopportunities ssecured ecured oour future with ppVE o nTHE ooffD cchange. haTE nge. Th Thee frfront ont pporch orch rrepresents epresents oother ther 3DJH $8*867 www Louisville Coliseum - Louisville, MS ssignificant ignificant fa ctors; aand, nd, w ill eend nd w factors; wee w will with ith fo four ur ggenerations enerations ooff Maben Austin Austin Family Family gathering gathering oonn ncle) O merio aand nd D ee D otson’s fr (A unt & U (Aunt Uncle) Omerio Dee Dotson’s front ont pporch. orch. W With ith the the sun sun gravitating gravitating w westward estward aand nd pproachin2g 1100 00 ddegrees, egrees, Dee te mperature aapproaching temperature Dee harvested harvested ppeas, eas, llima ima & ssnap nap bbeans eans aand nd ppulled ulled Upcoming year and 2010 reflections om th mily’s ssandy andy ssoil quarely oonn th ont pporch orch w atermelons frfrom oil fifields. elds. Th arvest llanded anded ssquarely watermelons thee fa family’s Thee hharvest thee frfront WCsHC 2010 outreach efforts w en erations 3 ustin’s Fa mily H istory. ur ggenerations ccommences ommences to sshell hell aass O merio rrecounted ecounted th where h ere fo four Omerio thee A Austin’s Family History. WCsHs and MsU College of Veterinary O eceived nnumerous umer4ous qquestions uestions frfrom om nnieces, ieces, ggreat-nieces reat-nieces aand nd nnephews ephews aabout bout ggrowing rYowing uupp Omerio merio rreceived ith a lectricity aand nd m ost ooff aallll te levision. O merio rresponded esponded w w without ithout aairir ccondition, ondition, rrunning un5ning w water, ater, eelectricity most television. Omerio with WCsHsC Forestry Field days assion aand nd H umility. W iping aaway way ssweat, weat, D ee to ld ooff hhis is a bbroad road ssmile mile aand nd ssaid aid I sserve erve a G od ooff P God Passion Humility. Wiping Dee told WCsHC Visit Piney Woods school 6 merio. ““Dee Dee ssaid aid bbefore efore aadventure dventure oonn th thee frfront ont pporch orch iinn aasking sking ggrand-daddy rand-daddy to m marry arry A Aunt unt O Omerio. KING C ARE o Millers Move to rural America TA E ranted ppermission, e7 rmission, hhee rreceived ece ived a sstirring tirring ssermon ermon oonn ““TAKING ggranddaddy randdaddy ggranted CARE off TH THE aurel ccommitment ommitment to lleave eave a eferred to m ther-in-law aass ddaddy addy bbecause ecause ooff his llaurel FA FAMILY�. MILY�. I rreferred myy fa father-in-law nd andowners. H aid a m an sshould hould pprofess, rofess, pprovide rovide aand frfruitful uitful llegacy egacy fo forr th thee nnext ext ggenerations enerations ooff llandowners. Hee ssaid man isdom llive ive oonn to day, aalthough lthough is fa mily w ithout rregard egard fo ife. Th ose iinfamous nfamous w ords ooff w pprotect rotect hhis family without forr llife. Those words wisdom today, nd oving iinto nto th itchen aand ustin Fa mily llegacy egacy bbyy m D addy ddied ied iinn 11974. 974. Omerio ccontinued ontinued th Daddy thee A Austin Family moving thee kkitchen

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WCSHC’s 2011Upcoming and 2010 Reflections WCSHC’s 2011

Join Winston County Self Help Cooperative’s effort in 2011 to create momentum change where you live and work. If, you need a road map or compass WCSHC will provide you with the needed resources to start a movement of swift change. If you don’t know where you are going then any road will lead you there. Your challenge is to build a road map in 2011.

WCSHC’s 2010 Reflections by Frank Taylor

As the curtain draws on Winston County Self Help Cooperative’s 2010 workplan, members can breathe of relief a sigh and start for- mulating plans for 2011. “We expended an enormous amount of sweat and intestinal fortitude to implement WCSHC’s strategies of

Michael Hathorn

helping save rural America

according to co-op member Michael Hathorn. We kicked-off 2010’s calendar year on December 29, 2009. We established a tradition of starting the next calendar year by meeting on the last Thursday of the year. This promotes an atmosphere of camaraderie and generates self-worth to pro-

pel WCSHC’s yearly activities. WCSHC achieved numerous milestones in 2010 which included membership growth, two youth gardens, civic engagements, technical support, business enterprises, and provided leadership in times of uncertainties for other community based organizations�. “WCSHC operates on the principle of being on time with a workmanship like attitude. Our meeting starts promptly at 3:50pm and ends before 4:40pm. This process keeps members and supporters engaged based on this standard of being timely and proficiently. WCSHC leadership contacts each individual member by phone, text messages or e-mails with a crisp reminder of being on time. WCSHC convened a total of 15 business

sessions over an eleven WCSHC for guidance and month period with an over- assistance in connecting lap of numerous outreach with USDA, extension or meetings, economic tours, non-profit organizations to canning workshops and start their farm enterprises. field day activities. In 2010, Additionally, my three we conducted several young children will become Saturday business sessions members of Winston with the delight of members County Self Help Youth clamoring for more week- Group at the appropriate end sessions because of ages. WCSH Youth superb breakfast�. Component provides an “As an individual I am intergenerational process of thankful to be a member of connecting grandparents, this formidable team which parents and children in a promotes, and stimulates holistic atmosphere to change in rural America to instill good work ethics, protect our natural value judgment and transresources and stay in har- ferring place-based knowlmony with Mother Earth. edge of families’ legacies. I WCSHC blessed my family believe with the cooperative with five bred goats and one and youth group collaboratborer. We look forward to ing simultaneously expanding our family farm WCSHC’s Mantra of enterprise with cattle, poul- “Saving Rural America� will try and swine. I am encour- come to fruition and provide aging other young families guidance into 22rd the cento get involve and search for tury to help save rural an organization similar to America.

