To whom it may concern,
RE: Rental Appraisal
ED SQUARE: The Manhattan Terrace, Edmondson Park, NSW 2174
I am pleased to provide you with a rental appraisal for the above-mentioned property
After taking into account current market conditions and comparable brand-new properties leased in the Edmondson Park area in the last 6 months, if the property was available for rental today, I anticipate that gross weekly rental rates in the vicinity of $770 - $800 per week
These figures are gross rental amounts and do not factor in holding costs, including council rates, water rates, strata levies and any property management fees payable on the property.
This appraisal should not be taken as a sworn valuation and should not be relied upon for investment or financing purposes or by a third party. Purchasers should seek advice from their own professional advisors before making any financial or investment decisions.
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email on lina.dawood@frasersproperty.com.au or 0447 157 415
Yours sincerely,

Lina Dawood Senior Property Manager