The Meaningful Funeral - Issue 12 | Summer 2019

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Are you ready to reach even more families? We’re excited to offer a variety of SEO and social media marketing packages that will help families notice and connect with your funeral home. Our social media packages help you connect with families in your community, and our SEO packages help families find your funeral home’s website more easily. Whether you’re looking for a one-time service or more in-depth account management, our marketing packages are designed to fit your funeral home’s needs.

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Table of Contents

It’s a Great 06 Why Time to Be a

Funeral Director

Surprising 11 The Psychological Benefits of Tribute Videos

For the bold — those willing to adapt, take charge, and meet change head on — it’s really a great and exciting time to be a funeral director.


Tribute Center Integrates with Frazer-Powered Websites We designed Tribute Center so that it integrates with Frazerpowered websites to make things as efficient as possible.

Tribute Videos remain powerful funeral fixtures because they provide viewers with profound psychological benefits.


Now Trending: Hardcover Photo Books It’s no surprise that photobooks have grown in popularity.



Getting Your Funeral Home Ready for the Future It’s more important than ever for your funeral home to invest in value and groundbreaking ideas.

to Simplify Tasks 39 How at Your Funeral Home

Designing Your 23 Why Own Funeral Home Website Often Fails A professional website designer knows how to craft a website design that grabs your families’ attention and tells your funeral home’s story.


The Benefits of an Answering Service for Your Funeral Home

By simplifying life around your funeral home, you can take a step back from your fast-paced lifestyle and see how you can make life a little bit easier for yourself.



Through a little planning and prioritization, you can make the most of your everyday tasks.

Help Families Choose the Perfect Funeral Flowers Not only do funeral flowers help personalize the funeral service, they also bring a deeper meaning in remembering a loved one.

Using an answering service can make things so much easier for your funeral home’s staff.

Management 28 Time Tips for Funeral



Employee Features Meet two members of our Frazer family — Brett and Jenny — and see what they have to say about the benefits of integrating with innovative software.

to Cut Your 41 How Funeral Home’s Social

Media Marketing Time in Half This simple three-step process can help you cut the time needed to manage your social media platforms in half.

Organized 44 Staying When Your Funeral Home Has Multiple Locations

One easy way to manage your locations is making sure you have a modern and innovative funeral home website.

to Make Funeral 46 How Home Blogging Easier Than Ever

To a funeral professional, it’s the relationships you build with families that are most important — and blogging is a great way to build and engage with those relationships.

Letter from the Editor Dear readers, Welcome to The Meaningful Funeral magazine, an exclusive publication by Frazer Consultants. Our goal with this magazine is to be a resource for your funeral home and to help you learn new skills, keep up with funeral trends, and serve your current client families in more meaningful ways.  This issue is all about integrations and how they can save your funeral home time. Inside you’ll learn how integrations make everyday tasks easier, along with some specific integration examples. By having your funeral home website integrate with innovative software, your funeral home can run more smoothly. It eliminates daunting tasks like double data entry and makes the funeral planning process simpler. That’s why we want to focus on integrations in this issue. We want to share ways your funeral home can use integrations to make your lives easier. Want to read The Meaningful Funeral on the go? Every issue is available for free on our website, all you have to do is visit and click “Resources” at the top of the page. I hope you enjoy reading this issue of The Meaningful Funeral, and I look forward to hearing your feedback. If you have any suggestions for future magazine content, we would love to hear them — just email us at And if you really love our content, visit and sign up for our newsletter to have fresh content and funeral news delivered to your inbox every week!



Honoring lives on every device. Making our social Tribute Walls more mobile-focused allows families to honor their loved ones no matter where they are — with photos, messages, virtual candles, flower orders, crowdfunding donations, and so much more. C A L L T O D AY F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N !

W W W. F R A Z E R C O N S U LTA N T S . C O M




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Why It’s a Great Time to Be a Funeral Director Don’t be fooled by all the doom and gloom headlines. The stories in the media tend to paint the funeral profession in a negative light. They focus on what’s bad but all too often don’t talk about what’s good. The thing is, there’s a whole lot of good in funerals right now. So let’s talk about that. It’s no secret that the funeral profession is facing unprecedented change. Cremation rates are higher than traditional burials. People want unique, nontraditional services. And while change has happened throughout the history of funerals, it’s happening at a faster rate than ever before. For the bold — those willing to adapt, take charge, and meet change head on — it’s really a great and exciting time to be a funeral director. YO U ’ R E A S TO R Y T E L L E R

We’ve entered the era where people want personalized, unique, and celebratory funeral ceremonies instead of traditional funerals. But this means more than just a personalized funeral. You get to help write the final chapter of each person’s individual story. When a death occurs, you sit with the family. You ask them questions. You hear their stories. Together, you share a conversation about a

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human being. That conversation gets reflected in the funeral service you organize. Together, you and the family co-write the final chapter of what becomes a meaningful and healing experience. Don’t think of personalization as just a trend. It’s really about telling the story of someone’s life. YO U ’ R E T H E N E W R I T UA L W R I T E R

Rituals give meaning to life and are critical to the healing process. Rituals also change over time. A funeral 200 years ago wasn’t the same as it is today. And as society begins to view death and funerals in a new light, you get to have a hand in creating tomorrow’s rituals today. You get to be creative. Was grandma an outstanding cook? Was her famous chocolate chip cookie recipe something magical? Use the recipe to bake the cookies to serve after the funeral service. Print the recipe on the memorial card for family and friends.