WCSHC Expands Leadership by Frank Taylor

Winston County Self Help Cooperative’s expanded its leader ship capacity by organizing (LMS) Leake, Madison and Scott Counties Farmers’ Connecting in May 2010. “Jeanette Greenwood founder members said kudos to WCSHC Membership for providing LMS with leadership in formulating our organization. Our members come from a three counties area with varnumerous pitfalls to avoid and enterprises and diverse ious farm bridged gaps in the delivery of experiences. We learned the state’s programs to help members processes of navigating USDA’s increase income. We look forward to echoed programs by participating in FSA’s implement cost-share practices. Four participants concerns with 2011 and helping WCSHC “Save County Work Group Meetings and obtaining loans (FO) Ownership and (OL) Operating Loans in a tim developed awareness of the County rural America�. rated and explained howFarm to overpending. Brown Hunting WCSHC Leadership Committee’s responsibilities, partcome barriers and Organization and WCSHC spon- for EQ successful farmpersonalities entities. Asby of today, three participants qualified nered with Mississippi State Development Team moved into learning the ins and outs of USDA’s sored a youth session October 18, pending. Brown Hunting Organization and WCSHC sponsored a youth University College of Veterinary Kilmichael, MS to help Brown Programs. Farmers requested 2010 to establish dialogue with Hunting Organization reorganized to establish with adults,adults, local elected officials and youths Medicine to deliver animals’ health assistance with dialogue Natural Resources local elected officials and to ide Labor Day service and Alcorn State University and structure activities to engage Conservation Service’s youths to identify issues affecting life in rural Kilmichael, MS. WCSHC’s Leadership Development Team w Extension Program for estate plan- area farmers, landowners and Environmental Quality Incentive daily life in rural Kilmichael, MS. develop Hunting Organization’s goals of achieving sustainability ning. We will continue to partner youths. WCSHC’s Leadership Program andBrown qualifying for various WCSHC’s Leadership Development and collaborate with WCSHC to Team identified areas of needs practices described under EQIP’s Team will continue to assist and and build regional partnerships to extend community capacity. Henry C help strengthens LMS’s mission of through the co-op’s assessment guideline. Several participants develop Brown Hunting “WCSHC Leadership Development Team generated inspiration helping small famers and landown- template. The leadership team needed assistance with wildlife pro- Organization’s goals of achievingand enc started meeting with Brown ers ascertain valuable information grams and developing long-term sustainability leader- of land adversities and dream of a brighter future for through the nextlocal generation to make prudent business deci- Hunting Organization in August leases to implement cost-share ship and build regional partnersions. Kenneth Walker Team which included landowners and practices. Four participants echoed ships to extend community capacifrom Montgomery, concerns with Farm Service Agency ty. Henry Campbell participant Leader of LMS emphasized the farmers Calhoun, Tallahatchie, and Carrol in obtaining loans (FO) Farm said important of working with WCSHC “WCSHC Leadership Counties. Participants voiced con- Ownership and (OL) Operating Development Team generated and learning the administrative processes. “We learned to respect cerns of not receiving timely and Loans in a timely manner to devel- inspiration and encouragement to time, prepare a precise agenda and equitable services through United op successful farm entities. As of overcome dream of WCSHCadversities First 120and days of 2010 stay on a quest to finish before time. State Department of Agriculture. today, three participants qualified a brighter future for the next generWCSHC Leadership highlighted WCSHC’s Leadership Team elabo- for EQIP with two applications ation of landowners�.

WCSHC First 12 0 days of 2010 The Winston County Self Help Cooperative’s continued its valiant efforts of working to help save rural America. The co-op is leading and implementing sustainable practices through partnerships with USDA, universities, extension programs, corporations and non-profit organi-

zations. is WCSHC’s work-plan wrapped in strategic points of providing technical support for farmers and landowners to generate income from their natural resources. WCSHC’s mission morphed into a vigorous engagement of crossing generations and providing opportu-

nities for families to enjoy Mother Earth’s natural resources. The first 120 days of 2010 generated hope and developed resilience among members to carry forth their farm plans. WCSHC conducted its first Saturday business sessions with overwhelming response.

The Winston County Self Help Cooperative’s continued its valiant effort rural America. The co-op is leading and implementing sustainable pract with USDA, universities, extension programs, corporations and non-pro

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County Self Help Cooperative’s vast outreach effort crisscrossed Mississippi, Louisiana 33•Winston DJanuary JH $82011 *867

and Alabama and delivered an array of services for impoverished communities to develop plans of action and implement strategies to change lives. WCSHC conducted a total of 10 special outreach meetings beyond the perimeter of Winston County which focused on bringing absentee landowners into a cycle of proliferating relationships with USDA and retaining services toWCSHC becomeconducted good fifteen business sessions which included two Saturday morning stewards of Mother Earth’s natural resources. WCSHC partnered with the National Wildlife Average attendant of 35 boosted attitudes of being on time and ready for informative Federation (NWF) and created awareness of long leaf pine restoration in southeastern Mississippi. sessions. Each business session started promptly 3:50 pm and ended 4:40 pm. This Amadou County Diop of Self the (NWF) resources and guidance forlong five leaf forestpine landowner workshops. promoted better than average participation and members left meetings with positive after curand retaining services to ing Winston Help provided rent harvest plans. Diop’s become good stewards of Cooperative’s vast outreach This process stimulated interest from 16 landowners who requested forest and stewardship make necessaryplans changes. According to founding member Mary Hannah, “I can only effort crisscrossed Mother Earth’s natural work-plan engulfs the southwith consideration of planting long leaf pine after current work-plan meeting started late in the pass twenty years�. We receive minutes from previous me east plans. with Diop’s a focal point ofengulfs WCSHC part-harvest Mississippi, Louisiana and resources. the southeast with a focal of using unique achieve sustainability and using unique methods to nered with the methods Nationalto help Alabama and delivered anpoint agendas 15 days in advance of the next meeting. This timeframe allows opportunitie sustainability (NWF)Selfhelp array of services impov- Wildlife generating goodfor stewardship practices.Federation “Winston County Helpachieve Cooperative’s make invigorating suggestions before next meeting day. We are required to maintain all related m erished communities to and created awareness of and generating good stewoutreach strategy parallels ourleaf vision informing landowners attentive actions and and read over previous agendas bi-weekly to stay focus. Addit personal co-op folder practices. “Winston long pineofrestoration in ardshipthrough develop plans of action and with County Self Help southeastern Mississippi. implement strategies to developing life’s long partnerships to promote a better understanding of the process ecosystem according provides an avenue for absent or working members to be vigilant of co-op’s Cooperative’s invigorating Amadou Diop of the (NWF) change lives. WCSHC conto Diop�. We look forward to working with WCSHC in 2011 to help save ruralyou America. Winston are planning to participate in WCSHC’s business sessions please be on time for parallels ducted a total of 10 special provided resources and guid- outreach strategy County Self Help Cooperative served 1331 individuals and farmers in 2010. A map graphic Meetingsaccording are convened at Winston County Extension Office 4601331 Vance Stree of informing outreach meetings beyond ance for five forest landown- with our visionevent. to Diop�. We look Cooperative served attener workshops. theconnecting perimeterms, of la Winston and ala with pinpoints. This process landowners through MS on the first Monday promptly. forward3:50 to pm working with individuals and farmers in

WCSHC’s 2010 Outreach

County which focused on stimulated interest from 16 tive actions and developing bringing absentee landown- landowners who requested life’s long partnerships to WCSHC Fifteen Business Sessions promote a better underforestConducted and stewardship plans ers into a cycle of proliferating relationships with USDA with consideration of plant- standing of the ecosystem

WCSHC Conducted Fifteen Bus iness Sess ions

WCSHC conducted fifteen business sessions which included two Saturday morning breakfasts. Average attendant of 35 boosted attitudes of being on time and ready for informative business sessions. Each business session started promptly 3:50 pm and ended 4:40 pm. This timely formula promoted better than average participation and members left meetings with positive energies to make necessary changes. According to founding member

WCSHC in 2011 to help save 2010. A map graphic conrural America. Winston necting ms, la and ala with Saving Rural America Conference County WCSHC’s Self Third Help pinpoints.

