We are excited you are joining the community at Midtown MacPark and extend a warm welcome on behalf of Fraser’s Property and Mission Australia.
This Welcome Kit contains information to help you to get to know the local area and settle into your property. Here you will find information about Midtown MacPark, the local community and other helpful tips.
You can also access the City of Ryde Council website on www.ryde.nsw.gov.au to find information on facilities and recreation, environment, water and waste, community support, planning and building, laws and permits, and news and events happening in the Ryde area.
We look forward to partnering with residents as they shape the Midtown MacPark community, working together to create a place where people from all walks of life can flourish and thrive.
Macquarie Park is located on Wallumedegal Country of the Dharug Nation.
We acknowledge and respect the Dharug people as the original custodians of the land and water upon which we work.
We honour their Elders past, present and emerging whose knowledge and wisdom has, and will, ensure the continuation of cultures and traditional practices.
Midtown MacPark has a range of features to support sustainable living. On completion, Midtown will be 100% carbon neutral.
Midtown MacPark has achieved a 6 Star Green Star Communities rating from the Green Building Council of Australia, recognising its holistic set of social, environmental, economic and innovative attributes.
Read more about the sustainable initiatives being undertaken: Midtown MacPark Sustainability
Provisions for a Carsharing scheme will reduce your need for car ownership
Community resilience is the sustained ability of communities to withstand, adapt to, and recover from adversity. The Midtown MacPark Community Resilience Plan provides information on how to best prepare yourself, your home, family and community in the event of an emergency.
‘To view the Community Resilience Plan visit https://www.frasersproperty. com.au/NSW/Midtown/Explore/ Our-Community
The Midtown MacPark community has opportunities for you to get involved and connect with others. There are two dedicated Community Development Managers. Together they will work alongside the community to bring a range of programs and events suitable for all-ages and all-abilities, helping residents to meet their neighbours and settle into their new community.
Collaboration is at the heart of community - by working together, we can create a sense of belonging and promote the well-being of all. The Midtown Community Development Managers work together, with residents and stakeholders to provide ways everyone can actively contribute to the growth of a healthy, flourishing, and interconnected community at Midtown MacPark.
Frasers Property Australia and Mission Australia are committed to cultivating a thriving social fabric by supporting Midtown Community to realise the vision and become:
A diverse and united community empowered to build meaningful relationships through a shared sense of belonging.
They have developed a Community Development Strategy to guide their work to achieve this vision. The strategy outlines four phases as Midtown Community develops, with each phase building on the foundation of the one before.
Outcome 1: Connection
A sense of place, facilitated by community connections and meaningful relationships.
Outcome 2: Capacity Building
Residents empowered as individuals and as a collective to take ownership of their community’s growth and development.
Outcome 3: Resilience
A sense of belonging and an ability to respond to changing community dynamics.
Outcome 4: Empowerment
Community members initiate and sustain activities leading to changes in the health and quality of life of the community.
There are many ways you can stay connected with what’s happening in Midtown MacPark. We encourage you to sign up to receive information about all community events, activities and volunteering opportunities using the QR below:
You can also join the Community Facebook Page @MidtownMacParkCommunity to stay connected with your neighbours.
Check out the Midtown MacPark Community Page at https://www. frasersproperty.com.au/NSW/Midtown/ Explore/Our-Community
To start building connections in your community, consider these tips from Relationships Australia: 20 Connections Tips to Create Belonging.
Inspired by the world’s great urban communities, Midtown MacPark brings a greener more connected way of living. One-third of Midtown will be parks and open spaces. You will also have access to a pay-as-you go gym and pool that will be connected to the future Community Centre.
