DISCLAIMER:Thisfloorplan wasprepared beforecompletion ofconstruction,so changesmaybemadeto itduringdevelopment(withoutnotice).Thedimensions,areas,specificationsanddepectionsofthelayout, landscaping and fixturesandfittings shown are indicativeand approximateonly,arenottoscale, andmay vary from the apartment onceit isbuilt. Anydimensionsshown aremeasuredonaframeto frame basis and will vary from the measurementsbetween finishessurfaces.Ifthereareanydiscrepanciesbetweenthe floorplan and thestrataplan (onceithasbeen registered), thedimensions, areas and depictions inthe registered strataplan will prevail. Any furnitureandfurnishingsshownonthisfloorplan arenotincluded in the sale, sopurchasersmust referto their contract for sale for thelistofinclusions.Bulkheadsforservicesarenotshown.Purchasersmustrelyontheirownenquiriesand theircontractforsale.February2019.
This floor plan was prepared before completion of construction, so changes may be made to it during development (without notice). The dimensions, areas, specifications and depections of the layout, landscaping and fixtures and fittings shown are indicative and approximate only, are not to scale, and may vary from the
once it is built. Any dimensions shown are measured
and will vary from the measurements between
there are any
has been registered),
DISCLAIMER:Thislayoutplan wasproducedpriortothecompletionofdesignandconstruction and mayvary whenbuilt. The landscaping designis tobe used as a guide onlyand and depictions in the StrataPlan will prevail. Thefurniture and furnishings depicted and furnishingsshould notbetakentobeindicativeoffinalpositionsofpowerpoints,TVconnectionsandthelike.Allgraphicsincluding bulkheadsforservicesnotdepicted.Prospective purchasersmustreplyontheirownenquiries.November2017.
DISCLAIMER:Thisfloorplan wasprepared beforecompletion ofconstruction,so changesmaybemadeto itduringdevelopment(withoutnotice).Thedimensions,areas,specificationsanddepectionsofthelayout, landscaping and fixturesandfittings shown are indicativeand approximateonly,arenottoscale, andmay vary from the apartment onceit isbuilt. Anydimensionsshown aremeasuredonaframeto frame basis and will vary from the measurementsbetween finishessurfaces.Ifthereareanydiscrepanciesbetweenthe floorplan and thestrataplan (onceithasbeen registered), thedimensions, areas and depictions inthe registered strataplan will prevail. Any furnitureandfurnishingsshownonthisfloorplan arenotincluded in the sale, sopurchasersmust referto their contract for sale for thelistofinclusions.Bulkheadsforservicesarenotshown.Purchasersmustrelyontheirownenquiriesand theircontractforsale.February2019.
dimensions, areas and depictions in the registered strata plan will prevail. Any furniture and furnishings shown on this floor plan are not included in the sale, so purchasers must refer to their contract for sale for the list of inclusions. Bulkheads for services are not shown. Purchasers must rely on their own enquiries and their contract for sale. February 2019.