WCSHC’s Third Saving R uraldonated 1350 Rhode Island Red baby Chicks WCSHC Am erica Louisiana. Winston County Self Help Cooperative is ful Conference America according to Felecia Bell. “We received 30 chi

Mary Hannah, “I can only recall one meeting started late in the pass twenty years�. We receive minutes from previous meetings and agendas 15 days in advance of the next meeting. This timeframe allows opportunities to inquire or make suggestions before next meeting day. We are required to maintain all related materials in our personal co-op folder and read over previous agendas bi-weekly to

youths to generate income through egg production. We years and collaborated on various projects to help crea are thankful for this donation and we will pass on the gi WCSHC donated apple and peach trees to help memb

Self Help WCSHC held its ment, forest manage- County stay focus. Additionally, this Third Saving Rural ment, and USDA’s pro- Cooperative served a process provides an America Conference on gram updates. Seven variety of foods. On its2010 ThirdatSaving Rural America Conference on March 12 & 13, 2010 at Friday participants states represented March 12held & 13, avenue for absent or WCSHC enjoyed a southern fish due to u Virginia, Louisiana, the Louisville Coliseum working members to be Coliseum with more than 270 participants. WCSHC rescheduled conference Alabama, fry with side dressings. with more than 270 Florida, vigilant of co-op’s activ- weather conditions in January. The Arkansas conferenceand offered multiplemorning workshops Saturday par-included Georgia, participants. WCSHC ities. ticipants consumed a progra Leonard planning to husbandry, sheep and cattle Tennessee. management, forest management, and USDA’s rescheduled conference If you are home style breakfast. Jordan served lunchdue to unbearable participate in Seven states represented Virginia, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas speaker. WCSHC’s conference WCSHC’s business weather conditions in eon Leonard Jordan served luncheon speaker. Participants concluded with enjoyed a down other fu Participants enjoyed January. The confersessions please be on Tennessee. home luncheon other fun activities ence offered multiple Self Help Co time for a life altering which included gospel singing and modeling. As usual Winston Countywhich which included gospel featured locally grown workshops included event. Meetings are served a variety of foods. On Friday participants enjoyed a southern fish fry with side sheep convened at Winston goat husbandry, singing and modeling. vegetables and meats. Saturday morning participants consumed a home style breakfast. WCSHC’s confere usual Winston County Extension and cattle manage As Office 460 Vance Street with a down home luncheon which grown and meats. featured locally vegetables in Louisville, MS on the first Monday 3:50 pm promptly.

WCSHC donated 1350 Rhode Island Red baby Chicks to groups in Mississipp Legislativ Louisiana. Winston County Self Help Cooperative is fulfilling its mission of help America according to Felecia Bell. “We received 30 chicks for needy farm fam youths to generate income through egg production. We have been affiliated w WCSHC’s Philanthropy years and collaborated on various projects to help create sustainability in rura are thankful for this donation and we will pass on the gift to other farm families WCSHC sponsored a legislative WCSHC donated apple and peach trees help members start fruit enterprise forum for local state to representa-

Legislative WCSHC’s Philanthropy Update

WCSHC donated 1350 Rhode Island Red tive and Mayor of Louisville. baby Chicks to groups The local representative updatin Mississippi, ed members on actions and Alabama and upcoming legislative issues Louisiana. Winston affecting landowners and farmCounty Self Help ers. Louisville Mayor highlighted Cooperative is fulfilling its mission of helping economic growth, homebuyer save rural America assistance and potential dip in according to Felecia tax collection. Co-op member will Bell. “We received 30 travel to the state capitol in early chicks for needy farm January 2011 to express confamilies in distress and cerns about agriculture and youths to generate forestry issues. income through egg WCSHC proposes a long-term production. We have regional strategic plan with been affiliated with emphasis of placing value on the WCSHC over six years and collaborated on are thankful for this donated apple and natural resources and using various projects to help donation and we will peach trees to help innovation to churn out economic create sustainability in pass on the gift to other members start fruit opportunities. farmIsland Redfamilies. WCSHC donated 1350 Alabama and baby Chicks enterprises�. to groups in Mississippi, rural communities. WeRhode Additionally, WCSHC Louisiana. Winston County Self Help Cooperative is fulfilling its mission of helping save rural

Legislative Update

Labor Day

Mayor Hill

WCSHC sponsored a legislative forum for local state re local representative updated members on actions and u landowners and farmers. Louisville Mayor highlighted e Rep. Nowell and potential dip in tax collection. Co-op member will tr America according to Felecia Bell. “We received 30 chicks for needy farm families in distress and Computer Classes held WCSHC embarked on a part- skills because most of our cooperative office 662-779- nities for residents of 2011 express agriculture forestr nership with the Louisville students do notwith ownto comput2400. County. and Members Some organizations youths to generate incometalk through egg production. We have been affiliated WCSHC over sixconcerns aboutWinston WCSHC‘s Economic Library to deliver computer DSL. We visited you pick operations, about change and others help create ers or access years and collaborated onprovarious projects to sustainability in ruraltocommunities. We regional strategic plan with emphasis of placing value o time teachcattle farms, vegetable marcrastinate about their mis- trainings for members and spend one-on-one Tours aresion. thankful for this we will pass on theHudson gift to other Carnette ing farm skillfamilies. set andAdditionally, creating However, thedonation Winstonandothers. Winston County Self Help kets using (CSA) community class instructor 30 par-startfamiliarize with Cooperative agriculture practices, Countydonated Selfapple and Helppeach innovation churn out economic opportunities. members trav- support WCSHC trees to helpsaid members fruit enterprises�. completed Tentatively, we will offer a agro-tourism, and extension’s Cooperative is on a purpose- ticipants ful mission of helping save rural communities through computer literacy classes.

WCSHC’s computer curricu- class in spring of 2011. lum over four years. For more information call Legislative Update We teach basic computer Winston county self help

eled across Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana investigated farm enterprises to accrue economic opportu-

field station experiment sites.

The cooperative plans tours

for spring 2011. WCSHC sponsored a legislative forum forWCSHC local state representative Mayo & MSU’s Collegeand of Veter local representative updated members on actions and upcoming legislative iss landowners and farmers. Louisville Mayor highlighted economic growth, home

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WCSHC and MSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine event Winston County Self Help Cooperative & Mississippi State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine partnered on three separate events to palpate, vaccinate and tag 110 heifers and horses. We have partnered with MSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine for more than six years according to pasture manager Hubert Nicholson. “This relationship provides

opportunities for hands-on trainings for as cattle body scores, demeanor disposition, and overall management practices. Dr. Brett and four 3rd year vet students displayed professionalism and engaged members to watch as animals were palpated, tagged, and vaccinated�. The palpating process generated most interest among members. As each animal entered the

I am honoring my mother in memories on this Mother’s Day. My mot and this event changed my life for eternity. My mother was my cham Although she is gone, Artie’s legacy lives on through three generatio squeeze chute members discussed whether had the a loving and kind mother. Those kinds of memories propelled W heifers were bred (pregmembers with a Mother’s Day extravagant on April 27, 2010. We are nant). Bred rate was 75 from WCSHC gentlemen according to Jean Harper. “We a percent on this day. treatment We appreciate MSU’s College and partake in a sumptuous meal under candle lights�. Thomas Cole of Veterinary Medicine for warm words of encouragement and thoughtful thoughts. One gentlem working and partnering with WCSHC to deliver a woman and more than likely my life will end with a woman. Love yo needy services in a timely Mother’s Day is every day she lives. manner. WCSHC incorporated service through MSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine for

Leake, Madison and Scott Connecting in September WCSHC’s Property Tax Relief P Counties Farmers Delinquent 2010.

