Graphic Designer Portfolio by Franstino

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Graphic Design.

VOLUME 01 2023
Franstino Agwiandika.

Hello, Welcome to my Portfolio

Volume 01 ONT

Logo & Branding ( Aquarak )

Logo & Branding ( Dapoer Mama Lilik )

Logo & Branding ( Es Kocok Rusvi )

Vector Art ( Nobian Keishuke )

Personal Artwork

let’s get started
Selected Work C E NT
Presented by Franstino Dhea Agwiandika | 2023
About me
Logo & Branding ( Sudimoro Coffee )
About Me 01 Graphic Design | Portfolio


My name is Franstino Dhea Agwiandika. Usually called Tino. I'm a Graphic Designer since graduating from Vocational High School. Based on Malang - Indonesia. I’m really passionate about it. I love channeling creativity in the form of Graphic Design. Likes challenge and interested in learning new things. I can work as a team or individually.

Bahasa Indonesia (active) English (intermediate)

Franstino Dhea Agwiandika

Malang, February 14th 2000

Jatisari, Malang - Indonesia


Negeri 03 Permanu Elementary School

2007 - 2012

Negeri 02 Pakisaji Junior High School

2013 - 2015



Multimedia Major at Negeri 11 Malang Vocational High School

2015 - 2018

Work Experience.

Aloha Kawi (Internship)

Graphic Designer & Pre-Print Layout ( 2017)

Mitra Gajayana Malang

Pre-Print Layout & Printing Machine Operator ( 2018-2019)

G&G Digital Press Jakarta +62 0818 0718 5174 franstino_

Graphic Designer, Pre-Print Layout,Printing Machine Operator ( 2019-2023)

Franstino Dhea Agwiandika

/ Interest.
Profile. Languange. Passion
Reach Me.
Social Media, Layout, Illustration, Digital Imaging, Identity.
& Skill. Ai Ps Id Pr Cdr
Graphic Designer Branding,
Hiking Anime Game Badminton
02 About Me
Graphic Design | Portfolio Logo & Branding 03

Logo & Branding


Sudimoro Coffee adalah salah satu cafe di pusat kedai kopi daerah

Jl. Soekarno Hatta - Malang, memiliki konsep kekinian dan mengikuti tren ala anak muda menjadikan Sudimoro Coffee layak di kunjungi untuk keperluan berbisnis ataupun hanya untuk bersantai bersama keluarga dan teman. Arti dari Sudimoro sendiri adalah “Bersedia untuk Datang”. Branding yang diusung cafe ini adalah unsur simple tapi tetap ada unsur kopi didalamnya.

Sudimoro Coffee is one of the cafes in the center of the coffee shop area Soekarno Hatta Street - Malang, has a concept up to date and follow the trend of young people to make Sudimoro Coffee is worth visiting for business purposes or just to relax with family and friends. The meaning of Sudimoro himself is "Want to Come". The branding carried by this cafe is a simple element but there is still an element of coffee in it.

Type : Commercial - Client Work

Software : Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

Creative Fields : Graphic Design, Logo Design


Concept : Simple, Elegant, Trendy

Font Name : Backslash Regular

Color Composition : #FFA300



Graphic Design | Portfolio Logo & Branding 05
06 Logo & Branding
Franstino Dhea Agwiandika

Concept : Vintage, Elegant

Font Name : Blackford, Quiska

Color Composition :

#E2BE88 #D0D2D3 #1C1214 #FFFFFF #147FAA #1C1214 Cara Lain Menikmati Arak
Graphic Design | Portfolio Logo & Branding 07
Cara Lain Menikmati Arak

Logo & Branding

AQUARAK | 2021

Aquarak adalah minuman beralkohol yang di blended dengan aroma buah Lemon. Mengusung konsep vintage dengan kombinasi font dan warna dasar gelap menjadikan logo tersebut terlihat lebih Gentle-men dan Elegant.

Aquarak is an alcoholic drink that is blended with the aroma of lemon fruit. Carrying a vintage concept with a combination of fonts and dark base colors makes the logo look more Gentle-men and Elegant.

Type : Commercial - Client Work

Software : Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

Creative Fields : Graphic Design, Logo Design

Dhea Agwiandika 02

Concept : Cheerful, Handmade, Simple

Font Name : Sugo Pro, Sunny Sunday, Monserrat

Snack Packaging

Plastic Container Packaging

Color Composition : #472B0F #944C20 Graphic

| Portfolio
Logo Project / Brand Identity
Logo & Branding 09

Logo & Branding


Dapur Mama Lilik adalah sebuah usaha yang bergerak di bidang kuliner. Menyediakan berbagai macam masakan dapur ataupun

kue dan snack. Project ini memiliki konsep yang ceria dengan kombinasi gambar illustrasi dari seorang koki.

Dapur Mama Lilik is a business engaged in the culinary field. Provides a variety of kitchen dishes or cakes and snacks. This project has a cheerful concept witha combination of illustrations of a chef

Type : Commercial - Client Work

Software : Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Photoshop

Creative Fields : Graphic Design, Logo Design

Dhea Agwiandika 03
10 Logo & Branding
Graphic Design | Portfolio Logo & Branding 11

Logo & Branding


Es Kocok Rusvi merupakan minuman olahan dari buah alpukat segar yang dipadukan susu coklat ataupun dengan berbagai topping lainnya. Menjadikan nya sebagai salah kuliner yang segar dan menyehatkan. Dalam project ini saya tetap memberikan unsur buah alpukat dengan warna dasar hijau. Sehingga identik dengan produk yang di jualkan.

Es Kocok Rusvi is a processed drink made from fresh avocado mixed with chocolate milk or with various flavors toppings. Making it one of the culinary delights that is fresh and healthy. In this project I still provide elements of avocado fruit with a green base color. So that it is identical to the product being sell.

Type : Commercial - Client Work

Software : Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

Creative Fields : Graphic Design, Logo Design

& Branding
Franstino Dhea Agwiandika
Graphic Design | Portfolio Vector Art 13

Vector Art Design


Nobian Keishuke adalah salah satu kelompok penggemar burung kicau di Kota Malang. Project ini mengambil konsep illustrasi dari burung kicau dan di kombinasikan dengan jenis font bertema Jepang sesuai namanya.

Nobian Keishuke is a group of songbird enthusiasts in Malang. This project takes the illustration concept of chirping birds and combines it with a Japanese-themed font type according to its name.

Type : Commercial - Client Work

Software : Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

Creative Fields : Vector Art, Illustration

Franstino Dhea Agwiandika 05
14 Vector Art

Software : Corel Draw, Photoshop

Design Type : Pexel Art

Software : Corel Draw, Photoshop

Design Type : Hope Poster

Software : Photoshop

Design Type : Poster Design

Software : Illustrator

Graphic Design | Portfolio

Software : Illustrator

Software : Illustrator

Personal Artwork 15

Design Type : Katalog Book

Software : Illustrator

Software : Illustrator, Photoshop

Software : Illustrator

Design Type : Social Media Feed

Software : Illustrator

Franstino Dhea Agwiandika
16 Personal Artwork

Thank You. Thank You.

All artworks presented in this portfolio are property of Franstino Dhea Agwiandika

2023 | Franstino Dhea Agwiandika

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