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The loft tool allows multiple, individual lines to be combine into a wiremesh, or solid surface, allowing for a variey of intricate parametric models. To start my experimentation process with the tool, I first created 3 simple curved lines and lofted them together to visualise the surface I could manipulate. Using the Grasshopper extension, I was able to shift the in individual line geometries and well as move them around the plane to create a broader range of models.
Using the Populate 3D tool and deleting the created elements in order to create more geometric designs.
Triangulation Algorithms involved utilising the Populate 3D (as depicted above) and the Populate 2D (as depicted below) in order to create a mesh pattern on the surface of a 3-Dimensional object or 2-Dimensional plane. The populate tool used in conjuction with the Voronoi tool allows for the rapid creation of geometric shapes which can be further removed to create more intricate and minimal designs.
Populate 2D allows geometry to be created on a 2-Dimensional plane.
Dividing 2-Dimensional curves into points allows a further form to be created between them. By creating points along these created curves allows a complex grid from which to create curved, panelled, parametric models. The use of the polyline tool straightens out the grid lines between points creating a more geometric and coherent structure which eases construction.
The surface projection tool on grasshopper allows for simple fabrication of curved surfaces. The lofted curves are converted into a contour model from which the contours are projected from a 3-Dimensional surface, onto a 2-Dimensional plane. The segments can be placed on the X-axis and formed into a coherent grid from which the laser cutter can fabricate the individual pieces.
Dividing a curve into it’s contour lines and assigning points along the curve allows a series of geometric shapes to be placed along the surface of the curve. By using the orient tool, the shapes (rectangles in this instance) causes the shapes to contort to the form. Further contortion of form can be made by assigning the geometric planes to allign themselves according to the location of a point on the XY plane.
This was a difficult concept to grasp as I was unaware how to adequately create a wireframe mesh. The primary issue faced was that any shape I made and turned into a mesh in Rhino, wouldn’t translate across the lofted surface evenly (as depicted by the vast gaps in the final wireframe model). This thus caused the general cohesiont between the surface and the mesh to be lacking. However, the use of transforming a mesh onto a curved surface allows complex parametric models to be create that have more substance than a simple lofted curve. This tool will be a great benefit when a complex form, or intricate pattern is desired across a large surface to add more depth to a structure.