Delinqu ent Property penalty. We will continue to remind absentee landowners and others to pay their pro before the penalty period.Program Landowners are required to pay property taxes yearly bas Tax Relief overall county’s appraisal. I am encouraging families to visit your local county taxes

WCSHC’s Winston collectorCounty office forSelf morethrough information on homestead exemption, and learn how procee Tax Relief Helpdisturbing Cooperative is athe Delinquent between county and school district�. c o m m u n i t y - b a s e d Program. According coop members Linda organization enriched Literacy Class are in the in a commitment to Stephen, “weFinancial help save rural business of helping America through collec- families maintain ownfinancial literacy training to Winston County Head Start Parents, ership of their farms tive WCSHC effort of delivered preserving youths. The co-op partnered with local banks and credit unions to raise awareness a and engender good rural stewardship practices. values and culture instruments including budgeting, credit cards, credit scores, saving & checking acco practices. According to Landowners have until Additionally the cooperative Hudson of JTS Mortgage Comp 1, with to Michelle pay national reports, we February C partnered highlighted Federal Housing Tax Credit Program and the City of Louisville’s Housing are losing more than taxes without penalty. We will continue to 1000 acres of land per which help a first time home-buyer obtain 15,000 dollars if they meet am encouraging fami-requirem oring my mother in memories on this Mother’s Day. My mother died in November 1998could remind absentee day Taylor through delinquent lies to visit your local used domain, Federal Deposit Corporation’saMoney Smart Curriculum to te Winston County Self Insurance Help Cooperative community-based event changed my life for eternity. My mother was my champion and guidance counselor. landowners and others is taxes, eminent county taxes assessor organi and to unsettled family’s to topay and collector office for effort in a commitment helptheir saveproperty rural America through collective she is gone,ByArtie’s legacy lives on thankful through three generations and I am thankful have Frank Taylor I am to have a sumptuous meal disputes and commer- taxes before the penal- more information on had of a loving and kind under candle lights�. values and culture practices. Accordinghomestead to national exemption, reports, we are lo ty period. Landowners cialization. WCSHC ing and kind mother. Those kinds memories propelled WCSHC’s men to honor female I am honoring my mother. Those kinds of Thomas Coleman helped 60 families save are required to pay and learn how proceeds land per day through delinquent taxes, eminent domain, and unsettle with a mother Mother’s Day extravagant on April propelled 27, 2010. We are grateful this royal in memories on memories showered ladiesfor with their homestead and property taxes yearly are disturbing between WCSHC families save their homestead this Mother’s Day. My WCSHC’s men to warm words of encourFocus60 Group onWomen anhelped overall 700flowers acrescommercialization. of forestland based t from WCSHC gentlemen according to Jean Harper. “We are elated to receive the Meeting county and school and thought in 2009 and 2010 county’s appraisal. I district�. mother died in honor female members agement in 2009 and 2010 through WCSHC’s Delinquent Tax Relief Program ake in a November sumptuous1998 mealand underwith candle lights�. Thomas showered gen ladies with a Mother’s Day fulColeman thoughts. One families maintain o in the business of helping this event changed extravagant on April tleman stated my my life life startedLinda rds of encouragement andmythoughtful thoughts. One gentleman stated with Stephen, “we are life for eternity. My 27, 2010. We are grate- started with a woman engender good stewardship practices. Landowners have until Febru and more likely end with a woman. your mother each day because than was my my life will treat- Love mother chamful for this royal and more than likely pion day and she guidance Day is every lives. ment from WCSHC my life will end with a WCSHC Honored Mothers-by Frank Taylor counselor. Although gentlemen according woman. Love your she is gone, Artie’s to Jean Harper. “We mother each day WCSHC’s Delinquent Property Tax Relief Program legacy lives on through are elated to receive because Mother’s Day three generations and flowers and partake in is every day she lives.

WCSHC Honored Mothers

WCSHC’s Fire Safety Workshops

Women Focus Group Meeting

Labor Day

WCSHC sponsored a Forest Practitioners see the roles of women changing with regard at the recorded notes. WCSHC sponsored Focus Group Meeting for women in Agriculture Women Focus Groupa Women to owning/managing Objective of this focus Meeting for women in County Extension Office in Louisville, MS. DR. Tamara L. Walkingstick Associate lands. Agriculture at the group was to increase working Professor/Extension University of Arkansas facilitated this m According to national understanding afrom broad Winston County Specialist-Forestry statistics women range of issues faced by Sandra Jones recorded n Extension Officeboard in member of National Network of Forest Practitionersout their partners byfaced by whounderstanding work/man- lives Louisville, MS. DR. of this focus group waswomen to increase a broad range of issues Tamara L. age working lands. seven years and this is work/manage working lands. This increased understanding be useful in identifyi pertinentwillinformation This increased underWalkingstick Associate better serve women and working lands. Walkingingstick asked an of questions according toarray co-op standing will be useful Professor/Extension member Gloria Moore. in identifying strateSpecialist-Forestry you see the roles of women changing with regard to owning/managing working land from University of gies to better serve “We are thankful for national statistics women out lives their partners by seven years and this is pertinen Arkansas facilitated women and working more than 30 women co-op member Gloria Moore. “We areattending thankful forthis more than 30 women informalands. Walkingingstick this according Sandra tive focus group meetasked an array of quesJones board member of informative focus group meeting�. National Network of tions including how you ing�.

Mississippi continued to leads the nation in home fire fatalities during 2010. In neighboring Oktibbeha County 9 family members perished in apartment fire in December 2009, therefore, we to dis- is a community-based organization enriched Selfcommitted Help Cooperative County are seminate pertinent 300 smoke Fire Safety Additionally theWorkshops cooperative partmitmentinformation to help savetorural America through collective effort of preserving rural Financial Literacy WCSHC’s help detectors. nered with Michelle Hudson of JTS save lives through nd culture practices. According toThe national reports, we are losing more than 1000 acres ofClass Louisville Mortgage Company to highlighted WCSHC Fire Safety F i domain, r e and unsettled family’s disputes and Federal Housing Tax Credit day through delinquent taxes, eminent Workshops according D e p a r t m e n t during WCSHC delivered financial litera- Program and the City of Louisville’s continued to leads the nation in home fire fatalities 2010. In neighboring to WCSHC cooperative memialization. helped 60 families save their homestead and 700 acres of cy forestland training to Winston County Head Housing Initiative which could help and other ber Carolmembers Williams.perished County 9 family in apartment fire in December 2009, therefore, weParents, members and youths. a first time home-buyer obtain Start Winston county nd 2010 We through WCSHC’s Delinquent Tax Relief Program. According co-opThe members have conducted co-op partnered with local banks 15,000 dollars if they meet requiredepartm n t s save lives through WCSHC Fire Safety ted to disseminate pertinent information toehelp 10 fire work- help ephen, “we are insafety the business of helping families maintain ownership of theirand farms and credit unions to raise awareness ments. Frank Taylor used Federal with this Insurance Corporation’s according to cooperative member Carol Williams. We have conducted 10 fire safety Deposit about financial instruments includshops over the past 3 important pror good stewardship practices. Landowners have until February 1, to pay taxes without Money Smart Curriculum to teach ing budgeting, credit cards, credit years and donated over the past 3 years and donated 300 smoke detectors. gram. scores, saving & checking accounts. budgeting.

WCSHC Forestry Field Days

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WCSHC Forestry Field Days

WCSHC Forestry Field Days Winston County Self Help Cooperative sponsored two forestry field day events at Charles Hampton’s Tree Farm located 445 Hampton Road in Louisville, MS. The cooperative partnered with the Mississippi Forestry Commission, Natural Resource Conservation Service and Extension to deliver handon experiences through service providers. Participants learned the

different between management and stewardship plans and how to obtain services through Mississippi Forestry Commission. WCSH Youth Members participated in a leaf and tree identification tour which drew numerous questions from aspiring foresters. “This type of event created positive relationships with professionals, who can help inspire our youth

Dorothy Harper. “We participate in forestry activities through Winston County plant memorial trees on Arbor Day�.

members according Youth

WCSHC’s Seminar Director Dorothy Harper. Home-buyer County Extension Office “We participate in forestry and plant memorial trees activities through Winston on Arbor Day�.

