NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Metropolitan Sydney Climate change snapshot (2020).
According to projections, in coming years South Western Sydney is likely to experience:
•Increases to average temperatures;
•More frequent and intense heatwaves and an increase in the number of days over 35°C;
•Increases in frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events, especially during summer months;
•Increases in frequency of flood events;
•A chance for more severe droughts; and
•Increases to the number of days with bushfire conditions.
Developing community resilience early and as a collective community effort can not only save lives and property but can relieve pressure from traditional emergency response services during disasters. The following information is a preparedness checklist for Ed.Square residents.
For information on ways that you can improve your energy efficiency and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions visit: liverpool.nsw.gov.au/environment/climate-changeand-energy ED.SQUARE - COMMUNITY
Heatwaves are likely during summer. Hot conditions can often be predicted in advance, giving you time to prepare.
•Check fridges, freezers, fans and air conditioners to make sure they work properly
•Make sure your air conditioning is set to cool
•Stock up on essentials such as food (for your family and pets), water and medicines so you don’t have to go out in a heat wave
•Consider buying cool packs to have in the fridge or freezer
•Insulate your home, consider external blinds or shutters. Know where to look for warnings
•Australian Bureau of Meteorology –visit bom.gov.au
•ABC – visit abc.net.au/news/ emergency/state/nsw
•Phone 1300 659 218
•Warnings are also broadcast on local radio and TV
•Keep alert for Air Quality Warnings
•Listen to local radio or watch TV for updates on fire and smoke conditions in your area
•Ask your local chemist for face masks which reduce exposure to air particles
•If you are sensitive to smoky conditions consider staying with a friend or relative temporarily
•If you have a lung or heart condition, keep at least seven days of medication on hand
•Create a cool room or area to go to during extreme heat
•If you have trouble breathing, go to emergency or call 000 for an ambulance
•The best way to avoid breathing in smoke is to remain in an air conditioned building with the windows and doors closed
•Keep alert for Severe Thunderstorm Warnings or Severe Weather Warnings
•Trim overhanging trees and branches
•Check that walls, eaves and roofs are secure and in good repair
•Secure or put away loose items from around the yard or balcony
•Park your car under secure cover
•Threatening trees or branches need to be cut down during a storm
•Your roof would benefit from tarpaulins to further protect it from hail, heavy rain, or strong wind.
•Heavy rainfall can cause flooding. Never drive, ride, or walk through floodwaters
For emergency assistance during storms & floods call NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500
Visit health.nsw.gov.au/ environment/beattheheat/Pages/ prepare-for-heat.aspx
Visit the Rural Fire Service website at rfs.nsw.gov.au
For asthma action plans visit nationalasthma.org.au/asthmatools/asthma-action-plan
For detailed information visit the NSW State Emergency Service
StormSafe website at stormsafe.com.au and FloodSafe website at floodsafe.com.au
The Get Prepared app created by Red cross Australia, is an easy to use app that helps you access information and tools to complete an emergency plan to help you and your loved one’s to be better prepared for an emergency.
SES - Volunteer to help Liverpool residents and businesses to prepare and respond to sever weather conditions ses.nsw.gov.au/get-involved/volunteer
South west metro regional emergency management plan emergency.nsw.gov.au/Documents/plans/district-plan/southwest-metro-regional-emergencymanagement-plan.pdf
Resilient Sydney strategy pdf cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0013/303700/Resilient-Sydney-A-strategy-for-cityresilience-2018.pdf
Resilient Sydney strategy app liverpool.nsw.gov.au/council/Media/media-releases/august-2018/resilient-sydney-strategy-2018-getprepared-app
Metro Sydney climate change downloads climatechange.environment.nsw.gov.au/Climate-projections-for-NSW/Climate-projections-for-yourregion/Metro-Sydney-Climate-Change-Downloads