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Stay connected every step of the way
Stay on top of all your property information and updates with the myFrasersProperty App and portal. From property progress reports and notifications to exclusive rewards and benefits, you now have access to a wealth of information at your fingertips.
All your property details are in one place.
Your personalised myFrasersProperty App dashboard tells you everything you need to know at a glance –without having to contact your Customer Care Team.
• View all of your properties in one place
• View your membership tier and status
• Check in on your reward eligibility status
• Get notifications on the details that matter
Track your property
Be across every milestone of your property. Receive progress updates, from the start of construction to settlement and move-in day.
Track & log requests
Lodge defects and get detailed status updates on every request and its progress. Giving you confidence that a solution is on its way.