WCSHC’s Home-buyer Seminar WCSHC sponsored a homebuyer seminar in conjunction with sever al lenders and state agencies to provide information for first time home-buyers. Julia Brooks of Mississippi Home Corporation highlighted their state wide initiative to help low and moderate income families qualify for assistance through their down payment assistance program. Will Hill Mayor of Louisville

gage financing. gage process and the Shurden spoke about steps that you must the mortgage process in take to reach the goal of today’s market and becoming a homeowner about changes that is one of the highlights have taken place in the of our job. In the economic times that we are mortgage industry. “Owning a home is a in today, if you don’t big part of the have the right credit American Dream� score or debt to income level (DTI) then lenders Shurden explained. “With interest rates are quick to turn you at all time lows, the down. At JTS & Co. score and DTI that the hours homebuyer class for adults and youths. issue are received a working group consisting of five memb Brokers weEach time is right for every- Mortgage lenders looking for tentatively scheduled take solutions you through one that can qualify to will possible the meeting. The university provide with ed today. WCSHC forwillJanuary 2011 for lender WCSHC sponsored abefore homebuyer seminar inand conjunction withpersonnel several our credit simulator own a home.� Hudson local extension office more information conresourcesguide and make necessary referrals to assist with this project. and help youfor to first added. “Educating to theprovide aretime soliciting partici- Julia tact WCSHC information home-buyers. Brooks 662-779of Mississippi public about the mort- achieving the credit pants for an upcoming 8 2400.

elaborated on the city first time home-buyer assistance program. Hill said “Families can qualify up to 15,000 through the criterion process. This program is scheduled to end in September 2011�. JTS & Co. Mortgage Brokers Sales Manager Andy Shurden and Louisville Branch Manager Michelle spoke about current mortgage interest rates and assisting clients with obtaining mort-

highlighted help low and moderate their state wide initiative to WCSHC Cattle Field Days income familie assistance through their down payment assistance program. Will Hill Mayor on the city first time home-buyer assistance program. “Hill said families can q through the criterion process. This program is scheduled to end in Septembe Youth dates. Dr. Mark WCSHC Sales Mortgage of Members Brokers and Manager Andy Shurden and Louisville Branch Man Crenshaw Youth Mississippi State aboutGreensboro current mortgage interest rates and assisting clients with obtaining mo University’s Swine Group engaged in fun Shurden spoke the mortgage process in today’s market and about cha activities andabout also visitDepartment provided market analysis on ed the cows, chicken placeand in thedogs. mortgage industry. “Owning a home is a big part of the American WCSHC’s swine futures. Laura annual“With cattle interest field dayrates at all time lows, the time is right for everyone t Anderson of the state explained. office Natural Resource concluded with Peggy a home.� added. MillerHudson and co-op mem- “Educating the public about the mortgage process Conservation Service a delicious Public Affairs Division must bers takeserving to reach the goal of becoming a homeowner is one of the highligh photographed activities meal. The Millers joined WCSHC in 2007 help and shared greetings. economic times thattowe are in today, if you don’t have the right credit score o Bobby Lane, a local fortify dream of owning has delivered a calf. Incentive Program lenders quick to turn yousponsored down. JTScattle & Co. Broke working farm. insurance agent (DTI) dis- athen (EQIP) with fencing, Millers receivedAttwo Winston Countyare Self HelpThe Cooperative fieldMortgage days to provide m WCSHC awarded the seminated information assistance through the ponds, pest control and through ourFamily simulator and help guide youhealth tofertilization. achieving the credit competent credit Labor Day andwith current build herds of animals and score receive five information on how to scrutinize and Miller Natural to help Resource 92 individtraining from service providers. WCSHCand Falllocal Cattleextension Fieldparticipated Day occurred on areheifers looking today. WCSHC officeinare solicitin inforthe select the best policylenders to bred Conservation Service’s uals theMonday and each heifer serve your family needs. spring Environmental Quality field day event. at Alonzo & Peggy Miller’s Farm located in the prolific New Zion Membf upcoming 8 hours homebuyer class tentatively scheduled forCommunity. January 2011 drifted onto this immaculate farm surrounded by lush green mead contactsupporters WCSHCslowly 662-779-2400.

WCSH C Cattle Field Days Winston County Self Help Cooperative sponsored two cattle field days to provide members with competent information and current to help build health herds of animals and receive hands-on training from service providers. WCSHC Fall Cattle Field Day occurred on Monday October 4, 2010 at Alonzo & Peggy Miller’s Farm located in the prolific New Zion Community. Members and supporters slowly

drifted onto this immaculate farm surrounded by lush green meadow, oak trees and softwood timber in a far distance. setting presented This a grand opportunity for service providers to share relevant market information, health tips and transitioning grazing lands for fall forages. Jerry Orr Local District Conservationist highlighted Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)’s cost share programs availability and sign-up

WCSHC/ASU’s Town Hall Forums Winston County Self Help Cooperative and Alcorn State University Extension Program conducted three town hall forums. “we use this medium to assess community’s needs in areas of health, educational, economic, employment and environmental justice according to Dr. Wandra Arrington of ASU. “Forum opened with introduction of university’s staff and overview of forum’s objectives. Participants divided into two sub-groups and identified issues affecting daily life in Winston County. After 55 minutes of

discussion the two groups merged and selected top five issues: school dropout, employment, lack of civil and community participation, teen pregnancy and mentorship programs for adults and youths. Each issue received a working group consisting of five members to find possible solutions before the meeting. The university will provide personnel with educational resources and make necessary referrals to assist with this project.

WCSHC‘s Heifer Project

WCSHC passed on 25 bred heifers to five families in 2010 through the coopera-

America in 2011. If youopportunity have Newsletters. In 2010 the co-setting tive’s Heifer and Program. softwood timber in a far distance. This presented a grand fo story ideas please forward to op published two newspaWCSHC received 74,500 in providers to share relevant market included information,Frank health Taylor tips andfltaylor@belltransitioning grazing which WCSHC/ASU’s 2002 from Heifer pers Town Hall Forums forages. Local District Conservationist highlighted Natural Resource Cons thoughtful and informative International and this Jerry gift Orr stories on individuals from has helped 35 families start Service (NRCS)’s cost share programs availability and sign-up dates. Dr. Mark Cre Members Receive AI cattle operations. Members rural America, organizaUniversity’s Swine provided market analysis on swine Self Helpyouth, Cooperative and Alcorn State University Extension tions, crops, Department USDA sold 100 Winston heads Mississippi of County cattle inState Training Anderson of the state office Natural Resource Conservation Service Public AffairsinD programs, extension and 2010. Forthree more town information hall forums. “we use this medium to assess community’s needs other extraordinary events. on this programphotographed please visit activities and shared greetings. Bobby a localLee insurance WillieLane, Matthews, Otis agent educational, economic, employment and environmental justice according to WCSHC has published more our website Mays and Tim walker information how to100 scrutinize and select best policy to serve yourparfamily need newsletters in thetheticipated and read August Specialon than Artificial of ASU. “Forum opened with introduction of university’s staffactivities and overview o past years. Youth You can Edition 2010 page 2. Youth Members andseven Greensboro Group engaged in fun Insemination training and at also vi read previous newsletters atfield Participants into two sub-groups and identified issues dailyan Mississippi StateMiller chickendivided and dogs. WCSHC’s annual cattle day concluded withaffecting Peggy the website University’s Boost Center on members serving a delicious meal. The MillersNovember joined WCSHC in 2007 to top helpfive fortif After 55 minutes ofAdditionally, discussion the groups merged and selected thetwo United 4-6, 2010. This States Department of owning alack working farm.and WCSHC awardedparticipation, the training Miller Family with five bred heifers will help members employment, of civil community teen pregnancy andinm Agriculture featured determine calving capabilieach heifer hasWCSHC delivered aa calf. The Millers assistance through the Natur video titled received ties and identify animals Conservation Service’s Environmental Quality with Incentive Programproblems. (EQIP) with fencin “Know Your Farmer, Know impending Your Food�. You can participated view These control and fertilization. 92 individuals in individuals the field daywill event. assist Winston County Self Help this video at the follow link. cooperative members; Cooperative continued to strengthen herds in size provide news to rural 0/11/05/saving-rural-ameri- through selection of quality America through the ca-starting-in-winston-counbullsProject and structuring breedWCSHC‘s Heifer ty/. Stay tune for more inforGreensboro Echo ing seasons. mation for from rural