The more you leave behind the formulaic, cookie-cutter ceremonies, the more ideas there are for new rituals. And who knows? Maybe 50 years from now people will be writing about funeral rituals that you helped create. Y O U H AV E M O R E T O O L S T H A N E V E R

The one thing that will never change about a funeral director is the service and compassion you bring to each family you serve. But what has changed? The tools and resources needed to help families. You have more access to these things than ever before. New technology and integrations make it incredibly easy to

personalize each family’s requests. The internet allows you to continue to learn, to find new ideas for funeral services, and to enhance your grief and aftercare capabilities. Write those new rituals for families. Tell their stories. Embrace the change and the challenge it brings. Being a funeral director has never been an easy role, but you weren’t called to the profession because it was easy. You were called because you care.  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:

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Tribute Center Integrates with Frazer-Powered Websites It’s hard enough to manage a business, but when your job also involves taking care of your client families, it can get overwhelming. That’s why funeral directors need the right tools that are designed with their needs and their client families’ needs in mind.

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Our Tribute Center personalization software and Frazer-powered websites provide those tools. We designed Tribute Center so that it integrates with Frazer-powered websites to make things as easy and efficient as possible. By connecting your Tribute Center account with your Frazer-powered website, you eliminate redundant data entry for information about the deceased. You also have the opportunity to show the personalized funeral stationery products you create directly on their obituary, encouraging reorders. Funeral directors can efficiently run their funeral home while also creating meaningful funeral experiences for their families. EASY TO USE

The integration of these two platforms makes things easy for your funeral home. Whether or not you consider yourself tech-savvy, anyone can use our platforms. Both our Tribute Center software and our website’s admin panel are easy to use. It’s just a matter of entering the information and letting our platforms do the rest. And we’re continuously updating them to give funeral directors even more innovative tools. This way, you can take your funeral home to the next level and make things simpler for your staff. S AV E S Y O U T I M E

No more wasted time on repetitive and timeconsuming tasks like double data entry. When you enter information about the deceased on the website, it’s saved, so you don’t have to re-enter it. Then, it’s a breeze to share that information in Tribute Center to create multiple memorial products.

You can use the time you save for other important tasks that you didn’t have time for. Most importantly, you can spend more time with your client families. Plus, training your staff members in the process will be quick. Everyone will be on the same page, as everything is easy to find and organized. This way, your funeral home can streamline the obituary and memorial creation process. W H AT T R I B U T E C E N T E R O F F E R S

With Tribute Center, you can provide your families with more personalized funeral and memorial products. In Tribute Center, you can create a variety of funeral stationery products, including funeral register books, memorial folders, program folders, tri-fold programs, thank-you cards, bookmarks, prayer cards, Life Journey Candles, and so much more. You can even offer your client families funeral webcasting services and create meaningful Tribute Videos and DVDs — which can easily be added to the deceased’s obituary on your funeral home’s website. W H AT F R A Z E R - P O W E R E D W E B S I T E S O F F E R

Our Frazer-powered websites’ modern and responsive designs make your website easy for families to navigate no matter what device they’re on. In addition to their Tribute Center integration, our websites also include our allinclusive payment platform Tribute Pay, 365 Days of Healing grief email subscriptions, our Text Directions tool, and many more features.  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:

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The Surprising Psychological Benefits of Tribute Videos Modern society has a penchant for futuristic technology, and the future of the funeral profession has strange and exciting new ideas: memorial spaceflights, email beyond the grave, and even holographic eulogies. Thankfully, however, most of the technology demanded by today’s families is a bit more accessible. Tribute Walls, for example, allow families to share memories and condolences in a manner that has become second nature to them. Funeral webcasting allows distant family members and friends to participate in services that they would have otherwise missed. But the most popular method of modern memorialization is Tribute Videos. POPULARITY OF TRIBUTE VIDEOS

Why are Tribute Videos so popular and so meaningful to the families you serve? They’re

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certainly no longer what we consider cuttingedge. No, the allure of Tribute Videos can’t be explained by today’s futuristic yearnings; Tribute Videos remain powerful funeral fixtures because they provide viewers with deep and profound psychological benefits. P S YC H O LO G I C A L B E N E F I T S O F V I D E O S

All types of movies can cause physical and emotional changes in viewers. This is true whether the movie was filmed at home or in a studio, contains actors or people you know

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intimately, or was filmed yesterday or 10 years ago. Movies are powerful because they transmit ideas through images and emotion. Birgit Wolz, a psychologist who focuses on movies as therapy, says “[Movies] can neutralize the instinct to suppress feelings and trigger emotional release. By eliciting emotions, watching movies can open doors that otherwise might stay closed.” Movies that have both comedic and sad characteristics have unique effects on their viewers: comedies lower blood pressure and promote feelings of well-being, whereas films that are considered sad often leave viewers thinking fondly of their loved ones and the good things they have in their lives. As most funeral directors know, Tribute Videos tend to incorporate these different genres naturally; a person’s life is always a healthy mix of joy, comedy, and heartbreak. When you combine the effects of film with the psychological effects of simply seeing a loved one’s face, you can truly understand the benefits of Tribute Videos. Our brains cannot help but react when we see someone we care

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deeply about — in person, in photographs, or on video. The exposure instantly triggers the release of that all-powerful hormone, oxytocin. Oxytocin has an anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effect and can increase feelings of love and empathy. MEANINGFUL FUNERAL EXPERIENCE

Furthermore, Tribute Videos provide funeral attendees with an experience they can share together. It helps them to empathize with one another and appreciate that each person is there for the same reason; a shared love of a person, and a shared desire to celebrate their loved one’s life. You can create meaningful Tribute Videos for your client families by using our all-in-one personalization suite Tribute Center. Tribute Center integrates with all Frazer-powered websites, so you can publish your Tribute Videos directly to your funeral home’s Frazerpowered website.  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:


Easy-to-create cinematic-quality memorial videos for familes. With nearly 200 intros and endings, almost 400 licensed songs, 850 high-quality stock video clips, and 500 themes for DVD packaging, you can create a meaningful, completely personalized video for families in minutes. C O N TA C T U S F O R M O R E I N F O , O R V I S I T O U R W E B S I T E TO D O W N LOA D T R I B U T E C E N T E R F O R F R E E !

