Ultimate Rail 01/2011 EN

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magazine for wheel detection & axle counting

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MASTHEAD Owner and publisher: Frauscher Sensortechnik GmbH GewerbestraĂ&#x;e 1 4774 St. Marienkirchen, Austria T: +43 7711 2920-0 F: +43 7711 2920-25 E: office@frauscher.com Internet: www.frauscher.com Editorship: Christian Pucher Text/design: Schuller & Kneidinger Kommunikationsberatung GmbH, 4020 Linz, Austria Photos: DB AG, BBR Verkehrstechnik GmbH, Matthias Witzany, Roland Wimmer, Foto Resch, iStockphoto Publication: Wambacher Vees e.U.

Innovation VEB speed measuring system Great benefits with FAdC In practice Light rail system in Bursa live MNR passes exhaustive tests Production Safeguard component availability now Service Expertise updates at Frauscher News Frauscher extends its HQ Off to a great start in India Overview An overview of the biggest trade fairs New web presence

Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus Mumbai

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JULY 2011



Innovations for global railway safety

Dear reader, Innovation is one of Frauscher‘s top priorities and is central to all our dealings. These include our marketing activities and the Frauscher customer magazine. In this edition we decided to replace the previously used Frauscher News with a modern customer magazine. This new version of "ultimate rail" will provide you with more news about our products, while also giving an opportunity to get to know our company, Frauscher Sensortechnik, and the people behind our products. We are confident that this will help us to build upon existing mutual trust in our firm and consolidate and cultivate our global partnerships. In future we aim to provide you with more information about interesting projects which use Frauscher systems and products. At this point we would like to express our warmest thanks to our customer of many years, BBR of Braunschweig, for kindly supporting us with our report from Turkey. In the first edition of the new "ultimate rail" magazine you will of course also find up-to-date information about the latest developments of the Frauscher Advanced Counter FAdC. After a few months of successful field tests we are now ready to carry out the client test and pilot project with our partner Invensys.

The Magnetic Noise Receiver (MNR) has been attaining greater and greater levels of international praise since it was unveiled at InnoTrans 2010 in Berlin. We are particularly proud of the measurements carried out with the Austrian Federal Railway, ÖBB. Test measurements are currently being carried out with the Siemens Velaro on the high speed line between Nuremberg and Ingolstadt. Should you have any questions or suggestions about our new magazine, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you! E: marketing@frauscher.com

I hope you enjoy reading the magazine, Michael Thiel


Speed measurement Measuring speed is becoming more and more important for many different tasks. Wheel sensor families RSR 180/181 and RSR 123 have the advantage that they use just one sensor to carry out measurements as well as other tasks. The VEB system makes the speed information available in a simple and cost-effective way, using a CAN interface and providing additional status and diagnostic data.

Multiple uses The VEB system ascertains the current speed at a certain point with a very high degree of accuracy. Speed checking devices monitor, for example, if a vehicle is adhering to the speed limit. If not, a brake magnet triggers the locomotive or engine‘s emergency brake. This system can be used to monitor speed when approaching switches, track works, tunnels or bridges, in order to prevent a train from derailing, for example. With this system switching can be precisely regulated according to the vehicle‘s speed. This technology is commonly used at level crossings, and can help to reduce the time that a level crossing has to be closed for. High accuracy Although the speed is determined by a single sensor and thus the two measurement points are just a few centimetres apart, the VEB001 measurement system, for example, guarantees accuracy of +/-3% at speeds of up to 160 km/h. Over 70,000 axles have now been assessed in field trials. The speed distribution graph (bell curve, right) illustrates that over 99% of the measurements lie within a tolerance of +/-1%.


JULY 2011


using just one sensor

Evaluation principle A measuring grid is placed above the sensor curves and the time difference between the two systems is measured. The individual measurements per axle are then averaged using a special technique. The distribution of measurement tolerances of individual axles forms a bell curve, allowing subsequent statistical averaging of numerous values. Accuracy is thus significantly improved, even at high speeds.

speed [km/h]

field testing speed measurement

axles Reference speed over two sensors

Speed recorded by VEB001

This graph shows the speed recorded by VEB001 for a reference measurement where two sensors were placed two metres apart.