WCSHC’s Newsletters and Videos

WCSHC passed on 25 bred heifers to five families in 2010 through the cooperative Program. WCSHC received 74,500 in 2002 from Heifer International and this gift ha families start cattle operations. Members sold 100 heads of cattle in 2010. For more information for from rural America in 2011. If you have story i 7+( *5((16%252 (&+2

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WCSHC Visit Piney Woods Scho


WCSHC Visit Piney Woods School By Linda Stephen

Edwards log cabin is now cov- at an early age of com- Ralph ered by another struc- plications from pneu- A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Winston County Self ture to protect it. This monia. Dr. Jones never Building. The farm covHelp Cooperative trav- log cabin was once a remarried and lived in ers 500 acres and eled to Florence, MS slave cabin turned into the museum until his allows students to build and other locations. a sheep shed. It served death. In 1939 in mem- character while underThe first stop was at as the residence of Dr. ory of Grace, using standing the economy. raised by The once fully operated Piney Woods School Jones and another money farm houses wild horswomen of the school teacher, as well as the (PWS) located in neighborhood es and burros presently Florence, Mississippi. first classroom prior to and PWS is the largest of their marriage of the along with members of with ponds, lakes, only four historically Joneses and moving the Mother’s Club and wildlife, and catfish A f r i c a n - A m e r i c a n into the Museum. Upon local chapter of the farms. Crops of peas, and Boarding Schools left in arrival on campus, we Mississippi Federation watermelons, the nation. It was toured the Founder’s of Colored Women’s greens are grown by founded in 1909 by Dr. Cemetery that contains Club, the Grace Jones the students. PWS is known as the Lawrence Clifton the graves of Dr. Memorial Log Cabin built. The first School for the Jones. He was born in Lawrence and Grace was presently Blind in the state of their son machines St. Joseph, Missouri Jones, Lawrence’s arrived Turner, sis- located on the porch of Mississippi. The 5 1882. Dr. Jones Boys of in Mississippi with his ter Nellie Bass, Uncle this building are brick- Blind college diploma, a bible Ed Taylor, and several making machines that Mississippi and the in his hands, and $1.65 teachers. This log cabin were used to build all of I n t e r n a t i o n a l in his pocket. Dr. Jones is next to the gravesite. the earlier buildings on Sweethearts of Jazz Each building on campus. Mrs. Jones were educated at PWS. had a vision of a school campus where a HEAD, tells a story of also started the Cotton PWS has its own radio HEART, and HANDS the struggle of 100 Blossom Singers Choir station (104.3 FM). The education would be years. Dr. Lawrence that used her crafts to last building toured the Caldwell available to rural Jones was married to help fund the choir. Dr. was blacks. He taught his Grace Morris and they Jones appeared on a Dining Hall built in first students under a had 3 children. They television show called 1961 in honor of Sadie cedar tree until a for- lived in the building This Is Your Life in Caldwell that donated named the 1954 to honor his life’s the funds for construcmer slave named Uncle now Jones work. Ralph Edwards, tion. There are two Ed Taylor donated a log Lawrence cabin. . Uncle Ed Museum. This building the host, requested $1 meal shifts where the Taylor was an ex-slave was built by students from each member of students are provided known as the meanest in 1922 and houses a the viewing audience non-caffeine, nutritionmeals without man in Rankin County collection of artifacts and over a million dol- al reasonably that donated a log relevant to the school’s lars were raised. This deserts cabin and the 40 acres history and crafts made was the beginning of priced for visitors. PWS started out on of land because he was by Grace Jones. She the school’s permanent this and 40 acres and now impressed with the taught the art of bas- endowment 2,000 work of Dr. Jones. The ketry. Mrs. Jones died building is called the encompasses

WinstonaCounty Self HelpPWS Cooperative environ- traveled acres including 500 income. ment teaches only located 9acre farm with five first stop was at Piney Woods School (PWS) in lakes, managed timber- 12th grades and 33% of only African-American Boarding the faculty/staff lives Schools land,four andhistorically Mississippi’s on campus. The only rock garden by Dr. Lawrence Clifton Jones. He was borngirls in St. Jose amphitheatre. What lives on opposites sides Mississippi with a bible his hands the campus frominthe once started outhisascollege a of diploma, andHEART, the faculty place where children of aboys vision of a school where HEAD, and HANDS former slaves once lives on the north end blacks. taught his first students underNoa child cedar tree u the campus. learnedHe to read is now a of ex-slave donated log cabin. . Uncle Ed Taylor wasfaculan is allowed on the modeled alearning enviquarters ronmentthat that is trainCounty donated a logtycabin and thewithout 40 acres of lan ing leaders for the new permission. A doctor is of Dr. Jones.with Thealog cabin now5covered by another s onishand days a week millennium misand a nurse is on sion to educate youth? once a slave cabin turned into a sheep shed. 24 It served a PWS operates on a 4 hour call. Open enrollteacher, as wellprogram as the first classroom prior their marr ment is in the fall to and and 1 weekly spring with two weeks meaning that the stuMuseum. Upon arrival on campus, we toured the Found dents attend school for at summer time vacaDr. Lawrence and1 Grace son Turner, tion. A their summer camp Lawre 4 days and work day. Jones, for 10-15 year olds The requirements for and several teachers. This log cabin is next to isthe grave entrance are a letter of provided. A large perinterest to tell why you centage of students want to attend, a 2.5 come from abroad and grade point average, over 90% of graduates and no history of trou- attend college. The ble with the law. PWS remainder of the field is the first and only pri- trip did not measure up vate school that adjusts to the environment at tuition to the family’s PWS. Thank you PWS!

WCSHC’s 2010 15th Business Session and Christmas Gala Winston County Self Help Cooperative 2010’s Work-plan culminated with the coop’s annual Christmas Gala and fifteen business sessions on December 3, at Taylor’s Union Hall in Louisville, MS. Members dressed in red and black to symbolize and inspire the season of given. The 15th business session started with prayer from Myra Bryant of the Mississippi Association of Cooperatives. Members accepted minutes as printed and moved swiftly to reiterate plans for 2011. Nancy Woodruff dissected details for

Winston County Self Help Cooperative’s 4th Saving Rural America and Youth Conference (SRAC) February 25 & 26, 2011 at the Louisville Coliseum. This year’s conference Theme: BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES THROUGH HEALTHY FOOD: GETTING EVERYONE ON BOARD. SRAC’s planning com mittee will convene a Hudson (retired high Noxubee County conference call to con- school coach and Macon, MS. fer other details in teacher Carl engaged particifrom upcoming weeks. Starkville, MS presen- pants with thoughts of WCSHC’s 15th busi- tation focused on faith creating individuality ness session concluded with emphasis of stay- to propel success and with words of inspira- ing in the middle to not settling for tion from community support your family mediocre. advocates Cleveland and leaving a fruitful Robin Matthews iniHudson and Carl legacy. Carl Mickens tiated the Christmas Mickens. Cleveland Circuit Clerk of Program with words

WCSHC’s Canning Workshop By Orlando Trainer Winston County Self-Help Cooperative conducted four canning workshops in 2010. Participants learned methods of preserving fresh vegetables and recipes for homemade jellies. Highlights from Sand Creek Chapel Canning Workshop hosted by Orlando Trainer. The church is located at 1890 Rockhill Road Starkville, Ms. in the