W W W. F R A Z E R C O N S U LTA N T S . C O M




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Now Trending: Hardcover Photo Books Many people enjoy saving memories and photos in some form of book — whether it’s an elaborate scrapbook or a simple album. It’s a good way to protect your pictures and those precious memories.

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It’s no surprise, then, that photobooks have grown in popularity in the last few years. Sites like Shutterfly, Snapfish, and many others have popped up everywhere, allowing people to have whatever pictures they want printed into a book to keep on their coffee tables and bookshelves forever. People have begun turning to these books rather than scrapbooks and albums because they take up less space and are easier to create, especially since people have begun storing photos digitally rather than keeping hard copies. Some of the most common books are created for weddings, births, graduations, birthdays, and vacations. But one type of book that is sometimes forgotten is a memorial book for the loss of a loved one. While many have tried to make these hardcover books on their own, your funeral home can help them make one that really stands out. Because our Tribute Walls allow family and friends to share photos, memories, and messages for their loved one, it’s much easier to get a variety of material to add to one of these photobooks. When a family makes a book on their own, they may not have all these wonderful pictures and messages. Creating one of these books through a thirdparty website also takes a lot of time, something your family likely has very little of. To make these books, they have to create an account, upload all the photos they want, place them on

the different pages, choose themes, etc. Even then, they are missing a lot of personality. T R I B U T E C E N T E R ’ S C A PA B I L I T I E S

By using Tribute Center, your funeral home can create one of these books for your families in less than 15 seconds. The Tribute Center Autofill Wizard places all Tribute Wall photos and condolence messages, and all the service and obituary information. After the book is created, you can easily go in and make any changes you want to make it more personalized for your family. On top of being incredibly easy and fast to make, these books include features your family wouldn’t likely be able to recreate on their own. It’s more than just photos — it’s a book about their loved one’s life as told by their family and friends, and a record of the impact they had on their lives. In addition to a hardcover copy, your funeral home also can share a digital copy of the book on the Tribute Wall of the family’s loved one. Families can then share the book on their social media sites, and family members and friends have the option of buying the book for themselves by simply clicking a button. Creating these books for your families is a great way to provide them with a keepsake that they will cherish forever.  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:

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Getting Your Funeral Home Ready for the Future It’s more important than ever for your funeral home to invest in value and groundbreaking ideas to offer additional services to families in your community. E-COMMERCE

E-commerce has two main benefits for any business. It’s able to increase the number of potential customers, and it increases profitability. And it does both of those things almost instantly. If you’re looking to boost your funeral home’s bottom line and make up for declining profits in the face of cremation, having an online storefront becomes another must-have revenue stream for your funeral home to adopt. According to an article in Entrepreneur and a survey commissioned by PayPal: • Of small businesses that sell online, 64% said the internet has increased their revenues or sales. • 48% felt the internet helped to expand their geographic reach in the United States. • 73% saved money by decreasing administrative costs.

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Besides a wider customer reach and increased profitability, having an online storefront allows your funeral home to make profits 24/7, reduce total overhead, and grant families limitless amounts of product information. And if your funeral home doesn’t have an online store, it’s missing out. In fact, 93% of people already send a sympathy gift to a family after hearing news of a death. Online shopping will continue to grow, with more than 50% of Americans preferring to now buy online as opposed to in a store. For funeral homes, there are several products that make sense to sell in an online store, like flowers, cards, candles, memorial jewelry, and other memorial gifts. And, offering products online allows family and friends to send gifts and flower arrangements from anywhere in the country, even if they are unable to attend a funeral themselves. PERSONALIZED PRODUCTS AND SERVICES

Personalization is right behind cremation as the next big thing for the funeral profession. In part, it’s because cremation and personalization complement each other, and cremation often allows for greater levels of personalization. Personalization isn’t limited to just cremation — families also are requesting to have more unique funeral services that better reflect the life story of a loved one. Some funeral homes have been slow to adapt at incorporating more personalization, but they should start thinking about changing that.

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Personalization is another trend that’s on a rapid rise — and not just for funeral homes. Personalized products and services are taking shape all over. B E N E F I T S O F P E R S O N A L I Z AT I O N

Personalization is a trend that funeral homes should be happy about. Why? Well, it comes with plenty of benefits including increased loyalty with client families, increased wordof-mouth marketing, and it makes you stand out from competitors and have a unique selling point. Finally, it allows you to charge a premium for personalized services, thereby adding additional revenue streams. It’s currently estimated that 90% of funeral homes still only offer the basic traditional experiences. Yet the NFDA found that more than half (62%) of families want a personalized funeral or memorial service. The market is there for the funeral homes willing to embrace the trend (and the additional revenue along with it). W H AT Y O U C A N O F F E R

Your funeral home’s personalization offerings can be broken down into two main categories: services and products. For personalized products and gifts, you could offer: memorial books that contain personal photos, biographical information, and even stories or letters from the family. Personalized jewelry that your families can take home and remember a loved one by. Stationery like prayer

cards that are themed to reflect something unique about the deceased. Memorial DVDs that walk us through the journey of the deceased’s life story. For personalized services you could offer: a care basket of household items or comfort food when you first get the call about a death. A reception or dining services after the memorial, and even taking it a step further and making it unique by catering the favorite meal of the deceased. Creative displays that capture their loved one’s personality. For the displays, showcase uniforms, apparel, or other memorabilia that highlights the deceased

and the life they lived. For example, if the deceased worked as a baker, incorporate the apron they baked with, or pass their favorite recipes around as a keepsake to take home. W H AT W E O F F E R

We recognize the importance of personalization, and that’s why we offer Tribute Center — an all-in-one personalization suite for funeral homes. Customized products have never been easier for your funeral home. Quickly and easily take your personalization offerings to new heights. Begin customizing stationery, prayer cards, DVDs, guestbooks, candles, and more by downloading Tribute Center today for free.

