We are excited you are joining the community at Ed.Square and extend a warm welcome on behalf of Fraser's Property.
This Welcome Kit contains information to help you to get to know the local area and settle into your property. Here you will find information about Ed.Square, the local community and other helpful tips.
Ed.Square is a 6 Star Green Star Community, boasting a diverse, affordable, inclusive, well connected, and healthy place to live, work and play.
Acknowledgement of Country
Frasers Property Australia acknowledges the traditional owners of the land, the Tharawal people, on which Ed brand is our promise – we are collaborative, respectful, progressive and real. will do what is right.
Anytime Fitness is conveniently located in the Ed.Square retail precinct making going to the gym even easier.
For walking and cycling tracks in Liverpool visit: liverpool.nsw.gov.au/venues/parks‑and‑playgrounds/ cycleways‑and‑walkways
Having access to fresh sustainable produce is an important part of staying healthy and helping the environment.
With the Ed.Square retail precinct at your door step you have access to a wide variety of fresh healthy produce.
With only three stops to Liverpool Station, the adjacent Edmondson Park Train Station offers easy access to Sydney CBD, Parramatta and beyond. For more information on train timetables visit: transportnsw.info
A bus stop linking to all major networks is conveniently located at Ed.Square Train Station. For more information on bus routes visit: transportnsw.info
Ed.Square has been designed as a 100% walkable neighbourhood, so why not leave the car at home and walk or cycle.
These are also a more environmentally friendly and healthier options – so next time you’re going somewhere why not train, ride, or walk!
Enjoy the green spaces Ed.Square with pocket parks and playgrounds all within walking distance. If you are looking for something more adventurous then talk a walk through the Edmondson Regional Park conveniently located in your backyard.
The Cabramatta Creek Precinct of Edmondson Regional Park is currently open to the public, and can be accessed via Zouch Road, Denham Court. Edmondson Regional Park provides walking trails and picnic facilities for the local community
For more information: nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/visit‑a‑ park/parks/edmondson‑regional‑park
Ignite Early Learning Centre
Edpark@ignite elc.com.au
Bambi Kindergarten (02)9829 1927bambikindergarten.com.au
Ajuga School (02)9827 6100ajuga s.schools.nsw.gov.au
Platinum Pre School Prestons (02)9608 8458platinumpreschool.com.au
The Grove Academy 1300 147 683tga.edu.au
Bardia Public School (02)9605 2459bardia p.schools.nsw.gov.au
St Francis Catholic College (02)4665 3400sfccdow.catholic.edu.au
Glenfield Public School (02)9605 1540glenfield p.schools.nsw.gov.au
St Catherine of Siena Primary (02)9607 3888stcosprestons.catholic.edu.au
Dalmeny Public School (02)9826 9033dalmeny p.schools.nsw.gov.au
Prestons Public School (02)9602 7435prestons p.schools.nsw.gov.au
Hoxton Park Public School (02)9607 0005hoxtonpark p.schools.nsw.gov.au
Greenway Park Public School (02)8783 0859greenwaypk p.schools.nsw.gov.au
Hurlstone Agricultural Highschool (02)9829 9222hurlstone h.schools.nsw.gov.au
William Carey Christian (02)9608 2277wccs.nsw.edu.au
John Edmundson Highschool (02)9825 9815jedmondson h.schools.nsw.gov.au
Western Sydney University – Liverpool Campus (02)9165 8601westernsydney.edu.au
University of Wollongong – South Western Sydney Campus 1300 367 869 uow.edu.au/about/locations/south western sydney
MyHealth Medical Centre myhealth.net.au
Doctors at Prestons (02)8080 73331985 Camden Valley Way, Prestons
Prestons Medical Practice (02)9607 85881 Yerona St, Prestons
Prestons Family Doctors (02)9607 735057 Minnamurra Cct, Prestons
Casula Central Medical Centre (02)9601 31756b/633 639 Hume Hwy
Casula Medical Centre (02)9602 5442Casula Mall, 16/1 Ingham Dr, Casula Glenfield Medical Centre (02)9829 5151116 Railway Parade, Glenfield
Strata Plus has also been appointed as the Strata Manager for your residential strata scheme for the period up until the first Annual General Meeting (AGM). At the First AGM, the Owners’ Corporation will vote whether to re-elect Strata Plus as the Strata Manager for a further term.
Strata Plus look after the financial, record keeping and meetings of the building. You can reach out to them on any matter that does not fit the above categories and they will ensure that your strata committee deals with the matter. Your direct Strata Manager can be contacted by emailing ed.square@strataplus.com.au.
Building Management are responsible for overseeing and facilitating the safety and maintenance of the Common property within Ed. Square and ensuring that these areas are in compliance with all applicable regulations.
Assisting with resident enquiries and addressing any concerns they may have in relation to their lot or, common facilities. Working with owners and contractors to coordinate improvements, repairs and energy saving initiative’s to the property as needed to ensure a safe, clean, functional, and appealing space for all.
Contact: 0437210226
Your Community Development Manager is here to help you settle into your new community and assist over the duration of the project in helping to build a strong network of community members. If you would like to start a new social group, help run an activity or event, or are passionate about helping making Ed Square great and want to get involved then make sure you reach out at edsquare. community@frasersporperty.com.au or 0437 820 558
Every customer deserves care they can count on. That's why we have created a 'Care Promise'. This promise ensures you know what to expect at every step of your journey, from initial discovery and purchase to your settlement long after moving in. Our Care & Rewards program is designed with you in mind to ensure you feel proud of the choice you’ve made to invest with Frasers Property. The personalised care and expert support from one of our dedicated Customer Care Team helps ensure we remain committed to creating dream homes and welcoming communities where families can thrive and belong. We go beyond bricks and mortar. That's our promise. To contact the Prosperity Care Team, please email ProsperityCareNSW@frasersproperty.com.au