Benefits for the customer: • • • •

a simple and cost-effective measurement technique measuring tolerance under +/-3% additional status and diagnostic information measurement using just one wheel sensor


Bursa light railway, section one live Baudis Bergmann Rösch Verkehrstechnik GmbH (BBR) supplies the signalling and control systems as well as vehicle equipment and passenger information for the extension of the tram network in Bursa, Turkey. The first section successfully commenced operations in December 2010.

Marco Gerlach, Sales Manager BBR

The light railway in Bursa, Turkey, is being extended in two places, with a total of eight kilometres of new track. The extension project will connect important residential districts to the city. Work on the second section to the university has already commenced and will be completed during summer 2011. In the third phase the northern line will be lengthened by two stations, connecting the modern shopping centre Korupark with the city centre. As a result of the extension work, the existing control system has been replaced by a modular SIL-VIA interlocking system supplied by BBR Verkehrstechnik. The operator opted for modern axle counting technology instead of track switches. A pilot installation was used to ensure that Frauscher axle counting technology would be successfully implemented. This analysed the characteristics of the line and of the vehicles

travelling on it. These characteristics are reflected in the configuration of the axle counting technology. For the 48 track sections, Frauscher supplied the Axle Counting System ACS2000 as well as 100 wheel sensors RSR1801. The newly installed signalling and safety system from BBR could be easily integrated into the existing system and was accepted and authorised by the operator, BursaRay. "BBR stands for forward-looking technology for modern signalling and control systems. That is why we also look for technologically innovative companies when choosing our partners. In wheel detection and axle counting we have placed our trust in the expertise and products of Frauscher for many years. When carrying out projects in new markets such as Turkey, it is particularly important to have a flexible, reliable and experienced partner on board," says Marco Gerlach, Sales Manager at BBR.


JULY 2011


ÖBB happy with results of MNR field tests Over the past few months, the Frauscher Magnetic Noise Receiver (MNR) has been undergoing field tests under practice conditions, in collaboration with the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB). The overall impression of the mobile measuring system for the analysis of vehicle magnetic fields has consistently been very positive. The objective of interoperable vehicle licensing is to ensure that traction vehicles can be deployed throughout Europe without the need for additional country-specific measurements. The frequency management has been established on the basis of the procedure defined in TS50238-3 in the "Interface Document" of the TSI-CCS, which is currently being revised. Frauscher has developed, for this purpose, the "Magnetic Noise Receiver" (MNR) system, which can take, record and assess gradients on the track in real time.

ment data in accordance with TS50238-3, using discreet programmable filter curves or by means of an FFT analysis, was convincingly demonstrated during these measurement series. In addition, the recording of the unprocessed raw data for subsequent assessment is an added feature that will be useful.

Joint series of measurements taken by the ÖBB and Frauscher confirmed that the mobile measuring system based on an INTEL Industrial PC met all of the requirements of the TS50238-3 with regard to measuring methods and assessment. The functions of the MNR, such as three-dimensional detection of measuring fields (X-Y-Z axis), speed, measurement triggering and real-time assessment during a single measurement run were particularly impressive during the practice test in field measurements at a speed of up to 200 km/h. The immediate assessment of the measure-

You will find a comprehensive article about this in the July edition of SIGNAL+DRAHT. The improvements suggested in this article have since been implemented and have passed tests monitoring their continuous operation over numerous days on a high speed line in Germany.

Worthy of particular note are the quick and simple method to attach the sensor to the rail using a tried-and-tested rail claw, the software‘s appealing user interface and the ability to view and analyse measurement data online.

amplitude [dBμA/m]

Request a copy of the article by emailing marketing@frauscher.com

frequency [Hz] indicated value X direction threshold X direction

Real time analysis of measurement data using FTT analysis in accordance with TS50238-3.

MNR with optimised and water-tight cable connections for longterm use.