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Adding multiple ways to pay for a funeral service has some surprising benefits. The main benefits include increasing the number of families your firm serves and growing revenue streams. It also increases customer satisfaction, gives your funeral home modern appeal, and encourages repeat business. While you might think adding more ways to pay leads to more paperwork and more headaches, it’s not true if you use a single payment platform to handle all your payment services. But adding multiple payment methods doesn’t only benefit you. It has a tremendous benefit for the families you serve, too. Not everyone can afford to pay the same way, and if your funeral home only accepts limited ways to pay for a service, you are limiting your business. In a perfect world, everyone could afford the cost of a funeral up front, but it doesn’t work that way. According to a Bankrate survey, 63% of Americans have no savings for

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an unexpected expense of up to $1,000. In fact, many Americans unfortunately live on fixed incomes, and as MarketWatch puts it, they are “one paycheck away from the street.” That means many won’t be able to afford the funeral they want for a loved one if they don’t have alternative options. Imagine a family — the Johnson family. They’re your typical hardworking rural family. Mrs. Johnson’s husband has recently passed and much of their savings had to go to medical bills. The family can pull together $6,000 for the service but are short of the $8,500 needed. Mrs. Johnson wants her husband to have the same burial services and gravesite that have been a long tradition in the Johnson family. With a small loan, Mrs. Johnson could spread the payments out over a period of time that is affordable to her and not have to worry. Her husband can get the funeral he deserves, and the family receives the closure they need. 

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Download the rest of our free eBook to learn more ways you can raise your bottom line!

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Why Designing Your Own Funeral Home Website Often Fails Funeral directors are experts in creating meaningful funerals and caring for grieving families. You shouldn’t be expected to be an expert in website design. Creating a beautiful and functional funeral home website is a timeconsuming project that can’t just be quickly put together. That’s why professional website designers are here to help capture your funeral home’s essence online. They know how to craft a website design that grabs your families’ attention and tells your funeral home’s story. Let’s discuss the benefits of using a professional website designer. T H E Y K N O W H O W I N T E R N E T U S E R S N AV I G AT E W E B S I T E S

Website designers know how to lay out a responsive website design that’s user-friendly. A responsive design adapts to whatever screen size your families are viewing your website from, whether that’s a desktop or mobile device. So, your website is easy to navigate and read on all device types. Families can easily find and view their loved one’s obituary or funeral planning information. T H E Y K N O W W H AT D E S I G N A S P E C T S L O O K A N D W O R K B E S T

They know what design aspects, such as fonts and colors, complement each other and work well for websites. The text size, font type, image quality and size, and text and background colors can make or break your website’s user-friendliness. If someone has a difficult time reading your content because of the size, font, or color, they’ll look for funeral services elsewhere. T H E Y K N O W H O W T O F O R M AT Y O U R W E B S I T E C O N T E N T

Big chunks of text are a major turn off to potential client families. Your content should be concise, informative, and not repetitive. It should also use search engine optimization best practices to help your website

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appear higher in search engine results pages. Website designers format your content with these factors in mind. I T A L L O W S F O R M O R E C U S T O M I Z AT I O N

Like we mentioned before, website designers have the training and skills to help build a website that’s perfectly tailored to your funeral home. It can showcase all the things that make your funeral home unique. Using a free website builder with a DIY approach can be very limiting. Working with a designer allows you to take your funeral home website ideas and make them a reality without a struggle.

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With a Frazer-powered website, your funeral home will have a responsive website design that reflects your funeral home’s story. Additionally, you’ll have access to features like Tribute Pay and 365 Days of Healing. Frazer-powered websites also integrate with our Tribute Center personalization suite and the top funeral home data management and answering service companies, making things even easier for your funeral home.  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:


Our websites work hard so you don’t have to. Frazer-powered websites are more than just beautifully designed — we put thought into every aspect of your site so that your families get the features they need, and we’re constantly adding features at no additional cost to your funeral home. C A L L T O R E Q U E S T A F R E E D E M O N S T R AT I O N T O D AY !

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The Benefits of an Answering Service for Your Funeral Home Funeral directors have a lot on their plate, so time management is crucial. Ideally, you want to focus all your time on caring for your families. But to keep your funeral home running, there are other time-consuming tasks to complete, such as answering phone calls. It can be stressful to juggle answering phone calls while also meeting families in person.

benefits of having an answering service for your funeral home.

However, using an answering service can make things so much easier for your funeral


home’s staff. These companies receive and

One of the major benefits is that it saves you time. It allows you to be on the phone less and spend more time creating meaningful funeral

answer phone calls on your behalf, all while keeping your staff in the loop. There are many

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experiences for your families. You also can tackle those other tasks that you didn’t have time for before — such as finding new grief resources for your families or planning your own educational grief seminar. 24/7 ACCESS

Most answering services are available 24/7 to help answer your current and potential client families’ questions and concerns. That means even if your staff is busy, you can rest assured that someone will always be able to pick up the line and assist your families. K N O W L E D G E A B L E S TA F F

There are answering services that specialize in the funeral profession, so you know the staff is knowledgeable on the subject. You also can inform them about your funeral home’s products, services, brand, and other important information. This way, they’re familiar with your funeral home’s services and the funeral experience as a whole.


You don’t have to worry about missing out on important information, like death calls. They notify you about important messages, and you often can even opt to receive email or text notifications. They can answer the general questions about your products and services and inform you if you should follow up with the family. F R A Z E R A N S W E R I N G S E R V I C E I N T E G R AT I O N S

To make things easier for your funeral home, all Frazer-powered websites are integrated with ASD and FuneralCall answering service companies. Funeral homes who have Frazerpowered websites can save time by not having to re-enter data. The information automatically transfers from your Frazer-powered website to ASD or FuneralCall.  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:

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Time Management Tips for Funeral Directors Funeral directors are some of the most hardworking people out there. With arranging funeral services, comforting grieving families, and organizing community events all while running a funeral home, you’re constantly busy.