From cycling and running paths to adventure playgrounds and sports fields, there are plenty of outdoor activities on your doorstep. Take in some peaceful bushland scenery, reserves, and a gated dog park along Shrimpton Creek bushwalk and cycleway. A short walk away is ELS Hall Park which features a kid’s playground, exercise equipment, BBQs, picnic shelters and three large sporting fields. Macquarie University’s Wallumattagal Campus has launched the Bundyari Ngurra (Pron: boodge-ari noo-ra) Walking Track which takes you on a physical and cultural tour, passing many beautiful landmarks and places of interest within the University. This threekilometre circuit loops through remnant native vegetation, home to the protected and endangered Sydney TurpentineIronbark Forest. Explore the Great North Walk and heritage bush trails in the Lane Cove National Park situated only 2.5km from Midtown MacPark.
For a list of all recreational activities including local parks, playgrounds and cycle ways, visit the City of Ryde website: www.ryde.nsw.gov.au/recreation
You won’t have to go too far to access fresh food, right at your doorstep there will be a retail hub including a convenience store, café, takeaway food outlets as well as health and beauty tenancies all located on the ground level of Treehouse, integrated with the community’s Village Green. This is scheduled for completion in 2026.
You will also have access to Midtown MacPark’s very own thriving Community Garden. The garden will have an indigenous theme with a variety of plants of which some are edible. To get involved with the garden contact your Community Development Managers or follow the Midtown Community Garden Facebook Page @ MidtownCommunityGarden.
Macquarie Centre is just a short walk down the road where you have your choice of Coles, Adli’s and Woolworths supermarkets.
The Ryde Wharf Markets are fresh food markets taking place the second and fourth Sundays of each month between 9am – 3pm at held at Anderson Park, Meadowbank on the Parramatta River. Offering fresh produce, international hot food, and various artisan and food products.
Macquarie Park Metro station is just a 500metre walk from Midtown MacPark, and with the extension of the Metro line to the Sydney’s CBD in 2024, running every 4min during peak times through St Leonards and North Sydney to Barangaroo, Martin Place and Central.
Midtown MacPark is a 100% walkable community, linking its paths to major walk and cycle pathways around Macquarie Park, including the Shrimpton’s Creek Cycle way.
Upon development completion (estimated 2032) there will be access to 50 Car Share spaces. 20 of which will be accessible on the streets, with another 30 spaces available in the basement of the Community Centre car park, which is accessible via the future Community Centre public lift.
Frasers Property Management
Sam Milou, Senior Property Manager
P: 0417 841 727
E: Sam.milou@frasersproperty.com.au
Mission Australia Housing
P: 1800 189 445
E: midtown@missionaustralia.com.au
Community Development Team
Sarah Melody, CD Manager (FPA)
Kyle Wiebe, CD Manager (Mission Australia)
E: community@midtownmacpark.com.au
Facilities Management (Market Housing)
Jack Lynch, Facilities Manager
P: 0437 178 421
E: Jack.lynch@frasersproperty.com.au
Maintenance (Community Housing)
E: maintenance@missionaustralia.com.au
Defects & Warranty Queries (Homeowners)
Frasers Property Customer Care
P: 13 86 88
E: customercarensw@frasersproperty.com.au
Defects & Warranty Queries (Renters)
Contact your Property Manager
Strata Manager
P: 02 8198 8500
E: info@strataplus.com.au
Real Utilities
P: 1300 16 16 68
E: support@realutilities.com.au
P: 1300 342 372
E: info@supa.au
For all enquiries regarding leasing your property.
Contact the team at Mission Australia Housing for all enquiries regarding Community Housing, Tenancy Management and Community Development on site.
Contact your CD team for events and activities, volunteering and being involved in Midtown MacPark Community - https://www.frasersproperty. com.au/NSW/Midtown/Explore/Our-Community
Issues or concerns relating to lifts, carpark, access passes and remotes, fire doors and bulky garbage bookings.
For any issues for Mission Australia Housing residents, relating to your property, including defects and warranty claims.
For all homeowners, contact your Frasers Property Customer Care team for defects and any warranty claims within your home.
For all renters, contact your Property Manager if there is an issue or defect within your home.
For matters relating to noise and strata maintenance, levy questions, copies of insurance and approval for pets and building works.
For all enquiries regarding electricity.
For all enquiries regarding the internet.