FAdC passes tests Field tests and test installations are a significant part of the CENELEC process to validate prescribed specifications - particularly with the new generation of axle counters, Frauscher Advanced Counter (FAdC).

FAdC advantages • compact • optimal electronic integration • affordable • customer-specific and easy to configure

The many new developments and product upgrades taking place at Frauscher require constant field trials and tests. The test centre created for this, on the Austrian Federal Railway (ÖBB) line between Passau and Wels, very near to St. Marienkirchen, provides optimal conditions. Alongside many other Frauscher systems, the new generation axle counter - the Frauscher Advanced Counter (FAdC) - has now been in place and operating for many months. Frauscher is not responsible for the machine‘s safe operation. The FAdC is an enhanced version of the ACS2000 axle counting system which is in place the world over. Substantial innovations include the implementation of counting head evaluation and axle counting algorithm in just one interface board - the Frauscher Advanced Evaluation Board (AEB). The innovative FAdC takes over from the inter-

face relay and/or optocoupler using a safe serial protocol on an ethernet basis. The communication interface board (COM) acts as a hardware and software connection between FAdC and the system integrator and/ or the control system manufacturer. This enables us to stay abreast of developments in control system technology. In field trials and in the test centre, numerous variants of the FAdC have been installed and subjected to comprehensive (stress) tests in combination with wheel sensors RSR123, RSR181 and RSR180 as well as in block mode. The results confirm not only that the FAdC system fulfils the fail-safe requirements at SIL4, but also the expected availability. Further field tests are planned for the Network Rail network this year. They will be carried out together with Invensys Rail (UK) in the context of the pilot project for the Modular Signalling System.


JULY 2011



Component availability strategy ensures delivery capacity The earthquake in Japan on 11 March 2011, the subsequent quent tsunami and the nuclear disaster in Fukushima caused infinite amounts of human suffering and shocked the whole world. What‘s more, the disaster has also had an economic impact. The market for electronic components has been particularly badly affected.

According to component manufacturers it is still impossible to estimate the full impact of Japan‘s disaster on the component market. We can, however, proceed on the assumption that long delivery times will not be reduced any time soon. It is also highly probable that component prices will increase. Frauscher Sensortechnik acted upon a scarcity of many componentss pback in 2009 and concluded various framework agreements with suppliers. The main objective of this is to offset long delivery times. e coopSound planning in terms of material requirements presupposes close eration with our business partners. municate their "That is why we ask our clients to make long-term plans and to communicate requirements forecast to us in good time. An annual forecast helps us to source the recur quired materials and shortages can therefore be avoided. All of our existing projects are currently on schedule. If there were to be any changes to delivery times, you would of course be informed immediately," says Gerald Buchinger, Head of Production.

Gerald Buchinger, Head of Production, and Andreas Manhartsberger, Head of Materials Logistics, selecting components.


Teaching success Customer training is a priority at Frauscher. International customers have already been impressed by the expertise of the Austrian specialists at the new training centre.


Training and educating customers is one of Frauscher‘s key priorities, alongside the provision of safe and readily available components. The training fully enables customers and operators to independently plan, operate and maintain their own installations. A new customer training centre has been opened for this purpose in the past few weeks, offering space for up to 30 people. The full range of Frauscher components is available here, as well as assembly areas for wheel sensors.

Transport Company SWEG and Wengern

These training sessions, whether at the customer‘s premises or at Frauscher in St. Marienkirchen, can be held in German or English. Fit for purpose The successful operation of the new training centre has been proven over the past few weeks. Four training sessions in English or German have been held, with over 50 people impressed by the expertise of the Frauscher specialists.

Alp Railway (WAB). Other leading firms such as Alstom Transport, Ansaldo STS, Bombardier Transportation, Celer Oy, Eskab, Grontmij, Hanning & Kahl, Invensys, Sitec Bahnservice, Vossloh Cogifer etc. are also often present.