That’s why time management is crucial for funeral directors. You cannot afford wasted time or else important tasks may not get done. Sometimes you only have a few days’ notice to plan a funeral and learn someone’s life story. Without effective time management, it may seem impossible to get everything done. But through a little planning and prioritization, you can make the most of your everyday tasks. 0 1 — P R I O R I T I Z E T H E M O S T I M P O R TA N T TA S K S

First, determine what tasks are the most important and have the soonest deadline. Put those tasks at the top of your to-do list. Then, you can add tasks that are important, but not time-sensitive to the list. However, don’t let these other tasks fall through the cracks. For example, even though posting to social media may not be at the top of your to-do list, it’s still an important task. When making your to-do list, choose a method that works best for you. You can use a planner, calendar, phone app, dry-erase board, or whatever you wish. Then, decide the time range for your to-do list. Do you want to create a weekly to-do list of tasks? Or maybe you want a more detailed daily to-do list? Or why not do both? A weekly list is great for keeping track of deadlines, while a daily list helps you better manage your time each day.

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0 2 — C R E AT E A T E N TAT I V E S C H E D U L E

Creating a to-do list helps you develop a tentative schedule for the day. Of course, the workday for funeral directors can be unpredictable. Things like death calls or families stopping into your funeral home can alter your planned schedule for the day. But that’s okay, you can plan for some unexpected things to come up. By keeping track of how long it takes you to do certain tasks, you can better manage your time. Ask yourself, does this seem like a reasonable time or is it something that needs more or less time? Then, you can schedule those tasks for that time frame. However, you don’t have to follow your schedule strictly to the minute. The tentative schedule serves as something to help you determine how long certain tasks may take and adjust your schedule as needed when things come up like a last-minute funeral service to plan. 03 — DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP

Another thing to keep in mind when managing your time is to not be afraid to ask your funeral home’s staff members for help. By dividing up various tasks among your staff members, you can get more done and be more productive. Just be sure to train your staff members on how

to do the task. By taking some time out of the day to train everyone, it will save you more time in the long run. You also can consider hiring on another staff member or an intern to do a specific task. It would help take some of the workload off and allow you to focus more on helping your client families funeral plan and grieve. Some additional job or intern positions could be a social media specialist, photographer, marketer, event coordinator, or whatever duties you want assistance with. 0 4 — I N V E S T I N T I M E - S AV I N G T O O L S

There many innovative tools out there that can help save funeral directors time. For example, with a social media automation platform, you can schedule social media posts ahead of time.

So, you can pick a time each week to schedule your posts and then you don’t have to worry about it. Or with our social media packages, we’ll post on your funeral home’s behalf. Taking advantage of integrations is another way to save time. It can prevent wasted time from double data entry when you could be spending time with your client families. For example, our Frazer-powered websites integrate with Tribute Center — our all-in-one personalization suite — and all the major data management software and answering services. You not only eliminate redundant data entry, but you also can show the personalized funeral stationery you create in Tribute Center on the obituary.  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:

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Help Families Choose the Perfect Funeral Flowers Floral arrangements are one of the most important funeral elements. Not only do they help personalize the funeral service, they also bring a deeper meaning in remembering a loved one.

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Flowers can represent love, remembrance, sadness, strength, and many other emotions. Ultimately, families want the flowers they choose to reflect their loved one and honor their memory.

Below are the different flower colors and the meanings behind them:


• Yellow: Friendship, warmth, and hope

Flower types and colors all have different meanings that may influence a family’s decision when choosing funeral floral arrangements. If a family’s loved one didn’t preplan their floral arrangement wishes, they may not know where to start. There are so many flower types and colors that it can make the decision very overwhelming. One factor that may help them with this decision is knowing the meanings of different flower colors and types.

• Red: Strength, respect, devotion, and love • Orange: Enthusiasm, joy, and warmth

• Green: Nature, wellness, and renewal • Blue: Sadness, empathy, and peace • Purple: Respect, sorrow, sympathy, and admiration • Pink: Grace, compassion, and innocence • White: Elegance, reverence, purity, and eternal love

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In addition to the color of the arrangement, the type of flower can have additional meaning as well. These are some flower types that are commonly used for funeral floral arrangements and the meanings behind them: • Asters: Love, patience, and elegance • Alstroemeria: Devotion and friendship • Baby’s Breath: Eternal love and innocence • Carnations: Red — Admiration and love Pink — Remembrance White — Innocence and love All colors — Sympathy and grief • Chrysanthemums: Peace, hope, and grief

• Hydrangea: Sincerity and understanding • Larkspur: Lightness and love • Lavender: Grace, purity, and devotion • Lilies: White — Peace and hope All colors — Innocence, grief, and sympathy • Orchids: Peace, hope, courage, and love • Roses: Red — Love, respect, and courage Pink — Love, grace, and appreciation White — Reverence, innocence, peace, and hope Dark crimson — Grief and sorrow

• Daises: Peace and hope

• Snapdragons: Graciousness and strength

• Daffodils: Renewal and fresh starts

• Stock: Beauty and affection

• Gladiolus: Strength, courage, and sincerity

• Sunflowers: Warmth and adoration

• Goldenrod: Encouragement and growth

• Sweet William: Courage and perfection

• Iris: Courage, faith, hope, and wisdom

• Tulips: Love, peace, and hope

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There are many different funeral floral arrangement types that your families can choose from. The floral arrangement type that families choose can further help convey meaning and add more personalization to their loved one’s funeral. With all the assorted colors, flower types, and floral arrangement styles, they can choose truly unique flowers to honor their loved one.