Rockhill Community. introduced Frank Taylor Self-Help Winston County who gave remarks and an Cooperative members served icebreaker after which he as presenters for this inform- introduced Mary Coleman. ative canning session. The Mary talked about various program began at 7:00pm canning techniques that she with Orlando down thru the Trainer calling had developed the group to order. An invo- years. She allowed particication was given by him and pants to ask questions and he welcomed the participants share their canning knowlto the community and edge based on their experichurch. Refreshments were ences. Thomas Coleman available throughout the talked with the group about evening. Orlando Trainer the importance of continuing

welcome encouragements. Winston County Self Help Youth Group offered devotion and songs of joy. Greensboro Youth Group performed two skits entwined with thoughts of the less fortunate. Co-op member Dean Miller’s soprano

Labor Day

voice amazed delivered the song “Go tell it on the Mountain� which encouraged participants to join in on the course. WCSHC’s annual Christmas Gala concluded with a soulful dinner prepared by the Coleman Sisters.

and starting garden projects whether large or small. He encouraged the group to raise as much food as possible because it is much healthier and cheaper during these tough ecoremarks and challenges the nomic times. The night was group to strive to continue on not complete until Frank its journey on the quest to Taylor gave some inspiring help save rural America.

Winston County Self-Help Cooperative conducted four canning workshops in 2010. Pa learned methods of preserving fresh vegetables and recipes for home-made jellies. Hi Sand Creek Chapel Canning Workshop hosted by Orlando Trainer. The church is loca Rockhill Road Starkville, Ms. in the Rockhill Community. Winston County Self-Help Co

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The Miller’s Move to Rural America By Peggy Miller “Who would have ever thought it?â€? Born and raised in the metropolitan area of one of the largest cities in Texas, I spent the last thirty years of my adult life in a major suburb area of Dallas, called “Grand Prairieâ€?. Straight up “City Living!â€? by large 2 Surrounded and 3 level malls, major grocery store chains, restaurants serving up gourmet cuisines, 18 screen movie theaters, symphony and concert halls, musicals, plays, Cowboy Stadium, Ranger Stadium, American Airline Center, Six Flags Over Texas, Wet and Wild, and DFW International Airport all just minutes away. Oh, I dare not forget about the multi-levels and 10 lane highways. But, I said “Good Byeâ€? to it all, including my family and my friends. No, I didn’t get on a Midnight Train to Georgia. But I left it all behind for a life in Mississippi, Louisville, sometimes referred to as “The Sippâ€?. By way of a Cadillac, a Pick-up truck, and 2 loads in an 18-Wheeler, I am now residing on “Green Acresâ€? in Winston County, Mississippi. What in the world would cause me to make such a drastic change at such a young age (50 plus) in my life? Well, I’m glad you asked‌.In year 2002, I met Alonzo Miller who had moved to Texas about one year earlier. He was actually a new member at my church, but for some reason it took a year before I noticed him, which seems strange because we were in the same Sunday school class. Of course he said that he had observed me for 2 years prior to our first date. Alonzo later became one of the teachers for our class. To make a long story shorter, we started a friendship in 2003 and I became Mrs. Peggy Miller in 2004. Life for the three of us (Alonzo, me and God) seemed to be on a fast pace. Shortly after getting married, we started a Trucking company which was a whole new experience for me. So I guess that was the first of big changes in my life. I went on the road with Alonzo for 9 months which gave me an opportunity to learn the business first hand. Because of my experience as Project Manager in Corporate America, I recognized ways for us to improve our customer base, customer service and our profits, so I came off the road and set up a Homebased office that I managed. We quickly realized that the 3 of us (Alonzo, me and God) worked very well together. A few months later, Alonzo accepted his calling into

the Ministry and I then became the wife of a Minister. I told you things moved fast for us. Alonzo had grown up on a farm in Louisville, MS, about a mile from where we currently live. He often talked about his life on the farm, which I thought was fascinating. He told me stories about families pulling together to help each other. Sometimes families who may have raised hogs would come together to kill and process them at the same time. They would share with other families who may have shared crops with the group. But they would all take part in the processing. Everyone may not have raised the same things, but everyone received some of everything. If you think about it, this is the same concept as the first church in the book of Acts. Most people worked from sun up to sundown on the farm. I remember Alonzo telling me about how he his siblings had to and help his parents plant the fields. When they were finished for the day, he would sneak off into the woods and plant his own little garden with seeds that he had stored away in his pockets during the day. So at the age of 6, he was growing and maintaining his own garden in the woods. One of the things that stuck with me the most was the fact that Alonzo recalled that his family did not have a lot of money, but they always had plenty of food to eat. Listening to the many stories my husband told about growing up, I began to realize that he had a real passion for farming. Alonzo began to speak to me about his desires to be self sufficient and to be in control of the food that we ate. He was concerned about the quality of the food and produce that we bought out of the stores as well as the chemicals and preservatives used on them. He said that if we grew our own vegetables and raised our own meat, we could eat healthier and we would also be assured of what we were eating. It made good sense to me. We began to talk more and more about being in a place where we could do this and the more we talked about it, the more we prayed about it. We put together a plan and began to move on it. We found the land to be more expensive in the areas we preferred in Texas than in his hometown of Louisville, Mississippi, so he asked me if I would be willing to move there. After giving this idea some serious thought, and negotiating a deal with my husband, I agreed to the move. Our first connection to our future in Mississippi was actually made about

6 month prior to our move. Alonzo’s Dad and brother had told us about a wonderful program that they were members of called “Winston County Self Help Cooperative� (WCSHC). The program sounded so great that we had to access the website (www.wcshc .com) and check it out for ourselves. We were more than impressed, people working together to save Rural America. The benefits and opportunities this program presented were impressive as well. There was a newsletter online that an article featured about a husband and wife team who are members of the WCSHC program. They had opened recently a restaurant in Winston County. There were also other articles related to farming and all sorts of other things that were happening within the program. Alonzo and I immediately contacted Frank Taylor (president of WCSHC) via email and began what we call the Texassippi Connection. Because we were making arrangements to move to the area, we were able to become members just by sending in our annual dues. We began receiving minutes from the meetings as well as newsletters just as if we were already here. I was convinced that we had made the right choice when I heard about the Heifer program WCSHC offered. Where else can you get 5 bred heifers given to you? All that was required was that we give back the first 5 females so that the process can continue and be extended to other members in the program. So in the fall of 2008, we loaded up the truck and moved to Beverly. No, we moved to L’ville. I traded in my 2 story home on a third of an acre

lot for a ranch house on a 72 acre farm. I traded in my corporate suits, dresses and my high-heels for over-alls, straw hats, work gloves, and knee high rubber boots. My friends from Texas to Oregon compared me to Lisa on the Green Acres TV sitcom. They found it hard to believe that I would even consider giving up the “city life� for a new life in Rural America. So now that I’m here, I would not trade what I’ve learned for anything in the world. We eventually gave up the Trucking business and concentrated on building the farm, so Alonzo took a job teaching Alternative school in Carthage, MS. We planted our first garden (about 1/2 acre) in the spring of 2009. We were able to attend seminars and workshops sponsored by WCSHC that helped us tremendously. All that my husband did not know about farming, he was able to learn from the workshops, conferences, and meetings. Everything was new to me. I had to learn about cutting and rowing the garden and the process of preparing the soil before planting the seeds. Some of the senior members told us when to plant certain crops and all of the do’s and don’ts associated with each. So, I planned what we were going to plant and made a list to take to the seed store, instead of the grocery store. We harvested okra, squash, corn, tomatoes, peppers, peas, butter beans, green beans, turnips and mustard greens, and water melons. Our winter garden yielded us collards, sweet potatoes, cabbage, and broccoli. It was so fascinating to see the fruits of our labor. When my hus-

