In His Steps Serving Opportunities

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• Contemporary Worship Music: Vocalists, Keys/Piano Players, and other Instrumentalists serve on a rotating basis during 11 AM Sunday service. Rehearsals 7 PM Wednesdays. Audition required. Contact Jerrod Dorminey.

• Traditional Worship Music: Choir members and orchestra players serve during 8:30 AM Sunday service. Rehearsals 7 PM Wednesdays. Additional opportunities with handbell choir. Contact Jordan Sullivan. The Speeders Choir is an additional opportunity for older adults, contact Neil Epler.

• Stage, Audio & Lighting Crew: Help provide the technical support needed for an effective worship environment on Sunday mornings. Wednesday night rehearsals. Training provided. Contact Stephen Taunton.

• TV Production Crew: Camera operators and graphics technicians assist with broadcasting both Sunday morning worship services on a monthly rotation. Training provided. Contact Will Adams.

• Photography Team: Join our social media team in capturing images and video from services and special events. Contact Nathan MacKenzie.

• Scripture Reader: Read a selected portion of scripture at 8:30 AM Sunday service on a rotating basis. Contact Jordan Sullivan.


• Nursery Ministry: Provide care for infants through 4 years at either the 9:45 or 11 AM hour on Sunday morning, or Wednesday evenings, on at least a monthly basis. Contact Cheryl Smith.

• Special Needs/Harbor Kids: Provide care for children at either 9:45 or 11 AM on Sunday mornings, or Wednesday evenings at 6 PM, on at least a monthly basis. Contact Cheryl Smith.

• Children’s Ministry: Teach a class of 5 years through 5th graders during the 9:45 AM Sunday School hour using curriculum provided, or assist with Children’s Church at 8:30 or 11 AM, or assist with Wednesday night kids programs. Contact Cami Culpepper.

• Student Ministry: Lead a small group of 6th-12th grade boys or girls and/or assist with other student programs, 9:45 AM Sundays or Wednesday evenings. Contact Tyler Grant.

• College Ministry: Help provide refreshments, care, and spiritual mentoring to college age young people; group meets Sunday evenings. Contact Tyler Grant.

• Trail Life Boys/American Heritage Girls: Men and women needed to assist with an outdoor adventure program for boys and girls ages 5-18 every Monday night. Contact Phil Smith, or Cheryl Smith, at


• Hospital/Homebound Contacts: Visit in person or make phone calls to those in need. Contact Neil Epler.

• Flower Arrangement/Delivery: Create arrangements for Sunday worship and/or deliver them after worship to brighten someone’s day. Contact Robert (BJ) Nave.

• Funeral Support: Welcome, usher, and support grieving families through funeral services held at Frazer. Contact Robert (BJ) Nave.

• Cancer Care: Check in regularly with persons facing a journey through cancer. Training provided. Contact Neil Epler.

• Sewing Ministry for Preemies: Create clothes to be shared with premature infants in NICU care. Can be done from home or with group at Frazer. Contact Neil Epler.

• Prayer Teams: Several teams available including Altar Prayer with those coming forward for care during worship; Intercessory Prayer behind the scenes during worship; Ministry Prayer for specific programs and mission partners; and Prayer Requests, following up by email, phone, or hand-written notes to those who submit prayer request forms. The Prayer Shawl ministry knits/crochets items while praying over them to provide a special comfort to those in a difficult season. Contact Robert (BJ) Nave.


• Group Leader: Facilitate discussion and spiritual growth for a group of 3-12 adults; may meet on campus or in homes, weekly or another schedule. Training and curriculum options provided. Contact Kelly Slover.

• Bible Study Teacher/Helper: Teach a weekly 9:45 AM Sunday morning Bible Study for adults, or serve as a class officer. Seasonal classes on Wednesday nights or other weekdays are also an option. Contact Kelly Slover.

• Men’s Ministry Team: Assist with monthly Men’s fellowship dinner third Thursday evenings, or assist with a men’s small group, and/or other men’s ministry programs. Contact Teri Brown.

• Women’s Ministry Team: Assist with seasonal women’s fellowship events, or a women’s small group, and/or other women’s ministry programs. Contact Susan Fisher.

