New Beith FAQ

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FAQ New Beith Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who are Frasers Property Australia?

Frasers Property Australia is one of Australia’s leading property developers. We have been creating homes for Australians for 100 years. Our property experience across Australia covers the development of residential land, housing and apartments, commercial and retail properties, investment property ownership and management, and property management. To find out more, visit

Q2. Where is the New Beith development located?

The New Beith development is located at the western end of Mountain Ridge Road in New Beith, 4124, 47km south of Brisbane CBD in the Greater Flagstone Priority Development Area (PDA). The community vision is to create a masterplanned community that includes residential homes and parkland, with a commercial mixed use neighbourhood centre.

Q3. What is the current status of the New Beith project?

Following Frasers Property’s acquisition of the 251-hectare site in December 2021, the project team have been working through various design, approval and engineering processes that will see the site transformed into a new residential community.

At present, residential lots are set to be released to the public for sale in late-2025 or early-2026.

The focus for our team is to continue evolving the masterplan layout, landscaping and community amenity outcomes. A range of town planning and infrastructure approvals are underway to see our vision come to life – these are outlined in detail below.

Q4. What is the Authority approval status of the project?

We are making significant progress with several key submissions and approvals underway.

• Planning and environmental approvals have been submitted and approvals are progressing with the relevant authorities.

• The Mountain Ridge Road infrastructure upgrade, including the new rail overpass bridge, has been submitted and approvals are progressing with the relevant authorities.

Looking ahead, we anticipate the following key Reconfiguration of Lot (ROL) submissions and approvals to occur. ROL is the reconfiguration of the development site to create the land lots available to purchase.

• The first ROL for Precinct A has now been submitted for review and approval.

• The ROL for Precinct B is planned for lodgement in February/March.

Q5. What are the major components of the new community?

• A new masterplanned community comprising approximately 2,100 land lots

• 1 x Neighbourhood Centre (1.6 hectares)

• 1 x Proposed Future State Primary School (7.0 hectares)

• 1 x Proposed Future District Recreation Sports Park (7.5 hectares)

• 38% of the site will be open space, recreation and conservation (95 hectares), with a focus on regenerating the landscape and celebrating the natural attributes of the site.

Q6. How many people will the community be home to?

The new community is expected to be home to approximately 5,800 people on completion.

Q7. When will construction commence?

Civil construction for the residential development and associated infrastructure works are projected to commence in early to mid-2025.

Q8. What preliminary works have been completed?

At present, there have been trunk sewer works completed (by others) on the site. External works including an upgrade to the western end of Mountain Ridge Road and construction of a rail bridge are projected to begin in early to mid-2025. Construction of sales display is due for completion in September 2025.

Q9. What early infrastructure works are planned for the site?

• Mountain Ridge Road Upgrade: Approximately 1 km of the rural section of Mountain Ridge Road will be upgraded, connecting Teviot Road to the project site.

• Bridge and Road Extension: A two-span bridge will be built over the rail corridor, along with an extension of the rural section of Mountain Ridge Road east of the bridge, providing access to the first stage of the site.

Q10. How will you manage noise during construction?

All work will be carried out during the hours permitted in accordance with authority approvals. The hours we are permitted to undertake work on site are generally between 6:30am and 6:30pm Monday to Saturday (excluding public holidays). Some night works may be required for external roadworks to ensure interim traffic impacts are minimised.

Q11. What is the traffic management plan during construction?

Traffic Management Plans will be developed on a stage-by-stage basis as we move through construction of the site. These will be completed and approved by the authorities to ensure that the interim impact on the surrounding road network is minimised as much as practical.

Q12. Has the community been informed about the project?

Frasers Property began a community engagement process in July 2023. We held our first community drop-in session in August 2024 and have forecast a second session for early 2025. In addition, we continue to keep the community informed through newsletter distribution, email communication and letter box drop notifications.

Q13. Is the development in keeping with the surrounding neighbourhood?

In combination with our vision to enhance the existing green spaces across the community, the housing types in the development will be in keeping with the expectations for Greater Flagstone, which is largely characterised by detached homes.

Q14. What is the plan for improving the infrastructure in the area?

Frasers Property will contribute approximately $110 million to improve local infrastructure including roads, parks, sewer and water and stormwater management. The details of this infrastructure are at the discretion of Logan City Council and Economic Development Queensland.

Q15. How will people access the new community?

The community will be accessible from the east via Mountain Ridge Road by way of a soon to be constructed bridge which will cross the Telarah to Acacia Ridge railway corridor and ultimately from the north also, connecting with New Beith Road. Further access to the site will be established from the south of the masterplan, with Frasers Property delivering a connection through to the neighbouring Flagstone community.

Q16. Is the New Beith development staged?

Yes, the development will be delivered across multiple stages. The first precinct will include approximately 150 land lots divided into multiple stages. Further stage releases will be staggered while the project is progressively developed until a projected completion in approximately 2033.

Q17. How much open green space and regenerated landscape will be delivered?

The development will provide a mix of conservation land vegetation, regenerated landscape and open recreation spaces, resulting in approximately 38% of the site becoming dedicated open space and green areas as follows:

• Approximately 60 hectares of conservation land will be dedicated to Logan City Council.

• Approximately 6 hectares will be dedicated as the neighbourhood recreation precinct and bushland for residents of the future community to enjoy.

• Approximately 28 hectares of new green areas, including a District Recreation Sports Park (7.5 hectares) for resident use and enjoyment.

Q18. What flora and fauna exists on the site and how will it be protected?

Frasers Property are conscious of disruption to local flora and fauna on site and have included the following mitigation and rehabilitation measures to ensure the protection of the flora and fauna.

• Plans include rehabilitating over 60 hectares of the site, including Round Mountain and Flagstone Creek.

• We will ensure safe connectivity for fauna across the conservation area and into adjoining corridors.

• We will also complete a rehabilitation scope for a substantial area in the southern scenic rim biodiversity corridor to provide a net positive conservation outcome for key flora and fauna.

Q19. What is the approach to sustainability in the new community?

The New Beith community is seeking to achieve a 6 Star Green Star Communities rating from the Green Building Council of Australia. This recognises its holistic set of social, environmental, economic and innovative attributes. This is an additional representation of Frasers Property’s wider commitment to sustainability, while also encompassing significant lifestyle and community benefits for residents.

Q20. How is parking being managed for the proposed development?

All dwellings will have off-street car parking in accordance with Logan City Council requirements. There is also significant onstreet visitor parking currently proposed within the masterplan.

Q21. What impact will the new community have on traffic in the local area?

New development inevitably increases traffic, and in collaboration with the State Government, we are making road infrastructure improvements and upgrades in key traffic areas.

To stay up to date with all of the news for this exciting new community visit our website .

Marion Allard Community Development Manager

Eliza King Assistant Development Manager

This material and its contents are provided for information purposes as a guide only, are intended to be a general introduction to our New Beith project and do not constitute an offer or contract or any part thereof. Its contents are conceptual, indicative and approximate only, not to scale and are subject to change at any time without notice. Frasers Property reserves the right to amend the finish and selections that constitute the external and internal fabric of the development due to unforeseen building constraints, product availability or for any other reason. Frasers Property does not make any express or implied representation or warranty that the information is accurate, complete or correct. Purchasers must make and rely on their own inquiries and the contract for sale. This material was prepared prior to the completion of design and construction of the building featured. February 2025.

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