band went to work each morning, I headed off to the garden to pick vegeta- bles by myself and put them up. I attended canning classes also sponsored by the WCSHC program in addition to tapping into the wisdom of my mother-in-law and was able to can many of the vegetables from the garden. What I didn’t can, I used the internet to learn the process to properly freeze vegetables. My mother-in-law also taught me to make pear preserves from the pear tree we have on the farm. We had more than enough for ourselves, so we shared with our friends and family here in Louisville. I even sent packages back home to Texas so my family and friends could get a taste of what I had learned. It was wonderful having vegetables that tasted fresh all year-round, with no preservatives. During the winter or 2009, we added chickens to the farm, which we also received through the WCSHC. Had I raised chickens before? I can’t recall ever touching a chicken that wasn’t fried, baked, roasted, grilled, or cooked in some way. In other words, if I touched them, they didn’t have feathers. I have the morning feeding shift and my husband takes the evening shift. The first few weeks, I went out in all kinds of protected armor just in case one of the roosters decided to attack me. But then, the more I talked to them, the more we were comfortable with each other. I gave them all their own names, which they responded to very well. I experienced my first cock fight when my husband was at work. I walked out to the chicken house one morning and saw

blood everywhere. My first thought was that some wild animal had gotten into the coop and attacked one of the chickens. I counted them each morning to ensure they were all there Labor and Day that particular morning, I was missing one. I pulled up the swing door to the under compartment and saw Roger the rooster in one of the back corners in a balled up position. Just as I began to speak to him, Roody the rooster ran in and attacked Roger. They both ran out pass me and fought on the ground for a while then they both took flight to the air. WOW! I had never seen anything like that before. I was trying to break up the fight and call my husband on the phone at the same time. As soon as he answered, I began telling him what was happening and he began yelling at me through the phone to get out of the pen with the chickens. He then explained to me how roosters fight so one can become the dominate rooster, in other words, it’s a male thing. It was apparent that Roger could no longer protect himself due to injuries, but Roody wanted a fight to the bitter end so I let Roger out of the pen. For fear that he would wonder off and some wild animal would get him, I sat on a bucket outside and talked to him until my husband got home about 2 hours later. Needless to say, Roger never had his way with the hens again. They all belonged to Roody and he was not willing to share. There was also the time when I went in to feed the chickens and the wind caught the door of the coop and held it opened just long enough for our dog, Samson to get in.

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Winston County Self Help Cooperative Louisville, MS “Saving Rural America�

Chickens were running around everywhere and wings were flapping like crazy. His mouth clamped down on the back of Ms. Red (one of the hens), and the fight was on. In addition to screaming and crying, I was beating the heck out of the dog trying to get him to turn loose of the chicken. When he finally let go, I dragged him out of the pen and chained him down. I went back to see how bad Ms. Red was hurt and saw a small hole in her back side as she just lay on the ground. I had never picked up a live chicken in my hands and certainly not an injured one. But thank God for my mother-in-law. I called her and she told me that I needed to separate Ms. Red from the other chickens. I left the chicken coop to find a large box and lined it with hay. When I returned to the coop, the other hens were pecking the wound caused by the dog and the hole was larger. When my Motherin-law arrived on the scene, she picked Ms. Red up and examined her thoroughly. We were relieved to know that there were no broken legs. I tore a white towel into strips and soaked it with some anti-biotic cream that I had gotten from a foot doctor in Texas. I then stuffed the towel into wound on her back. I put small containers of feed and water in the box and changed out her towel each day. I prayed and talked to Ms. Red every day and told her that she was not going to die. A couple of days later, she began to stand up in the box, and then shortly after that, she began to walk around. I saw her make progress each day. She is a Road Island Red so I would tell her how nice she looked in her red dress and that she was the prettiest chicken out there. She began to talk back to me when I talked to her. People would call to check on Ms. Red and I would let them hear her speak through the phone. Eventually I nursed her back to health and it was time for her

to go back into the pen with the other chickens. It wasn’t that easy. It never occurred to me that hens could be so mean toward each other. I now understand why women are sometimes referred to as “Hens�. Since the other chickens did not receive her well at all, we had to gradually work her back into the fold. The other hens were jealous and pecked her constantly. I encouraged her to fight back, but she would just run away. Finally the day came when things got back to what I deem as normal in the hen house. As the chickens grew older, some of the hens began to look a little strange to me. So I did some research on the internet and found that male chickens have spurs on the back of their legs, which is a way to identify them from the females. So sure enough, some of the hens were really roosters. They were just not as old as Roody and Roger. So we were in for more cock fights. Roody is still king of the coop and the positive is that I’m collecting eggs every morning when I go out to feed. In April of this year, we added 5 bred heifers and 1 donkey to our family. It didn’t take long before our number came up on the WCSHC list. Thanks to the assistance of Winston County Office of Natural Resource and Conservation Services (NRCS), another great organization we became familiar with through seminars and conferences sponsored by the WCSHC, Alonzo started months in advance sectioning off pasture land and installing barbed wire fences. What a long and tiring process! He worked all day in the classroom, and then came home to work on fences until dark. During the summer months, he worked from daylight to dark. But that was the bitter. Now let me tell you about the sweet. NRCS, a sub-division of USDA has an EQIP (Cost Share Program) that will reimburse


February 25 & 26, 2011 Louisville Coliseum - Louisville, MS

Labor Day

you for your fencing material once you have installed the fence in adherence to their specifications. Their representatives even came out to our farm and made recommendations to help us reach our goals. They were always available to answer questions or to provide whatever assistance we needed as small farmers. No doubt about it, this is a “Win Win� situation. Since Alonzo had to work alone most of the time, he constructed tools and devises to make the job easier (he says). I see nothing easy about it. We don’t have all the equipment that we need yet, so he has to do a lot of improvising. I remember when he instructed me to call Bennett’s Rental Center and reserve a gas powered post-hole digger. Little did I know that it took two people to operate the machine? So I became the second person. What an experience! You would have had to operate one in order to appreciate what I did. I offer to help out when I can like with the constructing

of the chicken house, the dog pen, and loading fire wood. Some of our best conversations take place when we’re working together. Maybe one day, he’ll surprise me and offer to help me with the house cleaning. Our 5 heifers gave birth to their calves in August and September of this year, two bulls and 3 heifers. We also acquired 2 more donkeys (and yes they have names). Almost every day I learn something new. There is always something to do on the farm. If you’re ever bored, it’s because you’re not doing anything. The work is very physical and most of the time downright dirty. In other words, there is nothing glamorous about farming. As for me, I’ve experienced many exciting things in my life. I’ve traveled to many places in the U.S. and even to other countries. When I compare them to my experiences on the farm, they are just fund memories that may someday fade away. But now I have lasting memories that I can pass on to my daughters and their daughters

for generations to come. Usually something sounds better on paper, but that is certainly not the case with WCSHC. This is one of those programs that I would definitely recommend to a friend. Since we have been members, we have received chickens, heifers, fruit trees, and other vegetable plants. The conferences, seminars, and workshops have provided information galore. Not to mention the organized field trips that provide upfront, upclose, and personal views of what farmers and cattlepersons are doing to achieve success. We are also exposed to Government programs that are set up to assist us in reaching our goals. If someone asked me today, what I think is the best thing about Mississippi; I would have to say hands down, that it is the Winston County Self Help Cooperative. It has certainly helped my husband’s vision to become a reality that we both share together‌.Otherwise; it would have only been a dream. “Oh, it ain’t over!â€?

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