If the family has a specific funeral theme, such as their loved one’s profession or favorite hobby, they may want floral arrangements that match the theme. When choosing a floral arrangement, consider the color, shape, and any other elements that can connect with the funeral theme and add more personalization and uniqueness.

• Baskets — These floral arrangements include a variety of complementary flowers and plants combined into a beautiful basket. • Plants — Plants typically come in a basket or pot with soil, so families can keep them or plant them after the funeral service. • Vase arrangements — These all include a selection of flowers and plants in a vase to create a meaningful floral arrangement. • Wreaths — Funeral wreaths can be circular, heart-shaped, cross-shaped, or another uniquely-designed shape. • Standing sprays — These all include an arrangement of flowers and plants made to rest on a stand. • Casket sprays — They rest on top of the casket and can come in a variety of sizes. • Urn floral arrangements — The design of these floral arrangements allows for an urn to rest in the middle. • Picture frame-based floral arrangements — The design of these floral arrangements allows for a picture frame of the deceased to rest in the middle.

For example, if there’s a color scheme, then that makes choosing the floral arrangements a bit easier. But themes related to professions, hobbies, a season, and other topics can be trickier. It’s important to use your imagination when choosing floral arrangements to fit the funeral theme. Ask yourself what the floral arrangement reminds you of and how it can relate to the funeral theme. Families can add even more personalization to their floral arrangements by adding small mementos related to the funeral theme. One simple way to do this is putting the floral arrangements near other mementos related to the theme. For example, if their loved one was an avid golfer, they can place the flowers by their golf balls, tees, and clubs. Or they can even incorporate these objects into the floral arrangements by sticking golf tees and placing golf balls into the flower basket or leaning golf clubs by the standing spray. They also can place some flowers in their old golf bag. The opportunities are endless when creating unique memorial displays of a loved one’s life. HOW TRIBUTE STORE CAN HELP

Tribute Store offers a wide variety of floral arrangements to fit your needs, and is available — which is available on all Frazer-powered

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websites. Families can easily place flower orders directly from their loved one’s Tribute Wall — a permanent virtual tribute where loved ones can share photos, write messages, leave symbols, and more. This also keeps traffic on your funeral home’s website, rather than customers leaving your site to place flower orders. With our Tribute Store’s complimentary Frazer Flower Network, your funeral home can work with any florist of your choosing. And it’s not a problem if you chose multiple florists; orders are evenly distributed to all your chosen florists. Plus, florists don’t have to be a member of a floral network to join the Frazer Flower Network. There are no florist membership fees, and we handle the setup process. We also take care of maintaining the website and providing customer service support, so your funeral home can focus on caring for your families. It’s a win-win-win situation for your funeral home, local florists, and the families you serve. Your funeral home earns a small percentage of the flower sales, which gives you some extra funds to update your lobby, host a community event, or another project you’ve been wanting to tackle. This also brings in more sales for your local florists and gives them more awareness outside of your local community. Although your community members know of your local florist, those who live out of town may not. Instead of going through a large floral arrangement company that competes with your local florists, families can easily place flower orders with your chosen local florists through Tribute Store. While viewing their loved one’s Tribute Wall, they can easily locate the “send flowers” button and place an order. 

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WA N T T O R E A D M O R E ?

Download the rest of our free eBook to learn even more ways you can help families choose the perfect funeral flowers. tmf-flowers


Offer the flexibility your families need with Tribute Loans. With financing, families can afford to give their loved ones the send-off they deserve. Offering financing directly on your website means one more service you offer families, and it also means your funeral home gets paid up front. C A L L T O R E Q U E S T A F R E E D E M O N S T R AT I O N O F T R I B U T E L O A N S T O D AY !

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Getting to Know Frazer Consultants Meet two members of our Frazer family — Brett and Jenny — and see what they have to say about the integrations our customers utilize.




Sales Development Representative


As a sales development representative at Frazer, my job is to work closely with account executives to proactively identify and reach out to potential new customers who will benefit from our technology applications. I’m constantly working to expand my knowledge and expertise about the products and services we offer at Frazer and how they can benefit the funeral homes we serve. I enjoy working with a great sales team and helping educate potential customers about what a Frazer platform can do for their business. I find it very rewarding because I know how hard funeral directors work for their families, and I have an opportunity to be a part of that. I N T E G R AT I O N S W E U T I L I Z E

The Frazer website platform has several integrations that are extremely beneficial to funeral directors. After having hundreds of conversations with Frazer customers, I’ve discovered that the following integrations are the most beneficial for the funeral homes we serve.

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Tribute Center was one of the first software integrations we utilized here at Frazer, and it remains an integral part of what we do to help personalize funeral services. It’s the funeral profession’s leading all-in-one memorial products personalization suite. This free, innovative software allows users to create Tribute Videos, stationery, register books, and digital registries. It also integrates with Frazer websites and many funeral case management software systems. Our customers love this integration with their website because not only are they able to auto generate products right from their own printer, all of the media files used for video and memorial product production can also easily be made available on the Tribute Wall as part of the obituary listing. Families love this, and it’s another great example of how our integrations can save you time. Answering Service for Directors, or ASD, is another integrated service that saves funeral directors time. The nice thing about having ASD integrated within the Frazer website platform is that once it’s connected, any changes to event information on the obituary listing will be automatically sent to ASD. No more having to call or log in to your ASD account in order to update service information every time it changes. Funeral homes also love our social media integrations. After your Frazer-powered website is live, you can connect it directly to your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. Then, posting an obituary on your website will automatically publish it to all the social media accounts that you have set up, expanding the reach of your obituary listings. 