Participants taking the training sessions include employees of railway operators such as Deutsche Bahn DB, Austrian Federal Railways ÖBB, Salzburg local railway, the Swiss Federal Railway SBB, the Southwest German

The next Frauscher product training sessions will take place in autumn: 14–16 September 2011 (English) 21–23 September 2011 (German) We will be happy to provide further information about the courses or organise an individual course date with you. Feel free to get in touch with Elke Gimlinger, T: +43 7711 2920-9284 or via email: training@frauscher.com


JULY 2011



New offices taking shape Construction of the new building that will house Frauscher‘s administrative and sales offices began in late autumn 2010 and is now nearing completion. Approximately EUR 4 million is being invested into the project. The new premises will accommodate the reception area, company management offices, quality assurance and sales departments, a customer area, and purchasing and warehouse management departments. The space will span an overall area of approximately 1400 m². Employee work areas and the customer lounge have been accorded great importance. In particular, the building services of the whole building have been designed so as to enable maximum comfort with minimum energy use. Natural light plays a major role here, in conjunction with premium quality insulation and sun shading technology. A large proportion of the energy required for heating and cooling is collected from free energy sources such as geothermal energy and night-time coldness, stored temporarily, and called on when needed. The remainder is provided by a biomass heating system, meaning that the CO2 balance of the building is extremely environmentally friendly. Material storage also requires more and more space at Frauscher. In order to deal with this, the new premises will be equipped with a hi-

Josef Frauscher and his most recent innovation project.

tech high racking system, which will be ready to use from August 2011. The new storage system will thus enable both perfect storage organisation and optimal use of space. "The whole project reflects the Frauscher ethic: awareness of the responsibility towards customers, colleagues and the environment," says Josef Frauscher, pleased with the successful project to build the new firm premises.

A major contract in India! Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation Ltd (MRVC Ltd), a state-run project company controlled by Indian Railways, awards the largest contract for axle counting systems in recent years to a consortium under the technical leadership of Frauscher. The contract encompasses system design, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of ACS2000 in 19 stations on the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus Mumbai (CSTM)Thane, Kalyan & Ravli Junction Yard line within the Mumbai Division of the Central Railway, and in the Jogeshwari area within the Mumbai Division of the Western Railway. For Frauscher, this success constitutes a further important milestone in the long-term expansion of market position within strategic growth markets such as China, India and Russia.


Success at trade fairs As part of Frauscher‘s international presence, it is always represented at the major trade fairs. Relationship marketing is one of the key focal areas. Extremely positive feedback about the latest developments came from Moscow, Hong Kong, Copenhagen and Madrid.

Asia Pacific Rail, Hong Kong

International Rail Forum, Madrid

Frauscher showcased its products from 8 to 10 March at the AsiaPacificRail in Hong-Kong. This year, the conference which takes place annually at the Kowloon Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong, was once again a very successful meeting of experts from the field of railway technology.

The 8th International Rail Forum took place from 10 to 12 May 2011. Frauscher invited interested visitors to cast their eye over the latest technology available in the sector.

ExpoRail, Moscow The international trade fair for railway technology took place from 16 to 18 March in Moscow, in the "Expocentr" exhibition centre. This trade fair is the meeting place for modern technology and innovation in Russia‘s railway sector.

Still to come: > SIGNAL+DRAHT Congress 2011 The 11th International SIGNAL+DRAHT fair will take place on 3 and 4 November 2011 in Fulda (Maritim Hotel). > TRAKO 2011, Poland The TRAKO will be held in Poland from 11 to 14 October 2011 and is one of the leading trade fairs for railway transport (hall 5, stand 33).

Signalling and Train Control, Copenhagen Signalling and Train Control is an international fair for the signalling and control technology sector. It took place from 4 to 6 May in Copenhagen, Denmark.

New: www.frauscher.com The Frauscher website has become even more attractive with a new design, modern Web 2.0 applications and greater ease of use. Intuitive operation and target-group-specific, users can now quickly find information relevant to them through an innovative information tool. "The new website will play a central role in all communication activities in future. Once live, the website will be continuously developed and will also be made available in other languages. I would be very grateful for feedback and suggestions," says Frauscher‘s new Marketing Manager, Christian Pucher. T: +43 7711 2920-9287 E: christian.pucher@frauscher.com


JULY 2011

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