Do you have problems making your Manga characters behave exactly the way you want them to? With the right expression in their eyes, the positioning and movement of the hands, the way their hair and clothing sits...
Would you love to be able to draw your Manga characters in an unlimited number of positions easily, without losing the identity of the character?
...maybe you are
really frustrated because no matter how hard you try you just can't seem to draw limb and hand movements so that they look naturally...
Do you wish that you could control the exact facial expressions, body movements, and emotions for your Manga characters with absolute ease?
The reason a lot of people struggle with their Manga artwork is because they have not learned 'HOW' Manga is drawn and instead have resorted to just replicating other peoples work. Sure by doing this you may be able to copy someone else's creation, but why not learn how to create your own Manga characters and even produce a 10 panel Manga script?
If you really want to master the art of Manga then you MUST learn the building blocks and drawing techniques that are used in creating the incredible Manga we all love! Manga is complicated and the slightest stroke can play a HUGE role in the look and feel of your character, however when you break it down into small building blocks it is much easier to manage.
You're about to discover how to draw any manga character you want, AND make him or her come to life through the use of their facial expressions, body movement, eyes, hands, hair, clothing, and more!