Video Production Manager


As the video production manager at Frazer Consultants, I work closely with the marketing team to produce, shoot, and edit a wide variety of media projects. We strive to provide you with frequent, informative video content to help your funeral home stay up-to-date on social media and marketing strategies, stay engaged with your community, and better serve your client families. In addition to our resource videos, I create the media content used at trade shows, tutorial guides for our software and websites, and curate the video and music content for our Tribute Center software. I N T E G R AT I O N S W E U T I L I Z E

What makes our Tribute Center software so great is the integration between it and your Frazer-powered website. Any obituary information entered on your website will automatically sync with your connected Tribute

Center account, so you never have to enter a piece of information twice. The same goes for your Tribute Video projects. The deceased’s name, birth date, and death date will automatically populate in the intro and ending of your video project, so you can get started right away on the creation process. Our 200 intros and endings and over 400 licensed music tracks provide a huge variety of personalization options. Combined with a selection of over 850 stock video clips, you can ensure every one of your Tribute Videos are as unique as the life you’re honoring. You can upload or scan your client family’s photos directly into Tribute Center. Our smart video creation technology will automatically apply transitions and sync your selected music, making it easy to complete a personalized video in just a few minutes. With the click of a button, you can upload your one-of-a-kind memorial video to the deceased’s Tribute Wall on your Frazer website for your client families to view, comment on, and share with their loved ones. I filmed a large portion of the Tribute Center video myself, and curated the rest from videographers around the world, keeping you and your funeral home’s needs in mind through every step of the process. I take a great deal of pride in the unique Tribute Video content offered to our customers and am careful to make note of every request that comes through our sales or support teams, so we can provide even more options in future updates and iterations of Tribute Center. 

“I filmed a large portion of the Tribute Center video myself, and curated the rest from videographers around the world, keeping you and your funeral home’s needs in mind through every step of the process.”

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How to Simplify Tasks at Your Funeral Home As funeral professionals, you’re working on such busy, unpredictable schedules. By simplifying life around the funeral home, you can take a step back from your fast-paced lifestyle and see how you can make life a little bit easier for yourself.


At the 2018 ICCFA convention, keynote speaker Erik Qualman told funeral directors that technology should not be additive. Meaning it should never add to your workload. It should always subtract from it. Thankfully, funeral directors have more technology and tools at their disposal than ever before. Stationery software makes personalized funeral mementos and keepsakes a breeze. Payment programs like Tribute Pay streamline all your payment options into one easy-to-use service. From mobile apps that manage your website to social media automation, there’s a number of ways technology simplifies your workload. I N T E G R AT I O N

Another easy way to simplify things around the funeral home is to make sure everything works together. By integrating data management tools with other technology, you’ll start saving time right away. As a technology company, no one understands the importance of integration more than us.

That’s why we’ve worked hard to integrate our websites with nearly everyone in the funeral profession. We currently integrate with the top funeral data management companies and funeral call answering services. That’s just one example of how we’re actively trying to save you time, simplify your software, and help you cut back on tedious tasks. HIRE AN INTERN

Hiring an intern is a great idea for a lot of reasons. Looking for help with marketing, posting on social media, graphic design, or event planning? Hire an intern. An intern can lend a hand with extra tasks around the funeral home. It makes things easier for you while giving them real-world life experience. It’s a win-win. To find an intern, post on job sites like LinkedIn or Indeed, or network with local high schools, community colleges, or even some of your client families.  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:

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How to Cut Your Funeral Home’s Social Media Marketing Time in Half We know that the thought of adding yet another responsibility to your day can be overwhelming, so we’ve put together a simple three-step process that’ll help you cut the time needed to manage your social media profiles in half.

S T E P 0 1 — AU TO - P U B L I S H YO U R O B I T UA R I E S

We recommend that the best place for funeral homes to start their social campaigns is on Facebook. Since the platform is relatively intuitive and enjoys the highest usage rates among online adults, it’s a natural fit for funeral homes looking to boost their presence on popular social channels. The bulk of the site users who will follow your funeral home’s Facebook Page will do so in order to keep track of the obituaries you publish. As a result, the easiest way to engage these followers is to regularly share your

death notices on your social profile. And if you really want to save time on your social media campaigns, look for options that allow you to auto-publish your obituaries to your Facebook News Feed. This type of integration comes standard with Frazer-powered funeral home websites, but you may also be able to work with a private developer to create a link between your website’s obituaries and your Facebook Page. Whatever option you choose, loading this content onto your Page automatically will go a long way toward cutting your campaign management time in half.

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S T E P 0 2 — U S E A S O C I A L M E D I A A U T O M AT I O N P L AT F O R M T O P R E - L O A D S O C I A L P O S T S

Of course, obituaries aren’t the only things you’ll want to share on your Facebook Page. To keep your followers fully engaged, you’ll also want to post things like helpful resource articles, your funeral home’s blog posts, inspirational quotes, fun images, links to community resources, and upcoming event information. Posting each of these updates individually might seem time consuming, but you can speed up the process by using a free program like Later or Buffer to pre-load your posts. This allows you to save time by batch processing tasks, rather than logging in and out of your Facebook account to manage your posting needs every time you want your Page to update. S T E P 0 3 — A L L O C AT E 1 0 M I N U T E S A D AY TO ENGAGEMENT

Finally, depending on how active your Facebook Page is, you may find that a substantial chunk of your social media marketing time goes to responding to comments left on your updates or leaving messages on other community pages in order to get your funeral home’s name in front of potential customers. In either case, it’s easy to tell yourself that you’ll sit down and follow up later in the week when you have more time. Unfortunately, this can make the project seem larger and more daunting than it really is, increasing the perceived amount of time required to maintain your profile. A far better solution is to set aside 10 minutes each day for handling these activities. Not only do people like to see businesses respond to their comments and posts quickly, breaking your engagement time up into 10-minute daily chunks will make your business’ social media marketing needs seem much more manageable.  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:

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Life insurance assignments, now easier than ever before. Combined, our insurance team has more than 65 years of experience. We know the requirements of more than 300 insurance companies, so we can process claims efficiently and accurately and fund your funeral home in as little as 24 hours. C A L L T O D AY F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A B O U T TRIBUTE INSURANCE ASSIGNMENTS!

