1 minute read

Utilities connection


Your new address can be found in your personalised Settlement Guide. This is subject to registration.

Australia Post provides services to redirect your mail permanently and notify organisations of your change of address.

Electricity Supply

Your home is individually metered for electricity. It is our standard practice to disconnect the service account from our name two weeks after you move in. To avoid any inconvenience that may be caused by disconnection without notice, you should make arrangements for connection before moving in.

Gas Connection And Supply

Your home is fitted with gas cooktops and a gas barbecue, bulk metered through Origin Energy. As your settlement approaches, you will be provided with the appropriate forms for these connections to ensure it is active the day you move in.

Telecommunications And Data

Your home is cabled with the latest optic fibre technology to allow for the delivery of Australia’s fastest broadband (up to 100Mbps).

The network is provided and maintained by OptiComm Co Pty Ltd. OptiComm is a wholesale telecommunications carrier and as such does not supply the Internet or telephone services, instead these are supplied to Retail Service Providers (RSPs) that connect to the OptiComm network.

An up to date list of RSPs can be found on the OptiComm website via www.opticomm.com.au/service-providers/

Lift Sim

The lift in your home has been fitted with a prepaid sim card, this is required to “dial out” in case of an emergency. A transfer form will be provided at settlement to take over this prepaid account.

You are not obliged to take over this account and can purchase your own sim card on your preferred network (prepaid or on a plan). The lift company will swap this for you during your first service (which is typically 6-8 weeks after moving in).

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