• Older Adult Ministry Team: Assist with weekly Older Adult fellowship events including game days, SPIRIT dinners, and Bible studies, and/or other Older Adult ministry programs. Contact Neil Epler.





• Transformation Montgomery. Frazer’s outreach ministry to the Chisholm (North Montgomery) area in the Garden Square neighborhood. Three areas of service: 1. Renovate housing to provide low-cost homes to families in need. Basic building trade skills helpful but not required. 2. Adult Programs: Provide mentoring and support to individuals seeking a pathway out of poverty; training provided. 3. Children’s Programs: Support the educational, emotional and spiritual development of children in the neighborhood through after school and summer programs. Contact Debbie Peavy.

• Meals on Wheels Delivery: Deliver warm meals from the Food Bank to homebound seniors on a weekly route. Contact Jenny Chou.

• Backpack Ministry: Help pack and deliver food for children facing food insecurity at home, to be distributed through local schools. Contact Jenny Chou.

• Sewing Ministry: Make quilts for local mission partners. Group meets at Frazer Wednesday mornings from 9 AM to noon. Contact Jenny Chou.

• Roll Up Your Sleeves: Help construct wheelchair ramps for people in need. No experience necessary. Contact Jenny Chou.

• Homeless Care: Assist with collection and distribution of personal care items and nonperishable foods to homeless individuals. Contact Jenny Chou.

• Medical Outreach Helper: Assist at this local clinic for the uninsured/under-insured. Both medically trained and nonprofessional helping roles available. Contact Jenny Chou.

• Fishing Mission (Men): Be a mentor to young men through monthly outings to provide an outdoor experience. Monthly Saturday mornings during Spring/Summer. Contact Teri Brown.

• Prison Ministry: Share a gospel message with men incarcerated at Kilby Prison. Training required. Contact Jenny Chou.

• Community Christmas Store: Set up and operate a reduced cost store where needy families can purchase gifts for their own children. November/early December. Contact Elizabeth Drollette.

• Angel Tree (Christmas for Foster Children): Help collect and wrap Christmas presents for children in foster care November/early December. Contact Elizabeth Drollette.


• Foster Care Support: Provide resources, encouragement, and respite care to families with foster children. Contact Elizabeth Drollette.

• Widow Encouragement (Women): Contact widows throughout the year to provide encouragement and support. Contact Susan Fisher.

• Widow Support (Men): Be part of a team providing basic home repairs and maintenance for an assigned widow/ widower on a regular basis. Contact Teri Brown.


• English as a Second Language: Help teach a class in conversational English to beginning or advanced learners (no foreign language required, curriculum provided) on Tuesday nights during the school year. Contact Jenny Chou.

• Short-Term Mission Team: Help resource, equip and support a mission partner in another part of the U.S. or internationally. Trips are typically 7-10 days, often scheduled around Spring Break or in Summer. Application and cost required. Contact Elizabeth Drollette.


• Coach: Mentor boys and girls through coaching youth sports in an organized league. Four seasons available: Fall Football/Cheer; Winter Basketball; Spring Soccer; Summer Volleyball. Contact Craig McKissick.


• Greeter, Usher, Counter, Parking: Create a warm and welcoming environment by directing traffic in the parking lot, welcoming people at entrances, ushering through worship services, and/or helping to keep a count of attendance. Choose between 8:30, 9:45 or 11 AM hour Sunday mornings on a monthly rotation, and/or greet guests at Wednesday Night Worship, 5:30-6 PM. Contact Jerrod Dorminey.

• Connection Point: Help guests learn more about the church and help members connect to groups and service opportunities by serving at the desk on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings on a monthly basis. Training provided. Contact Nell Murphy for Sundays, and Kelly Slover for Wednesdays.

• Building Safety/Maintenance: Assist staff with monthly safety checks and periodic maintenance projects around the building. Contact Zach Jeffcoat.

• Medical Helpers: Medical professionals serve during worship services on Sundays and Wednesdays, in an “on call” capacity in case a medical issue arises. Contact Sara Kate Peavy at

• Security: Assist our team in providing a safe environment on our church campus. Contact Zach Jeffcoat.

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