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Staying Organized When Your Funeral Home Has Multiple Locations It’s difficult enough to manage your funeral home while taking care of the families you serve — but it’s even more difficult when your funeral home has multiple locations. Although each location has their own staff, you want to make sure that all your facilities are on the same page.

One easy way to manage your locations is making sure you have a modern and innovative funeral home website. It provides you with a dedicated place to organize all of your products and services, as well as many other benefits. KEEP A UNIFIED BRAND

Keeping a unified brand is always important, but it’s even more crucial when your funeral home has multiple facilities. Your brand is how you want your families to feel when they read your name or think of their experiences with you. Not only does it help your funeral home run more efficiently, it helps your current and potential client families understand your funeral home’s mission. You want your facilities to have the same look and feel — both in-person and online. You want them to all feel like part of one whole, not separate entities. Having a website with the right design and tools to convey your brand and stay organized is a major part of that. And if you have two different brands with two different missions, the opposite is true. If one of your facilities caters to direct care or value while another caters to more premium services, you might want a different look for each website. I N N O VAT I V E F E AT U R E S A L L I N O N E P L A C E

With Frazer-powered websites, there are innovative features that funeral homes with multiple locations can take advantage of. For example, you can choose a website design with a drop-down menu feature to list all your locations’ phone numbers. Under the Call Now menu item, families can easily locate the phone

number for the specific location that they want to call. You also can include all your locations’ basic information like your addresses and contact information, staff members, and obituaries. This information can still be separated by location so your families can easily find the information they’re looking for. For example, you can organize your obituaries by location. This way, families can easily find their loved one’s obituary. Additionally, Frazer-powered websites come with innovative features that you can manage all in one place. All Frazer-powered websites have the 365 Days of Healing message service, Text Directions feature, Tribute Pay, and more. They also integrate with Tribute Center — our all-in-one personalization suite. T R I B U T E PAY M A K E S F U N E R A L PAY M E N T S E A S Y

Tribute Pay can help you organize your funeral payments all in one place. You can offer families alternative payment options such as Tribute Crowdfunding, Tribute Loans, and Tribute Insurance Assignments. You’ll receive a monthly statement with everything mentioned above conveniently organized on one form. It’s quick and easy to enroll in Tribute Pay. And when enrolling, you’re given the option right away to use the same account for all your locations. If you’d rather keep them separate, you can do it that way too.  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:

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How to Make Funeral Home Blogging Easier Than Ever Does your funeral home have a blog? If it doesn’t, it’s definitely worth considering. And it’s never too late to start blogging. To a funeral professional, it’s the relationships you build with families that are most important. And a blog is a great way to build and engage with those relationships.

W H Y B LO G ?


There are many benefits that a blog can bring, such as helping you start the conversation about the value and importance of funeral services. A study done by the Pew Research Center found that more than 85% of users have “learned something new or important that really helped them or increased their knowledge.” It also can help humanize your brand and tell your funeral home’s story, and shows your funeral home is committed to improving the community.

Our Frazer-powered website’s blog feature allows for easy social sharing. If families reading your blog want to share a post, they can easily do so by clicking on any of the buttons near your blog’s title. This allows them to quickly share a post and helps bring back more traffic to your website.

It can increase your SEO and web traffic. According to Entrepreneur, a business blog scores a higher grade in search engine algorithms — meaning your website will show up higher on Google and other search engines. A blog will help you generate more leads (potential client families), so you and your team can follow up with families and their questions. A blog builds trust. Blogging is the fifth mosttrusted source of online information, according to searchenginepeople. Blogs also give you high-quality content to share with families on your social media networks. And if those families share what you’ve shared, you can easily increase your following on social media. There really are a lot of benefits to blogging. And blogging will cost you nothing (except time, but if you keep reading, we’ll share some ideas to help get you going and save you time).

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We also have a mobile-friendly version of the blog because mobile is such an important trend this year. When families access your website from a mobile device, they can easily browse your blog and use all the same great features as they normally would from a desktop computer. W H AT T O B L O G A B O U T

Now that families can share and browse your blog easier than ever, are you ready to get started? One blog idea is to highlight your community contributions. If your funeral home puts on a holiday remembrance program, works with local charity groups, hosts fundraisers, or does any other community activity, write a blog about it. Don’t forget to share photos! Maybe there are multiple funeral homes in your area. Write a blog post explaining how your funeral home is different from your competitors. Or, show off your staff and facility. Families like to work with people they know, so you can write a series of posts on each staff

member’s story. You also can write about the unique history of your funeral home and its role in the community. Your blog is the perfect opportunity to teach. Explain to families the importance of having a viewing before cremation or explain how to write a meaningful eulogy. It’s also the perfect place to highlight any of your new services. For example, if your funeral home recently started using Tribute Pay’s crowdfunding feature,

write an article about it and how it will benefit families in the community. The topics to write about are as boundless as your imagination. With the blog feature on Frazer-powered websites, we hope to help make your blog the go-to source for funeral information in the community!  T O R E A D M O R E , V I S I T:

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Crowdfunding options without the risk. With Frazer-powered websites, your families can host crowdfunding campaigns for memorial funds, medical expenses, charity donations, funeral expenses, and more. The best part? Your funeral home is in charge, traffic stays on your website, and you get paid up front. C A L L T O D AY F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N ABOUT TRIBUTE CROWDFUNDING!

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Make it easier to get paid up front. Tribute Pay puts your funeral home back in control of your accounts receivable. Offer credit card payments, financing, crowdfunding, life insurance assignments, and electronic checks all in one place — and get paid up front no matter what option families choose. CALL TO REQUEST A FREE D E M O N S T R AT I O N T O D AY !


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